void AliTOFhits2sdigits(TString fileNameHits, Int_t firstEvent=0,Int_t nEvents=1) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Creates TOF summable digits from the hit information. // // Report problems to pierella@bo.infn.it // // Use case: // start root // // load the macro // root[0] .L AliTOFhits2sdigits.C // root[1] AliTOFhits2sdigits("galice.root",0,1) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); cout << "Loaded shared libraries" << endl; } // Create the TOF sdigitzer and sdigitize by default the first event // (in fact by default Int_t firstEvent=0,Int_t nEvents=1) AliTOFSDigitizer *sdigitizer = new AliTOFSDigitizer(fileNameHits.Data(),firstEvent,nEvents); // it is the same nevents numbering // scheme used by STEER/AliHits2SDigits.C // Activate this line if you want to print the parameters // used in sdigitization // sdigitizer->PrintParameters(); // e.g. Activate this line if you want to sdigitize only hits from plate 3 // in sector 15 // pay attention that sector must be in the range [1,18] // and plate must be in the range [1,5] // by default we sdigitize hits of all plates in all sectors // sdigitizer->SelectSectorAndPlate(15,3); // performs sdigitization of the above events with "all" verbose option // "tim" option is also available for benchmarking only sdigitizer->Exec("all"); // N.B.: in order to maintain the functionality to sdigitize // all events in current file add a second option // sdigitizer->Exec("all","all"); // the second "all" option overrides the previous settings for // lower and upper bounds for event to sdigitize and allow // the sdigitization for ALL events in fileNameHits }