/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 2000/04/10 08:15:12 kowal2 New, experimental data structure from M. Ivanov New tracking algorithm Different pad geometry for different sectors Digitization rewritten Revision 2000/04/10 07:56:53 kowal2 Not used anymore - removed Revision 1.17 2000/01/19 17:17:30 fca Introducing a list of lists of hits -- more hits allowed for detector now Revision 1.16 1999/11/05 09:29:23 fca Accept only signals > 0 Revision 1.15 1999/10/08 06:26:53 fca Removed ClustersIndex - not used anymore Revision 1.14 1999/09/29 09:24:33 fca Introduction of the Copyright and cvs Log */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Time Projection Chamber // // This class contains the basic functions for the Time Projection Chamber // // detector. Functions specific to one particular geometry are // // contained in the derived classes // // // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliTPC.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include #include #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliTPCParam.h" #include "AliTPCPRF2D.h" #include "AliTPCRF1D.h" #include "AliDigits.h" #include "AliSimDigits.h" #include "AliTPCDigitsArray.h" #include "AliCluster.h" #include "AliClusters.h" #include "AliTPCClustersRow.h" #include "AliTPCClustersArray.h" ClassImp(AliTPC) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPC::AliTPC() { // // Default constructor // fIshunt = 0; fClusters = 0; fHits = 0; fDigits = 0; fTracks = 0; fNsectors = 0; fNtracks = 0; fNclusters= 0; //MI changes fDigitsArray = 0; fClustersArray = 0; fTPCParam = 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPC::AliTPC(const char *name, const char *title) : AliDetector(name,title) { // // Standard constructor // // // Initialise arrays of hits and digits fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTPChit", 176); //MI change fDigitsArray = 0; fClustersArray= 0; fTPCParam = 0; // // Initialise counters fClusters = 0; fTracks = 0; fNsectors = 0; fNtracks = 0; fNclusters= 0; // fIshunt = 0; // // Initialise color attributes SetMarkerColor(kYellow); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPC::~AliTPC() { // // TPC destructor // fIshunt = 0; delete fHits; delete fDigits; delete fClusters; delete fTracks; if (fDigitsArray!=0) delete fDigitsArray; if (fClustersArray!=0) delete fClustersArray; if (fTPCParam) delete fTPCParam; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::AddCluster(Float_t *hits, Int_t *tracks) { // // Add a simulated cluster to the list // if(!fClusters) fClusters=new TClonesArray("AliTPCcluster",10000); TClonesArray &lclusters = *fClusters; new(lclusters[fNclusters++]) AliTPCcluster(hits,tracks); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::AddCluster(const AliTPCcluster &c) { // // Add a simulated cluster copy to the list // if(!fClusters) fClusters=new TClonesArray("AliTPCcluster",900000); TClonesArray &lclusters = *fClusters; new(lclusters[fNclusters++]) AliTPCcluster(c); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) { // // Add a hit to the list // TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits; new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliTPChit(fIshunt,track,vol,hits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::AddTrack(Float_t *hits) { // // Add a track to the list of tracks // TClonesArray <racks = *fTracks; new(ltracks[fNtracks++]) AliTPCtrack(hits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::AddTrack(const AliTPCtrack& t) { // // Add a track copy to the list of tracks // if(!fTracks) fTracks=new TClonesArray("AliTPCtrack",10000); TClonesArray <racks = *fTracks; new(ltracks[fNtracks++]) AliTPCtrack(t); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::BuildGeometry() { // // Build TPC ROOT TNode geometry for the event display // TNode *Node, *Top; TTUBS *tubs; Int_t i; const int kColorTPC=19; char name[5], title[25]; const Double_t kDegrad=TMath::Pi()/180; const Double_t kRaddeg=180./TMath::Pi(); Float_t InnerOpenAngle = fTPCParam->GetInnerAngle(); Float_t OuterOpenAngle = fTPCParam->GetOuterAngle(); Float_t InnerAngleShift = fTPCParam->GetInnerAngleShift(); Float_t OuterAngleShift = fTPCParam->GetOuterAngleShift(); Int_t nLo = fTPCParam->GetNInnerSector()/2; Int_t nHi = fTPCParam->GetNOuterSector()/2; const Double_t loAng = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(InnerOpenAngle*kRaddeg); const Double_t hiAng = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(OuterOpenAngle*kRaddeg); const Double_t loAngSh = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(InnerAngleShift*kRaddeg); const Double_t hiAngSh = (Double_t)TMath::Nint(OuterAngleShift*kRaddeg); const Double_t loCorr = 1/TMath::Cos(0.5*loAng*kDegrad); const Double_t hiCorr = 1/TMath::Cos(0.5*hiAng*kDegrad); Double_t rl,ru; // // Get ALICE top node // Top=gAlice->GetGeometry()->GetNode("alice"); // inner sectors rl = fTPCParam->GetInnerRadiusLow(); ru = fTPCParam->GetInnerRadiusUp(); for(i=0;iSetNumberOfDivisions(1); Top->cd(); Node = new TNode(name,title,name,0,0,0,""); Node->SetLineColor(kColorTPC); fNodes->Add(Node); } // Outer sectors rl = fTPCParam->GetOuterRadiusLow(); ru = fTPCParam->GetOuterRadiusUp(); for(i=0;iSetNumberOfDivisions(1); Top->cd(); Node = new TNode(name,title,name,0,0,0,""); Node->SetLineColor(kColorTPC); fNodes->Add(Node); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPC::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t , Int_t ) { // // Calculate distance from TPC to mouse on the display // Dummy procedure // return 9999; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ static Double_t SigmaY2(Double_t r, Double_t tgl, Double_t pt) { // // Parametrised error of the cluster reconstruction (pad direction) // pt=TMath::Abs(pt)*1000.; Double_t x=r/pt; tgl=TMath::Abs(tgl); Double_t s=a_rphi - b_rphi*r*tgl + c_rphi*x*x + d_rphi*x; if (s<0.4e-3) s=0.4e-3; s*=1.3; //Iouri Belikov return s; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ static Double_t SigmaZ2(Double_t r, Double_t tgl) { // // Parametrised error of the cluster reconstruction (drift direction) // tgl=TMath::Abs(tgl); Double_t s=a_z - b_z*r*tgl + c_z*tgl*tgl; if (s<0.4e-3) s=0.4e-3; s*=1.3; //Iouri Belikov return s; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ inline Double_t f1(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); return -xr*yr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ inline Double_t f2(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t x3,Double_t y3) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the track curvature times center of curvature // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(y3-y2)-(x3-x2)*(y2-y1); Double_t a=0.5*((y3-y2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)- (y2-y1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)); Double_t b=0.5*((x2-x1)*(y3*y3-y2*y2+x3*x3-x2*x2)- (x3-x2)*(y2*y2-y1*y1+x2*x2-x1*x1)); Double_t xr=TMath::Abs(d/(d*x1-a)), yr=d/(d*y1-b); return -a/(d*y1-b)*xr/sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ inline Double_t f3(Double_t x1,Double_t y1, Double_t x2,Double_t y2, Double_t z1,Double_t z2) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial approximation of the tangent of the track dip angle // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- return (z1 - z2)/sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ static Int_t FindProlongation(AliTPCtrack& t, const AliTPCSector *sec, Int_t s, Int_t rf=0) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function tries to find a track prolongation. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- const Int_t ROWS_TO_SKIP=(t<10) ? 10 : Int_t(0.5*sec->GetNRows()); const Float_t MAX_CHI2=12.; Int_t try_again=ROWS_TO_SKIP; Double_t alpha=sec->GetAlpha(); Int_t ns=Int_t(2*TMath::Pi()/alpha+0.5); for (Int_t nr=sec->GetRowNumber(t.GetX())-1; nr>=rf; nr--) { Double_t x=sec->GetX(nr), ymax=sec->GetMaxY(nr); if (!t.PropagateTo(x)) return 0; AliTPCcluster *cl=0; Double_t max_chi2=MAX_CHI2; const AliTPCRow& row=sec[s][nr]; Double_t sy2=SigmaY2(t.GetX(),t.GetTgl(),t.GetPt()); Double_t sz2=SigmaZ2(t.GetX(),t.GetTgl()); Double_t road=5.*sqrt(t.GetSigmaY2() + sy2), y=t.GetY(), z=t.GetZ(); if (road>30) { if (t>4) cerr<fY > y+road) break; if (c->IsUsed()) continue; if ((c->fZ - z)*(c->fZ - z) > 25.*(t.GetSigmaZ2() + sz2)) continue; Double_t chi2=t.GetPredictedChi2(c); if (chi2 > max_chi2) continue; max_chi2=chi2; cl=c; } } if (cl) { t.Update(cl,max_chi2); cl->fdEdX=sec->GetPadPitchWidth()*TMath::Sqrt((1+t.GetTgl()*t.GetTgl())/ (1-(t.GetC()*x-t.GetEta())*(t.GetC()*x-t.GetEta()))); try_again=ROWS_TO_SKIP; } else { if (try_again==0) break; if (y > ymax) { s = (s+1) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) return 0; } else if (y <-ymax) { s = (s-1+ns) % ns; if (!t.Rotate(-alpha)) return 0; } try_again--; } } return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ static void MakeSeeds(TObjArray& seeds,const AliTPCSector *sec, Int_t max_sec, Int_t i1, Int_t i2) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function creates track seeds. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- TMatrix C(5,5); TVector x(5); Double_t alpha=sec->GetAlpha(), shift=sec->GetAlphaShift(); Double_t cs=cos(alpha), sn=sin(alpha); for (Int_t ns=0; nsGetX(i1), y1=r1[is]->fY, z1=r1[is]->fZ; for (Int_t js=0; js < nl+nm+nu; js++) { const AliTPCcluster *cl; Int_t ks; Double_t x2=sec->GetX(i2), y2, z2, tmp; if (jsfY; z2=cl->fZ; tmp= x2*cs+y2*sn; y2 =-x2*sn+y2*cs; x2=tmp; } else if (jsfY; z2=cl->fZ; } else { ks=(ns+1)%max_sec; const AliTPCRow& r2=sec[(ns+1)%max_sec][i2]; cl=r2[js-nl-nm]; y2=cl->fY; z2=cl->fZ; tmp=x2*cs-y2*sn; y2 =x2*sn+y2*cs; x2=tmp; } Double_t zz=z1 - z1/x1*(x1-x2); if (TMath::Abs(zz-z2)>5) continue; Double_t d=(x2-x1)*(0.-y2)-(0.-x2)*(y2-y1); if (d==0.) {cerr<<"MakeSeeds warning: Straight seed !\n"; continue;} Double_t x3=0., y3=0.;//gRandom->Gaus(0.,TMath::Sqrt(cl->fSigmaY2)); x(0)=y1; x(1)=z1; x(2)=f1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); x(3)=f2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); x(4)=f3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2); if (TMath::Abs(x(2)*x1-x(3)) >= 0.999) continue; if (TMath::Abs(x(4)) > 1.2) continue; Double_t a=asin(x(3)); Double_t zv=z1 - x(4)/x(2)*(a+asin(x(2)*x1-x(3))); if (TMath::Abs(zv)>10.) continue; TMatrix X(6,6); X=0.; X(0,0)=r1[is]->fSigmaY2; X(1,1)=r1[is]->fSigmaZ2; X(2,2)=cl->fSigmaY2; X(3,3)=cl->fSigmaZ2; X(4,4)=cl->fSigmaY2; X(5,5)=cl->fSigmaZ2; //X(4,4)=3./12.; X(5,5)=3./12.; TMatrix F(5,6); F.UnitMatrix(); Double_t sy=sqrt(X(0,0)), sz=sqrt(X(1,1)); F(2,0)=(f1(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x(2))/sy; F(2,2)=(f1(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x(2))/sy; F(2,4)=(f1(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x(2))/sy; F(3,0)=(f2(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,x3,y3)-x(3))/sy; F(3,2)=(f2(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,x3,y3)-x(3))/sy; F(3,4)=(f2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3+sy)-x(3))/sy; F(4,0)=(f3(x1,y1+sy,x2,y2,z1,z2)-x(4))/sy; F(4,1)=(f3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1+sz,z2)-x(4))/sz; F(4,2)=(f3(x1,y1,x2,y2+sy,z1,z2)-x(4))/sy; F(4,3)=(f3(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,z2+sz)-x(4))/sz; F(4,4)=0; F(3,3)=0; TMatrix t(F,TMatrix::kMult,X); C.Mult(t,TMatrix(TMatrix::kTransposed,F)); AliTPCtrack *track=new AliTPCtrack(r1[is], x, C, x1, ns*alpha+shift); Int_t rc=FindProlongation(*track,sec,ns,i2); if (rc<0 || *track<(i1-i2)/2) delete track; else seeds.AddLast(track); } } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCParam *AliTPCSector::param; void AliTPC::Clusters2Tracks() { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This is a track finder. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- if (!fClusters) return; AliTPCParam *p=fTPCParam; AliTPCSector::SetParam(p); const Int_t nis=p->GetNInnerSector()/2; AliTPCSSector *ssec=new AliTPCSSector[nis]; Int_t nrow_low=ssec->GetNRows(); const Int_t nos=p->GetNOuterSector()/2; AliTPCLSector *lsec=new AliTPCLSector[nos]; Int_t nrow_up=lsec->GetNRows(); Int_t ncl=fClusters->GetEntriesFast(); while (ncl--) { AliTPCcluster *c=(AliTPCcluster*)fClusters->UncheckedAt(ncl); Int_t sec=c->fSector, row=c->fPadRow; if (sec 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); Int_t ns=Int_t(alpha/lsec->GetAlpha())%nos; if (!FindProlongation(t,lsec,ns)) continue; alpha=t.GetAlpha() + 0.5*ssec->GetAlpha() - ssec->GetAlphaShift(); if (alpha > 2.*TMath::Pi()) alpha -= 2.*TMath::Pi(); if (alpha < 0. ) alpha += 2.*TMath::Pi(); ns=Int_t(alpha/ssec->GetAlpha())%nis; //index of the inner sector needed alpha=ns*ssec->GetAlpha() - t.GetAlpha(); if (!t.Rotate(alpha)) continue; if (!FindProlongation(t,ssec,ns)) continue; if (t >= Int_t(0.4*nrows)) { AddTrack(t); t.UseClusters(); cerr<Field()->Integ(); Float_t SXMGMX=gAlice->Field()->Max(); Float_t amat[5]; // atomic numbers Float_t zmat[5]; // z Float_t wmat[5]; // proportions Float_t density; // ********************* Gases ******************* //-------------------------------------------------------------- // pure gases //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Ne Float_t a_ne = 20.18; Float_t z_ne = 10.; density = 0.0009; AliMaterial(20,"Ne",a_ne,z_ne,density,999.,999.); // Ar Float_t a_ar = 39.948; Float_t z_ar = 18.; density = 0.001782; AliMaterial(21,"Ar",a_ar,z_ar,density,999.,999.); Float_t a_pure[2]; a_pure[0] = a_ne; a_pure[1] = a_ar; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // gases - compounds //-------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t amol[3]; // CO2 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=15.9994; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=8.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=2.; density=0.001977; amol[0] = amat[0]*wmat[0]+amat[1]*wmat[1]; AliMixture(10,"CO2",amat,zmat,density,-2,wmat); // CF4 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=18.998; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=9.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=4.; density=0.003034; amol[1] = amat[0]*wmat[0]+amat[1]*wmat[1]; AliMixture(11,"CF4",amat,zmat,density,-2,wmat); // CH4 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=1.; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=1.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=4.; density=0.000717; amol[2] = amat[0]*wmat[0]+amat[1]*wmat[1]; AliMixture(12,"CH4",amat,zmat,density,-2,wmat); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // gases - mixtures, ID >= 20 pure gases, <= 10 ID < 20 -compounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- char namate[21]; density = 0.; Float_t am=0; Int_t nc; Float_t a,z,rho,absl,X0,buf[1]; Int_t nbuf; for(nc = 0;ncGfmate((*fIdmate)[fMixtComp[nc]],namate,a,z,rho,X0,absl,buf,nbuf); amat[nc] = a; zmat[nc] = z; Int_t nnc = (fMixtComp[nc]>=20) ? fMixtComp[nc]%20 : fMixtComp[nc]%10; am += fMixtProp[nc]*((fMixtComp[nc]>=20) ? a_pure[nnc] : amol[nnc]); density += fMixtProp[nc]*rho; // density of the mixture } // mixture proportions by weight! for(nc = 0;nc=20) ? fMixtComp[nc]%20 : fMixtComp[nc]%10; wmat[nc] = fMixtProp[nc]*((fMixtComp[nc]>=20) ? a_pure[nnc] : amol[nnc])/am; } AliMixture(31,"Drift gas 1",amat,zmat,density,fNoComp,wmat); AliMixture(32,"Drift gas 2",amat,zmat,density,fNoComp,wmat); AliMixture(33,"Drift gas 3",amat,zmat,density,fNoComp,wmat); AliMedium(2, "Drift gas 1", 31, 0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., 999.,.1, .001, .001); AliMedium(3, "Drift gas 2", 32, 0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., 999.,.1, .001, .001); AliMedium(4, "Drift gas 3", 33, 1, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., 999.,.1, .001, .001); // Air AliMaterial(24, "Air", 14.61, 7.3, .001205, 30420., 67500.); AliMedium(24, "Air", 24, 0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .1, .1); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // solid materials //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Al AliMaterial(30, "Al", 26.98, 13., 2.7, 8.9, 37.2); AliMedium(0, "Al",30, 0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .1, .1); // Si AliMaterial(31, "Si", 28.086, 14.,2.33, 9.36, 999.); AliMedium(7, "Al",31, 0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .1, .1); // Mylar C5H4O2 amat[0]=12.011; amat[1]=1.; amat[2]=15.9994; zmat[0]=6.; zmat[1]=1.; zmat[2]=8.; wmat[0]=5.; wmat[1]=4.; wmat[2]=2.; density = 1.39; AliMixture(32, "Mylar",amat,zmat,density,-3,wmat); AliMedium(5, "Mylar",32, 0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .001, .01); // Carbon (normal) AliMaterial(33,"C normal",12.011,6.,2.265,18.8,999.); AliMedium(6,"C normal",33,0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .001, .01); // G10 for inner and outr field cage // G10 is 60% SiO2 + 40% epoxy, right now I use A and Z for SiO2 Float_t rhoFactor; amat[0]=28.086; amat[1]=15.9994; zmat[0]=14.; zmat[1]=8.; wmat[0]=1.; wmat[1]=2.; density = 1.7; AliMixture(34,"G10 aux.",amat,zmat,density,-2,wmat); gMC->Gfmate((*fIdmate)[34],namate,a,z,rho,X0,absl,buf,nbuf); Float_t thickX0 = 0.0052; // field cage in X0 units Float_t thick = 2.; // in cm X0=19.4; // G10 rhoFactor = X0*thickX0/thick; density = rho*rhoFactor; AliMaterial(35,"G10-fc",a,z,density,999.,999.); AliMedium(8,"G10-fc",35,0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .001, .01); thickX0 = 0.0027; // inner vessel (eta <0.9) thick=0.5; rhoFactor = X0*thickX0/thick; density = rho*rhoFactor; AliMaterial(36,"G10-iv",a,z,density,999.,999.); AliMedium(9,"G10-iv",36,0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .001, .01); // Carbon fibre gMC->Gfmate((*fIdmate)[33],namate,a,z,rho,X0,absl,buf,nbuf); thickX0 = 0.0133; // outer vessel thick=3.0; rhoFactor = X0*thickX0/thick; density = rho*rhoFactor; AliMaterial(37,"C-ov",a,z,density,999.,999.); AliMedium(10,"C-ov",37,0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .001, .01); thickX0=0.015; // inner vessel (cone, eta > 0.9) thick=1.5; rhoFactor = X0*thickX0/thick; density = rho*rhoFactor; AliMaterial(38,"C-ivc",a,z,density,999.,999.); AliMedium(11,"C-ivc",38,0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., .1, .1, .001, .01); // AliMedium(12,"CO2",10,0, ISXFLD, SXMGMX, 10., 999.,.1, .001, .001); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ struct Bin { UShort_t q; UInt_t mask; Bin(); }; Bin::Bin() {q=0; mask=0xFFFFFFFE;} struct Peak { Int_t k; UInt_t mask; }; inline Bool_t IsMaximum(Int_t k, Int_t max, const Bin *bins) { UShort_t q=bins[k].q; if (q==1023) return kFALSE; if (bins[k-max].q > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[k-1 ].q > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[k+max].q > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[k+1 ].q > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[k-max-1].q > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[k+max-1].q > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[k+max+1].q > q) return kFALSE; if (bins[k-max+1].q > q) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } static void FindPeaks(Int_t k, Int_t max, Bin *bins, Peak *peaks, Int_t& n) { //if (n>=31) return; if (n<31) if (IsMaximum(k,max,bins)) { peaks[n].k=k; peaks[n].mask=(2<GetMaxTBin()+2; TTree *t = (TTree *)gDirectory->Get("TreeD_75x40_100x60"); AliSimDigits digarr, *dummy=&digarr; t->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&dummy); Stat_t sectors_by_rows = t->GetEntries(); for (Int_t n=0; nGetEvent(n); Int_t sec, row; if (!par->AdjustSectorRow(digarr.GetID(),sec,row)) { cerr<<"AliTPC warning: invalid segment ID ! "<GetPadRowRadii(sec,row); Int_t npads, sign; { Int_t nis=par->GetNInnerSector(), nos=par->GetNOuterSector(); if (sec < nis) { npads = par->GetNPadsLow(row); sign = (sec < nis/2) ? 1 : -1; } else { npads = par->GetNPadsUp(row); sign = ((sec-nis) < nos/2) ? 1 : -1; } } const Int_t MAXBIN=MAXZ*(npads+2); Bin *bins=new Bin[MAXBIN]; digarr.First(); do { Short_t dig=digarr.CurrentDigit(); if (dig<=par->GetZeroSup()) continue; Int_t j=digarr.CurrentRow()+1, i=digarr.CurrentColumn()+1; bins[i*MAXZ+j].q=dig; bins[i*MAXZ+j].mask=1; } while (digarr.Next()); Int_t ncl=0; for (Int_t i=0; i30) continue; Int_t k,l; for (k=0; k1 || dj>1) continue; if (bins[peaks[k].k].q > bins[peaks[l].k].q) { peaks[l].mask=peaks[k].mask; peaks[l].k*=-1; } else { peaks[k].mask=peaks[l].mask; peaks[k].k*=-1; break; } } } for (k=0; kGetPadPitchWidth(sec)*par->GetPadPitchWidth(sec); if (s2 != 0.) { c.fSigmaY2 *= 0.064*1.3*1.3; if (secGetNInnerSector()) c.fSigmaY2 *= 1.44*1.44; } s2 = c.fSigmaZ2/c.fQ - c.fZ*c.fZ; c.fSigmaZ2 = s2 + 1./12.; c.fSigmaZ2 *= par->GetZWidth()*par->GetZWidth(); if (s2 != 0.) { c.fSigmaZ2 *= 0.10*1.3*1.3; if (secGetNInnerSector()) c.fSigmaZ2 *= 1.33*1.33; } c.fY = (c.fY - 0.5 - 0.5*npads)*par->GetPadPitchWidth(sec); c.fZ = par->GetZWidth()*(c.fZ-1); c.fZ -= 3.*par->GetZSigma(); // PASA delay c.fZ = sign*(z_end - c.fZ); if (rx<230./250.*TMath::Abs(c.fZ)) continue; c.fSector=sec; c.fPadRow=row; Int_t ki=peaks[k].k/MAXZ, kj=peaks[k].k - ki*MAXZ; c.fTracks[0]=digarr.GetTrackID(kj-1,ki-1,0); c.fTracks[1]=digarr.GetTrackID(kj-1,ki-1,1); c.fTracks[2]=digarr.GetTrackID(kj-1,ki-1,2); c.fQ=bins[peaks[k].k].q; if (ki==1 || ki==npads || kj==1 || kj==MAXZ-2) { c.fSigmaY2 *= 25.; c.fSigmaZ2 *= 4.; } AddCluster(c); ncl++; } } cerr<<"sector, row, compressed digits, clusters: " <TreeH(); Stat_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Loop over all sectors (72 sectors for 20 deg // segmentation for both lower and upper sectors) // Sectors 0-35 are lower sectors, 0-17 z>0, 17-35 z<0 // Sectors 36-71 are upper sectors, 36-53 z>0, 54-71 z<0 // // First cluster for sector 0 starts at "0" //------------------------------------------------------------ for(Int_t isec=0;isecGetNSector();isec++){ //MI change fTPCParam->AdjustCosSin(isec,cph,sph); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Loop over tracks //------------------------------------------------------------ for(Int_t track=0;trackGetEvent(track); // // Get number of the TPC hits and a pointer // to the particles // nhits=fHits->GetEntriesFast(); Particles=gAlice->Particles(); // // Loop over hits // for(Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); if (tpcHit->fQ == 0.) continue; //information about track (I.Belikov) sector=tpcHit->fSector; // sector number if(sector != isec) continue; //terminate iteration ipart=tpcHit->fTrack; particle=(TParticle*)Particles->UncheckedAt(ipart); pl=particle->Pz(); pt=particle->Pt(); if(pt < 1.e-9) pt=1.e-9; tanth=pl/pt; tanth = TMath::Abs(tanth); rpad=TMath::Sqrt(tpcHit->fX*tpcHit->fX + tpcHit->fY*tpcHit->fY); ratio=0.001*rpad/pt; // pt must be in MeV/c - historical reason // space-point resolutions sigma_rphi=SigmaY2(rpad,tanth,pt); sigma_z =SigmaZ2(rpad,tanth ); // cluster widths cl_rphi=ac_rphi-bc_rphi*rpad*tanth+cc_rphi*ratio*ratio; cl_z=ac_z-bc_z*rpad*tanth+cc_z*tanth*tanth; // temporary protection if(sigma_rphi < 0.) sigma_rphi=0.4e-3; if(sigma_z < 0.) sigma_z=0.4e-3; if(cl_rphi < 0.) cl_rphi=2.5e-3; if(cl_z < 0.) cl_z=2.5e-5; // // // smearing --> rotate to the 1 (13) or to the 25 (49) sector, // then the inaccuracy in a X-Y plane is only along Y (pad row)! // //Float_t xprim= tpcHit->fX*cph + tpcHit->fY*sph; Float_t yprim=-tpcHit->fX*sph + tpcHit->fY*cph; xyz[0]=gRandom->Gaus(yprim,TMath::Sqrt(sigma_rphi)); // y xyz[1]=gRandom->Gaus(tpcHit->fZ,TMath::Sqrt(sigma_z)); // z xyz[2]=tpcHit->fQ; // q xyz[3]=sigma_rphi; // fSigmaY2 xyz[4]=sigma_z; // fSigmaZ2 Int_t tracks[5]={tpcHit->fTrack, -1, -1, sector, tpcHit->fPadRow}; AddCluster(xyz,tracks); } // end of loop over hits } // end of loop over tracks } // end of loop over sectors } // end of function //_________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2ExactClustersSector(Int_t isec) { //-------------------------------------------------------- //calculate exact cross point of track and given pad row //resulting values are expressed in "digit" coordinata //-------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marian Ivanov GSI Darmstadt, m.ivanov@gsi.de //----------------------------------------------------------------- // if (fClustersArray==0){ return; } // TParticle *particle; // pointer to a given particle AliTPChit *tpcHit; // pointer to a sigle TPC hit TClonesArray *Particles; //pointer to the particle list Int_t sector,nhits; Int_t ipart; const Int_t cmaxhits=30000; TVector * xxxx = new TVector(cmaxhits*4); TVector & xxx = *xxxx; Int_t maxhits = cmaxhits; //construct array for each padrow for (Int_t i=0; iGetNRow(isec);i++) fClustersArray->CreateRow(isec,i); //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the access to the tracks //--------------------------------------------------------------- TTree *TH = gAlice->TreeH(); Stat_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries(); Particles=gAlice->Particles(); Int_t npart = Particles->GetEntriesFast(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Loop over tracks //------------------------------------------------------------ for(Int_t track=0;trackGetEvent(track); // // Get number of the TPC hits and a pointer // to the particles // nhits=fHits->GetEntriesFast(); // // Loop over hits // Int_t currentIndex=0; Int_t lastrow=-1; //last writen row for(Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); if (tpcHit==0) continue; sector=tpcHit->fSector; // sector number if(sector != isec) continue; ipart=tpcHit->fTrack; if (ipartUncheckedAt(ipart); //find row number Float_t x[3]={tpcHit->fX,tpcHit->fY,tpcHit->fZ}; Int_t index[3]={1,isec,0}; Int_t currentrow = fTPCParam->GetPadRow(x,index) ; if (currentrow<0) continue; if (lastrow<0) lastrow=currentrow; if (currentrow==lastrow){ if ( currentIndex>=maxhits){ maxhits+=cmaxhits; xxx.ResizeTo(4*maxhits); } xxx(currentIndex*4)=x[0]; xxx(currentIndex*4+1)=x[1]; xxx(currentIndex*4+2)=x[2]; xxx(currentIndex*4+3)=tpcHit->fQ; currentIndex++; } else if (currentIndex>2){ Float_t sumx=0; Float_t sumx2=0; Float_t sumx3=0; Float_t sumx4=0; Float_t sumy=0; Float_t sumxy=0; Float_t sumx2y=0; Float_t sumz=0; Float_t sumxz=0; Float_t sumx2z=0; Float_t sumq=0; for (Int_t index=0;indexGetNPads(isec,lastrow)-1)/2; Float_t det=currentIndex*(sumx2*sumx4-sumx3*sumx3)-sumx*(sumx*sumx4-sumx2*sumx3)+ sumx2*(sumx*sumx3-sumx2*sumx2); Float_t detay=sumy*(sumx2*sumx4-sumx3*sumx3)-sumx*(sumxy*sumx4-sumx2y*sumx3)+ sumx2*(sumxy*sumx3-sumx2y*sumx2); Float_t detaz=sumz*(sumx2*sumx4-sumx3*sumx3)-sumx*(sumxz*sumx4-sumx2z*sumx3)+ sumx2*(sumxz*sumx3-sumx2z*sumx2); Float_t detby=currentIndex*(sumxy*sumx4-sumx2y*sumx3)-sumy*(sumx*sumx4-sumx2*sumx3)+ sumx2*(sumx*sumx2y-sumx2*sumxy); Float_t detbz=currentIndex*(sumxz*sumx4-sumx2z*sumx3)-sumz*(sumx*sumx4-sumx2*sumx3)+ sumx2*(sumx*sumx2z-sumx2*sumxz); Float_t y=detay/det+CentralPad; Float_t z=detaz/det; Float_t by=detby/det; //y angle Float_t bz=detbz/det; //z angle sumy/=Float_t(currentIndex); sumz/=Float_t(currentIndex); AliCluster cl; cl.fX=z; cl.fY=y; cl.fQ=sumq; cl.fSigmaX2=bz; cl.fSigmaY2=by; cl.fTracks[0]=ipart; AliTPCClustersRow * row = (fClustersArray->GetRow(isec,lastrow)); if (row!=0) row->InsertCluster(&cl); currentIndex=0; lastrow=currentrow; } //end of calculating cluster for given row } // end of loop over hits } // end of loop over tracks //write padrows to tree for (Int_t ii=0; iiGetNRow(isec);ii++) { fClustersArray->StoreRow(isec,ii); fClustersArray->ClearRow(isec,ii); } xxxx->Delete(); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2Digits() { //---------------------------------------------------- // Loop over all sectors //---------------------------------------------------- if(fTPCParam == 0){ printf("AliTPCParam MUST be created firstly\n"); return; } for(Int_t isec=0;isecGetNSector();isec++) Hits2DigitsSector(isec); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Hits2DigitsSector(Int_t isec) { //------------------------------------------------------------------- // TPC conversion from hits to digits. //------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------- // Get the access to the track hits //------------------------------------------------------- TTree *TH = gAlice->TreeH(); // pointer to the hits tree Stat_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries(); if( ntracks > 0){ //------------------------------------------- // Only if there are any tracks... //------------------------------------------- TObjArray **row; printf("*** Processing sector number %d ***\n",isec); Int_t nrows =fTPCParam->GetNRow(isec); row= new TObjArray* [nrows]; MakeSector(isec,nrows,TH,ntracks,row); //-------------------------------------------------------- // Digitize this sector, row by row // row[i] is the pointer to the TObjArray of TVectors, // each one containing electrons accepted on this // row, assigned into tracks //-------------------------------------------------------- Int_t i; if (fDigitsArray->GetTree()==0) fDigitsArray->MakeTree(); for (i=0;iCreateRow(isec,i); DigitizeRow(i,isec,row); fDigitsArray->StoreRow(isec,i); Int_t ndig = dig->GetSize(); printf("*** Sector, row, compressed digits %d %d %d ***\n",isec,i,ndig); fDigitsArray->ClearRow(isec,i); } // end of the sector digitization for(i=0;iDelete(); } delete [] row; // delete the array of pointers to TObjArray-s } // ntracks >0 } // end of Hits2DigitsSector //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::DigitizeRow(Int_t irow,Int_t isec,TObjArray **rows) { //----------------------------------------------------------- // Single row digitization, coupling from the neighbouring // rows taken into account //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl // Modified: Marian Ivanov GSI Darmstadt, m.ivanov@gsi.de //----------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t zerosup = fTPCParam->GetZeroSup(); Int_t nrows =fTPCParam->GetNRow(isec); fCurrentIndex[1]= isec; Int_t n_of_pads = fTPCParam->GetNPads(isec,irow); Int_t n_of_tbins = fTPCParam->GetMaxTBin(); Int_t IndexRange[4]; // // Integrated signal for this row // and a single track signal // TMatrix *m1 = new TMatrix(0,n_of_pads,0,n_of_tbins); // integrated TMatrix *m2 = new TMatrix(0,n_of_pads,0,n_of_tbins); // single // TMatrix &Total = *m1; // Array of pointers to the label-signal list Int_t NofDigits = n_of_pads*n_of_tbins; // number of digits for this row Float_t **pList = new Float_t* [NofDigits]; Int_t lp; Int_t i1; for(lp=0;lpGetNCrossRows(),0); Int_t row2 = TMath::Min(irow+fTPCParam->GetNCrossRows(),nrows-1); for (Int_t row= row1;row<=row2;row++){ Int_t nTracks= rows[row]->GetEntries(); for (i1=0;i1Zero(); // clear single track signal matrix Float_t TrackLabel = GetSignal(rows[row],i1,m2,m1,IndexRange); GetList(TrackLabel,n_of_pads,m2,IndexRange,pList); } else GetSignal(rows[row],i1,0,m1,IndexRange); } } Int_t tracks[3]; AliDigits *dig = fDigitsArray->GetRow(isec,irow); for(Int_t ip=0;ipGaus(q,fTPCParam->GetNoise()*fTPCParam->GetNoiseNormFac()); q = (Int_t)q; if(q <=zerosup) continue; // do not fill zeros if(q > adc_sat) q = adc_sat; // saturation // // "real" signal or electronic noise (list = -1)? // for(Int_t j1=0;j1<3;j1++){ tracks[j1] = (pList[gi]) ?(Int_t)(*(pList[gi]+j1)) : -1; } //Begin_Html /* using of AliDigits object */ //End_Html dig->SetDigitFast((Short_t)q,it,ip); if (fDigitsArray->IsSimulated()) { ((AliSimDigits*)dig)->SetTrackIDFast(tracks[0],it,ip,0); ((AliSimDigits*)dig)->SetTrackIDFast(tracks[1],it,ip,1); ((AliSimDigits*)dig)->SetTrackIDFast(tracks[2],it,ip,2); } } // end of loop over time buckets } // end of lop over pads // // This row has been digitized, delete nonused stuff // for(lp=0;lpAt(ntr); // pointer to a track TVector &v = *tv; Float_t label = v(0); Int_t CentralPad = (fTPCParam->GetNPads(fCurrentIndex[1],fCurrentIndex[3])-1)/2; Int_t nElectrons = (tv->GetNrows()-1)/4; IndexRange[0]=9999; // min pad IndexRange[1]=-1; // max pad IndexRange[2]=9999; //min time IndexRange[3]=-1; // max time // Float_t IneffFactor = 0.5; // inefficiency in the gain close to the edge, as above TMatrix &signal = *m1; TMatrix &total = *m2; // // Loop over all electrons // for(Int_t nel=0; nelGetTotalNormFac(); Float_t xyz[3]={v(idx+1),v(idx+2),v(idx+3)}; Int_t n = fTPCParam->CalcResponse(xyz,fCurrentIndex,fCurrentIndex[3]); if (n>0) for (Int_t i =0; iGetResBin(i); Int_t pad=index[1]+CentralPad; //in digit coordinates central pad has coordinate 0 if ( ( pad<(fTPCParam->GetNPads(fCurrentIndex[1],fCurrentIndex[3]))) && (pad>0)) { Int_t time=index[2]; Float_t weight = fTPCParam->GetResWeight(i); //we normalise response to ADC channel weight *= eltoadcfac; if (m1!=0) signal(pad,time)+=weight; total(pad,time)+=weight; IndexRange[0]=TMath::Min(IndexRange[0],pad); IndexRange[1]=TMath::Max(IndexRange[1],pad); IndexRange[2]=TMath::Min(IndexRange[2],time); IndexRange[3]=TMath::Max(IndexRange[3],time); } } } // end of loop over electrons return label; // returns track label when finished } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::GetList(Float_t label,Int_t np,TMatrix *m,Int_t *IndexRange, Float_t **pList) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the list of tracks contributing to digits for a given row //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- TMatrix &signal = *m; // lop over nonzero digits for(Int_t it=IndexRange[2];ithighest){ *(pList[GlobalIndex]+5) = middle; *(pList[GlobalIndex]+4) = highest; *(pList[GlobalIndex]+3) = signal(ip,it); *(pList[GlobalIndex]+2) = *(pList[GlobalIndex]+1); *(pList[GlobalIndex]+1) = *pList[GlobalIndex]; *pList[GlobalIndex] = label; } else if (signal(ip,it)>middle){ *(pList[GlobalIndex]+5) = middle; *(pList[GlobalIndex]+4) = signal(ip,it); *(pList[GlobalIndex]+2) = *(pList[GlobalIndex]+1); *(pList[GlobalIndex]+1) = label; } else{ *(pList[GlobalIndex]+5) = signal(ip,it); *(pList[GlobalIndex]+2) = label; } } } // end of loop over pads } // end of loop over time bins }//end of GetList //___________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::MakeSector(Int_t isec,Int_t nrows,TTree *TH, Stat_t ntracks,TObjArray **row) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Prepares the sector digitization, creates the vectors of // tracks for each row of this sector. The track vector // contains the track label and the position of electrons. //----------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t gasgain = fTPCParam->GetGasGain(); Int_t i; Float_t xyz[4]; AliTPChit *tpcHit; // pointer to a sigle TPC hit //---------------------------------------------- // Create TObjArray-s, one for each row, // each TObjArray will store the TVectors // of electrons, one TVector per each track. //---------------------------------------------- for(i=0; iGetEvent(track); // get next track Int_t nhits = fHits->GetEntriesFast(); // get number of hits for this track if(nhits == 0) continue; // no hits in the TPC for this track //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop over hits //-------------------------------------------------------------- for(Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); // get a pointer to a hit Int_t sector=tpcHit->fSector; // sector number if(sector != isec) continue; currentTrack = tpcHit->fTrack; // track number if(currentTrack != previousTrack){ // store already filled fTrack for(i=0;i0){ TVector &v = *tracks[i]; v(0) = previousTrack; tracks[i]->ResizeTo(4*n_of_electrons[i]+1); // shrink if necessary row[i]->Add(tracks[i]); } else{ delete tracks[i]; // delete empty TVector tracks[i]=0; } } n_of_electrons[i]=0; tracks[i] = new TVector(481); // TVectors for the next fTrack } // end of loop over rows previousTrack=currentTrack; // update track label } Int_t QI = (Int_t) (tpcHit->fQ); // energy loss (number of electrons) //--------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the electron attachment probability //--------------------------------------------------- Float_t time = 1.e6*(fTPCParam->GetZLength()-TMath::Abs(tpcHit->fZ)) /fTPCParam->GetDriftV(); // in microseconds! Float_t AttProb = fTPCParam->GetAttCoef()* fTPCParam->GetOxyCont()*time; // fraction! //----------------------------------------------- // Loop over electrons //----------------------------------------------- Int_t index[3]; index[1]=isec; for(Int_t nel=0;nelRndm(0)) < AttProb) continue; // electron lost! xyz[0]=tpcHit->fX; xyz[1]=tpcHit->fY; xyz[2]=tpcHit->fZ; xyz[3]= (Float_t) (-gasgain*TMath::Log(gRandom->Rndm())); index[0]=1; TransportElectron(xyz,index); //MI change -august Int_t row_number; fTPCParam->GetPadRow(xyz,index); //MI change august row_number = index[2]; //transform position to local digit coordinates //relative to nearest pad row if ((row_number<0)||row_number>=fTPCParam->GetNRow(isec)) continue; n_of_electrons[row_number]++; //---------------------------------- // Expand vector if necessary //---------------------------------- if(n_of_electrons[row_number]>120){ Int_t range = tracks[row_number]->GetNrows(); if((n_of_electrons[row_number])>(range-1)/4){ tracks[row_number]->ResizeTo(range+400); // Add 100 electrons } } TVector &v = *tracks[row_number]; Int_t idx = 4*n_of_electrons[row_number]-3; v(idx)= xyz[0]; // X - pad row coordinate v(idx+1)=xyz[1]; // Y - pad coordinate (along the pad-row) v(idx+2)=xyz[2]; // Z - time bin coordinate v(idx+3)=xyz[3]; // avalanche size } // end of loop over electrons } // end of loop over hits } // end of loop over tracks // // store remaining track (the last one) if not empty // for(i=0;i0){ TVector &v = *tracks[i]; v(0) = previousTrack; tracks[i]->ResizeTo(4*n_of_electrons[i]+1); // shrink if necessary row[i]->Add(tracks[i]); } else{ delete tracks[i]; tracks[i]=0; } } delete [] tracks; delete [] n_of_electrons; } // end of MakeSector //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Init() { // // Initialise TPC detector after definition of geometry // Int_t i; // printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<35;i++) printf("*"); printf(" TPC_INIT "); for(i=0;i<35;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); // for(i=0;i<80;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::MakeBranch(Option_t* option) { // // Create Tree branches for the TPC. // Int_t buffersize = 4000; char branchname[10]; sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName()); AliDetector::MakeBranch(option); char *D = strstr(option,"D"); if (fDigits && gAlice->TreeD() && D) { gAlice->TreeD()->Branch(branchname,&fDigits, buffersize); printf("Making Branch %s for digits\n",branchname); } char *R = strstr(option,"R"); if (fClusters && gAlice->TreeR() && R) { gAlice->TreeR()->Branch(branchname,&fClusters, buffersize); printf("Making Branch %s for Clusters\n",branchname); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::ResetDigits() { // // Reset number of digits and the digits array for this detector // reset clusters // fNdigits = 0; if (fDigits) fDigits->Clear(); fNclusters = 0; if (fClusters) fClusters->Clear(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecAL(Int_t sec) { //--------------------------------------------------- // Activate/deactivate selection for lower sectors //--------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecAL = sec; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecAU(Int_t sec) { //---------------------------------------------------- // Activate/deactivate selection for upper sectors //--------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecAU = sec; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecLows(Int_t s1,Int_t s2,Int_t s3,Int_t s4,Int_t s5, Int_t s6) { //---------------------------------------- // Select active lower sectors //---------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecLows[0] = s1; fSecLows[1] = s2; fSecLows[2] = s3; fSecLows[3] = s4; fSecLows[4] = s5; fSecLows[5] = s6; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSecUps(Int_t s1,Int_t s2,Int_t s3,Int_t s4,Int_t s5, Int_t s6, Int_t s7, Int_t s8 ,Int_t s9 ,Int_t s10, Int_t s11 , Int_t s12) { //-------------------------------- // Select active upper sectors //-------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSecUps[0] = s1; fSecUps[1] = s2; fSecUps[2] = s3; fSecUps[3] = s4; fSecUps[4] = s5; fSecUps[5] = s6; fSecUps[6] = s7; fSecUps[7] = s8; fSecUps[8] = s9; fSecUps[9] = s10; fSecUps[10] = s11; fSecUps[11] = s12; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetSens(Int_t sens) { //------------------------------------------------------------- // Activates/deactivates the sensitive strips at the center of // the pad row -- this is for the space-point resolution calculations //------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Origin: Marek Kowalski IFJ, Krakow, Marek.Kowalski@ifj.edu.pl //----------------------------------------------------------------- fSens = sens; } void AliTPC::SetSide(Float_t side) { fSide = side; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::SetGasMixt(Int_t nc,Int_t c1,Int_t c2,Int_t c3,Float_t p1, Float_t p2,Float_t p3) { fNoComp = nc; fMixtComp[0]=c1; fMixtComp[1]=c2; fMixtComp[2]=c3; fMixtProp[0]=p1; fMixtProp[1]=p2; fMixtProp[2]=p3; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::TransportElectron(Float_t *xyz, Int_t *index) { // // electron transport taking into account: // 1. diffusion, // 2.ExB at the wires // 3. nonisochronity // // xyz and index must be already transformed to system 1 // fTPCParam->Transform1to2(xyz,index); //add diffusion Float_t driftl=xyz[2]; if(driftl<0.01) driftl=0.01; driftl=TMath::Sqrt(driftl); Float_t sig_t = driftl*(fTPCParam->GetDiffT()); Float_t sig_l = driftl*(fTPCParam->GetDiffL()); xyz[0]=gRandom->Gaus(xyz[0],sig_t); xyz[1]=gRandom->Gaus(xyz[1],sig_t); xyz[2]=gRandom->Gaus(xyz[2],sig_l); // ExB if (fTPCParam->GetMWPCReadout()==kTRUE){ Float_t x1=xyz[0]; fTPCParam->Transform2to2NearestWire(xyz,index); Float_t dx=xyz[0]-x1; xyz[1]+=dx*(fTPCParam->GetOmegaTau()); } //add nonisochronity (not implemented yet) } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPC::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // // Stream an object of class AliTPC. // if (R__b.IsReading()) { Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { } AliDetector::Streamer(R__b); if (R__v < 2) return; R__b >> fNsectors; R__b >> fNclusters; R__b >> fNtracks; } else { R__b.WriteVersion(AliTPC::IsA()); AliDetector::Streamer(R__b); R__b << fNsectors; R__b << fNclusters; R__b << fNtracks; } } ClassImp(AliTPCcluster) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCcluster::AliTPCcluster(Float_t *hits, Int_t *lab) { // // Creates a simulated cluster for the TPC // fTracks[0] = lab[0]; fTracks[1] = lab[1]; fTracks[2] = lab[2]; fSector = lab[3]; fPadRow = lab[4]; fY = hits[0]; fZ = hits[1]; fQ = hits[2]; fSigmaY2 = hits[3]; fSigmaZ2 = hits[4]; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCcluster::GetXYZ(Float_t *x, const AliTPCParam *par) const { // // Transformation from local to global coordinate system // x[0]=par->GetPadRowRadii(fSector,fPadRow); x[1]=fY; x[2]=fZ; Float_t cs, sn, tmp; par->AdjustCosSin(fSector,cs,sn); tmp = x[0]*cs-x[1]*sn; x[1]= x[0]*sn+x[1]*cs; x[0]=tmp; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCcluster::Compare(TObject * o) { // // compare two clusters according y coordinata // AliTPCcluster *cl= (AliTPCcluster *)o; if (fYfY) return -1; if (fY==cl->fY) return 0; return 1; } Bool_t AliTPCcluster::IsSortable() const { // //make AliTPCcluster sortabale // return kTRUE; } ClassImp(AliTPCdigit) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCdigit::AliTPCdigit(Int_t *tracks, Int_t *digits): AliDigit(tracks) { // // Creates a TPC digit object // fSector = digits[0]; fPadRow = digits[1]; fPad = digits[2]; fTime = digits[3]; fSignal = digits[4]; } ClassImp(AliTPChit) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPChit::AliTPChit(Int_t shunt, Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits): AliHit(shunt,track) { // // Creates a TPC hit object // fSector = vol[0]; fPadRow = vol[1]; fX = hits[0]; fY = hits[1]; fZ = hits[2]; fQ = hits[3]; } ClassImp(AliTPCtrack) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtrack::AliTPCtrack(Float_t *hits) { // // Default creator for a TPC reconstructed track object // fX=hits[0]; // This is dummy code ! } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtrack::AliTPCtrack(const AliTPCcluster *c,const TVector& xx, const TMatrix& CC, Double_t xref, Double_t alpha): x(xx),C(CC),fClusters(200) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the main track constructor. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- fX=xref; fAlpha=alpha; fChi2=0.; fClusters.AddLast((AliTPCcluster*)(c)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCtrack::AliTPCtrack(const AliTPCtrack& t) : x(t.x), C(t.C), fClusters(t.fClusters.GetEntriesFast()) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This is a track copy constructor. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- fX=t.fX; fChi2=t.fChi2; fAlpha=t.fAlpha; Int_t n=t.fClusters.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetSigmaY2(); Double_t c =GetSigmaY2(); if (c>co) return 1; else if (c= 0.999) { if (*this>4) cerr<<*this<<" AliTPCtrack warning: Propagation failed !\n"; return 0; } Double_t x1=fX, x2=x1+(xk-x1), dx=x2-x1, y1=x(0), z1=x(1); Double_t c1=x(2)*x1 - x(3), r1=sqrt(1.- c1*c1); Double_t c2=x(2)*x2 - x(3), r2=sqrt(1.- c2*c2); x(0) += dx*(c1+c2)/(r1+r2); x(1) += dx*(c1+c2)/(c1*r2 + c2*r1)*x(4); TMatrix F(5,5); F.UnitMatrix(); Double_t rr=r1+r2, cc=c1+c2, xx=x1+x2; F(0,2)= dx*(rr*xx + cc*(c1*x1/r1+c2*x2/r2))/(rr*rr); F(0,3)=-dx*(2*rr + cc*(c1/r1 + c2/r2))/(rr*rr); Double_t cr=c1*r2+c2*r1; F(1,2)= dx*x(4)*(cr*xx-cc*(r1*x2-c2*c1*x1/r1+r2*x1-c1*c2*x2/r2))/(cr*cr); F(1,3)=-dx*x(4)*(2*cr + cc*(c2*c1/r1-r1 + c1*c2/r2-r2))/(cr*cr); F(1,4)= dx*cc/cr; TMatrix tmp(F,TMatrix::kMult,C); C.Mult(tmp,TMatrix(TMatrix::kTransposed,F)); fX=x2; //Multiple scattering****************** Double_t ey=x(2)*fX - x(3); Double_t ex=sqrt(1-ey*ey); Double_t ez=x(4); TMatrix Q(5,5); Q=0.; Q(2,2)=ez*ez+ey*ey; Q(2,3)=-ex*ey; Q(2,4)=-ex*ez; Q(3,2)=Q(2,3); Q(3,3)= ez*ez+ex*ex; Q(3,4)=-ey*ez; Q(4,2)=Q(2,4); Q(4,3)= Q(3,4); Q(4,4)=1.; F=0; F(2,2)=-x(2)*ex; F(2,3)=-x(2)*ey; F(3,2)=-ex*(x(2)*fX-ey); F(3,3)=-(1.+ x(2)*fX*ey - ey*ey); F(4,2)=-ez*ex; F(4,3)=-ez*ey; F(4,4)=1.; tmp.Mult(F,Q); Q.Mult(tmp,TMatrix(TMatrix::kTransposed,F)); Double_t p2=GetPt()*GetPt()*(1.+x(4)*x(4)); Double_t beta2=p2/(p2 + pm*pm); Double_t d=sqrt((x1-fX)*(x1-fX)+(y1-x(0))*(y1-x(0))+(z1-x(1))*(z1-x(1))); Double_t theta2=14.1*14.1/(beta2*p2*1e6)*d/x0*rho; Q*=theta2; C+=Q; //Energy losses************************ Double_t dE=0.153e-3/beta2*(log(5940*beta2/(1-beta2)) - beta2)*d*rho; if (x1 < x2) dE=-dE; x(2)*=(1.- sqrt(p2+pm*pm)/p2*dE); //x(3)*=(1.- sqrt(p2+pm*pm)/p2*dE); return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrack::PropagateToVertex(Double_t x0,Double_t rho,Double_t pm) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function propagates tracks to the "vertex". // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t c=x(2)*fX - x(3); Double_t tgf=-x(3)/(x(2)*x(0) + sqrt(1-c*c)); Double_t snf=tgf/sqrt(1.+ tgf*tgf); Double_t xv=(x(3)+snf)/x(2); PropagateTo(xv,x0,rho,pm); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrack::Update(const AliTPCcluster *c, Double_t chisq) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function associates a clusters with this track. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- TMatrix H(2,5); H.UnitMatrix(); TMatrix Ht(TMatrix::kTransposed,H); TVector m(2); m(0)=c->fY; m(1)=c->fZ; TMatrix V(2,2); V(0,0)=c->fSigmaY2; V(0,1)=0.; V(1,0)=0.; V(1,1)=c->fSigmaZ2; TMatrix tmp(H,TMatrix::kMult,C); TMatrix R(tmp,TMatrix::kMult,Ht); R+=V; Double_t det=(Double_t)R(0,0)*R(1,1) - (Double_t)R(0,1)*R(1,0); R(0,1)=R(0,0); R(0,0)=R(1,1); R(1,1)=R(0,1); R(1,0)*=-1; R(0,1)=R(1,0); R*=1./det; //R.Invert(); TMatrix K(C,TMatrix::kMult,Ht); K*=R; TVector savex=x; x*=H; x-=m; x*=-1; x*=K; x+=savex; if (TMath::Abs(x(2)*fX-x(3)) >= 0.999) { if (*this>4) cerr<<*this<<" AliTPCtrack warning: Filtering failed !\n"; x=savex; return; } TMatrix saveC=C; C.Mult(K,tmp); C-=saveC; C*=-1; fClusters.AddLast((AliTPCcluster*)c); fChi2 += chisq; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCtrack::Rotate(Double_t alpha) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function rotates this track. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- fAlpha += alpha; Double_t x1=fX, y1=x(0); Double_t ca=cos(alpha), sa=sin(alpha); Double_t r1=x(2)*fX - x(3); fX = x1*ca + y1*sa; x(0)=-x1*sa + y1*ca; x(3)=x(3)*ca + (x(2)*y1 + sqrt(1.- r1*r1))*sa; Double_t r2=x(2)*fX - x(3); if (TMath::Abs(r2) >= 0.999) { if (*this>4) cerr<<*this<<" AliTPCtrack warning: Rotation failed !\n"; return 0; } Double_t y0=x(0) + sqrt(1.- r2*r2)/x(2); if ((x(0)-y0)*x(2) >= 0.) { if (*this>4) cerr<<*this<<" AliTPCtrack warning: Rotation failed !!!\n"; return 0; } TMatrix F(5,5); F.UnitMatrix(); F(0,0)=ca; F(3,0)=x(2)*sa; F(3,2)=(y1 - r1*x1/sqrt(1.- r1*r1))*sa; F(3,3)= ca + sa*r1/sqrt(1.- r1*r1); TMatrix tmp(F,TMatrix::kMult,C); // Double_t dy2=C(0,0); C.Mult(tmp,TMatrix(TMatrix::kTransposed,F)); // C(0,0)+=dy2*sa*sa*r1*r1/(1.- r1*r1); // C(1,1)+=dy2*sa*sa*x(4)*x(4)/(1.- r1*r1); return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrack::UseClusters() const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function marks clusters associated with this track. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t num_of_clusters=fClusters.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iUse(); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtrack::GetPredictedChi2(const AliTPCcluster *c) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function calculates a predicted chi2 increment. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- TMatrix H(2,5); H.UnitMatrix(); TVector m(2); m(0)=c->fY; m(1)=c->fZ; TMatrix V(2,2); V(0,0)=c->fSigmaY2; V(0,1)=0.; V(1,0)=0.; V(1,1)=c->fSigmaZ2; TVector res=x; res*=H; res-=m; //res*=-1; TMatrix tmp(H,TMatrix::kMult,C); TMatrix R(tmp,TMatrix::kMult,TMatrix(TMatrix::kTransposed,H)); R+=V; Double_t det=(Double_t)R(0,0)*R(1,1) - (Double_t)R(0,1)*R(1,0); if (TMath::Abs(det) < 1.e-10) { if (*this>4) cerr<<*this<<" AliTPCtrack warning: Singular matrix !\n"; return 1e10; } R(0,1)=R(0,0); R(0,0)=R(1,1); R(1,1)=R(0,1); R(1,0)*=-1; R(0,1)=R(1,0); R*=1./det; //R.Invert(); TVector r=res; res*=R; return r*res; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ struct S { Int_t lab; Int_t max; }; Int_t AliTPCtrack::GetLabel(Int_t nrows) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the track label. If label<0, this track is fake. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t num_of_clusters=fClusters.GetEntriesFast(); S *s=new S[num_of_clusters]; Int_t i; for (i=0; ifTracks[0]); Int_t j; for (j=0; jmax) {max=s[i].max; lab=s[i].lab;} delete[] s; for (i=0; ifTracks[1]) == lab || TMath::Abs(c->fTracks[2]) == lab ) max++; } if (1.-Float_t(max)/num_of_clusters > 0.10) return -lab; Int_t tail=Int_t(0.08*nrows); if (num_of_clusters < tail) return lab; max=0; for (i=1; i<=tail; i++) { AliTPCcluster *c=(AliTPCcluster*)fClusters.UncheckedAt(num_of_clusters-i); if (lab == TMath::Abs(c->fTracks[0]) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->fTracks[1]) || lab == TMath::Abs(c->fTracks[2])) max++; } if (max < Int_t(0.5*tail)) return -lab; return lab; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCtrack::GetPxPyPz(Double_t& px, Double_t& py, Double_t& pz) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns reconstructed track momentum in the global system. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t pt=TMath::Abs(GetPt()); // GeV/c Double_t r=x(2)*fX-x(3); Double_t y0=x(0) + sqrt(1.- r*r)/x(2); px=-pt*(x(0)-y0)*x(2); //cos(phi); py=-pt*(x(3)-fX*x(2)); //sin(phi); pz=pt*x(4); Double_t tmp=px*TMath::Cos(fAlpha) - py*TMath::Sin(fAlpha); py=px*TMath::Sin(fAlpha) + py*TMath::Cos(fAlpha); px=tmp; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCtrack::GetdEdX(Double_t low, Double_t up) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // This funtion calculates dE/dX within the "low" and "up" cuts. // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t ncl=fClusters.GetEntriesFast(); Int_t n=0; Double_t *q=new Double_t[ncl]; Int_t i; for (i=1; ifQ)/cl->fdEdX; if (cl->fSector<36) q[n-1]*=1.1; } //stupid sorting Int_t swap; do { swap=0; for (i=0; ifY); memmove(clusters+i+1 ,clusters+i,(num_of_clusters-i)*sizeof(AliTPCcluster*)); clusters[i]=c; num_of_clusters++; } //___________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCRow::Find(Double_t y) const { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the index of the nearest cluster // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (y <= clusters[0]->fY) return 0; if (y > clusters[num_of_clusters-1]->fY) return num_of_clusters; Int_t b=0, e=num_of_clusters-1, m=(b+e)/2; for (; b clusters[m]->fY) b=m+1; else e=m; } return m; } //________________________________________________________________________