/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TPC calibration class for parameters which are saved per pad // // Each AliTPCCalPad consists of 72 AliTPCCalROC-objects // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliTPCCalPad.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TKey.h" ClassImp(AliTPCCalPad) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCCalPad::AliTPCCalPad():TNamed() { // // AliTPCCalPad default constructor // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { fROC[isec] = 0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCCalPad::AliTPCCalPad(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title) :TNamed(name,title) { // // AliTPCCalPad constructor // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { fROC[isec] = new AliTPCCalROC(isec); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCCalPad::AliTPCCalPad(const AliTPCCalPad &c):TNamed(c) { // // AliTPCCalPad copy constructor // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { fROC[isec] = 0; if (c.fROC[isec]) fROC[isec] = new AliTPCCalROC(*(c.fROC[isec])); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCCalPad::AliTPCCalPad(TObjArray * array):TNamed() { // // AliTPCCalPad default constructor // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { fROC[isec] = (AliTPCCalROC *)array->At(isec); } } ///_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCCalPad::~AliTPCCalPad() { // // AliTPCCalPad destructor // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]) { delete fROC[isec]; fROC[isec] = 0; } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCCalPad &AliTPCCalPad::operator=(const AliTPCCalPad &c) { // // Assignment operator // if (this != &c) ((AliTPCCalPad &) c).Copy(*this); return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCCalPad::Copy(TObject &c) const { // // Copy function // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]) { fROC[isec]->Copy(*((AliTPCCalPad &) c).fROC[isec]); } } TObject::Copy(c); } void AliTPCCalPad::SetCalROC(AliTPCCalROC* roc, Int_t sector){ // // Set AliTPCCalROC copies values from 'roc' // if sector == -1 the sector specified in 'roc' is used // else sector specified in 'roc' is ignored and specified sector is filled // if (sector == -1) sector = roc->GetSector(); for (UInt_t ichannel = 0; ichannel < roc->GetNchannels(); ichannel++) fROC[sector]->SetValue(ichannel, roc->GetValue(ichannel)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCCalPad::Add(Float_t c1) { // // add constant c1 to all channels of all ROCs // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]){ fROC[isec]->Add(c1); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCCalPad::Multiply(Float_t c1) { // // multiply each channel of all ROCs with c1 // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]){ fROC[isec]->Multiply(c1); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCCalPad::Add(const AliTPCCalPad * pad, Double_t c1) { // // multiply AliTPCCalPad 'pad' by c1 and add each channel to the coresponing channel in all ROCs // - pad by pad - // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]){ fROC[isec]->Add(pad->GetCalROC(isec),c1); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCCalPad::Multiply(const AliTPCCalPad * pad) { // // multiply each channel of all ROCs with the coresponding channel of 'pad' // - pad by pad - // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]){ fROC[isec]->Multiply(pad->GetCalROC(isec)); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCCalPad::Divide(const AliTPCCalPad * pad) { // // divide each channel of all ROCs by the coresponding channel of 'pad' // - pad by pad - // for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]){ fROC[isec]->Divide(pad->GetCalROC(isec)); } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TGraph * AliTPCCalPad::MakeGraph(Int_t type, Float_t ratio){ // // type=1 - mean // 2 - median // 3 - LTM // Int_t npoints = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<72;i++) if (fROC[i]) npoints++; TGraph * graph = new TGraph(npoints); npoints=0; for (Int_t isec=0;isec<72;isec++){ if (!fROC[isec]) continue; if (type==0) graph->SetPoint(npoints,isec,fROC[isec]->GetMean()); if (type==1) graph->SetPoint(npoints,isec,fROC[isec]->GetMedian()); if (type==2) graph->SetPoint(npoints,isec,fROC[isec]->GetLTM(0,ratio)); npoints++; } graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sector"); if (type==0) { graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean"); graph->SetMarkerStyle(22); } if (type==1) { graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Median"); graph->SetMarkerStyle(22); } if (type==2) { graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("Mean%f",ratio)); graph->SetMarkerStyle(24); } return graph; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCCalPad::GetMeanRMS(Double_t &rms) { // // Calculates mean and RMS of all ROCs // Double_t sum = 0, sum2 = 0, n=0, val=0; for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { AliTPCCalROC *calRoc = fROC[isec]; if ( calRoc ){ for (UInt_t irow=0; irowGetNrows(); irow++){ for (UInt_t ipad=0; ipadGetNPads(irow); ipad++){ val = calRoc->GetValue(irow,ipad); sum+=val; sum2+=val*val; n++; } } } } Double_t n1 = 1./n; Double_t mean = sum*n1; rms = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(sum2*n1-mean*mean)); return mean; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCCalPad::GetMean(AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad) { // // return mean of the mean of all ROCs // Double_t arr[kNsec]; Int_t n=0; for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { AliTPCCalROC *calRoc = fROC[isec]; if ( calRoc ){ AliTPCCalROC* outlierROC = 0; if (outlierPad) outlierROC = outlierPad->GetCalROC(isec); arr[n] = calRoc->GetMean(outlierROC); n++; } } return TMath::Mean(n,arr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCCalPad::GetRMS(AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad) { // // return mean of the RMS of all ROCs // Double_t arr[kNsec]; Int_t n=0; for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { AliTPCCalROC *calRoc = fROC[isec]; if ( calRoc ){ AliTPCCalROC* outlierROC = 0; if (outlierPad) outlierROC = outlierPad->GetCalROC(isec); arr[n] = calRoc->GetRMS(outlierROC); n++; } } return TMath::Mean(n,arr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCCalPad::GetMedian(AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad) { // // return mean of the median of all ROCs // Double_t arr[kNsec]; Int_t n=0; for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { AliTPCCalROC *calRoc = fROC[isec]; if ( calRoc ){ AliTPCCalROC* outlierROC = 0; if (outlierPad) outlierROC = outlierPad->GetCalROC(isec); arr[n] = calRoc->GetMedian(outlierROC); n++; } } return TMath::Mean(n,arr); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCCalPad::GetLTM(Double_t *sigma, Double_t fraction, AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad) { // // return mean of the LTM and sigma of all ROCs // Double_t arrm[kNsec]; Double_t arrs[kNsec]; Double_t *sTemp=0x0; Int_t n=0; for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { AliTPCCalROC *calRoc = fROC[isec]; if ( calRoc ){ if ( sigma ) sTemp=arrs+n; AliTPCCalROC* outlierROC = 0; if (outlierPad) outlierROC = outlierPad->GetCalROC(isec); arrm[n] = calRoc->GetLTM(sTemp,fraction, outlierROC); n++; } } if ( sigma ) *sigma = TMath::Mean(n,arrs); return TMath::Mean(n,arrm); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TH1F * AliTPCCalPad::MakeHisto1D(Float_t min, Float_t max,Int_t type){ // // make 1D histo // type -1 = user defined range // 0 = nsigma cut nsigma=min // if (type>=0){ if (type==0){ // nsigma range Float_t mean = GetMean(); Float_t sigma = GetRMS(); Float_t nsigma = TMath::Abs(min); min = mean-nsigma*sigma; max = mean+nsigma*sigma; } if (type==1){ // fixed range Float_t mean = GetMedian(); Float_t delta = min; min = mean-delta; max = mean+delta; } if (type==2){ // // LTM mean +- nsigma // Double_t sigma; Float_t mean = GetLTM(&sigma,max); sigma*=min; min = mean-sigma; max = mean+sigma; } } char name[1000]; sprintf(name,"%s Pad 1D",GetTitle()); TH1F * his = new TH1F(name,name,100, min,max); for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < kNsec; isec++) { if (fROC[isec]){ for (UInt_t irow=0; irowGetNrows(); irow++){ UInt_t npads = (Int_t)fROC[isec]->GetNPads(irow); for (UInt_t ipad=0; ipadFill(fROC[isec]->GetValue(irow,ipad)); } } } } return his; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TH2F *AliTPCCalPad::MakeHisto2D(Int_t side){ // // Make 2D graph // side - specify the side A = 0 C = 1 // type - used types of determination of boundaries in z // Float_t kEpsilon = 0.000000000001; TH2F * his = new TH2F(GetName(), GetName(), 250,-250,250,250,-250,250); AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance(); for (Int_t isec=0; isec<72; isec++){ if (side==0 && isec%36>=18) continue; if (side>0 && isec%36<18) continue; if (fROC[isec]){ AliTPCCalROC * calRoc = fROC[isec]; for (UInt_t irow=0; irowGetNrows(); irow++) for (UInt_t ipad=0; ipadGetNPads(irow); ipad++) if (TMath::Abs(calRoc->GetValue(irow,ipad))>kEpsilon){ Float_t xyz[3]; roc->GetPositionGlobal(isec,irow,ipad,xyz); Int_t binx = 1+TMath::Nint((xyz[0]+250.)*0.5); Int_t biny = 1+TMath::Nint((xyz[1]+250.)*0.5); Float_t value = calRoc->GetValue(irow,ipad); his->SetBinContent(binx,biny,value); } } } his->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); his->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); return his; } AliTPCCalPad* AliTPCCalPad::LocalFit(const char* padName, Int_t rowRadius, Int_t padRadius, AliTPCCalPad* PadOutliers, Bool_t robust, Double_t chi2Threshold, Double_t robustFraction){ // // Loops over all AliTPCCalROCs and performs a localFit in each ROC // AliTPCCalPad with fit-data is returned // rowRadius and padRadius specifies a window around a given pad in one sector. // The data of this window are fitted with a parabolic function. // This function is evaluated at the pad's position. // At the edges the window is shifted, so that the specified pad is not anymore in the center of the window. // rowRadius - radius - rows to be used for smoothing // padradius - radius - pads to be used for smoothing // ROCoutlier - map of outliers - pads not to be used for local smoothing // robust - robust method of fitting - (much slower) // chi2Threshold: Threshold for chi2 when EvalRobust is called // robustFraction: Fraction of data that will be used in EvalRobust // // AliTPCCalPad* pad = new AliTPCCalPad(padName, padName); for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < 72; isec++){ if (PadOutliers) SetCalROC(GetCalROC(isec)->LocalFit(rowRadius, padRadius, PadOutliers->GetCalROC(isec), robust, chi2Threshold, robustFraction)); else SetCalROC(GetCalROC(isec)->LocalFit(rowRadius, padRadius, 0, robust, chi2Threshold, robustFraction)); } return pad; } AliTPCCalPad* AliTPCCalPad::GlobalFit(const char* padName, AliTPCCalPad* PadOutliers, Bool_t robust, Int_t fitType, Double_t chi2Threshold, Double_t robustFraction){ // // Loops over all AliTPCCalROCs and performs a globalFit in each ROC // AliTPCCalPad with fit-data is returned // chi2Threshold: Threshold for chi2 when EvalRobust is called // robustFraction: Fraction of data that will be used in EvalRobust // chi2Threshold: Threshold for chi2 when EvalRobust is called // robustFraction: Fraction of data that will be used in EvalRobust // AliTPCCalPad* pad = new AliTPCCalPad(padName, padName); TVectorD fitParam(0); TMatrixD covMatrix(0,0); Float_t chi2 = 0; for (Int_t isec = 0; isec < 72; isec++){ if (PadOutliers) GetCalROC(isec)->GlobalFit(PadOutliers->GetCalROC(isec), robust, fitParam, covMatrix, chi2, fitType, chi2Threshold, robustFraction); else GetCalROC(isec)->GlobalFit(0, robust, fitParam, covMatrix, chi2, fitType, chi2Threshold, robustFraction); pad->SetCalROC(AliTPCCalROC::CreateGlobalFitCalROC(fitParam, isec)); } return pad; } void AliTPCCalPad::GlobalSidesFit(const AliTPCCalPad* PadOutliers, TVectorD &fitParamSideA, TVectorD &fitParamSideC,TMatrixD &covMatrixSideA, TMatrixD &covMatrixSideC, Float_t & chi2SideA, Float_t & chi2SideC, Int_t fitType, Bool_t robust, Double_t chi2Threshold, Double_t robustFraction){ // // Makes a GlobalFit over each side and return fit-parameters, covariance and chi2 for each side // fitType == 0: fit plane function // fitType == 1: fit parabolic function // PadOutliers - pads with value !=0 are not used in fitting procedure // chi2Threshold: Threshold for chi2 when EvalRobust is called // robustFraction: Fraction of data that will be used in EvalRobust // TLinearFitter* fitterGA = 0; TLinearFitter* fitterGC = 0; if (fitType == 1) { fitterGA = new TLinearFitter (6,"x0++x1++x2++x3++x4++x5"); fitterGC = new TLinearFitter (6,"x0++x1++x2++x3++x4++x5"); } else { fitterGA = new TLinearFitter(3,"x0++x1++x2"); fitterGC = new TLinearFitter(3,"x0++x1++x2"); } fitterGA->StoreData(kTRUE); fitterGC->StoreData(kTRUE); fitterGA->ClearPoints(); fitterGC->ClearPoints(); Double_t xx[6]; Int_t npointsA=0; Int_t npointsC=0; Float_t localXY[3] = {0}; // pad's position, needed to get the pad's position Float_t lx, ly; // pads position AliTPCROC* tpcROCinstance = AliTPCROC::Instance(); // to calculate the pad's position // loop over all sectors and pads and read data into fitterGA and fitterGC if (fitType == 1) { // parabolic fit fitParamSideA.ResizeTo(6); fitParamSideC.ResizeTo(6); covMatrixSideA.ResizeTo(6,6); covMatrixSideC.ResizeTo(6,6); for (UInt_t isec = 0; isec<72; isec++){ for (UInt_t irow = 0; irow < GetCalROC(isec)->GetNrows(); irow++) { for (UInt_t ipad = 0; ipad < GetCalROC(isec)->GetNPads(irow); ipad++) { // fill fitterG tpcROCinstance->GetPositionLocal(isec, irow, ipad, localXY); // calculate position localXY by sector, pad and row number lx = localXY[0]; ly = localXY[1]; xx[0] = 1; xx[1] = lx; xx[2] = ly; xx[3] = lx*lx; xx[4] = ly*ly; xx[5] = lx*ly; if (!PadOutliers || PadOutliers->GetCalROC(isec)->GetValue(irow, ipad) != 1) { // if given pad is no outlier, add it to TLinearFitter, decide to which of both // sector 0 - 17: IROC, A // sector 18 - 35: IROC, C // sector 36 - 53: OROC, A // sector 54 - 71: CROC, C if (isec <= 17 || (isec >= 36 && isec <= 53)) { // Side A npointsA++; fitterGA->AddPoint(xx, GetCalROC(isec)->GetValue(irow, ipad), 1); } else { // side C npointsC++; fitterGC->AddPoint(xx, GetCalROC(isec)->GetValue(irow, ipad), 1); } } } } } } else { // linear fit fitParamSideA.ResizeTo(3); fitParamSideC.ResizeTo(3); covMatrixSideA.ResizeTo(3,3); covMatrixSideC.ResizeTo(3,3); for (UInt_t isec = 0; isec<72; isec++){ for (UInt_t irow = 0; irow < GetCalROC(isec)->GetNrows(); irow++) { for (UInt_t ipad = 0; ipad < GetCalROC(isec)->GetNPads(irow); ipad++) { // fill fitterG tpcROCinstance->GetPositionLocal(isec, irow, ipad, localXY); // calculate position localXY by sector, pad and row number lx = localXY[0]; ly = localXY[1]; xx[0] = 1; xx[1] = lx; xx[2] = ly; if (!PadOutliers || PadOutliers->GetCalROC(isec)->GetValue(irow, ipad) != 1) { // if given pad is no outlier, add it to TLinearFitter, decide to which of both // sector 0 - 17: IROC, A // sector 18 - 35: IROC, C // sector 36 - 53: OROC, A // sector 54 - 71: CROC, C if (isec <= 17 || (isec >= 36 && isec <= 53)) { // Side A npointsA++; fitterGA->AddPoint(xx, GetCalROC(isec)->GetValue(irow, ipad), 1); } else { // side C npointsC++; fitterGC->AddPoint(xx, GetCalROC(isec)->GetValue(irow, ipad), 1); } } } } } } fitterGA->Eval(); fitterGC->Eval(); fitterGA->GetParameters(fitParamSideA); fitterGC->GetParameters(fitParamSideC); fitterGA->GetCovarianceMatrix(covMatrixSideA); fitterGC->GetCovarianceMatrix(covMatrixSideC); if (fitType == 1){ chi2SideA = fitterGA->GetChisquare()/(npointsA-6.); chi2SideC = fitterGC->GetChisquare()/(npointsC-6.); } else { chi2SideA = fitterGA->GetChisquare()/(npointsA-3.); chi2SideC = fitterGC->GetChisquare()/(npointsC-3.); } if (robust && chi2SideA > chi2Threshold) { // std::cout << "robust fitter called... " << std::endl; fitterGA->EvalRobust(robustFraction); fitterGA->GetParameters(fitParamSideA); } if (robust && chi2SideC > chi2Threshold) { // std::cout << "robust fitter called... " << std::endl; fitterGC->EvalRobust(robustFraction); fitterGC->GetParameters(fitParamSideC); } delete fitterGA; delete fitterGC; } void AliTPCCalPad::MakeTree(const char * fileName, TObjArray * array, const char * mapFileName, AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad, Float_t ltmFraction) { // // Write a tree with all available information // im mapFileName is speciefied, the Map information are also written to the tree // pads specified in outlierPad are not used for calculating statistics // - this function will be moved to AliTPCCalibViewer - // - DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION ANY MORE - // AliTPCROC* tpcROCinstance = AliTPCROC::Instance(); TObjArray* mapIROCs = 0; TObjArray* mapOROCs = 0; TVectorF *mapIROCArray = 0; TVectorF *mapOROCArray = 0; Int_t mapEntries = 0; TString* mapNames = 0; if (mapFileName) { TFile mapFile(mapFileName, "read"); TList* listOfROCs = mapFile.GetListOfKeys(); mapEntries = listOfROCs->GetEntries()/2; mapIROCs = new TObjArray(mapEntries*2); mapOROCs = new TObjArray(mapEntries*2); mapIROCArray = new TVectorF[mapEntries]; mapOROCArray = new TVectorF[mapEntries]; mapNames = new TString[mapEntries]; for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < mapEntries; ivalue++) { TString ROCname(((TKey*)(listOfROCs->At(ivalue*2)))->GetName()); ROCname.Remove(ROCname.Length()-4, 4); mapIROCs->AddAt((AliTPCCalROC*)mapFile.Get((ROCname + "IROC").Data()), ivalue); mapOROCs->AddAt((AliTPCCalROC*)mapFile.Get((ROCname + "OROC").Data()), ivalue); mapNames[ivalue].Append(ROCname); } for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < mapEntries; ivalue++) { mapIROCArray[ivalue].ResizeTo(tpcROCinstance->GetNChannels(0)); mapOROCArray[ivalue].ResizeTo(tpcROCinstance->GetNChannels(36)); for (UInt_t ichannel = 0; ichannel < tpcROCinstance->GetNChannels(0); ichannel++) (mapIROCArray[ivalue])[ichannel] = ((AliTPCCalROC*)(mapIROCs->At(ivalue)))->GetValue(ichannel); for (UInt_t ichannel = 0; ichannel < tpcROCinstance->GetNChannels(36); ichannel++) (mapOROCArray[ivalue])[ichannel] = ((AliTPCCalROC*)(mapOROCs->At(ivalue)))->GetValue(ichannel); } } // if (mapFileName) TTreeSRedirector cstream(fileName); Int_t arrayEntries = array->GetEntries(); TString* names = new TString[arrayEntries]; for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < arrayEntries; ivalue++) names[ivalue].Append(((AliTPCCalPad*)array->At(ivalue))->GetName()); for (UInt_t isector = 0; isector < tpcROCinstance->GetNSectors(); isector++) { // // get statistic for given sector // TVectorF median(arrayEntries); TVectorF mean(arrayEntries); TVectorF rms(arrayEntries); TVectorF ltm(arrayEntries); TVectorF ltmrms(arrayEntries); TVectorF medianWithOut(arrayEntries); TVectorF meanWithOut(arrayEntries); TVectorF rmsWithOut(arrayEntries); TVectorF ltmWithOut(arrayEntries); TVectorF ltmrmsWithOut(arrayEntries); TVectorF *vectorArray = new TVectorF[arrayEntries]; for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < arrayEntries; ivalue++) vectorArray[ivalue].ResizeTo(tpcROCinstance->GetNChannels(isector)); for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < arrayEntries; ivalue++) { AliTPCCalPad* calPad = (AliTPCCalPad*) array->At(ivalue); AliTPCCalROC* calROC = calPad->GetCalROC(isector); AliTPCCalROC* outlierROC = 0; if (outlierPad) outlierROC = outlierPad->GetCalROC(isector); if (calROC) { median[ivalue] = calROC->GetMedian(); mean[ivalue] = calROC->GetMean(); rms[ivalue] = calROC->GetRMS(); Double_t ltmrmsValue = 0; ltm[ivalue] = calROC->GetLTM(<mrmsValue, ltmFraction); ltmrms[ivalue] = ltmrmsValue; if (outlierROC) { medianWithOut[ivalue] = calROC->GetMedian(outlierROC); meanWithOut[ivalue] = calROC->GetMean(outlierROC); rmsWithOut[ivalue] = calROC->GetRMS(outlierROC); ltmrmsValue = 0; ltmWithOut[ivalue] = calROC->GetLTM(<mrmsValue, ltmFraction, outlierROC); ltmrmsWithOut[ivalue] = ltmrmsValue; } } else { median[ivalue] = 0.; mean[ivalue] = 0.; rms[ivalue] = 0.; ltm[ivalue] = 0.; ltmrms[ivalue] = 0.; medianWithOut[ivalue] = 0.; meanWithOut[ivalue] = 0.; rmsWithOut[ivalue] = 0.; ltmWithOut[ivalue] = 0.; ltmrmsWithOut[ivalue] = 0.; } } // // fill vectors of variable per pad // TVectorF *posArray = new TVectorF[8]; for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < 8; ivalue++) posArray[ivalue].ResizeTo(tpcROCinstance->GetNChannels(isector)); Float_t posG[3] = {0}; Float_t posL[3] = {0}; Int_t ichannel = 0; for (UInt_t irow = 0; irow < tpcROCinstance->GetNRows(isector); irow++) { for (UInt_t ipad = 0; ipad < tpcROCinstance->GetNPads(isector, irow); ipad++) { tpcROCinstance->GetPositionLocal(isector, irow, ipad, posL); tpcROCinstance->GetPositionGlobal(isector, irow, ipad, posG); posArray[0][ichannel] = irow; posArray[1][ichannel] = ipad; posArray[2][ichannel] = posL[0]; posArray[3][ichannel] = posL[1]; posArray[4][ichannel] = posG[0]; posArray[5][ichannel] = posG[1]; posArray[6][ichannel] = (Int_t)(ipad - (Double_t)(tpcROCinstance->GetNPads(isector, irow))/2); posArray[7][ichannel] = ichannel; // loop over array containing AliTPCCalPads for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < arrayEntries; ivalue++) { AliTPCCalPad* calPad = (AliTPCCalPad*) array->At(ivalue); AliTPCCalROC* calROC = calPad->GetCalROC(isector); if (calROC) (vectorArray[ivalue])[ichannel] = calROC->GetValue(irow, ipad); else (vectorArray[ivalue])[ichannel] = 0; } ichannel++; } } cstream << "calPads" << "sector=" << isector; for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < arrayEntries; ivalue++) { cstream << "calPads" << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_Median=").Data()) << median[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_Mean=").Data()) << mean[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_RMS=").Data()) << rms[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_LTM=").Data()) << ltm[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_RMS_LTM=").Data()) << ltmrms[ivalue]; if (outlierPad) { cstream << "calPads" << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_Median_OutlierCutted=").Data()) << medianWithOut[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_Mean_OutlierCutted=").Data()) << meanWithOut[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_RMS_OutlierCutted=").Data()) << rmsWithOut[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_LTM_OutlierCutted=").Data()) << ltmWithOut[ivalue] << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + "_RMS_LTM_OutlierCutted=").Data()) << ltmrmsWithOut[ivalue]; } } for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < arrayEntries; ivalue++) { cstream << "calPads" << (Char_t*)((names[ivalue] + ".=").Data()) << &vectorArray[ivalue]; } if (mapFileName) { for (Int_t ivalue = 0; ivalue < mapEntries; ivalue++) { if (isector < 36) cstream << "calPads" << (Char_t*)((mapNames[ivalue] + ".=").Data()) << &mapIROCArray[ivalue]; else cstream << "calPads" << (Char_t*)((mapNames[ivalue] + ".=").Data()) << &mapOROCArray[ivalue]; } } cstream << "calPads" << "row.=" << &posArray[0] << "pad.=" << &posArray[1] << "lx.=" << &posArray[2] << "ly.=" << &posArray[3] << "gx.=" << &posArray[4] << "gy.=" << &posArray[5] << "rpad.=" << &posArray[6] << "channel.=" << &posArray[7]; cstream << "calPads" << "\n"; delete[] posArray; delete[] vectorArray; } delete[] names; if (mapFileName) { delete mapIROCs; delete mapOROCs; delete[] mapIROCArray; delete[] mapOROCArray; delete[] mapNames; } }