/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 2000/04/10 11:37:42 kowal2 Digits handling in a new data structure */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Author: Marian Ivanov // // Implementation of class TTPCDigitsH // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manager class for AliTPCDigitsH // //////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "TMath.h" // other include files follow here #include "TFile.h" //*KEEP,TFile. #include "TROOT.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliDisplay.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TCanvasImp.h" #include "TPaveText.h" //*KEEP,TH1. #include "TH1.h" //*KEEP,TH2 #include "AliH2F.h" //*KEEP,TF2. #include "TF2.h" //*KEEP,TClonesArray,T=C++. #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TTree.h" //GALICE includes #include "GParticle.h" #include "AliTPC.h" #include "AliTPCParam.h" #include "AliTPCD.h" #include "AliTPCDigitsH.h" R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem; R__EXTERN AliRun * gAlice; ClassImp(AliTPCDigitsH) AliTPCDigitsH::AliTPCDigitsH() { //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html fsec = 1; frow = 1; fpad = 1; fTimeN = 500; fTimeStart = 0; fTimeStop = 500; fOccuN =25; fbDelHisto = kFALSE; fEventN = 0; //event nuber connected to digit tree fThreshold = 5; fParticles = 0; fDigits= 0; fDParam =0; fbIOState = kFALSE; fbDigState = kFALSE; } AliTPCDigitsH::~AliTPCDigitsH() { } AliTPCDigitsH::AliTPCDigitsH(const AliTPCDigitsH &) { } AliTPCDigitsH & AliTPCDigitsH::operator = (const AliTPCDigitsH &) { return *this; } void AliTPCDigitsH::SetDParam(AliTPCD * dig) { if (dig!=0) { fDParam =dig; fTPCParam = &(fDParam->GetParam()); } else { fTPCParam = 0; fDParam =0; } } AliTPCParam *& AliTPCDigitsH::GetParam() { return fTPCParam; } void AliTPCDigitsH::CloseFiles() { if (fin) { fin->Close(); //try // { delete fin; // // } // //catch(...) // // { // cout<<"FIN Delete error. Contact autor of root \n"; // }; fin = 0; }; if (fout) { fout->Close(); //try //{ // delete fout; //} // catch(...) //{ // cout<<"Out Delete error. Contact autor of root \n"; //}; fout =0; }; fbIOState = kFALSE; fbDigState = kFALSE; } Bool_t AliTPCDigitsH::SetIO(const char * inFile, const char* outFile ) { /// Set input and output file /// control permisions and so on /// if all is OK then set flag fbIOState = kTRUE fbIOState = kFALSE; TString s1=inFile; TString s2=outFile; // important ---- it close previious open file if this file exist if (fin) { if (fin == fout) fout = NULL; fin->Close(); // try //{ delete fin; //} //catch(...) //{ // cout<<"Fin Delete error. Contact autor of root \n"; //}; fin = 0; }; // important ---- it close previous open file if this file exist if (fout) { fout->Close(); //try //{ delete fout; //} //catch(...) //{ // cout<<"Fout Delete error. Contact autor of root \n"; //}; fout = 0; }; //close the files if exist in root enviroment TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject((char*)inFile); if (file) file->Close(); file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject((char*)outFile); if (file) file->Close(); //if input file is the output file if (s1 == s2 ) { if (gSystem->AccessPathName((char*)inFile, kWritePermission ) == kFALSE) fin = new TFile((char*)inFile,"UPDATE","trees with digits"); if (!(fin)) { cout<<"Input file couldn't be open for writing \n"; cout<<"Loook if the file exiest or if you have permision to write \n"; return kFALSE; } else { fout = fin; fbIOState = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } } //open input file if (gSystem->AccessPathName((char*)inFile, kReadPermission ) == kFALSE) fin = new TFile((char*)inFile,"UPDATE","trees with digits"); else { cout<<"Input file couldn't be open\n"; cout<<"Maybe the file is not open \n"; return kFALSE ; } if (!(fin)) { cout<<"Input file couldn't be open\n"; cout<<"Probably not root file \n"; return kFALSE ; } //open output file if (gSystem->AccessPathName((char*)outFile, kWritePermission) == kFALSE) fout = new TFile((char *)outFile,"UPDATE"); else fout = new TFile((char *)outFile,"NEW"); if (!(fout)) { cout<<"Output file couldn't be open\n"; return kFALSE ; } //if input and output file is OK set state variable to true fbIOState = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliTPCDigitsH::SetEventN(Int_t EventN=0) { if (!(fin)) { cout<<"Warning: Input file not open !!! \n"; return kFALSE; } fin->cd(); if (EventN>-1) fEventN = EventN; fParticles = 0; if (gAlice) { delete gAlice; gAlice =0; } gAlice = (AliRun*) fin->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice == 0 ) cout<<" Warning : AliRun objects not found in input file \n."; else { gAlice->GetEvent(fEventN); fParticles = gAlice->Particles(); } if (fParticles == 0) return kFALSE; else return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliTPCDigitsH::SetTree(Int_t eventn ) { fbDigState = kFALSE; ftree = 0; if ( fbIOState == kFALSE) { cout<<"IO files not adjusted \n FIX IT!!!"; return kFALSE; } fin->cd(); if (fDParam->SetTree(eventn)==0){ fbDigState = kFALSE; cout<<"Input tree doesn't exist !!! \n"; return kFALSE; } fDigits = fDParam->GetArray(); ftree = fDParam->GetTree(); fbDigState=kTRUE; return kTRUE; } void AliTPCDigitsH::SetSecRowTime(Int_t sec , Int_t row , Int_t TimeN, Float_t TimeStart, Float_t TimeStop ) { fsec = sec; frow = row; fTimeN =TimeN; fTimeStart = TimeStart; fTimeStop = TimeStop; } void AliTPCDigitsH::SetParticles(Int_t sec = -1, Int_t row = -1 , Int_t size1 = 30000,Int_t size2=300, Bool_t all=kTRUE ) { if (sec>0) fsec = sec; if (row>-1) frow =row; char s[80]; char sh[80]; // create particles histograms sprintf(s,"Sector %d Row %d\n",fsec,frow); sprintf(sh,"Particles%d_%d",fsec,frow); fHParticles = new TH1F(sh,s,size1,4,size1); sprintf(s,"Sector %d Row %d\n",fsec,frow); sprintf(sh,"All particles%d_%d",fsec,frow); fHAllP = new TH1F(sh,s,200,1,25); sprintf(s,"Sector %d Row %d\n",fsec,frow); sprintf(sh,"Secondary Particles%d_%d",fsec,frow); fHSecondaryP = new TH1F(sh,s,200,1,25); if (!(fin)) { cout<<"Input file not open, open file before \n"; } else { fin->cd(); Int_t sectors_by_rows=(Int_t)ftree->GetEntries(); GParticle * particle; // loop over all sectors and rows for (Int_t n=0; nGetEvent(n)) continue; AliTPCdigit *dig=(AliTPCdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(0); if (fsec < dig->fSector) break; if (fsec != dig->fSector) continue; if (frow != dig->fPadRow) continue; Int_t ndigits=fDigits->GetEntriesFast(); //loop over all digits in sector pad for (Int_t ndig=0; ndigUncheckedAt(ndig); fHParticles->Fill(dig->fTracks[0]); // get pointer to particle information and fill All and secondary histo particle = (GParticle*) fParticles->UncheckedAt(dig->fTracks[0]); fHAllP->Fill(particle->GetKF()); // Int_t id = particle->GetKF(); x = (Float_t)particle->GetVx(); y = (Float_t)particle->GetVy(); if ( (x*x+y*y ) > 1 ) fHSecondaryP->Fill(particle->GetKF()); if (all==kTRUE) { fHParticles->Fill(dig->fTracks[1]); particle = (GParticle*) fParticles->UncheckedAt(dig->fTracks[1]); fHAllP->Fill(particle->GetKF()); x = (Float_t)particle->GetVx(); y = (Float_t)particle->GetVy(); if ( (x*x+y*y ) > 1 ) fHSecondaryP->Fill(particle->GetKF()); fHParticles->Fill(dig->fTracks[2]); particle = (GParticle*) fParticles->UncheckedAt(dig->fTracks[2]); fHAllP->Fill(particle->GetKF()); x = (Float_t)particle->GetVx(); y = (Float_t)particle->GetVy(); if ( (x*x+y*y ) > 1 ) fHSecondaryP->Fill(particle->GetKF()); } } } //make histogram with multiplicity char s[80]; char sh[80]; if (all==kTRUE) sprintf(s,"Number of AliDigits over threshold per one track in sector %d Row %d\n (all three most important track recorded)",fsec,frow); else sprintf(s,"Number of AliDigits over threshold per sector %d Row %d\n (only most important track)",fsec,frow); sprintf(sh,"His_%d_%d",fsec,frow); fHPartMultiplicity = new TH1F(sh,s,size2,1,size2); for (Int_t i=1;iGetBinContent(i)); if (mul>0) fHPartMultiplicity->Fill(mul); } if (fout) { fout->cd(); fHParticles->Write(); fHPartMultiplicity->Write(); //fHSecondaryP->Write(); //fHAllP->Write(); } } } void AliTPCDigitsH::Anal() { if (fbIOState == kFALSE) { cout<<"Input output problem. \n Do you initialize IO files ? \n"; return; } if (fbDigState == kFALSE) { cout<<"Input file doesn't enhalt selected tree \n"; return; } fout->cd(); //if we dont want let histogram in memory then we delete old histogram if ( (fH2Digit) && (fbDelHisto == kTRUE) ) { // try //{ // delete fH2Digit; //} // catch(...) //{ // cout<<"Delete error. Contact autor of root \n"; //}; fH2Digit = 0; } char s[80]; char sh[80]; sprintf(s,"Sector %d Row %d\n",fsec,frow); sprintf(sh,"h%d_%d",fsec,frow); if ( (fout) && (fbDelHisto == kFALSE) ) { fH2Digit = (AliH2F *) fout->Get(sh); if (fH2Digit) return; } Int_t n_of_pads =fTPCParam->GetNPads(fsec,frow); fH2Digit = new AliH2F(sh, s, fTimeN, fTimeStart, fTimeStop, n_of_pads, 0, n_of_pads-1); if (!(fout)) { cout<<"Input file not open, open file before \n"; } else { //fin->cd(); Int_t sectors_by_rows=(Int_t)ftree->GetEntries(); //loop over all sectors and rows for (Int_t n=0; nGetEvent(n)) continue; AliTPCdigit *dig=(AliTPCdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(0); if (fsec < dig->fSector) break; if (fsec != dig->fSector) continue; if (frow != dig->fPadRow) continue; Int_t ndigits=fDigits->GetEntriesFast(); //loop over all digits in sector pad for (Int_t ndig=0; ndigUncheckedAt(ndig); fH2Digit->Fill(dig->fTime,dig->fPad,dig->fSignal); } } if (fout) fout->cd(); fH2Digit->Write(); } } void AliTPCDigitsH::Draw(Option_t * opt1 ="cont1" , Option_t * opt2 = "error", Option_t * opt3 = "L" ) { TString o1 = opt1; o1.ToLower(); TString o2 = opt2; o2.ToLower(); TString o3 = opt3; o3.ToLower(); fcanvas = new TCanvas("dh","Digits Histograms",700,900); if (fTitle) { // try //{ //delete fTitle; //} // catch(...) //{ // cout<<"Delete error. Contact autor of root \n"; //}; fTitle = 0; } fTitle = new TPaveText(0.2,0.96,0.8,0.995); fTitle->AddText("Occupancy calculation for TPC"); fTitle->Draw(); fpad1 = new TPad("pad1","",0.05,0.7,0.95,0.95,21); fpad1->Draw(); fpad2 = new TPad("pad2","",0.05,0.4,0.95,0.65,21); fpad2->Draw(); fpad3 = new TPad("pad3","",0.05,0.05,0.95,0.35,21); fpad3->Draw(); fpad1->cd(); // pad1->TPaveText::title.SetSize(0.1); if (fH2Digit) { fH2DigitBW->Draw(o1); fH2DigitBW->SetXTitle("time bin"); fH2DigitBW->SetYTitle("pad number"); } fpad2->cd(); fH1Occu->Fit("pol0"); if (fH1Occu) { fH1Occu->Draw(o2); fH1Occu->SetXTitle("time bin"); fH1Occu->SetYTitle("occupancy"); } fpad3->cd(); if (fH1Digit) { fH1Digit->Draw(o3); fH1Digit->SetXTitle("time bin"); fH1Digit->SetYTitle("ADC amplitude "); } }; void AliTPCDigitsH::DeleteHisto(const Text_t *namecycle) { if (fout) fout->Delete(namecycle); } void AliTPCDigitsH::SetHisto(Int_t pad = 1 ) { Int_t n_of_pads = fTPCParam->GetNPads(fsec,frow); if (pad > (n_of_pads-1)) { cout<<"Pad number is greater then actula number of pads in thi row \n"; cout<<"Noch einmal \n"; return; } fpad = pad; Anal(); // if ( (fH1Digit) && (fbDelHisto == kTRUE)) // { // try // { // // delete fH1Digit; // } // catch(...) // { // cout<<"Delete error. Contact autor of root \n"; // }; // fH1Digit = 0; // } char s[80]; char sh[80]; sprintf(s,"example sector %d Row %d Pad %d",fsec,frow,fpad); sprintf(sh,"h%d_%d_%d",fsec,frow,fpad); fH2DigitBW = new AliH2F("bw", "", fTimeN, fTimeStart, fTimeStop, n_of_pads, 0, n_of_pads-1); fH1Digit = new TH1F(sh,s,fTimeN,fTimeStart,fTimeStop); for (Int_t i = 0;iGetBin(i,pad); Float_t weight = fH2Digit->GetBinContent(index); fH1Digit->Fill(i,weight); }; sprintf(s,"Occupancy in sector %d Row %d threshold = %d",fsec,frow,fThreshold); sprintf(sh,"hoccu%d_%d_%d",fsec,frow,fpad); fH1Occu = new TH1F(sh,s,fOccuN,fTimeStart,fTimeStop); for (Int_t i = 0;iGetBin(itime,ipad); if ( (ipad>3) && ((ipad+3)GetBinContent(index) >fThreshold) over++ ; } if (fH2Digit->GetBinContent(index) >fThreshold) fH2DigitBW->Fill(itime,ipad,1); else fH2DigitBW->Fill(itime,ipad,0); } } Float_t occu = ((Float_t)over) /((Float_t) (all)); // Float_t time = ((fTimeStop-fTimeStart)/fOccuN)*i+fTimeStart; fH1Occu->SetBinContent(i,occu); // Int_t index = fH1Occu->GetBin(i); Float_t error = sqrt( ((Float_t) ((over)/25+1)) )/((Float_t)(all)/25.); fH1Occu->SetBinError(i,error); }; } void AliTPCDigitsH::Streamer(TBuffer & R__b) { if (R__b.IsReading()) { // Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); } else { R__b.WriteVersion(AliTPCDigitsH::IsA()); } }