#ifndef ALI_TPCGG_VOLT_ERROR_H #define ALI_TPCGG_VOLT_ERROR_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // _________________________________________________________________ // // Begin_Html //

AliTPCGGVoltError class

// The class calculates the electric field and the resulting space point distortions // due a Gating Grid (GG) voltage error. It uses the analytical solution for such a problem. //

// The input is the effective GG voltage residual in respect to the ideal setting. The effective // residual voltage can be set via the functions SetDeltaVGGx. Note that this effective // voltage-residuals are approx. a factor 0.9 lower than the actual difference in the setting // of the GG due to the fact that the voltage on the GG is partially screened by the wire // structure. The calculation has to be performed with the observable effective voltage difference. //

// Unfortunately, the class is not capable of calculation the $dz$ offset due to possible changes // of the drift velocity in dependence of the electric field. The special case of the numerical // approximation (AliTPCBoundaryVoltError), which is capable of calculating the same effect, should // be used for this purpose. // End_Html // // Begin_Macro(source) // { // gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",500,300); // AliTPCGGVoltError gg; // gg.SetDeltaVGGA(-40); gg.SetDeltaVGGC(-40); // 40 Volt offset // gg.InitGGVoltErrorDistortion(); // gg.SetOmegaTauT1T2(0,1,1); // B=0 // gg.CreateHistoDRinZR(0)->Draw("surf2"); // return c2; // } // End_Macro // // Begin_Html //

// Date: 27/04/2010
// Authors: Jim Thomas, Stefan Rossegger, Magnus Mager // End_Html // _________________________________________________________________ #include "AliTPCCorrection.h" class AliTPCGGVoltError : public AliTPCCorrection { public: AliTPCGGVoltError(); virtual ~AliTPCGGVoltError(); // initialization and update functions virtual void Init(); virtual void Update(const TTimeStamp &timeStamp); // common setters and getters for ExB virtual void SetOmegaTauT1T2(Float_t omegaTau,Float_t t1,Float_t t2) { fT1=t1; fT2=t2; const Double_t wt0=t2*omegaTau; fC0=1./(1.+wt0*wt0); const Double_t wt1=t1*omegaTau; fC1=wt1/(1.+wt1*wt1); }; void SetC0C1(Double_t c0,Double_t c1) {fC0=c0;fC1=c1;} // CAUTION: USE WITH CARE Float_t GetC0() const {return fC0;} Float_t GetC1() const {return fC1;} // setters and getters for GG void SetDeltaVGGA(Double_t deltaVGGA) {fDeltaVGGA=deltaVGGA;} void SetDeltaVGGC(Double_t deltaVGGC) {fDeltaVGGC=deltaVGGC;} Double_t GetDeltaVGGA() const {return fDeltaVGGA;} Double_t GetDeltaVGGC() const {return fDeltaVGGC;} void InitGGVoltErrorDistortion(); Float_t GetIntErOverEz(const Float_t x[],const Short_t roc); virtual void Print(const Option_t* option="") const; protected: virtual void GetCorrection(const Float_t x[],const Short_t roc, Float_t dx[]); private: Float_t fC0; // coefficient C0 (compare Jim Thomas's notes for definitions) Float_t fC1; // coefficient C1 (compare Jim Thomas's notes for definitions) Double_t fDeltaVGGA; // Missmatch of gating grid voltage on A-side [V] Double_t fDeltaVGGC; // Missmatch of gating grid voltage on C-side [V] Double_t fGGVoltErrorER[kNZ][kNR]; // Array to store electric field for GGVoltError calculation Bool_t fInitLookUp; // flag to check it the Look Up table was created ClassDef(AliTPCGGVoltError,1); }; #endif