/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* //0. Libraries to lod gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libSTAT"); gSystem->Load("libTPCcalib"); //1. Do calibration ... // // compare reference // //2. Visulaize results // TFile fcalib("CalibObjects.root"); TObjArray * array = (TObjArray*)fcalib.Get("TPCCalib"); AliTPCcalibTimeGain * gain = ( AliTPCcalibTimeGain *)array->FindObject("calibTimeGain"); TGraph * gr = AliTPCcalibBase::FitSlices(gain->GetHistGainTime(),0,1,2000,10); gr->Draw("ALPsame") // // MakeSlineFit example // AliSplineFit fit; fit.SetGraph(gr) fit->SetMinPoints(gr->GetN()+1); fit->InitKnots(gr,2,0,0.001) fit.SplineFit(0) fit.MakeDiffHisto(gr)->Draw(); TGraph * grfit = fit.MakeGraph(gr->GetX()[0],gr->GetX()[gr->GetN()-1],50000,0); gr->SetMarkerStyle(25); gr->Draw("alp"); grfit->SetLineColor(2); grfit->Draw("lu"); */ #include "Riostream.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TH3F.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "AliTPCclusterMI.h" #include "AliTPCseed.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDfriend.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliTracker.h" #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTPCcalibTimeGain.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "AliTPCTracklet.h" #include "TTimeStamp.h" #include "AliTPCcalibDB.h" #include "AliTPCcalibLaser.h" #include "AliDCSSensorArray.h" #include "AliDCSSensor.h" ClassImp(AliTPCcalibTimeGain) AliTPCcalibTimeGain::AliTPCcalibTimeGain() :AliTPCcalibBase(), fHistGainTime(0), fGainVsTime(0), fHistDeDxTotal(0), fIntegrationTimeDeDx(0), fMIP(0), fLowerTrunc(0), fUpperTrunc(0), fUseShapeNorm(0), fUsePosNorm(0), fUsePadNorm(0), fIsCosmic(0) { AliInfo("Default Constructor"); } AliTPCcalibTimeGain::AliTPCcalibTimeGain(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title, UInt_t StartTime, UInt_t EndTime, Int_t deltaIntegrationTimeGain) :AliTPCcalibBase(), fHistGainTime(0), fGainVsTime(0), fHistDeDxTotal(0), fIntegrationTimeDeDx(0), fMIP(0), fLowerTrunc(0), fUpperTrunc(0), fUseShapeNorm(0), fUsePosNorm(0), fUsePadNorm(0), fIsCosmic(0) { SetName(name); SetTitle(title); AliInfo("Non Default Constructor"); fIntegrationTimeDeDx = deltaIntegrationTimeGain; Double_t deltaTime = EndTime - StartTime; // main histogram for time dependence: dE/dx, time, type (0-all,1-muon cosmic,2-pion beam data), meanDriftlength, momenta (only filled if enough space is available) Int_t binsGainTime[5] = {100, TMath::Nint(deltaTime/deltaIntegrationTimeGain), 3, 25, 200}; Double_t xminGainTime[5] = {0.5, StartTime, -0.5, 0, 0.1}; Double_t xmaxGainTime[5] = { 4, EndTime, 2.5, 250, 50}; fHistGainTime = new THnSparseF("HistGainTime","dEdx l;time;dEdx",5,binsGainTime,xminGainTime,xmaxGainTime); BinLogX(fHistGainTime, 4); // fHistDeDxTotal = new TH2F("DeDx","dEdx; momentum p (GeV); TPC signal (a.u.)",250,0.01,100.,1000,0.,1000); BinLogX(fHistDeDxTotal); // default values for dE/dx fMIP = 50.; fLowerTrunc = 0.0; fUpperTrunc = 0.7; fUseShapeNorm = kTRUE; fUsePosNorm = kFALSE; fUsePadNorm = kFALSE; // fIsCosmic = kTRUE; // } AliTPCcalibTimeGain::~AliTPCcalibTimeGain(){ // // // } void AliTPCcalibTimeGain::Process(AliESDEvent *event) { // // main track loop // if (!event) { Printf("ERROR: ESD not available"); return; } Int_t ntracks=event->GetNumberOfTracks(); AliESDfriend *ESDfriend=static_cast(event->FindListObject("AliESDfriend")); if (!ESDfriend) { Printf("ERROR: ESDfriend not available"); return; } // UInt_t time = event->GetTimeStamp(); if (time < 0.1) time = (UInt_t)(fHistGainTime->GetAxis(1)->GetXmin() + 1); // // track loop // for (Int_t i=0;iGetTrack(i); if (!track) continue; const AliExternalTrackParam * trackIn = track->GetInnerParam(); const AliExternalTrackParam * trackOut = track->GetOuterParam(); if (!trackIn) continue; if (!trackOut) continue; // calculate necessary track parameters //Double_t meanP = 0.5*(trackIn->GetP() + trackOut->GetP()); Double_t meanP = trackIn->GetP(); Double_t meanDrift = 250 - 0.5*TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetZ() + trackOut->GetZ()); //Double_t d = trackIn->GetLinearD(0,0); Int_t NclsDeDx = track->GetTPCNcls(); //if (meanP > 0.7 || meanP < 0.2) continue; if (fIsCosmic && meanP < 20) continue; if (NclsDeDx < 60) continue; // exclude tracks which do not look like primaries or are simply too short or on wrong sectors //if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetSnp()) > 3*0.4) continue; //if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetZ()) > 150) continue; //if (seed->CookShape(1) > 1) continue; //if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetY()) > 20) continue; //if (TMath::Abs(d)>20) continue; // distance to the 0,0; select only tracks which cross chambers under proper angle if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetTgl()) > 1) continue; if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetSnp()) > 0.6) continue; // Get seeds AliESDfriendTrack *friendTrack = ESDfriend->GetTrack(i); if (!friendTrack) continue; TObject *calibObject; AliTPCseed *seed = 0; for (Int_t l=0;(calibObject=friendTrack->GetCalibObject(l));++l) { if ((seed=dynamic_cast(calibObject))) break; } if (seed) { Double_t TPCsignalMax = (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxNorm(fLowerTrunc,fUpperTrunc,1,0,159,fUseShapeNorm,fUsePosNorm,fUsePadNorm,0); //Double_t TPCsignalMax = (1/fMIP)*track->GetTPCsignal(); fHistDeDxTotal->Fill(meanP, TPCsignalMax); // //dE/dx, time, type (0-all,1-muon cosmic,2-pion beam data), momenta Double_t vec[5] = {TPCsignalMax,time,0,meanDrift,meanP}; fHistGainTime->Fill(vec); // avoid this filling if memory consumption is too high // only partial filling if memory consumption has to be kept low; for cosmic and beam data if (fIsCosmic) { Double_t vecCos[5] = {TPCsignalMax,time,1,meanDrift,20}; if (meanP > 20) fHistGainTime->Fill(vecCos); } else { Double_t vecBeam[5] = {TPCsignalMax,time,2,meanDrift,0.5}; if (meanP > 0.4 && meanP < 0.5) fHistGainTime->Fill(vecBeam); } } else { cout << "ERROR: TPC seed not found" << endl; } } } void AliTPCcalibTimeGain::Analyze() { // // // TObjArray arr; if (fIsCosmic) { fHistGainTime->GetAxis(2)->SetRangeUser(0.51,1.49); } else { fHistGainTime->GetAxis(2)->SetRangeUser(1.51,2.49); } fHistGainTime->Projection(0,1)->FitSlicesY(0,0,-1,0,"QNR",&arr); TH1D * fitMean = (TH1D*) arr.At(1); // fGainVsTime = new TGraph(fitMean); // return; } Long64_t AliTPCcalibTimeGain::Merge(TCollection *li) { TIterator* iter = li->MakeIterator(); AliTPCcalibTimeGain* cal = 0; while ((cal = (AliTPCcalibTimeGain*)iter->Next())) { if (!cal->InheritsFrom(AliTPCcalibTimeGain::Class())) { Error("Merge","Attempt to add object of class %s to a %s", cal->ClassName(), this->ClassName()); return -1; } // add histograms here... if (cal->GetHistGainTime()) fHistGainTime->Add(cal->GetHistGainTime()); if (cal->GetHistDeDxTotal()) fHistDeDxTotal->Add(cal->GetHistDeDxTotal()); } return 0; } TGraph * AliTPCcalibTimeGain::FitSlices(THnSparse *h, Int_t axisDim1, Int_t axisDim2, Int_t minEntries){ // // Fitting slices of the projection(axisDim1,axisDim2) of a sparse histogram // TH2D * hist = h->Projection(axisDim1, axisDim2); Double_t xvec[10000]; Double_t yvec[10000]; Int_t counter = 0; for(Int_t i=1; i < hist->GetNbinsX(); i++) { Int_t interval = 0; if (hist->Integral(i,i,0,hist->GetNbinsY()) < minEntries) { if (hist->Integral(i,i+1,0,hist->GetNbinsY()) < minEntries) { if (hist->Integral(i,i+2,0,hist->GetNbinsY()) < minEntries) { continue; } else { interval = 2; } } else { interval = 1; } } counter++; i += interval; // Double_t x = hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); TH1D * projectionHist = hist->ProjectionY("dummy",i,i + interval); TF1 funcGaus("funcGaus","gaus"); projectionHist->Fit(&funcGaus,"QN"); // xvec[counter-1] = x; yvec[counter-1] = funcGaus.GetParameter(1); delete projectionHist; } TGraph * graph = new TGraph(counter, xvec, yvec); return graph; } void AliTPCcalibTimeGain::BinLogX(THnSparse *h, Int_t axisDim) { // Method for the correct logarithmic binning of histograms TAxis *axis = h->GetAxis(axisDim); int bins = axis->GetNbins(); Double_t from = axis->GetXmin(); Double_t to = axis->GetXmax(); Double_t *new_bins = new Double_t[bins + 1]; new_bins[0] = from; Double_t factor = pow(to/from, 1./bins); for (int i = 1; i <= bins; i++) { new_bins[i] = factor * new_bins[i-1]; } axis->Set(bins, new_bins); delete new_bins; } void AliTPCcalibTimeGain::BinLogX(TH1 *h) { // Method for the correct logarithmic binning of histograms TAxis *axis = h->GetXaxis(); int bins = axis->GetNbins(); Double_t from = axis->GetXmin(); Double_t to = axis->GetXmax(); Double_t *new_bins = new Double_t[bins + 1]; new_bins[0] = from; Double_t factor = pow(to/from, 1./bins); for (int i = 1; i <= bins; i++) { new_bins[i] = factor * new_bins[i-1]; } axis->Set(bins, new_bins); delete new_bins; } void AliTPCcalibTimeGain::CalculateBetheAlephParams(TH2F *hist, Double_t * ini) { //{0.0762*MIP,10.632,1.34e-05,1.863,1.948} const Double_t sigma = 0.06; TH2F *histBG = new TH2F("histBG","dEdxBg; #beta #gamma; TPC signal (a.u.)",hist->GetNbinsX(),0.1,5000.,hist->GetNbinsY(),0.5,5.); BinLogX(histBG); TF1 *foElectron = new TF1("foElectron", "(1.7/1.6)*AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(x/0.000511,[0],[1],[2],[3],[4])",0.01,100); TF1 *foMuon = new TF1("foMuon", "AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(x/0.1056,[0],[1],[2],[3],[4])",0.01,100); TF1 *foPion = new TF1("foPion", "AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(x/0.138,[0],[1],[2],[3],[4])",0.01,100); TF1 *foKaon = new TF1("foKaon", "AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(x/0.498,[0],[1],[2],[3],[4])",0.01,100); TF1 *foProton = new TF1("foProton", "AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(x/0.938,[0],[1],[2],[3],[4])",0.01,100); foElectron->SetParameters(ini); foMuon->SetParameters(ini); foPion->SetParameters(ini); foKaon->SetParameters(ini); foProton->SetParameters(ini); TCanvas *CanvCheck1 = new TCanvas(); hist->Draw("colz"); foElectron->Draw("same"); foMuon->Draw("same"); foPion->Draw("same"); foKaon->Draw("same"); foProton->Draw("same"); // Loop over all points of the input histogram for(Int_t i=1; i < hist->GetNbinsX(); i++) { Double_t x = hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); for(Int_t j=1; j < hist->GetNbinsY(); j++) { Long64_t n = hist->GetBin(i, j); Double_t y = hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); Double_t entries = hist->GetBinContent(n); Double_t mass = 0; // 1. identify protons mass = 0.938; if (TMath::Abs(y - foProton->Eval(x))/foProton->Eval(x) < 4*sigma && x < 0.65 ) { for(Int_t iEntries =0; iEntries < entries; iEntries++) histBG->Fill(x/mass, y); } // 2. identify electrons mass = 0.000511; if (fIsCosmic) { if (TMath::Abs(y - foElectron->Eval(x))/foElectron->Eval(x) < 4*sigma && (x>0.25&&x<0.7) && fIsCosmic) { for(Int_t iEntries =0; iEntries < entries; iEntries++) histBG->Fill(x/mass, y); } } else { if (TMath::Abs(y - foElectron->Eval(x))/foElectron->Eval(x) < 3*sigma && ((x>0.25&&x<0.35) || (x>1.5&&x<1.8) || (x>0.65&&x<0.7))) { for(Int_t iEntries =0; iEntries < entries; iEntries++) histBG->Fill(x/mass, y); } } // 3. identify either muons or pions depending on cosmic or not if (fIsCosmic) { mass = 0.1056; if (TMath::Abs(y - foMuon->Eval(x))/foMuon->Eval(x) < 4*sigma && x > 0.25 && x < 100 ) { for(Int_t iEntries =0; iEntries < entries; iEntries++) histBG->Fill(x/mass, y); } } else { mass = 0.1396; if (TMath::Abs(y - foPion->Eval(x))/foPion->Eval(x) < 4*sigma && x > 0.15 && x < 2) { for(Int_t iEntries =0; iEntries < entries; iEntries++) histBG->Fill(x/mass, y); } } // 4. for pp also Kaons must be included if (!fIsCosmic) { mass = 0.4936; if (TMath::Abs(y - foKaon->Eval(x))/foKaon->Eval(x) < 4*sigma && x > 0.2 && x < 0.3 ) { for(Int_t iEntries =0; iEntries < entries; iEntries++) histBG->Fill(x/mass, y); } } } } // Fit Aleph-Parameters to the obtained profile TF1 * funcAlephD = new TF1("AlephParametrizationD", "AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(x,[0],[1],[2],[3],[4])",0.3,10000); funcAlephD->SetParameters(ini); TCanvas *CanvCheck2 = new TCanvas(); histBG->Draw(); //FitSlices TObjArray * arr = new TObjArray(); histBG->FitSlicesY(0,0,-1,0,"QN",arr); TH1D * fitMean = (TH1D*) arr->At(1); fitMean->Draw("same"); funcAlephD->SetParLimits(2,1e-3,1e-7); funcAlephD->SetParLimits(3,0.5,3.5); funcAlephD->SetParLimits(4,0.5,3.5); fitMean->Fit(funcAlephD, "QNR"); funcAlephD->Draw("same"); for(Int_t i=0;i<5;i++) ini[i] = funcAlephD->GetParameter(i); foElectron->SetParameters(ini); foMuon->SetParameters(ini); foPion->SetParameters(ini); foKaon->SetParameters(ini); foProton->SetParameters(ini); TCanvas *CanvCheck3 = new TCanvas(); hist->Draw("colz"); foElectron->Draw("same"); foMuon->Draw("same"); foPion->Draw("same"); foKaon->Draw("same"); foProton->Draw("same"); CanvCheck1->Print(); CanvCheck2->Print(); CanvCheck3->Print(); return; }