/* TPC DA for online calibration Contact: Haavard.Helstrup@cern.ch, peter.christiansen@hep.lu.se Link: Run Type: PHYSICS STANDALONE DAQ DA Type: MON Number of events needed: 500 Input Files: /castor/cern.ch/alice/raw/global/2009/08/22/11/09000080958023.30.root Output Files: tpcQA.root, to be exported to the DAQ FXS fileId: QA Trigger types used: PHYSICS_EVENT */ /* TPCQAda.cxx - algorithm for TPC RAW QA 10/06/2007 sylvain.chapeland@cern.ch : first version - clean skeleton based on DAQ DA case1 06/12/2007 haavard.helstrup@cern.ch : created CE DA based on pulser code 09/06/2008 peter.christiansen@hep.lu.se and haavard.helstrup@cern.ch : created QA DA based on AliTPCdataQA code 10/09/2009 Jens.Wiechula@cern.ch: Export object to AMOREdb after a defined update interval for QA 26/01/2010 Jens.Wiechula@cern.ch: Exclude laser triggers when running in a global partition contact: marian.ivanov@cern.ch, peter.christiansen@hep.lu.se This process reads RAW data from the files provided as command line arguments and save results in a file (named from RESULT_FILE define - see below). */ #define RESULT_FILE "tpcQA.root" #define FILE_ID "QA" #define MAPPING_FILE "tpcMapping.root" #define CONFIG_FILE "TPCQAda.conf" #include #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include #include // //Root includes // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // //AliRoot includes // #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliTPCmapper.h" #include "AliTPCRawStream.h" #include "AliTPCROC.h" #include "AliTPCCalROC.h" #include "AliTPCCalPad.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTPCConfigDA.h" // //AMORE // #include // // TPC calibration algorithm includes // #include "AliTPCdataQA.h" //functios, implementation below void SendToAmoreDB(TObject *o, unsigned long32 runNb); /* Main routine Arguments: list of DATE raw data files */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* log start of process */ printf("TPCQAda: DA started - %s\n",__FILE__); if (argc<2) { printf("TPCQAda: Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTPCRawStream",-5); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliRawReaderDate",-5); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliTPCAltroMapping",-5); AliLog::SetModuleDebugLevel("RAW",-5); /* declare monitoring program */ int status=monitorDeclareMp( __FILE__ ); if (status!=0) { printf("TPCQAda: monitorDeclareMp() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } //Set network timeout monitorSetNowait(); monitorSetNoWaitNetworkTimeout(1000); //variables AliTPCmapper *mapping = 0; // The TPC mapping unsigned long32 runNb=0; //run number // if test setup get parameters from $DAQDA_TEST_DIR if (!mapping){ /* copy locally the mapping file from daq detector config db */ status = daqDA_DB_getFile(MAPPING_FILE,"./tpcMapping.root"); if (status) { printf("TPCQAda: Failed to get mapping file (%s) from DAQdetDB, status=%d\n", MAPPING_FILE, status); // printf("Continue anyway ... maybe it works?\n"); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! return -1; // temporarily uncommented for testing on pcald47 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } /* open the mapping file and retrieve mapping object */ TFile *fileMapping = new TFile(MAPPING_FILE, "read"); mapping = (AliTPCmapper*) fileMapping->Get("tpcMapping"); delete fileMapping; } if (mapping == 0) { printf("TPCQAda: Failed to get mapping object from %s. ...\n", MAPPING_FILE); //return -1; } else { printf("TPCQAda: Got mapping object from %s\n", MAPPING_FILE); } // // DA configuration from configuration file // //retrieve configuration file char localfile[255]; sprintf(localfile,"./%s",CONFIG_FILE); status = daqDA_DB_getFile(CONFIG_FILE,localfile); if (status) { printf("TPCQAda: Failed to get configuration file (%s) from DAQdetDB, status=%d\n", CONFIG_FILE, status); return -1; } AliTPCConfigDA config(CONFIG_FILE); // set default configuration options Double_t updateInterval=30; //seconds TString laserTriggerName("C0LSR-ABCE-NOPF-CENT"); TString forceLaserTriggerId("-1"); //amore update interval Double_t valConf=config.GetValue("AmoreUpdateInterval"); if ( valConf>0 ) updateInterval=valConf; //laser trigger class name if ( config.GetConfigurationMap()->GetValue("LaserTriggerName") ) { laserTriggerName=config.GetConfigurationMap()->GetValue("LaserTriggerName")->GetName(); printf("TPCRAWda: Laser trigger class name set to: %s.\n",laserTriggerName.Data()); } //force laser trigger id if ( config.GetConfigurationMap()->GetValue("ForceLaserTriggerId") ) { forceLaserTriggerId=config.GetConfigurationMap()->GetValue("ForceLaserTriggerId")->GetName(); printf("TPCRAWda: Force laser trigger Id: %s.\n",forceLaserTriggerId.Data()); } //reject laser triggers in a global partition if we have interleaved laser events unsigned char classId=0; int retClassId=daqDA_getClassIdFromName(laserTriggerName.Data(),&classId); //chek if we shall force the laser trigger id. Mainly for test purposes if (forceLaserTriggerId!="-1"){ retClassId=0; classId=static_cast(forceLaserTriggerId.Atoi()); } //create trigger mask if (retClassId==0){ //interleaved laser in physics runs //reject laser triggered events TString triggerClasses; //TODO //TODO: in the next release of daq put 49 back to 50!!! //TODO for (unsigned char iclassId=0; iclassId<49; ++iclassId){ if (iclassId==classId) continue; //exclude laser trigger triggerClasses+=Form("%u|",(unsigned int)iclassId); } triggerClasses.Chop(); char *table[5] = {"PHY","Y","*",const_cast(triggerClasses.Data()),NULL}; monitorDeclareTableExtended(table); printf("TPCRAWda: Using laser trigger class Id: %u\n",(unsigned int)classId); printf("TPCRAWda: Accepted trigger class Ids: %s\n",triggerClasses.Data()); } // // create calibration object // AliTPCdataQA calibQA(config.GetConfigurationMap()); // qa object calibQA.SetAltroMapping(mapping->GetAltroMapping()); // Use altro mapping we got from daqDetDb //timer TStopwatch stopWatch; //===========================// // loop over RAW data files // //==========================// int nevents=0; for(int i=1;ieventRunNb; // QA AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); calibQA.ProcessEvent(rawReader); delete rawReader; // sending to AMOREdb if (stopWatch.RealTime()>updateInterval){ SendToAmoreDB(&calibQA,runNb); stopWatch.Start(); } else { stopWatch.Continue(); } /* free resources */ free(event); } } calibQA.Analyse(); printf ("TPCQAda: %d events processed\n",nevents); TFile * fileTPC = new TFile (RESULT_FILE,"recreate"); calibQA.Write("tpcCalibQA"); delete fileTPC; printf("TPCQAda: Wrote %s\n",RESULT_FILE); /* store the result file on FXS */ status=daqDA_FES_storeFile(RESULT_FILE,FILE_ID); if (status) { status = -2; } // //Send objects to the AMORE DB // printf ("TPCQAda: AMORE part\n"); SendToAmoreDB(&calibQA, runNb); return status; } void SendToAmoreDB(TObject *o, unsigned long32 runNb) { //AMORE const char *amoreDANameorig=gSystem->Getenv("AMORE_DA_NAME"); //cheet a little -- temporary solution (hopefully) // //currently amoreDA uses the environment variable AMORE_DA_NAME to create the mysql //table in which the calib objects are stored. This table is dropped each time AmoreDA //is initialised. This of course makes a problem if we would like to store different //calibration entries in the AMORE DB. Therefore in each DA which writes to the AMORE DB //the AMORE_DA_NAME env variable is overwritten. gSystem->Setenv("AMORE_DA_NAME","TPC-dataQA"); // // end cheet TDatime time; TObjString info(Form("Run: %u; Date: %s",runNb,time.AsSQLString())); amore::da::AmoreDA amoreDA(amore::da::AmoreDA::kSender); Int_t statusDA=0; statusDA+=amoreDA.Send("DataQA",o); statusDA+=amoreDA.Send("Info",&info); if ( statusDA!=0 ) printf("TPCQAda: Waring: Failed to write one of the calib objects to the AMORE database\n"); // reset env var if (amoreDANameorig) gSystem->Setenv("AMORE_DA_NAME",amoreDANameorig); }