AliCDBStorage *storLoc; AliCDBStorage *storGrid; AliCDBEntry *entry = 0; AliTRDCalPad *calobj = 0; AliTRDCalROC *calobjROC = 0; void AliTRDDBAccess() { // Single instance of AliCDBManager. AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); printf("\nTRD :: Activating Local storage...\n"); storLoc = man->GetStorage("local://DBLocal"); // Create the new database object AliTRDCalPad *calVdrift = new AliTRDCalPad("Vdrift","TRD drift velocities"); AliTRDCalROC *calROCVdrift = calVdrift->GetCalROC(0,2,0); calROCVdrift->SetValue(1,1,1.50); calROCVdrift->SetValue(2,2,1.55); calROCVdrift->SetValue(3,3,1.60); // Id of the object: AliCDBId("name", firstRun, lastRun) AliCDBId id1("TRD/Calib/Vdrift",0,10); // MetaData describing the object AliCDBMetaData *md1= new AliCDBMetaData(); md1->SetObjectClassName("AliTRDCalPad"); md1->SetResponsible("Christoph Blume"); md1->SetBeamPeriod(1); md1->SetAliRootVersion("05-04-00"); //root version md1->SetComment("This is a Vdrift test"); TObjString *strVdrift = new TObjString("Drift velocities for 540 chambers"); md1->SetProperty("key1",strVdrift); // Store the object into local storage // Filename: DBLocal/TRD/Calib/Vdrift/Run0_10_v0_s0.root printf("\nTRD :: Storing object into local storage...\n"); storLoc->Put(calVdrift,id1,md1); // Read, update, store again printf("\nTRD :: Retrieve object from local storage...\n"); entry = storLoc->Get("TRD/Calib/Vdrift",5); calobj = (AliTRDCalPad *) entry->GetObject(); calobjROC = calobj->GetCalROC(0,2,0); printf("\nTRD :: Drift velocities (1): %f (1,1), %f (2,2), %f (3.3)\n" ,calobjROC->GetValue(1,1) ,calobjROC->GetValue(2,2) ,calobjROC->GetValue(3,3)); // Update object calobjROC->SetValue(1,1,1.60); calobjROC->SetValue(2,2,1.35); calobjROC->SetValue(3,3,1.10); // Store into local: filename = Run0_10_v0_s1.root printf("\nTRD :: Storing object into local storage...\n"); storLoc->Put(entry); // Read, update, store again printf("\nTRD :: Retrieve object from local storage...\n"); entry = storLoc->Get("TRD/Calib/Vdrift",5); entry = storLoc->Get("TRD/Calib/Vdrift",5); entry = storLoc->Get("TRD/Calib/Vdrift",5); calobj = (AliTRDCalPad *) entry->GetObject(); calobjROC = calobj->GetCalROC(0,2,0); printf("\nTRD :: Drift velocities (2): %f (1,1), %f (2,2), %f (3.3)\n" ,calobjROC->GetValue(1,1) ,calobjROC->GetValue(2,2) ,calobjROC->GetValue(3,3)); printf("\nTRD :: Activating GRID storage...\n"); storGrid = 0x0; storGrid = man->GetStorage("alien://;cblume;DBGrid;ALICE::CERN::se01"); if (!storGrid) { printf("\nTRD :: Failure in activating GRID storage...\n"); } // Store into GRID: filename = DBGrid/TRD/Calib/Vdrift/Run0_10_v1.root if (storGrid) { storGrid->Put(entry); } entry->Dump(); cout << entry->IsOwner() << endl; AliCDBManager::Instance()->Destroy(); delete entry; delete md1; }