#ifndef ALITRDRAWSTREAM_H #define ALITRDRAWSTREAM_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This class provides access to TRD digits in raw data. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include class AliTRDgeometry; class AliRawReader; class AliTRDdigitsManager; class AliTRDdataArrayI; // Some constants: const UInt_t kEndoftrackletmarker = 0xAAAAAAAA; /*This marks the end of tracklet data words*/ const UInt_t kEndofrawdatamarker = 0x00000000; /*This marks the end of half-chamber-data*/ class AliTRDRawStream: public TObject { public : AliTRDRawStream(); AliTRDRawStream(AliRawReader *rawReader); AliTRDRawStream(AliRawReader *rawReader, AliTRDdigitsManager *man, AliTRDdataArrayI *dig); virtual ~AliTRDRawStream(); virtual Bool_t Next(); // Next function (for fRawVersion = 0 (Bogdans first version)) virtual Int_t ReadAll(); // Read function (for fRawVersion > 0) Int_t GetDetectorV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fDetector; }; Int_t GetPrevDetectorV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fPrevDetector; }; Bool_t IsNewDetectorV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fDetector != fPrevDetector; }; Int_t GetNPadsV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fNPads; }; Int_t GetRowV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fRow; }; Int_t GetPrevRowV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fPrevRow; }; Bool_t IsNewRowV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return (fRow != fPrevRow) || IsNewDetectorV0(); }; Int_t GetColumnV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fColumn; }; Int_t GetPrevColumnV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fPrevColumn; }; Bool_t IsNewColumnV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return (fColumn != fPrevColumn) || IsNewRowV0(); }; Int_t GetTimeV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fTime-1; }; Int_t GetSignalV0() const /* only for v0 */ { return fSignal; }; enum { kDDLOffset = 0x400 }; // Offset for DDL numbers void SetDigitsManager(AliTRDdigitsManager *man) { fDigitsManager = man; }; void SetDigits(AliTRDdataArrayI *dig) { fDigits = dig; }; AliTRDdigitsManager *GetDigitsManager() const { return fDigitsManager; }; Bool_t SetRawVersion(Int_t rv); Int_t GetRawVersion() const { return fRawVersion; }; // Get Filter settings (does not make a lot of sense): Int_t TRAPfilterTCon() const { return fTCon; }; Int_t TRAPfilterPEDon() const { return fPEDon; }; Int_t TRAPfilterGAINon() const { return fGAINon; }; Int_t TRAPsendsUnfilteredData() const { return fBypass; }; // Get Tracklet parameters (does not make a lot of sense): Float_t GetTrackletPID() const { return fTracklPID; }; Float_t GetTrackletDeflLength() const { return fTracklDefL; }; Float_t GetTrackletPadPos() const { return fTracklPadPos; }; Int_t GetTrackletPadRow() const { return fTracklPadRow; }; // Check if the link has optical power (HC sends data) Bool_t IsGTULinkActive(Int_t sm, Int_t la, Int_t sta, Int_t side) { return ( ((fGTUlinkMask[sm][sta]) >> (2*la+side)) & 0x1 ); }; private : Int_t fSig[3]; // Signals in the three time bins from Data Word Int_t fADC; // MCM ADC channel and Time Bin of word 1 Int_t fTB; // MCM ADC channel and Time Bin of word 1 Int_t fEv; // MCM Event number and position of current MCM on TRD chamber Int_t fROB; // MCM Event number and position of current MCM on TRD chamber Int_t fMCM; // MCM Event number and position of current MCM on TRD chamber Int_t fSM; // Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t fLAYER; // Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t fSTACK; // Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t fROC; // Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t fSIDE; // Position of CURRENT half chamber in full TRD Int_t fDCS; // DCS board number read from data (HC header) Int_t fROW; Int_t fCOL; // Detector Pad coordinates Int_t fBCctr; // Counters from HC header (>=V2) Int_t fPTctr; // Counters from HC header (>=V2) Int_t fPTphase; // Counters from HC header (>=V2) Int_t fRVmajor; // Raw version numbers and number of additional HC headerwords (>=V2) Int_t fRVminor; // Raw version numbers and number of additional HC headerwords (>=V2) Int_t fHCHWords; // Raw version numbers and number of additional HC headerwords (>=V2) Int_t fTBins; // Number of time bins read from HC header (>=V2) Bool_t fTCon; // Filter settings read from HC header (>=V2) Bool_t fPEDon; // Filter settings read from HC header (>=V2) Bool_t fGAINon; // Filter settings read from HC header (>=V2) Bool_t fXTon; // Filter settings read from HC header (>=V2) Bool_t fNonLinOn; // Filter settings read from HC header (>=V2) Bool_t fBypass; // Filter settings read from HC header (>=V2) Int_t fCommonAdditive; // Common baseline additive read from HC header (>=V2) Bool_t fZeroSuppressed; // Data is zero suppressed Int_t fHCHctr1; // HC and MCM Header counter Int_t fHCHctr2; // HC and MCM Header counter Int_t fMCMHctr1; // HC and MCM Header counter Int_t fMCMHctr2; // HC and MCM Header counter Int_t fGTUctr1; // GTU LinkMask Counter Int_t fGTUctr2; // GTU LinkMask Counter Int_t fHCdataCtr; // Data Counter for half chamber Float_t fTracklPID; // Tracklet parameters Float_t fTracklDefL; // Tracklet parameters Float_t fTracklPadPos; // Tracklet parameters Int_t fTracklPadRow; // Tracklet parameters UShort_t fGTUlinkMask[18][5]; // Mask with active links AliTRDRawStream(const AliTRDRawStream &stream); AliTRDRawStream &operator=(const AliTRDRawStream &stream); AliRawReader *fRawReader; // Object for reading the raw data // The following is used for v0: Int_t fCount; // Counter of bytes to be read for current detector Int_t fDetector; // Index of current detector Int_t fPrevDetector; // Index of previous detector Int_t fNPads; // Number of active pads Int_t fRow; // Index of current pad row Int_t fPrevRow; // Index of previous pad row Int_t fColumn; // Index of current pad column Int_t fPrevColumn; // Index of previous pad column Int_t fTime; // Index of current time bin Int_t fSignal; // Signal in ADC counts // This is again new: Int_t fRawVersion; // Which version of raw data decoding is used UInt_t fDataWord; // The current 32 bit data word Int_t fStatus; // Status word used by some functions UInt_t fTbSwitch; // Time Bin Switch for internal use UInt_t fTbSwitchCtr; // Counter for internal use UInt_t fTimeWords; // Number of Words needed to store the data of 1 ADC ch. UInt_t fWordCtr; // Word Counter Int_t fRowMax; // Maximum number of pad rows and columns Int_t fColMax; // Maximum number of pad rows and columns Bool_t fADCmask[21]; // Mask of active ADCs for zero suppression UShort_t fChamberDone[540]; // Chamber was processed already (1=1HC, 2=full chamber) protected: AliTRDgeometry *fGeo; // TRD geometry AliTRDdigitsManager *fDigitsManager; // Manager for the output digits AliTRDdataArrayI *fDigits; // Output digits AliTRDdataArrayI *fTrack0; // Track dictionary AliTRDdataArrayI *fTrack1; // Track dictionary AliTRDdataArrayI *fTrack2; // Track dictionary void DecodeHCheader(Int_t timeBins); void DecodeHCheaderV1(); // Valid for fRawversion = 1 void DecodeHCheaderV2V3(Int_t timeBins); // Valid for fRawversion = 2,3,? void DecodeMCMheader(); void DecodeMCMheaderVx(); // So far valid for all fRawversion = 1,2,3, ... void DecodeTracklet(); void DecodeTrackletVx(); // So far valid for all fRawversion = 1,2,3, ... void DecodeGTUlinkMask(); void DecodeGTUlinkMaskVx(); // So far valid for all fRawversion = 1,2,3, ... Int_t DecodeDataWord(); Int_t DecodeDataWordV1V2(); // Valid for fRawversion = 1, 2, ... Int_t DecodeDataWordV3(); // Valid for fRawversion = 3, ... ClassDef(AliTRDRawStream, 3) // Class for reading TRD raw digits }; #endif