#ifndef ALITRDSIMPARAM_H #define ALITRDSIMPARAM_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Class containing constant simulation parameters // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* $Id$ */ #include "TObject.h" class AliTRDSimParam : public TObject { public: static AliTRDSimParam* Instance(); static void Terminate(); enum { kNplan = 6, kNcham = 5, kNsect = 18, kNdet = 540 }; AliTRDSimParam(const AliTRDSimParam &p); AliTRDSimParam &operator=(const AliTRDSimParam &p); virtual void Copy(TObject &p) const; void SetGasGain(Float_t gasgain) { fGasGain = gasgain; }; void SetNoise(Float_t noise) { fNoise = noise; }; void SetChipGain(Float_t chipgain) { fChipGain = chipgain; }; void SetADCoutRange(Float_t range) { fADCoutRange = range; }; void SetADCinRange(Float_t range) { fADCinRange = range; }; void SetADCthreshold(Int_t thresh) { fADCthreshold = thresh; }; void SetADCbaseline(Int_t basel) { fADCbaseline = basel; }; void SetDiffusion(Int_t diffOn = 1) { fDiffusionOn = diffOn; }; void SetElAttach(Int_t elOn = 1) { fElAttachOn = elOn; }; void SetElAttachProp(Float_t prop) { fElAttachProp = prop; }; void SetTimeResponse(Int_t trfOn = 1) { fTRFOn = trfOn; ReInit(); }; void SetCrossTalk(Int_t ctOn = 1) { fCTOn = ctOn; ReInit(); }; void SetTailCancelation(Int_t tcOn = 1) { fTCOn = tcOn; }; void SetNexponential(Int_t nexp) { fTCnexp = nexp; }; void SetPadCoupling(Float_t v) { fPadCoupling = v; }; void SetTimeCoupling(Float_t v) { fTimeCoupling = v; }; void SetAnodeWireOffset(Float_t offset = 0.25) { fAnodeWireOffset = offset;}; void SetTimeStruct(Bool_t tsOn = 1) { fTimeStructOn = tsOn; }; void SetPadResponse(Int_t prfOn = 1) { fPRFOn = prfOn; }; Float_t GetGasGain() const { return fGasGain; }; Float_t GetNoise() const { return fNoise; }; Float_t GetChipGain() const { return fChipGain; }; Float_t GetADCoutRange() const { return fADCoutRange; }; Float_t GetADCinRange() const { return fADCinRange; }; Int_t GetADCthreshold() const { return fADCthreshold; }; Int_t GetADCbaseline() const { return fADCbaseline; }; Bool_t DiffusionOn() const { return fDiffusionOn; }; Bool_t ElAttachOn() const { return fElAttachOn; }; Float_t GetElAttachProp() const { return fElAttachProp; }; Bool_t TRFOn() const { return fTRFOn; }; Double_t TimeResponse(Double_t time) const; Float_t GetTRFlo() const { return fTRFlo; }; Float_t GetTRFhi() const { return fTRFhi; }; Bool_t CTOn() const { return fCTOn; }; Double_t CrossTalk(Double_t time) const; Bool_t TCOn() const { return fTCOn; }; Int_t GetTCnexp() const { return fTCnexp; }; Float_t GetPadCoupling() const { return fPadCoupling; }; Float_t GetTimeCoupling() const { return fTimeCoupling; }; Float_t GetAnodeWireOffset() const { return fAnodeWireOffset; }; Bool_t TimeStructOn() const { return fTimeStructOn; }; Bool_t PRFOn() const { return fPRFOn; }; protected: static AliTRDSimParam* fgInstance; // Instance of this class (singleton implementation) static Bool_t fgTerminated; // Defines if this class has already been terminated and therefore does not return instances in GetInstance anymore // Digitization parameter Float_t fGasGain; // Gas gain Float_t fNoise; // Electronics noise Float_t fChipGain; // Electronics gain Float_t fADCoutRange; // ADC output range (number of channels) Float_t fADCinRange; // ADC input range (input charge) Int_t fADCthreshold; // ADC threshold in ADC channel Int_t fADCbaseline; // ADC baseline in ADC chann Int_t fDiffusionOn; // Switch for the diffusion Int_t fElAttachOn; // Switch for the electron attachment Float_t fElAttachProp; // Propability for electron attachment (for 1m) Int_t fTRFOn; // Switch for the time response Float_t *fTRFsmp; //! Integrated time response Int_t fTRFbin; // Number of bins for the TRF Float_t fTRFlo; // Lower boundary of the TRF Float_t fTRFhi; // Higher boundary of the TRF Float_t fTRFwid; // Bin width of the integrated TRF Int_t fCTOn; // Switch for cross talk Float_t *fCTsmp; //! Integrated cross talk Int_t fTCOn; // Switch for the tail cancelation Int_t fTCnexp; // Number of exponential of the digital filter Float_t fAnodeWireOffset; // Distance of first anode wire from pad edge Float_t fPadCoupling; // Pad coupling factor Float_t fTimeCoupling; // Time coupling factor (image charge of moving ions) Int_t fTimeStructOn; // Switch for cell time structure Int_t fPRFOn; // Switch for the pad response private: // this is a singleton, constructor is private! AliTRDSimParam(); virtual ~AliTRDSimParam(); void Init(); void ReInit(); void SampleTRF(); ClassDef(AliTRDSimParam, 1) }; #endif