#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include #include "AliTRDtracker.h" #include "AliTRDclusterMI.h" #include "AliTRDhit.h" #include "AliTRDv1.h" #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #include "AliTRDgeometryDetail.h" #include "AliTRDparameter.h" #include "alles.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "Rtypes.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #endif #include "AliTRDclusterErrors.h" ClassImp(AliTRDCI) ClassImp(AliTRDExactPoint) ClassImp(AliTRDClusterErrAnal) ClassImp(AliTRDClusterErrDraw) AliTRDClusterErrAnal::AliTRDClusterErrAnal(Char_t *chloader ) { // //SET Input loaders if (gAlice){ delete gAlice->GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice; gAlice = 0x0; } fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(chloader); if (fRunLoader == 0x0){ cerr<<"Can not open session"<GetLoader("TRDLoader"); if (fTRDLoader == 0x0){ cerr<<"Can not get TRD Loader"<LoadgAlice()){ cerr<<"Error occured while l"<CdGAFile(); fTracker = new AliTRDtracker(gFile); fParam = (AliTRDparameter*) gFile->Get("TRDparameter"); fGeometry = new AliTRDgeometryDetail(); fTRD = (AliTRDv1*) gAlice->GetDetector("TRD"); // AliTRDCI * clinfo = new AliTRDCI(); fFileA = new TFile("trdclusteranal.root","recreate"); fFileA->cd(); fTreeA = new TTree("trdcl","trdcl"); fTreeA->Branch("trdcl","AliTRDCI",&clinfo); delete clinfo; } void AliTRDClusterErrAnal::SetIO(Int_t event) { // //set input output for given event fRunLoader->SetEventNumber(event); fRunLoader->LoadHeader(); fRunLoader->LoadKinematics(); fRunLoader->LoadTrackRefs(); fTRDLoader->LoadHits(); fTRDLoader->LoadRecPoints("read"); // fStack = fRunLoader->Stack(); fHitTree = fTRDLoader->TreeH(); fClusterTree = fTRDLoader->TreeR(); fReferenceTree = fRunLoader->TreeTR(); // } void AliTRDClusterErrAnal::LoadClusters() { // // // Load clusters TObjArray *ClusterArray = new TObjArray(400); TObjArray carray(2000); TBranch *branch=fClusterTree->GetBranch("TRDcluster"); if (!branch) { Error("ReadClusters","Can't get the branch !"); return; } branch->SetAddress(&ClusterArray); Int_t nentries = (Int_t)fClusterTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetEvent(i); Int_t nCluster = ClusterArray->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t iCluster = 0; iCluster < nCluster; iCluster++) { AliTRDcluster* c = (AliTRDcluster*)ClusterArray->UncheckedAt(iCluster); carray.AddLast(c); ClusterArray->RemoveAt(iCluster); } } Int_t nClusters = carray.GetEntriesFast(); printf("Total number of clusters %d \n", nClusters); // // //SORT clusters // Int_t all=0; for (Int_t i=0;iGetPlane(cl->GetDetector()); if (plane>=12) continue; Int_t time = cl->GetLocalTimeBin(); if (time>=100) continue; Int_t sector = fGeometry->GetSector(cl->GetDetector()); if (sector>=18){ printf("problem1\n"); continue; } fClusters[plane][time][sector].AddLast(cl); all++; } } void AliTRDClusterErrAnal::SortReferences() { // // // printf("Sorting references\n"); fReferences = new TObjArray; Int_t ntracks = fStack->GetNtrack(); fReferences->Expand(ntracks); Int_t nentries = (Int_t)fReferenceTree->GetEntries(); TClonesArray * arr = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference"); TBranch * br = fReferenceTree->GetBranch("TRD"); br->SetAddress(&arr); // TClonesArray *labarr=0; for (Int_t iprim=0;iprimGetEntry(iprim)){ for (Int_t iref=0;irefGetEntriesFast();iref++){ AliTrackReference *ref =(AliTrackReference*)arr->At(iref); if (!ref) continue; Int_t lab = ref->GetTrack(); if ( (lab<0) || (lab>ntracks)) continue; // if (fReferences->At(lab)==0) { labarr = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference"); fReferences->AddAt(labarr,lab); } TClonesArray &larr = *labarr; new(larr[larr.GetEntriesFast()]) AliTrackReference(*ref); } } } printf("end - Sorting references\n"); } AliTrackReference * AliTRDClusterErrAnal::FindNearestReference(Int_t lab, Float_t pos[3], Float_t dmax) { // // // if (fReferences->At(lab)==0) return 0; AliTrackReference *nearest=0; TClonesArray * arr = (TClonesArray *)fReferences->At(lab); for (Int_t iref =0;irefGetEntriesFast();iref++){ AliTrackReference * ref = ( AliTrackReference *)arr->UncheckedAt(iref); if (!ref) continue; Float_t delta = (pos[0]-ref->X())*(pos[0]-ref->X()); delta += (pos[1]-ref->Y())*(pos[1]-ref->Y()); delta += (pos[2]-ref->Z())*(pos[2]-ref->Z()); delta = TMath::Sqrt(delta); if (deltaGetNtrack()); // Double_t fSum=0; Double_t fSumQ =0; Double_t fSumX=0; Double_t fSumX2=0; Double_t fSumXY=0; Double_t fSumXZ=0; Double_t fSumY=0; Double_t fSumZ=0; // Int_t entries = Int_t(fHitTree->GetEntries()); printf("Number of primary entries\t%d\n",entries); entries = TMath::Min(trackmax,entries); Int_t nallpoints = 0; Int_t nalltracks =0; Int_t pointspertrack =0; for (Int_t entry=0;entryResetHits(); fHitTree->GetEvent(entry); Int_t lastlabel = -1; Int_t lastdetector = -1; Int_t lasttimebin = -1; Float_t lastpos[3]; // for(AliTRDhit *hit = (AliTRDhit *) fTRD->FirstHit(-1); hit; hit = (AliTRDhit *) fTRD->NextHit()) { // Int_t label = hit->Track(); TParticle * particle = fStack->Particle(label); if (!particle) continue; if (particle->Pt()<0.05) continue; Int_t detector = hit->GetDetector(); Int_t plane = fGeometry->GetPlane(detector); // // if (hit->GetCharge()==0) continue; Float_t pos[3] = {hit->X(),hit->Y(),hit->Z()}; Int_t indexes[3]; fGeometry->Global2Detector(pos,indexes,fParam); // Float_t rot[3]; fGeometry->Rotate(detector,pos,rot); // // Float_t time0 = fParam->GetTime0(plane); Int_t timebin = Int_t(TMath::Nint(((time0 - rot[0])/fParam->GetTimeBinSize())+ fParam->GetTimeBefore())+0.1); if (timebin<0) continue; // // if (label!=lastlabel || detector != lastdetector || lasttimebin !=timebin){ // if (label!=lastlabel){ fExactPoints.AddAt(new TClonesArray("AliTRDExactPoint",0),label); //printf("new particle\t%d\n",label); nalltracks++; // printf("particle\t%d- hits\t%d\n",lastlabel, pointspertrack); pointspertrack=0; } if ( (fSum>1) && lasttimebin>=0 && lasttimebinGetTimeMax() ){ //if we have enough info for given layer time bin - store it AliTrackReference * ref = FindNearestReference(lastlabel,lastpos,4.); Float_t rotmom[3]; Float_t rotpos[3]; Float_t refangle=0; if (ref){ Float_t mom[3] = {ref->Px(),ref->Py(),ref->Pz()}; Float_t refpos[3] = {ref->X(),ref->Y(),ref->Z()}; fGeometry->Rotate(detector,mom,rotmom); fGeometry->Rotate(detector,refpos,rotpos); refangle = rotmom[1]/rotmom[0]; } Double_t ay,by,az,bz; Double_t det = fSum*fSumX2-fSumX*fSumX; if (TMath::Abs(det)> 0.000000000000001) { by = (fSum*fSumXY-fSumX*fSumY)/det; ay = (fSumX2*fSumY-fSumX*fSumXY)/det; }else{ ay =fSumXY/fSumX; by =0; } if (TMath::Abs(det)> 0.000000000000001) { bz = (fSum*fSumXZ-fSumX*fSumZ)/det; az = (fSumX2*fSumZ-fSumX*fSumXZ)/det; }else{ az =fSumXZ/fSumX; bz =0; } // Float_t lastplane = fGeometry->GetPlane(lastdetector); Float_t time0 = fParam->GetTime0(lastplane); Float_t xcenter = time0 - (lasttimebin - fParam->GetTimeBefore())*fParam->GetTimeBinSize(); Float_t ty = ay + by * xcenter; Float_t tz = az + bz * xcenter; // TClonesArray * arr = (TClonesArray *) fExactPoints.At(label); TClonesArray & larr= *arr; Int_t arrent = arr->GetEntriesFast(); AliTRDExactPoint * point = new (larr[arrent]) AliTRDExactPoint; nallpoints++; if (ref){ point->SetReference(ref); point->fTRefAngleY = rotmom[1]/rotmom[0]; } point->fTX = xcenter; point->fTY = ty; point->fTZ = tz; point->fTAY = by; point->fTAZ = bz; // point->fGx = lastpos[0]; point->fGy = lastpos[1]; point->fGz = lastpos[2]; // point->fDetector = lastdetector; point->fLocalTimeBin = lasttimebin; point->fPlane = fGeometry->GetPlane(lastdetector); point->fSector = fGeometry->GetSector(lastdetector); point->fPlaneMI = indexes[0]; // point->fTPrim = fSum; point->fTQ = fSumQ; // } lastdetector = detector; lastlabel = label; lasttimebin = timebin; fSum=fSumQ=fSumX=fSumX2=fSumXY=fSumXZ=fSumY=fSumZ=0.; } // lastpos[0] = hit->X(); lastpos[1] = hit->Y(); lastpos[2] = hit->Z(); fSum++; fSumQ = hit->GetCharge(); fSumX +=rot[0]; fSumX2 +=rot[0]*rot[0]; fSumXY +=rot[0]*rot[1]; fSumXZ +=rot[0]*rot[2]; fSumY +=rot[1]; fSumZ +=rot[2]; pointspertrack++; } } // printf("Found %d exact points\n",nallpoints); } Int_t AliTRDClusterErrAnal::Analyze(Int_t trackmax) { // // comparison works with both cluster types MI and old also //dummy cluster to be fill if not cluster info AliTRDclusterMI clmi; TClass * classmi = clmi.IsA(); // //SetOutput AliTRDCI * clinfo = new AliTRDCI(); TBranch * clbr = fTreeA->GetBranch("trdcl"); clbr->SetAddress(&clinfo); SetIO(0); SortReferences(); MakeExactPoints(trackmax); LoadClusters(); // trackmax = fStack->GetNtrack(); // // Get the number of entries in the hit tree // (Number of primary particles creating a hit somewhere) Int_t nTrack = (Int_t)fExactPoints.GetEntries(); printf("Found %d charged in TRD in first %d primaries", nTrack, trackmax); // for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrackParticle(itrack); if (!particle) continue; //printf("founded in kine tree \t%d\n",itrack); Int_t npoints = arrpoints->GetEntriesFast(); if (npoints<10) continue; //printf("have enough points \t%d\t%d\n",itrack,npoints); for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipointUncheckedAt(ipoint); if (!point) continue; // Int_t sec = fGeometry->GetSector(point->fDetector); if (sec>18){ printf("problem2\n"); } TObjArray & cllocal = fClusters[point->fPlane][point->fLocalTimeBin][sec]; Int_t nclusters = cllocal.GetEntriesFast(); Float_t maxdist = 10; AliTRDcluster * nearestcluster =0; //find nearest cluster to hit with given label for (Int_t icluster =0; iclusterGetLabel(0)!= itrack) && (cluster->GetLabel(1)!= itrack)&&(cluster->GetLabel(2)!= itrack)) continue; Float_t dist = TMath::Abs(cluster->GetY()-point->fTY); if (TMath::Abs(cluster->GetZ()-point->fTZ)>5.5) continue; if (distfEp = *point; clinfo->fP = *particle; if (!nearestcluster) { clinfo->fStatus=1; clinfo->fCl = clmi; } else{ clinfo->fStatus=0; if (nearestcluster->IsA()==classmi){ clinfo->fCl =*((AliTRDclusterMI*)nearestcluster); } else{ clinfo->fCl = *nearestcluster; } // Float_t dz = clinfo->fCl.GetZ()-point->fTZ; Double_t h01 = sin(TMath::Pi() / 180.0 * fParam->GetTiltingAngle()); clinfo->fTDistZ = dz; clinfo->fDYtilt = h01*dz*((point->fPlane%2)*2.-1.); // clinfo->fNTracks =1; if (nearestcluster->GetLabel(1)>=0) clinfo->fNTracks++; if (nearestcluster->GetLabel(2)>=0) clinfo->fNTracks++; clinfo->Update(); } // fTreeA->Fill(); } } fFileA->cd(); fTreeA->Write(); fFileA->Close(); return 0; } TH1F * AliTRDClusterErrDraw::ResDyVsAmp(TTree* tree, const char* selection, Float_t t0, Float_t ampmin, Float_t ampmax) { // // TH2F hisdy("resy","resy",10,ampmin,ampmax,30,-0.3,0.3); char expression[1000]; sprintf(expression,"fEp.fTY-fCl.fY+fDYtilt+%.4f*fEp.fTAY:fCl.fQ>>resy",t0); char selectionall[1000]; sprintf(selectionall,"fStatus==0&&%s",selection); printf("%s\n",expression); printf("%s\n",selectionall); tree->Draw(expression,selectionall); return CreateResHisto(&hisdy); } TH1F * AliTRDClusterErrDraw::ResDyVsRelPos(TTree* tree, const char* selection, Float_t t0, Float_t min, Float_t max) { // // min *=128; max *=128; TH2F hisdy("resy","resy",10,min,max,30,-0.3,0.3); char expression[1000]; sprintf(expression,"fEp.fTY-fCl.fY+fDYtilt+%.4f*fEp.fTAY:fCl.fRelPos>>resy",t0); char selectionall[1000]; sprintf(selectionall,"fStatus==0&&%s",selection); printf("%s\n",expression); printf("%s\n",selectionall); tree->Draw(expression,selectionall); return CreateResHisto(&hisdy); } TH1F * AliTRDClusterErrDraw::ResDyVsAngleY(TTree* tree, const char* selection, Float_t t0, Float_t min, Float_t max) { // // TH2F hisdy("resy","resy",10,min,max,30,-0.3,0.3); char expression[1000]; sprintf(expression,"fEp.fTY-fCl.fY+fDYtilt+%f*fEp.fTAY:fEp.fTAY>>resy",t0); char selectionall[1000]; sprintf(selectionall,"fStatus==0&&%s",selection); tree->Draw(expression,selectionall); return CreateResHisto(&hisdy); } void AliTRDClusterErrDraw::AliLabelAxes(TH1* histo, const char* xAxisTitle, const char* yAxisTitle) { histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle); } TH1F* AliTRDClusterErrDraw::CreateEffHisto(TH1F* hGen, TH1F* hRec) { Int_t nBins = hGen->GetNbinsX(); TH1F* hEff = (TH1F*) hGen->Clone("hEff"); hEff->SetTitle(""); hEff->SetStats(kFALSE); hEff->SetMinimum(0.); hEff->SetMaximum(110.); for (Int_t iBin = 0; iBin <= nBins; iBin++) { Double_t nGen = hGen->GetBinContent(iBin); Double_t nRec = hRec->GetBinContent(iBin); if (nGen > 0) { Double_t eff = nRec/nGen; hEff->SetBinContent(iBin, 100. * eff); Double_t error = sqrt((eff*(1.-eff)+0.01) / nGen); // if (error == 0) error = sqrt(0.1/nGen); // if (error == 0) error = 0.0001; hEff->SetBinError(iBin, 100. * error); } else { hEff->SetBinContent(iBin, 100. * 0.5); hEff->SetBinError(iBin, 100. * 0.5); } } return hEff; } TH1F* AliTRDClusterErrDraw::CreateResHisto(TH2F* hRes2, Bool_t draw, Bool_t drawBinFits, Bool_t overflowBinFits) { TVirtualPad* currentPad = gPad; TAxis* axis = hRes2->GetXaxis(); Int_t nBins = axis->GetNbins(); TH1F* hRes, *hMean; if (axis->GetXbins()->GetSize()){ hRes = new TH1F("hRes", "", nBins, axis->GetXbins()->GetArray()); hMean = new TH1F("hMean", "", nBins, axis->GetXbins()->GetArray()); } else{ hRes = new TH1F("hRes", "", nBins, axis->GetXmin(), axis->GetXmax()); hMean = new TH1F("hMean", "", nBins, axis->GetXmin(), axis->GetXmax()); } hRes->SetStats(false); hRes->SetOption("E"); hRes->SetMinimum(0.); // hMean->SetStats(false); hMean->SetOption("E"); // create the fit function //TKFitGaus* fitFunc = new TKFitGaus("resFunc"); TF1 * fitFunc = new TF1("G","[3]+[0]*exp(-(x-[1])*(x-[1])/(2.*[2]*[2]))",-3,3); fitFunc->SetLineWidth(2); fitFunc->SetFillStyle(0); // create canvas for fits TCanvas* canBinFits = NULL; Int_t nPads = (overflowBinFits) ? nBins+2 : nBins; Int_t nx = Int_t(sqrt(nPads-1.));// + 1; Int_t ny = (nPads-1) / nx + 1; if (drawBinFits) { canBinFits = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("canBinFits"); if (canBinFits) delete canBinFits; canBinFits = new TCanvas("canBinFits", "fits of bins", 200, 100, 500, 700); canBinFits->Divide(nx, ny); } // loop over x bins and fit projection Int_t dBin = ((overflowBinFits) ? 1 : 0); for (Int_t bin = 1-dBin; bin <= nBins+dBin; bin++) { if (drawBinFits) canBinFits->cd(bin + dBin); TH1D* hBin = hRes2->ProjectionY("hBin", bin, bin); // if (hBin->GetEntries() > 10) { fitFunc->SetParameters(hBin->GetMaximum(),hBin->GetMean(),hBin->GetRMS(),0.02*hBin->GetMaximum()); hBin->Fit(fitFunc,"s"); Double_t sigma = TMath::Abs(fitFunc->GetParameter(2)); if (sigma > 0.){ hRes->SetBinContent(bin, TMath::Abs(fitFunc->GetParameter(2))); hMean->SetBinContent(bin, fitFunc->GetParameter(1)); } else{ hRes->SetBinContent(bin, 0.); hMean->SetBinContent(bin,0); } hRes->SetBinError(bin, fitFunc->GetParError(2)); hMean->SetBinError(bin, fitFunc->GetParError(1)); // // } else { hRes->SetBinContent(bin, 0.); hRes->SetBinError(bin, 0.); hMean->SetBinContent(bin, 0.); hMean->SetBinError(bin, 0.); } if (drawBinFits) { char name[256]; if (bin == 0) { sprintf(name, "%s < %.4g", axis->GetTitle(), axis->GetBinUpEdge(bin)); } else if (bin == nBins+1) { sprintf(name, "%.4g < %s", axis->GetBinLowEdge(bin), axis->GetTitle()); } else { sprintf(name, "%.4g < %s < %.4g", axis->GetBinLowEdge(bin), axis->GetTitle(), axis->GetBinUpEdge(bin)); } canBinFits->cd(bin + dBin); hBin->SetTitle(name); hBin->SetStats(kTRUE); hBin->DrawCopy("E"); canBinFits->Update(); canBinFits->Modified(); canBinFits->Update(); } delete hBin; } delete fitFunc; currentPad->cd(); if (draw){ currentPad->Divide(1,2); currentPad->cd(1); hRes->Draw(); currentPad->cd(2); hMean->Draw(); } return hRes; }