/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRD front end electronics parameters class // // Contains all FEE (MCM, TRAP, PASA) related // // parameters, constants, and mapping. // // // // New release on 2007/08/17: // // The default raw data version (now fRAWversion ) is set to 3 // // in the constructor because version 3 raw data read and write // // are fully debugged. // // // // Author: // // Ken Oyama (oyama@physi.uni-heidelberg.de) // // // // many things now configured by AliTRDtrapConfig reflecting // // the real memory structure of the TRAP (Jochen) // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTRDfeeParam.h" //#include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #include "AliTRDCommonParam.h" ClassImp(AliTRDfeeParam) AliTRDfeeParam *AliTRDfeeParam::fgInstance = 0; Bool_t AliTRDfeeParam::fgTerminated = kFALSE; Bool_t AliTRDfeeParam::fgTracklet = kFALSE; //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDfeeParam* AliTRDfeeParam::Instance() { // // Instance constructor // if (fgTerminated != kFALSE) { return 0; } if (fgInstance == 0) { fgInstance = new AliTRDfeeParam(); } return fgInstance; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDfeeParam::Terminate() { // // Terminate the class and release memory // fgTerminated = kTRUE; if (fgInstance != 0) { delete fgInstance; fgInstance = 0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDfeeParam::AliTRDfeeParam() :TObject() ,fCP(0) ,fRAWversion(3) { // // Default constructor // fCP = AliTRDCommonParam::Instance(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDfeeParam::AliTRDfeeParam(TRootIoCtor *) :TObject() ,fCP(0) ,fRAWversion(0) { // // IO constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDfeeParam::AliTRDfeeParam(const AliTRDfeeParam &p) :TObject(p) ,fCP(p.fCP) ,fRAWversion(p.fRAWversion) { // // AliTRDfeeParam copy constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDfeeParam::~AliTRDfeeParam() { // // AliTRDfeeParam destructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTRDfeeParam &AliTRDfeeParam::operator=(const AliTRDfeeParam &p) { // // Assignment operator // if (this != &p) { ((AliTRDfeeParam &) p).Copy(*this); } return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDfeeParam::Copy(TObject &p) const { // // Copy function // ((AliTRDfeeParam &) p).fCP = fCP; ((AliTRDfeeParam &) p).fRAWversion = fRAWversion; TObject::Copy(p); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetPadRowFromMCM(Int_t irob, Int_t imcm) const { // // Return on which pad row this mcm sits // return fgkNmcmRobInRow*(irob/2) + imcm/fgkNmcmRobInCol; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetPadColFromADC(Int_t irob, Int_t imcm, Int_t iadc) const { // // Return which pad is connected to this adc channel. // // Return virtual pad number even if ADC is outside chamber // to keep compatibility of data processing at the edge MCM. // User has to check that this is in the chamber if it is essential. // Return -100 if iadc is invalid. // // Caution: ADC ordering in the online data is opposite to the pad column ordering. // And it is not one-by-one correspondence. Precise drawing can be found in: // http://wiki.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/ti/TRD/index.php/Image:ROB_MCM_numbering.pdf // if (iadc < 0 || iadc > fgkNadcMcm ) return -100; Int_t mcmcol = imcm%fgkNmcmRobInCol + GetRobSide(irob)*fgkNmcmRobInCol; // MCM column number on ROC [0..7] Int_t padcol = mcmcol*fgkNcolMcm + fgkNcolMcm + 1 - iadc; if( padcol < 0 || padcol >= fgkNcol ) return -1; // this is commented because of reason above OK return padcol; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetExtendedPadColFromADC(Int_t irob, Int_t imcm, Int_t iadc) const { // // Return which pad coresponds to the extended digit container pad numbering // Extended digit container is designed to store all pad data including shared pad, // so we have to introduce new virtual pad numbering scheme for this purpose. // if (iadc < 0 || iadc > fgkNadcMcm ) return -100; Int_t mcmcol = imcm%fgkNmcmRobInCol + GetRobSide(irob)*fgkNmcmRobInCol; // MCM column number on ROC [0..7] Int_t padcol = mcmcol*fgkNadcMcm + fgkNcolMcm + 2 - iadc; return padcol; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetMCMfromPad(Int_t irow, Int_t icol) const { // // Return on which MCM this pad is directry connected. // Return -1 for error. // if ( irow < 0 || icol < 0 || irow > fgkNrowC1 || icol > fgkNcol ) return -1; return (icol%(fgkNcol/2))/fgkNcolMcm + fgkNmcmRobInCol*(irow%fgkNmcmRobInRow); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetMCMfromSharedPad(Int_t irow, Int_t icol) const { // // Return on which MCM this pad is directry connected. // Return -1 for error. // if ( irow < 0 || icol < 0 || irow > fgkNrowC1 || icol > fgkNcol+8*3 ) return -1; Int_t adc = 20 - (icol%18) -1; switch(adc) { case 2: icol += 5; break; case 18: icol -= 5; break; case 19: icol -= 5; break; default: icol += 0; break; } return (icol%(fgkNcol/2))/fgkNcolMcm + fgkNmcmRobInCol*(irow%fgkNmcmRobInRow); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetROBfromPad(Int_t irow, Int_t icol) const { // // Return on which rob this pad is // return (irow/fgkNmcmRobInRow)*2 + GetColSide(icol); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetROBfromSharedPad(Int_t irow, Int_t icol) const { // // Return on which rob this pad is for shared pads // if(icol<72) return (irow/fgkNmcmRobInRow)*2 + GetColSide(icol+5); else return (irow/fgkNmcmRobInRow)*2 + GetColSide(icol-5); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetRobSide(Int_t irob) const { // // Return on which side this rob sits (A side = 0, B side = 1) // if ( irob < 0 || irob >= fgkNrobC1 ) return -1; return irob%2; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetColSide(Int_t icol) const { // // Return on which side this column sits (A side = 0, B side = 1) // if ( icol < 0 || icol >= fgkNcol ) return -1; return icol/(fgkNcol/2); } UInt_t AliTRDfeeParam::AliToExtAli(Int_t rob, Int_t aliid) { if(aliid!= 127) return ( (1 << 10) | (rob << 7) | aliid); return 127; } Int_t AliTRDfeeParam::ExtAliToAli(UInt_t dest, UShort_t linkpair, UShort_t rocType, Int_t *mcmList, Int_t listSize) { // Converts an extended ALICE ID which identifies a single MCM or a group of MCMs to // the corresponding list of MCMs. Only broadcasts (127) are encoded as 127 // The return value is the number of MCMs in the list mcmList[0]=-1; Short_t nmcm = 0; UInt_t mcm, rob, robAB; UInt_t cmA = 0, cmB = 0; // Chipmask for each A and B side // Default chipmask for 4 linkpairs (each bit correponds each alice-mcm) static const UInt_t gkChipmaskDefLp[4] = { 0x1FFFF, 0x1FFFF, 0x3FFFF, 0x1FFFF }; rob = dest >> 7; // Extract ROB pattern from dest. mcm = dest & 0x07F; // Extract MCM pattern from dest. robAB = GetRobAB( rob, linkpair ); // Get which ROB sides are selected. // Abort if no ROB is selected if( robAB == 0 ) { return 0; } // Special case if( mcm == 127 ) { if( robAB == 3 ) { // This is very special 127 can stay only if two ROBs are selected mcmList[0]=127; // broadcase to ALL mcmList[1]=-1; return 1; } cmA = cmB = 0x3FFFF; } else if( (mcm & 0x40) != 0 ) { // If top bit is 1 but not 127, this is chip group. if( (mcm & 0x01) != 0 ) { cmA |= 0x04444; cmB |= 0x04444; } // chip_cmrg if( (mcm & 0x02) != 0 ) { cmA |= 0x10000; cmB |= 0x10000; } // chip_bmrg if( (mcm & 0x04) != 0 && rocType == 0 ) { cmA |= 0x20000; cmB |= 0x20000; } // chip_hm3 if( (mcm & 0x08) != 0 && rocType == 1 ) { cmA |= 0x20000; cmB |= 0x20000; } // chip_hm4 if( (mcm & 0x10) != 0 ) { cmA |= 0x01111; cmB |= 0x08888; } // chip_edge if( (mcm & 0x20) != 0 ) { cmA |= 0x0aaaa; cmB |= 0x03333; } // chip_norm } else { // Otherwise, this is normal chip ID, turn on only one chip. cmA = 1 << mcm; cmB = 1 << mcm; } // Mask non-existing MCMs cmA &= gkChipmaskDefLp[linkpair]; cmB &= gkChipmaskDefLp[linkpair]; // Remove if only one side is selected if( robAB == 1 ) cmB = 0; if( robAB == 2 ) cmA = 0; if( robAB == 4 && linkpair != 2 ) cmA = cmB = 0; // Restrict to only T3A and T3B // Finally convert chipmask to list of slaves nmcm = ChipmaskToMCMlist( cmA, cmB, linkpair, mcmList, listSize); return nmcm; } Short_t AliTRDfeeParam::GetRobAB( UShort_t robsel, UShort_t linkpair ) { // Converts the ROB part of the extended ALICE ID to robs if( (robsel & 0x8) != 0 ) { // 1000 .. direct ROB selection. Only one of the 8 ROBs are used. robsel = robsel & 7; if( (robsel % 2) == 0 && (robsel / 2) == linkpair ) return 1; // Even means A side (position 0,2,4,6) if( (robsel % 2) == 1 && (robsel / 2) == linkpair ) return 2; // Odd means B side (position 1,3,5,7) return 0; } // ROB group if( robsel == 0 ) { return 3; } // Both ROB if( robsel == 1 ) { return 1; } // A-side ROB if( robsel == 2 ) { return 2; } // B-side ROB if( robsel == 3 ) { return 3; } // Both ROB if( robsel == 4 ) { return 4; } // Only T3A and T3B // Other number 5 to 7 are ignored (not defined) return 0; } Short_t AliTRDfeeParam::ChipmaskToMCMlist( UInt_t cmA, UInt_t cmB, UShort_t linkpair, Int_t *mcmList, Int_t listSize ) { // Converts the chipmask to a list of MCMs Short_t nmcm = 0; Short_t i; for( i = 0 ; i < 18 ; i++ ) { // 18: number of MCMs on a ROB if( (cmA & (1 << i)) != 0 && nmcm= 0 && rawver <= fgkMaxRAWversion ) { fRAWversion = rawver; } else { AliError(Form("Raw version is out of range: %d",rawver)); } }