#ifndef ALITRDTRACKER_H #define ALITRDTRACKER_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ #include "AliTracker.h" #include "TObjArray.h" class TFile; class TTree; class TParticle;class TParticlePDG; class AliTRDgeometry; class AliTRDtrack; class AliTRDtracklet; class AliTRDcluster; class AliTRDseed; class AliESD; class TTreeSRedirector; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // The standard TRD tracker // // Based on Kalman filltering approach // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AliTRDtracker : public AliTracker { public: enum { kMaxLayersPerSector = 1000 , kMaxTimeBinIndex = 216 , kMaxClusterPerTimeBin = 2300 , kZones = 5 , kTrackingSectors = 18 }; AliTRDtracker(); AliTRDtracker(const TFile *in); virtual ~AliTRDtracker(); static Int_t Freq(Int_t n, const Int_t *inlist, Int_t *outlist, Bool_t down); Int_t Clusters2Tracks(AliESD* event); Int_t PropagateBack(AliESD* event); Int_t RefitInward(AliESD* event); // transformation Int_t LocalToGlobalID(Int_t lid); Int_t GlobalToLocalID(Int_t gid); Bool_t Transform(AliTRDcluster * cluster); // Int_t LoadClusters(TTree *cTree); void UnloadClusters(); AliCluster *GetCluster(Int_t index) const { if (index >= fNclusters) return NULL; return (AliCluster*) fClusters->UncheckedAt(index); }; Bool_t GetTrackPoint(Int_t index, AliTrackPoint& p) const; virtual void CookLabel(AliKalmanTrack *t,Float_t wrong) const; virtual void UseClusters(const AliKalmanTrack *t, Int_t from=0) const; void SetAddTRDseeds() { fAddTRDseeds = kTRUE; } void SetNoTilt() { fNoTilt = kTRUE; } Double_t GetTiltFactor(const AliTRDcluster* c); Int_t ReadClusters(TObjArray *array, TTree *in) const; Int_t CookSectorIndex(Int_t gs) const { return kTrackingSectors - 1 - gs; } AliTRDcluster * GetCluster(AliTRDtrack * track, Int_t plane, Int_t timebin, UInt_t &index); Int_t GetLastPlane(AliTRDtrack * track); //return last updated plane Int_t FindClusters(Int_t sector, Int_t t0, Int_t t1, AliTRDtrack *track , Int_t *clusters, AliTRDtracklet& tracklet); Int_t GetTimeBinsPerPlane() const { return fTimeBinsPerPlane; } Double_t GetMaxChi2() const { return fgkMaxChi2; } Float_t GetLabelFraction() const { return fgkLabelFraction; } Float_t GetMinClustersInTrack() const { return fgkMinClustersInTrack; } // x <-> timebin conversions useful in analysis macros Double_t GetX(Int_t sec, Int_t plane, Int_t localTB) const; Double_t GetX(Int_t sec, Int_t pl) const { return fTrSec[sec]->GetLayer(pl)->GetX(); } Int_t GetGlobalTimeBin(Int_t sec, Int_t plane, Int_t localTB) const { return fTrSec[sec]->CookTimeBinIndex(plane,localTB); } Double_t GetLayerNumber(Int_t sec, Double_t x) const { return fTrSec[sec]->GetLayerNumber(x); } protected: class AliTRDpropagationLayer { // ***************** internal class ******************* public: AliTRDpropagationLayer(Double_t x, Double_t dx, Double_t rho, Double_t x0, Int_t tbIndex, Int_t plane); ~AliTRDpropagationLayer() { if(fTimeBinIndex >= 0) { delete[] fClusters; delete[] fIndex; }} void InsertCluster(AliTRDcluster *c, UInt_t index); operator Int_t() const {return fN;} AliTRDcluster* operator[](Int_t i) {return fClusters[i];} UInt_t GetIndex(Int_t i) const {return fIndex[i];} Double_t GetX() const { return fX; } Double_t GetdX() const { return fdX; } Int_t GetTimeBinIndex() const { return fTimeBinIndex; } Int_t GetPlane() const { return fPlane;} Int_t Find(Float_t y) const; Int_t FindNearestCluster(Float_t y, Float_t z, Float_t maxroad, Float_t maxroadz) const; void SetZmax(Int_t cham, Double_t center, Double_t w) { fZc[cham] = center; fZmax[cham] = w; } void SetZ(Double_t* center, Double_t *w, Double_t *wsensitive); void SetHoles(Bool_t* holes); void SetYmax(Double_t w, Double_t wsensitive) { fYmax = w; fYmaxSensitive = wsensitive; } Double_t GetYmax() const { return fYmax; } Double_t GetZmax(Int_t c) const { return fZmax[c]; } Double_t GetZc(Int_t c) const { return fZc[c]; } void SetHole(Double_t Zmax, Double_t Ymax, Double_t rho = 1.29e-3, Double_t x0 = 36.66, Double_t Yc = 0, Double_t Zc = 0); Bool_t IsSensitive() const {return (fTimeBinIndex>=0)? kTRUE: kFALSE;} void Clear() {for(Int_t i=0; iGetX(); } void MapTimeBinLayers(); Int_t GetLayerNumber(Double_t x) const; Int_t GetInnerTimeBin() const; Int_t GetOuterTimeBin() const; Int_t GetLayerNumber(Int_t tb) const {return fTimeBinIndex[tb];} Int_t Find(Double_t x) const; void InsertLayer(AliTRDpropagationLayer* pl); // AliTRDpropagationLayer* operator[](Int_t i) { return fLayers[i]; } AliTRDpropagationLayer* GetLayer(Int_t i) { return fLayers[i]; } Int_t CookTimeBinIndex(Int_t plane, Int_t localTB) const; private: Int_t fN; // total number of layers AliTRDgeometry *fGeom; // geometry AliTRDpropagationLayer *fLayers[kMaxLayersPerSector]; // layers Int_t fTimeBinIndex[kMaxTimeBinIndex]; // time bin index Int_t fGeomSector; // sector # in AliTRDgeometry }; AliTRDgeometry *fGeom; // Pointer to TRD geometry AliTRDtrackingSector *fTrSec[kTrackingSectors]; // array of tracking sectors; Int_t fNclusters; // Number of clusters in TRD TObjArray *fClusters; // List of clusters for all sectors Int_t fNseeds; // Number of track seeds TObjArray *fSeeds; // List of track seeds Int_t fNtracks; // Number of reconstructed tracks TObjArray *fTracks; // List of reconstructed tracks Int_t fTimeBinsPerPlane; // timebins per plane in track prolongation static const Double_t fgkMaxChi2; // max increment in track chi2 static const Float_t fgkMinClustersInTrack; // min number of clusters in track static const Float_t fgkLabelFraction; // min fraction of same label static const Double_t fgkMaxSnp; // maximal snp for tracking static const Double_t fgkMaxStep; // maximal step for tracking Bool_t fAddTRDseeds; // Something else Bool_t fNoTilt; // No tilt, or what? Bool_t fHoles[5][18]; // holes Bool_t AdjustSector(AliTRDtrack *track); private: AliTRDtrack *RegisterSeed(AliTRDseed *seeds, Double_t *params); void MakeSeedsMI(Int_t inner, Int_t outer, AliESD *esd=0); Int_t FollowBackProlongation(AliTRDtrack& t); Int_t FollowProlongation(AliTRDtrack& t); void CookdEdxTimBin(AliTRDtrack& t); Int_t PropagateToX(AliTRDtrack& t, Double_t xToGo, Double_t maxStep); Double_t ExpectedSigmaY2(Double_t r, Double_t tgl, Double_t pt) const; Double_t ExpectedSigmaZ2(Double_t r, Double_t tgl) const; TTreeSRedirector *fDebugStreamer; //!debug streamer ClassDef(AliTRDtracker,2) // TRD tracker }; #endif