#if !defined( __CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../TRD/AliTRDCalibra.h" #endif Bool_t AliTRDCreateVector2DSum(const char* variablecali, const char* noime, const char* dire, const char* namefile){ // // After having simulated and reconstructed events in subrepertories 000%d of dire // this macro searchs in the subdirectories the file TRD.calibration.root // takes the vectors and merge them // variablecali can be treeCH2d, treePH2d or treePRF2d // noime is the name of the "sum" tree // namefile is the name of the file where noime will be written // // The tree TChain *treeChain = new TChain(variablecali); //Variables TObjArray *vectorplace = new TObjArray(); TObjArray *whereinthechain = new TObjArray(); //TRDCalibra AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); man->SetRun(0); AliTRDCalibra *calibra = AliTRDCalibra::Instance(); //The patterns const char *name="TRD.calibration.root"; const char *patterndir="0"; const char *namesubdir = 0x0; char dir[200]; //Open the directory dire void * dircu = gSystem->OpenDirectory(dire); while((namesubdir = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dircu))) { if(strstr(namesubdir,patterndir)) { sprintf(dir,"%s/%s",dire,namesubdir); printf("process subdirectories: %s\n",dir); //full name of the file and tree char fullname[255] = ""; sprintf(fullname,"%s/%s",dir,name); printf("Process file: %s\n",fullname); TFile *file = new TFile(fullname,"READ"); if(!file) continue; TTree *treecurrent = (TTree *) file->Get(variablecali); if(!treecurrent) continue; gDirectory = gROOT; TObjArray *vectorcurrent = calibra->ConvertTreeVector(treecurrent); printf("Size of the current tree: %d\n",(Int_t) vectorcurrent->GetEntriesFast()); printf("Size of whereinthechain: %d\n",(Int_t) whereinthechain->GetEntriesFast()); printf("Size of the chain: %d\n", (Int_t) treeChain->GetEntries()); Int_t j = (Int_t) treeChain->GetEntries(); for(Int_t jui = 0; jui < (Int_t) vectorcurrent->GetEntriesFast(); jui++){ //Search if already found Int_t place = calibra->SearchInTreeVector(vectorplace,((AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *)vectorcurrent->At(jui))->GetPlace()); //Create a new element in the two std vectors if(place == -1){ AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *placejui = new AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace(); placejui->SetPlace(j+jui); TObjArray *chainplace = new TObjArray(); chainplace->Add((TObject *) placejui); vectorplace->Add((TObject *) (vectorcurrent->At(jui))); whereinthechain->Add((TObject *) chainplace); } //Update the element at the place "place" in the std vector whereinthechain else { AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *placejui = new AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace(); placejui->SetPlace((j+jui)); TObjArray *chainplace = ((TObjArray *) whereinthechain->At(place)); chainplace->Add((TObject *) placejui); whereinthechain->AddAt((TObject *)chainplace, place); } } treeChain->AddFile(fullname); delete file; }//if pattern }// in the sub //Take care of the profile const char* pattern = "P"; TTree *tree; if(!strstr(variablecali,pattern)){ //Ready to read the chain TH1F *his = 0x0; treeChain->SetBranchAddress("histo",&his); //Initialise the final tree Int_t group = -1; TH1F *histsum = 0x0; tree = new TTree(noime,noime); tree->Branch("groupnumber",&group,"groupnumber/I"); tree->Branch("histo","TH1F",&histsum,32000,0); //Init histsum if(treeChain->GetEntries() < 1) return kFALSE; printf("FINAL Size of the chain: %d\n", (Int_t) treeChain->GetEntriesFast()); printf("FINAL Size of vectorplace: %d\n", (Int_t) vectorplace->GetEntriesFast()); for(Int_t h = 0; h < (Int_t) vectorplace->GetEntriesFast(); h++){ group = ((AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *)vectorplace->At(h))->GetPlace(); TObjArray *chainplace = ((TObjArray *)whereinthechain->At(h)); treeChain->GetEntry(((AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *)chainplace->At(0))->GetPlace()); //Init for the first time if(h == 0) { histsum = new TH1F("","",his->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(),his->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1),his->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(his->GetXaxis()->GetNbins())); histsum->Sumw2(); } //Reset for each new group histsum->SetEntries(0); for(Int_t l = 0; l <= histsum->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); l++){ histsum->SetBinContent(l,0.0); histsum->SetBinError(l,0.0); } histsum->Add(his,1); if((Int_t) chainplace->GetEntriesFast() > 1){ for(Int_t s = 1; s < (Int_t)chainplace->GetEntriesFast(); s++){ treeChain->GetEntry(((AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *)chainplace->At(s))->GetPlace()); histsum->Add(his,1); } } tree->Fill(); } } else { //Ready to read the chain TGraphErrors *his = 0x0; treeChain->SetBranchAddress("histo",&his); //Initialise the final tree Int_t group = -1; TGraphErrors *histsum = 0x0; Double_t *xref = 0x0; tree = new TTree(noime,noime); tree->Branch("groupnumber",&group,"groupnumber/I"); tree->Branch("histo","TGraphErrors",&histsum,32000,0); //Init histsum if(treeChain->GetEntries() < 1) return kFALSE; printf("FINAL Size of the chain: %d\n", (Int_t) treeChain->GetEntriesFast()); printf("FINAL Size of vectorplace: %d\n", (Int_t) vectorplace->GetEntriesFast()); for(Int_t h = 0; h < (Int_t) vectorplace->GetEntriesFast(); h++){ group = ((AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *)vectorplace->At(h))->GetPlace(); TObjArray *chainplace = ((TObjArray *)whereinthechain->At(h)); treeChain->GetEntry(((AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *)chainplace->At(0))->GetPlace()); //Init for the fisrt time Int_t nbins = his->GetN(); Double_t *x; x = new Double_t[nbins]; xref = his->GetX(); Double_t *ex; ex = new Double_t[nbins]; Double_t *y; y = new Double_t[nbins]; Double_t *ey; ey = new Double_t[nbins]; for(Int_t lo = 0; lo < nbins; lo++){ x[lo] = xref[lo]; ex[lo] = 0.0; y[lo] = 0.0; ey[lo] = 0.0; } delete histsum; histsum = new TGraphErrors(nbins,x,y,ex,ey); //Reset for each group Double_t *xp; xp = histsum->GetX(); Double_t *exp; exp = histsum->GetEX(); Double_t *yp; yp = histsum->GetY(); Double_t *eyp; eyp = histsum->GetEY(); //Add the first histsum = calibra->AddProfiles(his,histsum); if((Int_t) chainplace->GetEntriesFast() > 1){ for(Int_t s = 1; s < (Int_t)chainplace->GetEntriesFast(); s++){ treeChain->GetEntry(((AliTRDCalibra::AliTRDPlace *)chainplace->At(s))->GetPlace()); histsum = calibra->AddProfiles(his,histsum); } } tree->Fill(); } } //Write in a file TFile *fout = TFile::Open((const char*) namefile,"UPDATE"); fout->WriteTObject(tree,tree->GetName(),(Option_t *) "kOverWrite"); fout->Close(); return kTRUE; }