void MakeTRDResMisAlignment(){ // Create TClonesArray of residual misalignment objects for TRD // const char* macroname = "MakeTRDResMisAlignment.C"; TClonesArray *array = new TClonesArray("AliAlignObjParams",1000); TClonesArray &alobj = *array; // Activate CDB storage and load geometry from CDB AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if(!cdb->IsDefaultStorageSet()) cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT"); cdb->SetRun(0); AliCDBStorage* storage; if( TString(gSystem->Getenv("TOCDB")) == TString("kTRUE") ){ TString Storage = gSystem->Getenv("STORAGE"); if(!Storage.BeginsWith("local://") && !Storage.BeginsWith("alien://")) { Error(macroname,"STORAGE variable set to %s is not valid. Exiting\n",Storage.Data()); return; } storage = cdb->GetStorage(Storage.Data()); if(!storage){ Error(macroname,"Unable to open storage %s\n",Storage.Data()); return; } AliCDBPath path("GRP","Geometry","Data"); AliCDBEntry *entry = storage->Get(path.GetPath(),cdb->GetRun()); if(!entry) Fatal(macroname,"Could not get the specified CDB entry!"); entry->SetOwner(0); TGeoManager* geom = (TGeoManager*) entry->GetObject(); AliGeomManager::SetGeometry(geom); }else{ AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(); //load geom from default CDB storage } // sigmas for the chambers Double_t chdx=0.002; // 20 microns Double_t chdy=0.003; // 30 microns Double_t chdz=0.007; // 70 microns Double_t chrx=0.3/1000/TMath::Pi()*180; // 0.3 mrad Double_t chry=0.3/1000/TMath::Pi()*180; // 0.3 mrad Double_t chrz=0.1/1000/TMath::Pi()*180; // 0.1 mrad Int_t sActive[18]={0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0}; Double_t dx=0.,dy=0.,dz=0.,rx=0.,ry=0.,rz=0.; Int_t j=0; TRandom *ran = new TRandom(4357); UShort_t volid; const char* symname; // create the supermodules' alignment objects for (Int_t iSect=0; iSect<18; iSect++) { TString sm_symname(Form("TRD/sm%02d",iSect)); if( (TString(gSystem->Getenv("PARTGEOM")) == TString("kTRUE")) && !sActive[iSect] ) continue; new((*array)[j++]) AliAlignObjParams(sm_symname.Data(),0,dx,dy,dz,rx,ry,rz,kTRUE); } // create the chambers' alignment objects Int_t chId; for (Int_t iLayer = AliGeomManager::kTRD1; iLayer <= AliGeomManager::kTRD6; iLayer++) { chId=-1; for (Int_t iSect = 0; iSect < 18; iSect++){ for (Int_t iCh = 0; iCh < 5; iCh++) { ran->Rannor(dx,rx); ran->Rannor(dy,ry); ran->Rannor(dz,rz); dx*=chdx; dy*=chdy; dz*=chdz; rx*=chrx; ry*=chry; rz*=chrz; chId++; volid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(iLayer,chId); symname = AliGeomManager::SymName(volid); if( (TString(gSystem->Getenv("PARTGEOM")) == TString("kTRUE")) && !sActive[iSect] ) continue; new(alobj[j++]) AliAlignObjParams(symname,volid,dx,dy,dz,rx,ry,rz,kFALSE); } } } if( TString(gSystem->Getenv("TOCDB")) != TString("kTRUE") ){ // save on file const char* filename = "TRDresidualMisalignment.root"; TFile f(filename,"RECREATE"); if(!f){ Error(macroname,"cannot open file for output\n"); return; } Info(macroname,"Saving alignment objects to the file %s", filename); f.cd(); f.WriteObject(array,"TRDAlignObjs","kSingleKey"); f.Close(); }else{ // save in CDB storage AliCDBMetaData* md = new AliCDBMetaData(); md->SetResponsible("Dariusz Miskowiec"); md->SetComment("Residual misalignment for TRD"); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); AliCDBId id("TRD/Align/Data",0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); storage->Put(array,id,md); } array->Delete(); }