void TrackDisplay(Int_t track) { c1 = new TCanvas( "RecPoints", "RecPoints Display", 10, 10, 710, 740); c1->SetFillColor(1); TView *v=new TView(1); v->SetRange(-350.,-350.,-400.,350.,350.,400.); // full // v->SetRange(0.,0.,0.,350.,350.,400.); // top right // v->SetRange(-350.,0.,0.,0.,350.,400.); // top left // v->SetRange(0.,-350.,0.,350.,0.,400.); // bottom right // v->SetRange(-350.,-350.,0.,0.,0.,400.); // bottom left // v->Side(); v->Top(); cerr<<"psi = "<GetPsi()<GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); cout << "Loaded shared libraries" << endl; } // Load tracks TFile *tf=TFile::Open("AliTRDtracks.root"); if (!tf->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open AliTRDtracks.root !\n"; return 3;} TObjArray tarray(2000); TTree *tracktree=(TTree*)tf->Get("TreeT"); TBranch *tbranch=tracktree->GetBranch("tracks"); Int_t nentr=tracktree->GetEntries(); cerr<<"Found "<SetAddress(&iotrack); tracktree->GetEvent(i); tarray.AddLast(iotrack); cerr<<"got track "<ReadClusters(RecPointsArray,alifile,-1); Int_t nRecPoints = RecPointsArray->GetEntriesFast(); cerr<<"Found "<GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(alifile); if (!gafl) { cout << "Open the ALIROOT-file " << alifile << endl; gafl = new TFile(alifile); } else { cout << alifile << " is already open" << endl; } // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file gAlice = (AliRun*) gafl->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice) cout << "AliRun object found on file" << endl; else gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); AliTRDv1 *TRD = (AliTRDv1*) gAlice->GetDetector("TRD"); AliTRDgeometry *fGeom = TRD->GetGeometry(); Int_t i,j,index,det,sector, ti[3]; Double_t x,y,z, cs,sn,tmp; Float_t global[3], local[3]; // Display all TRD RecPoints TPolyMarker3D *pm = new TPolyMarker3D(nRecPoints); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nRecPoints; i++) { printf("\r point %d out of %d",i,nRecPoints); AliTRDrecPoint *rp = (AliTRDrecPoint *) RecPointsArray->UncheckedAt(i); local[0]=rp->GetLocalRow(); local[1]=rp->GetLocalCol(); local[2]=rp->GetLocalTime(); det=rp->GetDetector(); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { ti[j] = rp->GetTrackIndex(j); } if((track < 0) || ((ti[0]==track)||(ti[1]==track)||(ti[2]==track))) { if(fGeom->Local2Global(det,local,global)) { x=global[0]; y=global[1]; z=global[2]; pm->SetPoint(i,x,y,z); } } } pm->SetMarkerSize(1); pm->SetMarkerColor(10); pm->SetMarkerStyle(1); pm->Draw(); Int_t ntracks = tarray.GetEntriesFast(); for (i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) { AliTRDtrack *pt = (AliTRDtrack *) tarray.UncheckedAt(i), &t=*pt; Int_t nclusters = t.GetNclusters(); cerr<<"in track "<UncheckedAt(index); local[0]=rp->GetLocalRow(); local[1]=rp->GetLocalCol(); local[2]=rp->GetLocalTime(); det=rp->GetDetector(); if(fGeom->Local2Global(det,local,global)) { x=global[0]; y=global[1]; z=global[2]; pm->SetPoint(j,x,y,z); } } pm->SetMarkerSize(1); pm->SetMarkerColor(i%6+3); pm->SetMarkerStyle(1); pm->Draw(); } TGeometry *geom=(TGeometry*)gafl->Get("AliceGeom"); geom->Draw("same"); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); gafl->Close(); }