Generated on PCx86 Linux x86 (32-bit) Mathematica 6.0 for Linux x86 (32-bit) (April 20, 2007), MathID: 7105-78965-34419 by chojnacki@nz41-25. on 13/6/2008 at 16:04 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LHYQUID ver : 2.78 HydroID : FBCE503E THERMODYNAMICS thermodynamic funtions for : 3D system, phase transition: QGP(lattice) to HG(SHARE) HYDRO INITIAL CONDITIONS type of nuclei : Pb + Pb nuclear profile model : gaussian fit to Glissando pre-hydro evolution : free-streaming f-s initial time : tau0 = 0.25 fm f-s initial temperature : T0 = 767.937 MeV centrality class : c = 5 - 10 % inelastic cross-section : sigma = 63. mb weight factor : wf = 20. % central temperature : T0 = 500. MeV T to rho Ansatz : energy density, rho ~ E Hubble flow : H0 = 0.001 fm-1 HYDRO EQUATIONS hydrodynamical equations : 3D thermalization, boost invariant, z=0 equations integration range : r = <0., 15.>, phi = <-180., 180.>, t = <1., 15.> grid points : r = 80, phi = 61, t = 47 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FreezeID : 502E67D6 FREEZE-OUT PARAMITERS freeze-out temperature : TFO = 0.852941 TC = 145. MeV freeze-out parametrization : phi = <-180., 180.>, zeta = <0., 90.> freeze-out grid points : phiN = 91, zetaN = 91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exported Variables: LhyquidVer, ChoiceTherm, ChoiceNucl, ChoiceFreeStr, ChoiceAnsatz, ChoiceEqn, TypeNucleus, cmin, cmax, \[Sigma]in, wf, T0, H0, rmin, rmax, \[Phi]min, \[Phi]max, tminPH, tmin, tmax, rPts, \[Phi]Pts, tPts, HydroID, FreezeID, PathHydro, PathFreeze, OptIntOrd, OptPrcGl, OptAccGl, TFO, \[Phi]minFO, \[Phi]maxFO, \[Zeta]minFO, \[Zeta]maxFO, \[Phi]N, \[Zeta]N, Exported Tables: \[Phi]FOGrid, \[Zeta]FOGrid, \[Alpha]HSArr, vHSArr, dHSArr, DpdHSArr, DzdHSArr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exported to text files: \[Alpha]HSArr, vHSArr, dHSArr, DpdHSArr, DzdHSArr