void MakeVZEROSaturationEntry(const char *cdbUri = "local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB", Bool_t default = kTRUE, Int_t firstRun = 0, Int_t lastRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()) { AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(cdbUri); // Creation of the signal saturation OCDB object // x = Total ADC charge (summed up in 8x25 ns - from -1 to +6) // The correction for saturation is: // x -> x + alpha * ( x - beta ) // alpha and beta are calculated for each channel, and are // listed below Double_t alpha[64] = { 7.70e-01 , 7.97e-01 , 7.64e-01 , 7.80e-01 , 6.61e-01 , 7.46e-01 , 6.59e-01 , 6.69e-01 , 6.40e-01 , 6.11e-01 , 6.25e-01 , 4.51e-01 , 5.72e-01 , 3.34e-01 , 6.23e-01 , 5.92e-01 , 5.28e-01 , 4.18e-01 , 3.56e-01 , 3.39e-01 , 4.91e-01 , 3.36e-01 , 9.48e-02 , 1.86e-01 , 1.72e-01 , 2.65e-01 , 2.15e-01 , 1.24e-01 , 2.62e-01 , 2.57e-01 , 2.21e-01 , 1.11e-01 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 1.74e-01 , 0.00e+00 , 1.69e-01 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 1.45e-01 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 5.62e-02 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 1.46e-01 }; Double_t beta[64] = { 1.28e+03 , 1.28e+03 , 1.30e+03 , 1.26e+03 , 1.28e+03 , 1.28e+03 , 1.28e+03 , 1.34e+03 , 1.22e+03 , 1.26e+03 , 1.28e+03 , 1.14e+03 , 1.31e+03 , 1.29e+03 , 1.22e+03 , 1.27e+03 , 1.31e+03 , 1.31e+03 , 1.30e+03 , 1.21e+03 , 1.26e+03 , 1.30e+03 , 1.15e+03 , 1.30e+03 , 1.30e+03 , 1.32e+03 , 1.32e+03 , 1.37e+03 , 1.40e+03 , 1.43e+03 , 1.38e+03 , 1.28e+03 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 1.15e+03 , 0.00e+00 , 1.16e+03 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 1.32e+03 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 1.21e+03 , 0.00e+00 , 0.00e+00 , 1.30e+03 }; TObjArray *arr = new TObjArray(64); arr->SetOwner(1); for(Int_t i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { TF1 *saturation = new TF1(Form("VZEROSaturationCh_%d",i),"x < [1] ? x : x + [0] * (x - [1])",0.,2500.); if (default) { saturation->SetParameter(0,0.0); saturation->SetParameter(1,0.0); } else { saturation->SetParameter(0,alpha[i]); saturation->SetParameter(1,beta[i]); } arr->AddAt(saturation,i); } AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); // metaData describing the object md->SetResponsible("Brigitte Cheynis"); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetComment("Signal saturation correction used in reconstruction of data"); md->PrintMetaData(); AliCDBStorage *storLoc = man->GetDefaultStorage(); AliCDBId id("VZERO/Calib/Saturation",firstRun,lastRun); storLoc->Put(arr, id, md); storLoc->Delete(); delete md; }