/********************************************************************************* - Contact: Brigitte Cheynis b.cheynis@ipnl.in2p3.fr - Link: http - Raw data test file : - Reference run number : - Run Type: PHYSICS - DA Type: MON - Number of events needed: >=500 - Input Files: argument list - Output Files: local files VZERO_Histos.root, V0_Pedestals.dat (Online mapping) FXS file V0_Ped_Width_Gain.dat (Offline mapping) - Trigger types used: PHYSICS_EVENT **********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************** * * * VZERO Detector Algorithm used for extracting calibration parameters * * * * This program connects to the DAQ data source passed as argument. * * It computes calibration parameters, populates local "./V0_Ped_Width_Gain.dat" * * file, exports it to the FES, and stores it into DAQ DB * * The program exits when being asked to shut down (daqDA_checkshutdown) * * or on End of Run event. * * We have 128 channels instead of 64 as expected for V0 due to the two sets of * * charge integrators which are used by the FEE ... * * * ***********************************************************************************/ // DATE #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "daqDA.h" //AliRoot #include #include #include #include // standard #include #include //ROOT #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include #include #include Int_t GetOfflineChannel(Int_t channel); /* Main routine --- Arguments: monitoring data source */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* magic line from Cvetan */ gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); int status; if (argc!=2) { printf("Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } // Online values (using FEE channel numbering), // stored into local V0_Pedestals.dat: Double_t adcMean[128]; Double_t adcSigma[128]; Double_t pedMean[128]; Double_t pedSigma[128]; // Offline values(same but ordered as in aliroot for offliners) // stored into V0_Ped_Width_Gain.dat: Double_t adcMeanOff[128]; Double_t adcSigmaOff[128]; Double_t pedMeanOff[128]; Double_t pedSigmaOff[128]; //___________________________________________________ // Get cuts from V00DA.config file Int_t kClockMin; // = 16; LHC Clock Min for pedestal calculation Int_t kClockMax; // = 19; LHC Clock Max for pedestal calculation Int_t kLowCut; // = 60; low cut on signal distribution - to be tuned Int_t kHighCut; // = 50; high cut on pedestal distribution - to be tuned status = daqDA_DB_getFile("V00DA.config","./V00DA.config"); if (status) { printf("Failed to get Config file (V00DA.config) from DAQ DB, status=%d\n", status); printf("Take default values of parameters for pedestal calculation \n"); kClockMin = 16; kClockMax = 19; kLowCut = 60; kHighCut = 50; } else { /* open the config file and retrieve cuts */ FILE *fpConfig = fopen("V00DA.config","r"); int res = fscanf(fpConfig,"%d %d %d %d ",&kClockMin,&kClockMax,&kLowCut,&kHighCut); if(res!=4) { printf("Failed to get values from Config file (V00DA.config): wrong file format - 4 integers are expected - \n"); kClockMin = 16; kClockMax = 19; kLowCut = 60; kHighCut = 50; } fclose(fpConfig); } printf("LHC Clock Min for pedestal calculation = %d; LHC Clock Max for pedestal calculation = %d; LowCut on signal = %d ; HighCut on pedestal = %d\n", kClockMin, kClockMax, kLowCut, kHighCut); //___________________________________________________ // Book HISTOGRAMS - dynamics of p-p collisions - char adcName[6]; char pedName[6]; TH1F *hADCname[128]; TH1F *hPEDname[128]; char texte[12]; for (Int_t i=0; i<128; i++) { sprintf(adcName,"hADC%d",i); sprintf(texte,"ADC cell%d",i); hADCname[i] = new TH1F(adcName,texte,1024,-0.5, 1023.5); sprintf(pedName,"hPED%d",i); sprintf(texte,"PED cell%d",i); hPEDname[i] = new TH1F(pedName,texte,1024,-0.5, 1023.5); } //___________________________________________________ /* open result file to be exported to FES */ FILE *fpLocal=NULL; fpLocal=fopen("./V0_Pedestals.dat","w"); if (fpLocal==NULL) { printf("Failed to open local result file\n"); return -1;} /* open result file to be exported to FES */ FILE *fp=NULL; fp=fopen("./V0_Ped_Width_Gain.dat","w"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Failed to open result file\n"); return -1;} /* define data source : this is argument 1 */ status=monitorSetDataSource( argv[1] ); if (status!=0) { printf("monitorSetDataSource() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } /* declare monitoring program */ status=monitorDeclareMp( __FILE__ ); if (status!=0) { printf("monitorDeclareMp() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } /* define wait event timeout - 1s max */ monitorSetNowait(); monitorSetNoWaitNetworkTimeout(1000); /* init counters on events */ int neventsPhysics=0; int neventsTotal=0; /* loop on events (infinite) */ for(;;) { struct eventHeaderStruct *event; eventTypeType eventT; /* check shutdown condition */ if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) {break;} /* get next event (blocking call until timeout) */ status=monitorGetEventDynamic((void **)&event); if (status==MON_ERR_EOF) { printf ("End of File detected\n"); break; /* end of monitoring file has been reached */ } if (status!=0) { printf("monitorGetEventDynamic() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); break; } /* retry if got no event */ if (event==NULL) continue; /* decode event */ eventT=event->eventType; switch (event->eventType){ case START_OF_RUN: break; case END_OF_RUN: printf("End Of Run detected\n"); break; case PHYSICS_EVENT: neventsPhysics++; AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); AliVZERORawStream* rawStream = new AliVZERORawStream(rawReader); if (rawStream->Next()) { for(Int_t i=0; i<64; i++) { Int_t nFlag = 0; for(Int_t j=kClockMin; j <= kClockMax; j++) { // Check flags on clock range used for pedestal calculation if((rawStream->GetBBFlag(i,j)) || (rawStream->GetBGFlag(i,j))) nFlag++; } if(nFlag == 0){ // Fill 64*2 pedestal histograms - 2 integrators - for(Int_t j=kClockMin;j <= kClockMax;j++){ Int_t integrator = rawStream->GetIntegratorFlag(i,j); Float_t pedestal = (float)(rawStream->GetPedestal(i,j)); hPEDname[i + 64 * integrator]->Fill(pedestal); } } if((rawStream->GetBBFlag(i,10)) || (rawStream->GetBGFlag(i,10))){ // Charge Int_t integrator = rawStream->GetIntegratorFlag(i,10); Float_t charge = (float)(rawStream->GetADC(i)); // Fill 64*2 ADCmax histograms hADCname[i + 64 * integrator]->Fill(charge); } } } delete rawStream; rawStream = 0x0; delete rawReader; rawReader = 0x0; } // end of switch on event type neventsTotal++; /* free resources */ free(event); /* exit when last event received, no need to wait for TERM signal */ if (eventT==END_OF_RUN) { printf("End Of Run event detected\n"); break; } } // loop over events printf("%d physics events processed\n",neventsPhysics); //___________________________________________________________________________ // Computes mean values, converts FEE channels into Offline AliRoot channels // and dumps the ordered values into the output text file for SHUTTLE for(Int_t i=0; i<128; i++) { hPEDname[i]->GetXaxis()->SetRange(0,kHighCut); pedMean[i] = hPEDname[i]->GetMean(); pedSigma[i] = hPEDname[i]->GetRMS(); hADCname[i]->GetXaxis()->SetRange(kLowCut,1024); adcMean[i] = hADCname[i]->GetMean(); adcSigma[i] = hADCname[i]->GetRMS(); // printf(" i = %d, %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n",i,pedMean[i],pedSigma[i],adcMean[i],adcSigma[i]); fprintf(fpLocal," %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n",pedMean[i],pedSigma[i], adcMean[i],adcSigma[i]); if (i < 64) { Int_t j = GetOfflineChannel(i); pedMeanOff[j] = pedMean[i]; pedSigmaOff[j] = pedSigma[i]; adcMeanOff[j] = adcMean[i]; adcSigmaOff[j] = adcSigma[i]; } else{ Int_t j = GetOfflineChannel(i-64); pedMeanOff[j+64] = pedMean[i]; pedSigmaOff[j+64] = pedSigma[i]; adcMeanOff[j+64] = adcMean[i]; adcSigmaOff[j+64] = adcSigma[i]; } } for(Int_t j=0; j<128; j++) { // printf(" j = %d, %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n",j,pedMeanOff[j],pedSigmaOff[j], // adcMeanOff[j],adcSigmaOff[j]); fprintf(fp," %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n",pedMeanOff[j],pedSigmaOff[j], adcMeanOff[j],adcSigmaOff[j]); } //________________________________________________________________________ // Write root file with histos for users further check - just in case - TFile *histoFile = new TFile("VZERO_histos.root","RECREATE"); for (Int_t i=0; i<128; i++) { hADCname[i]->GetXaxis()->SetRange(0,1024); hADCname[i]->Write(); hPEDname[i]->Write(); } histoFile->Close(); delete histoFile; //________________________________________________________________________ /* close local result file and FXS result file*/ fclose(fpLocal); fclose(fp); /* export result file to FES */ status=daqDA_FES_storeFile("./V0_Ped_Width_Gain.dat","V00da_results"); if (status) { printf("Failed to export file : %d\n",status); return -1; } /* store result file into Online DB */ status=daqDA_DB_storeFile("./V0_Pedestals.dat","V00da_results"); if (status) { printf("Failed to store file into Online DB: %d\n",status); return -1; } return status; } Int_t GetOfflineChannel(Int_t channel) { // Channel mapping Online - Offline: Int_t fOfflineChannel[64] = {39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24}; return fOfflineChannel[channel]; }