/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ZDC event merging class // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- AliRoot header files #include "AliZDCMerger.h" #include "AliZDC.h" #include "AliZDCHit.h" #include "AliZDCDigit.h" #include "AliZDCFragment.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliDetector.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" ClassImp(AliZDCMerger) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliZDCMerger::AliZDCMerger() { // Default constructor fMerge = kDigitize; fNEvBgr = 0; fFnBgr = 0; fBgrFile = 0; fTrHBgr = 0; fTrSDBgr = 0; fImpPar = 0; fSpecn = 0; fSpecp = 0; fFreeSpn = 0; fFreeSpp = 0; fFnSpecn = 0; fSpecnFile = 0; fFnSpecp = 0; fSpecpFile = 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliZDCMerger::~AliZDCMerger() { // Destructor if (fBgrFile) delete fBgrFile; if (fTrHBgr) delete fTrHBgr; if (fTrSDBgr) delete fTrSDBgr; if (fHitsBgr) delete fHitsBgr; if (fSpecnFile) delete fSpecnFile; if (fSpecpFile) delete fSpecpFile; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliZDCMerger::InitMerging() { // Hits tree, impact parameter, num. of spectators n & p // in background (full Hijing) event Float_t b; Int_t nspecn, nspecp; Background(b, nspecn, nspecp); // Production of nuclear fragments -> num. of FREE spectators n & p Fragmentation(b, nspecn, nspecp, fFreeSpn, fFreeSpp); // Extract from spectators distribution the signal events: // NFreeSpectatorN spectator n & NFreeSpectatorP spectator p Mixing(fFreeSpn, fFreeSpp); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliZDCMerger::Background(Float_t &fImpPar, Int_t &fSpecn, Int_t &fSpecp) { // --- Open the background file if (fMerge && !fBgrFile) fBgrFile = OpenBgrFile(); // --- Read from the TreeE impact parameter (b), // # of spectators n and p (fSpecn, fSpecp) fBgrFile->cd(); // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file gAlice = (AliRun*)fBgrFile->Get("gAlice"); if (!gAlice) { gAlice = (AliRun*)fBgrFile->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n"); if (!gAlice) { printf("\n create new gAlice object"); gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); } } // gAlice = (AliRun*)fBgrFile->Get("gAlice"); AliHeader *header = gAlice->GetHeader(); AliGenEventHeader* mcHeader = header->GenEventHeader(); fImpPar = ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) mcHeader)->ImpactParameter(); fSpecn = ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) mcHeader)->Spectatorsn(); fSpecp = ((AliGenHijingEventHeader*) mcHeader)->Spectatorsp(); // printf("\n HIJING simulation - b = %f fm, Nspecn = %d, Nspecp = %d\n",fImpPar,fSpecn,fSpecp); } //____________________________________________________________________________ TFile* AliZDCMerger::OpenBgrFile() { // Initialise background event TFile *file = new TFile(fFnBgr,"UPDATE"); // printf("\n AliZDCMerger --- Background event -> %s file opened \n", fFnBgr); fHitsBgr = new TClonesArray("AliZDCHit",1000); return file; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliZDCMerger::Fragmentation(Float_t fImpPar, Int_t fSpecn, Int_t fSpecp, Int_t &fFreeSpn, Int_t &fFreeSpp) { Int_t j, zz[100], nn[100], nAlpha, Ztot, Ntot; AliZDCFragment *frag = new AliZDCFragment(fImpPar); for(j=0; j<=99; j++){ zz[j] =0; nn[j] =0; } // Fragments generation frag->GenerateIMF(zz, nAlpha); // Attach neutrons Ztot=0; Ntot=0; frag->AttachNeutrons(zz, nn, Ztot, Ntot); fFreeSpn = fSpecn-Ztot-2*nAlpha; fFreeSpp = fSpecp-Ntot-2*nAlpha; // printf("\n Fragmentation -> FreeSpn = %d, FreeSpp = %d\n",fFreeSpn,fFreeSpp); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliZDCMerger::Mixing(Int_t fFreeSpn, Int_t fFreeSpp) { // printf("\n AliZDCMerger->Mixing\n"); // ### Background event Hits ########################################### fBgrFile->cd(); // fBgrFile->ls(); AliZDC *ZDC = (AliZDC *)gAlice->GetModule("ZDC"); // if(ZDC) printf("\n Ho trovato lo ZDC!\n"); // Hits tree if(fTrHBgr) delete fTrHBgr; fTrHBgr = 0; // SDigits tree if(fTrSDBgr) delete fTrSDBgr; fTrSDBgr = 0; // // Read from Event Tree the # of events of the Hijing file // TTree *thead = (TTree *) fBgrFile->Get("TE"); // if(!te){ // printf("\n ERROR! -> File %s does not contain TreeE\n"); // } // fNEvBgr = (Int_t) te->GetEntries(); fNEvBgr = 0; // Let's suppose to have 1 full Hijing event per file // Hits Tree char treeBgrName[20]; sprintf(treeBgrName,"TreeH%d",fNEvBgr); fTrHBgr = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(treeBgrName); // TreeH if(!fTrHBgr){ printf("\n ERROR -> Can't find TreeH%d in background file\n",fNEvBgr); } Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) fTrHBgr->GetEntries(); // printf("\n --- ntracks = %d\n",ntracks); // SDigits Tree char treeSBgrName[20]; sprintf(treeSBgrName,"TreeS%d",fNEvBgr); fTrSDBgr = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(treeSBgrName); // TreeH if(!fTrSDBgr){ printf("\n ERROR -> Can't find TreeS%d in background file\n",fNEvBgr); } Int_t itrack, i, volume[2], detector, quadrant; TClonesArray &sdigits = *fHitsBgr; // SDigits TCArray Float_t hits[10]; // --- Tracks loop for(itrack=0; itrackGetEvent(itrack); fTrack = itrack; Int_t NMhits = 0; for(AliZDCHit* zdcHit=(AliZDCHit*)ZDC->FirstHit(-1); zdcHit; zdcHit = (AliZDCHit*)ZDC->NextHit()){ for(i=0; i<2; i++) volume[i] = zdcHit->GetVolume(i); // printf("\n volume[0] = %d volume[1]= %d \n",volume[0], volume[1]); if(volume[0] != 3){ // Background hits hits[7] = zdcHit->GetLightPMQ(); hits[8] = zdcHit->GetLightPMC(); // printf("\n Prima ### Background -> PMQ = %f, PMC = %f\n",hits[7],hits[8]); //Signal hits detector = volume[0]; quadrant = volume[1]; ExtractSignal(detector, quadrant, fQuadLight, fComLight); hits[7] += fQuadLight; hits[8] += fComLight; // printf("\n Bckg + Signal -> PMQ = %f, PMC = %f\n",hits[7],hits[8]); zdcHit->SetLightPMQ(hits[7]); zdcHit->SetLightPMC(hits[8]); hits[7] = zdcHit->GetLightPMQ(); hits[8] = zdcHit->GetLightPMC(); // printf("\n Dopo ### Background -> PMQ = %f, PMC = %f\n",hits[7],hits[8]); new (sdigits[NMhits++]) AliZDCHit(zdcHit); // printf("\n NMhits = %d\n",NMhits); } fBgrFile->cd(); fTrSDBgr->Fill(); fTrSDBgr->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); } //Hits loop Digitize(); } // Tracks loop // fBgrFile->Close(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliZDCMerger::ExtractSignal(Int_t detector, Int_t quadrant, Float_t &fQuadLight, Float_t &fComLight) { // printf("\n Entering ExtractSignal method -> detector = %d quadrant = %d\n", // detector, quadrant); // Connect spectator n histo's file fFnSpecn = gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE/$ALICE_LEVEL/ZDC/ZNsignal.root"); fSpecnFile = TFile::Open(fFnSpecn,"R"); fSpecnFile->cd(); // fSpecnFile->ls(); TH1F *hPMQ1zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ1zn;1"); TH1F *hPMQ2zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ2zn;1"); TH1F *hPMQ3zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ3zn;1"); TH1F *hPMQ4zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ4zn;1"); TH1F *hPMC1zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC1zn;1"); TH1F *hPMC2zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC2zn;1"); TH1F *hPMC3zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC3zn;1"); TH1F *hPMC4zn = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC4zn;1"); // Axis_t x = hPMQ1zn -> GetRandom(); // printf(" hPMQ1zn -> GetRandom() = %f\n",x); // Connect spectator p histo's file fFnSpecp = gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE/$ALICE_LEVEL/ZDC/ZPsignal.root"); fSpecpFile = TFile::Open(fFnSpecp,"R"); fSpecpFile->cd(); // fSpecpFile->ls(); TH1F *hPMQ1zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ1zp;1"); TH1F *hPMQ2zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ2zp;1"); TH1F *hPMQ3zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ3zp;1"); TH1F *hPMQ4zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMQ4zp;1"); TH1F *hPMC1zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC1zp;1"); TH1F *hPMC2zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC2zp;1"); TH1F *hPMC3zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC3zp;1"); TH1F *hPMC4zp = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hPMC4zp;1"); if(detector == 1){ // --- ZN if(quadrant == 1){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ1zn -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC1zn -> GetRandom(); } else if(quadrant == 2){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ2zn -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC2zn -> GetRandom(); } else if(quadrant == 3){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ3zn -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC3zn -> GetRandom(); } else if(quadrant == 4){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ4zn -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC4zn -> GetRandom(); } } else if(detector == 2){ // --- ZP fSpecpFile->cd(); // Connect spectator p histo's file // fSpecpFile->ls(); if(quadrant == 1){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ1zp -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC1zp -> GetRandom(); } else if(quadrant == 2){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ2zp -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC2zp -> GetRandom(); } else if(quadrant == 3){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ3zp -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC3zp -> GetRandom(); } else if(quadrant == 4){ fQuadLight = (Float_t) hPMQ4zp -> GetRandom(); fComLight = (Float_t) hPMC4zp -> GetRandom(); } } // printf(" --- Exiting ExtractSignal -> fQuadLight = %f, fComLight = %f", // fQuadLight,fComLight); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliZDCMerger::Digitize() { // printf("\n AliZDCMerger->Digitize()"); AliZDC *ZDC = (AliZDC *)gAlice->GetModule("ZDC"); // if(ZDC) printf("\n Ho trovato lo ZDC!\n"); Int_t itrack, lightQ, lightC, sector[2], digit; Int_t PMCZN = 0, PMCZP = 0, PMQZN[4], PMQZP[4], PMZEM = 0; Int_t i; for(i=0; i<4; i++){ PMQZN[i] = 0; PMQZP[i] = 0; } // ### Digitization "on the flight" (no merging) ####################### if(fMerge == kDigitize){ // printf("\n fMerge == kDigitize\n"); fTrHBgr = gAlice->TreeH(); // TTree TTree *treeH = gAlice->TreeH(); if(!fTrHBgr){ printf("\n ERROR -> Can't find TreeH%d in background file\n",fNEvBgr); } Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeH->GetEntries(); // printf("\n --- ntracks = %d\n",ntracks); // Loop over tracks for(itrack=0; itrackResetHits(); gAlice->TreeH()->GetEvent(itrack); // Loop over hits for(AliZDCHit* zdcHit=(AliZDCHit*)ZDC->FirstHit(-1); zdcHit; zdcHit = (AliZDCHit*)ZDC->NextHit()){ sector[0] = zdcHit->GetVolume(0); sector[1] = zdcHit->GetVolume(1); lightQ = Int_t(zdcHit->GetLightPMQ()); lightC = Int_t(zdcHit->GetLightPMC()); // printf("\n Digitise -> DET. = %d, quad = %d", sector[0], sector[1]); // printf(" PMQ = %d, PMC = %d", lightQ, lightC); if(sector[0] == 1){ //ZN PMCZN = PMCZN + lightC; PMQZN[sector[1]-1] = PMQZN[sector[1]-1] + lightQ; } else if(sector[0] == 2){ //ZP PMCZP = PMCZP + lightC; PMQZP[sector[1]-1] = PMQZP[sector[1]-1] + lightQ; } else if(sector[0] == 3){ //ZEM PMZEM = PMZEM + lightC; } } // hits loop } // tracks loop } // if(fMerge) // ### Merging and digitization ####################################### else if(fMerge == kMerge){ // printf("\n fMerge == kMerge\n"); // Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) fTrHBgr->GetEntries(); // printf("\n --- ntracks = %d\n",ntracks); // // // Loop over tracks // for(itrack=0; itrackGetEvent(fTrack); // printf("\n\n Track # %d --- Digitise -> ", fTrack); // Loop over hits for(AliZDCHit* zdcHit=(AliZDCHit*)ZDC->FirstHit(-1); zdcHit; zdcHit = (AliZDCHit*)ZDC->NextHit()){ sector[0] = zdcHit->GetVolume(0); sector[1] = zdcHit->GetVolume(1); lightQ = Int_t(zdcHit->GetLightPMQ()); lightC = Int_t(zdcHit->GetLightPMC()); // printf("\n DET. = %d, quad = %d,PMQ = %d, PMC = %d", // sector[0], sector[1],lightQ, lightC); if(sector[0] == 1){ //ZN PMCZN = PMCZN + lightC; PMQZN[sector[1]-1] = PMQZN[sector[1]-1] + lightQ; } else if(sector[0] == 2){ //ZP PMCZP = PMCZP + lightC; PMQZP[sector[1]-1] = PMQZP[sector[1]-1] + lightQ; } else if(sector[0] == 3){ //ZEM PMZEM = PMZEM + lightC; } } // hits loop // } // tracks loop } // if(fMerge) // Create digits for ZN Int_t PedValue; sector[0] = 1; // Detector = ZN sector[1] = 0; // Common PM ADC digit = Phe2ADCch(1, 0, PMCZN); // printf("\n\n ZN ### PMCZN = %d ADCZN = %d",PMCZN, digit); ZDC->AddDigit(sector, digit); Int_t j; for(j=0; j<4; j++){ sector[1] = j+1; // Towers PM ADCs digit = Phe2ADCch(1, j+1, PMQZN[j]); // printf("\n PMQZN[%d] = %d ADCZN[%d] = %d",j,PMQZN[j],j,digit); PedValue = AddPedestal(); digit += PedValue; // printf(" PedValue = %d",PedValue); ZDC->AddDigit(sector, digit); } // printf("\n"); // Create digits for ZP sector[0] = 2; // Detector = ZP sector[1] = 0; // Common PM ADC digit = Phe2ADCch(2, 0, PMCZP); // printf("\n ZP --- PMCZP = %d ADCZP = %d",PMCZP,digit); ZDC->AddDigit(sector, digit); for(j=0; j<4; j++){ sector[1] = j+1; // Towers PM ADCs digit = Phe2ADCch(2, j+1, PMQZP[j]); // printf("\n PMQZP[%d] = %d ADCZP[%d] = %d",j,PMQZP[j],j,digit); PedValue = AddPedestal(); digit += PedValue; // printf(" PedValue = %d",PedValue); ZDC->AddDigit(sector, digit); } // printf("\n"); // Create digits for ZEM sector[0] = 3; // Detector = ZZEM sector[1] = 0; // Single PM ADC digit = Phe2ADCch(3, 0, PMZEM); // printf("\n ZEM *** PMZEM = %d ADCZEM = %d",PMZEM,digit); PedValue = AddPedestal(); digit += PedValue; // printf(" PedValue = %d\n",PedValue); ZDC->AddDigit(sector, digit); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliZDCMerger::Phe2ADCch(Int_t Det, Int_t Quad, Int_t Light) { // Evaluation of the ADC channel corresponding to the light yield Light if(gAlice->GetDebug() > 0){ // printf("\n Phe2ADCch -> Detector = %d, Quadrant = %d, Light = %d\n", Det, Quad, Light); } Int_t ADCch = 0; // Parameters for conversion of light yield in ADC channels Float_t fPMGain[3][5]; // PM gain Float_t fADCRes; // ADC conversion factor Int_t j,i; for(i=0; i<3; i++){ for(j=0; j<5; j++){ fPMGain[i][j] = 100000.; } } fADCRes = 0.00000064; // ADC Resolution: 250 fC/ADCch ADCch = (Int_t) (Light*fPMGain[Det-1][Quad]*fADCRes); return ADCch; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliZDCMerger::AddPedestal() { // --- Pedestal value -> extracted from a gaussian distribution // obtained from the beam test on the ZEM prototype (Aug. 2000) Int_t PedValue; Float_t PedMean = 50.; Float_t PedWidth = 10.; PedValue = (Int_t) gRandom->Gaus(PedMean,PedWidth); return PedValue; }