# ************************************************************************** # * Copyright(c) 1998-2014, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * # * * # * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * # * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * # * * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * # * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * # * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * # * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * # * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * # * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * # * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * # ************************************************************************** # Checking for a proper ROOT installation based on the ROOTSYS variable # received during configuration # If proper root installation it is setting the following variables # - ROOT_VERSION - ROOT version as reported by root-config # - ROOT_VERSION_MAJOR # - ROOT_VERSIOM_MINOR # - ROOT_VERSION_PATCH # - ROOT_CONFIG - path to root-config script # - ROOT_CINT - path to rootcint executable # - ROOT_LIBMAP - path to rlibmap executable # - ROOT_FEATURES - list of build features for ROOT # - ROOT_LIBDIR - full path to ROOT library folder # - ROOT_ETCDIR - full path to the ROOT's configuration directory # - ROOT_LIBRARIES - libraries needed for the package to be used # - ROOT_GLIBRARIES - regular + GUI ROOT libraries + path to be used during linking # - ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR - full path to ROOT include folder # - ROOT_HASALIEN - ROOT was built with AliEn support # - ROOT_HASOPENGL - ROOT was built with OpenGL support # - ROOT_HASXML - ROOT was built with XML support # - ROOT_FORTRAN - fortran compiler set(ROOT_FOUND FALSE) if(ROOTSYS) message(STATUS "Checking for a proper ROOT installation in ${ROOTSYS}.") # Setting defaults set(ROOT_LIBDIR ${ROOTSYS}/lib) set(ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR ${ROOTSYS}/include) # Check for root-config scripts find_program(ROOT_CONFIG NAMES root-config PATHS ${ROOTSYS}/bin NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if(NOT ROOT_CONFIG) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find root-config script.") endif(NOT ROOT_CONFIG) mark_as_advanced(ROOT_CONFIG) # Check for rlibmap find_program(ROOT_LIBMAP NAMES rlibmap rootcling PATHS ${ROOTSYS}/bin NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if(ROOT_LIBMAP) message(STATUS "Found ${ROOT_LIBMAP}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find rlibmap executable.") endif(ROOT_LIBMAP) mark_as_advanced(ROOT_LIBMAP) # Check for rootcint find_program(ROOT_CINT NAMES rootcint PATHS ${ROOTSYS}/bin NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if(ROOT_CINT) message(STATUS "Found ${ROOT_CINT}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find rootcint executable.") endif(ROOT_CINT) mark_as_advanced(ROOT_CINT) # Checking ROOT version execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_VERSION ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error retrieving ROOT version : ${error}") endif(error) string(STRIP "${ROOT_VERSION}" ROOT_VERSION) # Extract major, minor, and patch versions from string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.[0-9][0-9]+\\/[0-9][0-9]+.*" "\\1" ROOT_VERSION_MAJOR "${ROOT_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.([0-9][0-9])+\\/[0-9][0-9]+.*" "\\1" ROOT_VERSION_MINOR "${ROOT_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9][0-9]+\\/([0-9][0-9]+).*" "\\1" ROOT_VERSION_PATCH "${ROOT_VERSION}") message(STATUS "Found ROOT version ${ROOT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ROOT_VERSION_MINOR}.${ROOT_VERSION_PATCH}") # Print ROOT features execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --features OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_FEATURES ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error retrieving ROOT features : ${error}") else() message(STATUS "ROOT was built with the following features: ${ROOT_FEATURES}") endif(error) string(STRIP "${ROOT_FEATURES}" ROOT_FEATURES) # Checking for ROOT libdir execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --libdir OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_LIBDIR ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error retrieving ROOT libdir: ${error}") endif(error) string(STRIP "${ROOT_LIBDIR}" ROOT_LIBDIR) # Checking for ROOT etcdir execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --etcdir OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_ETCDIR ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error retrieving ROOT etcdir: ${error}") endif(error) string(STRIP "${ROOT_ETCDIR}" ROOT_ETCDIR) # Checking for ROOT libs execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --noldflags --libs OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_LIBS ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error retrieving ROOT libdir: ${error}") endif(error) string(STRIP "${ROOT_LIBS}" ROOT_LIBS) foreach(lib ${ROOT_LIBS}) string(REPLACE "-rdynamic" "" new_lib ${lib}) string(REPLACE "-l" "" lib ${new_lib}) set(ROOT_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${lib}) endforeach() string(STRIP "${ROOT_LIBRARIES}" ROOT_LIBRARIES) separate_arguments(ROOT_LIBRARIES) # Checking for ROOT incdir execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --incdir OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_INCDIR ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error retrieving ROOT incdir: ${error}") endif(error) string(STRIP "${ROOT_INCDIR}" ROOT_INCDIR) set(ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR ${ROOT_INCDIR}) # Checking for glibs execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --noldflags --glibs OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_GLIBS ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error retrieving ROOT glibs: ${error}") endif(error) # Checking for glibs string(STRIP "${ROOT_GLIBS}" ROOT_GLIBS) foreach(lib ${ROOT_GLIBS}) string(REPLACE "-rdynamic" "" new_lib "${lib}") string(REPLACE "-l" "" lib "${new_lib}") set(ROOT_GLIBRARIES ${ROOT_GLIBRARIES} ${lib}) endforeach() string(STRIP "${ROOT_GLIBRARIES}" ROOT_GLIBRARIES) separate_arguments(ROOT_GLIBRARIES) # Checking for AliEn support # If AliEn support is enabled we need to point to AliEn execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --has-alien OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_HASALIEN ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error checking if ROOT was built with AliEn support: ${error}") endif(error) #if defined if(ROOT_HASALIEN) string(STRIP "${ROOT_HASALIEN}" ROOT_HASALIEN) if(ROOT_HASALIEN STREQUAL "yes") if(ALIEN) add_definitions(-DWITHALIEN) # AliEn might bring some system libraries, we need to use them if(EXISTS "${ALIEN}/lib") link_directories(${ALIEN}/lib) endif() # api/lib should always exists if(EXISTS "${ALIEN}/api/lib") link_directories(${ALIEN}/api/lib) endif() # include for AliEn if(EXISTS "${ALIEN}/include") include_directories(SYSTEM ${ALIEN}/include) endif() # api/include always exists if(EXISTS "${ALIEN}/api/include") include_directories(SYSTEM ${ALIEN}/api/include) endif() set(ROOT_HASALIEN TRUE) else(ALIEN) message(FATAL_ERROR "ROOT was built with AliEn support but no AliEn installation found. Please set \"ALIEN\" to point to your AliEn installation.") endif(ALIEN) else() set(ROOT_HASALIEN FALSE) endif() endif(ROOT_HASALIEN) # Checking for xml support execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --has-xml OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_HASXML ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error checking if ROOT was built with xml support: ${error}") endif(error) # if defined if(ROOT_HASXML) string(STRIP "${ROOT_HASXML}" ROOT_HASXML) if(ROOT_HASXML STREQUAL "yes") add_definitions(-DWITHXML) set(ROOT_HASXML TRUE) else() set(ROOT_HASXML FALSE) endif() endif(ROOT_HASXML) # Checking for OpenGL support execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --has-opengl OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_HASOPENGL ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error checking if ROOT was built with OpenGL support: ${error}") endif(error) if(ROOT_HASOPENGL) string(STRIP "${ROOT_HASOPENGL}" ROOT_HASOPENGL) if(ROOT_HASOPENGL STREQUAL "yes") set(ROOT_HASOPENGL TRUE) else() set(ROOT_HASOPENGL FALSE) endif() endif() # Checking for fortran compiler execute_process(COMMAND ${ROOT_CONFIG} --f77 OUTPUT_VARIABLE ROOT_FORTRAN ERROR_VARIABLE error OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(error) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error checking ROOT fortran compiler: ${error}") endif(error) string(STRIP "${ROOT_FORTRAN}" ROOT_FORTRAN) # adding the libraries and the inc dir link_directories(${ROOT_LIBDIR}) include_directories(SYSTEM ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(ROOT_FOUND TRUE) # Workaround misssing XML, VMC, Minuit from ROOT static library # Also adding libzma.a libfreetype.a libpcre.a # To be removed where https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-6904 issue is fixed if(ALIROOT_STATIC) message(WARNING "AliRoot static build enabled! libRootExtra.a will be created.\nPlease remove when ROOT https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-6904 issue is fixed") # ROOT needs xml2 but it is not built with the static version so we have to add it find_package(LibXml2) if(LIBXML2_FOUND) # adding SSL find_package(OpenSSL) if(OPENSSL_FOUND) file(GLOB _extraroot "${ROOTSYS}/montercarlo/vmc/src/*.o" "${ROOTSYS}/tree/treeplayer/src/*.o" "${ROOTSYS}/io/xmlparser/src/*.o" "${ROOTSYS}/math/minuit2/src/*.o") add_library(RootExtra STATIC ${_extraroot}) set_target_properties(RootExtra PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR} ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}") set_target_properties(RootExtra PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX) target_link_libraries(RootExtra ${ROOT_LIBDIR}/libfreetype.a ${ROOT_LIBDIR}/libpcre.a ${ROOT_LIBDIR}/liblzma.a ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenSSL not found. Coould not generate the static RootExtra. Please install Openssl") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "libxml2 not found. Can not generate the static RootExtra. Please install libxml2") endif() endif(ALIROOT_STATIC) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "ROOT installation not found! Please point to the ROOT installation using -DROOTSYS=ROOT_INSTALL_DIR.") endif(ROOTSYS)