/*! \defgroup MUON MUON \brief MUON @{ \defgroup core core @{ @} \defgroup mapping mapping @{ \namespace AliMp \brief The namespace for mapping enums and related functions \namespace AliMq \brief The special namespace only for St12StationType \defgroup basic mp_basic \brief Category of basic classes in mapping @{ @} \defgroup motif mp_motif \brief Category of motif classes in mapping @{ @} \defgroup sector mp_sector \brief Category of classes for quadrants in mapping @{ @} \defgroup slat mp_slat \brief Category of classes for slats in mapping @{ @} \defgroup mptrigger mp_trigger \brief Category of classes for slats in mapping @{ @} \defgroup management mp_management \brief Category of classes for management in mapping @{ @} \defgroup mpgraphics mp_graphics \brief Category of classes for visualization in mapping @{ @} @} \defgroup raw raw \brief Category of classes for raw data @{ @} \defgroup calib calib \brief Category of basic classes for calibration @{ @} \defgroup geometry geometry \brief Category of geometry framework classes @{ @} \defgroup trigger trigger \brief Category of classes for trigger @{ @} \defgroup base base \brief Category of basic classes @{ @} \defgroup shuttle shuttle \brief Category of classes for shuttle @{ @} \defgroup sim sim \brief Category of classes for simulation @{ @} \defgroup rec rec \brief Category of classes for reconstruction @{ @} \defgroup calign calign \brief Category of basic classes for calibration and alignment tasks @{ @} \defgroup evaluation evaluation \brief Category of classes for evaluation @{ @} \defgroup graphics graphics \brief Category of classes for tracker visualization @{ @} \defgroup macros MUON macros \brief The macros for running & testing MUON code @{ @} \defgroup evemacros MUON macros in EVE \brief The macros for running & testing MUON Event display @{ @} @} */