/*! \mainpage AliRoot core documentation This is the AliRoot Core documentation. This documentation has been automatically generated from the AliRoot Core source code. Use the top bar to navigate between categories. \section installaliroot How to build AliRoot Please refer to the [official online documentation](https://dberzano.github.io/alice/install-aliroot). \section githowto Getting started with Git Please refer to our [Git tutorial](https://dberzano.github.io/alice/git). \section getsupport How to get support Use the official mailing lists, possibly in the following order: - alice-project-analysis-task-force@cern.ch: ALICE offline analysis task force - alice-analysis-operations@cern.ch: ALICE operational analysis issues - alice-off@cern.ch: the ALICE Offline Software You can subscribe to the mailing lists above by using the [CERN e-groups](https://e-groups.cern.ch/) web application. */