#ifndef __MAKECINT__ #ifndef __CINT__ #include "alles.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TBranchClones.h" #include "TBranchElement.h" #include "AliTPCTrackHits.h" #include "AliTRDtrackHits.h" #endif #endif void ConvertToNewIO(const char* name) { // AliLoader::SetDebug(); AliConfig* conf = AliConfig::Instance(); TClass* detclass = AliDetector::Class(); void* buff; Bool_t skipit = kFALSE; void * pbuf[100]; TBranch* branches[100]; Int_t nbranches = 0; AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galiceNewIO.root","Event","recreate"); rl->SetCompressionLevel(2); rl->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(100); AliRun* outAliRun; if (gAlice == 0x0) { outAliRun = new AliRun("OutgAlice","Output gAlice"); } else { outAliRun = gAlice; } gAlice = 0x0; outAliRun->SetRunLoader(rl); TFile* infile = TFile::Open(name); if (infile == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not open input file %s",name); return; } AliRun* inAliRun = (AliRun*)infile->Get("gAlice"); if(inAliRun == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not find gAlice in input file"); return; } gAlice = inAliRun; // inAliRun->GetEvent(0); TObjArray* modules = inAliRun->Modules(); if (modules == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not get array with modules from AliRun"); return; } TIter next(modules); AliModule* module; TObject * object; while ((object = next())) { module = dynamic_cast(object); if (module == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not cast module %#x ",object); object->Dump(); continue; } outAliRun->AddModule(module); TClass* modclass = module->IsA(); AliDetector *det = (AliDetector*)(modclass->DynamicCast(detclass,module)); if (det) { ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C"," Adding %s to RL.",det->GetName()); conf->Add(det,"Event"); rl->AddLoader(det); } } TParticle* particleBuffer = new TParticle(); /***************************************************/ /**** Event to Event **************/ /***************************************************/ TTree* treeE = (TTree*)infile->Get("TE"); if (treeE == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not get TreeE from AliRun"); return; } rl->MakeTree("E"); AliHeader* inheader = new AliHeader(); treeE->SetBranchAddress("Header",&inheader); Int_t nevents = (Int_t)treeE->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; iSetEventNumber(i); treeE->GetEvent(i); /*****************************************/ /* H E A D E R */ /*****************************************/ ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Header"); AliHeader* outheader = rl->GetHeader(); outheader->SetEvent(inheader->GetEvent()); outheader->SetNvertex(inheader->GetNvertex()); outheader->SetNprimary(inheader->GetNprimary()); outheader->SetNtrack(inheader->GetNtrack()); outheader->SetRun(inheader->GetRun()); outheader->SetEventNrInRun(inheader->GetEventNrInRun()); outheader->SetStack(inheader->Stack()); outheader->SetGenEventHeader(inheader->GenEventHeader()); rl->TreeE()->Fill(); /*****************************************/ /* K I N E M A T I C S */ /*****************************************/ ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Kinematics."); TString treeKname("TreeK"); treeKname+=i; TTree* treeK = (TTree*)infile->Get(treeKname); if (treeK) { if (treeK->GetEntries() > 0) { //I do this gimnastics to set directory correctly, without changing NewIO code //only for this purpose rl->LoadKinematics("update"); rl->MakeTree("K"); rl->GetEventFolder()->Remove(rl->TreeK()); delete rl->TreeK(); treeK->SetBranchAddress("Particles",&particleBuffer); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Cloning TreeK ..."); TTree* tk = treeK->CloneTree(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Cloning TreeK ... Done"); tk->SetName(AliRunLoader::fgkKineContainerName); rl->GetEventFolder()->Add(tk); rl->WriteKinematics("OVERWRITE"); rl->UnloadKinematics(); } else { Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Kinematics Tree is Empty"); } } else { Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Could not find Kinematics tree named %s",treeKname.Data()); } delete treeK; /*****************************************/ /* T R A C K R E F E R E N C E S */ /*****************************************/ ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Track Refs."); TString treeTRname("TreeTR"); treeTRname+=i; TTree* treeTR = (TTree*)infile->Get(treeTRname); if (treeTR) { if (treeTR->GetEntries() > 0) { next.Reset(); TObject * object; while ((object = next())) { module = dynamic_cast(object); if (module == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not cast module %#x ",object); object->Dump(); continue; } TClass* modclass = module->IsA(); AliDetector *det = (AliDetector*)(modclass->DynamicCast(detclass,module)); if (det) { TClonesArray* trbuffer = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference", 100); treeTR->SetBranchAddress(det->GetName(),&trbuffer); } } //I do this gimnastics to set directory correctly, without changing NewIO code //only for this purpose rl->LoadTrackRefs("update"); rl->MakeTrackRefsContainer(); rl->GetEventFolder()->Remove(rl->TreeTR()); delete rl->TreeTR(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Cloning TreeTR ..."); TTree* tr = treeTR->CloneTree(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Cloning TreeTR ... Done"); tr->SetName(AliRunLoader::fgkTrackRefsContainerName); rl->GetEventFolder()->Add(tr); rl->WriteTrackRefs("OVERWRITE"); rl->UnloadTrackRefs(); } else { Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Track References Tree is Empty"); } } else { Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Could not find Track Refs tree named %s",treeTRname.Data()); } delete treeTR; /*****************************************/ /* H I T S */ /*****************************************/ ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Hits."); TString treeHname("TreeH"); treeHname+=i; TTree* treeH = (TTree*)infile->Get(treeHname); if (treeH) { if (treeH->GetEntries() > 0) { TObjArray* lob = treeH->GetListOfBranches(); TObjArray* loaders = new TObjArray(); TIter nextnewmodule(outAliRun->Modules()); while ((module = (AliModule*)nextnewmodule())) { TClass* modclass = module->IsA(); AliDetector *det = (AliDetector*)(modclass->DynamicCast(detclass,module)); TClonesArray* ca = 0; if (det) { AliLoader* loader = det->GetLoader(); if (loader == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not find loader from %s.",det->GetName()); continue; } TString mask(det->GetName()); loader->LoadHits("update"); loader->MakeTree("H"); loaders->Add(loader); for(Int_t b=0; bGetEntries();b++) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*)lob->At(b); TString bname(branch->GetName());// if ( bname.BeginsWith(det->GetName()) ) { ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Found branch %s.",branch->GetName()); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer Class Name %s.",branch->GetClassName()); TString contname(branch->GetClassName()); Int_t splitlvl = branch->GetSplitLevel(); // if (splitlvl) splitlvl = 99; if( contname.CompareTo("TClonesArray") == 0) { TBranchElement* belem = (TBranchElement*)branch; ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Clones Class Name %s.",belem->GetClonesName()); ca = new TClonesArray(belem->GetClonesName()); pbuf[nbranches] = ca; branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer addrss %#x",pbuf[nbranches]); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch for Clones SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] = loader->TreeH()->Branch(branch->GetName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } else { TClass* bcl = gROOT->GetClass(branch->GetClassName()); if (bcl == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not get TClass object of class named %s",branch->GetClassName()); continue; } pbuf[nbranches] = bcl->New(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Dumping buffer:"); ((TObject*)pbuf[nbranches])->Dump(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Setting Adress:"); branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] =loader->TreeH()->Branch(branch->GetName(),branch->GetClassName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } } }//loop over branches }//if module is detector }//while loop over modules Int_t nentr = (Int_t)treeH->GetEntries(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Hits . Number of entries %d ... ",nentr); // ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Getting event:"); // nentr = 100; Int_t nl = loaders->GetEntries(); for (Int_t e = 0; e < nentr; e++) { printf("%d\r",e); treeH->GetEntry(e); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { // printf("%s %#x \n", branches[l]->GetName(),pbuf[l]); branches[l]->SetAddress(&(pbuf[l])); } for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); // printf("Filling %s\n",loader->GetName()); loader->TreeH()->Fill(); } #ifndef __MAKECINT__ #ifndef __CINT__ fflush(0); #endif #endif } printf("\n"); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Hits ... Done"); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); loader->WriteHits("OVERWRITE"); loader->UnloadHits(); } delete loaders; for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { delete (TObject*)pbuf[l]; } nbranches = 0; } else //tree has any entries { Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Hits Tree is Empty"); } } else //treeH { ::Warning("ConvertToNewIO.C","Could not get TreeH from in AliRun."); } delete treeH; /*****************************************/ /* S D i g i t s */ /*****************************************/ ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying S Digits."); TString treeSname("TreeS"); treeSname+=i; TTree* treeS = (TTree*)infile->Get(treeSname); if (treeS) { if (treeS->GetEntries() > 0) { TObjArray* lob = treeS->GetListOfBranches(); TObjArray* loaders = new TObjArray(); TIter nextnewmodule(outAliRun->Modules()); while ((module = (AliModule*)nextnewmodule())) { TClass* modclass = module->IsA(); AliDetector *det = (AliDetector*)(modclass->DynamicCast(detclass,module)); TClonesArray* ca = 0; if (det) { AliLoader* loader = det->GetLoader(); if (loader == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not find loader from %s.",det->GetName()); continue; } TString mask(det->GetName()); loader->LoadSDigits("update"); loader->MakeTree("S"); loaders->Add(loader); for(Int_t b=0; bGetEntries();b++) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*)lob->At(b); TString bname(branch->GetName());// if ( bname.BeginsWith(det->GetName()) ) { ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Found branch %s.",branch->GetName()); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer Class Name %s.",branch->GetClassName()); TString contname(branch->GetClassName()); Int_t splitlvl = branch->GetSplitLevel(); // if (splitlvl) splitlvl = 99; if ( contname.CompareTo("TClonesArray") == 0) { TBranchElement* belem = (TBranchElement*)branch; ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Clones Class Name %s.",belem->GetClonesName()); ca = new TClonesArray(belem->GetClonesName()); pbuf[nbranches] = ca; branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer addrss %#x",pbuf[nbranches]); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch for Clones SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] = loader->TreeS()->Branch(branch->GetName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } else { TClass* bcl = gROOT->GetClass(branch->GetClassName()); if (bcl == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not get TClass object of class named %s",branch->GetClassName()); continue; } pbuf[nbranches] = bcl->New(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Dumping buffer:"); ((TObject*)pbuf[nbranches])->Dump(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Setting Adress:"); branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] =loader->TreeS()->Branch(branch->GetName(),branch->GetClassName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } } }//loop over branches }//if module is detector }//while loop over modules Int_t nentr = (Int_t)treeS->GetEntries(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying SDigits. Number of entries %d ... ",nentr); // ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Getting event:"); // nentr = 100; Int_t nl = loaders->GetEntries(); for (Int_t e = 0; e < nentr; e++) { printf("%d\r",e); treeS->GetEntry(e); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { // printf("%s %#x \n", branches[l]->GetName(),pbuf[l]); branches[l]->SetAddress(&(pbuf[l])); } for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); // printf("Filling %s\n",loader->GetName()); loader->TreeS()->Fill(); } #ifndef __MAKECINT__ #ifndef __CINT__ fflush(0); #endif #endif } printf("\n"); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying SDigits ... Done"); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); loader->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE"); loader->UnloadSDigits(); } delete loaders; for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { delete (TObject*)pbuf[l]; } nbranches = 0; } else //tree has any entries { ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","S Digits Tree is Empty"); } } else //treeS { ::Warning("ConvertToNewIO.C","Could not get TreeS from AliRun."); } delete treeS; /*****************************************/ /* D i g i t s */ /*****************************************/ ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Digits."); TString treeDname("TreeD"); treeDname+=i; TTree* treeD = (TTree*)infile->Get(treeDname); if (treeD) { if (treeD->GetEntries() > 0) { TObjArray* lob = treeD->GetListOfBranches(); TObjArray* loaders = new TObjArray(); TIter nextnewmodule(outAliRun->Modules()); while ((module = (AliModule*)nextnewmodule())) { TClass* modclass = module->IsA(); AliDetector *det = (AliDetector*)(modclass->DynamicCast(detclass,module)); TClonesArray* ca = 0; if (det) { AliLoader* loader = det->GetLoader(); if (loader == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not find loader from %s.",det->GetName()); continue; } TString mask(det->GetName()); loader->LoadDigits("update"); loader->MakeTree("D"); loaders->Add(loader); for(Int_t b=0; bGetEntries();b++) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*)lob->At(b); TString bname(branch->GetName());// if ( bname.BeginsWith(det->GetName()) ) { ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Found branch %s.",branch->GetName()); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer Class Name %s.",branch->GetClassName()); TString contname(branch->GetClassName()); Int_t splitlvl = branch->GetSplitLevel(); // if (splitlvl) splitlvl = 99; if ( contname.CompareTo("TClonesArray") == 0) { TBranchElement* belem = (TBranchElement*)branch; ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Clones Class Name %s.",belem->GetClonesName()); ca = new TClonesArray(belem->GetClonesName()); pbuf[nbranches] = ca; branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer addrss %#x",pbuf[nbranches]); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch for Clones SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] = loader->TreeD()->Branch(branch->GetName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } else { TClass* bcl = gROOT->GetClass(branch->GetClassName()); if (bcl == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not get TClass object of class named %s",branch->GetClassName()); continue; } pbuf[nbranches] = bcl->New(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Dumping buffer:"); ((TObject*)pbuf[nbranches])->Dump(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Setting Adress:"); branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] =loader->TreeD()->Branch(branch->GetName(),branch->GetClassName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } } }//loop over branches }//if module is detector }//while loop over modules Int_t nentr = (Int_t)treeD->GetEntries(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Digits. Number of entries %d ... ",nentr); // ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Getting event:"); // nentr = 100; Int_t nl = loaders->GetEntries(); for (Int_t e = 0; e < nentr; e++) { printf("%d\r",e); treeD->GetEntry(e); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { // printf("%s %#x \n", branches[l]->GetName(),pbuf[l]); branches[l]->SetAddress(&(pbuf[l])); } for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); // printf("Filling %s\n",loader->GetName()); loader->TreeD()->Fill(); } #ifndef __MAKECINT__ #ifndef __CINT__ fflush(0); #endif #endif } printf("\n"); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying Digits ... Done"); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); loader->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE"); loader->UnloadDigits(); } delete loaders; } else //tree has any entries { Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","S Digits Tree is Empty"); } } else //treeD { ::Warning("ConvertToNewIO.C","Could not get TreeD from in AliRun."); } delete treeD; for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { delete (TObject*)pbuf[l]; } nbranches = 0; /*****************************************/ /* R e c P o i n t s */ /*****************************************/ ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying RecPoints."); TString treeRname("TreeR"); treeRname+=i; TTree* treeR = (TTree*)infile->Get(treeRname); if (treeR) { if (treeR->GetEntries() > 0) { TObjArray* lob = treeR->GetListOfBranches(); TObjArray* loaders = new TObjArray(); TIter nextnewmodule(outAliRun->Modules()); while ((module = (AliModule*)nextnewmodule())) { TClass* modclass = module->IsA(); AliDetector *det = (AliDetector*)(modclass->DynamicCast(detclass,module)); TClonesArray* ca = 0; if (det) { AliLoader* loader = det->GetLoader(); if (loader == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not find loader from %s.",det->GetName()); continue; } TString mask(det->GetName()); loader->LoadRecPoints("update"); loader->MakeTree("R"); loaders->Add(loader); for(Int_t b=0; bGetEntries();b++) { TBranch* branch = (TBranch*)lob->At(b); TString bname(branch->GetName());// if ( bname.BeginsWith(det->GetName()) ) { ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Found branch %s.",branch->GetName()); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer Class Name %s.",branch->GetClassName()); TString contname(branch->GetClassName()); Int_t splitlvl = branch->GetSplitLevel(); // if (splitlvl) splitlvl = 99; if ( contname.CompareTo("TClonesArray") == 0) { TBranchElement* belem = (TBranchElement*)branch; ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Clones Class Name %s.",belem->GetClonesName()); ca = new TClonesArray(belem->GetClonesName()); pbuf[nbranches] = ca; branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Buffer addrss %#x",pbuf[nbranches]); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch for Clones SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] = loader->TreeR()->Branch(branch->GetName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } else { TClass* bcl = gROOT->GetClass(branch->GetClassName()); if (bcl == 0x0) { ::Error("ConvertToNewIO.C","Can not get TClass object of class named %s",branch->GetClassName()); continue; } pbuf[nbranches] = bcl->New(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Dumping buffer:"); ((TObject*)pbuf[nbranches])->Dump(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Setting Adress:"); branch->SetAddress(&(pbuf[nbranches])); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Creating branch SpliLvl = %d",splitlvl); branches[nbranches] =loader->TreeR()->Branch(branch->GetName(),branch->GetClassName(),&(pbuf[nbranches]),4000,splitlvl); nbranches++; } } }//loop over branches }//if module is detector }//while loop over modules Int_t nentr = (Int_t)treeR->GetEntries(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying RecPoints. Number of entries %d ... ",nentr); // ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Getting event:"); // nentr = 100; Int_t nl = loaders->GetEntries(); for (Int_t e = 0; e < nentr; e++) { printf("%d\r",e); treeR->GetEntry(e); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { // printf("%s %#x \n", branches[l]->GetName(),pbuf[l]); branches[l]->SetAddress(&(pbuf[l])); } for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); // printf("Filling %s\n",loader->GetName()); loader->TreeR()->Fill(); } #ifndef __MAKECINT__ #ifndef __CINT__ fflush(0); #endif #endif } printf("\n"); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Copying RecPoints ... Done"); for (Int_t l = 0; l < nl; l++) { AliLoader* loader = (AliLoader*)loaders->At(l); loader->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE"); loader->UnloadRecPoints(); } delete loaders; for (Int_t l = 0; l < nbranches; l++) { delete (TObject*)pbuf[l];//delete branches buffers } nbranches = 0; } else //tree has any entries { Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Rec Points Tree is Empty"); } } else //treeR { ::Warning("ConvertToNewIO.C","Could not get TreeR from in AliRun."); } delete treeR; }//end of loop over events /***************************************************/ /**** Run to Run *************/ /***************************************************/ rl->WriteHeader("OVERWRITE"); infile->cd(); rl->CdGAFile(); rl->WriteAliRun(); rl->WriteRunLoader(); ::Info("ConvertToNewIO.C","Done"); }