void analHits (const char *filename="galice.root",Int_t evNumber=0, char *opt="Liny"){ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This macro is a small example of a ROOT macro // illustrating how to read the output of GALICE // and fill some histograms. // // Root > .L analHits.C //this loads the macro in memory // Root > analHits(); //by default process first event // Root > analHits("galice2.root",2); //process third event from // galice2.root file. //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(gAlice){ delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } else{ // Dynamically link some shared libs if(gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } // end if } // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(filename); if(!file) file = new TFile(filename); // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file if(!gAlice) { gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice"); if(gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n"); if(!gAlice) gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); } // end if !gAlice // Set event pointer to this event Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(evNumber); if (nparticles <= 0){ cout << "No particles found for event " << evNumber; cout << " in file " << filename << endl; return; } // end if nparticles <=0 // Pointer to specific detector hits. AliFMDhit *fmdHit; AliITShit *itsHit; AliMUONHit *muonHit; AliPHOSHit *phosHit; AliPMDhit *pmdHit; AliRICHHit *richHit; AliSTARThit *startHit; AliTOFhit *tofHit; AliTPChit *tpcHit; AliTPCTrackHits *tpc2Hit; AliTRDhit *trdHit; AliCASTORhit *castorHit; AliZDCHit *zdcHit; // Get pointers to ALL Alice detectors and Hits containers AliFMD *FMD = (AliFMD*) gAlice->GetDetector("FMD"); AliITS *ITS = (AliITS*) gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"); AliMUON *MUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetDetector("MUON"); AliPHOS *PHOS = (AliPHOS*) gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS"); AliPMD *PMD = (AliPMD*) gAlice->GetDetector("PMD"); AliRICH *RICH = (AliRICH*) gAlice->GetDetector("RICH"); AliSTART *START = (AliSTART*) gAlice->GetDetector("START"); AliTOF *TOF = (AliTOF*) gAlice->GetDetector("TOF"); AliTPC *TPC = (AliTPC*) gAlice->GetDetector("TPC"); AliTPC *TPC = (AliTPC*) gAlice->GetDetector("TPC"); AliTRD *TRD = (AliTRD*) gAlice->GetDetector("TRD"); AliCASTOR *CASTOR = (AliCASTOR*) gAlice->GetDetector("CASTOR"); AliZDC *ZDC = (AliZDC*) gAlice->GetDetector("ZDC"); // Get pointer to the particles // TClonesArray *Particles = gAlice->Particles(); // TParticle *part; // Create histograms if(FMD) TH1F *hFMD = new TH1F("hFMD" ,"Hit Radius",100,0.,100.); if(ITS) TH1F *hITS = new TH1F("hITS" ,"Ionization",100,0.,3.e-3); if(MUON) TH1F *hMUON = new TH1F("hMUON" ,"Hit Radius",100,0.,500.); if(PHOS) TH1F *hPHOS = new TH1F("hPHOS" ,"Energy Dep.",100,0.,0.5); if(PMD) TH1F *hPMD = new TH1F("hPMD" ,"Energy Dep.",100,0.,1.e+5); if(RICH) TH1F *hRICH = new TH1F("hRICH" ,"Energy loss",100,0.,1.e-5); if(START) TH1F *hSTART = new TH1F("hSTART" ,"Time of Flight",100,0.,10.); if(TOF) TH1F *hTOF = new TH1F("hTOF" ,"Time of Flight",100,0.,1.e-5); if(TPC) TH1F *hTPC = new TH1F("hTPC" ,"Charge",100,0.,70.2); if(TRD) TH1F *hTRD = new TH1F("hTRD" ,"Charge",100,0.,10.); if(CASTOR)TH1F *hCASTOR= new TH1F("hCASTOR","Hit Radius",100,0.,10.); if(ZDC) TH1F *hZDC = new TH1F("hZDC" ,"Energy",100,0.,5.); // TH1F *hTPAR = new TH1F("hTPAR" ,"?",6,1,7); Int_t track,ntracks = gAlice->TreeH()->GetEntries(); // Start loop on tracks in the hits containers for(track=0; trackResetHits(); gAlice->TreeH()->GetEvent(track); if(FMD){ for(fmdHit=(AliFMDhit*)FMD->FirstHit(-1);fmdHit; fmdHit=(AliFMDhit*)FMD->NextHit()){ hFMD->Fill(TMath::Hypot(fmdHit->X(),fmdHit->Y())); } // end for fmdHit } // end if FMD if(ITS){ for(itsHit=(AliITShit*)ITS->FirstHit(-1);itsHit; itsHit=(AliITShit*)ITS->NextHit()){ if(itsHit->GetIonization()>0.0){//only after a step in the ITS hITS->Fill(itsHit->GetIonization()); } // end if } // end for itsHit } // end if ITS if(MUON){ for(muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)MUON->FirstHit(-1);muonHit; muonHit=(AliMUONHit*)MUON->NextHit()){ hMUON->Fill(TMath::Hypot(muonHit->X(),muonHit->Y())); } // end for muonHit } // end if MUON if(PHOS){ for(phosHit=(AliPHOSHit*)PHOS->FirstHit(-1);phosHit; phosHit=(AliPHOSHit*)PHOS->NextHit()){ hPHOS->Fill(phosHit->GetEnergy()); } // end for phosHit } // end if PHOS if(PMD){ for(pmdHit=(AliPMDhit*)PMD->FirstHit(-1);pmdHit; pmdHit=(AliPMDhit*)PMD->NextHit()){ hPMD->Fill(pmdHit->GetEnergy()); } // end for pmdHit } // end if PMD if(RICH){ for(richHit=(AliRICHHit*)RICH->FirstHit(-1);richHit; richHit=(AliRICHHit*)RICH->NextHit()){ hRICH->Fill(richHit->fEloss); } // end for richHit } // end if RICH if(START){ for(startHit=(AliSTARThit*)START->FirstHit(-1);startHit; startHit=(AliSTARThit*)START->NextHit()){ hSTART->Fill(startHit->fTime); } // end for startHit } // end if START if(TOF){ for(tofHit=(AliTOFhit*)TOF->FirstHit(-1);tofHit; tofHit=(AliTOFhit*)TOF->NextHit()){ hTOF->Fill(tofHit->GetTof()); } // end for tofHit } // end if TOF if(TRD) { for(trdHit=(AliTRDhit*)TRD->FirstHit(-1);trdHit; trdHit=(AliTRDhit*)TRD->NextHit()) { hTRD->Fill((Float_t)(trdHit->GetCharge())); } // end for } // end if TRD if(CASTOR) { for(castorHit=(AliCASTORhit*)CASTOR->FirstHit(-1);castorHit; castorHit=(AliCASTORhit*)CASTOR->NextHit()) { hCASTOR->Fill(TMath::Hypot(castorHit->X(),castorHit->Y())); } // end for } // end if CASTOR if(ZDC){ for(zdcHit=(AliZDCHit*)ZDC->FirstHit(-1);zdcHit; zdcHit=(AliZDCHit*)ZDC->NextHit()){ hZDC->Fill(zdcHit->GetEnergy()); } // end for zdcdHit } // end if ZDC if(TPC) { for(tpcHit=(AliTPChit*)TPC->FirstHit(-1);tpcHit; tpcHit=(AliTPChit*)TPC->NextHit()) { hTPC->Fill((Float_t)(tpcHit->fQ)); } // end for tpcHit } // end if TPC } // end for track //Create a canvas, set the view range, show histograms TCanvas *c0 = new TCanvas("c0","Alice Detectors",400,10,600,700); if(opt=="Logy")c0->SetLogy(); if(FMD){ hFMD->SetFillColor(42); hFMD->Draw(); c0->Print("analHitsFMD.ps"); } // end if FMD if(ITS){ hITS->SetFillColor(42); hITS->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsITS.ps"); } // end if ITS if(MUON){ hMUON->SetFillColor(42); hMUON->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsMUON.ps"); } // end if MUON if(PHOS){ hPHOS->SetFillColor(42); hPHOS->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsPHOS.ps"); } // end if PHOS if(PMD){ hPMD->SetFillColor(42); hPMD->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsPMD.ps"); } // end if PMD if(RICH){ hRICH->SetFillColor(42); hRICH->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsRICH.ps"); } // end if RICH if(START){ hSTART->SetFillColor(42); hSTART->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsSTART.ps"); } // end if START if(TOF){ hTOF->SetFillColor(42); hTOF->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsTOF.ps"); } // end if TOF if(TPC){ hTPC->SetFillColor(42); hTPC->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsTPC.ps"); } // end if TPC if(TRD){ hTRD->SetFillColor(42); hTRD->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsTRD.ps"); } // end if TRD if(CASTOR){ hCASTOR->SetFillColor(42); hCASTOR->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsCASTOR.ps"); } // end if TRD if(ZDC){ hZDC->SetFillColor(42); hZDC->Draw(); c0->SaveAs("analHitsZDC.ps"); } // end if ZDC // Clean Up /* if(FMD) delete hFMD; if(ITS) delete hITS; if(MUON) delete hMUON; if(PHOS) delete hPHOS; if(PMD) delete hPMD; if(RICH) delete hRICH; if(START) delete hSTART; if(TOF) delete hTOF; if(TPC) delete hTPC; if(TRD) delete hTRD; if(CASTOR) delete hCASTOR; if(ZDC) delete hZDC; */ }