// This is an example macro which loops on all ESD events in a file set // and stores the selected information in form of mini ESD tree. // It also extracts the corresponding MC information in a parallel MC tree. // // Input: galice.root,Kinematics.root,AliESDs.root (read only) // Output: miniesd.root (recreate) // // Usage: faster if compiled // gSystem->SetIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include -I$ALICE_ROOT/include -I$ALICE_ROOT/TPC"); // gROOT->LoadMacro("mcminiesd.C+"); // mcminiesd() // // Author: Peter Hristov // e-mail: Peter.Hristov@cern.ch #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) // Root include files #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // AliRoot include files #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliTPCtrack.h" #include "AliTracker.h" #endif void selectRecTracks(AliESD* esdOut, Int_t * select, Int_t &nkeep0) { // Select also all the reconstructed tracks in case it was not done before Int_t nrec = esdOut->GetNumberOfTracks(); for(Int_t irec=0; irecGetTrack(irec); UInt_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); if (label>=10000000) continue; // Underlying event. 10000000 is the // value of fkMASKSTEP in AliRunDigitizer if (!select[label]) { select[label] = 1; nkeep0++; } } } void copyGeneralESDInfo(AliESD* esdIn, AliESD* esdOut) { // Event and run number esdOut->SetEventNumber(esdIn->GetEventNumber()); esdOut->SetRunNumber(esdIn->GetRunNumber()); // Trigger esdOut->SetTriggerMask(esdIn->GetTriggerMask()); // Magnetic field esdOut->SetMagneticField(esdIn->GetMagneticField()); // Copy ESD vertex const AliESDVertex * vtxIn = esdIn->GetVertex(); AliESDVertex * vtxOut = 0x0; if (vtxIn) { Double_t pos[3]; vtxIn->GetXYZ(pos); Double_t cov[6]; vtxIn->GetCovMatrix(cov); vtxOut = new AliESDVertex(pos,cov, vtxIn->GetChi2(), vtxIn->GetNContributors()); Double_t tp[3]; vtxIn->GetTruePos(tp); vtxOut->SetTruePos(tp); } else vtxOut = new AliESDVertex(); esdOut->SetVertex(vtxOut); } void selectMiniESD(AliESD* esdIn, AliESD* &esdOut) { // This function copies the general ESD information // and selects the reconstructed tracks of interest // The second argument is a reference to pointer since we // want to operate not with the content, but with the pointer itself printf("--------------------\n"); printf("Selecting data mini ESD\n"); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // Create the new output ESD esdOut = new AliESD(); // Copy the general information copyGeneralESDInfo(esdIn, esdOut); // Select tracks Int_t ntrk = esdIn->GetNumberOfTracks(); // Loop on tracks for (Int_t itrk=0; itrkGetTrack(itrk); UInt_t status=trackIn->GetStatus(); //select only tracks with TPC or ITS refit if ((status&AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit)==0 && (status&AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)==0 ) continue; //select only tracks with "combined" PID if ((status&AliESDtrack::kESDpid)==0) continue; AliESDtrack * trackOut = new AliESDtrack(*trackIn); // Reset most of the redundant information trackOut->MakeMiniESDtrack(); esdOut->AddTrack(trackOut); // Do not delete trackIn, it is a second pointer to an // object belonging to the TClonesArray delete trackOut; } printf("%d tracks selected\n",esdOut->GetNumberOfTracks()); esdOut->Print(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); printf("--------------------\n"); } void fixMotherDaughter(TClonesArray& particles, Int_t * map) { // Fix mother-daughter relationship // using the map of old to new indexes Int_t nkeep = particles.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetFirstMother(); if (mum>-1 && i>map[mum]) part->SetFirstMother(map[mum]); // old indexes Int_t fd = part->GetFirstDaughter(); Int_t ld = part->GetLastDaughter(); // invalidate daughters part->SetFirstDaughter(-1); part->SetLastDaughter(-1); for (Int_t id=TMath::Max(fd,0); id<=ld; id++) { if (map[id]>-1) { // this daughter was selected if(part->GetFirstDaughter() < 0) part->SetFirstDaughter(map[id]); part->SetLastDaughter(map[id]); } } } } void checkConsistency(TClonesArray& particles) { // Check consistency // each mother is before the daughters, // each daughter from the mother's list // points back to its mother Int_t nkeep = particles.GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetFirstMother(); if (mum>-1 && iGetFirstDaughter(); Int_t ld = part->GetLastDaughter(); if (fd > ld ) cout << "Problem " << fd << " > " << ld << endl; if (fd > -1 && fd < i ) cout << "Problem: mother " << i << " after daughter " << ld << endl; for (Int_t id=TMath::Max(fd,0); id<=ld; id++) { TParticle * daughter = (TParticle*)particles[id]; if (daughter->GetFirstMother() != i) { cout << "Problem "<< i << " not " << daughter->GetFirstMother() << endl; daughter->Print(); } } } } void kinetree(AliRunLoader* runLoader, AliESD* &esdOut, TClonesArray* &ministack) { printf("--------------------\n"); printf("Selecting MC mini ESD\n"); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // Particle properties TDatabasePDG * pdgdb = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); // Particle stack AliStack * stack = runLoader->Stack(); Int_t npart = stack->GetNtrack(); // Particle momentum and vertex. Will be extracted from TParticle TLorentzVector momentum; TArrayF vertex(3); runLoader->GetHeader()->GenEventHeader()->PrimaryVertex(vertex); TVector3 dvertex; // Counter for selected particles Int_t nkeep0 = 0; Int_t * select = new Int_t[npart]; // Loop on particles: physics selection for (Int_t ipart=0; ipartParticle(ipart); if (!part) { cout << "Empty particle " << ipart << endl; continue; } // Particle momentum and vertex of origin part->Momentum(momentum); dvertex.SetXYZ(part->Vx()-vertex[0], part->Vy()-vertex[1], part->Vz()-vertex[2]); // Now select only the "interesting" particles // Select all particles from the primary vertex: // resonances and products of resonance decays if(dvertex.Mag()<0.0001) { select[ipart] = 1; nkeep0++; continue; } // Reject particles born outside ITS if (dvertex.Perp()>100) continue; // Reject particles with too low momentum, they don't rich TPC if (part->Pt()<0.1) continue; // Reject "final state" neutral particles // This has to be redone after this loop Int_t pdgcode = part->GetPdgCode(); TParticlePDG * pdgpart = pdgdb->GetParticle(pdgcode); Int_t charge = 0; if (pdgpart) charge = (Int_t) pdgpart->Charge(); if (!charge) { if (part->GetFirstDaughter()<0) continue; } // Select the rest of particles except the case // particle -> particle + X // for example bremstrahlung and delta electrons Int_t mumid = part->GetFirstMother(); TParticle * mother = stack->Particle(mumid); if (mother) { Int_t mumpdg = mother->GetPdgCode(); Bool_t skip = kFALSE; for (Int_t id=mother->GetFirstDaughter(); id<=mother->GetLastDaughter(); id++) { TParticle * daughter=stack->Particle(id); if (!daughter) continue; if (mumpdg == daughter->GetPdgCode()) { skip=kTRUE; break; } } if (skip) continue; } // All the criteria are OK, this particle is selected select[ipart] = 1; nkeep0++; } // end loop over particles in the current event selectRecTracks(esdOut, select, nkeep0); // Container for the selected particles TClonesArray * pparticles = new TClonesArray("TParticle",nkeep0); TClonesArray &particles = *pparticles; // Map of the indexes in the stack and the new ones in the TClonesArray Int_t * map = new Int_t[npart]; // Counter for selected particles Int_t nkeep = 0; for (Int_t ipart=0; ipartParticle(ipart); map[ipart] = nkeep; new(particles[nkeep++]) TParticle(*part); } } if (nkeep0 != nkeep) printf("Strange %d is not %d\n",nkeep0,nkeep); delete [] select; // Fix mother-daughter relationship fixMotherDaughter(particles,map); // Check consistency checkConsistency(particles); // Now remove the "final state" neutral particles TClonesArray * particles1 = new TClonesArray("TParticle",nkeep); Int_t * map1 = new Int_t[nkeep]; Int_t nkeep1 = 0; // Loop on particles for (Int_t ipart=0; ipartGetPdgCode(); TParticlePDG * pdgpart = pdgdb->GetParticle(pdgcode); Int_t charge = 0; if (pdgpart) charge = (Int_t) pdgpart->Charge(); if (!charge) { if (part->GetFirstDaughter()<0) continue; } // Select the particle map1[ipart] = nkeep1; TClonesArray &ar = *particles1; new(ar[nkeep1++]) TParticle(*part); } particles.Delete(); delete pparticles; cout << nkeep1 << " particles finally selected" << endl; fixMotherDaughter(*particles1,map1); checkConsistency(*particles1); // Remap the labels of reconstructed tracks AliESD * esdNew = new AliESD(); copyGeneralESDInfo(esdOut,esdNew); // Tracks Int_t nrec = esdOut->GetNumberOfTracks(); for(Int_t irec=0; irecGetTrack(irec); UInt_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); if (label<10000000) { // Signal event. 10000000 is the // value of fkMASKSTEP in AliRunDigitizer track->SetLabel(TMath::Sign(map1[map[label]],track->GetLabel())); } esdNew->AddTrack(track); } delete esdOut; esdOut = esdNew; ministack = particles1; delete [] map; delete [] map1; timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); printf("--------------------\n"); } AliTPCtrack * particle2track(TParticle * part) { // Converts TParticle to AliTPCtrack UInt_t index; Double_t xx[5]; Double_t cc[15]; Double_t xref; Double_t alpha; // Calculate alpha: the rotation angle of the corresponding TPC sector alpha = part->Phi()*180./TMath::Pi(); if (alpha<0) alpha+= 360.; if (alpha>360) alpha -= 360.; Int_t sector = (Int_t)(alpha/20.); alpha = 10. + 20.*sector; alpha /= 180; alpha *= TMath::Pi(); // Reset the covariance matrix for (Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) cc[i]=0.; // Index index = part->GetUniqueID(); // Get the vertex of origin and the momentum TVector3 ver(part->Vx(),part->Vy(),part->Vz()); TVector3 mom(part->Px(),part->Py(),part->Pz()); // Rotate to the local (sector) coordinate system ver.RotateZ(-alpha); mom.RotateZ(-alpha); // X of the referense plane xref = ver.X(); // Track parameters // fX = xref X-coordinate of this track (reference plane) // fAlpha = Alpha Rotation angle the local (TPC sector) // fP0 = YL Y-coordinate of a track // fP1 = ZG Z-coordinate of a track // fP2 = C*x0 x0 is center x in rotated frame // fP3 = Tgl tangent of the track momentum dip angle // fP4 = C track curvature // Magnetic field TVector3 field(0.,0.,1/AliKalmanTrack::GetConvConst()); // radius [cm] of track projection in (x,y) Double_t rho = mom.Pt()*AliKalmanTrack::GetConvConst(); Double_t charge = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(part->GetPdgCode())->Charge(); charge /=3.; if (TMath::Abs(charge) < 0.9) charge=1.e-9; TVector3 vrho = mom.Cross(field); vrho *= charge; vrho.SetMag(rho); vrho += ver; Double_t x0 = vrho.X(); xx[0] = ver.Y(); xx[1] = ver.Z(); xx[3] = mom.Pz()/mom.Pt(); xx[4] = -charge/rho; xx[2] = xx[4]*x0; // if (TMath::Abs(charge) < 0.9) xx[4] = 0; AliTPCtrack * tr = new AliTPCtrack(index, xx, cc, xref, alpha); tr->SetLabel(index); return tr; } void mcminiesd() { printf("====================\n"); printf("Main program\n"); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); // Input "data" file, tree, and branch TFile * fIn = TFile::Open("AliESDs.root"); TTree * tIn = (TTree*)fIn->Get("esdTree"); TBranch * bIn = tIn->GetBranch("ESD"); AliESD * esdIn = 0; // The input ESD object is put here bIn->SetAddress(&esdIn); // Output file, trees, and branches. // Both "data" and MC are stored in the same file TFile * fOut = TFile::Open("miniesd.root","recreate"); TTree * tOut = new TTree("esdTree","esdTree"); TTree * tMC = new TTree("mcStackTree","mcStackTree"); AliESD * esdOut = 0; // The newly created ESD object TBranch * bOut = tOut->Branch("ESD","AliESD",&esdOut); bOut->SetCompressionLevel(9); // TParticles are stored in TClonesArray // The corresponding branch is created using "dummy" TClonesArray TClonesArray * ministack = new TClonesArray("TParticle"); TBranch * bMC = tMC->Branch("Stack",&ministack); ministack->Delete(); delete ministack; bMC->SetCompressionLevel(9); // Event header AliHeader * headerIn = 0; // TBranch * bHeader = tMC->Branch("Header","AliHeader",&headerIn); bHeader->SetCompressionLevel(9); // Run loader AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); // gAlice runLoader->LoadgAlice(); gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun(); // Magnetic field AliTracker::SetFieldMap(gAlice->Field(),1); // 1 means uniform magnetic field // Now load kinematics and event header runLoader->LoadKinematics(); runLoader->LoadHeader(); // Loop on events: check that MC and data contain the same number of events Int_t nevESD = bIn->GetEntries(); Int_t nevMC = (Int_t)runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); if (nevESD != nevMC) cout << "Inconsistent number of ESD("<GetEntry(iev); // "Data" selection selectMiniESD(esdIn,esdOut); // Get MC event runLoader->GetEvent(iev); // MC selection kinetree(runLoader,esdOut,ministack); bMC->SetAddress(&ministack); // needed because ministack has changed // Header headerIn = runLoader->GetHeader(); // Fill the trees tOut->Fill(); tMC->Fill(); delete esdOut; esdOut = 0x0; // delete esdIn; // esdIn = 0x0; ministack->Delete(); delete ministack; } fOut = tOut->GetCurrentFile(); fOut->Write(); fOut->Close(); fIn->Close(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); printf("====================\n"); }