1. run.C is the main macro to use. It takes as an argument the raw-data run number to be reconstructed. Note: don't forget to change the username there. 2. rec.C is called from run.C and does: *) raw-data input is set to all the raw-data files from the run (rec.SetInput("raw://runXXX")) *) QA is switched off due to high memory consumption, it can enabled in case one reconstructs less detectors. *) rec.SetEventRange() is used to limit the time of the query. Can be changed according to the needs. *) Output is a dataset, which one can setup by rec.SetOutput. The syntax is simple, just follow the example and put a coma separated list of output root file just between the first : and @. For example one case do: root_archive.zip#AliESDs.root:AliESDs.root,AliESDfriends.root,MUON.RecPoints.root@dataset://runXXX wildcards should work, but better define explicit names. The output is a normal CAF dataset (as the one staged from the grid). 3. prepareAlienCollection.sh is a helper script in case the run is long and one wants to select a subset of files to bre reconstructed. The syntax is: ./prepareAliEnCollection.sh XXX XXX.txt Then rec.C should be changed, so that the input becomes 'collection://XXX.txt'. Note: alien-token-init should be in the path. 4. rec.sh is a simple shell script which takes the run number as an argument and calls 'aliroot run.C'