]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/commitdiff
Added new cluster finder algorithm (V1)
authordecaro <decaro@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 18:00:49 +0000 (18:00 +0000)
committerdecaro <decaro@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 18:00:49 +0000 (18:00 +0000)
TOF/AliTOFClusterFinderV1.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
TOF/AliTOFClusterFinderV1.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/TOF/AliTOFClusterFinderV1.cxx b/TOF/AliTOFClusterFinderV1.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..227aa2a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3449 @@
+ * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
+ *                                                                        *
+ * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project.                                    *
+ * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate.              *
+ *                                                                        *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its   *
+ * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted   *
+ * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all   *
+ * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice   *
+ * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims     *
+ * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is          *
+ * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.                  *
+ **************************************************************************/
+$Log: AliTOFClusterFinderV1.cxx,v $
+Revision 0.01  2008/05/10 A. De Caro
+ */
+//                                     //
+//  Class for TOF cluster finder (V1)  //
+//                                     //
+//  Input data: Raw Data or Digits;    //
+//  Output data: Digits or Rec Points  //
+//                                     //
+#include "Riostream.h"
+#include "TClonesArray.h"
+#include "TStopwatch.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "AliDAQ.h"
+#include "AliLog.h"
+#include "AliRawReader.h"
+#include "AliRunLoader.h"
+#include "AliGeomManager.h"
+#include "AliTOFcalib.h"
+#include "AliTOFChannelOnlineArray.h"
+#include "AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray.h"
+#include "AliTOFChannelOffline.h"
+#include "AliTOFClusterFinderV1.h"
+#include "AliTOFcluster.h"
+#include "AliTOFdigit.h"
+//#include "AliTOFselectedDigit.h"
+#include "AliTOFDigitMap.h"
+#include "AliTOFGeometry.h"
+#include "AliTOFrawData.h"
+#include "AliTOFRawStream.h"
+AliTOFClusterFinderV1::AliTOFClusterFinderV1(AliTOFcalib *calib):
+  fRunLoader(0),
+  fDigits(new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 4000)),
+  fRecPoints(new TClonesArray("AliTOFcluster", 4000)),
+  fNumberOfTofClusters(0),
+  fNumberOfTofDigits(0),
+  fMaxDeltaTime(10),
+  fVerbose(0),
+  fDecoderVersion(0),
+  fTOFcalib(calib),
+  fTOFdigitMap(new AliTOFDigitMap())
+// Constructor
+AliTOFClusterFinderV1::AliTOFClusterFinderV1(AliRunLoader* runLoader, AliTOFcalib *calib):
+  fRunLoader(runLoader),
+  fDigits(new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 4000)),
+  fRecPoints(new TClonesArray("AliTOFcluster", 4000)),
+  fNumberOfTofClusters(0),
+  fNumberOfTofDigits(0),
+  fMaxDeltaTime(10),
+  fVerbose(0),
+  fDecoderVersion(0),
+  fTOFcalib(calib),
+  fTOFdigitMap(new AliTOFDigitMap())
+// Constructor
+AliTOFClusterFinderV1::AliTOFClusterFinderV1(const AliTOFClusterFinderV1 &source)
+  :TObject(),
+  fRunLoader(0),
+  fDigits(new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 4000)),
+  fRecPoints(new TClonesArray("AliTOFcluster", 4000)),
+  fNumberOfTofClusters(0),
+  fNumberOfTofDigits(0),
+  fMaxDeltaTime(10),
+  fVerbose(0),
+  fDecoderVersion(0),
+  fTOFcalib(0),
+  fTOFdigitMap(new AliTOFDigitMap())
+  // copy constructor
+  this->fDigits=source.fDigits;
+  this->fRecPoints=source.fRecPoints;
+  this->fDecoderVersion=source.fDecoderVersion;
+  this->fTOFcalib=source.fTOFcalib;
+AliTOFClusterFinderV1& AliTOFClusterFinderV1::operator=(const AliTOFClusterFinderV1 &source)
+  // ass. op.
+  this->fDigits=source.fDigits;
+  this->fRecPoints=source.fRecPoints;
+  this->fVerbose=source.fVerbose;
+  this->fDecoderVersion=source.fDecoderVersion;
+  this->fTOFcalib=source.fTOFcalib;
+  this->fTOFdigitMap=source.fTOFdigitMap;
+  return *this;
+  //
+  // Destructor
+  //
+  if (fDigits)
+    {
+      fDigits->Delete();
+      delete fDigits;
+      fDigits=0;
+    }
+  if (fRecPoints)
+    {
+      fRecPoints->Delete();
+      delete fRecPoints;
+      fRecPoints=0;
+    }
+  delete fTOFdigitMap;
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::Digits2RecPoints(TTree* digitsTree, TTree* clusterTree)
+  //
+  // Converts digits to recPoints for TOF
+  //
+  TStopwatch stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.Start();
+  Int_t inholes = 0;
+  TClonesArray &aDigits = *fDigits;
+  if (digitsTree == 0x0)
+    AliFatal("Can not get TreeD for TOF");
+  TBranch *branch = digitsTree->GetBranch("TOF");
+  if (!branch) {
+    AliError("Can not get branch with the TOF digits !");
+    return;
+  }
+  TClonesArray staticDigits("AliTOFdigit",10000);
+  staticDigits.Clear();
+  TClonesArray *digits = &staticDigits;
+  branch->SetAddress(&digits);
+  digitsTree->GetEvent(0);
+  AliInfo(Form("Number of TOF digits: %d", digits->GetEntriesFast()));
+  AliTOFdigit *tofDigit;
+  Int_t jj = 0;
+  Int_t detectorIndex[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) detectorIndex[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t info[4];
+  for (jj=0; jj<4; jj++) info[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t *tracks;
+  Int_t tdcCorr;
+  Int_t dummy = -1;
+  Int_t last = -1;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE;
+  AliInfo(" Calibrating TOF Digits: ");
+  TString validity = (TString)fTOFcalib->GetOfflineValidity();
+  AliInfo(Form(" validity = %s", validity.Data()));
+  if (validity.CompareTo("valid")==0) {
+    AliInfo(" ...using offline calibration parameters");
+  }
+  else {
+    AliInfo(" ...using online calibration parameters");
+  }
+  Int_t ii = 0;
+  for (ii=0; ii<digits->GetEntriesFast(); ii++) {
+    tofDigit = (AliTOFdigit*)digits->UncheckedAt(ii);
+    detectorIndex[0] = tofDigit->GetSector();
+    detectorIndex[1] = tofDigit->GetPlate();
+    detectorIndex[2] = tofDigit->GetStrip();
+    detectorIndex[3] = tofDigit->GetPadz();
+    detectorIndex[4] = tofDigit->GetPadx();
+    if (detectorIndex[0]==13 || detectorIndex[0]==14 || detectorIndex[0]==15 ) { // sectors with holes
+      if (detectorIndex[1]==2) { // plate with holes
+       inholes++;
+       continue;
+      }
+    }
+    status = MakeSlewingCorrection(detectorIndex, tofDigit->GetToT(), tofDigit->GetTdc(), tdcCorr);
+    for (jj=0; jj<4; jj++) info[jj] = -1;
+    info[0] = tdcCorr;//tofDigit->GetTdc();
+    info[1] = tofDigit->GetAdc();
+    info[2] = tofDigit->GetToT();
+    info[3] = tofDigit->GetTdc();//tofDigit->GetTdcND();
+    tracks  = tofDigit->GetTracks();
+    dummy = detectorIndex[3];
+    detectorIndex[3] = detectorIndex[4];//padx
+    detectorIndex[4] = dummy;//padz
+    last = fDigits->GetEntriesFast();
+    new (aDigits[last]) AliTOFdigit(tracks, detectorIndex, info);
+    if (status) fTOFdigitMap->AddDigit(detectorIndex, last);
+    AliDebug(2, Form(" Digits reading %2i -> %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i (%d, %d, %d)",
+                    last,
+                    detectorIndex[0], detectorIndex[1], detectorIndex[2], detectorIndex[3], detectorIndex[4],
+                    info[0], info[1], info[3]));
+  }
+  fNumberOfTofDigits = fDigits->GetEntriesFast();
+  ResetRecpoint();
+  Int_t bufsize = 32000;
+  clusterTree->Branch("TOF", &fRecPoints, bufsize);
+  FillRecPoint();
+  clusterTree->Fill();
+  AliInfo(Form("Number of found TOF clusters: %d", fNumberOfTofClusters));
+  ResetRecpoint();
+  fTOFdigitMap->Clear();
+  ResetDigits();
+  AliInfo(Form("Execution time to read TOF digits and to write TOF clusters : R:%.4fs C:%.4fs",
+              stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
+  if (inholes) AliWarning(Form("Clusters in the TOF holes: %d",inholes));
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::Digits2RecPoints(AliRawReader *rawReader, TTree *clustersTree)
+  //
+  // Converts raw data to recPoints for TOF
+  //
+  TStopwatch stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.Start();
+  AliDebug(2, "TreeD re-creation");
+  TTree *digitsTree = new TTree();
+  Raw2Digits(rawReader, digitsTree);
+  AliDebug(2,Form("Number of TOF digits: %d", fNumberOfTofDigits));
+  ResetRecpoint();
+  Int_t bufsize = 32000;
+  clustersTree->Branch("TOF", &fRecPoints, bufsize);
+  FillRecPoint();
+  clustersTree->Fill();
+  AliInfo(Form("Number of found clusters: %i", fNumberOfTofClusters));
+  ResetRecpoint();
+  fTOFdigitMap->Clear();
+  ResetDigits();
+  AliInfo(Form("Execution time to read TOF raw data and to write TOF clusters : R:%.4fs C:%.4fs",
+                  stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::Raw2Digits(AliRawReader *rawReader, TTree* digitsTree)
+  //
+  // Converts raw data to digits for TOF
+  //
+  TStopwatch stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.Start();
+  Int_t inholes = 0;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit = 3;
+  const Int_t kDDL = AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("TOF");
+  digitsTree->Branch("TOF", &fDigits);
+  TClonesArray &aDigits = *fDigits;
+  AliTOFRawStream tofInput(rawReader);
+  ofstream ftxt;
+  if (fVerbose==2) ftxt.open("TOFdigitsRead.txt",ios::app);
+  TClonesArray staticRawData("AliTOFrawData",10000);
+  staticRawData.Clear();
+  TClonesArray * clonesRawData = &staticRawData;
+  Int_t dummy = -1;
+  Int_t detectorIndex[5] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
+  Int_t digit[4];
+  Int_t tracks[kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit];
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; ii++)
+    tracks[ii] = -1;
+  Int_t last = -1;
+  Int_t tdcCorr = 0;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE;
+  AliInfo(" Calibrating TOF Digits: ");
+  TString validity = (TString)fTOFcalib->GetOfflineValidity();
+  AliInfo(Form(" validity = %s", validity.Data()));
+  if (validity.CompareTo("valid")==0) {
+    AliInfo(" ...using offline calibration parameters");
+  }
+  else {
+    AliInfo(" ...using online calibration parameters");
+  }
+  Int_t indexDDL = 0;
+  Int_t iRawData = 0;
+  for (indexDDL=0; indexDDL<kDDL; indexDDL++) {
+    rawReader->Reset();
+    if (fDecoderVersion) {
+      AliInfo("Using New Decoder \n"); 
+      tofInput.LoadRawDataBuffers(indexDDL,fVerbose);
+    }
+    else tofInput.LoadRawData(indexDDL);
+    clonesRawData = (TClonesArray*)tofInput.GetRawData();
+    if (clonesRawData->GetEntriesFast()!=0) AliInfo(Form(" TOF raw data number = %3i", clonesRawData->GetEntriesFast()));
+    for (iRawData = 0; iRawData<clonesRawData->GetEntriesFast(); iRawData++) {
+      AliTOFrawData *tofRawDatum = (AliTOFrawData*)clonesRawData->UncheckedAt(iRawData);
+      //if (tofRawDatum->GetTOT()==-1 || tofRawDatum->GetTOF()==-1) continue;
+      if (tofRawDatum->GetTOF()==-1) continue;
+      tofInput.EquipmentId2VolumeId(indexDDL, tofRawDatum->GetTRM(), tofRawDatum->GetTRMchain(),
+                                   tofRawDatum->GetTDC(), tofRawDatum->GetTDCchannel(), detectorIndex);
+      tdcCorr = 0;
+      dummy = detectorIndex[3];
+      detectorIndex[3] = detectorIndex[4];//padz
+      detectorIndex[4] = dummy;//padx
+      status = MakeSlewingCorrection(detectorIndex, tofRawDatum->GetTOT(), tofRawDatum->GetTOF(), tdcCorr);
+      digit[0] = tdcCorr;
+      digit[1] = tofRawDatum->GetTOT();
+      digit[2] = tofRawDatum->GetTOT();
+      digit[3] = tofRawDatum->GetTOF();
+      dummy = detectorIndex[3];
+      detectorIndex[3] = detectorIndex[4];//padx
+      detectorIndex[4] = dummy;//padz
+      // Do not reconstruct anything in the holes
+      if (detectorIndex[0]==13 || detectorIndex[0]==14 || detectorIndex[0]==15 ) { // sectors with holes
+       if (detectorIndex[1]==2) { // plate with holes
+         inholes++;
+         continue;
+       }
+      }
+      last = fDigits->GetEntriesFast();
+      new (aDigits[last]) AliTOFdigit(tracks, detectorIndex, digit);
+      if (status) fTOFdigitMap->AddDigit(detectorIndex, last);
+      if (fVerbose==2) {
+       if (indexDDL<10) ftxt << "  " << indexDDL;
+       else         ftxt << " " << indexDDL;
+       if (tofRawDatum->GetTRM()<10) ftxt << "  " << tofRawDatum->GetTRM();
+       else         ftxt << " " << tofRawDatum->GetTRM();
+       ftxt << "  " << tofRawDatum->GetTRMchain();
+       if (tofRawDatum->GetTDC()<10) ftxt << "  " << tofRawDatum->GetTDC();
+       else         ftxt << " " << tofRawDatum->GetTDC();
+       ftxt << "  " << tofRawDatum->GetTDCchannel();
+       if (detectorIndex[0]<10) ftxt  << "  ->  " << detectorIndex[0];
+       else              ftxt  << "  -> " << detectorIndex[0];
+       ftxt << "  " << detectorIndex[1];
+       if (detectorIndex[2]<10) ftxt << "  " << detectorIndex[2];
+       else              ftxt << " " << detectorIndex[2];
+       ftxt << "  " << detectorIndex[4];
+       if (detectorIndex[4]<10) ftxt << "  " << detectorIndex[3];
+       else              ftxt << " " << detectorIndex[3];
+       if (digit[1]<10)ftxt << "        " << digit[1];
+       else if (digit[1]>=10 && digit[1]<100) ftxt << "      " << digit[1];
+       else ftxt << "      " << digit[1];
+       if (digit[0]<10) ftxt << "      " << digit[0] << endl;
+       else if (digit[0]>=10 && digit[0]<100)   ftxt << "    " << digit[0] << endl;
+       else if (digit[0]>=100 && digit[0]<1000) ftxt << "    " << digit[0] << endl;
+       else ftxt << "   " << digit[3] << endl;
+      }
+      AliDebug(2, Form(" Raw data reading %2i -> %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i (%d, %d, %d)",
+                      last,
+                      detectorIndex[0], detectorIndex[1], detectorIndex[2], detectorIndex[4], detectorIndex[3],
+                      digit[0], digit[1], digit[3]));
+    } // while loop
+    clonesRawData->Clear();
+  } // DDL Loop
+  if (fVerbose==2) ftxt.close();
+  digitsTree->Fill();
+  fNumberOfTofDigits = fDigits->GetEntries();
+  AliDebug(1, Form("Got %d TOF digits", fNumberOfTofDigits));
+  AliDebug(1, Form("Execution time to read TOF raw data and fill TOF digit tree : R:%.2fs C:%.2fs",
+                  stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
+  if (inholes) AliWarning(Form("Clusters in the TOF holes: %d",inholes));
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::FillRecPoint()
+  //
+  // Fill the global TClonesArray of AliTOFcluster objects,
+  // i.e. fRecPoints
+  //
+  //Int_t dummy4_1 = -1;
+  //Int_t dummy3_1 = -1;
+  //Int_t dummy2_1 = -1;
+  Int_t dummy    = -1;
+  for(Int_t iPlate=0; iPlate<AliTOFGeometry::NPlates(); iPlate++) {
+    for(Int_t iStrip=0; iStrip<AliTOFGeometry::NStrip(iPlate); iStrip++) {
+      for (Int_t iSector=0; iSector<AliTOFGeometry::NSectors(); iSector++) {
+       /*
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       FindClustersPerStrip(iSector, iPlate, iStrip, 4); // 4 pads clusters
+       dummy4_1 = fNumberOfTofClusters;
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       FindClustersPerStrip(iSector, iPlate, iStrip, 4); // 4 pads clusters
+       if (fNumberOfTofClusters!=dummy4_1)
+         AliDebug(2, Form(" (4): n1= %5i, n2 = %5", dummy4_1, fNumberOfTofClusters));
+       */
+       /*
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       FindClustersPerStrip(iSector, iPlate, iStrip, 3); // 3 pads clusters
+       dummy3_1 = fNumberOfTofClusters;
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       FindClustersPerStrip(iSector, iPlate, iStrip, 3); // 3 pads clusters
+       if (fNumberOfTofClusters!=dummy3_1)
+         AliDebug(2, Form(" (3): n1= %5i, n2 = %5", dummy3_1, fNumberOfTofClusters));
+       */
+       /*
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       FindClustersPerStrip(iSector, iPlate, iStrip, 2); // 2 pads clusters
+       dummy2_1 = fNumberOfTofClusters;
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       FindClustersPerStrip(iSector, iPlate, iStrip, 2); // 2 pads clusters
+       if (fNumberOfTofClusters!=dummy2_1)
+         AliDebug(2, Form(" (2): n1= %5i, n2 =%5", dummy2_1, fNumberOfTofClusters));
+       */
+       /*
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       dummy = fNumberOfTofClusters;
+       FindClusters34(iSector, iPlate, iStrip); // 3 pads clusters between 4 hit pads
+       if (fNumberOfTofClusters!=dummy)
+         AliDebug(2, Form(" (3 between 4): n1 = %5i, n2 = %5i", fNumberOfTofClusters, dummy));
+       */
+       /*
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       dummy = fNumberOfTofClusters;
+       FindClusters23(iSector, iPlate, iStrip); // 2 pads clusters between 3 hit pads
+       if (fNumberOfTofClusters!=dummy)
+         AliDebug(2, Form(" (2 between 3): n1 = %5i, n2 = %5i", fNumberOfTofClusters, dummy));
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       dummy = fNumberOfTofClusters;
+       FindClusters24(iSector, iPlate, iStrip); // 2 pads clusters between 4 hit pads
+       if (fNumberOfTofClusters!=dummy)
+         AliDebug(2, Form(" (2 between 4): n1 = %5i, n2 = %5i", fNumberOfTofClusters, dummy));
+       */
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       dummy = fNumberOfTofClusters;
+       FindOnePadClusterPerStrip(iSector, iPlate, iStrip); // 1 pad clusters
+       if (fNumberOfTofClusters!=dummy)
+         AliDebug(2,Form(" (1): n1 = %5i, n2 = %5i", fNumberOfTofClusters, dummy));
+       if (fTOFdigitMap->DigitInStrip(iSector,iPlate,iStrip)>0)
+         AliDebug(2, Form(" (1): numero di clusters = %5i (remaining digit %2i), -%2i %1i %2i-",
+                       fNumberOfTofClusters, fTOFdigitMap->DigitInStrip(iSector,iPlate,iStrip),
+                       iSector, iPlate, iStrip));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  TClonesArray &lRecPoints = *fRecPoints;
+  Int_t ii, jj;
+  Int_t detectorIndex[5];
+  Int_t parTOF[5];
+  Int_t trackLabels[3];
+  Int_t digitIndex = -1;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE;
+  Float_t posClus[3];
+  for (ii=0; ii<3; ii++) posClus[ii] = 0.;
+  //Float_t covClus[6];
+  //for (ii=0; ii<6; ii++) covClus[ii] = 0.;
+  UShort_t volIdClus;
+  for (ii=0; ii<fNumberOfTofClusters; ii++) {
+    digitIndex = fTofClusters[ii]->GetIndex();
+    for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) detectorIndex[jj] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetDetInd(jj);
+    volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(detectorIndex);
+    for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++) trackLabels[jj] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetLabel(jj);
+    parTOF[0] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetTDC(); // TDC
+    parTOF[1] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetToT(); // TOT
+    parTOF[2] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetADC(); // ADC=TOT
+    parTOF[3] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetTDCND(); // TDCND
+    parTOF[4] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetTDCRAW();//RAW
+    status = fTofClusters[ii]->GetStatus();
+    posClus[0] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetX();
+    posClus[1] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetY();
+    posClus[2] = fTofClusters[ii]->GetZ();
+    //for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+    //((AliCluster*)fTofClusters[ii])->GetGlobalCov(covClus);
+    new(lRecPoints[ii]) AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, (Double_t)posClus[0], (Double_t)posClus[1], (Double_t)posClus[2],
+                                     (Double_t)(fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaX2()),
+                                     (Double_t)(fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaXY()),
+                                     (Double_t)(fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaXZ()),
+                                     (Double_t)(fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaY2()),
+                                     (Double_t)(fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaYZ()),
+                                     (Double_t)(fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaZ2()),
+                                     //(Double_t)covClus[0], (Double_t)covClus[1], (Double_t)covClus[2],
+                                     //(Double_t)covClus[3], (Double_t)covClus[4], (Double_t)covClus[5],
+                                     trackLabels, detectorIndex, parTOF, status, digitIndex);
+    AliDebug(2, Form(" %4i  %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                    ii, volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                    fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaX2(),
+                    fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaXY(),
+                    fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaXZ(),
+                    fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaY2(),
+                    fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaYZ(),
+                    fTofClusters[ii]->GetSigmaZ2(),
+                    trackLabels[0], trackLabels[1], trackLabels[2],
+                    detectorIndex[0], detectorIndex[1], detectorIndex[2], detectorIndex[3], detectorIndex[4],
+                    parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                    status, digitIndex));
+  }
+  for (Int_t iSector=0; iSector<AliTOFGeometry::NSectors(); iSector++)
+    for(Int_t iPlate=0; iPlate<AliTOFGeometry::NPlates(); iPlate++) {
+      for(Int_t iStrip=0; iStrip<AliTOFGeometry::NStrip(iPlate); iStrip++) {
+       if (!(fTOFdigitMap->StripDigitCheck(iSector,iPlate,iStrip))) continue;
+       AliDebug(2, Form(" END %2i %1i %2i   %5i",
+                        iSector, iPlate, iStrip, fTOFdigitMap->DigitInStrip(iSector,iPlate,iStrip)));
+      }
+    }
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::FindOnePadClusterPerStrip(Int_t nSector,
+                                                     Int_t nPlate,
+                                                     Int_t nStrip)
+  //
+  // This function searches the isolated digits (stored in the fDigits object),
+  // to perform clusters (stored in the fTofClusters array).
+  // This research has been made by checking the fTOFdigitMap object,
+  // filled at digits/raw-data reading time.
+  //
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit = 3;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume = 3;
+  Int_t jj = 0;
+  AliTOFGeometry *tofGeometry = new AliTOFGeometry();
+  Int_t det[5] = {nSector,nPlate,nStrip,-1,-1};//sector,plate,strip,padZ,padX
+  Int_t vol[5] = {nSector,nPlate,nStrip,-1,-1};//sector,plate,strip,padX,padZ
+  UShort_t volIdClus = 0;
+  Float_t pos[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) pos[jj] = 0.;
+  Double_t posClus[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Double_t covClus[6];
+  for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t parTOF[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) parTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE; //assume all sim channels ok in the beginning...
+  Int_t tracks[kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t dummyCounter=-1;
+  //Int_t dummyPad=-1;
+  AliTOFdigit *digitInteresting;
+  Int_t iPadX = -1;
+  Int_t iPadZ = -1;
+  for (iPadX=0; iPadX<AliTOFGeometry::NpadX(); iPadX++) {
+    for (iPadZ=0; iPadZ<AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); iPadZ++) {
+      vol[4] = iPadZ  , vol[3]  = iPadX;
+      AliDebug(3, Form(" %1i %2i\n", iPadZ, iPadX));
+      if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)==0) continue;
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol,digIndex)<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol,digIndex));
+       AliDebug(2, Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                        vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                        digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                        digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                        fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol,digIndex),
+                        digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       //dummyPad = vol[3];
+       //vol[3] = vol[4];
+       //vol[4] = dummyPad;
+       det[3] = vol[4];
+       det[4] = vol[3];
+       tofGeometry->GetPosPar(det,pos);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %f %f %f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]));
+       //insert cluster
+       for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posClus[jj] = pos[jj];
+       parTOF[0] = Int_t(digitInteresting->GetTdc());
+       parTOF[1] = Int_t(digitInteresting->GetAdc());
+       parTOF[2] = Int_t(digitInteresting->GetToT());
+       parTOF[3] = Int_t(digitInteresting->GetTdc());
+       parTOF[4] = Int_t(digitInteresting->GetTdc());
+       volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(det);
+       for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+       GetClusterPars(det, posClus, covClus);
+       // To fill the track index array
+       dummyCounter=-1;
+       for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+       for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+         if (digitInteresting->GetTrack(jj)==-1) continue;
+         else {
+           dummyCounter++;
+           tracks[dummyCounter] = digitInteresting->GetTrack(jj);
+         }
+       }
+       AliTOFcluster *tofCluster =
+         new AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                           covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                           tracks, det, parTOF, status, fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol,digIndex));
+       InsertCluster(tofCluster);
+       AliDebug(2, Form("       %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                        volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                        covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                        tracks[0], tracks[1], tracks[2],
+                        det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4],
+                        parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                        status, fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol,digIndex)));
+       AliDebug(2, Form("        %f %f %f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]));
+       AliDebug(2, Form("           %f %f", parTOF[0], parTOF[2]));
+       //dummyPad = vol[3];
+       //vol[3] = vol[4];
+       //vol[4] = dummyPad;
+       fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigit(vol, digIndex);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::FindClusters34(Int_t nSector,
+                                          Int_t nPlate,
+                                          Int_t nStrip)
+  //
+  // This function searches the neighbouring digits (stored in the fDigits object),
+  // to perform clusters (stored in the fTofClusters array).
+  //
+  // This research has been made by checking the fTOFdigitMap object,
+  // filled at digits/raw-data reading time.
+  //
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads = 4;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit = 3;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume = 3;
+  Int_t ii = 0;
+  Int_t digitsInVolumeIndices[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+    digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+  AliTOFGeometry *tofGeometry = new AliTOFGeometry();
+  Int_t vol[5] = {nSector,nPlate,nStrip,-1,-1};
+  Float_t pos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
+  Int_t jj = 0;
+  Int_t interestingPadX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadX[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingPadZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadZ[jj] = -1;
+  Double_t interestingTOT[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOT[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingADC[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingADC[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingTOF[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingWeight[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingWeight[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingX[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingY[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingY[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingZ[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interDigit[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interDigit[jj] = 0;
+  Int_t padsCluster[11];
+  padsCluster[0] = nSector;
+  padsCluster[1] = nPlate;
+  padsCluster[2] = nStrip;
+  for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingCounter=-1;
+  Int_t iPad  = -1;
+  Int_t iPadX = -1;
+  Int_t iPadZ = -1;
+  Int_t parTOF[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) parTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t posClus[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t det[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+  Float_t posF[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = 0.;
+  UShort_t volIdClus = 0;
+  Bool_t check = kFALSE;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE; //assume all sim channels ok in the beginning...
+  Double_t covClus[6];
+  for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t tracks[kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t dummyCounter=-1;
+  Bool_t alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+  AliTOFselectedDigit ***selectedDigit = new AliTOFselectedDigit**[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    selectedDigit[ii] = new AliTOFselectedDigit*[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  AliTOFdigit *digitInteresting;
+  for (iPad=0; iPad<AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()*AliTOFGeometry::NpadX()-3; iPad+=2) {
+    iPadZ = iPad%AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad%2;
+    iPadX = iPad/AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad/2;
+    AliDebug(3, Form("%2i %1i %2i\n", iPad, iPadZ, iPadX));
+    interestingCounter=-1;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ  , vol[3]  = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    if (interestingCounter+1!=4) continue; // the hit pads have to be 4
+    else interestingCounter=-1;
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    AliDebug(1,Form(" e adesso %1i", interestingCounter+1));
+    for (Int_t adesso1=0; adesso1<interestingCounter+1; adesso1++) {
+      for (Int_t firstIndex=0; firstIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; firstIndex++) {
+       if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]==0x0) continue;
+       for (Int_t adesso2=adesso1+1; adesso2<interestingCounter+1; adesso2++) {
+         for (Int_t secondIndex=0; secondIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; secondIndex++) {
+           if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]==0x0) continue;
+           for (Int_t adesso3=adesso2+1; adesso3<interestingCounter+1; adesso3++) {
+             for (Int_t thirdIndex=0; thirdIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; thirdIndex++) {
+               if (selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]==0x0) continue;
+               if (TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                   ||
+                   TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                   ||
+                   TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime) continue;
+               interestingTOF[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC();
+               interestingTOT[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTOT();
+               interestingADC[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetADC();
+               interestingWeight[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetWeight();
+               Int_t vol1[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol1[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+               AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol1[0], vol1[1], vol1[2], vol1[4], vol1[3]));
+               Int_t volDum = vol1[3];
+               vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+               vol1[4] = volDum;
+               tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol1,pos);
+               interestingX[0] = pos[0];
+               interestingY[0] = pos[1];
+               interestingZ[0] = pos[2];
+               interestingTOF[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC();
+               interestingTOT[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTOT();
+               interestingADC[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetADC();
+               interestingWeight[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetWeight();
+               Int_t vol2[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol2[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+               AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol2[0], vol2[1], vol2[2], vol2[4], vol2[3]));
+               volDum = vol2[3];
+               vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+               vol2[4] = volDum;
+               tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol2,pos);
+               interestingX[1] = pos[0];
+               interestingY[1] = pos[1];
+               interestingZ[1] = pos[2];
+               interestingTOF[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC();
+               interestingTOT[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTOT();
+               interestingADC[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetADC();
+               interestingWeight[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetWeight();
+               Int_t vol3[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol3[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+               AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol3[0], vol3[1], vol3[2], vol3[4], vol3[3]));
+               volDum = vol3[3];
+               vol3[3] = vol3[4];
+               vol3[4] = volDum;
+               tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol3,pos);
+               interestingX[2] = pos[0];
+               interestingY[2] = pos[1];
+               interestingZ[2] = pos[2];
+               AverageCalculations(3, interestingX, interestingY, interestingZ,
+                                   interestingTOF, interestingTOT, interestingADC,
+                                   interestingWeight,
+                                   parTOF, posClus, check);
+               for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = posClus[jj];
+               tofGeometry->GetDetID(posF, det);
+               volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(det);
+               for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+               padsCluster[3] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+               padsCluster[4] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+               padsCluster[5] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+               padsCluster[6] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+               padsCluster[7] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+               padsCluster[8] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+               for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+               Int_t ** indDet = new Int_t*[3];
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) indDet[jj] = new Int_t [5];
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) indDet[jj][0] = nSector;
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) indDet[jj][1] = nPlate;
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) indDet[jj][2] = nStrip;
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) indDet[jj][3] = padsCluster[2*jj+3];
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) indDet[jj][4] = padsCluster[2*jj+1+3];
+               GetClusterPars(check, 3, indDet, interestingWeight, posClus, covClus);
+               for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) delete [] indDet[jj];
+               // To fill the track index array
+               dummyCounter=-1;
+               for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+               for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+                 if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+                 else {
+                   dummyCounter++;
+                   tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+                 }
+               }
+               for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+                 if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+                 else {
+                   alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                   for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                     alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                   if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                   if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                     AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                     continue;
+                   }
+                   dummyCounter++;
+                   tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+                 }
+               }
+               for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+                 if (selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+                 else {
+                   alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                   for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                     alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                   if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                   if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                     AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                     continue;
+                   }
+                   dummyCounter++;
+                   tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+                 }
+               }
+               AliTOFcluster *tofCluster =
+                 new AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                                   covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                                   tracks, det, parTOF, status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()); // to be updated
+               InsertCluster(tofCluster);
+               AliDebug(2, Form("       %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                                volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                                covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                                tracks[0], tracks[1], tracks[2],
+                                det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4],
+                                parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                                status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()));
+               volDum = vol1[3];
+               vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+               vol1[4] = volDum;
+               fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol1,selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex());
+               volDum = vol2[3];
+               vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+               vol2[4] = volDum;
+               fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol2,selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetIndex());
+               volDum = vol3[3];
+               vol3[3] = vol3[4];
+               vol3[4] = volDum;
+               fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol3,selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetIndex());
+             } // close loop on third digit
+           } // close loop on adesso3
+         } // close loop on second digit
+       } // close loop on adesso2
+      } // close loop on first digit
+    } // close loop on adesso1
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  } // loop on iPad
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) {
+      delete selectedDigit[ii][jj];
+      selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    }
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::FindClusters23(Int_t nSector,
+                                          Int_t nPlate,
+                                          Int_t nStrip)
+  //
+  // This function searches the neighbouring digits (stored in the fDigits object),
+  // to perform clusters (stored in the fTofClusters array).
+  //
+  // This research has been made by checking the fTOFdigitMap object,
+  // filled at digits/raw-data reading time.
+  //
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads = 4;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit = 3;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume = 3;
+  Int_t ii = 0;
+  Int_t digitsInVolumeIndices[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+    digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+  AliTOFGeometry *tofGeometry = new AliTOFGeometry();
+  Int_t vol[5] = {nSector,nPlate,nStrip,-1,-1};
+  Float_t pos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
+  Int_t jj = 0;
+  Int_t interestingPadX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadX[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingPadZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadZ[jj] = -1;
+  Double_t interestingTOT[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOT[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingADC[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingADC[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingTOF[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingWeight[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingWeight[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingX[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingY[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingY[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingZ[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interDigit[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interDigit[jj] = 0;
+  Int_t padsCluster[11];
+  padsCluster[0] = nSector;
+  padsCluster[1] = nPlate;
+  padsCluster[2] = nStrip;
+  for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingCounter=-1;
+  Int_t iPad  = -1;
+  Int_t iPadX = -1;
+  Int_t iPadZ = -1;
+  Bool_t check = kFALSE;
+  Int_t parTOF[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) parTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t posClus[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t det[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+  Float_t posF[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = 0.;
+  UShort_t volIdClus = 0;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE; //assume all sim channels ok in the beginning...
+  Double_t covClus[6];
+  for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t tracks[kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t dummyCounter=-1;
+  Bool_t alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+  AliTOFselectedDigit ***selectedDigit = new AliTOFselectedDigit**[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    selectedDigit[ii] = new AliTOFselectedDigit*[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  AliTOFdigit *digitInteresting;
+  for (iPad=0; iPad<AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()*AliTOFGeometry::NpadX()-3; iPad+=2) {
+    iPadZ = iPad%AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad%2;
+    iPadX = iPad/AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad/2;
+    AliDebug(3, Form("%2i %1i %2i\n", iPad, iPadZ, iPadX));
+    interestingCounter=-1;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ  , vol[3]  = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    if (interestingCounter+1!=3) continue; // the hit pads have to be 3
+    else interestingCounter=-1;
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    AliDebug(1,Form(" e adesso %1i", interestingCounter+1));
+    for (Int_t adesso1=0; adesso1<interestingCounter+1; adesso1++) {
+      for (Int_t firstIndex=0; firstIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; firstIndex++) {
+       if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]==0x0) continue;
+       for (Int_t adesso2=adesso1+1; adesso2<interestingCounter+1; adesso2++) {
+         for (Int_t secondIndex=0; secondIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; secondIndex++) {
+           if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]==0x0) continue;
+           if (TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime) continue;
+           interestingTOF[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC();
+           interestingTOT[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTOT();
+           interestingADC[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetADC();
+           interestingWeight[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetWeight();
+           Int_t vol1[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol1[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+           AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol1[0], vol1[1], vol1[2], vol1[4], vol1[3]));
+           Int_t volDum = vol1[3];
+           vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+           vol1[4] = volDum;
+           tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol1,pos);
+           interestingX[0] = pos[0];
+           interestingY[0] = pos[1];
+           interestingZ[0] = pos[2];
+           interestingTOF[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC();
+           interestingTOT[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTOT();
+           interestingADC[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetADC();
+           interestingWeight[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetWeight();
+           Int_t vol2[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol2[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+           AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol2[0], vol2[1], vol2[2], vol2[4], vol2[3]));
+           volDum = vol2[3];
+           vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+           vol2[4] = volDum;
+           tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol2,pos);
+           interestingX[1] = pos[0];
+           interestingY[1] = pos[1];
+           interestingZ[1] = pos[2];
+           AverageCalculations(2, interestingX, interestingY, interestingZ,
+                               interestingTOF, interestingTOT, interestingADC,
+                               interestingWeight,
+                               parTOF, posClus, check);
+           for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+           for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = posClus[jj];
+           tofGeometry->GetDetID(posF, det);
+           volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(det);
+           for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+           padsCluster[3] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+           padsCluster[4] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+           padsCluster[5] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+           padsCluster[6] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+           for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+           Int_t ** indDet = new Int_t*[2];
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj] = new Int_t [5];
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][0] = nSector;
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][1] = nPlate;
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][2] = nStrip;
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][3] = padsCluster[2*jj+3];
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][4] = padsCluster[2*jj+1+3];
+           GetClusterPars(check, 2, indDet, interestingWeight, posClus, covClus);
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) delete [] indDet[jj];
+           // To fill the track index array
+           dummyCounter=-1;
+           for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+           for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+             if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+             else {
+               dummyCounter++;
+               tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+             }
+           }
+           for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+             if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+             else {
+               alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+               for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                 alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+               if (alreadyStored) continue;
+               if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                 AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                 continue;
+               }
+               dummyCounter++;
+               tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+             }
+           }
+           AliTOFcluster *tofCluster =
+             new AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                               covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                               tracks, det, parTOF, status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()); // to be updated
+           InsertCluster(tofCluster);
+           AliDebug(2, Form("       %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                            volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                            covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                            tracks[0], tracks[1], tracks[2],
+                            det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4],
+                            parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                            status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()));
+           volDum = vol1[3];
+           vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+           vol1[4] = volDum;
+           fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol1,selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex());
+           volDum = vol2[3];
+           vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+           vol2[4] = volDum;
+           fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol2,selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetIndex());
+         } // close loop on second digit
+       } // close loop on adesso2
+      } // close loop on first digit
+    } // close loop on adesso1
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  } // loop on iPad
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) {
+      delete selectedDigit[ii][jj];
+      selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    }
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::FindClusters24(Int_t nSector,
+                                          Int_t nPlate,
+                                          Int_t nStrip)
+  //
+  // This function searches the neighbouring digits (stored in the fDigits object),
+  // to perform clusters (stored in the fTofClusters array).
+  //
+  // This research has been made by checking the fTOFdigitMap object,
+  // filled at digits/raw-data reading time.
+  //
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads = 4;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit = 3;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume = 3;
+  Int_t ii = 0;
+  Int_t digitsInVolumeIndices[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+    digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+  AliTOFGeometry *tofGeometry = new AliTOFGeometry();
+  Int_t vol[5] = {nSector,nPlate,nStrip,-1,-1};
+  Float_t pos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
+  Int_t jj = 0;
+  Int_t interestingPadX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadX[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingPadZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadZ[jj] = -1;
+  Double_t interestingTOT[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOT[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingADC[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingADC[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingTOF[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingWeight[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingWeight[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingX[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingY[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingY[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingZ[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interDigit[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interDigit[jj] = 0;
+  Int_t padsCluster[11];
+  padsCluster[0] = nSector;
+  padsCluster[1] = nPlate;
+  padsCluster[2] = nStrip;
+  for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingCounter=-1;
+  Int_t iPad  = -1;
+  Int_t iPadX = -1;
+  Int_t iPadZ = -1;
+  Bool_t check = kFALSE;
+  Int_t parTOF[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) parTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t posClus[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t det[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+  Float_t posF[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = 0.;
+  UShort_t volIdClus = 0;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE; //assume all sim channels ok in the beginning...
+  Double_t covClus[6];
+  for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t tracks[kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t dummyCounter=-1;
+  Bool_t alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+  AliTOFselectedDigit ***selectedDigit = new AliTOFselectedDigit**[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    selectedDigit[ii] = new AliTOFselectedDigit*[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  AliTOFdigit *digitInteresting;
+  for (iPad=0; iPad<AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()*AliTOFGeometry::NpadX()-3; iPad+=2) {
+    iPadZ = iPad%AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad%2;
+    iPadX = iPad/AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad/2;
+    AliDebug(3, Form("%2i %1i %2i\n", iPad, iPadZ, iPadX));
+    interestingCounter=-1;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ  , vol[3]  = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    if (interestingCounter+1!=4) continue; // the hit pads have to be 4
+    else interestingCounter=-1;
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    AliDebug(1,Form(" e adesso %1i", interestingCounter+1));
+    for (Int_t adesso1=0; adesso1<interestingCounter+1; adesso1++) {
+      for (Int_t firstIndex=0; firstIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; firstIndex++) {
+       if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]==0x0) continue;
+       for (Int_t adesso2=adesso1+1; adesso2<interestingCounter+1; adesso2++) {
+         for (Int_t secondIndex=0; secondIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; secondIndex++) {
+           if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]==0x0) continue;
+           if (TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime) continue;
+           interestingTOF[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC();
+           interestingTOT[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTOT();
+           interestingADC[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetADC();
+           interestingWeight[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetWeight();
+           Int_t vol1[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol1[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+           AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol1[0], vol1[1], vol1[2], vol1[4], vol1[3]));
+           Int_t volDum = vol1[3];
+           vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+           vol1[4] = volDum;
+           tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol1,pos);
+           interestingX[0] = pos[0];
+           interestingY[0] = pos[1];
+           interestingZ[0] = pos[2];
+           interestingTOF[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC();
+           interestingTOT[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTOT();
+           interestingADC[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetADC();
+           interestingWeight[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetWeight();
+           Int_t vol2[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol2[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+           AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol2[0], vol2[1], vol2[2], vol2[4], vol2[3]));
+           volDum = vol2[3];
+           vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+           vol2[4] = volDum;
+           tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol2,pos);
+           interestingX[1] = pos[0];
+           interestingY[1] = pos[1];
+           interestingZ[1] = pos[2];
+           AverageCalculations(2, interestingX, interestingY, interestingZ,
+                               interestingTOF, interestingTOT, interestingADC,
+                               interestingWeight,
+                               parTOF, posClus, check);
+           for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+           for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = posClus[jj];
+           tofGeometry->GetDetID(posF, det);
+           volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(det);
+           for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+           padsCluster[3] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+           padsCluster[4] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+           padsCluster[5] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+           padsCluster[6] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+           for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+           Int_t ** indDet = new Int_t*[2];
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj] = new Int_t [5];
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][0] = nSector;
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][1] = nPlate;
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][2] = nStrip;
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][3] = padsCluster[2*jj+3];
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) indDet[jj][4] = padsCluster[2*jj+1+3];
+           GetClusterPars(check, 2, indDet, interestingWeight, posClus, covClus);
+           for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++) delete [] indDet[jj];
+           // To fill the track index array
+           dummyCounter=-1;
+           for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+           for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+             if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+             else {
+               dummyCounter++;
+               tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+             }
+           }
+           for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+             if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+             else {
+               alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+               for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                 alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+               if (alreadyStored) continue;
+               if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                 AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                 continue;
+               }
+               dummyCounter++;
+               tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+             }
+           }
+           AliTOFcluster *tofCluster =
+             new AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                               covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                               tracks, det, parTOF, status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()); // to be updated
+           InsertCluster(tofCluster);
+           AliDebug(2, Form("       %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                            volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                            covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                            tracks[0], tracks[1], tracks[2],
+                            det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4],
+                            parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                            status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()));
+           volDum = vol1[3];
+           vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+           vol1[4] = volDum;
+           fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol1,selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex());
+           volDum = vol2[3];
+           vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+           vol2[4] = volDum;
+           fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol2,selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetIndex());
+         } // close loop on second digit
+       } // close loop on adesso2
+      } // close loop on first digit
+    } // close loop on adesso1
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  } // loop on iPad
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) {
+      delete selectedDigit[ii][jj];
+      selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    }
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::FindClustersPerStrip(Int_t nSector,
+                                                Int_t nPlate,
+                                                Int_t nStrip,
+                                                Int_t group)
+  //
+  // This function searches the neighbouring digits (stored in the fDigits object),
+  // to perform clusters (stored in the fTofClusters array).
+  //
+  // Each strip is read four times:
+  //  - 1st time: it searches possible clusters formed by four
+  //              neighbouring digits;
+  //  - 2nd time: it searches possible clusters formed by three
+  //              neighbouring digits;
+  //  - 3rd time: it searches possible clusters formed by two
+  //              neighbouring digits;
+  //  - 4th time: the remaining isolated digits have been transformed
+  //              in clusters.
+  // This research has been made by checking the fTOFdigitMap object,
+  // filled at digits/raw-data reading time.
+  //
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads = 4;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit = 3;
+  const Int_t kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume = 3;
+  Int_t ii = 0;
+  Int_t digitsInVolumeIndices[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+    digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+  AliTOFGeometry *tofGeometry = new AliTOFGeometry();
+  Int_t vol[5] = {nSector,nPlate,nStrip,-1,-1};
+  Float_t pos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
+  Int_t jj = 0;
+  Int_t interestingPadX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadX[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingPadZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingPadZ[jj] = -1;
+  Double_t interestingTOT[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOT[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingADC[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingADC[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingTOF[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t interestingWeight[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingWeight[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingX[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingX[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingY[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingY[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interestingZ[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interestingZ[jj] = 0;
+  Float_t interDigit[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; jj++) interDigit[jj] = 0;
+  Int_t padsCluster[11];
+  padsCluster[0] = nSector;
+  padsCluster[1] = nPlate;
+  padsCluster[2] = nStrip;
+  for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t interestingCounter=-1;
+  Int_t iPad  = -1;
+  Int_t iPadX = -1;
+  Int_t iPadZ = -1;
+  Bool_t check = kFALSE;
+  Int_t parTOF[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) parTOF[jj] = 0;
+  Double_t posClus[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t det[5];
+  for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+  Float_t posF[3];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = 0.;
+  UShort_t volIdClus = 0;
+  Bool_t status = kTRUE; //assume all sim channels ok in the beginning...
+  Double_t covClus[6];
+  for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+  Int_t tracks[kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit];
+  for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+  Int_t dummyCounter=-1;
+  Bool_t alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+  AliTOFselectedDigit ***selectedDigit = new AliTOFselectedDigit**[kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    selectedDigit[ii] = new AliTOFselectedDigit*[kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume];
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  AliTOFdigit *digitInteresting;
+  group = group-1;
+  for (iPad=0; iPad<AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()*AliTOFGeometry::NpadX()-3; iPad+=2) {
+    iPadZ = iPad%AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad%2;
+    iPadX = iPad/AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ(); //iPad/2;
+    AliDebug(3, Form("%2i %1i %2i\n", iPad, iPadZ, iPadX));
+    interestingCounter=-1;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ  , vol[3]  = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0)
+      interestingCounter++;
+    if (interestingCounter!=group) continue;
+    else interestingCounter=-1;
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = iPadZ, vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    vol[4] = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ()-(iPadZ+1), vol[3] = iPadX+1;
+    if (fTOFdigitMap->GetNumberOfDigits(vol)>0) {
+      interestingCounter++;
+      for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; ii++)
+       digitsInVolumeIndices[ii] = -1;
+      fTOFdigitMap->GetDigitIndex(vol, digitsInVolumeIndices);
+      for(Int_t digIndex=0; digIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; digIndex++) {
+       if (digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]<0) continue;
+       digitInteresting = (AliTOFdigit*)fDigits->UncheckedAt(digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex]);
+       AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %f %f %f %f  %5i  %5i %5i %5i",
+                       vol[0], vol[1], vol[2] ,vol[4], vol[3],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTdc(), digitInteresting->GetAdc(),
+                       digitInteresting->GetToT(), digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                       digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                       digitInteresting->GetTrack(0), digitInteresting->GetTrack(1), digitInteresting->GetTrack(2)));
+       selectedDigit[interestingCounter][digIndex] = new
+         AliTOFselectedDigit(vol, digitInteresting->GetTdc(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetAdc(), digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitInteresting->GetToT()*digitInteresting->GetToT(),
+                             digitsInVolumeIndices[digIndex],
+                             digitInteresting->GetTracks());
+      }
+    }
+    AliDebug(1,Form(" e adesso %1i", interestingCounter+1));
+    switch(interestingCounter+1) {
+    case 2:
+      for (Int_t adesso1=0; adesso1<interestingCounter+1; adesso1++) {
+       for (Int_t firstIndex=0; firstIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; firstIndex++) {
+         if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]==0x0) continue;
+         for (Int_t adesso2=adesso1+1; adesso2<interestingCounter+1; adesso2++) {
+           for (Int_t secondIndex=0; secondIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; secondIndex++) {
+             if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]==0x0) continue;
+             if (TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime) continue;
+             AliDebug(1, Form(" %1i %1i (0x%x) %1i %1i (0x%x)", adesso1, firstIndex,selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex],
+                              adesso2, secondIndex,selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]));
+             interestingTOF[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC();
+             interestingTOT[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTOT();
+             interestingADC[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetADC();
+             interestingWeight[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetWeight();
+             Int_t vol1[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol1[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol1[0], vol1[1], vol1[2], vol1[4], vol1[3]));
+             Int_t volDum = vol1[3];
+             vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+             vol1[4] = volDum;
+             tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol1,pos);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %f %f %f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]));
+             interestingX[0] = pos[0];
+             interestingY[0] = pos[1];
+             interestingZ[0] = pos[2];
+             interestingTOF[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC();
+             interestingTOT[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTOT();
+             interestingADC[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetADC();
+             interestingWeight[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetWeight();
+             Int_t vol2[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol2[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol2[0], vol2[1], vol2[2], vol2[4], vol2[3]));
+             volDum = vol2[3];
+             vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+             vol2[4] = volDum;
+             tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol2,pos);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %f %f %f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]));
+             interestingX[1] = pos[0];
+             interestingY[1] = pos[1];
+             interestingZ[1] = pos[2];
+             AverageCalculations(interestingCounter+1,
+                                 interestingX, interestingY, interestingZ,
+                                 interestingTOF, interestingTOT, interestingADC,
+                                 interestingWeight,
+                                 parTOF, posClus, check);
+             for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+             for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = posClus[jj];
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %f %f %f", posF[0], posF[1], posF[2]));
+             tofGeometry->GetDetID(posF, det);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4]));
+             volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(det);
+             for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+             padsCluster[3] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+             padsCluster[4] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+             padsCluster[5] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+             padsCluster[6] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+             for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+             Int_t ** indDet = new Int_t*[interestingCounter+1];
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj] = new Int_t [5];
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][0] = nSector;
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][1] = nPlate;
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][2] = nStrip;
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][3] = padsCluster[2*jj+3];
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][4] = padsCluster[2*jj+1+3];
+             GetClusterPars(check, interestingCounter+1, indDet, interestingWeight, posClus, covClus);
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) delete [] indDet[jj];
+             // To fill the track index array
+             dummyCounter=-1;
+             for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+             for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+               if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+               else {
+                 dummyCounter++;
+                 tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+               }
+             }
+             for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+               if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+               else {
+                 alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                   alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                 if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                 if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                   AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                   continue;
+                 }
+                 dummyCounter++;
+                 tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+               }
+             }
+             AliTOFcluster *tofCluster =
+               new AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                                 covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                                 tracks, det, parTOF, status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()); //to updated
+             InsertCluster(tofCluster);
+             AliDebug(2, Form("       %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                              volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                              covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                              tracks[0], tracks[1], tracks[2],
+                              det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4],
+                              parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                              status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()));
+             volDum = vol1[3];
+             vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+             vol1[4] = volDum;
+             fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol1,selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex());
+             volDum = vol2[3];
+             vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+             vol2[4] = volDum;
+             fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol2,selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetIndex());
+           } // close loop on second digit
+         } // close loop on adesso2
+       } // close loop on first digit
+      } // close loop on adesso1
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      for (Int_t adesso1=0; adesso1<interestingCounter+1; adesso1++) {
+       for (Int_t firstIndex=0; firstIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; firstIndex++) {
+         if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]==0x0) continue;
+         for (Int_t adesso2=adesso1+1; adesso2<interestingCounter+1; adesso2++) {
+           for (Int_t secondIndex=0; secondIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; secondIndex++) {
+             if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]==0x0) continue;
+             for (Int_t adesso3=adesso2+1; adesso3<interestingCounter+1; adesso3++) {
+               for (Int_t thirdIndex=0; thirdIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; thirdIndex++) {
+                 if (selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]==0x0) continue;
+                 if (TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                     ||
+                     TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                     ||
+                     TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime) continue;
+                 interestingTOF[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC();
+                 interestingTOT[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTOT();
+                 interestingADC[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetADC();
+                 interestingWeight[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetWeight();
+                 Int_t vol1[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol1[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+                 AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol1[0], vol1[1], vol1[2], vol1[4], vol1[3]));
+                 Int_t volDum = vol1[3];
+                 vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+                 vol1[4] = volDum;
+                 tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol1,pos);
+                 interestingX[0] = pos[0];
+                 interestingY[0] = pos[1];
+                 interestingZ[0] = pos[2];
+                 interestingTOF[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC();
+                 interestingTOT[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTOT();
+                 interestingADC[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetADC();
+                 interestingWeight[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetWeight();
+                 Int_t vol2[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol2[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+                 AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol2[0], vol2[1], vol2[2], vol2[4], vol2[3]));
+                 volDum = vol2[3];
+                 vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+                 vol2[4] = volDum;
+                 tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol2,pos);
+                 interestingX[1] = pos[0];
+                 interestingY[1] = pos[1];
+                 interestingZ[1] = pos[2];
+                 interestingTOF[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC();
+                 interestingTOT[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTOT();
+                 interestingADC[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetADC();
+                 interestingWeight[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetWeight();
+                 Int_t vol3[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol3[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+                 AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol3[0], vol3[1], vol3[2], vol3[4], vol3[3]));
+                 volDum = vol3[3];
+                 vol3[3] = vol3[4];
+                 vol3[4] = volDum;
+                 tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol3,pos);
+                 interestingX[2] = pos[0];
+                 interestingY[2] = pos[1];
+                 interestingZ[2] = pos[2];
+                 AverageCalculations(interestingCounter+1,
+                                     interestingX, interestingY, interestingZ,
+                                     interestingTOF, interestingTOT, interestingADC,
+                                     interestingWeight,
+                                     parTOF, posClus, check);
+                 for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = posClus[jj];
+                 tofGeometry->GetDetID(posF, det);
+                 volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(det);
+                 for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+                 padsCluster[3] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+                 padsCluster[4] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+                 padsCluster[5] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+                 padsCluster[6] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+                 padsCluster[7] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+                 padsCluster[8] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+                 for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+                 Int_t ** indDet = new Int_t*[interestingCounter+1];
+                 for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj] = new Int_t [5];
+                 for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][0] = nSector;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][1] = nPlate;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][2] = nStrip;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][3] = padsCluster[2*jj+3];
+                 for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][4] = padsCluster[2*jj+1+3];
+                 GetClusterPars(check, interestingCounter+1, indDet, interestingWeight, posClus, covClus);
+                 for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) delete [] indDet[jj];
+                 // To fill the track index array
+                 dummyCounter=-1;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+                 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+                   if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+                   else {
+                     dummyCounter++;
+                     tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+                   }
+                 }
+                 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+                   if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+                   else {
+                     alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                     for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                       alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                     if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                     if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                       AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                       continue;
+                     }
+                     dummyCounter++;
+                     tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+                   }
+                 }
+                 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+                   if (selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+                   else {
+                     alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                     for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                       alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                     if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                     if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                       AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                       continue;
+                     }
+                     dummyCounter++;
+                     tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+                   }
+                 }
+                 AliTOFcluster *tofCluster =
+                   new AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                                     covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                                     tracks, det, parTOF, status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()); // to be updated
+                 InsertCluster(tofCluster);
+                 AliDebug(2, Form("       %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                                  volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                                  covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                                  tracks[0], tracks[1], tracks[2],
+                                  det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4],
+                                  parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                                  status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()));
+                 volDum = vol1[3];
+                 vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+                 vol1[4] = volDum;
+                 fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol1,selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex());
+                 volDum = vol2[3];
+                 vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+                 vol2[4] = volDum;
+                 fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol2,selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetIndex());
+                 volDum = vol3[3];
+                 vol3[3] = vol3[4];
+                 vol3[4] = volDum;
+                 fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol3,selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetIndex());
+               } // close loop on third digit
+             } // close loop on adesso3
+           } // close loop on second digit
+         } // close loop on adesso2
+       } // close loop on first digit
+      } // close loop on adesso1
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      Int_t adesso1 = 0;
+      for (Int_t firstIndex=0; firstIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; firstIndex++) {
+       if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]==0x0) continue;
+       Int_t adesso2 = 1;
+       for (Int_t secondIndex=0; secondIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; secondIndex++) {
+         if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]==0x0) continue;
+         Int_t adesso3 = 2;
+         for (Int_t thirdIndex=0; thirdIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; thirdIndex++) {
+           if (selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]==0x0) continue;
+           Int_t adesso4 = 3;
+           for (Int_t fourthIndex=0; fourthIndex<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; fourthIndex++) {
+             if (selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]==0x0) continue;
+             if (TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                 ||
+                 TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                 ||
+                 TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                 ||
+                 TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                 ||
+                 TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime
+                 ||
+                 TMath::Abs(selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC()-selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTDC())>fMaxDeltaTime) continue;
+             interestingTOF[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTDC();
+             interestingTOT[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTOT();
+             interestingADC[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetADC();
+             interestingWeight[0] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetWeight();
+             Int_t vol1[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol1[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol1[0], vol1[1], vol1[2], vol1[4], vol1[3]));
+             Int_t volDum = vol1[3];
+             vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+             vol1[4] = volDum;
+             tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol1,pos);
+             interestingX[0] = pos[0];
+             interestingY[0] = pos[1];
+             interestingZ[0] = pos[2];
+             interestingTOF[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTDC();
+             interestingTOT[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTOT();
+             interestingADC[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetADC();
+             interestingWeight[1] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetWeight();
+             Int_t vol2[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol2[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol2[0], vol2[1], vol2[2], vol2[4], vol2[3]));
+             volDum = vol2[3];
+             vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+             vol2[4] = volDum;
+             tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol2,pos);
+             interestingX[1] = pos[0];
+             interestingY[1] = pos[1];
+             interestingZ[1] = pos[2];
+             interestingTOF[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTDC();
+             interestingTOT[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTOT();
+             interestingADC[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetADC();
+             interestingWeight[2] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetWeight();
+             Int_t vol3[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol3[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol3[0], vol3[1], vol3[2], vol3[4], vol3[3]));
+             volDum = vol3[3];
+             vol3[3] = vol3[4];
+             vol3[4] = volDum;
+             tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol3,pos);
+             interestingX[2] = pos[0];
+             interestingY[2] = pos[1];
+             interestingZ[2] = pos[2];
+             interestingTOF[3] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTDC();
+             interestingTOT[3] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTOT();
+             interestingADC[3] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetADC();
+             interestingWeight[3] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetWeight();
+             Int_t vol4[5]; for(jj=0; jj<5; jj++) vol4[jj] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(jj);
+             AliDebug(1,Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i", vol4[0], vol4[1], vol4[2], vol4[4], vol4[3]));
+             volDum = vol4[3];
+             vol4[3] = vol4[4];
+             vol4[4] = volDum;
+             tofGeometry->GetPosPar(vol4,pos);
+             interestingX[3] = pos[0];
+             interestingY[3] = pos[1];
+             interestingZ[3] = pos[2];
+             AverageCalculations(interestingCounter+1,
+                                 interestingX, interestingY, interestingZ,
+                                 interestingTOF, interestingTOT, interestingADC,
+                                 interestingWeight,
+                                 parTOF, posClus, check);
+             for (jj=0; jj<5; jj++) det[jj] = -1;
+             for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++) posF[jj] = posClus[jj];
+             tofGeometry->GetDetID(posF, det);
+             volIdClus = GetClusterVolIndex(det);
+             for (jj=3; jj<11; jj++) padsCluster[jj] = -1;
+             padsCluster[3] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+             padsCluster[4] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+             padsCluster[5] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+             padsCluster[6] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+             padsCluster[7] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+             padsCluster[8] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+             padsCluster[9] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(4);
+             padsCluster[10] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetDetectorIndex(3);
+             for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++) covClus[jj] = 0.;
+             Int_t ** indDet = new Int_t*[interestingCounter+1];
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj] = new Int_t [5];
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][0] = nSector;
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][1] = nPlate;
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][2] = nStrip;
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][3] = padsCluster[2*jj+3];
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) indDet[jj][4] = padsCluster[2*jj+1+3];
+             GetClusterPars(check, interestingCounter+1, indDet, interestingWeight, posClus, covClus);
+             for (jj=0; jj<interestingCounter+1; jj++) delete [] indDet[jj];
+             // To fill the track index array
+             dummyCounter=-1;
+             for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; jj++) tracks[jj] = -1;
+             for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+               if (selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+               else {
+                 dummyCounter++;
+                 tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+               }
+             }
+             for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+               if (selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+               else {
+                 alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                   alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                 if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                 if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                   AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                   continue;
+                 }
+                 dummyCounter++;
+                 tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+               }
+             }
+             for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+               if (selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+               else {
+                 alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                   alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                 if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                 if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                   AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                   continue;
+                 }
+                 dummyCounter++;
+                 tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+               }
+             }
+             for (Int_t kk=0; kk<kMaxNumberOfTracksPerDigit; kk++) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one digit
+               if (selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk)==-1) continue;
+               else {
+                 alreadyStored = kFALSE;
+                 for (jj=0; jj<dummyCounter+1; jj++)
+                   alreadyStored = alreadyStored || (tracks[jj]!=-1 && tracks[jj]==selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk));
+                 if (alreadyStored) continue;
+                 if (dummyCounter==2) { // three is the max number of tracks associated to one cluster
+                   AliWarning("  Siamo al limite!");
+                   continue;
+                 }
+                 dummyCounter++;
+                 tracks[dummyCounter] = selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetTrackLabel(kk);
+               }
+             }
+             AliTOFcluster *tofCluster =
+               new AliTOFcluster(volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                                 covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                                 tracks, det, parTOF, status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()); // to be updated
+             InsertCluster(tofCluster);
+             AliDebug(2, Form("       %4i  %f %f %f  %f %f %f %f %f %f  %3i %3i %3i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %4i %3i %3i %4i %4i  %1i  %4i", 
+                              volIdClus, posClus[0], posClus[1], posClus[2],
+                              covClus[0], covClus[1], covClus[2], covClus[3], covClus[4], covClus[5],
+                              tracks[0], tracks[1], tracks[2],
+                              det[0], det[1], det[2], det[3], det[4],
+                              parTOF[0], parTOF[1], parTOF[2], parTOF[3], parTOF[4],
+                              status, selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex()));
+             volDum = vol1[3];
+             vol1[3] = vol1[4];
+             vol1[4] = volDum;
+             fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol1,selectedDigit[adesso1][firstIndex]->GetIndex());
+             volDum = vol2[3];
+             vol2[3] = vol2[4];
+             vol2[4] = volDum;
+             fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol2,selectedDigit[adesso2][secondIndex]->GetIndex());
+             volDum = vol3[3];
+             vol3[3] = vol3[4];
+             vol3[4] = volDum;
+             fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol3,selectedDigit[adesso3][thirdIndex]->GetIndex());
+             volDum = vol4[3];
+             vol4[3] = vol4[4];
+             vol4[4] = volDum;
+             fTOFdigitMap->ResetDigitNumber(vol4,selectedDigit[adesso4][fourthIndex]->GetIndex());
+           } // close loop on fourth digit
+         } // close loop on third digit
+       } // close loop on second digit
+      } // close loop on first digit
+      break;
+    }
+    for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+      for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++)
+       selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+  } // loop on iPad
+  for (ii=0; ii<kMaxNumberOfInterestingPads; ii++)
+    for (jj=0; jj<kMaxNumberOfDigitsPerVolume; jj++) {
+      delete selectedDigit[ii][jj];
+      selectedDigit[ii][jj] = 0x0;
+    }
+Int_t AliTOFClusterFinderV1::InsertCluster(AliTOFcluster *tofCluster)
+  //
+  // This function adds a TOF cluster to the array of TOF clusters
+  // sorted in Z, i.e. fTofClusters
+  //
+  if (fNumberOfTofClusters==kTofMaxCluster) {
+    AliError("Too many clusters !");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if (fNumberOfTofClusters==0) {
+    fTofClusters[fNumberOfTofClusters++] = tofCluster;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  Int_t ii = FindClusterIndex(tofCluster->GetZ());
+  memmove(fTofClusters+ii+1 ,fTofClusters+ii,(fNumberOfTofClusters-ii)*sizeof(AliTOFcluster*));
+  fTofClusters[ii] = tofCluster;
+  fNumberOfTofClusters++;
+  return 0;
+Int_t AliTOFClusterFinderV1::FindClusterIndex(Double_t z) const
+  //
+  // This function returns the index of the nearest cluster in z
+  //
+  if (fNumberOfTofClusters==0) return 0;
+  if (z <= fTofClusters[0]->GetZ()) return 0;
+  if (z > fTofClusters[fNumberOfTofClusters-1]->GetZ()) return fNumberOfTofClusters;
+  Int_t b = 0, e = fNumberOfTofClusters-1, m = (b+e)/2;
+  for (; b<e; m=(b+e)/2) {
+    if (z > fTofClusters[m]->GetZ()) b=m+1;
+    else e=m;
+  }
+  return m;
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::ResetRecpoint()
+  //
+  // Clear the list of reconstructed points
+  //
+  fNumberOfTofClusters = 0;
+  if (fRecPoints) fRecPoints->Clear();
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::ResetDigits()
+  //
+  // Clear the list of digits
+  //
+  fNumberOfTofDigits = 0;
+  if (fDigits) fDigits->Clear();
+UShort_t AliTOFClusterFinderV1::GetClusterVolIndex(Int_t *ind) const
+  //
+  // Get the volume ID to retrieve the l2t transformation
+  //
+  // Detector numbering scheme
+  Int_t nSector = AliTOFGeometry::NSectors();
+  Int_t nPlate  = AliTOFGeometry::NPlates();
+  Int_t nStripA = AliTOFGeometry::NStripA();
+  Int_t nStripB = AliTOFGeometry::NStripB();
+  Int_t nStripC = AliTOFGeometry::NStripC();
+  Int_t isector =ind[0];
+  if (isector >= nSector)
+    AliError(Form("Wrong sector number in TOF (%d) !", isector));
+  Int_t iplate = ind[1];
+  if (iplate >= nPlate)
+    AliError(Form("Wrong plate number in TOF (%d) !", iplate));
+  Int_t istrip = ind[2];
+  Int_t stripOffset = 0;
+  switch (iplate) {
+  case 0:
+    stripOffset = 0;
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    stripOffset = nStripC;
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB;
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA;
+    break;
+  case 4:
+    stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA+nStripB;
+    break;
+  default:
+    AliError(Form("Wrong plate number in TOF (%d) !", iplate));
+    break;
+  };
+  Int_t index= (2*(nStripC+nStripB)+nStripA)*isector +
+               stripOffset +
+               istrip;
+  UShort_t volIndex = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(AliGeomManager::kTOF, index);
+  return volIndex;
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::GetClusterPars(Int_t *ind, Double_t* pos, Double_t* cov) const
+  //
+  // Starting from the volume indices (ind[5]), for a cluster coming from
+  // a isolated digits, this function returns:
+  //   the cluster position (pos),
+  //   the cluster covariance matrix elements (cov)
+  // 
+  //
+  //we now go in the system of the strip: determine the local coordinates
+  //
+  //
+  // 47---------------------------------------------------0  ^ z
+  // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 |
+  // -----------------------------------------------------   | y going outwards
+  // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 |  par[0]=0;
+  // -----------------------------------------------------   |
+  // x <-----------------------------------------------------
+  //move to the tracking ref system
+  Double_t lpos[3] = { (ind[4]-23.5)*AliTOFGeometry::XPad(),
+                      0.,
+                      (ind[3]- 0.5)*AliTOFGeometry::ZPad() };   
+  AliDebug(1, Form(" %f %f %f", lpos[0], lpos[1], lpos[2]));
+  // Volume ID
+  UShort_t volIndex = GetClusterVolIndex(ind);
+  const TGeoHMatrix *l2t = AliGeomManager::GetTracking2LocalMatrix(volIndex);
+  // Get the position in the track ref system
+  Double_t tpos[3];
+  l2t->MasterToLocal(lpos,tpos);
+  pos[0] = tpos[0];
+  pos[1] = tpos[1];
+  pos[2] = tpos[2];
+  //Get the cluster covariance in the track ref system
+  Double_t lcov[9];
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<9; ii++) lcov[ii] = 0.;
+  //cluster covariance in the local system:
+  // sx2   0   0
+  // 0     0   0
+  // 0     0 sz2
+  /*
+  lcov[4] = 0.42*0.42/3.;
+                       // = ( 5*0.025 (gas gaps thikness)
+                       //   + 4*0.040 (internal glasses thickness)
+                       //   + 0.5*0.160 (internl PCB)
+                       //   + 1*0.055 (external red glass))
+  */
+  lcov[0] = 0.499678;//AliTOFGeometry::XPad()*AliTOFGeometry::XPad()/12.;
+  lcov[8] = 0.992429;//AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()*AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()/12.;
+  //cluster covariance in the tracking system:
+  TGeoHMatrix m;
+  m.SetRotation(lcov);
+  m.Multiply(l2t);
+  m.MultiplyLeft(&l2t->Inverse());
+  Double_t *tcov = m.GetRotationMatrix();
+  cov[0] = tcov[0]; cov[1] = tcov[1]; cov[2] = tcov[2];
+  cov[3] = tcov[4]; cov[4] = tcov[5]; cov[5] = tcov[8];
+  return;
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::GetClusterPars(Bool_t check, Int_t counter,
+                                          Int_t **ind, Double_t *weight,
+                                          Double_t *pos, Double_t *cov) const
+  //
+  // Starting from:
+  //               the volumes indices (ind[counter][5]), for a
+  //                  cluster coming from a collection of 'counter'
+  //                  digits,
+  //               the volumes weights (weight[counter]), -controlled
+  //                  by the 'check' variable control-, for a cluster
+  //                  coming from a collection of 'counter' digits,
+  //               the cluster position (pos),
+  // this function returns:
+  //   the covariance matrix elements (cov) for the found cluster
+  //
+  //
+  // we now go in the system of the strip: determine the local coordinates
+  //
+  // 47---------------------------------------------------0  ^ z
+  // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 |
+  // -----------------------------------------------------   | y going outwards
+  // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 |  par[0]=0;
+  // -----------------------------------------------------   |
+  // x <-----------------------------------------------------
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<counter; ii++)
+    AliDebug(1, Form(" %2i  %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i ",
+                    ii, ind[ii][0], ind[ii][1], ind[ii][2], ind[ii][3], ind[ii][4]));
+  Float_t posF[3]; for (Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) posF[ii] = (Float_t)pos[ii];
+  AliDebug(1, Form(" %f %f %f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]));
+  AliTOFGeometry tofGeom;
+  Int_t detClus[5] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
+  tofGeom.GetDetID(posF, detClus);
+  // Volume ID
+  UShort_t volIndex = GetClusterVolIndex(detClus);
+  AliDebug(1, Form(" %2i %1i %2i %1i %2i  %7i",
+                  detClus[0], detClus[1], detClus[2], detClus[3], detClus[4], volIndex));
+  // Get the position in the TOF strip ref system
+  const TGeoHMatrix *alice2strip = AliGeomManager::GetOrigGlobalMatrix(volIndex);
+  Double_t ppos[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
+  alice2strip->MasterToLocal(pos,ppos);
+  AliDebug(1, Form(" %f %f %f", ppos[0], ppos[1], ppos[2]));
+  // Get the position in the tracking ref system
+  const TGeoHMatrix *g2l = AliGeomManager::GetTracking2LocalMatrix(volIndex);
+  Double_t lpos[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
+  g2l->MasterToLocal(ppos,lpos);
+  AliDebug(1, Form(" %f %f %f", lpos[0], lpos[1], lpos[2]));
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ii++) pos[ii] = lpos[ii];
+  //Get the cluster covariance in the track ref system
+  Double_t lcov[9];
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<9; ii++) lcov[ii] = 0.;
+  //cluster covariance in the local system:
+  // sx2   0   0
+  // 0     0   0
+  // 0     0 sz2
+  // Evaluation of the ovariance matrix elements
+  TOFclusterError(check, counter, ind, weight, ppos, lcov);
+  AliDebug(1, Form("lcov[0] = %f, lcov[8] = %f", lcov[0], lcov[8]));
+  //cluster covariance in the tracking system:
+  TGeoHMatrix m;
+  m.SetRotation(lcov);
+  m.Multiply(g2l);
+  m.MultiplyLeft(&g2l->Inverse());
+  Double_t *tcov = m.GetRotationMatrix();
+  cov[0] = tcov[0]; cov[1] = tcov[1]; cov[2] = tcov[2];
+  cov[3] = tcov[4]; cov[4] = tcov[5]; cov[5] = tcov[8];
+  return;
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::TOFclusterError(Bool_t check, Int_t counter,
+                                           Int_t **ind, Double_t *weight,
+                                           Double_t ppos[], Double_t lcov[]) const
+  //
+  //
+  //
+  //lcov[4] = 0.42*0.42/3.;
+                       // = ( 5*0.025 (gas gaps thikness)
+                       //   + 4*0.040 (internal glasses thickness)
+                       //   + 0.5*0.160 (internl PCB)
+                       //   + 1*0.055 (external red glass))
+  Float_t *delta2X = new Float_t[counter];
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<counter; ii++)
+    delta2X[ii] =
+      ((ind[ii][4]-23.5)*AliTOFGeometry::XPad() - ppos[0])*((ind[ii][4]-23.5)*AliTOFGeometry::XPad() - ppos[0]);
+  Float_t *delta2Z = new Float_t[counter];
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<counter; ii++)
+    delta2Z[ii] =
+      ((ind[ii][3]- 0.5)*AliTOFGeometry::ZPad() - ppos[2])*((ind[ii][3]- 0.5)*AliTOFGeometry::ZPad() - ppos[2]);
+  for (Int_t ii=0; ii<counter; ii++)
+    AliDebug(1, Form("x[%i] = %f, z[%i] = %f, weight[%i] = %f",
+                    ii, (ind[ii][4]-23.5)*AliTOFGeometry::XPad(),
+                    ii, (ind[ii][3]- 0.5)*AliTOFGeometry::ZPad(),
+                    ii, weight[ii]
+                    ));
+  AliDebug(1, Form("xMean = %f, zMean = %f",ppos[0], ppos[2]));
+  switch (counter)
+    {
+    case 2:
+      if (ind[0][3]==ind[1][3] && TMath::Abs(ind[0][4]-ind[1][4])==1) { //
+       lcov[8] = 1.02039;
+       if (check)
+         lcov[0] = 0.5*0.5;
+       else {
+         if (weight[0]==weight[1])
+           lcov[0] = 0.0379409;
+         else
+           lcov[0] = TMath::Mean(counter, delta2X, weight);
+       }
+      }
+      else if (ind[0][4]==ind[1][4] && TMath::Abs(ind[0][3]-ind[1][3])==1) {//
+       lcov[0] = 0.505499;
+       if (check)
+         lcov[8] = 0.5*0.5;
+       else {
+         if (weight[0]==weight[1])
+           lcov[8] = 0.0422046;
+         else
+           lcov[8] = TMath::Mean(counter, delta2Z, weight);
+       }
+      }
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      if (check) {
+       lcov[0] = 0.5*0.5;
+       lcov[8] = 0.5*0.5;
+      }
+      else {
+       if (weight[0]==weight[1] && weight[0]==weight[2]) {
+         lcov[0] = 0.0290677;
+         lcov[8] = 0.0569726;
+       }
+       else {
+         lcov[0] = TMath::Mean(counter, delta2X, weight);
+         lcov[8] = TMath::Mean(counter, delta2Z, weight);
+       }
+      }
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      if (check) {
+       lcov[0] = 0.5*0.5;
+       lcov[8] = 0.5*0.5;
+      }
+      else {
+       if (weight[0]==weight[1] && weight[0]==weight[2] && weight[0]==weight[3]) {
+         lcov[0] = 0.0223807;
+         lcov[8] = 0.0438662;
+       }
+       else {
+         lcov[0] = TMath::Mean(counter, delta2X, weight);
+         lcov[8] = TMath::Mean(counter, delta2Z, weight);
+       }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+Bool_t AliTOFClusterFinderV1::MakeSlewingCorrection(Int_t *detectorIndex,
+                                                   Int_t tofDigitToT,
+                                                   Int_t tofDigitTdc,
+                                                   Int_t &tdcCorr)
+  //
+  // This funtion makes the following:
+  //
+  //      - if at least one of the three status (Pulser/Noise/HW) is
+  //        bad, is sets the status of electronic channel, corresponding to the
+  //        volume identified by detectorIndex, as kFALSE;
+  //      - if offline calibration is in the valid status, it performs the
+  //        slewing correction. In particular, by taking into account:
+  //          * the measured tot and tof values (tofDigitToT and tofDigitTdc,
+  //            respectively);
+  //          * the six parameters of 5th order polynomial used
+  //            to fit the tofVStot scatter plot,
+  //         it returns the corrected tof value, i.e. tdcCorr value.
+  //
+  Bool_t output = kTRUE;
+  Double_t timeCorr;
+  Int_t jj;
+  //AliInfo(" Calibrating TOF Digits: ");
+  AliTOFChannelOnlineArray *calDelay = fTOFcalib->GetTOFOnlineDelay();  
+  AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray *calStatus = fTOFcalib->GetTOFOnlineStatus();  
+  TObjArray *calTOFArrayOffline = fTOFcalib->GetTOFCalArrayOffline();
+  Int_t index = AliTOFGeometry::GetIndex(detectorIndex);
+  UChar_t statusPulser = calStatus->GetPulserStatus(index);
+  UChar_t statusNoise  = calStatus->GetNoiseStatus(index);
+  UChar_t statusHW     = calStatus->GetHWStatus(index);
+  UChar_t status       = calStatus->GetStatus(index);
+  //check the status, also unknown is fine!!!!!!!
+  AliDebug(2, Form(" Status for channel %i = %i",index, (Int_t)status));
+  if((statusPulser & AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFPulserBad)==(AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFPulserBad)||(statusNoise & AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFNoiseBad)==(AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFNoiseBad)||(statusHW & AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad)==(AliTOFChannelOnlineStatusArray::kTOFHWBad)){
+    AliDebug(2, Form(" Bad Status for channel %i",index));
+    //fTofClusters[ii]->SetStatus(kFALSE); //odd convention, to avoid conflict with calibration objects currently in the db (temporary solution).
+    output = kFALSE;
+  }
+  else
+    AliDebug(2, Form(" Good Status for channel %i",index));
+  // Get Rough channel online equalization 
+  Double_t roughDelay = (Double_t)calDelay->GetDelay(index);  // in ns
+  AliDebug(2,Form(" channel delay (ns) = %f", roughDelay));
+  // Get Refined channel offline calibration parameters
+  TString validity = (TString)fTOFcalib->GetOfflineValidity();
+  if (validity.CompareTo("valid")==0) {
+    AliTOFChannelOffline * calChannelOffline = (AliTOFChannelOffline*)calTOFArrayOffline->At(index);
+    Double_t par[6];
+    for (jj = 0; jj<6; jj++)
+      par[jj] = (Double_t)calChannelOffline->GetSlewPar(jj);
+    AliDebug(2,Form(" Calib Pars = %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f ",par[0],par[1],par[2],par[3],par[4],par[5]));
+    AliDebug(2,Form(" The ToT and Time, uncorr (counts) = %i , %i", tofDigitToT, tofDigitTdc));
+    Double_t tToT = (Double_t)(tofDigitToT*AliTOFGeometry::ToTBinWidth());    
+    tToT*=1.E-3; //ToT in ns
+    AliDebug(2,Form(" The ToT and Time, uncorr (ns)= %e, %e",tofDigitTdc*AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*1.E-3,tToT));
+    timeCorr = par[0] + tToT*(par[1] + tToT*(par[2] + tToT*(par[3] + tToT*(par[4] + tToT*par[5])))); // the time correction (ns)
+  }
+  else
+    timeCorr = roughDelay; // correction in ns
+  AliDebug(2,Form(" The ToT and Time, uncorr (ns)= %e, %e",tofDigitTdc*AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*1.E-3,tofDigitToT*AliTOFGeometry::ToTBinWidth()));
+  AliDebug(2,Form(" The time correction (ns) = %f", timeCorr));
+  timeCorr = (Double_t)(tofDigitTdc)*AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*1.E-3-timeCorr;//redefine the time
+  timeCorr *= 1.E3;
+  AliDebug(2,Form(" The channel time, corr (ps)= %e",timeCorr ));
+  tdcCorr = (Int_t)(timeCorr/AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()); //the corrected time (tdc counts)
+  return output;
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::Digits2RecPoints(Int_t iEvent)
+  //
+  // Converts digits to recpoints for TOF
+  //
+  TStopwatch stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.Start();
+  fRunLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
+  AliLoader *localTOFLoader = (AliLoader*)fRunLoader->GetLoader("TOFLoader");
+  TTree * localTreeD = (TTree*)localTOFLoader->TreeD();
+  if (localTreeD == 0x0)
+    AliFatal("Can not get TreeD");
+  TBranch *branch = localTreeD->GetBranch("TOF");
+  if (!branch) {
+    AliError("Can't get the branch with the TOF digits !");
+    return;
+  }
+  TTree *localTreeR = (TTree*)localTOFLoader->TreeR();
+  if (localTreeR == 0x0)
+    {
+      localTOFLoader->MakeTree("R");
+      localTreeR = localTOFLoader->TreeR();
+    }
+  Digits2RecPoints(localTreeD, localTreeR);
+  //localTOFLoader = fRunLoader->GetLoader("TOFLoader");  
+  localTOFLoader->WriteRecPoints("OVERWRITE");
+  AliDebug(1, Form("Execution time to read TOF digits and to write TOF clusters for the event number %i: R:%.4fs C:%.4fs",
+                  iEvent, stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::Digits2RecPoints(Int_t iEvent, AliRawReader *rawReader)
+  //
+  // Converts RAW data to recpoints for TOF
+  //
+  TStopwatch stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.Start();
+  fRunLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
+  AliDebug(2,Form(" Event number %2i ", iEvent));
+  AliLoader *localTOFLoader = (AliLoader*)fRunLoader->GetLoader("TOFLoader");
+  TTree *localTreeR = localTOFLoader->TreeR();
+  if (localTreeR == 0x0){
+    localTOFLoader->MakeTree("R");
+    localTreeR = localTOFLoader->TreeR();
+  }
+  Digits2RecPoints(rawReader, localTreeR);
+  AliDebug(1, Form("Execution time to read TOF raw data and to write TOF clusters for the event number %i: R:%.4fs C:%.4fs",
+                  iEvent, stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::Raw2Digits(Int_t iEvent, AliRawReader *rawReader)
+  //
+  // Converts RAW data to MC digits for TOF
+  //
+  TStopwatch stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.Start();
+  fRunLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
+  AliDebug(2,Form(" Event number %2i ", iEvent));
+  AliLoader *localTOFLoader = (AliLoader*)fRunLoader->GetLoader("TOFLoader");
+  TTree *localTreeD = localTOFLoader->TreeD();
+  if (localTreeD == 0x0){
+    localTOFLoader->MakeTree("D");
+    localTreeD = localTOFLoader->TreeD();
+  }
+  Raw2Digits(rawReader, localTreeD);
+  AliDebug(1, Form("Execution time to read TOF raw data and to write TOF clusters for the event number %i: R:%.4fs C:%.4fs",
+                  iEvent, stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
+void AliTOFClusterFinderV1::AverageCalculations(Int_t number, Float_t *interestingX,
+                                               Float_t *interestingY, Float_t *interestingZ,
+                                               Double_t *interestingTOF, Double_t *interestingTOT,
+                                               Double_t *interestingADC, Double_t *interestingWeight,
+                                               Int_t *parTOF, Double_t *posClus, Bool_t &check)
+  //
+  //
+  //
+  Double_t posX = 0.;
+  Double_t posY = 0.;
+  Double_t posZ = 0.;
+  Double_t tofAverage = 0.;
+  Double_t totAverage = 0.;
+  Double_t adcAverage = 0.;
+  check = kFALSE;
+  Int_t ii=-1;
+  for (ii=number-1; ii>=0; ii--) check=check||(interestingWeight[ii]==0 ||interestingWeight[ii]==-1);
+  if (check) {
+    posClus[0] = TMath::Mean(number, interestingX);
+    posClus[1] = TMath::Mean(number, interestingY);
+    posClus[2] = TMath::Mean(number, interestingZ);
+    tofAverage = TMath::Mean(number, interestingTOF);
+    totAverage = TMath::Mean(number, interestingTOT);
+    adcAverage = TMath::Mean(number, interestingADC);
+  }
+  else {
+    posClus[0] = TMath::Mean(number, interestingX, interestingWeight);
+    posClus[1] = TMath::Mean(number, interestingY, interestingWeight);
+    posClus[2] = TMath::Mean(number, interestingZ, interestingWeight);
+    tofAverage = TMath::Mean(number, interestingTOF, interestingWeight);
+    totAverage = TMath::Mean(number, interestingTOT, interestingWeight);
+    adcAverage = TMath::Mean(number, interestingADC, interestingWeight);
+  }
+  parTOF[0] = Int_t(tofAverage);
+  parTOF[1] = Int_t(adcAverage);
+  parTOF[2] = Int_t(totAverage);
+  parTOF[3] = Int_t(tofAverage);
+  parTOF[4] = Int_t(tofAverage);
+  //insert cluster
+  posClus[0] = posX;
+  posClus[1] = posY;
+  posClus[2] = posZ;
diff --git a/TOF/AliTOFClusterFinderV1.h b/TOF/AliTOFClusterFinderV1.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7b1589d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
+ * See cxx source for full Copyright notice                               */
+// AliTOFClusterFinderV1 Class
+// Task: Transform digits/raw data to TOF Clusters, to fill TOF RecPoints
+// and feed TOF tracking 
+#include "TObject.h"
+class TClonesArray;
+class TTree;
+class AliRunLoader;
+class AliRawReader;
+class AliTOFcluster;
+class AliTOFcalib;
+class AliTOFDigitMap;
+class AliTOFClusterFinderV1 : public TObject
+  enum {kTofMaxCluster=77777}; //maximal number of the TOF clusters
+ public:
+  AliTOFClusterFinderV1(AliTOFcalib *calib);
+  AliTOFClusterFinderV1(const AliTOFClusterFinderV1 &source); // copy constructor
+  AliTOFClusterFinderV1& operator=(const AliTOFClusterFinderV1 &source); // ass. op.
+  virtual ~AliTOFClusterFinderV1();
+  void Digits2RecPoints(TTree* digitsTree, TTree* clusterTree);
+  void Digits2RecPoints(AliRawReader *rawReader, TTree *clustersTree);
+  void Raw2Digits(AliRawReader *rawReader, TTree* digitsTree); 
+  AliTOFClusterFinderV1(AliRunLoader* runLoader, AliTOFcalib *calib);
+  void Digits2RecPoints(Int_t iEvent);
+  void Digits2RecPoints(Int_t ievt, AliRawReader *rawReader);
+  void Raw2Digits(Int_t ievt, AliRawReader *rawReader);
+  void FillRecPoint();
+  void ResetRecpoint();
+  void ResetDigits();
+  void SetVerbose(Int_t Verbose){fVerbose=Verbose;} // To set the verbose level
+  void SetDecoderVersion(Int_t version){fDecoderVersion=version;} // To set the decoder version
+  Bool_t GetDecoderVersion() const {return fDecoderVersion;} // To get the decoder version
+  UShort_t GetClusterVolIndex(Int_t *ind) const; //Volume Id getter
+  void GetClusterPars(Int_t *ind, Double_t *pos, Double_t *cov) const; //cluster par getter
+  void GetClusterPars(Bool_t check, Int_t counter, Int_t **ind, Double_t *weight,
+                     Double_t *pos, Double_t *cov) const; //cluster par getter
+  void FindOnePadClusterPerStrip(Int_t nSector, Int_t nPlate, Int_t nStrip);
+  void FindClustersPerStrip(Int_t nSector, Int_t nPlate, Int_t nStrip, Int_t group);
+  void FindClusters34(Int_t nSector, Int_t nPlate, Int_t nStrip);
+  void FindClusters23(Int_t nSector, Int_t nPlate, Int_t nStrip);
+  void FindClusters24(Int_t nSector, Int_t nPlate, Int_t nStrip);
+  void SetMaxDeltaTime(Int_t a) {fMaxDeltaTime = a;};
+  Int_t GetMaxDeltaTime()       {return fMaxDeltaTime;};
+ public:
+  class AliTOFselectedDigit { 
+    friend class AliTOFClusterFinderV1; 
+   public:
+   AliTOFselectedDigit() 
+     :
+     fTDC(0.),
+     fADC(0.),
+     fTOT(0.),
+     fWeight(0.),
+     fIndex(-1) {
+     fDetectorIndex[0]=-1;
+     fDetectorIndex[1]=-1;
+     fDetectorIndex[2]=-1;
+     fDetectorIndex[3]=-1;
+     fDetectorIndex[4]=-1;
+     fTrackLabel[0]=-1;
+     fTrackLabel[1]=-1;
+     fTrackLabel[2]=-1;
+   };
+   AliTOFselectedDigit(Int_t *ind, Double_t h1, Double_t h2, Double_t h3, Double_t h4, Int_t idx, Int_t *l)
+     :
+     fTDC(h1),
+     fADC(h2),
+     fTOT(h3),
+     fWeight(h4),
+     fIndex(idx) {
+     fDetectorIndex[0]=ind[0];
+     fDetectorIndex[1]=ind[1];
+     fDetectorIndex[2]=ind[2];
+     fDetectorIndex[3]=ind[3];
+     fDetectorIndex[4]=ind[4];
+     fTrackLabel[0]=l[0];
+     fTrackLabel[1]=l[1];
+     fTrackLabel[2]=l[2];
+   };
+   Double_t GetTDC()    const {return fTDC;} // digit TOF
+   Double_t GetADC()    const {return fADC;} // digit ADC
+   Double_t GetTOT()    const {return fTOT;} // digit TOT
+   Double_t GetWeight() const {return fWeight;} // digit weight
+   Int_t GetTrackLabel(Int_t n)    const {return fTrackLabel[n];} // Labels of tracks in digit
+   Int_t GetDetectorIndex(Int_t n) const {return fDetectorIndex[n];} // Digit Detector Index n
+   Int_t GetIndex()     const {return fIndex;} // Digit Index
+   private: 
+   Int_t fDetectorIndex[5]; //digit detector indices (sector, plate, strip, padX, padZ) 
+   Double_t fTDC; //TDC count
+   Double_t fADC; //ADC count
+   Double_t fTOT; //TOT count
+   Double_t fWeight; //weight
+   Int_t fIndex; //index of the digit in the TOF digit tree
+   Int_t fTrackLabel[3]; //track labels
+   }; 
+ protected:
+  AliRunLoader *fRunLoader;   // Pointer to Run Loader
+  AliTOFcluster *fTofClusters[kTofMaxCluster];  // pointers to the TOF clusters
+  TClonesArray *fDigits;      // List of digits
+  TClonesArray *fRecPoints;   // List of reconstructed points
+  Int_t fNumberOfTofClusters; // Number of TOF Clusters
+  Int_t fNumberOfTofDigits;   // Number of TOF Digits
+ private:
+  Int_t fMaxDeltaTime; // max time difference in between two tof measurements
+                       // for two neighbouring pads
+  Int_t InsertCluster(AliTOFcluster *tofCluster);    // Fills TofClusters Array
+  Int_t FindClusterIndex(Double_t z) const; // Returns cluster index 
+  Bool_t MakeSlewingCorrection(Int_t *detectorIndex, Int_t tofDigitToT, Int_t tofDigitTdc,
+                              Int_t &tdcCorr);
+  void TOFclusterError(Bool_t check, Int_t counter, Int_t **ind, Double_t *weight,
+                      Double_t ppos[], Double_t cov[]) const;
+  void AverageCalculations(Int_t number, Float_t *interestingX,
+                          Float_t *interestingY, Float_t *interestingZ,
+                          Double_t *interestingTOF, Double_t *interestingTOT,
+                          Double_t *interestingADC, Double_t *interestingWeight,
+                          Int_t *parTOF, Double_t *posClus, Bool_t &check);
+  Int_t fVerbose;           // Verbose level (0:no msg, 1:msg, 2:digits in txt files)
+  Bool_t fDecoderVersion;   // setting whether to use the new decoder version 
+                            //  -true -> new version
+                            //  -false ->old version  (default value!!)
+  AliTOFcalib *fTOFcalib;       // pointer to the TOF calibration info
+  AliTOFDigitMap* fTOFdigitMap; // TOF digit map pointer
+  ClassDef(AliTOFClusterFinderV1,1) // To run TOF clustering
index 441bc84898330569ae924ec373aec51a3e313955..560b13452c2f14a11424c24188e0ec07a700065b 100644 (file)
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #include <cstdlib>
-//#include "TFile.h"
 #include "TObjArray.h"
 #include "TString.h"
@@ -30,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "AliRawReader.h"
 #include "AliTOFClusterFinder.h"
+#include "AliTOFClusterFinderV1.h"
 #include "AliTOFcalib.h"
 #include "AliTOFtrackerMI.h"
 #include "AliTOFtracker.h"
 #include "AliTOFReconstructor.h"
 class TTree;
-//class TFile;
-//class TDirectory;
 class AliESDEvent;
-//extern TDirectory *gDirectory;
-//extern TFile *gFile;
@@ -99,10 +94,20 @@ AliTOFReconstructor::~AliTOFReconstructor()
 void AliTOFReconstructor::Reconstruct(AliRawReader *rawReader,
                                       TTree *clustersTree) const
-// reconstruct clusters from Raw Data
-  static AliTOFClusterFinder tofClus(fTOFcalib);
-  tofClus.Digits2RecPoints(rawReader, clustersTree);
+  //
+  // reconstruct clusters from Raw Data
+  //
+  TString selectedClusterFinder = GetOption();
+  // use V1 cluster finder if selected
+  if (selectedClusterFinder.Contains("NCF")) {
+    static AliTOFClusterFinderV1 tofClus(fTOFcalib);
+    tofClus.Digits2RecPoints(rawReader, clustersTree);
+  }
+  else {
+    static AliTOFClusterFinder tofClus(fTOFcalib);
+    tofClus.Digits2RecPoints(rawReader, clustersTree);
+  }
@@ -110,11 +115,22 @@ void AliTOFReconstructor::Reconstruct(AliRawReader *rawReader,
 void AliTOFReconstructor::Reconstruct(TTree *digitsTree,
                                       TTree *clustersTree) const
-// reconstruct clusters from Raw Data
+  //
+  // reconstruct clusters from digits
+  //
   AliDebug(2,Form("Global Event loop mode: Creating Recpoints from Digits Tree")); 
-  static AliTOFClusterFinder tofClus(fTOFcalib);
-  tofClus.Digits2RecPoints(digitsTree, clustersTree);
+  TString selectedClusterFinder = GetOption();
+  // use V1 cluster finder if selected
+  if (selectedClusterFinder.Contains("NCF")) {
+    static AliTOFClusterFinderV1 tofClus(fTOFcalib);
+    tofClus.Digits2RecPoints(digitsTree, clustersTree);
+  }
+  else {
+    static AliTOFClusterFinder tofClus(fTOFcalib);
+    tofClus.Digits2RecPoints(digitsTree, clustersTree);
+  }
@@ -123,8 +139,17 @@ void AliTOFReconstructor::Reconstruct(TTree *digitsTree,
 // reconstruct clusters from digits
   AliDebug(2,Form("Global Event loop mode: Converting Raw Data to a Digits Tree")); 
-  AliTOFClusterFinder tofClus(fTOFcalib);
-  tofClus.Raw2Digits(reader, digitsTree);
+  TString selectedClusterFinder = GetOption();
+  // use V1 cluster finder if selected
+  if (selectedClusterFinder.Contains("NCF")) {
+    static AliTOFClusterFinderV1 tofClus(fTOFcalib);
+    tofClus.Raw2Digits(reader, digitsTree);
+  }
+  else {
+    static AliTOFClusterFinder tofClus(fTOFcalib);
+    tofClus.Raw2Digits(reader, digitsTree);
+  }
@@ -138,5 +163,5 @@ AliTracker* AliTOFReconstructor::CreateTracker() const
   if (selectedTracker.Contains("MI")) return new AliTOFtrackerMI();
   if (selectedTracker.Contains("V1")) return new AliTOFtrackerV1();
   return new AliTOFtracker();
index e926dad196889e0200ac6f297074c930e4d48a71..e47bc6288b59066b029b6052cf484fd96aa62ba9 100644 (file)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #pragma link C++ class  AliTOFcluster+;
 #pragma link C++ class  AliTOFClusterFinder+;
+#pragma link C++ class  AliTOFClusterFinderV1+;
 #pragma link C++ class  AliTOFtrack+;
 #pragma link C++ class  AliTOFtracker+;
 #pragma link C++ class  AliTOFtrackerMI+;
index b2d73efbb0af74a0fa4ab71fa3622bc160ccbd23..f461218c50b9ce26eaceddd91d4c7cd0b099447c 100644 (file)
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 #-*- Mode: Makefile -*-
 # $Id$
-SRCS  = AliTOFcluster.cxx  AliTOFClusterFinder.cxx  AliTOFtrack.cxx  AliTOFtracker.cxx AliTOFtrackerMI.cxx AliTOFtrackerV1.cxx  \
-       AliTOFpidESD.cxx  AliTOFReconstructor.cxx AliTOFRecoParam.cxx AliTOFQADataMakerRec.cxx 
+SRCS  = AliTOFcluster.cxx  AliTOFClusterFinder.cxx  \
+       AliTOFClusterFinderV1.cxx \
+        AliTOFtrack.cxx  \
+       AliTOFtracker.cxx AliTOFtrackerMI.cxx AliTOFtrackerV1.cxx  \
+       AliTOFpidESD.cxx  AliTOFReconstructor.cxx AliTOFRecoParam.cxx  \
+       AliTOFQADataMakerRec.cxx
 HDRS:= $(SRCS:.cxx=.h)