%## Default elements from RT. Header and the ticket elements. Both this and the %## html printed after the <%INIT> <& /Elements/Header, Title => loc("#[_1]: [_2]", $TicketObj->Id, $TicketObj->Subject), LinkRel => \%link_rel &> <& /Elements/Tabs &> %## The html with %-prefixed perl code.
Ticket to export

%print "EmailAddress."\"/>"; %print "Id."\"/>";
%print "$mail_head";
%print "$mail";
<%ARGS> $id => undef $TicketObj => undef $email => undef <%INIT> my (@Actions, $Tickets); unless ($id || $TicketObj) { Abort('No ticket specified'); } $TicketObj ||= LoadTicket($ARGS{'id'}); unless ($TicketObj->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket')) { Abort("No permission to view ticket"); } # used to convert html-formated email -> plain text for the body. use HTML::Parse; use HTML::FormatText; use Encode; my $formater = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 75); # using buildtin methods to get the attachments - all nice and cronological. my $attachments = $m->comp('Elements/FindAttachments', Ticket => $TicketObj, Tickets => $Tickets); my $attachment_content = $m->comp('Elements/LoadTextAttachments', Ticket => $TicketObj); #Get some information. my $queue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser); $queue->Load($TicketObj->Queue); my $owner = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); $owner->Load($TicketObj->Owner); my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); $user->Load($TicketObj->CurrentUser); my $requestor = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); my $people = $TicketObj->Requestors->UserMembersObj; my @requestors; while ( my $r = $people->Next ) { push @requestors, $m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUserConcise', User => $r); } my $requestors = join ("\n ", @requestors); my $Transactions = $TicketObj->Transactions; my @attachments = @{$attachments->ItemsArrayRef()}; my @attachment_content = @{$attachment_content->ItemsArrayRef()}; my $mail; my $mailsendt=0; my $attach=0; my $resolved = ""; my $created; my $mail_head; # Find the last time the ticket was resolved. #### NEED FIX HERE ### while ( my $Transaction = $Transactions->Next ) { if ($Transaction->Description =~ /Status changed from \'.*\' to \'resolved\'/) { $resolved = $Transaction->Description." - ". $Transaction->CreatorObj->RealName." on ". $Transaction->CreatedAsString()."\n"; $resolved =~ s/Status changed from \'.*\' to \'resolved\' /Resolved: /; } # Ignoring comments/statuschange/etc. next if $Transaction->Description !~ /(Correspondence added|Ticket created )/; # Get all the transactions: my $Attach = $Transaction->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef(); next if ! defined $Attach->[0]; $mail .= $Transaction->BriefDescription." by ".$Transaction->CreatorObj->Name." - ". $Transaction->CreatorObj->RealName."\n"; $mail .= "Date: ".$Transaction->CreatedAsString()." =================================================>\n\n"; $created = $Transaction->CreatedAsString() unless $created; for (@$Attach) { if ($_->ContentType =~ /text\/plain/ && not $_->Filename) {$mail .= $_->Content."\n\n"} if ($_->ContentType =~ /text\/html/ && not $_->Filename) { $mail .= $formater->format(parse_html("
"))."\n\n" } # Finding the mail attachments that will be attached to the final email. if ($_->Filename) {$mail .= "Attatchment: ".$_->Filename."\n\n";$attach=1;} } } # Putting together the metadata. Some posibilities are commented. # The ticket can have a created after the first transaction if an older ticket # is merged into a newer ticket, so we use the creation-time of the first # transaction. $mail_head .= "============================================================================\n"; # $mail_head .= "Created Date:\t".$TicketObj->CreatedAsString."\n"; $mail_head .= "Created Date: $created\n"; $mail_head .= "Requestor(s): $requestors\n"; # $mail_head .= "Requestor(s): ".$TicketObj->Requestors->MemberEmailAddressesAsString."\n".$requestors; # $mail_head .= "Cc: $TicketObj->Cc\n" if $TicketObj->Cc; # $mail_head .= "X-AdminCc: $TicketObj->AdminCc\n" if $TicketObj->AdminCc; $mail_head .= "X-Queue: ".$queue->Name."\n"; $mail_head .= "Owner: ".$owner->Name." - ".$owner->RealName."\n"; $mail_head .= "Subject: [rt #".$TicketObj->id."] ".$TicketObj->Subject."\n"; $mail_head .= $resolved; $mail_head .= "============================================================================\n\n"; # Building an mime-email if we are to send an email. if ($email){ my $mail = MIME::Entity->build( Type => 'text/plain', Charset => 'utf-8', Data => encode("utf8", $mail_head."\n".$mail), ); $mail->head->set(To=>RT::Interface::Email::EncodeToMIME(String => $email)); $mail->head->set(From=>RT::Interface::Email::EncodeToMIME(String => $user->EmailAddress)); $mail->head->set(Subject=>RT::Interface::Email::EncodeToMIME(String => "Fwd: [rt #".$TicketObj->id."] ".$TicketObj->Subject)); # We could have been smart and done this part when getting the other # transactions, but we are not smart. if ($attach){ while ( my $Transaction = $Transactions->Next ) { my $Attach = $Transaction->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef(); next if ! defined $Attach->[0]; for (@$Attach) { if ($_->Filename){ $mail->attach( Type => $_->ContentType, Disposition => 'attachment', Filename => $_->Filename, Description => $_->Filename, Data => $_->Content, ); } } } } RT::I18N::SetMIMEEntityToEncoding( $mail, RT->Config->Get('EmailOutputEncoding'), 'mime_words_ok', ); RT::Interface::Email::SendEmail( Entity => $mail ); # Marking the sending of an email with a transaction in the ticket. # This should be something a little smarter, but that requires a change of # lib/RT/Transactions_Overlay.pm my $trans = RT::Transaction->new( $TicketObj->CurrentUser ); $trans->Create( Ticket => $TicketObj->Id, Type => 'Export', Field => "Email", OldValue => "Email", NewValue => "$email", ActivateScrips => 0 ); #Redirecting back to the ticket. RT::Interface::Web::Redirect( RT->Config->Get('WebURL') . "Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $TicketObj->id ); $mailsendt=1; } my %link_rel;