#!/usr/bin/perl # BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2012 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} # # This is just a basic script that checks to make sure that all # the modules needed by RT before you can install it. # use strict; no warnings qw(numeric redefine); use Getopt::Long; my %args; my %deps; my @orig_argv = @ARGV; GetOptions( \%args, 'v|verbose', 'install!', 'with-MYSQL', 'with-POSTGRESQL|with-pg|with-pgsql', 'with-SQLITE', 'with-ORACLE', 'with-FASTCGI', 'with-MODPERL1', 'with-MODPERL2', 'with-STANDALONE', 'with-DEV', 'with-GPG', 'with-ICAL', 'with-SMTP', 'with-GRAPHVIZ', 'with-GD', 'with-DASHBOARDS', 'with-USERLOGO', 'with-SSL-MAILGATE', 'with-HTML-DOC', 'download=s', 'repository=s', 'list-deps', 'help|h', ); if ( $args{help} ) { require Pod::Usage; Pod::Usage::pod2usage( { verbose => 2 } ); exit; } # Set up defaults my %default = ( 'with-MASON' => 1, 'with-PSGI' => 1, 'with-CORE' => 1, 'with-CLI' => 1, 'with-MAILGATE' => 1, 'with-DEV' => 0, 'with-GPG' => 0, 'with-ICAL' => 1, 'with-SMTP' => 1, 'with-GRAPHVIZ' => 0, 'with-GD' => 1, 'with-DASHBOARDS' => 1, 'with-USERLOGO' => 1, 'with-SSL-MAILGATE' => 0, 'with-HTML-DOC' => 0, ); $args{$_} = $default{$_} foreach grep !exists $args{$_}, keys %default; { my $section; my %always_show_sections = ( perl => 1, users => 1, ); sub section { my $s = shift; $section = $s; print "$s:\n" unless $args{'list-deps'}; } sub print_found { my $msg = shift; my $test = shift; my $extra = shift; unless ( $args{'list-deps'} ) { if ( $args{'v'} or not $test or $always_show_sections{$section} ) { print "\t$msg ..."; print $test ? "found" : "MISSING"; print "\n"; } print "\t\t$extra\n" if defined $extra; } } } sub conclude { my %missing_by_type = @_; unless ( $args{'list-deps'} ) { unless ( keys %missing_by_type ) { print "\nAll dependencies have been found.\n"; return; } print "\nSOME DEPENDENCIES WERE MISSING.\n"; for my $type ( keys %missing_by_type ) { my $missing = $missing_by_type{$type}; print "$type missing dependencies:\n"; for my $name ( keys %$missing ) { my $module = $missing->{$name}; my $version = $module->{version}; my $error = $module->{error}; print_found( $name . ( $version && !$error ? " >= $version" : "" ), 0, $module->{error} ); } } exit 1; } } sub text_to_hash { my %hash; for my $line ( split /\n/, $_[0] ) { my($key, $value) = $line =~ /(\S+)\s*(\S*)/; $value ||= ''; $hash{$key} = $value; } return %hash; } $deps{'CORE'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Class::Accessor 0.34 DateTime 0.44 DateTime::Locale 0.40 Digest::base Digest::MD5 2.27 Digest::SHA DBI 1.37 Class::ReturnValue 0.40 DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.59 Text::Template 1.44 File::ShareDir File::Spec 0.8 HTML::Quoted HTML::Scrubber 0.08 HTML::TreeBuilder HTML::FormatText Log::Dispatch 2.23 Sys::Syslog 0.16 Locale::Maketext 1.06 Locale::Maketext::Lexicon 0.32 Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy MIME::Entity 5.425 Mail::Mailer 1.57 Email::Address Text::Wrapper Time::ParseDate Time::HiRes File::Temp 0.19 Text::Quoted 2.02 Tree::Simple 1.04 UNIVERSAL::require Regexp::Common Scalar::Util Module::Versions::Report 1.05 Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry Encode 2.39 CSS::Squish 0.06 File::Glob Devel::StackTrace 1.19 Text::Password::Pronounceable Devel::GlobalDestruction List::MoreUtils Net::CIDR Regexp::Common::net::CIDR Regexp::IPv6 . $deps{'MASON'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; HTML::Mason 1.43 Errno Digest::MD5 2.27 CGI::Cookie 1.20 Storable 2.08 Apache::Session 1.53 XML::RSS 1.05 Text::WikiFormat 0.76 CSS::Squish 0.06 Devel::StackTrace 1.19 JSON IPC::Run3 . $deps{'PSGI'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; CGI 3.38 CGI::PSGI 0.12 HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler 0.52 Plack 0.9971 Plack::Handler::Starlet CGI::Emulate::PSGI . $deps{'MAILGATE'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Getopt::Long LWP::UserAgent Pod::Usage . $deps{'SSL-MAILGATE'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Crypt::SSLeay Net::SSL LWP::UserAgent 6.0 LWP::Protocol::https Mozilla::CA . $deps{'CLI'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Getopt::Long 2.24 LWP HTTP::Request::Common Text::ParseWords Term::ReadLine Term::ReadKey . $deps{'DEV'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Email::Abstract Test::Email HTML::Form HTML::TokeParser WWW::Mechanize 1.52 Test::WWW::Mechanize 1.30 Module::Refresh 0.03 Test::Expect 0.31 XML::Simple File::Find Test::Deep 0 # needed for shredder tests String::ShellQuote 0 # needed for gnupg-incoming.t Log::Dispatch::Perl Test::Warn Test::Builder 0.90 # needed for is_passing Test::MockTime Log::Dispatch::Perl Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings 0.06 Test::LongString . $deps{'FASTCGI'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; FCGI 0.74 FCGI::ProcManager . $deps{'MODPERL1'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Apache::Request Apache::DBI 0.92 . $deps{'MODPERL2'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Apache::DBI HTML::Mason 1.36 . $deps{'MYSQL'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; DBD::mysql 2.1018 . $deps{'ORACLE'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; DBD::Oracle . $deps{'POSTGRESQL'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; DBD::Pg 1.43 . $deps{'SQLITE'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; DBD::SQLite 1.00 . $deps{'GPG'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; GnuPG::Interface PerlIO::eol . $deps{'ICAL'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Data::ICal . $deps{'SMTP'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Net::SMTP . $deps{'DASHBOARDS'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; HTML::RewriteAttributes 0.04 MIME::Types URI 1.59 . $deps{'GRAPHVIZ'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; GraphViz IPC::Run 0.90 . $deps{'GD'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; GD GD::Graph GD::Text . $deps{'USERLOGO'} = [ text_to_hash( << '.') ]; Convert::Color . $deps{'HTML-DOC'} = [ text_to_hash( <<'.') ]; Pod::Simple 3.17 HTML::Entities . my %AVOID = ( 'DBD::Oracle' => [qw(1.23)], 'Email::Address' => [qw(1.893 1.894)], ); if ($args{'download'}) { download_mods(); } check_perl_version(); check_users(); my %Missing_By_Type = (); foreach my $type (sort grep $args{$_}, keys %args) { next unless ($type =~ /^with-(.*?)$/) and $deps{$1}; $type = $1; section("$type dependencies"); my @missing; my @deps = @{ $deps{$type} }; my %missing = test_deps(@deps); if ( $args{'install'} ) { for my $module (keys %missing) { resolve_dep($module, $missing{$module}{version}); my $m = $module . '.pm'; $m =~ s!::!/!g; if ( delete $INC{$m} ) { my $symtab = $module . '::'; no strict 'refs'; for my $symbol ( keys %{$symtab} ) { next if substr( $symbol, -2, 2 ) eq '::'; delete $symtab->{$symbol}; } } delete $missing{$module} if test_dep($module, $missing{$module}{version}, $AVOID{$module}); } } $Missing_By_Type{$type} = \%missing if keys %missing; } if ( $args{'install'} && keys %Missing_By_Type ) { exec($0, @orig_argv, '--no-install'); } else { conclude(%Missing_By_Type); } sub test_deps { my @deps = @_; my %missing; while(@deps) { my $module = shift @deps; my $version = shift @deps; my($test, $error) = test_dep($module, $version, $AVOID{$module}); my $msg = $module . ($version && !$error ? " >= $version" : ''); print_found($msg, $test, $error); $missing{$module} = { version => $version, error => $error } unless $test; } return %missing; } sub test_dep { my $module = shift; my $version = shift; my $avoid = shift; if ( $args{'list-deps'} ) { print $module, ': ', $version || 0, "\n"; } else { eval "use $module $version ()"; if ( my $error = $@ ) { return 0 unless wantarray; $error =~ s/\n(.*)$//s; $error =~ s/at \(eval \d+\) line \d+\.$//; undef $error if $error =~ /this is only/; return ( 0, $error ); } if ( $avoid ) { my $version = $module->VERSION; if ( grep $version eq $_, @$avoid ) { return 0 unless wantarray; return (0, "It's known that there are problems with RT and version '$version' of '$module' module. If it's the latest available version of the module then you have to downgrade manually."); } } return 1; } } sub resolve_dep { my $module = shift; my $version = shift; print "\nInstall module $module\n"; my $ext = $ENV{'RT_FIX_DEPS_CMD'} || $ENV{'PERL_PREFER_CPAN_CLIENT'}; unless( $ext ) { my $configured = 1; { local @INC = @INC; if ( $ENV{'HOME'} ) { unshift @INC, "$ENV{'HOME'}/.cpan"; } $configured = eval { require CPAN::MyConfig } || eval { require CPAN::Config }; } unless ( $configured ) { print <install($module) }; return $rv unless $@; print <&2`; } sub download_mods { my %modules; use CPAN; foreach my $key (keys %deps) { my @deps = (@{$deps{$key}}); while (@deps) { my $mod = shift @deps; my $ver = shift @deps; next if ($mod =~ /^(DBD-|Apache-Request)/); $modules{$mod} = $ver; } } my @mods = keys %modules; CPAN::get(); my $moddir = $args{'download'}; foreach my $mod (@mods) { $CPAN::Config->{'build_dir'} = $moddir; CPAN::get($mod); } opendir(DIR, $moddir); while ( my $dir = readdir(DIR)) { print "Dir is $dir\n"; next if ( $dir =~ /^\.\.?$/); # Skip things we've previously tagged my $out = `svn ls $args{'repository'}/tags/$dir`; next if ($out); if ($dir =~ /^(.*)-(.*?)$/) { `svn_load_dirs -no_user_input -t tags/$dir -v $args{'repository'} dists/$1 $moddir/$dir`; `rm -rf $moddir/$dir`; } } closedir(DIR); exit; } sub check_perl_version { section("perl"); eval {require 5.008003}; if ($@) { print_found("5.8.3", 0,"RT is known to be non-functional on versions of perl older than 5.8.3. Please upgrade to 5.8.3 or newer."); exit(1); } else { print_found( sprintf(">=5.8.3(%vd)", $^V), 1 ); } } sub check_users { section("users"); print_found("rt group (uio-rt)", defined getgrnam("uio-rt")); print_found("bin owner (root)", defined getpwnam("root")); print_found("libs owner (root)", defined getpwnam("root")); print_found("libs group (bin)", defined getgrnam("bin")); print_found("web owner (httpd)", defined getpwnam("httpd")); print_found("web group (httpd)", defined getgrnam("httpd")); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME rt-test-dependencies - test rt's dependencies =head1 SYNOPSIS rt-test-dependencies rt-test-dependencies --install rt-test-dependencies --with-mysql --with-fastcgi =head1 DESCRIPTION by default, C determines whether you have installed all the perl modules RT needs to run. the "RT_FIX_DEPS_CMD" environment variable, if set, will be used instead of the standard CPAN shell by --install to install any required modules. it will be called with the module name, or, if "RT_FIX_DEPS_CMD" contains a "%s", will replace the "%s" with the module name before calling the program. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item install install missing modules =item verbose list the status of all dependencies, rather than just the missing ones. -v is equal to --verbose =item specify dependencies =over =item --with-mysql database interface for mysql =item --with-postgresql database interface for postgresql =item with-oracle database interface for oracle =item with-sqlite database interface and driver for sqlite (unsupported) =item with-fastcgi libraries needed to support the fastcgi handler =item with-modperl1 libraries needed to support the modperl 1 handler =item with-modperl2 libraries needed to support the modperl 2 handler =item with-dev tools needed for RT development =back =back