]> git.uio.no Git - virt-orchestrator.git/blame - vFLOWER/content/Workflows/uio/lib/tools/exec_post_scipts.workflow.xml
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[virt-orchestrator.git] / vFLOWER / content / Workflows / uio / lib / tools / exec_post_scipts.workflow.xml
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<workflow xmlns="http://vmware.com/vco/workflow" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://vmware.com/vco/workflow http://vmware.com/vco/workflow/Workflow-v4.xsd" root-name="item33" object-name="workflow:name=generic" id="8986a211-6aae-404a-8586-374d658fbee8" version="1.0.34" api-version="3.1.0" allowed-operations="fve" restartMode="1" resumeFromFailedMode="0">
3 <display-name>exec_post_scipts</display-name>
5 <description>Execute post scipts to build a UiO windows server</description>
7 <position x="305.0" y="9.045454545454543"/>
9 <input>
10 <param name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine">
11 <description>Virtual machine</description>
12 </param>
13 <param name="windows_roles" type="Array/string">
14 <description>Windows roles. Other workflow fetches roles from database</description>
15 </param>
16 <param name="vlan_name" type="string">
17 <description>Vlan descriptive name</description>
18 </param>
19 <param name="ad_domain_id" type="number">
20 <description>Domain id from database. if &gt; 0 add to AD</description>
21 </param>
22 <param name="ad_domain_name" type="string">
23 <description>Domene navn</description>
24 </param>
25 <param name="ipv6address" type="string">
26 <description>ipv6 ipaddresse</description>
27 </param>
28 <param name="ipv6Prefixlen" type="number">
29 <description>ipv6 Netmaske</description>
30 </param>
31 <param name="ipv6gateway" type="string">
32 <description>ipv6 gateway</description>
33 </param>
34 <param name="ipv6dnsServerList" type="Array/string">
35 <description>ipv6 dns server liste</description>
36 </param>
37 <param name="vmPassword" type="SecureString">
38 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
39 </param>
40 </input>
42 <attrib name="interactiveSession" type="boolean" read-only="false">
43 <value encoded="n">false</value>
44 <description>This is set to true if the client wants an interactive session in the guest.</description>
45 </attrib>
46 <attrib name="result" type="number" read-only="false">
47 <value encoded="n">__NULL__</value>
48 <description>The pid of the program started.</description>
49 </attrib>
50 <attrib name="ad_password" type="SecureString" read-only="false">
51 <value encoded="n">__NULL__</value>
52 <description>Result of running the SSH command</description>
53 </attrib>
54 <attrib name="ad_param" type="string" read-only="false">
55 <value encoded="n"/>
56 </attrib>
57 <attrib name="ad_domain_user" type="string" read-only="false">
58 <value encoded="n"/>
59 <description>User with create computer privs in AD</description>
60 </attrib>
61 <attrib name="ad_log" type="string" read-only="false">
62 <value encoded="n">c:\etc\logs\JOIN.ok</value>
63 <description>Path in virtual machine to check</description>
64 </attrib>
65 <attrib name="errorCode" type="string" read-only="false">
66 <value encoded="n"/>
67 </attrib>
68 <attrib name="sleepTime" type="number" read-only="false">
69 <value encoded="n">10.0</value>
70 <description>Time to sleep in seconds</description>
71 </attrib>
72 <attrib name="exists" type="boolean" read-only="false">
73 <value encoded="n">false</value>
74 <description>True if directory exists.</description>
75 </attrib>
76 <attrib name="ad_error" type="string" read-only="false">
77 <value encoded="n">c:\etc\logs\JOIN.error</value>
78 <description>If exists, means that we where not able to join ad</description>
79 </attrib>
80 <attrib name="roles_param" type="string" read-only="false">
81 <value encoded="n">__NULL__</value>
82 </attrib>
83 <attrib name="roleadd_finish" type="string" read-only="false">
84 <value encoded="n">c:\etc\logs\roleadd.finish</value>
85 <description>If exists, means that we are done adding roles</description>
86 </attrib>
87 <attrib name="finish_param" type="string" read-only="false">
88 <value encoded="n"/>
89 </attrib>
90 <attrib name="AD" type="boolean" read-only="false">
91 <value encoded="n">true</value>
92 </attrib>
93 <attrib name="powerShell" type="string" read-only="false">
94 <value encoded="n">/c powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File</value>
95 <description>Powershell CMD</description>
96 </attrib>
97 <attrib name="actionResult" type="boolean" read-only="false">
98 <value encoded="n">false</value>
99 </attrib>
100 <attrib name="dos_path" type="string" read-only="false">
101 <value encoded="n">c:\etc</value>
102 <description>Path to cmd.exe</description>
103 </attrib>
104 <attrib name="vmUsername" type="string" read-only="false">
105 <value encoded="n">Administrator</value>
106 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
107 </attrib>
108 <attrib name="programPath" type="string" read-only="false">
109 <value encoded="n">c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe</value>
110 <description>The absolute path to the program to start. For Linux guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program. For Solaris guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program if it exists. Otherwise /bin/sh is used. If /bin/sh is used, then the process ID returned will be that of the shell used to start the program, rather than the program itself, due to the differences in how /bin/sh and /bin/bash work. This PID will still be usable for watching the process with this API to find its exit code and elapsed time.</description>
111 </attrib>
112 <attrib name="environment" type="Array/string" read-only="false">
113 <value encoded="n">__NULL__</value>
114 <description>An array of environment variables, specified in the guest OS notation (eg PATH=c:\bin;c:\windows\system32 or LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib), to be set for the program being run. Note that these are not additions to the default environment variables; they define the complete set available to the program. If none are specified the values are guest dependent.</description>
115 </attrib>
116 <attrib name="admin_users" type="Array/string" read-only="false">
117 <value encoded="n">#{#string#p01-windows-admins-renamed#}#</value>
118 <description>Array of groups/users whith Administrator access</description>
119 </attrib>
120 <attrib name="user" type="AD:User" read-only="false">
121 <value encoded="n">__NULL__</value>
122 <description>User to disable</description>
123 </attrib>
124 <attrib name="ipv6_param" type="string" read-only="false">
125 <value encoded="n"/>
126 </attrib>
127 <attrib name="ipv6_finish" type="string" read-only="false">
128 <value encoded="n">c:\etc\logs\ipv6.finish</value>
129 </attrib>
130 <attrib name="ADcomputer" type="string" read-only="false">
131 <value encoded="n"/>
132 </attrib>
133 <attrib name="counter" type="number" read-only="false">
134 <value encoded="n">1.0</value>
135 <description>counter to increment</description>
136 </attrib>
137 <attrib name="ou" type="string" read-only="false">
138 <value encoded="n"/>
139 </attrib>
140 <attrib name="pollingRate" type="number" read-only="false">
141 <value encoded="n">5.0</value>
142 <description>Time between all request information on the tools [seconds]</description>
143 </attrib>
144 <attrib name="fqdn" type="string" read-only="false">
145 <value encoded="n"/>
146 <description>fullt hostname med domene</description>
147 </attrib>
148 <attrib name="timeout" type="number" read-only="false">
149 <value encoded="n">120.0</value>
150 <description>Timeout before throwing a timeout exception [minutes]</description>
151 </attrib>
152 <attrib name="addNumberToName" type="boolean" read-only="false">
153 <value encoded="n">false</value>
154 <description>Specify if the DNS name has an automatically number added at end (not known at clone time)</description>
155 </attrib>
156 <attrib name="sleep4boot" type="number" read-only="false">
157 <value encoded="n">60.0</value>
158 <description>Time to sleep in seconds</description>
159 </attrib>
160 <workflow-note x="1460.0" y="163.63636363636363" w="664.0" h="77.0">
161 <description>Install monitoring software/licenses and reboot</description>
162 </workflow-note>
163 <workflow-note x="1196.0" y="0.0" w="376.0" h="141.0">
164 <description>Add ipv6</description>
165 </workflow-note>
166 <workflow-note x="236.0" y="185.90909090909088" w="252.0" h="190.0">
167 <description>Join Active Directory</description>
168 </workflow-note>
169 <workflow-note x="218.0" y="69.72727272727272" w="668.0" h="61.0">
170 <description>Prepare variables</description>
171 </workflow-note>
172 <workflow-note x="1020.0" y="208.09090909090907" w="384.0" h="164.0">
173 <description>Add windows roles</description>
174 </workflow-note>
176 <workflow-item name="item0" out-name="item18" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C98080808080808080808080808080805E80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
177 <display-name>ad_join</display-name>
179 <in-binding>
180 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
181 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
182 </bind>
183 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
184 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
185 </bind>
186 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
187 <description>Virtual machine</description>
188 </bind>
189 <bind name="interactiveSession" type="boolean" export-name="interactiveSession">
190 <description>This is set to true if the client wants an interactive session in the guest.</description>
191 </bind>
192 <bind name="programPath" type="string" export-name="programPath">
193 <description>The absolute path to the program to start. For Linux guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program. For Solaris guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program if it exists. Otherwise /bin/sh is used. If /bin/sh is used, then the process ID returned will be that of the shell used to start the program, rather than the program itself, due to the differences in how /bin/sh and /bin/bash work. This PID will still be usable for watching the process with this API to find its exit code and elapsed time.</description>
194 </bind>
195 <bind name="arguments" type="string" export-name="ad_param">
196 <description>The arguments to the program. In Linux and Solaris guest operating systems, the program will be executed by a guest shell. This allows stdio redirection, but may also require that characters which must be escaped to the shell also be escaped on the command line provided. For Windows guest operating systems, prefixing the command with "cmd /c" can provide stdio redirection.</description>
197 </bind>
198 <bind name="workingDirectory" type="string" export-name="dos_path">
199 <description>The absolute path of the working directory for the program to be run. VMware recommends explicitly setting the working directory for the program to be run. If this value is unset or is an empty string, the behavior depends on the guest operating system. For Linux guest operating systems, if this value is unset or is an empty string, the working directory will be the home directory of the user associated with the guest authentication. For other guest operating systems, if this value is unset, the behavior is unspecified.</description>
200 </bind>
201 <bind name="environment" type="Array/string" export-name="environment">
202 <description>An array of environment variables, specified in the guest OS notation (eg PATH=c:\bin;c:\windows\system32 or LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib), to be set for the program being run. Note that these are not additions to the default environment variables; they define the complete set available to the program. If none are specified the values are guest dependent.</description>
203 </bind>
204 </in-binding>
206 <out-binding>
207 <bind name="result" type="number" export-name="result">
208 <description>The pid of the program started.</description>
209 </bind>
210 </out-binding>
212 <description>
213Starts a program in the guest operating system.
214A process started this way can have its status queried with this API. When the process completes, its exit code and end time will be available for 5 minutes after completion.
215 </description>
217 <position x="244.5" y="209.95454545454544"/>
218 </workflow-item>
220 <workflow-item name="item2" out-name="item0" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="task">
221 <display-name>prepare AD join cmd</display-name>
223 <script encoded="false">
225 Define how to trigger powershell cmd
228var join_ad='c:\\etc\\scripts\\join_ad.ps1 -domainName '+ad_domain_name+' -user '+ad_domain_user+' -passwd '+ad_password+' -ou "'+ou+'" ';
230var finish='c:\\etc\\scripts\\WindowsFinish.ps1 -password '+vmPassword+'';
231if (admin_users) {
232 if (admin_users.length &gt; 0) {
233 var finish='c:\\etc\\scripts\\WindowsFinish.ps1 -ressursperson "'+admin_users.join(",")+ '" -chpasswd '+ad_domain_id+' -domainName '+ad_domain_name+'';
234 }
237finish_param=powerShell+" "+finish;
238ad_param=powerShell+" "+join_ad;
239 </script>
241 <in-binding>
242 <bind name="ad_password" type="SecureString" export-name="ad_password">
243 <description>Result of running the SSH command</description>
244 </bind>
245 <bind name="ad_domain_user" type="string" export-name="ad_domain_user"/>
246 <bind name="ad_domain_name" type="string" export-name="ad_domain_name"/>
247 <bind name="powerShell" type="string" export-name="powerShell">
248 <description>Powershell CMD</description>
249 </bind>
250 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
251 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
252 </bind>
253 <bind name="admin_users" type="Array/string" export-name="admin_users"/>
254 <bind name="ad_domain_id" type="number" export-name="ad_domain_id">
255 <description>Domain id from database. if &gt; 0 add to AD</description>
256 </bind>
257 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
258 <description>Virtual machine</description>
259 </bind>
260 <bind name="ou" type="string" export-name="ou"/>
261 </in-binding>
263 <out-binding>
264 <bind name="ad_param" type="string" export-name="ad_param"/>
265 <bind name="finish_param" type="string" export-name="finish_param"/>
266 </out-binding>
268 <position x="224.5" y="82.68181818181817"/>
269 </workflow-item>
271 <workflow-item name="item3" out-name="item20" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C3808080808080808080808080808080AA80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
272 <display-name>Check ad_join.log</display-name>
274 <in-binding>
275 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
276 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
277 </bind>
278 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
279 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
280 </bind>
281 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
282 <description>Virtual machine</description>
283 </bind>
284 <bind name="path" type="string" export-name="ad_log">
285 <description>Path in virtual machine to check</description>
286 </bind>
287 </in-binding>
289 <out-binding>
290 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists">
291 <description>True if directory exists.</description>
292 </bind>
293 </out-binding>
295 <description>
296Checks to see if a directory exists in a guest VM.
297Output parameter result is a boolean.
298 </description>
300 <position x="244.5" y="328.1363636363636"/>
301 </workflow-item>
303 <workflow-item name="item4" out-name="item5" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C3808080808080808080808080808080AA80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
304 <display-name>Check for JOIN.error</display-name>
306 <in-binding>
307 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
308 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
309 </bind>
310 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
311 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
312 </bind>
313 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
314 <description>Virtual machine</description>
315 </bind>
316 <bind name="path" type="string" export-name="ad_error">
317 <description>Path in virtual machine to check</description>
318 </bind>
319 </in-binding>
321 <out-binding>
322 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists">
323 <description>True if directory exists.</description>
324 </bind>
325 </out-binding>
327 <description>
328Checks to see if a directory exists in a guest VM.
329Output parameter result is a boolean.
330 </description>
332 <position x="384.5" y="264.5"/>
333 </workflow-item>
335 <workflow-item name="item5" out-name="item0" type="condition" alt-out-name="item31" comparator="0">
336 <display-name>Decision</display-name>
338 <script encoded="false">
339//Generated by the system, cannot be edited
340return (exists == false) ;
341 </script>
343 <in-binding>
344 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists"/>
345 </in-binding>
346 <condition name="exists" type="boolean" comparator="1" label="null">false</condition>
348 <position x="384.5" y="199.95454545454544"/>
349 </workflow-item>
351 <workflow-item name="item7" out-name="item17" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C98080808080808080808080808080805E80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
352 <display-name>Add roles</display-name>
354 <in-binding>
355 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
356 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
357 </bind>
358 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
359 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
360 </bind>
361 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
362 <description>Virtual machine</description>
363 </bind>
364 <bind name="interactiveSession" type="boolean" export-name="interactiveSession">
365 <description>This is set to true if the client wants an interactive session in the guest.</description>
366 </bind>
367 <bind name="programPath" type="string" export-name="programPath">
368 <description>The absolute path to the program to start. For Linux guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program. For Solaris guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program if it exists. Otherwise /bin/sh is used. If /bin/sh is used, then the process ID returned will be that of the shell used to start the program, rather than the program itself, due to the differences in how /bin/sh and /bin/bash work. This PID will still be usable for watching the process with this API to find its exit code and elapsed time.</description>
369 </bind>
370 <bind name="arguments" type="string" export-name="roles_param">
371 <description>The arguments to the program. In Linux and Solaris guest operating systems, the program will be executed by a guest shell. This allows stdio redirection, but may also require that characters which must be escaped to the shell also be escaped on the command line provided. For Windows guest operating systems, prefixing the command with "cmd /c" can provide stdio redirection.</description>
372 </bind>
373 <bind name="workingDirectory" type="string" export-name="dos_path">
374 <description>The absolute path of the working directory for the program to be run. VMware recommends explicitly setting the working directory for the program to be run. If this value is unset or is an empty string, the behavior depends on the guest operating system. For Linux guest operating systems, if this value is unset or is an empty string, the working directory will be the home directory of the user associated with the guest authentication. For other guest operating systems, if this value is unset, the behavior is unspecified.</description>
375 </bind>
376 <bind name="environment" type="Array/string" export-name="environment">
377 <description>An array of environment variables, specified in the guest OS notation (eg PATH=c:\bin;c:\windows\system32 or LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib), to be set for the program being run. Note that these are not additions to the default environment variables; they define the complete set available to the program. If none are specified the values are guest dependent.</description>
378 </bind>
379 </in-binding>
381 <out-binding>
382 <bind name="result" type="number" export-name="result">
383 <description>The pid of the program started.</description>
384 </bind>
385 </out-binding>
387 <description>
388Starts a program in the guest operating system.
389A process started this way can have its status queried with this API. When the process completes, its exit code and end time will be available for 5 minutes after completion.
390 </description>
392 <position x="1024.5" y="264.5"/>
393 </workflow-item>
395 <workflow-item name="item8" out-name="item15" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C3808080808080808080808080808080AA80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
396 <display-name>Check roleadd.finish</display-name>
398 <in-binding>
399 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
400 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
401 </bind>
402 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
403 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
404 </bind>
405 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
406 <description>Virtual machine</description>
407 </bind>
408 <bind name="path" type="string" export-name="roleadd_finish">
409 <description>Path in virtual machine to check</description>
410 </bind>
411 </in-binding>
413 <out-binding>
414 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists">
415 <description>True if directory exists.</description>
416 </bind>
417 </out-binding>
419 <description>
420Checks to see if a directory exists in a guest VM.
421Output parameter result is a boolean.
422 </description>
424 <position x="1264.5" y="264.5"/>
425 </workflow-item>
427 <workflow-item name="item9" out-name="item37" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C98080808080808080808080808080805E80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
428 <display-name>Windows finish</display-name>
430 <in-binding>
431 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
432 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
433 </bind>
434 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
435 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
436 </bind>
437 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
438 <description>Virtual machine</description>
439 </bind>
440 <bind name="interactiveSession" type="boolean" export-name="interactiveSession">
441 <description>This is set to true if the client wants an interactive session in the guest.</description>
442 </bind>
443 <bind name="programPath" type="string" export-name="programPath">
444 <description>The absolute path to the program to start. For Linux guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program. For Solaris guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program if it exists. Otherwise /bin/sh is used. If /bin/sh is used, then the process ID returned will be that of the shell used to start the program, rather than the program itself, due to the differences in how /bin/sh and /bin/bash work. This PID will still be usable for watching the process with this API to find its exit code and elapsed time.</description>
445 </bind>
446 <bind name="arguments" type="string" export-name="finish_param">
447 <description>The arguments to the program. In Linux and Solaris guest operating systems, the program will be executed by a guest shell. This allows stdio redirection, but may also require that characters which must be escaped to the shell also be escaped on the command line provided. For Windows guest operating systems, prefixing the command with "cmd /c" can provide stdio redirection.</description>
448 </bind>
449 <bind name="workingDirectory" type="string" export-name="dos_path">
450 <description>The absolute path of the working directory for the program to be run. VMware recommends explicitly setting the working directory for the program to be run. If this value is unset or is an empty string, the behavior depends on the guest operating system. For Linux guest operating systems, if this value is unset or is an empty string, the working directory will be the home directory of the user associated with the guest authentication. For other guest operating systems, if this value is unset, the behavior is unspecified.</description>
451 </bind>
452 <bind name="environment" type="Array/string" export-name="environment">
453 <description>An array of environment variables, specified in the guest OS notation (eg PATH=c:\bin;c:\windows\system32 or LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib), to be set for the program being run. Note that these are not additions to the default environment variables; they define the complete set available to the program. If none are specified the values are guest dependent.</description>
454 </bind>
455 </in-binding>
457 <out-binding>
458 <bind name="result" type="number" export-name="result">
459 <description>The pid of the program started.</description>
460 </bind>
461 </out-binding>
463 <description>
464Starts a program in the guest operating system.
465A process started this way can have its status queried with this API. When the process completes, its exit code and end time will be available for 5 minutes after completion.
466 </description>
468 <position x="1484.5" y="191.77272727272725"/>
469 </workflow-item>
471 <workflow-item name="item11" out-name="item6" type="link" linked-workflow-id="2cdac1c6-1c4b-4fd4-aa62-a2736a71f7e7">
472 <display-name>error</display-name>
474 <in-binding>
475 <bind name="message" type="string" export-name="errorCode"/>
476 </in-binding>
478 <out-binding/>
480 <description>Looger error melding til email og database</description>
482 <position x="684.5" y="164.5"/>
483 </workflow-item>
485 <workflow-item name="item12" out-name="item32" type="custom-condition" alt-out-name="item13">
486 <display-name>Add to AD or not?</display-name>
488 <script encoded="false">
489if (ad_domain_id == 0) {
490 return false;
491} else {
492 return true;
494 </script>
496 <in-binding>
497 <bind name="AD" type="boolean" export-name="AD"/>
498 <bind name="ad_domain_id" type="number" export-name="ad_domain_id"/>
499 </in-binding>
501 <position x="724.5" y="9.045454545454543"/>
502 </workflow-item>
504 <workflow-item name="item13" out-name="item7" type="task">
505 <display-name>Scriptable task</display-name>
507 <script encoded="false">
509 Define how to trigger powershell cmd
512System.log("Not adding new VM to AD");
513 </script>
515 <in-binding/>
517 <out-binding/>
519 <position x="764.5" y="82.68181818181817"/>
520 </workflow-item>
522 <workflow-item name="item14" out-name="item12" type="task">
523 <display-name>Scriptable task</display-name>
525 <script encoded="false">
527 Define how to trigger powershell cmd
530var addRoles='c:\\etc\\scripts\\addRoles.ps1 -vlan '+vlan_name+' -DnsDomain uio.no';
531if (windows_roles) {
532 if (windows_roles.length &gt; 0) {
533 addRoles='c:\\etc\\scripts\\addRoles.ps1 -roles '+windows_roles.join(",")+' -vlan '+vlan_name+' -DnsDomain uio.no';
534 }
536var adm = admin_users.join(",");
537var finish="c:\\etc\\scripts\\WindowsFinish.ps1 -ressursperson "+adm+" -domainName "+ad_domain_name+" -password "+vmPassword+"";
539roles_param=powerShell+" "+addRoles;
540finish_param=powerShell+" "+finish;
543if (ipv6address.length &gt; 0) {
544 var ipv6='c:\\etc\\scripts\\setipv6.ps1 -ipAddress '+ipv6address+' -PrefixLength '+ipv6Prefixlen+' -DefaultGateway '+ipv6gateway+' -dns '+ipv6dnsServerList.join(",")+'';
545 ipv6_param=powerShell+" "+ipv6;
546} else {
547 ipv6address='false';
551var hostname=fqdn.split(".",1);
553System.log('Computer =&gt; '+ADcomputer);
554 </script>
556 <in-binding>
557 <bind name="vlan_name" type="string" export-name="vlan_name">
558 <description>Vlan descriptive name</description>
559 </bind>
560 <bind name="windows_roles" type="Array/string" export-name="windows_roles">
561 <description>Windows roles. Other workflow fetches roles from database</description>
562 </bind>
563 <bind name="powerShell" type="string" export-name="powerShell">
564 <description>Powershell CMD</description>
565 </bind>
566 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
567 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
568 </bind>
569 <bind name="admin_users" type="Array/string" export-name="admin_users"/>
570 <bind name="ipv6address" type="string" export-name="ipv6address">
571 <description>ipv6 ipaddresse</description>
572 </bind>
573 <bind name="ipv6Prefixlen" type="number" export-name="ipv6Prefixlen">
574 <description>ipv6 Netmaske</description>
575 </bind>
576 <bind name="ipv6gateway" type="string" export-name="ipv6gateway">
577 <description>ipv6 gateway</description>
578 </bind>
579 <bind name="ipv6dnsServerList" type="Array/string" export-name="ipv6dnsServerList">
580 <description>ipv6 dns server liste</description>
581 </bind>
582 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
583 <description>Virtual machine</description>
584 </bind>
585 <bind name="ad_domain_name" type="string" export-name="ad_domain_name">
586 <description>Domene navn</description>
587 </bind>
588 </in-binding>
590 <out-binding>
591 <bind name="roles_param" type="string" export-name="roles_param"/>
592 <bind name="finish_param" type="string" export-name="finish_param"/>
593 <bind name="ipv6_param" type="string" export-name="ipv6_param"/>
594 <bind name="ADcomputer" type="string" export-name="ADcomputer"/>
595 <bind name="fqdn" type="string" export-name="fqdn"/>
596 </out-binding>
598 <position x="544.5" y="19.045454545454543"/>
599 </workflow-item>
601 <workflow-item name="item15" out-name="item28" type="custom-condition" alt-out-name="item7">
602 <display-name>|</display-name>
604 <script encoded="false">
605if (exists == false) {
606 return false;
607} else {
608 return true;
610 </script>
612 <in-binding>
613 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists"/>
614 </in-binding>
616 <position x="1124.5" y="209.04545454545453"/>
617 </workflow-item>
619 <workflow-item name="item16" prototype-id="sleep" out-name="item17" content-mode="x" type="task">
620 <display-name>Sleep</display-name>
622 <script encoded="false">
623//Auto-generated script
624if ( sleepTime != null ) {
625 System.sleep(sleepTime*1000);
627else {
628 throw "'sleepTime' is NULL";
630 </script>
632 <in-binding>
633 <bind name="sleepTime" type="number" export-name="sleepTime">
634 <description>Time to sleep in seconds</description>
635 </bind>
636 </in-binding>
638 <out-binding/>
640 <description>Sleep a given number of seconds</description>
642 <position x="1144.5" y="355.4090909090909"/>
643 </workflow-item>
645 <workflow-item name="item17" out-name="item8" catch-name="item16" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="task" script-module="no.uio/CheckPidInVM">
646 <display-name>CheckPidInVM</display-name>
648 <script encoded="false">
649//Auto generated script, cannot be modified !
650actionResult = System.getModule("no.uio").CheckPidInVM(pid,vm,vmUsername,vmPassword) ;
651 </script>
653 <in-binding>
654 <bind name="pid" type="number" export-name="result"/>
655 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm"/>
656 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername"/>
657 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword"/>
658 </in-binding>
660 <out-binding>
661 <bind name="actionResult" type="boolean" export-name="actionResult"/>
662 </out-binding>
664 <position x="1124.5" y="300.8636363636363"/>
665 </workflow-item>
667 <workflow-item name="item18" out-name="item3" catch-name="item19" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="task" script-module="no.uio/CheckPidInVM">
668 <display-name>CheckPidInVM</display-name>
670 <script encoded="false">
671//Auto generated script, cannot be modified !
672actionResult = System.getModule("no.uio").CheckPidInVM(pid,vm,vmUsername,vmPassword) ;
673 </script>
675 <in-binding>
676 <bind name="pid" type="number" export-name="result"/>
677 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm"/>
678 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername"/>
679 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword"/>
680 </in-binding>
682 <out-binding>
683 <bind name="actionResult" type="boolean" export-name="actionResult"/>
684 </out-binding>
686 <position x="244.5" y="273.59090909090907"/>
687 </workflow-item>
689 <workflow-item name="item19" prototype-id="sleep" out-name="item18" content-mode="x" type="task">
690 <display-name>Sleep</display-name>
692 <script encoded="false">
693//Auto-generated script
694if ( sleepTime != null ) {
695 System.sleep(sleepTime*1000);
697else {
698 throw "'sleepTime' is NULL";
700 </script>
702 <in-binding>
703 <bind name="sleepTime" type="number" export-name="sleepTime">
704 <description>Time to sleep in seconds</description>
705 </bind>
706 </in-binding>
708 <out-binding/>
710 <description>Sleep a given number of seconds</description>
712 <position x="124.5" y="273.59090909090907"/>
713 </workflow-item>
715 <workflow-item name="item20" out-name="item22" type="custom-condition" alt-out-name="item4">
716 <display-name>|</display-name>
718 <script encoded="false">
719if (exists == false) {
720 return false;
721} else {
722 return true;
724 </script>
726 <in-binding>
727 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists"/>
728 </in-binding>
730 <position x="384.5" y="318.1363636363636"/>
731 </workflow-item>
733 <workflow-item name="item6" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="end" end-mode="1">
734 <position x="804.5" y="154.5"/>
735 </workflow-item>
737 <workflow-item name="item1" out-name="item2" type="link" linked-workflow-id="21827d8d-4e4b-4094-a41f-f2c5b8a3375e">
738 <display-name>get_ad_passwd</display-name>
740 <in-binding/>
742 <out-binding>
743 <bind name="ad_passwd" type="SecureString" export-name="ad_password"/>
744 </out-binding>
746 <description>Newroot12345</description>
748 <position x="364.5" y="82.68181818181817"/>
749 </workflow-item>
751 <workflow-item name="item23" out-name="item26" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C98080808080808080808080808080805E80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
752 <display-name>Define ip</display-name>
754 <in-binding>
755 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
756 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
757 </bind>
758 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
759 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
760 </bind>
761 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
762 <description>Virtual machine</description>
763 </bind>
764 <bind name="interactiveSession" type="boolean" export-name="interactiveSession">
765 <description>This is set to true if the client wants an interactive session in the guest.</description>
766 </bind>
767 <bind name="programPath" type="string" export-name="programPath">
768 <description>The absolute path to the program to start. For Linux guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program. For Solaris guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program if it exists. Otherwise /bin/sh is used. If /bin/sh is used, then the process ID returned will be that of the shell used to start the program, rather than the program itself, due to the differences in how /bin/sh and /bin/bash work. This PID will still be usable for watching the process with this API to find its exit code and elapsed time.</description>
769 </bind>
770 <bind name="arguments" type="string" export-name="ipv6_param">
771 <description>The arguments to the program. In Linux and Solaris guest operating systems, the program will be executed by a guest shell. This allows stdio redirection, but may also require that characters which must be escaped to the shell also be escaped on the command line provided. For Windows guest operating systems, prefixing the command with "cmd /c" can provide stdio redirection.</description>
772 </bind>
773 <bind name="workingDirectory" type="string" export-name="dos_path">
774 <description>The absolute path of the working directory for the program to be run. VMware recommends explicitly setting the working directory for the program to be run. If this value is unset or is an empty string, the behavior depends on the guest operating system. For Linux guest operating systems, if this value is unset or is an empty string, the working directory will be the home directory of the user associated with the guest authentication. For other guest operating systems, if this value is unset, the behavior is unspecified.</description>
775 </bind>
776 <bind name="environment" type="Array/string" export-name="environment">
777 <description>An array of environment variables, specified in the guest OS notation (eg PATH=c:\bin;c:\windows\system32 or LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib), to be set for the program being run. Note that these are not additions to the default environment variables; they define the complete set available to the program. If none are specified the values are guest dependent.</description>
778 </bind>
779 </in-binding>
781 <out-binding>
782 <bind name="result" type="number" export-name="result">
783 <description>The pid of the program started.</description>
784 </bind>
785 </out-binding>
787 <description>
788Starts a program in the guest operating system.
789A process started this way can have its status queried with this API. When the process completes, its exit code and end time will be available for 5 minutes after completion.
790 </description>
792 <position x="1204.5" y="55.40909090909091"/>
793 </workflow-item>
795 <workflow-item name="item24" out-name="item25" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="link" linked-workflow-id="C3808080808080808080808080808080AA80808001322751030482b80adf61e7c">
796 <display-name>Check ipv6 finish</display-name>
798 <in-binding>
799 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername">
800 <description>Username for the virtual machine</description>
801 </bind>
802 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword">
803 <description>Password for the virtual machine</description>
804 </bind>
805 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
806 <description>Virtual machine</description>
807 </bind>
808 <bind name="path" type="string" export-name="ipv6_finish">
809 <description>Path in virtual machine to check</description>
810 </bind>
811 </in-binding>
813 <out-binding>
814 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists">
815 <description>True if directory exists.</description>
816 </bind>
817 </out-binding>
819 <description>
820Checks to see if a directory exists in a guest VM.
821Output parameter result is a boolean.
822 </description>
824 <position x="1444.5" y="55.40909090909091"/>
825 </workflow-item>
827 <workflow-item name="item25" out-name="item9" type="custom-condition" alt-out-name="item23">
828 <display-name>|</display-name>
830 <script encoded="false">
831if (exists == false) {
832 return false;
833} else {
834 return true;
836 </script>
838 <in-binding>
839 <bind name="exists" type="boolean" export-name="exists"/>
840 </in-binding>
842 <position x="1304.5" y="0.45454545454545325"/>
843 </workflow-item>
845 <workflow-item name="item26" out-name="item24" catch-name="item27" throw-bind-name="errorCode" type="task" script-module="no.uio/CheckPidInVM">
846 <display-name>CheckPidInVM</display-name>
848 <script encoded="false">
849//Auto generated script, cannot be modified !
850actionResult = System.getModule("no.uio").CheckPidInVM(pid,vm,vmUsername,vmPassword) ;
851 </script>
853 <in-binding>
854 <bind name="pid" type="number" export-name="result"/>
855 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm"/>
856 <bind name="vmUsername" type="string" export-name="vmUsername"/>
857 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString" export-name="vmPassword"/>
858 </in-binding>
860 <out-binding>
861 <bind name="actionResult" type="boolean" export-name="actionResult"/>
862 </out-binding>
864 <position x="1304.5" y="91.77272727272727"/>
865 </workflow-item>
867 <workflow-item name="item27" prototype-id="sleep" out-name="item26" content-mode="x" type="task">
868 <display-name>Sleep</display-name>
870 <script encoded="false">
871//Auto-generated script
872if ( sleepTime != null ) {
873 System.sleep(sleepTime*1000);
875else {
876 throw "'sleepTime' is NULL";
878 </script>
880 <in-binding>
881 <bind name="sleepTime" type="number" export-name="sleepTime">
882 <description>Time to sleep in seconds</description>
883 </bind>
884 </in-binding>
886 <out-binding/>
888 <description>Sleep a given number of seconds</description>
890 <position x="1304.5" y="146.3181818181818"/>
891 </workflow-item>
893 <workflow-item name="item28" out-name="item9" type="condition" alt-out-name="item23" comparator="0">
894 <display-name>ipv6 or not</display-name>
896 <script encoded="false">
897//Generated by the system, cannot be edited
898return (ipv6address != null) ;
899 </script>
901 <in-binding>
902 <bind name="ipv6address" type="string" export-name="ipv6address"/>
903 </in-binding>
904 <condition name="ipv6address" type="string" comparator="3" label="null"/>
906 <position x="1064.5" y="136.3181818181818"/>
907 </workflow-item>
909 <workflow-item name="item21" out-name="item11" type="link" linked-workflow-id="edb09c46-fd03-405a-b1a5-948eb9b887e3">
910 <display-name>disable_and_untag_tsduser</display-name>
912 <in-binding>
913 <bind name="user" type="AD:User" export-name="user">
914 <description>User to disable</description>
915 </bind>
916 </in-binding>
918 <out-binding/>
920 <description>
921Disable tsduser, so its unusable when not used by a Orchestrator flow.
922Also untaggs the get_ad_passwd flow, freeing it for use for other objects
923 </description>
925 <position x="644.5" y="209.95454545454544"/>
926 </workflow-item>
928 <workflow-item name="item22" out-name="item7" type="link" linked-workflow-id="edb09c46-fd03-405a-b1a5-948eb9b887e3">
929 <display-name>disable_and_untag_tsduser</display-name>
931 <in-binding>
932 <bind name="user" type="AD:User" export-name="user">
933 <description>User to disable</description>
934 </bind>
935 </in-binding>
937 <out-binding/>
939 <description>
940Disable tsduser, so its unusable when not used by a Orchestrator flow.
941Also untaggs the get_ad_passwd flow, freeing it for use for other objects
942 </description>
944 <position x="584.5" y="300.8636363636363"/>
945 </workflow-item>
947 <workflow-item name="item29" out-name="item2" type="link" linked-workflow-id="6ba8217c-e631-4bfb-80fc-16cec2e5c369">
948 <display-name>get_ad_computer</display-name>
950 <in-binding>
951 <bind name="computername" type="string" export-name="ADcomputer"/>
952 </in-binding>
954 <out-binding>
955 <bind name="ou" type="string" export-name="ou"/>
956 </out-binding>
958 <position x="364.5" y="128.13636363636363"/>
959 </workflow-item>
961 <workflow-item name="item30" prototype-id="increase-counter" out-name="item32" content-mode="x" type="task">
962 <display-name>Increase counter</display-name>
964 <script encoded="false">
965//Auto-generated script
966counter = counter+1;
967 </script>
969 <in-binding>
970 <bind name="counter" type="number" export-name="counter">
971 <description>counter to increment</description>
972 </bind>
973 </in-binding>
975 <out-binding>
976 <bind name="counter" type="number" export-name="counter">
977 <description>counter incremented</description>
978 </bind>
979 </out-binding>
981 <description>Increment a counter by one</description>
983 <position x="484.5" y="155.4090909090909"/>
984 </workflow-item>
986 <workflow-item name="item31" out-name="item30" type="condition" alt-out-name="item21" comparator="0">
987 <display-name>Decision</display-name>
989 <script encoded="false">
990//Generated by the system, cannot be edited
991return (counter &lt;= 10.0) ;
992 </script>
994 <in-binding>
995 <bind name="counter" type="number" export-name="counter"/>
996 </in-binding>
997 <condition name="counter" type="number" comparator="6" label="null">10.0</condition>
999 <position x="524.5" y="199.95454545454544"/>
1000 </workflow-item>
1002 <workflow-item name="item32" out-name="item1" type="condition" alt-out-name="item29" comparator="0">
1003 <display-name>Decision</display-name>
1005 <script encoded="false">
1006//Generated by the system, cannot be edited
1007return (ou != null) ;
1008 </script>
1010 <in-binding>
1011 <bind name="ou" type="string" export-name="ou"/>
1012 </in-binding>
1013 <condition name="ou" type="string" comparator="3" label="null"/>
1015 <position x="504.5" y="72.68181818181817"/>
1016 </workflow-item>
1018 <workflow-item name="item33" out-name="item14" type="link" linked-workflow-id="1f0fc470-006c-4c15-a3b9-95e2e7540f22">
1019 <display-name>global_parameters</display-name>
1021 <in-binding/>
1023 <out-binding>
1024 <bind name="mailto" type="string"/>
1025 <bind name="smtp_server" type="string"/>
1026 <bind name="smtp_port" type="string"/>
1027 <bind name="database" type="SQL:Database"/>
1028 <bind name="vmPassword" type="SecureString"/>
1029 <bind name="ou" type="string" export-name="ou"/>
1030 <bind name="ad_domain_user" type="string" export-name="ad_domain_user"/>
1031 <bind name="domain_name" type="string"/>
1032 <bind name="ad_controll" type="boolean"/>
1033 <bind name="ssh_shell_server" type="string"/>
1034 <bind name="manage_cpu_ram" type="boolean"/>
1035 </out-binding>
1037 <position x="404.5" y="19.045454545454543"/>
1038 </workflow-item>
1040 <workflow-item name="item34" type="end" end-mode="0">
1041 <position x="2044.5" y="181.77272727272725"/>
1042 </workflow-item>
1044 <workflow-item name="item36" out-name="item34" type="task" script-module="com.vmware.library.vc.vm.tools/vim3WaitDnsNameInTools">
1045 <display-name>vim3WaitDnsNameInTools</display-name>
1047 <script encoded="false">
1048//Auto generated script, cannot be modified !
1049System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.vm.tools").vim3WaitDnsNameInTools(vm,pollingRate,dnsNameToWait,timeout,addNumberToName) ;
1050 </script>
1052 <in-binding>
1053 <bind name="vm" type="VC:VirtualMachine" export-name="vm">
1054 <description>VM in which the action look to get the new DNS Name</description>
1055 </bind>
1056 <bind name="pollingRate" type="number" export-name="pollingRate">
1057 <description>Time between all request information on the tools [seconds]</description>
1058 </bind>
1059 <bind name="dnsNameToWait" type="string" export-name="fqdn">
1060 <description>Define a specific DNS name to wait for (either in compute.dunes.ch or compute form)</description>
1061 </bind>
1062 <bind name="timeout" type="number" export-name="timeout">
1063 <description>Timeout before throwing a timeout exception [minutes]</description>
1064 </bind>
1065 <bind name="addNumberToName" type="boolean" export-name="addNumberToName">
1066 <description>Specify if the DNS name has an automatically number added at end (not known at clone time)</description>
1067 </bind>
1068 </in-binding>
1070 <out-binding/>
1072 <description>
1073Wait for a given name in the DNS guest informations (VMware tools).
1076- Timeout: When timeout is reached
1077 </description>
1079 <position x="1864.5" y="191.77272727272725"/>
1080 </workflow-item>
1082 <workflow-item name="item37" prototype-id="sleep" out-name="item36" content-mode="x" type="task">
1083 <display-name>Sleep</display-name>
1085 <script encoded="false">
1086//Auto-generated script
1087if ( sleepTime != null ) {
1088 System.sleep(sleepTime*1000);
1090else {
1091 throw "'sleepTime' is NULL";
1093 </script>
1095 <in-binding>
1096 <bind name="sleepTime" type="number" export-name="sleep4boot">
1097 <description>Time to sleep in seconds</description>
1098 </bind>
1099 </in-binding>
1101 <out-binding/>
1103 <description>Sleep a given number of seconds</description>
1105 <position x="1664.5" y="191.77272727272725"/>
1106 </workflow-item>
1108 <presentation>
1109 <p-param name="vm">
1110 <desc>Virtual machine</desc>
1111 <p-qual kind="static" name="mandatory" type="boolean">true</p-qual>
1112 </p-param>
1113 <p-param name="windows_roles">
1114 <desc>Windows roles. Other workflow fetches roles from database</desc>
1115 </p-param>
1116 <p-param name="vlan_name">
1117 <desc>Vlan descriptive name</desc>
1118 </p-param>
1119 <p-param name="ad_domain_id">
1120 <desc>ad_domain_id</desc>
1121 </p-param>
1122 <p-param name="ad_domain_name">
1123 <desc>Domene navn</desc>
1124 </p-param>
1125 <p-param name="ipv6address">
1126 <desc>ipv6 ipaddresse</desc>
1127 </p-param>
1128 <p-param name="ipv6Prefixlen">
1129 <desc>ipv6 Netmaske</desc>
1130 </p-param>
1131 <p-param name="ipv6gateway">
1132 <desc>ipv6 gateway</desc>
1133 </p-param>
1134 <p-param name="ipv6dnsServerList">
1135 <desc>ipv6 dns server liste</desc>
1136 </p-param>
1137 <p-param name="vmPassword">
1138 <desc>Password for the virtual machine</desc>
1139 </p-param>
1140 </presentation>