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5\usepackage{lmodern} % using Latin Modern to be able to use bold typewriter font
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53\newcommand{\see}[1]{(see \myref{#1})}
55#2\\*\emph{How:} #3\\*[-7px]}
72\newcommand{\ExtractMethod}{\refa{Extract Method}\xspace}
73\newcommand{\MoveMethod}{\refa{Move Method}\xspace}
74\newcommand{\ExtractAndMoveMethod}{\refa{Extract and Move Method}\xspace}
78\newcommand\todoin[2][]{\todo[inline, caption={#2}, #1]{
81\title{Automated Composition of Refactorings}
82\subtitle{Composing the Extract and Move Method refactorings in Eclipse}
83\author{Erlend Kristiansen}
88 name=profiling,
89 description={is to run a computer program through a profiler/with a profiler
90 attached}
94 name=profiler,
95 description={A profiler is a program for analyzing performance within an
96 application. It is used to analyze memory consumption, processing time and
97frequency of procedure calls and such}
101 name={xUnit framework},
102 description={An xUnit framework is a framework for writing unit tests for a
103 computer program. It follows the patterns known from the JUnit framework for
104 Java\citing{fowlerXunit}
105 },
106 plural={xUnit frameworks}
110 name={software obfuscation},
111 description={makes source code harder to read and analyze, while preserving
112 its semantics}
116 name=\refa{Extract Class},
117 description={The \refa{Extract Class} refactoring works by creating a class,
118for then to move members from another class to that class and access them from
119the old class via a reference to the new class}
123 name={design pattern},
124 description={A design pattern is a named abstraction, that is meant to solve a
125 general design problem. It describes the key aspects of a common problem and
126identifies its participators and how they collaborate},
127 plural={design patterns}
131 name={enclosing class},
132 description={An enclosing class is the class that surrounds any specific piece
133 of code that is written in the inner scope of this class},
137% name=\refa{Extract Method},
138% description={The \refa{Extract Method} refactoring is used to extract a
139%fragment of code from its context and into a new method. A call to the new
140%method is inlined where the fragment was before. It is used to break code into
141%logical units, with names that explain their purpose}
145% name=\refa{Move Method},
146% description={The \refa{Move Method} refactoring is used to move a method from
147% one class to another. This is useful if the method is using more features of
148% another class than of the class which it is currently defined. Then all calls
149% to this method must be updated, or the method must be copied, with the old
150%method delegating to the new method}
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159 \inheritsavedanchors[from=rectangle] % this is nearly a rectangle
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161 \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{center}
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165 \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{east}
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167 \backgroundpath{% this is new
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169 \southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
170 \northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
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172 \pgf@xc=\pgf@xb \advance\pgf@xc by-10pt % this should be a parameter
173 \pgf@yc=\pgf@yb \advance\pgf@yc by-10pt
174 % construct main path
175 \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xa}{\pgf@ya}}
176 \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xa}{\pgf@yb}}
177 \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yb}}
178 \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xb}{\pgf@yc}}
179 \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xb}{\pgf@ya}}
180 \pgfpathclose
181 % add little corner
182 \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yb}}
183 \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yc}}
184 \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xb}{\pgf@yc}}
185 \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yc}}
186 }
191 draw,
192 drop shadow,
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197 minimum height=10mm,
198 shape=umlcomment,
199 inner sep=2ex,
200 font=\ttfamily,
212\todoin{\textbf{Remove all todos (including list) before delivery/printing!!!
213Can be done by removing ``draft'' from documentclass.}}
214\todoin{Write abstract}
222The discussions in this report must be seen in the context of object oriented
223programming languages, and Java in particular, since that is the language in
224which most of the examples will be given. All though the techniques discussed
225may be applicable to languages from other paradigms, they will not be the
226subject of this report.
230\chapter{What is Refactoring?}
232This question is best answered by first defining the concept of a
233\emph{refactoring}, what it is to \emph{refactor}, and then discuss what aspects
234of programming make people want to refactor their code.
236\section{Defining refactoring}
237Martin Fowler, in his classic book on refactoring\citing{refactoring}, defines a
238refactoring like this:
241 \emph{Refactoring} (noun): a change made to the internal
242 structure\footnote{The structure observable by the programmer.} of software to
243 make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its
244 observable behavior.~\cite[p.~53]{refactoring}
247\noindent This definition assigns additional meaning to the word
248\emph{refactoring}, beyond the composition of the prefix \emph{re-}, usually
249meaning something like ``again'' or ``anew'', and the word \emph{factoring},
250that can mean to isolate the \emph{factors} of something. Here a \emph{factor}
251would be close to the mathematical definition of something that divides a
252quantity, without leaving a remainder. Fowler is mixing the \emph{motivation}
253behind refactoring into his definition. Instead it could be more refined, formed
254to only consider the \emph{mechanical} and \emph{behavioral} aspects of
255refactoring. That is to factor the program again, putting it together in a
256different way than before, while preserving the behavior of the program. An
257alternative definition could then be:
259\definition{A \emph{refactoring} is a transformation
260done to a program without altering its external behavior.}
262From this we can conclude that a refactoring primarily changes how the
263\emph{code} of a program is perceived by the \emph{programmer}, and not the
264\emph{behavior} experienced by any user of the program. Although the logical
265meaning is preserved, such changes could potentially alter the program's
266behavior when it comes to performance gain or -penalties. So any logic depending
267on the performance of a program could make the program behave differently after
268a refactoring.
270In the extreme case one could argue that \gloss{softwareObfuscation} is
271refactoring. It is often used to protect proprietary software. It restrains
272uninvited viewers, so they have a hard time analyzing code that they are not
273supposed to know how works. This could be a problem when using a language that
274is possible to decompile, such as Java.
276Obfuscation could be done composing many, more or less randomly chosen,
277refactorings. Then the question arises whether it can be called a
278\emph{composite refactoring} or not \see{compositeRefactorings}? The answer is
279not obvious. First, there is no way to describe the mechanics of software
280obfuscation, because there are infinitely many ways to do that. Second,
281obfuscation can be thought of as \emph{one operation}: Either the code is
282obfuscated, or it is not. Third, it makes no sense to call software obfuscation
283\emph{a refactoring}, since it holds different meaning to different people.
285This last point is important, since one of the motivations behind defining
286different refactorings, is to establish a \emph{vocabulary} for software
287professionals to use when reasoning about and discussing programs, similar to
288the motivation behind \glosspl{designPattern}\citing{designPatterns}.
290So for describing \emph{software obfuscation}, it might be more appropriate to
291define what you do when performing it rather than precisely defining its
292mechanics in terms of other refactorings.
295\section{The etymology of 'refactoring'}
296It is a little difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of the word
297``refactoring'', as it seems to have evolved as part of a colloquial
298terminology, more than a scientific term. There is no authoritative source for a
299formal definition of it.
301According to Martin Fowler\citing{etymology-refactoring}, there may also be more
302than one origin of the word. The most well-known source, when it comes to the
303origin of \emph{refactoring}, is the
304Smalltalk\footnote{\label{footNote}Programming language} community and their
305infamous \name{Refactoring
307described in the article \tit{A Refactoring Tool for
308Smalltalk}\citing{refactoringBrowser1997}, published in 1997.
309Allegedly\citing{etymology-refactoring}, the metaphor of factoring programs was
310also present in the Forth\textsuperscript{\ref{footNote}} community, and the
311word ``refactoring'' is mentioned in a book by Leo Brodie, called \tit{Thinking
312Forth}\citing{brodie2004}, first published in 1984\footnote{\tit{Thinking Forth}
313was first published in 1984 by the \name{Forth Interest Group}. Then it was
314reprinted in 1994 with minor typographical corrections, before it was
315transcribed into an electronic edition typeset in \LaTeX\ and published under a
316Creative Commons licence in
3172004. The edition cited here is the 2004 edition, but the content should
318essentially be as in 1984.}. The exact word is only printed one
319place~\cite[p.~232]{brodie2004}, but the term \emph{factoring} is prominent in
320the book, that also contains a whole chapter dedicated to (re)factoring, and how
321to keep the (Forth) code clean and maintainable.
324 \ldots good factoring technique is perhaps the most important skill for a
325 Forth programmer.~\cite[p.~172]{brodie2004}
328\noindent Brodie also express what \emph{factoring} means to him:
331 Factoring means organizing code into useful fragments. To make a fragment
332 useful, you often must separate reusable parts from non-reusable parts. The
333 reusable parts become new definitions. The non-reusable parts become arguments
334 or parameters to the definitions.~\cite[p.~172]{brodie2004}
337Fowler claims that the usage of the word \emph{refactoring} did not pass between
338the \name{Forth} and \name{Smalltalk} communities, but that it emerged
339independently in each of the communities.
341\section{Motivation -- Why people refactor}
342There are many reasons why people want to refactor their programs. They can for
343instance do it to remove duplication, break up long methods or to introduce
344design patterns into their software systems. The shared trait for all these are
345that peoples' intentions are to make their programs \emph{better}, in some
346sense. But what aspects of their programs are becoming improved?
348As just mentioned, people often refactor to get rid of duplication. They are
349moving identical or similar code into methods, and are pushing methods up or
350down in their class hierarchies. They are making template methods for
351overlapping algorithms/functionality, and so on. It is all about gathering what
352belongs together and putting it all in one place. The resulting code is then
353easier to maintain. When removing the implicit coupling\footnote{When
354 duplicating code, the duplicate pieces of code might not be coupled, apart
355from representing the same functionality. So if this functionality is going to
356change, it might need to change in more than one place, thus creating an
357implicit coupling between multiple pieces of code.} between code snippets, the
358location of a bug is limited to only one place, and new functionality need only
359to be added to this one place, instead of a number of places people might not
360even remember.
362A problem you often encounter when programming, is that a program contains a lot
363of long and hard-to-grasp methods. It can then help to break the methods into
364smaller ones, using the \ExtractMethod refactoring\citing{refactoring}. Then
365you may discover something about a program that you were not aware of before;
366revealing bugs you did not know about or could not find due to the complex
367structure of your program. \todo{Proof?} Making the methods smaller and giving
368good names to the new ones clarifies the algorithms and enhances the
369\emph{understandability} of the program \see{magic_number_seven}. This makes
370refactoring an excellent method for exploring unknown program code, or code that
371you had forgotten that you wrote.
373Most primitive refactorings are simple, and usually involves moving code
374around\citing{kerievsky2005}. The motivation behind them may first be revealed
375when they are combined into larger --- higher level --- refactorings, called
376\emph{composite refactorings} \see{compositeRefactorings}. Often the goal of
377such a series of refactorings is a design pattern. Thus the design can
378\emph{evolve} throughout the lifetime of a program, as opposed to designing
379up-front. It is all about being structured and taking small steps to improve a
380program's design.
382Many software design pattern are aimed at lowering the coupling between
383different classes and different layers of logic. One of the most famous is
384perhaps the \pattern{Model-View-Controller}\citing{designPatterns} pattern. It
385is aimed at lowering the coupling between the user interface, the business logic
386and the data representation of a program. This also has the added benefit that
387the business logic could much easier be the target of automated tests, thus
388increasing the productivity in the software development process.
390Another effect of refactoring is that with the increased separation of concerns
391coming out of many refactorings, the \emph{performance} can be improved. When
392profiling programs, the problematic parts are narrowed down to smaller parts of
393the code, which are easier to tune, and optimization can be performed only where
394needed and in a more effective way\citing{refactoring}.
396Last, but not least, and this should probably be the best reason to refactor, is
397to refactor to \emph{facilitate a program change}. If one has managed to keep
398one's code clean and tidy, and the code is not bloated with design patterns that
399are not ever going to be needed, then some refactoring might be needed to
400introduce a design pattern that is appropriate for the change that is going to
403Refactoring program code --- with a goal in mind --- can give the code itself
404more value. That is in the form of robustness to bugs, understandability and
405maintainability. Having robust code is an obvious advantage, but
406understandability and maintainability are both very important aspects of
407software development. By incorporating refactoring in the development process,
408bugs are found faster, new functionality is added more easily and code is easier
409to understand by the next person exposed to it, which might as well be the
410person who wrote it. The consequence of this, is that refactoring can increase
411the average productivity of the development process, and thus also add to the
412monetary value of a business in the long run. The perspective on productivity
413and money should also be able to open the eyes of the many nearsighted managers
414that seldom see beyond the next milestone.
416\section{The magical number seven}\label{magic_number_seven}
417The article \tit{The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our
418capacity for processing information}\citing{miller1956} by George A. Miller,
419was published in the journal \name{Psychological Review} in 1956. It presents
420evidence that support that the capacity of the number of objects a human being
421can hold in its working memory is roughly seven, plus or minus two objects. This
422number varies a bit depending on the nature and complexity of the objects, but
423is according to Miller ``\ldots never changing so much as to be
426Miller's article culminates in the section called \emph{Recoding}, a term he
427borrows from communication theory. The central result in this section is that by
428recoding information, the capacity of the amount of information that a human can
429process at a time is increased. By \emph{recoding}, Miller means to group
430objects together in chunks, and give each chunk a new name that it can be
431remembered by.
434 \ldots recoding is an extremely powerful weapon for increasing the amount of
435 information that we can deal with.~\cite[p.~95]{miller1956}
438By organizing objects into patterns of ever growing depth, one can memorize and
439process a much larger amount of data than if it were to be represented as its
440basic pieces. This grouping and renaming is analogous to how many refactorings
441work, by grouping pieces of code and give them a new name. Examples are the
442fundamental \ExtractMethod and \refa{Extract Class}
445An example from the article addresses the problem of memorizing a sequence of
446binary digits. The example presented here is a slightly modified version of the
447one presented in the original article\citing{miller1956}, but it preserves the
448essence of it. Let us say we have the following sequence of
44916 binary digits: ``1010001001110011''. Most of us will have a hard time
450memorizing this sequence by only reading it once or twice. Imagine if we instead
451translate it to this sequence: ``A273''. If you have a background from computer
452science, it will be obvious that the latter sequence is the first sequence
453recoded to be represented by digits in base 16. Most people should be able to
454memorize this last sequence by only looking at it once.
456Another result from the Miller article is that when the amount of information a
457human must interpret increases, it is crucial that the translation from one code
458to another must be almost automatic for the subject to be able to remember the
459translation, before \heshe is presented with new information to recode. Thus
460learning and understanding how to best organize certain kinds of data is
461essential to efficiently handle that kind of data in the future. This is much
462like when humans learn to read. First they must learn how to recognize letters.
463Then they can learn distinct words, and later read sequences of words that form
464whole sentences. Eventually, most of them will be able to read whole books and
465briefly retell the important parts of its content. This suggest that the use of
466design patterns is a good idea when reasoning about computer programs. With
467extensive use of design patterns when creating complex program structures, one
468does not always have to read whole classes of code to comprehend how they
469function, it may be sufficient to only see the name of a class to almost fully
470understand its responsibilities.
473 Our language is tremendously useful for repackaging material into a few chunks
474 rich in information.~\cite[p.~95]{miller1956}
477Without further evidence, these results at least indicate that refactoring
478source code into smaller units with higher cohesion and, when needed,
479introducing appropriate design patterns, should aid in the cause of creating
480computer programs that are easier to maintain and have code that is easier (and
481better) understood.
483\section{Notable contributions to the refactoring literature}
484\todoin{Thinking Forth?}
487 \item[1992] William F. Opdyke submits his doctoral dissertation called
488 \tit{Refactoring Object-Oriented Frameworks}\citing{opdyke1992}. This work
489 defines a set of refactorings, that are behavior preserving given that their
490 preconditions are met. The dissertation is focused on the automation of
491 refactorings.
492 \item[1999] Martin Fowler et al.: \tit{Refactoring: Improving the Design of
493 Existing Code}\citing{refactoring}. This is maybe the most influential text
494 on refactoring. It bares similarities with Opdykes thesis\citing{opdyke1992}
495 in the way that it provides a catalog of refactorings. But Fowler's book is
496 more about the craft of refactoring, as he focuses on establishing a
497 vocabulary for refactoring, together with the mechanics of different
498 refactorings and when to perform them. His methodology is also founded on
499 the principles of test-driven development.
500 \item[2005] Joshua Kerievsky: \tit{Refactoring to
501 Patterns}\citing{kerievsky2005}. This book is heavily influenced by Fowler's
502 \tit{Refactoring}\citing{refactoring} and the ``Gang of Four'' \tit{Design
503 Patterns}\citing{designPatterns}. It is building on the refactoring
504 catalogue from Fowler's book, but is trying to bridge the gap between
505 \emph{refactoring} and \emph{design patterns} by providing a series of
506 higher-level composite refactorings, that makes code evolve toward or away
507 from certain design patterns. The book is trying to build up the reader's
508 intuition around \emph{why} one would want to use a particular design
509 pattern, and not just \emph{how}. The book is encouraging evolutionary
510 design \see{relationToDesignPatterns}.
513\section{Tool support (for Java)}\label{toolSupport}
514This section will briefly compare the refactoring support of the three IDEs
515\name{Eclipse}\footnote{\url{http://www.eclipse.org/}}, \name{IntelliJ
516IDEA}\footnote{The IDE under comparison is the \name{Community Edition},
517\url{http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/}} and
518\name{NetBeans}\footnote{\url{https://netbeans.org/}}. These are the most
519popular Java IDEs\citing{javaReport2011}.
521All three IDEs provide support for the most useful refactorings, like the
522different extract, move and rename refactorings. In fact, Java-targeted IDEs are
523known for their good refactoring support, so this did not appear as a big
526The IDEs seem to have excellent support for the \ExtractMethod refactoring, so
527at least they have all passed the first ``refactoring
530Regarding the \MoveMethod refactoring, the \name{Eclipse} and \name{IntelliJ}
531IDEs do the job in very similar manners. In most situations they both do a
532satisfying job by producing the expected outcome. But they do nothing to check
533that the result does not break the semantics of the program \see{correctness}.
534The \name{NetBeans} IDE implements this refactoring in a somewhat
535unsophisticated way. For starters, the refactoring's default destination for the
536move, is the same class as the method already resides in, although it refuses to
537perform the refactoring if chosen. But the worst part is, that if moving the
538method \method{f} of the class \type{C} to the class \type{X}, it will break the
539code. The result is shown in \myref{lst:moveMethod_NetBeans}.
544public class C {
545 private X x;
546 ...
547 public void f() {
548 x.m();
549 x.n();
550 }
557public class X {
558 ...
559 public void f(C c) {
560 c.x.m();
561 c.x.n();
562 }
566\caption{Moving method \method{f} from \type{C} to \type{X}.}
570\name{NetBeans} will try to create code that call the methods \method{m} and \method{n}
571of \type{X} by accessing them through \var{c.x}, where \var{c} is a parameter of
572type \type{C} that is added the method \method{f} when it is moved. (This is
573seldom the desired outcome of this refactoring, but ironically, this ``feature''
574keeps \name{NetBeans} from breaking the code in the example from \myref{correctness}.)
575If \var{c.x} for some reason is inaccessible to \type{X}, as in this case, the
576refactoring breaks the code, and it will not compile. \name{NetBeans} presents a
577preview of the refactoring outcome, but the preview does not catch it if the IDE
578is about break the program.
580The IDEs under investigation seem to have fairly good support for primitive
581refactorings, but what about more complex ones, such as
582\gloss{extractClass}\citing{refactoring}? \name{IntelliJ} handles this in a
583fairly good manner, although, in the case of private methods, it leaves unused
584methods behind. These are methods that delegate to a field with the type of the
585new class, but are not used anywhere. \name{Eclipse} has added its own quirk to
586the \refa{Extract Class} refactoring, and only allows for \emph{fields} to be
587moved to a new class, \emph{not methods}. This makes it effectively only
588extracting a data structure, and calling it \refa{Extract Class} is a little
589misleading. One would often be better off with textual extract and paste than
590using the \refa{Extract Class} refactoring in \name{Eclipse}. When it comes to
591\name{NetBeans}, it does not even show an attempt on providing this refactoring.
593\section{The relation to design patterns}\label{relationToDesignPatterns}
595Refactoring and design patterns have at least one thing in common, they are both
596promoted by advocates of \emph{clean code}\citing{cleanCode} as fundamental
597tools on the road to more maintainable and extendable source code.
600 Design patterns help you determine how to reorganize a design, and they can
601 reduce the amount of refactoring you need to do
602 later.~\cite[p.~353]{designPatterns}
605Although sometimes associated with
606over-engineering\citing{kerievsky2005,refactoring}, design patterns are in
607general assumed to be good for maintainability of source code. That may be
608because many of them are designed to support the \emph{open/closed principle} of
609object-oriented programming. The principle was first formulated by Bertrand
610Meyer, the creator of the Eiffel programming language, like this: ``Modules
611should be both open and closed.''\citing{meyer1988} It has been popularized,
612with this as a common version:
615 Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for
616 extension, but closed for modification.\footnote{See
617 \url{http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?OpenClosedPrinciple} or
618 \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open/closed_principle}}
621Maintainability is often thought of as the ability to be able to introduce new
622functionality without having to change too much of the old code. When
623refactoring, the motivation is often to facilitate adding new functionality. It
624is about factoring the old code in a way that makes the new functionality being
625able to benefit from the functionality already residing in a software system,
626without having to copy old code into new. Then, next time someone shall add new
627functionality, it is less likely that the old code has to change. Assuming that
628a design pattern is the best way to get rid of duplication and assist in
629implementing new functionality, it is reasonable to conclude that a design
630pattern often is the target of a series of refactorings. Having a repertoire of
631design patterns can also help in knowing when and how to refactor a program to
632make it reflect certain desired characteristics.
635 There is a natural relation between patterns and refactorings. Patterns are
636 where you want to be; refactorings are ways to get there from somewhere
637 else.~\cite[p.~107]{refactoring}
640This quote is wise in many contexts, but it is not always appropriate to say
641``Patterns are where you want to be\ldots''. \emph{Sometimes}, patterns are
642where you want to be, but only because it will benefit your design. It is not
643true that one should always try to incorporate as many design patterns as
644possible into a program. It is not like they have intrinsic value. They only add
645value to a system when they support its design. Otherwise, the use of design
646patterns may only lead to a program that is more complex than necessary.
649 The overuse of patterns tends to result from being patterns happy. We are
650 \emph{patterns happy} when we become so enamored of patterns that we simply
651 must use them in our code.~\cite[p.~24]{kerievsky2005}
654This can easily happen when relying largely on up-front design. Then it is
655natural, in the very beginning, to try to build in all the flexibility that one
656believes will be necessary throughout the lifetime of a software system.
657According to Joshua Kerievsky ``That sounds reasonable --- if you happen to be
658psychic.''~\cite[p.~1]{kerievsky2005} He is advocating what he believes is a
659better approach: To let software continually evolve. To start with a simple
660design that meets today's needs, and tackle future needs by refactoring to
661satisfy them. He believes that this is a more economic approach than investing
662time and money into a design that inevitably is going to change. By relying on
663continuously refactoring a system, its design can be made simpler without
664sacrificing flexibility. To be able to fully rely on this approach, it is of
665utter importance to have a reliable suit of tests to lean on \see{testing}. This
666makes the design process more natural and less characterized by difficult
667decisions that has to be made before proceeding in the process, and that is
668going to define a project for all of its unforeseeable future.
672\section{Classification of refactorings}
673% only interesting refactorings
674% with 2 detailed examples? One for structured and one for intra-method?
675% Is replacing Bubblesort with Quick Sort considered a refactoring?
677\subsection{Structural refactorings}
679\subsubsection{Primitive refactorings}
681% Composing Methods
682\explanation{Extract Method}{You have a code fragment that can be grouped
683together.}{Turn the fragment into a method whose name explains the purpose of
684the method.}
686\explanation{Inline Method}{A method's body is just as clear as its name.}{Put
687the method's body into the body of its callers and remove the method.}
689\explanation{Inline Temp}{You have a temp that is assigned to once with a simple
690expression, and the temp is getting in the way of other refactorings.}{Replace
691all references to that temp with the expression}
693% Moving Features Between Objects
694\explanation{Move Method}{A method is, or will be, using or used by more
695features of another class than the class on which it is defined.}{Create a new
696method with a similar body in the class it uses most. Either turn the old method
697into a simple delegation, or remove it altogether.}
699\explanation{Move Field}{A field is, or will be, used by another class more than
700the class on which it is defined}{Create a new field in the target class, and
701change all its users.}
703% Organizing Data
704\explanation{Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant}{You have a literal
705number with a particular meaning.}{Create a constant, name it after the meaning,
706and replace the number with it.}
708\explanation{Encapsulate Field}{There is a public field.}{Make it private and
709provide accessors.}
711\explanation{Replace Type Code with Class}{A class has a numeric type code that
712does not affect its behavior.}{Replace the number with a new class.}
714\explanation{Replace Type Code with Subclasses}{You have an immutable type code
715that affects the behavior of a class.}{Replace the type code with subclasses.}
717\explanation{Replace Type Code with State/Strategy}{You have a type code that
718affects the behavior of a class, but you cannot use subclassing.}{Replace the
719type code with a state object.}
721% Simplifying Conditional Expressions
722\explanation{Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments}{The same fragment of
723code is in all branches of a conditional expression.}{Move it outside of the
726\explanation{Remove Control Flag}{You have a variable that is acting as a
727control flag fro a series of boolean expressions.}{Use a break or return
730\explanation{Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses}{A method has
731conditional behavior that does not make clear the normal path of
732execution.}{Use guard clauses for all special cases.}
734\explanation{Introduce Null Object}{You have repeated checks for a null
735value.}{Replace the null value with a null object.}
737\explanation{Introduce Assertion}{A section of code assumes something about the
738state of the program.}{Make the assumption explicit with an assertion.}
740% Making Method Calls Simpler
741\explanation{Rename Method}{The name of a method does not reveal its
742purpose.}{Change the name of the method}
744\explanation{Add Parameter}{A method needs more information from its
745caller.}{Add a parameter for an object that can pass on this information.}
747\explanation{Remove Parameter}{A parameter is no longer used by the method
748body.}{Remove it.}
750%\explanation{Parameterize Method}{Several methods do similar things but with
751%different values contained in the method.}{Create one method that uses a
752%parameter for the different values.}
754\explanation{Preserve Whole Object}{You are getting several values from an
755object and passing these values as parameters in a method call.}{Send the whole
756object instead.}
758\explanation{Remove Setting Method}{A field should be set at creation time and
759never altered.}{Remove any setting method for that field.}
761\explanation{Hide Method}{A method is not used by any other class.}{Make the
762method private.}
764\explanation{Replace Constructor with Factory Method}{You want to do more than
765simple construction when you create an object}{Replace the constructor with a
766factory method.}
768% Dealing with Generalization
769\explanation{Pull Up Field}{Two subclasses have the same field.}{Move the field
770to the superclass.}
772\explanation{Pull Up Method}{You have methods with identical results on
773subclasses.}{Move them to the superclass.}
775\explanation{Push Down Method}{Behavior on a superclass is relevant only for
776some of its subclasses.}{Move it to those subclasses.}
778\explanation{Push Down Field}{A field is used only by some subclasses.}{Move the
779field to those subclasses}
781\explanation{Extract Interface}{Several clients use the same subset of a class's
782interface, or two classes have part of their interfaces in common.}{Extract the
783subset into an interface.}
785\explanation{Replace Inheritance with Delegation}{A subclass uses only part of a
786superclasses interface or does not want to inherit data.}{Create a field for the
787superclass, adjust methods to delegate to the superclass, and remove the
790\explanation{Replace Delegation with Inheritance}{You're using delegation and
791are often writing many simple delegations for the entire interface}{Make the
792delegating class a subclass of the delegate.}
794\subsubsection{Composite refactorings}
796% Composing Methods
797% \explanation{Replace Method with Method Object}{}{}
799% Moving Features Between Objects
800\explanation{Extract Class}{You have one class doing work that should be done by
801two}{Create a new class and move the relevant fields and methods from the old
802class into the new class.}
804\explanation{Inline Class}{A class isn't doing very much.}{Move all its features
805into another class and delete it.}
807\explanation{Hide Delegate}{A client is calling a delegate class of an
808object.}{Create Methods on the server to hide the delegate.}
810\explanation{Remove Middle Man}{A class is doing to much simple delegation.}{Get
811the client to call the delegate directly.}
813% Organizing Data
814\explanation{Replace Data Value with Object}{You have a data item that needs
815additional data or behavior.}{Turn the data item into an object.}
817\explanation{Change Value to Reference}{You have a class with many equal
818instances that you want to replace with a single object.}{Turn the object into a
819reference object.}
821\explanation{Encapsulate Collection}{A method returns a collection}{Make it
822return a read-only view and provide add/remove methods.}
824% \explanation{Replace Array with Object}{}{}
826\explanation{Replace Subclass with Fields}{You have subclasses that vary only in
827methods that return constant data.}{Change the methods to superclass fields and
828eliminate the subclasses.}
830% Simplifying Conditional Expressions
831\explanation{Decompose Conditional}{You have a complicated conditional
832(if-then-else) statement.}{Extract methods from the condition, then part, an
833else part.}
835\explanation{Consolidate Conditional Expression}{You have a sequence of
836conditional tests with the same result.}{Combine them into a single conditional
837expression and extract it.}
839\explanation{Replace Conditional with Polymorphism}{You have a conditional that
840chooses different behavior depending on the type of an object.}{Move each leg
841of the conditional to an overriding method in a subclass. Make the original
842method abstract.}
844% Making Method Calls Simpler
845\explanation{Replace Parameter with Method}{An object invokes a method, then
846passes the result as a parameter for a method. The receiver can also invoke this
847method.}{Remove the parameter and let the receiver invoke the method.}
849\explanation{Introduce Parameter Object}{You have a group of parameters that
850naturally go together.}{Replace them with an object.}
852% Dealing with Generalization
853\explanation{Extract Subclass}{A class has features that are used only in some
854instances.}{Create a subclass for that subset of features.}
856\explanation{Extract Superclass}{You have two classes with similar
857features.}{Create a superclass and move the common features to the
860\explanation{Collapse Hierarchy}{A superclass and subclass are not very
861different.}{Merge them together.}
863\explanation{Form Template Method}{You have two methods in subclasses that
864perform similar steps in the same order, yet the steps are different.}{Get the
865steps into methods with the same signature, so that the original methods become
866the same. Then you can pull them up.}
869\subsection{Functional refactorings}
871\explanation{Substitute Algorithm}{You want to replace an algorithm with one
872that is clearer.}{Replace the body of the method with the new algorithm.}
876\section{The impact on software quality}
878\subsection{What is software quality?}
879The term \emph{software quality} has many meanings. It all depends on the
880context we put it in. If we look at it with the eyes of a software developer, it
881usually means that the software is easily maintainable and testable, or in other
882words, that it is \emph{well designed}. This often correlates with the
883management scale, where \emph{keeping the schedule} and \emph{customer
884satisfaction} is at the center. From the customers point of view, in addition to
885good usability, \emph{performance} and \emph{lack of bugs} is always
886appreciated, measurements that are also shared by the software developer. (In
887addition, such things as good documentation could be measured, but this is out
888of the scope of this document.)
890\subsection{The impact on performance}
892 Refactoring certainly will make software go more slowly\footnote{With todays
893 compiler optimization techniques and performance tuning of e.g. the Java
894virtual machine, the penalties of object creation and method calls are
895debatable.}, but it also makes the software more amenable to performance
899\noindent There is a common belief that refactoring compromises performance, due
900to increased degree of indirection and that polymorphism is slower than
903In a survey, Demeyer\citing{demeyer2002} disproves this view in the case of
904polymorphism. He did an experiment on, what he calls, ``Transform Self Type
905Checks'' where you introduce a new polymorphic method and a new class hierarchy
906to get rid of a class' type checking of a ``type attribute``. He uses this kind
907of transformation to represent other ways of replacing conditionals with
908polymorphism as well. The experiment is performed on the C++ programming
909language and with three different compilers and platforms. Demeyer concludes
910that, with compiler optimization turned on, polymorphism beats middle to large
911sized if-statements and does as well as case-statements. (In accordance with
912his hypothesis, due to similarities between the way C++ handles polymorphism and
916 The interesting thing about performance is that if you analyze most programs,
917 you find that they waste most of their time in a small fraction of the
918 code.~\cite[p.~70]{refactoring}
921\noindent So, although an increased amount of method calls could potentially
922slow down programs, one should avoid premature optimization and sacrificing good
923design, leaving the performance tuning until after \gloss{profiling} the
924software and having isolated the actual problem areas.
926\section{Composite refactorings}\label{compositeRefactorings}
927\todo{motivation, examples, manual vs automated?, what about refactoring in a
928very large code base?}
929Generally, when thinking about refactoring, at the mechanical level, there are
930essentially two kinds of refactorings. There are the \emph{primitive}
931refactorings, and the \emph{composite} refactorings.
933\definition{A \emph{primitive refactoring} is a refactoring that cannot be
934expressed in terms of other refactorings.}
936\noindent Examples are the \refa{Pull Up Field} and \refa{Pull Up
937Method} refactorings\citing{refactoring}, that move members up in their class
940\definition{A \emph{composite refactoring} is a refactoring that can be
941expressed in terms of two or more other refactorings.}
943\noindent An example of a composite refactoring is the \refa{Extract
944Superclass} refactoring\citing{refactoring}. In its simplest form, it is composed
945of the previously described primitive refactorings, in addition to the
946\refa{Pull Up Constructor Body} refactoring\citing{refactoring}. It works
947by creating an abstract superclass that the target class(es) inherits from, then
948by applying \refa{Pull Up Field}, \refa{Pull Up Method} and
949\refa{Pull Up Constructor Body} on the members that are to be members of
950the new superclass. If there are multiple classes in play, their interfaces may
951need to be united with the help of some rename refactorings, before extracting
952the superclass. For an overview of the \refa{Extract Superclass}
953refactoring, see \myref{fig:extractSuperclass}.
956 \centering
957 \includegraphics[angle=270,width=\linewidth]{extractSuperclassItalic.pdf}
958 \caption{The Extract Superclass refactoring, with united interfaces.}
959 \label{fig:extractSuperclass}
962\section{Manual vs. automated refactorings}
963Refactoring is something every programmer does, even if \heshe does not known
964the term \emph{refactoring}. Every refinement of source code that does not alter
965the program's behavior is a refactoring. For small refactorings, such as
966\ExtractMethod, executing it manually is a manageable task, but is still prone
967to errors. Getting it right the first time is not easy, considering the method
968signature and all the other aspects of the refactoring that has to be in place.
970Consider the renaming of classes, methods and fields. For complex programs these
971refactorings are almost impossible to get right. Attacking them with textual
972search and replace, or even regular expressions, will fall short on these tasks.
973Then it is crucial to have proper tool support that can perform them
974automatically. Tools that can parse source code and thus have semantic knowledge
975about which occurrences of which names belong to what construct in the program.
976For even trying to perform one of these complex task manually, one would have to
977be very confident on the existing test suite \see{testing}.
979\section{Correctness of refactorings}\label{correctness}
980For automated refactorings to be truly useful, they must show a high degree of
981behavior preservation. This last sentence might seem obvious, but there are
982examples of refactorings in existing tools that break programs. In an ideal
983world, every automated refactoring would be ``complete'', in the sense that it
984would never break a program. In an ideal world, every program would also be free
985from bugs. In modern IDEs the implemented automated refactorings are working for
986\emph{most} cases, that is enough for making them useful.
988I will now present an example of a \emph{corner case} where a program breaks
989when a refactoring is applied. The example shows an \ExtractMethod refactoring
990followed by a \MoveMethod refactoring that breaks a program in both the
991\name{Eclipse} and \name{IntelliJ} IDEs\footnote{The \name{NetBeans} IDE handles this
992 particular situation without altering the program's behavior, mainly because
993 its \refa{Move Method} refactoring implementation is a bit flawed in other ways
994 \see{toolSupport}.}. The target and the destination for the composed
995 refactoring is shown in \myref{lst:correctnessExtractAndMove}. Note that the
996 method \method{m(C c)} of class \type{X} assigns to the field \var{x} of the
997 argument \var{c} that has type \type{C}.
1002// Refactoring target
1003public class C {
1004 public X x = new X();
1006 public void f() {
1007 x.m(this);
1008 // Not the same x
1009 x.n();
1010 }
1017// Method destination
1018public class X {
1019 public void m(C c) {
1020 c.x = new X();
1021 // If m is called from
1022 // c, then c.x no longer
1023 // equals 'this'
1024 }
1025 public void n() {}
1029\caption{The target and the destination for the composition of the Extract
1030Method and \refa{Move Method} refactorings.}
1035The refactoring sequence works by extracting line 6 through 8 from the original
1036class \type{C} into a method \method{f} with the statements from those lines as
1037its method body (but with the comment left out, since it will no longer hold any
1038meaning). The method is then moved to the class \type{X}. The result is shown
1039in \myref{lst:correctnessExtractAndMoveResult}.
1041Before the refactoring, the methods \method{m} and \method{n} of class \type{X}
1042are called on different object instances (see line 6 and 8 of the original class
1043\type{C} in \cref{lst:correctnessExtractAndMove}). After the refactoring, they
1044are called on the same object, and the statement on line
10453 of class \type{X} (in \cref{lst:correctnessExtractAndMoveResult}) no longer
1046 has the desired effect in our example. The method \method{f} of class \type{C}
1047 is now calling the method \method{f} of class \type{X} (see line 5 of class
1048 \type{C} in \cref{lst:correctnessExtractAndMoveResult}), and the program now
1049 behaves different than before.
1054public class C {
1055 public X x = new X();
1057 public void f() {
1058 x.f(this);
1059 }
1066public class X {
1067 public void m(C c) {
1068 c.x = new X();
1069 }
1070 public void n() {}
1071 // Extracted and
1072 // moved method
1073 public void f(C c) {
1074 m(c);
1075 n();
1076 }
1080\caption{The result of the composed refactoring.}
1084The bug introduced in the previous example is of such a nature\footnote{Caused
1085 by aliasing. See \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing_(computing)}}
1086 that it is very difficult to spot if the refactored code is not covered by
1087 tests. It does not generate compilation errors, and will thus only result in
1088 a runtime error or corrupted data, which might be hard to detect.
1090\section{Refactoring and the importance of testing}\label{testing}
1092 If you want to refactor, the essential precondition is having solid
1093 tests.\citing{refactoring}
1096When refactoring, there are roughly three classes of errors that can be made.
1097The first class of errors are the ones that make the code unable to compile.
1098These \emph{compile-time} errors are of the nicer kind. They flash up at the
1099moment they are made (at least when using an IDE), and are usually easy to fix.
1100The second class are the \emph{runtime} errors. Although they take a bit longer
1101to surface, they usually manifest after some time in an illegal argument
1102exception, null pointer exception or similar during the program execution.
1103These kind of errors are a bit harder to handle, but at least they will show,
1104eventually. Then there are the \emph{behavior-changing} errors. These errors are
1105of the worst kind. They do not show up during compilation and they do not turn
1106on a blinking red light during runtime either. The program can seem to work
1107perfectly fine with them in play, but the business logic can be damaged in ways
1108that will only show up over time.
1110For discovering runtime errors and behavior changes when refactoring, it is
1111essential to have good test coverage. Testing in this context means writing
1112automated tests. Manual testing may have its uses, but when refactoring, it is
1113automated unit testing that dominate. For discovering behavior changes it is
1114especially important to have tests that cover potential problems, since these
1115kind of errors does not reveal themselves.
1117Unit testing is not a way to \emph{prove} that a program is correct, but it is a
1118way to make you confident that it \emph{probably} works as desired. In the
1119context of test-driven development (commonly known as TDD), the tests are even a
1120way to define how the program is \emph{supposed} to work. It is then, by
1121definition, working if the tests are passing.
1123If the test coverage for a code base is perfect, then it should, theoretically,
1124be risk-free to perform refactorings on it. This is why automated tests and
1125refactoring are such a great match.
1127\subsection{Testing the code from correctness section}
1128The worst thing that can happen when refactoring is to introduce changes to the
1129behavior of a program, as in the example on \myref{correctness}. This example
1130may be trivial, but the essence is clear. The only problem with the example is
1131that it is not clear how to create automated tests for it, without changing it
1132in intrusive ways.
1134Unit tests, as they are known from the different \glosspl{xUnit} around, are
1135only suitable to test the \emph{result} of isolated operations. They can not
1136easily (if at all) observe the \emph{history} of a program.
1138This problem is still open.
1142Assuming a sequential (non-concurrent) program:
1145tracematch (C c, X x) {
1146 sym m before:
1147 call(* X.m(C)) && args(c) && cflow(within(C));
1148 sym n before:
1149 call(* X.n()) && target(x) && cflow(within(C));
1150 sym setCx after:
1151 set(C.x) && target(c) && !cflow(m);
1153 m n
1155 { assert x == c.x; }
1160%tracematch (X x1, X x2) {
1161% sym m before:
1162% call(* X.m(C)) && target(x1);
1163% sym n before:
1164% call(* X.n()) && target(x2);
1165% sym setX after:
1166% set(C.x) && !cflow(m) && !cflow(n);
1168% m n
1170% { assert x1 != x2; }
1176\chapter{The Project}
1178\section{Project description}
1179The aim of this master's project will be to explore the relationship between the
1180\ExtractMethod and the \MoveMethod refactorings. This will be done by composing
1181the two into a composite refactoring. The refactoring will be called the
1182\ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring.
1184The two primitive \ExtractMethod and \MoveMethod refactorings must already be
1185implemented in a tool, so the \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring is going to be
1186built on top of those.
1188The composition of the \ExtractMethod and \MoveMethod refactorings springs
1189naturally out of the need to move procedures closer to the data they manipulate.
1190This composed refactoring is not well described in the literature, but it is
1191implemented in at least one tool called
1193that is an extension for \name{MS Visual
1194Studio}\footnote{\url{http://www.visualstudio.com/}}. In CodeRush it is called
1195\refa{Extract Method to
1197but I choose to call it \ExtractAndMoveMethod, since I feel this better
1198communicates which primitive refactorings it is composed of.
1200The project will consist of implementing the \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring,
1201as well as executing it over a larger code base, as a case study. To be able to
1202execute the refactoring automatically, I have to make it analyze code to
1203determine the best selections to extract into new methods.
1205\section{The primitive refactorings}
1206The refactorings presented here are the primitive refactorings used in this
1207project. They are the abstract building blocks used by the \ExtractAndMoveMethod
1210\subsection{The Extract Method refactoring}
1211The \refa{Extract Method} refactoring is used to extract a fragment of code
1212from its context and into a new method. A call to the new method is inlined
1213where the fragment was before. It is used to break code into logical units, with
1214names that explain their purpose.
1216An example of an \ExtractMethod refactoring is shown in
1217\myref{lst:extractMethodRefactoring}. It shows a method containing calls to the
1218methods \method{foo} and \method{bar} of a type \type{X}. These statements are
1219then extracted into the new method \method{fooBar}.
1222 \begin{multicols}{2}
1223 \begin{minted}[samepage]{java}
1224 // Before
1225 class C {
1226 void method() {
1227 X x = new X();
1228 x.foo(); x.bar();
1229 }
1230 }
1231 \end{minted}
1233 \columnbreak
1235 \begin{minted}[samepage]{java}
1236 // After
1237 class C {
1238 void method() {
1239 X x = new X();
1240 fooBar(x);
1241 }
1242 void fooBar(X x) {
1243 x.foo(); x.bar();
1244 }
1245 }
1246 \end{minted}
1247 \end{multicols}
1248 \caption{An example of an \ExtractMethod refactoring.}
1249 \label{lst:extractMethodRefactoring}
1252\subsection{The Move Method refactoring}
1253The \refa{Move Method} refactoring is used to move a method from one class to
1254another. This can be appropriate if the method is using more features of another
1255class than of the class which it is currently defined.
1257\Myref{lst:moveMethodRefactoring} shows an example of this refactoring. Here a
1258method \method{fooBar} is moved from the class \type{C} to the class \type{X}.
1261 \begin{multicols}{2}
1262 \begin{minted}[samepage]{java}
1263 // Before
1264 class C {
1265 void method() {
1266 X x = new X();
1267 fooBar(x);
1268 }
1269 void fooBar(X x) {
1270 x.foo(); x.bar();
1271 }
1272 }
1274 class X {
1275 void foo(){/*...*/}
1276 void bar(){/*...*/}
1277 }
1278 \end{minted}
1280 \columnbreak
1282 \begin{minted}[samepage]{java}
1283 // After
1284 class C {
1285 void method() {
1286 X x = new X();
1287 x.fooBar();
1288 }
1289 }
1291 class X {
1292 void fooBar() {
1293 foo(); bar();
1294 }
1295 void foo(){/*...*/}
1296 void bar(){/*...*/}
1297 }
1298 \end{minted}
1299 \end{multicols}
1300 \caption{An example of a \MoveMethod refactoring.}
1301 \label{lst:moveMethodRefactoring}
1304\section{The Extract and Move Method refactoring}
1305The \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring is a composite refactoring composed of the
1306primitive \ExtractMethod and \MoveMethod refactorings. The effect of this
1307refactoring on source code is the same as when extracting a method and moving it
1308to another class. Conseptually, this is done without an intermediate step. In
1309practice, as we shall see later, an intermediate step may be necessary.
1311An example of this composite refactoring is shown in
1312\myref{lst:extractAndMoveMethodRefactoring}. The example joins the examples from
1313\cref{lst:extractMethodRefactoring} and \cref{lst:moveMethodRefactoring}. This
1314means that the selection consisting of the consecutive calls to the methods
1315\method{foo} and \method{bar}, is extracted into a new method \method{fooBar}
1316located in the class \type{X}.
1319 \begin{multicols}{2}
1320 \begin{minted}[samepage]{java}
1321 // Before
1322 class C {
1323 void method() {
1324 X x = new X();
1325 x.foo(); x.bar();
1326 }
1327 }
1329 class X {
1330 void foo(){/*...*/}
1331 void bar(){/*...*/}
1332 }
1333 \end{minted}
1335 \columnbreak
1337 \begin{minted}[samepage]{java}
1338 // After
1339 class C {
1340 void method() {
1341 X x = new X();
1342 x.fooBar();
1343 }
1344 }
1346 class X {
1347 void fooBar() {
1348 foo(); bar();
1349 }
1350 void foo(){/*...*/}
1351 void bar(){/*...*/}
1352 }
1353 \end{minted}
1354 \end{multicols}
1355 \caption{An example of the \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring.}
1356 \label{lst:extractAndMoveMethodRefactoring}
1359\section{Research questions}
1360The main question that I seek an answer to in this thesis is:
1363 Is it possible to automate the analysis and execution of the
1364 \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring, and do so for all of the code of a larger
1365 project?
1368\noindent The secondary questions will then be:
1370\paragraph{Can we do this efficiently?} Can we automate the analysis and
1371execution of the refactoring so it can be run in a reasonable amount of time?
1372And what does \emph{reasonable} mean in this context?
1374And, assuming the refactoring does in fact improve the quality of source code:
1376\paragraph{How can the automation of the refactoring be helpful?} What is the
1377usefullness of the refactoring in a software development setting? In what parts
1378of the development process can the refactoring play a role?
1380\section{Choosing the target language}
1381Choosing which programming language the code that shall be manipulated shall be
1382written in, is not a very difficult task. We choose to limit the possible
1383languages to the object-oriented programming languages, since most of the
1384terminology and literature regarding refactoring comes from the world of
1385object-oriented programming. In addition, the language must have existing tool
1386support for refactoring.
1388The \name{Java} programming language\footnote{\url{https://www.java.com/}} is
1389the dominating language when it comes to example code in the literature of
1390refactoring, and is thus a natural choice. Java is perhaps, currently the most
1391influential programming language in the world, with its \name{Java Virtual
1392Machine} that runs on all of the most popular architectures and also supports
1393dozens of other programming languages\footnote{They compile to java bytecode.},
1394with \name{Scala}, \name{Clojure} and \name{Groovy} as the most prominent ones.
1395Java is currently the language that every other programming language is compared
1396against. It is also the primary programming language for the author of this
1399\section{Choosing the tools}
1400When choosing a tool for manipulating Java, there are certain criteria that
1401have to be met. First of all, the tool should have some existing refactoring
1402support that this thesis can build upon. Secondly it should provide some kind of
1403framework for parsing and analyzing Java source code. Third, it should itself be
1404open source. This is both because of the need to be able to browse the code for
1405the existing refactorings that is contained in the tool, and also because open
1406source projects hold value in them selves. Another important aspect to consider
1407is that open source projects of a certain size, usually has large communities of
1408people connected to them, that are committed to answering questions regarding the
1409use and misuse of the products, that to a large degree is made by the community
1412There is a certain class of tools that meet these criteria, namely the class of
1413\emph{IDEs}\footnote{\emph{Integrated Development Environment}}. These are
1414programs that is meant to support the whole production cycle of a computer
1415program, and the most popular IDEs that support Java, generally have quite good
1416refactoring support.
1418The main contenders for this thesis is the \name{Eclipse IDE}, with the
1419\name{Java development tools} (JDT), the \name{IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition}
1420and the \name{NetBeans IDE} \see{toolSupport}. \name{Eclipse} and
1421\name{NetBeans} are both free, open source and community driven, while the
1422\name{IntelliJ IDEA} has an open sourced community edition that is free of
1423charge, but also offer an \name{Ultimate Edition} with an extended set of
1424features, at additional cost. All three IDEs supports adding plugins to extend
1425their functionality and tools that can be used to parse and analyze Java source
1426code. But one of the IDEs stand out as a favorite, and that is the \name{Eclipse
1427IDE}. This is the most popular\citing{javaReport2011} among them and seems to be
1428de facto standard IDE for Java development regardless of platform.
1432\todoin{Rename chapter?}
1434\section{The inputs to the refactoring}
1435For executing an \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring, there are two simple
1436requirements. The first thing the refactoring need is a text selection, telling
1437it what to extract. Its second requirement is a target for the subsequent move
1440The extracted method must be called instead of the selection that makes up its
1441body. Also, the method call has to be performed via a variable, since the method
1442is not static. \todo{Explain why static methods are not considered} Therefore,
1443the move target must be a variable in the scope of the extracted selection. The
1444actual new location for the extracted method will be the class representing the
1445type of the move target variable. But, since the method also must be called
1446through a variable, it makes sense to define the move target to be either a
1447local variable or a field in the scope of the text selection.
1449\section{Finding a move target}
1450In the analysis needed to perform the \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring
1451automatically, the selection we choose is found among all the selections that
1452has a possible move target. Therefore, the best possible move target must be
1453found for all the candidate selections, so that we are able to sort out the
1454selection that is best suited for the refactoring.
1456To find the best move target for a specific text selection, we first need to
1457find all the possible targets. Since the target must be a local variable or a
1458field, we are basically looking for names within the selection; names that
1459represents references to variables.
1461The names we are looking for, we call prefixes. This is because we are not
1462interested in names that occur in the middle of a dot-separated sequence of
1463names. We are only interested in names that constitutes prefixes of other names,
1464possibly themselves. The reason for this, is that two lexically equal names need
1465not be referencing the same variable, if they themselves are not referenced via
1466the same prefix. Consider the two method calls \code{a.x.foo()} and
1467\code{b.x.foo()}. Here, the two references to \code{x}, in the middle of the
1468qualified names both preceding \code{foo()}, are not referencing the same
1469variable. Even though the variables may share the type, and the method
1470\method{foo} thus is the same for both, we would not know through which of the
1471variables \var{a} or \var{b} we should call the extracted method.
1473The possible move targets are then the prefixes that are not among a subset of
1474the prefixes that are not valid move targets \see{s:unfixes}. Also, prefixes
1475that are just simple names, and have only one occurrence, are left out. This is
1476because they are not going to have any positive effect on coupling between
1479For finding the best move target among these safe prefixes, a simple heuristic
1480is used. It is as simple as choosing the prefix that is most frequently
1481referenced within the selection.
1484The prefixes that are not valid as move targets are called unfixes.
1486An unfix can be a name that is assigned to within a selection. The reason that
1487this cannot be allowed, is that the result would be an assignment to the
1488\type{this} keyword, which is not valid in Java \see{eclipse_bug_420726}.
1490Prefixes that originates from variable declarations within the same selection
1491are also considered unfixes. This is because when a method is moved, it needs to
1492be called through a variable. If this variable is also declared within the
1493method that is to be moved, this obviously cannot be done.
1495Also considered as unfixes are variable references that are of types that are
1496not suitable for moving methods to. This can either be because it is not
1497physically possible to move a method to the desired class or that it will cause
1498compilation errors by doing so.
1500If the type binding for a name is not resolved it is considered and unfix. The
1501same applies to types that is only found in compiled code, so they have no
1502underlying source that is accessible to us. (E.g. the \type{java.lang.String}
1505Interfaces types are not suitable as targets. This is simply because interfaces
1506in Java cannot contain methods with bodies. (This thesis does not deal with
1507features of Java versions later than Java 7. Java 8 has interfaces with default
1508implementations of methods.)
1510Neither are local types allowed. This accounts for both local and anonymous
1511classes. Anonymous classes are effectively the same as interface types with
1512respect to unfixes. Local classes could in theory be used as targets, but this
1513is not possible due to limitations of the way the \refa{Extract and Move Method}
1514refactoring has to be implemented. The problem is that the refactoring is done
1515in two steps, so the intermediate state between the two refactorings would not
1516be legal Java code. In the intermediate step for the case where a local class is
1517the move target, the extracted method would need to take the local class as a
1518parameter. This new method would need to live in the scope of the declaring
1519class of the originating method. The local class would then not be in the scope
1520of the extracted method, thus bringing the source code into an illegal state.
1521One could imagine that the method was extracted and moved in one operation,
1522without an intermediate state. Then it would make sense to include variables
1523with types of local classes in the set of legal targets, since the local classes
1524would then be in the scopes of the method calls. If this makes any difference
1525for software metrics that measure coupling would be a different discussion.
1530// Before
1531void declaresLocalClass() {
1532 class LocalClass {
1533 void foo() {}
1534 void bar() {}
1535 }
1537 LocalClass inst =
1538 new LocalClass();
1539 inst.foo();
1540 inst.bar();
1547// After Extract Method
1548void declaresLocalClass() {
1549 class LocalClass {
1550 void foo() {}
1551 void bar() {}
1552 }
1554 LocalClass inst =
1555 new LocalClass();
1556 fooBar(inst);
1559// Intermediate step
1560void fooBar(LocalClass inst) {
1561 inst.foo();
1562 inst.bar();
1566\caption{When the \refa{Extract and Move Method} tries to use a variable with a
1567local type as the move target, an intermediate step is performed that is not
1568allowed. Here: \type{LocalClass} is not in the scope of \method{fooBar} in its
1569intermediate location.}
1573The last class of names that are considered unfixes are names used in null
1574tests. These are tests that reads like this: if \texttt{<name>} equals
1575\var{null} then do something. If allowing variables used in those kinds of
1576expressions as targets for moving methods, we would end up with code containing
1577boolean expressions like \texttt{this == null}, which would not be meaningful,
1578since \var{this} would never be \var{null}.
1580\todoin{Describe what a text selection is?}
1582\section{Choosing the selection}
1583When choosing a selection between the text selections that have possible move
1584targets, the selections need to be ordered. The criteria below are presented in
1585the order they are prioritized. If not one selection is favored over the other
1586for a concrete criterion, the selections are evaluated by the next criterion.
1589 \item The first criterion that is evaluated is whether a selection contains
1590 any unfixes or not. If selection \m{A} contains no unfixes, while
1591 selection \m{B} does, selection \m{A} is favored over selection
1592 \m{B}. This is done under the assumption that, if possible, avoiding
1593 selections containing unfixes will make the code moved a little
1594 cleaner.\todoin{more arguments?}
1596 \item The second criterion that is evaluated is how many possible targets a
1597 selection contains. If selection \m{A} has only one possible target, and
1598 selection \m{B} has multiple, selection \m{A} is favored. If both
1599 selections have multiple possible targets, they are considered equal with
1600 respect to this criterion. The rationale for this heuristic is that we would
1601 prefer not to introduce new couplings between classes when performing the
1602 \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring.
1604 \item When evaluating the last criterion, this is with the knowledge that
1605 selection \m{A} and \m{B} both have one possible target. Then, if
1606 the move target candidate of selection \m{A} has a higher reference count
1607 than the target candidate of selection \m{B}, selection \m{A} is
1608 favored. The reason for this is that we would like to move the selection that
1609 gets rid of the most references to another class.
1613If none of the above mentioned criteria favors one selection over another, the
1614selections are considered to be equally good candidates for the
1615\ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring.
1617\section{Disqualifying a selection}
1618Certain text selections would lead to broken code if used as input to the
1619\ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring. To avoid this, we have to check all text
1620selections for such conditions before they are further analyzed. This sections
1621is therefore going to present some properties that makes a selection unsuitable
1622for our refactoring.
1624\subsection{A call to a protected or package-private method}
1625If a text selection contains such a call, it would not be safe to move it to
1626another class. The reason for this, is that we cannot know if the called method
1627is being overridden by some subclass of the \gloss{enclosingClass}, or not.
1629Imagine that the protected method \method{foo} is declared in class \m{A},
1630and overridden in class \m{B}. The method \method{foo} is called from within a
1631selection done to a method in \m{A}. We want to extract and move this selection
1632to another class. The method \method{foo} is not public, so the \MoveMethod
1633refactoring must make it public, making the extracted method able to call it
1634from the extracted method's new location. The problem is that the, now public,
1635method \method{foo} is overridden in a subclass, where it has a protected
1636status. This makes the compiler complain that the subclass \m{B} is trying to
1637reduce the visibility of a method declared in its superclass \m{A}. This is not
1638allowed in Java, and for good reasons. It would make it possible to make a
1639subclass that could not be a substitute for its superclass.
1640\todoin{Code example?}
1642\subsection{Instantiation of non-static inner class}
1643When a non-static inner class is instantiated, this must happen in the scope of
1644its declaring class. This is because it must have access to the members of the
1645declaring class. If the inner class is public, it is possible to instantiate it
1646through an instance of its declaring class, but this is not handled by the
1647underlying \MoveMethod refactoring.
1649Performing a move on a method that instantiates a non-static inner class, will
1650break the code if the instantiation is not handled properly. For this reason,
1651selections that contains instantiations of non-static inner classes are deemed
1652unsuitable for the \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring.
1654\subsection{References to enclosing instances of the enclosing class}
1655The title of this section may be a little hard to grasp at first. What it means
1656is that there is a (non-static) class \m{C} that is declared in the scope of
1657possibly multiple other classes. And there is a statement in a method declared
1658in class \m{C} that contains a reference to one or more instances of these
1659enclosing classes of \m{C}.
1661The problem with this, is that these references may not be valid if they are
1662moved to another class. Theoretically, some situations could easily be solved by
1663passing, to the moved method, a reference to the instance where the problematic
1664referenced member is declared, in the case where this member is public. This is
1665not done in the underlying \MoveMethod refactoring, so it cannot be allowed in
1666the \ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring either.
1668\subsection{Inconsistent return statements}
1669To verify that a text selection is consistent with respect to return statements,
1670we must check that if a selection contains a return statement, then every
1671possible execution path within the selection ends in either a return or a throw
1672statement. This property is important regarding the \ExtractMethod refactoring.
1673If it holds, it means that a method could be extracted from the selection, and a
1674call to it could be substituted for the selection. If the method has a non-void
1675return type, then a call to it would also be a valid return point for the
1676calling method. If its return value is of the void type, then the \ExtractMethod
1677refactoring will append an empty return statement to the back of the method
1678call. Therefore, the analysis does not discriminate on either kinds of return
1679statements, with or without a return value.
1681A throw statement is accepted anywhere a return statement is required. This is
1682because a throw statement causes an immediate exit from the current block,
1683together with all outer blocks in its control flow that does not catch the
1684thrown exception.
1686Return statements can be either explicit or implicit. An \emph{explicit} return
1687statement is formed by using the \code{return} keyword, while an \emph{implicit}
1688return statement is a statement that is not formed using \code{return} keyword,
1689but must be the last statement of a method that can have any side effects. This
1690can happen in methods with a void return type. An example is a statement that is
1691inside one or more blocks. The last statement of a method could for instance be
1692a synchronized statement, but the last statement that is executed in the method,
1693and that can have any side effects, may be located inside the body of the
1694synchronized statement.
1696We can start the check for this property by looking at the last statement of a
1697selection to see if it is a return statement (explicit or implicit) or a
1698throw statement. If it is, then the property holds, assuming the selected code
1699does not contain any compilation errors.
1700\todoin{State somewhere that we assume no compilation errors?}
1702If the last statement of the selection is not a return or throw, the execution
1703of it must end in one. This means that all branches of the last statement of
1704every branch must end in a return or throw. Given this recursive definition,
1705there are only five types of statements that are guaranteed to end in a return
1706or throw if their child branches does. All other statements would have to be
1707considered illegal. The first three, block-statements, labeled statements and
1708do-statements are all kinds of fall-through statements that always gets their
1709body executed. Do-statements would not make much sense if written such that they
1710always ends after the first round of execution of their body, but that is not
1711our concern. The remaining two statements that can end in a return or throw are
1712if-statements and try-statements.
1714For an if-statement, the rule is that if its then-part does not contain any
1715return or throw statements, it is considered illegal. If the then-part does
1716contain a return or throw, the else-part is checked. If its else-part is
1717non-existent, or it does not contain any return or throw statements, the
1718statement is considered illegal. If an if-statement is not considered illegal,
1719the bodies of its parts must be checked.
1721Try-statements are handled much the same way as if-statements. The body of a
1722try-statement must contain a return or throw. The same applies to its catch
1723clauses and finally body.
1725\subsection{Ambiguous return values}
1726The problem with ambiguous return values arise when a selection is chosen to be
1727extracted into a new method, but it needs to return more than one value from
1728that method.
1730This problem occurs in two situations. The first situation arise when there is
1731more than one local variable that is both assigned to within a selection and
1732also referenced after the selection. The other situation occur when there is
1733only one such assignment, but the selection also contain return statements.
1735Therefore we must examine the selection for assignments to local variables that
1736are referenced after the text selection. Then we must verify that not more than
1737one such reference is done, or zero if any return statements are found.
1739\subsection{Illegal statements}
1740An illegal statement may be a statement that is of a type that is never allowed,
1741or it may be a statement that is only allowed if certain conditions are true.
1743Any use of the \var{super} keyword is prohibited, since its meaning is altered
1744when moving a method to another class.
1746For a \emph{break} statement, there are two situations to consider: A break
1747statement with or without a label. If the break statement has a label, it is
1748checked that whole of the labeled statement is inside the selection. If the
1749break statement does not have a label attached to it, it is checked that its
1750innermost enclosing loop or switch statement also is inside the selection.
1752The situation for a \emph{continue} statement is the same as for a break
1753statement, except that it is not allowed inside switch statements.
1755Regarding \emph{assignments}, two types of assignments are allowed: Assignments
1756to non-final variables and assignments to array access. All other assignments
1757are regarded illegal.
1759\todoin{Expand with more illegal statements and/or conclude that I did not have
1760time to analyze all statements types.}
1764\chapter{Refactorings in Eclipse JDT: Design, Shortcomings and Wishful
1767This chapter will deal with some of the design behind refactoring support in
1768\name{Eclipse}, and the JDT in specific. After which it will follow a section about
1769shortcomings of the refactoring API in terms of composition of refactorings. The
1770chapter will be concluded with a section telling some of the ways the
1771implementation of refactorings in the JDT could have worked to facilitate
1772composition of refactorings.
1775The refactoring world of \name{Eclipse} can in general be separated into two parts: The
1776language independent part and the part written for a specific programming
1777language -- the language that is the target of the supported refactorings.
1778\todo{What about the language specific part?}
1780\subsection{The Language Toolkit}
1781The Language Toolkit\footnote{The content of this section is a mixture of
1782 written material from
1783 \url{https://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-LTK/ltk.html} and
1784 \url{http://www.eclipse.org/articles/article.php?file=Article-Unleashing-the-Power-of-Refactoring/index.html},
1785the LTK source code and my own memory.}, or LTK for short, is the framework that
1786is used to implement refactorings in \name{Eclipse}. It is language independent and
1787provides the abstractions of a refactoring and the change it generates, in the
1788form of the classes \typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring}{Refactoring}
1789and \typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring}{Change}.
1791There are also parts of the LTK that is concerned with user interaction, but
1792they will not be discussed here, since they are of little value to us and our
1793use of the framework. We are primarily interested in the parts that can be
1796\subsubsection{The Refactoring Class}
1797The abstract class \type{Refactoring} is the core of the LTK framework. Every
1798refactoring that is going to be supported by the LTK have to end up creating an
1799instance of one of its subclasses. The main responsibilities of subclasses of
1800\type{Refactoring} is to implement template methods for condition checking
1804in addition to the
1806method that creates and returns an instance of the \type{Change} class.
1808If the refactoring shall support that others participate in it when it is
1809executed, the refactoring has to be a processor-based
1811It then delegates to its given
1813for condition checking and change creation. Participating in a refactoring can
1814be useful in cases where the changes done to programming source code affects
1815other related resources in the workspace. This can be names or paths in
1816configuration files, or maybe one would like to perform additional logging of
1817changes done in the workspace.
1819\subsubsection{The Change Class}
1820This class is the base class for objects that is responsible for performing the
1821actual workspace transformations in a refactoring. The main responsibilities for
1822its subclasses is to implement the
1823\methodwithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change}{perform} and
1824\methodwithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change}{isValid} methods. The
1825\method{isValid} method verifies that the change object is valid and thus can be
1826executed by calling its \method{perform} method. The \method{perform} method
1827performs the desired change and returns an undo change that can be executed to
1828reverse the effect of the transformation done by its originating change object.
1830\subsubsection{Executing a Refactoring}\label{executing_refactoring}
1831The life cycle of a refactoring generally follows two steps after creation:
1832condition checking and change creation. By letting the refactoring object be
1833handled by a
1834\typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring}{CheckConditionsOperation} that
1835in turn is handled by a
1836\typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring}{CreateChangeOperation}, it is
1837assured that the change creation process is managed in a proper manner.
1839The actual execution of a change object has to follow a detailed life cycle.
1840This life cycle is honored if the \type{CreateChangeOperation} is handled by a
1841\typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring}{PerformChangeOperation}. If also
1842an undo manager\typeref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.IUndoManager} is set
1843for the \type{PerformChangeOperation}, the undo change is added into the undo
1847This section is introduced naturally with a conclusion: The JDT refactoring
1848implementation does not facilitate composition of refactorings.
1849\todo{refine}This section will try to explain why, and also identify other
1850shortcomings of both the usability and the readability of the JDT refactoring
1851source code.
1853I will begin at the end and work my way toward the composition part of this
1856\subsection{Absence of Generics in Eclipse Source Code}
1857This section is not only concerning the JDT refactoring API, but also large
1858quantities of the \name{Eclipse} source code. The code shows a striking absence of the
1859Java language feature of generics. It is hard to read a class' interface when
1860methods return objects or takes parameters of raw types such as \type{List} or
1861\type{Map}. This sometimes results in having to read a lot of source code to
1862understand what is going on, instead of relying on the available interfaces. In
1863addition, it results in a lot of ugly code, making the use of typecasting more
1864of a rule than an exception.
1866\subsection{Composite Refactorings Will Not Appear as Atomic Actions}
1868\subsubsection{Missing Flexibility from JDT Refactorings}
1869The JDT refactorings are not made with composition of refactorings in mind. When
1870a JDT refactoring is executed, it assumes that all conditions for it to be
1871applied successfully can be found by reading source files that have been
1872persisted to disk. They can only operate on the actual source material, and not
1873(in-memory) copies thereof. This constitutes a major disadvantage when trying to
1874compose refactorings, since if an exception occurs in the middle of a sequence
1875of refactorings, it can leave the project in a state where the composite
1876refactoring was only partially executed. It makes it hard to discard the changes
1877done without monitoring and consulting the undo manager, an approach that is not
1878bullet proof.
1880\subsubsection{Broken Undo History}
1881When designing a composed refactoring that is to be performed as a sequence of
1882refactorings, you would like it to appear as a single change to the workspace.
1883This implies that you would also like to be able to undo all the changes done by
1884the refactoring in a single step. This is not the way it appears when a sequence
1885of JDT refactorings is executed. It leaves the undo history filled up with
1886individual undo actions corresponding to every single JDT refactoring in the
1887sequence. This problem is not trivial to handle in \name{Eclipse}
1890\section{Wishful Thinking}
1894\chapter{Composite Refactorings in Eclipse}
1896\section{A Simple Ad Hoc Model}
1897As pointed out in \myref{ch:jdt_refactorings}, the \name{Eclipse} JDT refactoring model
1898is not very well suited for making composite refactorings. Therefore a simple
1899model using changer objects (of type \type{RefaktorChanger}) is used as an
1900abstraction layer on top of the existing \name{Eclipse} refactorings, instead of
1901extending the \typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring}{Refactoring} class.
1903The use of an additional abstraction layer is a deliberate choice. It is due to
1904the problem of creating a composite
1905\typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring}{Change} that can handle text
1906changes that interfere with each other. Thus, a \type{RefaktorChanger} may, or
1907may not, take advantage of one or more existing refactorings, but it is always
1908intended to make a change to the workspace.
1910\subsection{A typical \type{RefaktorChanger}}
1911The typical refaktor changer class has two responsibilities, checking
1912preconditions and executing the requested changes. This is not too different
1913from the responsibilities of an LTK refactoring, with the distinction that a
1914refaktor changer also executes the change, while an LTK refactoring is only
1915responsible for creating the object that can later be used to do the job.
1917Checking of preconditions is typically done by an
1918\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.analyzers}{Analyzer}. If the
1919preconditions validate, the upcoming changes are executed by an
1922\section{The Extract and Move Method Refactoring}
1923%The Extract and Move Method Refactoring is implemented mainly using these
1926% \item \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodChanger}
1927% \item \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodPrefixesExtractor}
1928% \item \type{Prefix}
1929% \item \type{PrefixSet}
1932\subsection{The Building Blocks}
1933This is a composite refactoring, and hence is built up using several primitive
1934refactorings. These basic building blocks are, as its name implies, the
1935\ExtractMethod refactoring\citing{refactoring} and the \MoveMethod
1936refactoring\citing{refactoring}. In \name{Eclipse}, the implementations of these
1937refactorings are found in the classes
1941where the last class is designed to be used together with the processor-based
1944\subsubsection{The ExtractMethodRefactoring Class}
1945This class is quite simple in its use. The only parameters it requires for
1946construction is a compilation
1947unit\typeref{org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit}, the offset into the source
1948code where the extraction shall start, and the length of the source to be
1949extracted. Then you have to set the method name for the new method together with
1950its visibility and some not so interesting parameters.
1952\subsubsection{The MoveInstanceMethodProcessor Class}
1953For the \refa{Move Method}, the processor requires a little more advanced input than
1954the class for the \refa{Extract Method}. For construction it requires a method
1955handle\typeref{org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod} for the method that is to be moved.
1956Then the target for the move have to be supplied as the variable binding from a
1957chosen variable declaration. In addition to this, one have to set some
1958parameters regarding setters/getters, as well as delegation.
1960To make a working refactoring from the processor, one have to create a
1961\type{MoveRefactoring} with it.
1963\subsection{The ExtractAndMoveMethodChanger}
1965The \typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.changers}{ExtractAndMoveMethodChanger}
1966class is a subclass of the class
1967\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.changers}{RefaktorChanger}. It is responsible
1968for analyzing and finding the best target for, and also executing, a composition
1969of the \refa{Extract Method} and \refa{Move Method} refactorings. This particular changer is
1970the one of my changers that is closest to being a true LTK refactoring. It can
1971be reworked to be one if the problems with overlapping changes are resolved. The
1972changer requires a text selection and the name of the new method, or else a
1973method name will be generated. The selection has to be of the type
1974\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.utils}{CompilationUnitTextSelection}. This
1975class is a custom extension to
1976\typewithref{org.eclipse.jface.text}{TextSelection}, that in addition to the
1977basic offset, length and similar methods, also carry an instance of the
1978underlying compilation unit handle for the selection.
1981 \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer}}\label{extractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer}
1982The analysis and precondition checking is done by the
1984First is check whether the selection is a valid selection or not, with respect
1985to statement boundaries and that it actually contains any selections. Then it
1986checks the legality of both extracting the selection and also moving it to
1987another class. This checking of is performed by a range of checkers
1988\see{checkers}. If the selection is approved as legal, it is analyzed to find
1989the presumably best target to move the extracted method to.
1991For finding the best suitable target the analyzer is using a
1992\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.collectors}{PrefixesCollector} that
1993collects all the possible candidate targets for the refactoring. All the
1994non-candidates is found by an
1995\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.collectors}{UnfixesCollector} that
1996collects all the targets that will give some kind of error if used. (For
1997details about the property collectors, see \myref{propertyCollectors}.) All
1998prefixes (and unfixes) are represented by a
1999\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.extractors}{Prefix}, and they are collected
2000into sets of prefixes. The safe prefixes is found by subtracting from the set of
2001candidate prefixes the prefixes that is enclosing any of the unfixes. A prefix
2002is enclosing an unfix if the unfix is in the set of its sub-prefixes. As an
2003example, \texttt{``a.b''} is enclosing \texttt{``a''}, as is \texttt{``a''}. The
2004safe prefixes is unified in a \type{PrefixSet}. If a prefix has only one
2005occurrence, and is a simple expression, it is considered unsuitable as a move
2006target. This occurs in statements such as \texttt{``a.foo()''}. For such
2007statements it bares no meaning to extract and move them. It only generates an
2008extra method and the calling of it.
2010The most suitable target for the refactoring is found by finding the prefix with
2011the most occurrences. If two prefixes have the same occurrence count, but they
2012differ in length, the longest of them is chosen.
2014\todoin{Clean up sections/subsections.}
2017 \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodExecutor}}\label{extractAndMoveMethodExecutor}
2018If the analysis finds a possible target for the composite refactoring, it is
2019executed by an
2021It is composed of the two executors known as
2025The \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodExecutor} is responsible for gluing the two
2026together by feeding the \type{MoveMethod\-RefactoringExecutor} with the
2027resources needed after executing the extract method refactoring.
2030\subsubsection{The \type{ExtractMethodRefactoringExecutor}}
2031This executor is responsible for creating and executing an instance of the
2032\type{ExtractMethodRefactoring} class. It is also responsible for collecting
2033some post execution resources that can be used to find the method handle for the
2034extracted method, as well as information about its parameters, including the
2035variable they originated from.
2037\subsubsection{The \type{MoveMethodRefactoringExecutor}}
2038This executor is responsible for creating and executing an instance of the
2039\type{MoveRefactoring}. The move refactoring is a processor-based refactoring,
2040and for the \refa{Move Method} refactoring it is the \type{MoveInstanceMethodProcessor}
2041that is used.
2043The handle for the method to be moved is found on the basis of the information
2044gathered after the execution of the \refa{Extract Method} refactoring. The only
2045information the \type{ExtractMethodRefactoring} is sharing after its execution,
2046regarding find the method handle, is the textual representation of the new
2047method signature. Therefore it must be parsed, the strings for types of the
2048parameters must be found and translated to a form that can be used to look up
2049the method handle from its type handle. They have to be on the unresolved
2050form.\todo{Elaborate?} The name for the type is found from the original
2051selection, since an extracted method must end up in the same type as the
2052originating method.
2054When analyzing a selection prior to performing the \refa{Extract Method} refactoring, a
2055target is chosen. It has to be a variable binding, so it is either a field or a
2056local variable/parameter. If the target is a field, it can be used with the
2057\type{MoveInstanceMethodProcessor} as it is, since the extracted method still is
2058in its scope. But if the target is local to the originating method, the target
2059that is to be used for the processor must be among its parameters. Thus the
2060target must be found among the extracted method's parameters. This is done by
2061finding the parameter information object that corresponds to the parameter that
2062was declared on basis of the original target's variable when the method was
2063extracted. (The extracted method must take one such parameter for each local
2064variable that is declared outside the selection that is extracted.) To match the
2065original target with the correct parameter information object, the key for the
2066information object is compared to the key from the original target's binding.
2067The source code must then be parsed to find the method declaration for the
2068extracted method. The new target must be found by searching through the
2069parameters of the declaration and choose the one that has the same type as the
2070old binding from the parameter information object, as well as the same name that
2071is provided by the parameter information object.
2078is a changer whose purpose is to automatically analyze a method, and execute the
2079\ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring on it if it is a suitable candidate for the
2082First, the \typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.analyzers}{SearchBasedExtractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer} is used
2083to analyze the method. If the method is found to be a candidate, the result from
2084the analysis is fed to the \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodExecutor}, whose job is to
2085execute the refactoring \see{extractAndMoveMethodExecutor}.
2087\subsubsection{The SearchBasedExtractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer}
2088This analyzer is responsible for analyzing all the possible text selections of a
2089method and then choose the best result out of the analysis results that is, by
2090the analyzer, considered to be the potential candidates for the Extract and Move
2091Method refactoring.
2093Before the analyzer is able to work with the text selections of a method, it
2094needs to generate them. To do this, it parses the method to obtain a
2095\type{MethodDeclaration} for it \see{astEclipse}. Then there is a statement
2096lists creator that creates statements lists of the different groups of
2097statements in the body of the method declaration. A text selections generator
2098generates text selections of all the statement lists for the analyzer to work
2101\paragraph{The statement lists creator}
2102is responsible for generating lists of statements for all the possible levels of
2103statements in the method. The statement lists creator is implemented as an AST
2104visitor \see{astVisitor}. It generates lists of statements by visiting all the
2105blocks in the method declaration and stores their statements in a collection of
2106statement lists. In addition, it visits all of the other statements that can
2107have a statement as a child, such as the different control structures and the
2108labeled statement.
2110The switch statement is the only kind of statement that is not straight forward
2111to obtain the child statements from. It stores all of its children in a flat
2112list. Its switch case statements are included in this list. This means that
2113there are potential statement lists between all of these case statements. The
2114list of statements from a switch statement is therefore traversed, and the
2115statements between the case statements are grouped as separate lists.
2117There is an example of how the statement lists creator would generate lists for
2118a simple method in \myref{lst:statementListsExample}.
2126\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, yscale=-1]
2127 \tikzstyle{overlaybox}=[fill=lightgray,opacity=0.2]
2128 \draw[overlaybox] (0,\mintedtop+\lineheight) rectangle
2129 +(22*\charwidth,10*\lineheight);
2130 \draw[overlaybox] (\indent,\mintedtop+2*\lineheight) rectangle
2131 +(13*\charwidth,\lineheight);
2132 \draw[overlaybox] (2*\indent,\mintedtop+6*\lineheight) rectangle
2133 +(13*\charwidth,2*\lineheight);
2134 \draw[overlaybox] (2*\indent,\mintedtop+9*\lineheight) rectangle
2135 +(13*\charwidth,\lineheight);
2138void method() {
2139 if (bool)
2140 b.bar();
2142 switch (val) {
2143 case 1:
2144 b.foo();
2145 c.foo();
2146 default:
2147 c.foo();
2148 }
2151\caption{Example of how the statement lists creator would group a simple method
2152into lists of statements. Each highlighted rectangle represents a list.}
2156\paragraph{The text selections generator} generates text selections for each
2157list of statements from the statement lists creator. Conceptually, the generator
2158generates a text selection for every possible ordered \todo{make clearer}
2159combination of statements in a list. For a list of statements, the boundary
2160statements span out a text selection. This means that there are many different
2161lists that could span out the same selection.
2163In practice, the text selections are calculated by only one traversal of the
2164statement list. There is a set of generated text selections. For each statement,
2165there is created a temporary set of selections, in addition to a text selection
2166based on the offset and length of the statement. This text selection is added to
2167the temporary set. Then the new selection is added with every selection from the
2168set of generated text selections. These new selections are added to the
2169temporary set. Then the temporary set of selections is added to the set of
2170generated text selections. The result of adding two text selections is a new
2171text selection spanned out by the two addends.
2179\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, yscale=-1]
2180 \tikzstyle{overlaybox}=[fill=lightgray,opacity=0.2]
2182 \draw[overlaybox] (2*\charwidth,\mintedtop) rectangle
2183 +(18*\charwidth,\lineheight);
2185 \draw[overlaybox] (2*\charwidth,\mintedtop+\lineheight) rectangle
2186 +(18*\charwidth,\lineheight);
2188 \draw[overlaybox] (2*\charwidth,\mintedtop+3*\lineheight) rectangle
2189 +(18*\charwidth,\lineheight);
2191 \draw[overlaybox] (\indent-3*\charwidth,\mintedtop) rectangle
2192 +(20*\charwidth,2*\lineheight);
2194 \draw[overlaybox] (3*\charwidth,\mintedtop+\lineheight) rectangle
2195 +(16*\charwidth,3*\lineheight);
2197 \draw[overlaybox] (\indent,\mintedtop) rectangle
2198 +(14*\charwidth,4*\lineheight);
2201 statement one;
2202 statement two;
2203 ...
2204 statement k;
2206\caption{Example of how the text selections generator would generate text
2207 selections based on a lists of statements. Each highlighted rectangle
2208represents a text selection.}
2211\todoin{fix \myref{lst:textSelectionsExample}? Text only? All
2214\paragraph{Finding the candidate} for the refactoring is done by analyzing all
2215the generated text selection with the \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer}
2216\see{extractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer}. If the analyzer generates a useful result,
2217an \type{ExtractAndMoveMethodCandidate} is created from it, that is kept in a
2218list of potential candidates. If no candidates are found, the
2219\type{NoTargetFoundException} is thrown.
2221Since only one of the candidates can be chosen, the analyzer must sort out which
2222candidate to choose. The sorting is done by the static \method{sort} method of
2223\type{Collections}. The comparison in this sorting is done by an
2225\todoin{Write about the
2228\paragraph{The complexity} of how many text selections that needs to be analyzed
2229for a total of $n$ statements is bounded by $O(n^2)$.
2232The number of text selections that need to be analyzed for each list of
2233statements of length $n$, is exactly
2236 \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}
2237 \label{eq:complexityStatementList}
2243 For $n=1$ this is trivial: $\frac{1(1+1)}{2} = \frac{2}{2} = 1$. One statement
2244 equals one selection.
2246 For $n=2$, you get one text selection for the first statement, one selection
2247 for the second statement, and one selection for the two of them combined.
2248 This equals three selections. $\frac{2(2+1)}{2} = \frac{6}{2} = 3$.
2250 For $n=3$, you get 3 selections for the two first statements, as in the case
2251 where $n=2$. In addition you get one selection for the third statement itself,
2252 and two more statements for the combinations of it with the two previous
2253 statements. This equals six selections. $\frac{3(3+1)}{2} = \frac{12}{2} = 6$.
2255 Assume that for $n=k$ there exists $\frac{k(k+1)}{2}$ text selections. Then we
2256 want to add selections for another statement, following the previous $k$
2257 statements. So, for $n=k+1$, we get one additional selection for the statement
2258 itself. Then we get one selection for each pair of the new selection and the
2259 previous $k$ statements. So the total number of selections will be the number
2260 of already generated selections, plus $k$ for every pair, plus one for the
2261 statement itself: $\frac{k(k+1)}{2} + k +
2262 1 = \frac{k(k+1)+2k+2}{2} = \frac{k(k+1)+2(k+1)}{2} = \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2} =
2263 \frac{(k+1)((k+1)+1)}{2} = \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} i$
2266%\definition{A \emph{body of statements} is a sequence of statements where every
2267%statement may have sub-statements.}
2268\todoin{Define ``body of statements''?}
2271 The number of text selections for a body of statements is maximized if all the
2272 statements are at the same level.
2273 \label{thm:textSelectionsMaximized}
2277 Assume we have a body of, in total, $k$ statements. Let
2278 $\{l,\ldots,m,(k-l-\ldots-m)\}$ be the lengths of the lists of statements in
2279 the body, with $l+\ldots+m<k \Rightarrow l,\ldots,m<k$.
2281 Then, the number of text selections that are generated for the $k$ statements
2282 is
2284 {
2285 \small
2286 \begin{align*}
2287 \frac{(k-l-\ldots-m)((k-l-\ldots-m)+ 1)}{2} + \frac{l(l+1)}{2} + \ldots +
2288 \frac{m(m+1)}{2} = \\
2289 \frac{k^2 - 2kl - \ldots - 2km + l^2 + \ldots + m^2 + k - l - \ldots - m}{2}
2290 + \frac{l^2+l}{2} + \ldots + \frac{m^2+m}{2} = \\
2291 \frac{k^2 + k + 2l^2 - 2kl + \ldots + 2m^2 - 2km}{2}
2292 \end{align*}
2293 }
2295 \noindent It then remains to show that this inequality holds:
2297 \begin{align*}
2298 \frac{k^2 + k + 2l^2 - 2kl + \ldots + 2m^2 - 2km}{2} < \frac{k(k+1)}{2} =
2299 \frac{k^2 + k}{2}
2300 \end{align*}
2302 \noindent By multiplication by $2$ on both sides, and by removing the equal
2303 parts, we get
2305 \begin{align*}
2306 2l^2 - 2kl + \ldots + 2m^2 - 2km < 0
2307 \end{align*}
2309 Since $l,\ldots,m<k$, we have that $\forall i \in \{l,\ldots,m\} : 2ki > 2i^2$,
2310 so all the pairs of parts on the form $2i^2-2ki$ are negative. In sum, the
2311 inequality holds.
2315Therefore, the complexity for the number of selections that needs to be analyzed
2316for a body of $n$ statements is $O\bigl(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\bigr) = O(n^2)$.
2320\subsection{Finding the IMethod}\label{postExtractExecution}
2321\todoin{Rename section. Write??}
2325\subsection{The Prefix Class}
2326This class exists mainly for holding data about a prefix, such as the expression
2327that the prefix represents and the occurrence count of the prefix within a
2328selection. In addition to this, it has some functionality such as calculating
2329its sub-prefixes and intersecting it with another prefix. The definition of the
2330intersection between two prefixes is a prefix representing the longest common
2331expression between the two.
2333\subsection{The PrefixSet Class}
2334A prefix set holds elements of type \type{Prefix}. It is implemented with the
2335help of a \typewithref{java.util}{HashMap} and contains some typical set
2336operations, but it does not implement the \typewithref{java.util}{Set}
2337interface, since the prefix set does not need all of the functionality a
2338\type{Set} requires to be implemented. In addition It needs some other
2339functionality not found in the \type{Set} interface. So due to the relatively
2340limited use of prefix sets, and that it almost always needs to be referenced as
2341such, and not a \type{Set<Prefix>}, it remains as an ad hoc solution to a
2342concrete problem.
2344There are two ways adding prefixes to a \type{PrefixSet}. The first is through
2345its \method{add} method. This works like one would expect from a set. It adds
2346the prefix to the set if it does not already contain the prefix. The other way
2347is to \emph{register} the prefix with the set. When registering a prefix, if the
2348set does not contain the prefix, it is just added. If the set contains the
2349prefix, its count gets incremented. This is how the occurrence count is handled.
2351The prefix set also computes the set of prefixes that is not enclosing any
2352prefixes of another set. This is kind of a set difference operation only for
2353enclosing prefixes.
2355\subsection{Hacking the Refactoring Undo
2357\todoin{Where to put this section?}
2359As an attempt to make multiple subsequent changes to the workspace appear as a
2360single action (i.e. make the undo changes appear as such), I tried to alter
2361the undo changes\typeref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change} in the history
2362of the refactorings.
2364My first impulse was to remove the, in this case, last two undo changes from the
2365undo manager\typeref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.IUndoManager} for the
2366\name{Eclipse} refactorings, and then add them to a composite
2367change\typeref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange} that could be
2368added back to the manager. The interface of the undo manager does not offer a
2369way to remove/pop the last added undo change, so a possible solution could be to
2370decorate\citing{designPatterns} the undo manager, to intercept and collect the
2371undo changes before delegating to the \method{addUndo}
2372method\methodref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.IUndoManager}{addUndo} of the
2373manager. Instead of giving it the intended undo change, a null change could be
2374given to prevent it from making any changes if run. Then one could let the
2375collected undo changes form a composite change to be added to the manager.
2377There is a technical challenge with this approach, and it relates to the undo
2378manager, and the concrete implementation
2380This implementation is designed in a way that it is not possible to just add an
2381undo change, you have to do it in the context of an active
2383One could imagine that it might be possible to trick the undo manager into
2384believing that you are doing a real change, by executing a refactoring that is
2385returning a kind of null change that is returning our composite change of undo
2386refactorings when it is performed.
2388Apart from the technical problems with this solution, there is a functional
2389problem: If it all had worked out as planned, this would leave the undo history
2390in a dirty state, with multiple empty undo operations corresponding to each of
2391the sequentially executed refactoring operations, followed by a composite undo
2392change corresponding to an empty change of the workspace for rounding of our
2393composite refactoring. The solution to this particular problem could be to
2394intercept the registration of the intermediate changes in the undo manager, and
2395only register the last empty change.
2397Unfortunately, not everything works as desired with this solution. The grouping
2398of the undo changes into the composite change does not make the undo operation
2399appear as an atomic operation. The undo operation is still split up into
2400separate undo actions, corresponding to the change done by its originating
2401refactoring. And in addition, the undo actions has to be performed separate in
2402all the editors involved. This makes it no solution at all, but a step toward
2403something worse.
2405There might be a solution to this problem, but it remains to be found. The
2406design of the refactoring undo management is partly to be blamed for this, as it
2407it is to complex to be easily manipulated.
2412\chapter{Analyzing Source Code in Eclipse}
2414\section{The Java model}\label{javaModel}
2415The Java model of \name{Eclipse} is its internal representation of a Java project. It
2416is light-weight, and has only limited possibilities for manipulating source
2417code. It is typically used as a basis for the Package Explorer in \name{Eclipse}.
2419The elements of the Java model is only handles to the underlying elements. This
2420means that the underlying element of a handle does not need to actually exist.
2421Hence the user of a handle must always check that it exist by calling the
2422\method{exists} method of the handle.
2424The handles with descriptions is listed in \myref{tab:javaModel}.
2427 \centering
2429 \newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\hsize=#1\hsize\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}%
2430 % sum must equal number of columns (3)
2431 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| L{0.7} | L{1.1} | L{1.2} |}
2432 \hline
2433 \textbf{Project Element} & \textbf{Java Model element} &
2434 \textbf{Description} \\
2435 \hline
2436 Java project & \type{IJavaProject} & The Java project which contains all other objects. \\
2437 \hline
2438 Source folder /\linebreak[2] binary folder /\linebreak[3] external library &
2439 \type{IPackageFragmentRoot} & Hold source or binary files, can be a folder
2440 or a library (zip / jar file). \\
2441 \hline
2442 Each package & \type{IPackageFragment} & Each package is below the
2443 \type{IPackageFragmentRoot}, sub-packages are not leaves of the package,
2444 they are listed directed under \type{IPackageFragmentRoot}. \\
2445 \hline
2446 Java Source file & \type{ICompilationUnit} & The Source file is always below
2447 the package node. \\
2448 \hline
2449 Types /\linebreak[2] Fields /\linebreak[3] Methods & \type{IType} /
2450 \linebreak[0]
2451 \type{IField} /\linebreak[3] \type{IMethod} & Types, fields and methods. \\
2452 \hline
2453 \end{tabularx}
2454 \caption{The elements of the Java Model. {\footnotesize Taken from
2455 \url{http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseJDT/article.html}}}
2456 \label{tab:javaModel}
2459The hierarchy of the Java Model is shown in \myref{fig:javaModel}.
2462 \centering
2463 \begin{tikzpicture}[%
2464 grow via three points={one child at (0,-0.7) and
2465 two children at (0,-0.7) and (0,-1.4)},
2466 edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south west)+(0.5,0) |-
2467 (\tikzchildnode.west)}]
2468 \tikzstyle{every node}=[draw=black,thick,anchor=west]
2469 \tikzstyle{selected}=[draw=red,fill=red!30]
2470 \tikzstyle{optional}=[dashed,fill=gray!50]
2471 \node {\type{IJavaProject}}
2472 child { node {\type{IPackageFragmentRoot}}
2473 child { node {\type{IPackageFragment}}
2474 child { node {\type{ICompilationUnit}}
2475 child { node {\type{IType}}
2476 child { node {\type{\{ IType \}*}}
2477 child { node {\type{\ldots}}}
2478 }
2479 child [missing] {}
2480 child { node {\type{\{ IField \}*}}}
2481 child { node {\type{IMethod}}
2482 child { node {\type{\{ IType \}*}}
2483 child { node {\type{\ldots}}}
2484 }
2485 }
2486 child [missing] {}
2487 child [missing] {}
2488 child { node {\type{\{ IMethod \}*}}}
2489 }
2490 child [missing] {}
2491 child [missing] {}
2492 child [missing] {}
2493 child [missing] {}
2494 child [missing] {}
2495 child [missing] {}
2496 child [missing] {}
2497 child { node {\type{\{ IType \}*}}}
2498 }
2499 child [missing] {}
2500 child [missing] {}
2501 child [missing] {}
2502 child [missing] {}
2503 child [missing] {}
2504 child [missing] {}
2505 child [missing] {}
2506 child [missing] {}
2507 child [missing] {}
2508 child { node {\type{\{ ICompilationUnit \}*}}}
2509 }
2510 child [missing] {}
2511 child [missing] {}
2512 child [missing] {}
2513 child [missing] {}
2514 child [missing] {}
2515 child [missing] {}
2516 child [missing] {}
2517 child [missing] {}
2518 child [missing] {}
2519 child [missing] {}
2520 child [missing] {}
2521 child { node {\type{\{ IPackageFragment \}*}}}
2522 }
2523 child [missing] {}
2524 child [missing] {}
2525 child [missing] {}
2526 child [missing] {}
2527 child [missing] {}
2528 child [missing] {}
2529 child [missing] {}
2530 child [missing] {}
2531 child [missing] {}
2532 child [missing] {}
2533 child [missing] {}
2534 child [missing] {}
2535 child [missing] {}
2536 child { node {\type{\{ IPackageFragmentRoot \}*}}}
2537 ;
2538 \end{tikzpicture}
2539 \caption{The Java model of \name{Eclipse}. ``\type{\{ SomeElement \}*}'' means
2540 \type{SomeElement} zero or more times. For recursive structures,
2541 ``\type{\ldots}'' is used.}
2542 \label{fig:javaModel}
2545\section{The Abstract Syntax Tree}
2546\name{Eclipse} is following the common paradigm of using an abstract syntax tree for
2547source code analysis and manipulation.
2549When parsing program source code into something that can be used as a foundation
2550for analysis, the start of the process follows the same steps as in a compiler.
2551This is all natural, because the way a compiler analyzes code is no different
2552from how source manipulation programs would do it, except for some properties of
2553code that is analyzed in the parser, and that they may be differing in what
2554kinds of properties they analyze. Thus the process of translation source code
2555into a structure that is suitable for analyzing, can be seen as a kind of
2556interrupted compilation process \see{fig:interruptedCompilationProcess}.
2559 \centering
2560 \tikzset{
2561 base/.style={anchor=north, align=center, rectangle, minimum height=1.4cm},
2562 basewithshadow/.style={base, drop shadow, fill=white},
2563 outlined/.style={basewithshadow, draw, rounded corners, minimum
2564 width=0.4cm},
2565 primary/.style={outlined, font=\bfseries},
2566 dashedbox/.style={outlined, dashed},
2567 arrowpath/.style={black, align=center, font=\small},
2568 processarrow/.style={arrowpath, ->, >=angle 90, shorten >=1pt},
2569 }
2570 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.3cm and 3cm, scale=1, every
2571 node/.style={transform shape}]
2572 \node[base](AuxNode1){\small source code};
2573 \node[primary, right=of AuxNode1, xshift=-2.5cm](Scanner){Scanner};
2574 \node[primary, right=of Scanner, xshift=0.5cm](Parser){Parser};
2575 \node[dashedbox, below=of Parser](SemanticAnalyzer){Semantic\\Analyzer};
2576 \node[dashedbox, left=of SemanticAnalyzer](SourceCodeOptimizer){Source
2577 Code\\Optimizer};
2578 \node[dashedbox, below=of SourceCodeOptimizer
2579 ](CodeGenerator){Code\\Generator};
2580 \node[dashedbox, right=of CodeGenerator](TargetCodeOptimizer){Target
2581 Code\\Optimizer};
2582 \node[base, right=of TargetCodeOptimizer](AuxNode2){};
2584 \draw[processarrow](AuxNode1) -- (Scanner);
2586 \path[arrowpath] (Scanner) -- node [sloped](tokens){tokens}(Parser);
2587 \draw[processarrow](Scanner) -- (tokens) -- (Parser);
2589 \path[arrowpath] (Parser) -- node (syntax){syntax
2590 tree}(SemanticAnalyzer);
2591 \draw[processarrow](Parser) -- (syntax) -- (SemanticAnalyzer);
2593 \path[arrowpath] (SemanticAnalyzer) -- node
2594 [sloped](annotated){annotated\\tree}(SourceCodeOptimizer);
2595 \draw[processarrow, dashed](SemanticAnalyzer) -- (annotated) --
2596 (SourceCodeOptimizer);
2598 \path[arrowpath] (SourceCodeOptimizer) -- node
2599 (intermediate){intermediate code}(CodeGenerator);
2600 \draw[processarrow, dashed](SourceCodeOptimizer) -- (intermediate) --
2601 (CodeGenerator);
2603 \path[arrowpath] (CodeGenerator) -- node [sloped](target1){target
2604 code}(TargetCodeOptimizer);
2605 \draw[processarrow, dashed](CodeGenerator) -- (target1) --
2606 (TargetCodeOptimizer);
2608 \path[arrowpath](TargetCodeOptimizer) -- node [sloped](target2){target
2609 code}(AuxNode2);
2610 \draw[processarrow, dashed](TargetCodeOptimizer) -- (target2) (AuxNode2);
2611 \end{tikzpicture}
2612 \caption{Interrupted compilation process. {\footnotesize (Full compilation
2613 process borrowed from \emph{Compiler construction: principles and practice}
2614 by Kenneth C. Louden\citing{louden1997}.)}}
2615 \label{fig:interruptedCompilationProcess}
2618The process starts with a \emph{scanner}, or lexer. The job of the scanner is to
2619read the source code and divide it into tokens for the parser. Therefore, it is
2620also sometimes called a tokenizer. A token is a logical unit, defined in the
2621language specification, consisting of one or more consecutive characters. In
2622the Java language the tokens can for instance be the \var{this} keyword, a curly
2623bracket \var{\{} or a \var{nameToken}. It is recognized by the scanner on the
2624basis of something equivalent of a regular expression. This part of the process
2625is often implemented with the use of a finite automata. In fact, it is common to
2626specify the tokens in regular expressions, that in turn is translated into a
2627finite automata lexer. This process can be automated.
2629The program component used to translate a stream of tokens into something
2630meaningful, is called a parser. A parser is fed tokens from the scanner and
2631performs an analysis of the structure of a program. It verifies that the syntax
2632is correct according to the grammar rules of a language, that is usually
2633specified in a context-free grammar, and often in a variant of the
2635Form}\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backus-Naur\_Form}}. The
2636result coming from the parser is in the form of an \emph{Abstract Syntax Tree},
2637AST for short. It is called \emph{abstract}, because the structure does not
2638contain all of the tokens produced by the scanner. It only contain logical
2639constructs, and because it forms a tree, all kinds of parentheses and brackets
2640are implicit in the structure. It is this AST that is used when performing the
2641semantic analysis of the code.
2643As an example we can think of the expression \code{(5 + 7) * 2}. The root of
2644this tree would in \name{Eclipse} be an \type{InfixExpression} with the operator
2645\var{TIMES}, and a left operand that is also an \type{InfixExpression} with the
2646operator \var{PLUS}. The left operand \type{InfixExpression}, has in turn a left
2647operand of type \type{NumberLiteral} with the value \var{``5''} and a right
2648operand \type{NumberLiteral} with the value \var{``7''}. The root will have a
2649right operand of type \type{NumberLiteral} and value \var{``2''}. The AST for
2650this expression is illustrated in \myref{fig:astInfixExpression}.
2652Contrary to the Java Model, an abstract syntax tree is a heavy-weight
2653representation of source code. It contains information about properties like
2654type bindings for variables and variable bindings for names.
2658 \centering
2659 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8]
2660 \tikzset{level distance=40pt}
2661 \tikzset{sibling distance=5pt}
2662 \tikzstyle{thescale}=[scale=0.8]
2663 \tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center}}
2664 \tikzset{edge from parent/.append style={thick}}
2665 \tikzstyle{inode}=[rectangle,rounded corners,draw,fill=lightgray,drop
2666 shadow,align=center]
2667 \tikzset{every internal node/.style={inode}}
2668 \tikzset{every leaf node/.style={draw=none,fill=none}}
2670 \Tree [.\type{InfixExpression} [.\type{InfixExpression}
2671 [.\type{NumberLiteral} \var{``5''} ] [.\type{Operator} \var{PLUS} ]
2672 [.\type{NumberLiteral} \var{``7''} ] ]
2673 [.\type{Operator} \var{TIMES} ]
2674 [.\type{NumberLiteral} \var{``2''} ]
2675 ]
2676 \end{tikzpicture}
2677 \caption{The abstract syntax tree for the expression \code{(5 + 7) * 2}.}
2678 \label{fig:astInfixExpression}
2681\subsection{The AST in Eclipse}\label{astEclipse}
2682In \name{Eclipse}, every node in the AST is a child of the abstract superclass
2683\typewithref{org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom}{ASTNode}. Every \type{ASTNode}, among a
2684lot of other things, provides information about its position and length in the
2685source code, as well as a reference to its parent and to the root of the tree.
2687The root of the AST is always of type \type{CompilationUnit}. It is not the same
2688as an instance of an \type{ICompilationUnit}, which is the compilation unit
2689handle of the Java model. The children of a \type{CompilationUnit} is an
2690optional \type{PackageDeclaration}, zero or more nodes of type
2691\type{ImportDecaration} and all its top-level type declarations that has node
2692types \type{AbstractTypeDeclaration}.
2694An \type{AbstractType\-Declaration} can be one of the types
2695\type{AnnotationType\-Declaration}, \type{Enum\-Declaration} or
2696\type{Type\-Declaration}. The children of an \type{AbstractType\-Declaration}
2697must be a subtype of a \type{BodyDeclaration}. These subtypes are:
2698\type{AnnotationTypeMember\-Declaration}, \type{EnumConstant\-Declaration},
2699\type{Field\-Declaration}, \type{Initializer} and \type{Method\-Declaration}.
2701Of the body declarations, the \type{Method\-Declaration} is the most interesting
2702one. Its children include lists of modifiers, type parameters, parameters and
2703exceptions. It has a return type node and a body node. The body, if present, is
2704of type \type{Block}. A \type{Block} is itself a \type{Statement}, and its
2705children is a list of \type{Statement} nodes.
2707There are too many types of the abstract type \type{Statement} to list up, but
2708there exists a subtype of \type{Statement} for every statement type of Java, as
2709one would expect. This also applies to the abstract type \type{Expression}.
2710However, the expression \type{Name} is a little special, since it is both used
2711as an operand in compound expressions, as well as for names in type declarations
2712and such.
2714There is an overview of some of the structure of an \name{Eclipse} AST in
2718 \centering
2719 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8]
2720 \tikzset{level distance=50pt}
2721 \tikzset{sibling distance=5pt}
2722 \tikzstyle{thescale}=[scale=0.8]
2723 \tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center}}
2724 \tikzset{edge from parent/.append style={thick}}
2725 \tikzstyle{inode}=[rectangle,rounded corners,draw,fill=lightgray,drop
2726 shadow,align=center]
2727 \tikzset{every internal node/.style={inode}}
2728 \tikzset{every leaf node/.style={draw=none,fill=none}}
2730 \Tree [.\type{CompilationUnit} [.\type{[ PackageDeclaration ]} [.\type{Name} ]
2731 [.\type{\{ Annotation \}*} ] ]
2732 [.\type{\{ ImportDeclaration \}*} [.\type{Name} ] ]
2733 [.\type{\{ AbstractTypeDeclaration \}+} [.\node(site){\type{\{
2734 BodyDeclaration \}*}}; ] [.\type{SimpleName} ] ]
2735 ]
2736 \begin{scope}[shift={(0.5,-6)}]
2737 \node[inode,thescale](root){\type{MethodDeclaration}};
2738 \node[inode,thescale](modifiers) at (4.5,-5){\type{\{ IExtendedModifier \}*}
2739 \\ {\footnotesize (Of type \type{Modifier} or \type{Annotation})}};
2740 \node[inode,thescale](typeParameters) at (-6,-3.5){\type{\{ TypeParameter
2741 \}*}};
2742 \node[inode,thescale](parameters) at (-5,-5){\type{\{
2743 SingleVariableDeclaration \}*} \\ {\footnotesize (Parameters)}};
2744 \node[inode,thescale](exceptions) at (5,-3){\type{\{ Name \}*} \\
2745 {\footnotesize (Exceptions)}};
2746 \node[inode,thescale](return) at (-6.5,-2){\type{Type} \\ {\footnotesize
2747 (Return type)}};
2748 \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-5)}]
2749 \Tree [.\node(body){\type{[ Block ]} \\ {\footnotesize (Body)}};
2750 [.\type{\{ Statement \}*} [.\type{\{ Expression \}*} ]
2751 [.\type{\{ Statement \}*} [.\type{\ldots} ]]
2752 ]
2753 ]
2754 \end{scope}
2755 \end{scope}
2756 \draw[->,>=triangle 90,shorten >=1pt](root.east)..controls +(east:2) and
2757 +(south:1)..(site.south);
2759 \draw (root.south) -- (modifiers);
2760 \draw (root.south) -- (typeParameters);
2761 \draw (root.south) -- ($ (parameters.north) + (2,0) $);
2762 \draw (root.south) -- (exceptions);
2763 \draw (root.south) -- (return);
2764 \draw (root.south) -- (body);
2766 \end{tikzpicture}
2767 \caption{The format of the abstract syntax tree in \name{Eclipse}.}
2768 \label{fig:astEclipse}
2770\todoin{Add more to the AST format tree? \myref{fig:astEclipse}}
2772\section{The ASTVisitor}\label{astVisitor}
2773So far, the only thing that has been addressed is how the data that is going to
2774be the basis for our analysis is structured. Another aspect of it is how we are
2775going to traverse the AST to gather the information we need, so we can conclude
2776about the properties we are analysing. It is of course possible to start at the
2777top of the tree, and manually search through its nodes for the ones we are
2778looking for, but that is a bit inconvenient. To be able to efficiently utilize
2779such an approach, we would need to make our own framework for traversing the
2780tree and visiting only the types of nodes we are after. Luckily, this
2781functionality is already provided in \name{Eclipse}, by its
2784The \name{Eclipse} AST, together with its \type{ASTVisitor}, follows the
2785\pattern{Visitor} pattern\citing{designPatterns}. The intent of this design
2786pattern is to facilitate extending the functionality of classes without touching
2787the classes themselves.
2789Let us say that there is a class hierarchy of elements. These elements all have
2790a method \method{accept(Visitor visitor)}. In its simplest form, the
2791\method{accept} method just calls the \method{visit} method of the visitor with
2792itself as an argument, like this: \code{visitor.visit(this)}. For the visitors
2793to be able to extend the functionality of all the classes in the elements
2794hierarchy, each \type{Visitor} must have one visit method for each concrete
2795class in the hierarchy. Say the hierarchy consists of the concrete classes
2796\type{ConcreteElementA} and \type{ConcreteElementB}. Then each visitor must have
2797the (possibly empty) methods \method{visit(ConcreteElementA element)} and
2798\method{visit(ConcreteElementB element)}. This scenario is depicted in
2802 \centering
2803 \tikzstyle{abstract}=[rectangle, draw=black, fill=white, drop shadow, text
2804 centered, anchor=north, text=black, text width=6cm, every one node
2805part/.style={align=center, font=\bfseries\itshape}]
2806 \tikzstyle{concrete}=[rectangle, draw=black, fill=white, drop shadow, text
2807 centered, anchor=north, text=black, text width=6cm]
2808 \tikzstyle{inheritarrow}=[->, >=open triangle 90, thick]
2809 \tikzstyle{commentarrow}=[->, >=angle 90, dashed]
2810 \tikzstyle{line}=[-, thick]
2811 \tikzset{every one node part/.style={align=center, font=\bfseries}}
2812 \tikzset{every second node part/.style={align=center, font=\ttfamily}}
2814 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, scale=0.8, every node/.style={transform
2815 shape}]
2816 \node (Element) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2]
2817 {
2818 \nodepart{one}{Element}
2819 \nodepart{second}{+accept(visitor: Visitor)}
2820 };
2821 \node (AuxNode01) [text width=0, minimum height=2cm, below=of Element] {};
2822 \node (ConcreteElementA) [concrete, rectangle split, rectangle split
2823 parts=2, left=of AuxNode01]
2824 {
2825 \nodepart{one}{ConcreteElementA}
2826 \nodepart{second}{+accept(visitor: Visitor)}
2827 };
2828 \node (ConcreteElementB) [concrete, rectangle split, rectangle split
2829 parts=2, right=of AuxNode01]
2830 {
2831 \nodepart{one}{ConcreteElementB}
2832 \nodepart{second}{+accept(visitor: Visitor)}
2833 };
2835 \node[comment, below=of ConcreteElementA] (CommentA) {visitor.visit(this)};
2837 \node[comment, below=of ConcreteElementB] (CommentB) {visitor.visit(this)};
2839 \node (AuxNodeX) [text width=0, minimum height=1cm, below=of AuxNode01] {};
2841 \node (Visitor) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2,
2842 below=of AuxNodeX]
2843 {
2844 \nodepart{one}{Visitor}
2845 \nodepart{second}{+visit(ConcreteElementA)\\+visit(ConcreteElementB)}
2846 };
2847 \node (AuxNode02) [text width=0, minimum height=2cm, below=of Visitor] {};
2848 \node (ConcreteVisitor1) [concrete, rectangle split, rectangle split
2849 parts=2, left=of AuxNode02]
2850 {
2851 \nodepart{one}{ConcreteVisitor1}
2852 \nodepart{second}{+visit(ConcreteElementA)\\+visit(ConcreteElementB)}
2853 };
2854 \node (ConcreteVisitor2) [concrete, rectangle split, rectangle split
2855 parts=2, right=of AuxNode02]
2856 {
2857 \nodepart{one}{ConcreteVisitor2}
2858 \nodepart{second}{+visit(ConcreteElementA)\\+visit(ConcreteElementB)}
2859 };
2862 \draw[inheritarrow] (ConcreteElementA.north) -- ++(0,0.7) -|
2863 (Element.south);
2864 \draw[line] (ConcreteElementA.north) -- ++(0,0.7) -|
2865 (ConcreteElementB.north);
2867 \draw[inheritarrow] (ConcreteVisitor1.north) -- ++(0,0.7) -|
2868 (Visitor.south);
2869 \draw[line] (ConcreteVisitor1.north) -- ++(0,0.7) -|
2870 (ConcreteVisitor2.north);
2872 \draw[commentarrow] (CommentA.north) -- (ConcreteElementA.south);
2873 \draw[commentarrow] (CommentB.north) -- (ConcreteElementB.south);
2876 \end{tikzpicture}
2877 \caption{The Visitor Pattern.}
2878 \label{fig:visitorPattern}
2881The use of the visitor pattern can be appropriate when the hierarchy of elements
2882is mostly stable, but the family of operations over its elements is constantly
2883growing. This is clearly the case for the \name{Eclipse} AST, since the hierarchy of
2884type \type{ASTNode} is very stable, but the functionality of its elements is
2885extended every time someone needs to operate on the AST. Another aspect of the
2886\name{Eclipse} implementation is that it is a public API, and the visitor pattern is an
2887easy way to provide access to the nodes in the tree.
2889The version of the visitor pattern implemented for the AST nodes in \name{Eclipse} also
2890provides an elegant way to traverse the tree. It does so by following the
2891convention that every node in the tree first let the visitor visit itself,
2892before it also makes all its children accept the visitor. The children are only
2893visited if the visit method of their parent returns \var{true}. This pattern
2894then makes for a prefix traversal of the AST. If postfix traversal is desired,
2895the visitors also has \method{endVisit} methods for each node type, that is
2896called after the \method{visit} method for a node. In addition to these visit
2897methods, there are also the methods \method{preVisit(ASTNode)},
2898\method{postVisit(ASTNode)} and \method{preVisit2(ASTNode)}. The
2899\method{preVisit} method is called before the type-specific \method{visit}
2900method. The \method{postVisit} method is called after the type-specific
2901\method{endVisit}. The type specific \method{visit} is only called if
2902\method{preVisit2} returns \var{true}. Overriding the \method{preVisit2} is also
2903altering the behavior of \method{preVisit}, since the default implementation is
2904responsible for calling it.
2906An example of a trivial \type{ASTVisitor} is shown in
2911public class CollectNamesVisitor extends ASTVisitor {
2912 Collection<Name> names = new LinkedList<Name>();
2914 @Override
2915 public boolean visit(QualifiedName node) {
2916 names.add(node);
2917 return false;
2918 }
2920 @Override
2921 public boolean visit(SimpleName node) {
2922 names.add(node);
2923 return true;
2924 }
2927\caption{An \type{ASTVisitor} that visits all the names in a subtree and adds
2928them to a collection, except those names that are children of any
2933\section{Property collectors}\label{propertyCollectors}
2934The prefixes and unfixes are found by property
2936A property collector is of the \type{ASTVisitor} type, and thus visits nodes of
2937type \type{ASTNode} of the abstract syntax tree \see{astVisitor}.
2939\subsection{The PrefixesCollector}
2940The \typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.extractors.collectors}{PrefixesCollector}
2941finds prefixes that makes up the basis for calculating move targets for the
2942\refa{Extract and Move Method} refactoring. It visits expression
2943statements\typeref{org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ExpressionStatement} and creates
2944prefixes from its expressions in the case of method invocations. The prefixes
2945found is registered with a prefix set, together with all its sub-prefixes.
2947\subsection{The UnfixesCollector}\label{unfixes}
2948The \typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.extractors.collectors}{UnfixesCollector}
2949finds unfixes within a selection.
2953\subsection{The ContainsReturnStatementCollector}
2956is a very simple property collector. It only visits the return statements within
2957a selection, and can report whether it encountered a return statement or not.
2959\subsection{The LastStatementCollector}
2960The \typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.collectors}{LastStatementCollector}
2961collects the last statement of a selection. It does so by only visiting the top
2962level statements of the selection, and compares the textual end offset of each
2963encountered statement with the end offset of the previous statement found.
2966\todoin{Check out ExtractMethodAnalyzer from ExtractMethodRefactoring}
2967The checkers are a range of classes that checks that text selections complies
2968with certain criteria. All checkers operates under the assumption that the code
2969they check is free from compilation errors. If a
2970\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.analyzers}{Checker} fails, it throws a
2971\type{CheckerException}. The checkers are managed by the
2972\type{LegalStatementsChecker}, which does not, in fact, implement the
2973\type{Checker} interface. It does, however, run all the checkers registered with
2974it, and reports that all statements are considered legal if no
2975\type{CheckerException} is thrown. Many of the checkers either extends the
2976\type{PropertyCollector} or utilizes one or more property collectors to verify
2977some criteria. The checkers registered with the \type{LegalStatementsChecker}
2978are described next. They are run in the order presented below.
2980\subsection{The CallToProtectedOrPackagePrivateMethodChecker}
2981This checker is designed to prevent an error that can occur in situations where
2982a method is declared in one class, but overridden in another. If a text
2983selection contains a call to a method like this, and the seletion is extracted
2984to a new method, the subsequent movement of this method could cause the code to
2987The code breaks in situations where the method call in the selection is to a
2988method that has the \code{protected} modifier, or it does not have any access
2989modifiers, i.e. it is package-private.
2991The workings of the \type{CallToProtectedOrPackagePrivateMethod\-Checker} is
2992therefore very simple. It looks for calls to methods that are either protected
2993or package-private within the selection, and throws an
2994\type{IllegalExpressionFoundException} if one is found.
2996The problem this checker helps to avoid, is a little subtle. The problem does
2997not arise in the class where the change is done, but in a class derived from it.
2998This shows that classes acting as superclasses are especially fragile to
2999introducing errors in the context of automated refactoring. This is also shown
3000in bug\ldots \todoin{File Eclipse bug report}
3002\subsection{The InstantiationOfNonStaticInnerClassChecker}
3003\todoin{Contains duplicate text from semantic section}
3004When a non-static inner class is instatiated, this must happen in the scope of
3005its declaring class. This is because it must have access to the members of the
3006declaring class. If the inner class is public, it is possible to instantiate it
3007through an instance of its declaring class, but this is not handled by the
3008\type{MoveInstanceMethodProcessor} in Eclipse when moving a method. Therefore,
3009performing a move on a method that instantiates a non-static inner class, will
3010break the code if the instantiation is not handled properly. For this reason,
3011the \type{InstantiationOfNonStaticInnerClassChecker} does not validate
3012selections that contains instantiations of non-static inner classes. This
3013problem is also related to bug\ldots \todoin{File Eclipse bug report}
3015\subsection{The EnclosingInstanceReferenceChecker}
3016\todoin{Contains duplicate text from semantic section}
3017The purpose of this checker is to verify that the names in a selection are not
3018referencing any enclosing instances. This is for making sure that all references
3019is legal in a method that is to be moved. Theoretically, some situations could
3020be easily solved my passing a reference to the referenced class with the moved
3021method (e.g. when calling public methods), but the dependency on the
3022\type{MoveInstanceMethodProcessor} prevents this.
3026is a modified version of the
3028from the \type{MoveInstanceMethodProcessor}. Wherever the
3029\type{EnclosingInstanceReferenceFinder} would create a fatal error status, the
3030checker throws a \type{CheckerException}.
3032It works by first finding all of the enclosing types of a selection. Thereafter
3033it visits all its simple names to check that they are not references to
3034variables or methods declared in any of the enclosing types. In addition the
3035checker visits \var{this}-expressions to verify that no such expressions are
3036qualified with any name.
3038\subsection{The ReturnStatementsChecker}\label{returnStatementsChecker}
3039\todoin{Contains duplicate text from semantic section}
3040The checker for return statements is meant to verify that if a text selection
3041contains a return statement, then every possible execution path within the
3042selection ends in a return statement. This property is important regarding the
3043\ExtractMethod refactoring. If it holds, it means that a method could be
3044extracted from the selection, and a call to it could be substituted for the
3045selection. If the method has a non-void return type, then a call to it would
3046also be a valid return point for the calling method. If its return value is of
3047the void type, then the \type{ExtractMethodRefactoring} of \name{Eclipse}
3048appends an empty return statement to the back of the method call. Therefore, the
3049analysis does not discriminate on either kinds of return statements, with or
3050without a return value.
3052The property description implies that if the selection is free from return
3053statements, then the checker validates. So this is the first thing the checker
3056If the checker proceedes any further, it is because the selection contains one
3057or more return statements. The next test is therefore to check if the last
3058statement of the selection ends in either a return or a throw statement. If the
3059last statement of the selection ends in a return statement, then all execution
3060paths within the selection should end in either this, or another, return
3061statement. This is also true for a throw statement, since it causes an immediate
3062exit from the current block, together with all outer blocks in its control flow
3063that does not catch the thrown exception.
3065Return statements can be either explicit or implicit. An \emph{explicit} return
3066statement is formed by using the \code{return} keyword, while an \emph{implicit}
3067return statement is a statement that is not formed by the \code{return} keyword,
3068but must be the last statement of a method that can have any side effects. This
3069can happen in methods with a void return type. An example is a statement that is
3070inside one or more blocks. The last statement of a method could for instance be
3071an if-statement, but the last statement that is executed in the method, and that
3072can have any side effects, may be located inside the block of the else part of
3073the if-statement.
3075The responsibility for checking that the last statement of the selection
3076eventually ends in a return or throw statement, is put on the
3077\type{LastStatementOfSelectionEndsInReturnOrThrowChecker}. For every node
3078visited, if it is a statement, it does a test to see if the statement is a
3079return, a throw or if it is an implicit return statement. If this is the case,
3080no further checking is done. This checking is done in the \code{preVisit2}
3081method \see{astVisitor}. If the node is not of a type that is being handled by
3082its type specific visit method, the checker performs a simple test. If the node
3083being visited is not the last statement of its parent that is also enclosed by
3084the selection, an \type{IllegalStatementFoundException} is thrown. This ensures
3085that all statements are taken care of, one way or the other. It also ensures
3086that the checker is conservative in the way it checks for legality of the
3089To examine if a statement is an implicit return statement, the checker first
3090finds the last statement declared in its enclosing method. If this statement is
3091the same as the one under investigation, it is considered an implicit return
3092statement. If the statements are not the same, the checker does a search to see
3093if statement examined is also the last statement of the method that can be
3094reached. This includes the last statement of a block statement, a labeled
3095statement, a synchronized statement or a try statement, that in turn is the last
3096statement enclosed by the statement types listed. This search goes through all
3097the parents of a statement until a statement is found that is not one of the
3098mentioned acceptable parent statements. If the search ends in a method
3099declaration, then the statement is considered to be the last reachable statement
3100of the method, and thus also an implicit return statement.
3102There are two kinds of statements that are handled explicitly. It is
3103if-statements and try-statements. Block, labeled and do-statements are handled
3104by fall-through to the other two. Do-statements are considered equal to blocks
3105in this context, since their bodies are always evaluated at least one time. If-
3106and try-statements are visited only if they are the last node of their parent
3107within the selection.
3109For if-statements, the rule is that if the then-part does not contain any return
3110or throw statements, it is considered illegal. If it does contain a return or
3111throw, its else-part is checked. If the else-part is non-existent, or it does
3112not contain any return or throw statements, it is considered illegal. If the
3113statement is not regarded illegal, its children are visited.
3115Try-statements are handled much the same way as if-statements. Its body must
3116contain a return or throw. The same applies to its catch clauses and finally
3119If the checker does not complain at any point, the selection is considered valid
3120with respect to return statements.
3122\subsection{The AmbiguousReturnValueChecker}
3124This checker verifies that there are no \emph{ambiguous return values} in a
3127First the checker needs to collect some data. Those data are the binding keys
3128for all simple names that are assigned to within the selection, including
3129variable declarations, but excluding fields. The checker also collects whether
3130there exists a return statement in the selection or not. No further checks of
3131return statements are needed, since, at this point, the selection is already
3132checked for illegal return statements \see{returnStatementsChecker}.
3134After the binding keys of the assignees are collected, the checker searches the
3135part of the enclosing method that is after the selection for references whose
3136binding keys are among the collected keys. If more than one unique referral is
3137found, or only one referral is found, but the selection also contains a return
3138statement, we have a situation with an ambiguous return value, and an exception
3139is thrown.
3141%\todoin{Explain why we do not need to consider variables assigned inside
3142%local/anonymous classes. (The referenced variables need to be final and so
3145\subsection{The IllegalStatementsChecker}
3146\todoin{Contains duplicate text from semantic section}
3147This checker is designed to check for illegal statements.
3149Any use of the \var{super} keyword is prohibited, since its meaning is altered
3150when moving a method to another class.
3152For a \emph{break} statement, there is two situations to consider: A break
3153statement with or without a label. If the break statement has a label, it is
3154checked that whole of the labeled statement is inside the selection. Since a
3155label does not have any binding information, we have to search upwards in the
3156AST to find the \type{LabeledStatement} that corresponds to the label from the
3157break statement, and check that it is contained in the selection. If the break
3158statement does not have a label attached to it, it is checked that its innermost
3159enclosing loop or switch statement also is inside the selection.
3161The situation for a \emph{continue} statement is the same as for a break
3162statement, except that it is not allowed inside switch statements.
3164Regarding \emph{assignments}, two types of assignments is allowed: Assignment to
3165a non-final variable and assignment to an array access. All other assignments is
3166regarded illegal.
3172\todoin{Better name than ``benchmarking''?}
3173This part of the master's project is located in the \name{Eclipse} project
3174\code{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.benchmark}. The purpose of it is to run the equivalent
3175of the \type{SearchBasedExtractAndMoveMethodChanger}
3176\see{searchBasedExtractAndMoveMethodChanger} over a larger software project,
3177both to test its robustness but also its effect on different software metrics.
3179\section{The benchmark setup}
3180The benchmark itself is set up as a \name{JUnit} test case. This is a convenient
3181setup, and utilizes the \name{JUnit Plugin Test Launcher}. This provides us a
3182with a fully functional \name{Eclipse} workbench. Most importantly, this gives
3183us access to the Java Model of \name{Eclipse} \see{javaModel}.
3185\subsection{The ProjectImporter}
3186The Java project that is going to be used as the data for the benchmark, must be
3187imported into the JUnit workspace. This is done by the
3188\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.benchmark}{ProjectImporter}. The importer
3189require the absolute path to the project description file. It is named
3190\code{.project} and is located at the root of the project directory.
3192The project description is loaded to find the name of the project to be
3193imported. The project that shall be the destination for the import is created in
3194the workspace, on the base of the name from the description. Then an import
3195operation is created, based on both the source and destination information. The
3196import operation is run to perform the import.
3198I have found no simple API call to accomplish what the importer does, which
3199tells me that it may not be too many people performing this particular action.
3200The solution to the problem was found on \name{Stack
3201Overflow}\footnote{\url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12401297}}. It
3202contains enough dirty details to be considered inconvenient to use, if not
3203wrapping it in a class like my \type{ProjectImporter}. One would probably have
3204to delve into the source code for the import wizard to find out how the import
3205operation works, if no one had already done it.
3208Statistics for the analysis and changes is captured by the
3209\typewithref{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.aspects}{StatisticsAspect}. This an
3210\emph{aspect} written in \name{AspectJ}.
3213\name{AspectJ}\footnote{\url{http://eclipse.org/aspectj/}} is an extension to
3214the Java language, and facilitates combining aspect-oriented programming with
3215the object-oriented programming in Java.
3217Aspect-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that is meant to isolate
3218so-called \emph{cross-cutting concerns} into their own modules. These
3219cross-cutting concerns are functionalities that spans over multiple classes, but
3220may not belong naturally in any of them. It can be functionality that does not
3221concern the business logic of an application, and thus may be a burden when
3222entangled with parts of the source code it does not really belong. Examples
3223include logging, debugging, optimization and security.
3225Aspects are interacting with other modules by defining advices. The concept of
3226an \emph{advice} is known from both aspect-oriented and functional
3227programming\citing{wikiAdvice2014}. It is a function that modifies another
3228function when the latter is run. An advice in AspectJ is somewhat similar to a
3229method in Java. It is meant to alter the behavior of other methods, and contains
3230a body that is executed when it is applied.
3232An advice can be applied at a defined \emph{pointcut}. A pointcut picks out one
3233or more \emph{join points}. A join point is a well-defined point in the
3234execution of a program. It can occur when calling a method defined for a
3235particular class, when calling all methods with the same name,
3236accessing/assigning to a particular field of a given class and so on. An advice
3237can be declared to run both before, after returning from a pointcut, when there
3238is thrown an exception in the pointcut or after the pointcut either returns or
3239throws an exception. In addition to picking out join points, a pointcut can
3240also bind variables from its context, so they can be accessed in the body of an
3241advice. An example of a pointcut and an advice is found in
3246pointcut methodAnalyze(
3247 SearchBasedExtractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer analyzer) :
3248 call(* SearchBasedExtractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer.analyze())
3249 && target(analyzer);
3251after(SearchBasedExtractAndMoveMethodAnalyzer analyzer) :
3252 methodAnalyze(analyzer) {
3253 statistics.methodCount++;
3254 debugPrintMethodAnalysisProgress(analyzer.method);
3257\caption{An example of a pointcut named \method{methodAnalyze},
3258and an advice defined to be applied after it has occurred.}
3262\subsection{The Statistics class}
3263The statistics aspect stores statistical information in an object of type
3264\type{Statistics}. As of now, the aspect needs to be initialized at the point in
3265time where it is desired that it starts its data gathering. At any point in time
3266the statistics aspect can be queried for a snapshot of the current statistics.
3268The \type{Statistics} class also include functionality for generating a report
3269of its gathered statistics. The report can be given either as a string or it can
3270be written to a file.
3273The statistics aspect contains advices for gathering statistical data from
3274different parts of the benchmarking process. It captures statistics from both
3275the analysis part and the execution part of the composite \ExtractAndMoveMethod
3278For the analysis part, there are advices to count the number of text selections
3279analyzed and the number of methods, types, compilation units and packages
3280analyzed. There are also advices that counts for how many of the methods there
3281is found a selection that is a candidate for the refactoring, and for how many
3282methods there is not.
3284There exists advices for counting both the successful and unsuccessful
3285executions of all the refactorings. Both for the \ExtractMethod and \MoveMethod
3286refactorings in isolation, as well as for the combination of them.
3289When looking for optimizations to make for the benchmarking process, I used the
3290\name{VisualVM}\footnote{\url{http://visualvm.java.net/}} \gloss{profiler} for
3291the Java Virtual Machine to both profile the application and also to make memory
3292dumps of its heap.
3295When \gloss{profiling} the benchmark process before making any optimizations, it
3296early became apparent that the parsing of source code was a place to direct
3297attention towards. This discovery was done when only \emph{analyzing} source
3298code, before trying to do any \emph{manipulation} of it. Caching of the parsed
3299ASTs seemed like the best way to save some time, as expected. With only a simple
3300cache of the most recently used AST, the analysis time was speeded up by a
3301factor of around 20. This number depends a little upon which type of system the
3302analysis is run.
3304The caching is managed by a cache manager, that now, by default, utilizes the
3305not so well known feature of Java called a \emph{soft reference}. Soft
3306references are best explained in the context of weak references. A \emph{weak
3307reference} is a reference to an object instance that is only guaranteed to
3308persist as long as there is a \emph{strong reference} or a soft reference
3309referring the same object. If no such reference is found, its referred object is
3310garbage collected. A strong reference is basically the same as a regular Java
3311reference. A soft reference has the same guarantees as a week reference when it
3312comes to its relation to strong references, but it is not necessarily garbage
3313collected whenever there exists no strong references to it. A soft reference
3314\emph{may} reside in memory as long as the JVM has enough free memory in the
3315heap. A soft reference will therefore usually perform better than a weak
3316reference when used for simple caching and similar tasks. The way to use a
3317soft/weak reference is to as it for its referent. The return value then has to
3318be tested to check that it is not \var{null}. For the basic usage of soft
3319references, see \myref{lst:softReferenceExample}. For a more thorough
3320explanation of weak references in general, see\citing{weakRef2006}.
3324// Strong reference
3325Object strongRef = new Object();
3327// Soft reference
3328SoftReference<Object> softRef =
3329 new SoftReference<Object>(new Object());
3331// Using the soft reference
3332Object obj = softRef.get();
3333if (obj != null) {
3334 // Use object here
3337\caption{Showing the basic usage of soft references. Weak references is used the
3338 same way. {\footnotesize (The references are part of the \code{java.lang.ref}
3343The cache based on soft references has no limit for how many ASTs it caches. It
3344is generally not advisable to keep references to ASTs for prolonged periods of
3345time, since they are expensive structures to hold on to. For regular plugin
3346development, \name{Eclipse} recommends not creating more than one AST at a time to
3347limit memory consumption. Since the benchmarking has nothing to do with user
3348experience, and throughput is everything, these advices are intentionally
3349ignored. This means that during the benchmarking process, the target \name{Eclipse}
3350application may very well work close to its memory limit for the heap space for
3351long periods during the benchmark.
3359\section{Source code organization}
3360All the parts of this master's project is under version control with
3363The software written is organized as some \name{Eclipse} plugins. Writing a plugin is
3364the natural way to utilize the API of \name{Eclipse}. This also makes it possible to
3365provide a user interface to manually run operations on selections in program
3366source code or whole projects/packages.
3368When writing a plugin in \name{Eclipse}, one has access to resources such as the
3369current workspace, the open editor and the current selection.
3371The thesis work is contained in the following Eclipse projects:
3374 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor] \hfill \\ This is the main Eclipse plugin
3375 project, and contains all of the business logic for the plugin.
3377 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.tests] \hfill \\
3378 This project contains the tests for the main plugin.
3380 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.examples] \hfill \\
3381 Contains example code used in testing. It also contains code for managing
3382 this example code, such as creating an Eclipse project from it before a test
3383 run.
3385 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.benchmark] \hfill \\
3386 This project contains code for running search based versions of the
3387 composite refactoring over selected Eclipse projects.
3389 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.releng] \hfill \\
3390 Contains the rmap, queries and target definitions needed by by Buckminster
3391 on the Jenkins continuous integration server.
3395\subsection{The no.uio.ifi.refaktor project}
3398This package, and its subpackages, contains code that is used for analyzing Java
3399source code. The most important subpackages are presented below.
3402 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.analyzers] \hfill \\
3403 This package contains source code analyzers. These are usually responsible
3404 for analyzing text selections or running specialized analyzers for different
3405 kinds of entities. Their structure are often hierarchical. This means that
3406 you have an analyzer for text selections, that in turn is utilized by an
3407 analyzer that analyzes all the selections of a method. Then there are
3408 analyzers for analyzing all the methods of a type, all the types of a
3409 compilation unit, all the compilation units of a package, and, at last, all
3410 of the packages in a project.
3412 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.checkers] \hfill \\
3413 A package containing checkers. The checkers are classes used to validate
3414 that a selection can be further analyzed and chosen as a candidate for a
3415 refactoring. Invalidating properties can be such as usage of inner classes
3416 or the need for multiple return values.
3418 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.analyze.collectors] \hfill \\
3419 This package contains the property collectors. Collectors are used to gather
3420 properties from a text selection. This is mostly properties regarding
3421 referenced names and their occurrences. It is these properties that makes up
3422 the basis for finding the best candidates for a refactoring.
3426This package, and its subpackages, contains functionality for manipulate source
3430 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.change.changers] \hfill \\
3431 This package contains source code changers. They are used to glue together
3432 the analysis of source code and the actual execution of the changes.
3434 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.change.executors] \hfill \\
3435 The executors that are responsible for making concrete changes are found in
3436 this package. They are mostly used to create and execute one or more Eclipse
3437 refactorings.
3439 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.change.processors] \hfill \\
3440 Contains a refactoring processor for the \MoveMethod refactoring. The code
3441 is stolen and modified to fix a bug. The related bug is described in
3442 \myref{eclipse_bug_429416}.
3447This package contains handlers for the commands defined in the plugin manifest.
3450This package contains the \type{Prefix} type that is the data representation of
3451the prefixes found by the \type{PrefixesCollector}. It also contains the prefix
3452set for storing and working with prefixes.
3455The package contains statistics functionality. Its heart is the statistics
3456aspect that is responsible for gathering statistics during the execution of the
3457\ExtractAndMoveMethod refactoring.
3460 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.statistics.reports] \hfill \\
3461 This package contains a simple framework for generating reports from the
3462 statistics data generated by the aspect. Currently, the only available
3463 report type is a simple text report.
3469This package contains the two custom text selections that are used extensively
3470throughout the project. One of them is just a subclass of the other, to support
3471the use of the memento pattern to optimize the memory usage during benchmarking.
3474The package contains a debug utility class. I addition to this, the package
3475\code{no.uio.ifi.refaktor.utils.aspects} contains a couple of aspects used for
3476debugging purposes.
3479Utility package that contains all the functionality that has to do with parsing
3480of source code. It also has utility classes for looking up handles to methods
3481and types et cetera.
3484 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.utils.caching] \hfill \\
3485 This package contains the caching manager for compilation units, along with
3486 classes for different caching strategies.
3488 \item[no.uio.ifi.refaktor.utils.nullobjects] \hfill \\
3489 Contains classes for creating different null objects. Most of the classes is
3490 used to represent null objects of different handle types. These null objects
3491 are returned from various utility classes instead of returning a \var{null}
3492 value when other values are not available.
3496\section{Continuous integration}
3497The continuous integration server
3498\name{Jenkins}\footnote{\url{http://jenkins-ci.org/}} has been set up for the
3499project\footnote{A work mostly done by the supervisor.}. It is used as a way to
3500run tests and perform code coverage analysis.
3502To be able to build the \name{Eclipse} plugins and run tests for them with Jenkins, the
3503component assembly project
3504\name{Buckminster}\footnote{\url{http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/}} is used,
3505through its plugin for Jenkins. Buckminster provides for a way to specify the
3506resources needed for building a project and where and how to find them.
3507Buckminster also handles the setup of a target environment to run the tests in.
3508All this is needed because the code to build depends on an \name{Eclipse}
3509installation with various plugins.
3511\subsection{Problems with AspectJ}
3512The Buckminster build worked fine until introducing AspectJ into the project.
3513When building projects using AspectJ, there are some additional steps that needs
3514to be performed. First of all, the aspects themselves must be compiled. Then the
3515aspects needs to be woven with the classes they affect. This demands a process
3516that does multiple passes over the source code.
3518When using AspectJ with \name{Eclipse}, the specialized compilation and the
3519weaving can be handled by the \name{AspectJ Development
3520Tools}\footnote{\url{https://www.eclipse.org/ajdt/}}. This works all fine, but
3521it complicates things when trying to build a project depending on \name{Eclipse}
3522plugins outside of \name{Eclipse}. There is supposed to be a way to specify a
3523compiler adapter for javac, together with the file extensions for the file types
3524it shall operate. The AspectJ compiler adapter is called
3525\typewithref{org.aspectj.tools.ant.taskdefs}{Ajc11CompilerAdapter}, and it works
3526with files that has the extensions \code{*.java} and \code{*.aj}. I tried to
3527setup this in the build properties file for the project containing the aspects,
3528but to no avail. The project containing the aspects does not seem to be built at
3529all, and the projects that depends on it complains that they cannot find certain
3532I then managed to write an \name{Ant}\footnote{\url{https://ant.apache.org/}}
3533build file that utilizes the AspectJ compiler adapter, for the
3534\code{no.uio.ifi.refaktor} plugin. The problem was then that it could no longer
3535take advantage of the environment set up by Buckminster. The solution to this
3536particular problem was of a ``hacky'' nature. It involves exporting the plugin
3537dependencies for the project to an Ant build file, and copy the exported path
3538into the existing build script. But then the Ant script needs to know where the
3539local \name{Eclipse} installation is located. This is no problem when building
3540on a local machine, but to utilize the setup done by Buckminster is a problem
3541still unsolved. To get the classpath for the build setup correctly, and here
3542comes the most ``hacky'' part of the solution, the Ant script has a target for
3543copying the classpath elements into a directory relative to the project
3544directory and checking it into Git. When no \code{ECLIPSE\_HOME} property is set
3545while running Ant, the script uses the copied plugins instead of the ones
3546provided by the \name{Eclipse} installation when building the project. This
3547obviously creates some problems with maintaining the list of dependencies in the
3548Ant file, as well as remembering to copy the plugins every time the list of
3549dependencies change.
3551The Ant script described above is run by Jenkins before the Buckminster setup
3552and build. When setup like this, the Buckminster build succeeds for the projects
3553not using AspectJ, and the tests are run as normal. This is all good, but it
3554feels a little scary, since the reason for Buckminster not working with AspectJ
3555is still unknown.
3557The problems with building with AspectJ on the Jenkins server lasted for a
3558while, before they were solved. This is reflected in the ``Test Result Trend''
3559and ``Code Coverage Trend'' reported by Jenkins.
3564\section{Evolutionary design}
3565In the programming work for this project, it have tried to use a design strategy
3566called evolutionary design, also known as continuous or incremental
3567design\citing{wiki_continuous_2014}. It is a software design strategy
3568advocated by the Extreme Programming community. The essence of the strategy is
3569that you should let the design of your program evolve naturally as your
3570requirements change. This is seen in contrast with up-front design, where
3571design decisions are made early in the process.
3573The motivation behind evolutionary design is to keep the design of software as
3574simple as possible. This means not introducing unneeded functionality into a
3575program. You should defer introducing flexibility into your software, until it
3576is needed to be able to add functionality in a clean way.
3578Holding up design decisions, implies that the time will eventually come when
3579decisions have to be made. The flexibility of the design then relies on the
3580programmer's abilities to perform the necessary refactoring, and \his confidence
3581in those abilities. From my experience working on this project, I can say that
3582this confidence is greatly enhanced by having automated tests to rely on
3585The choice of going for evolutionary design developed naturally. As Fowler
3586points out in his article \tit{Is Design Dead?}, evolutionary design much
3587resembles the ``code and fix'' development strategy\citing{fowler_design_2004}.
3588A strategy that most of us have practiced in school. This was also the case when
3589I first started this work. I had to learn the inner workings of Eclipse and its
3590refactoring-related plugins. That meant a lot of fumbling around with code I did
3591not know, in a trial and error fashion. Eventually I started writing tests for
3592my code, and my design began to evolve.
3594\section{Test-driven development}\label{tdd}
3595As mentioned before, the project started out as a classic code and fix
3596developmen process. My focus was aimed at getting something to work, rather than
3597doing so according to best practice. This resulted in a project that got out of
3598its starting blocks, but it was not accompanied by any tests. Hence it was soon
3599difficult to make any code changes with the confidence that the program was
3600still correct afterwards (assuming it was so before changing it). I always knew
3601that I had to introduce some tests at one point, but this experience accelerated
3602the process of leading me onto the path of testing.
3604I then wrote tests for the core functionality of the plugin, and thus gained
3605more confidence in the correctness of my code. I could now perform quite drastic
3606changes without ``wetting my pants``. After this, nearly all of the semantic
3607changes done to the business logic of the project, or the addition of new
3608functionality, was made in a test-driven manner. This means that before
3609performing any changes, I would define the desired functionality through a set
3610of tests. I would then run the tests to check that they were run and that they
3611did not pass. Then I would do any code changes necessary to make the tests
3612pass. The definition of how the program is supposed to operate is then captured
3613by the tests. However, this does not prove the correctness of the analysis
3614leading to the test definitions.
3616\section{Continuous integration}
3620\chapter{Eclipse Bugs Found}
3621\newcommand{\submittedBugReport}[1]{The submitted bug report can be found on
3622 \url{#1}.}
3624\section{Eclipse bug 420726: Code is broken when moving a method that is
3625assigning to the parameter that is also the move
3627This bug
3628was found when analyzing what kinds of names that was to be considered as
3629\emph{unfixes} \see{unfixes}.
3631\subsection{The bug}
3632The bug emerges when trying to move a method from one class to another, and when
3633the target for the move (must be a variable, local or field) is both a parameter
3634variable and also is assigned to within the method body. \name{Eclipse} allows this to
3635happen, although it is the sure path to a compilation error. This is because we
3636would then have an assignment to a \var{this} expression, which is not allowed
3637in Java.
3640\subsection{The solution}
3641The solution to this problem is to add all simple names that are assigned to in
3642a method body to the set of unfixes.
3644\section{Eclipse bug 429416: IAE when moving method from anonymous
3646I discovered
3647this bug during a batch change on the \type{org.eclipse.jdt.ui} project.
3649\subsection{The bug}
3650This bug surfaces when trying to use the \refa{Move Method} refactoring to move a
3651method from an anonymous class to another class. This happens both for my
3652simulation as well as in \name{Eclipse}, through the user interface. It only occurs
3653when \name{Eclipse} analyzes the program and finds it necessary to pass an instance of
3654the originating class as a parameter to the moved method. I.e. it want to pass a
3655\var{this} expression. The execution ends in an
3656\typewithref{java.lang}{IllegalArgumentException} in
3657\typewithref{org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom}{SimpleName} and its
3658\method{setIdentifier(String)} method. The simple name is attempted created in
3659the method
3661so the \type{MoveInstanceMethodProcessor} was early a clear suspect.
3663The \method{createInlinedMethodInvocation} is the method that creates a method
3664invocation where the previous invocation to the method that was moved was. From
3665its code it can be read that when a \var{this} expression is going to be passed
3666in to the invocation, it shall be qualified with the name of the original
3667method's declaring class, if the declaring class is either an anonymous class or
3668a member class. The problem with this, is that an anonymous class does not have
3669a name, hence the term \emph{anonymous} class! Therefore, when its name, an
3670empty string, is passed into
3671\methodwithref{org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST}{newSimpleName} it all ends in an
3675\subsection{How I solved the problem}
3676Since the \type{MoveInstanceMethodProcessor} is instantiated in the
3678and only need to be a
3679\typewithref{org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants}{MoveProcessor}, I
3680was able to copy the code for the original move processor and modify it so that
3681it works better for me. It is now called
3683The only modification done (in addition to some imports and suppression of
3684warnings), is in the \method{createInlinedMethodInvocation}. When the declaring
3685class of the method to move is anonymous, the \var{this} expression in the
3686parameter list is not qualified with the declaring class' (empty) name.
3688\section{Eclipse bug 429954: Extracting statement with reference to local type
3689breaks code}\label{eclipse_bug_429954}
3690The bug
3691was discovered when doing some changes to the way unfixes is computed.
3693\subsection{The bug}
3694The problem is that \name{Eclipse} is allowing selections that references variables of
3695local types to be extracted. When this happens the code is broken, since the
3696extracted method must take a parameter of a local type that is not in the
3697methods scope. The problem is illustrated in
3698\myref{lst:extractMethod_LocalClass}, but there in another setting.
3701\subsection{Actions taken}
3702There are no actions directly springing out of this bug, since the Extract
3703Method refactoring cannot be meant to be this way. This is handled on the
3704analysis stage of our \refa{Extract and Move Method} refactoring. So names representing
3705variables of local types is considered unfixes \see{unfixes}.
3706\todoin{write more when fixing this in legal statements checker}
3708\chapter{Conclusions and Future Work}
3711\section{Future work}
3712\todoin{Copied from introduction:}
3713For the metrics, I will at least measure the \metr{Coupling between object
3714classes} (CBO) metric that is described by Chidamber and Kemerer in their
3715article \tit{A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented
3720Then the effect of the change must be measured by calculating the chosen
3721software metrics both before and after the execution.
3722\todoin{Metrics, \ldots}
3724\chapter{Related Work}
3726\section{The compositional paradigm of refactoring}
3727This paradigm builds upon the observation of Vakilian et
3728al.\citing{vakilian2012}, that of the many automated refactorings existing in
3729modern IDEs, the simplest ones are dominating the usage statistics. The report
3730mainly focuses on \name{Eclipse} as the tool under investigation.
3732The paradigm is described almost as the opposite of automated composition of
3733refactorings \see{compositeRefactorings}. It works by providing the programmer
3734with easily accessible primitive refactorings. These refactorings shall be
3735accessed via keyboard shortcuts or quick-assist menus\footnote{Think
3736quick-assist with Ctrl+1 in \name{Eclipse}} and be promptly executed, opposed to in the
3737currently dominating wizard-based refactoring paradigm. They are meant to
3738stimulate composing smaller refactorings into more complex changes, rather than
3739doing a large upfront configuration of a wizard-based refactoring, before
3740previewing and executing it. The compositional paradigm of refactoring is
3741supposed to give control back to the programmer, by supporting \himher with an
3742option of performing small rapid changes instead of large changes with a lesser
3743degree of control. The report authors hope this will lead to fewer unsuccessful
3744refactorings. It also could lower the bar for understanding the steps of a
3745larger composite refactoring and thus also help in figuring out what goes wrong
3746if one should choose to op in on a wizard-based refactoring.
3748Vakilian and his associates have performed a survey of the effectiveness of the
3749compositional paradigm versus the wizard-based one. They claim to have found
3750evidence of that the \emph{compositional paradigm} outperforms the
3751\emph{wizard-based}. It does so by reducing automation, which seem
3752counterintuitive. Therefore they ask the question ``What is an appropriate level
3753of automation?'', and thus questions what they feel is a rush toward more
3754automation in the software engineering community.