1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16 /* $Id: AliEMCALRecoUtils.cxx 33808 2009-07-15 09:48:08Z gconesab $ */
18 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 // Class AliEMCALRecoUtils
21 // Some utilities to recalculate the cluster position or energy linearity
24 // Author: Gustavo Conesa (LPSC- Grenoble)
25 // Track matching part: Rongrong Ma (Yale)
27 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 // standard C++ includes
31 //#include <Riostream.h>
34 #include <TGeoManager.h>
35 #include <TGeoMatrix.h>
40 #include <TObjArray.h>
43 #include "AliVCluster.h"
44 #include "AliVCaloCells.h"
47 #include "AliESDEvent.h"
48 #include "AliAODEvent.h"
49 #include "AliESDtrack.h"
50 #include "AliAODTrack.h"
51 #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h"
52 #include "AliESDfriendTrack.h"
53 #include "AliTrackerBase.h"
56 #include "AliEMCALRecoUtils.h"
57 #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h"
58 #include "AliTrackerBase.h"
59 #include "AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection.h" // Run dependent
60 #include "AliEMCALPIDUtils.h"
63 ClassImp(AliEMCALRecoUtils)
65 //_____________________________________
66 AliEMCALRecoUtils::AliEMCALRecoUtils():
67 fParticleType(0), fPosAlgo(0), fW0(0),
68 fNonLinearityFunction(0), fNonLinearThreshold(0),
69 fSmearClusterEnergy(kFALSE), fRandom(),
70 fCellsRecalibrated(kFALSE), fRecalibration(kFALSE), fEMCALRecalibrationFactors(),
71 fTimeRecalibration(kFALSE), fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors(),
72 fUseRunCorrectionFactors(kFALSE), fRunCorrectionFactorsSet(kFALSE),
73 fRemoveBadChannels(kFALSE), fRecalDistToBadChannels(kFALSE), fEMCALBadChannelMap(),
74 fNCellsFromEMCALBorder(0), fNoEMCALBorderAtEta0(kTRUE),
75 fRejectExoticCluster(kFALSE), fRejectExoticCells(kFALSE),
76 fExoticCellFraction(0), fExoticCellDiffTime(0), fExoticCellMinAmplitude(0),
77 fPIDUtils(), fAODFilterMask(0),
78 fMatchedTrackIndex(0x0), fMatchedClusterIndex(0x0),
79 fResidualEta(0x0), fResidualPhi(0x0), fCutEtaPhiSum(kFALSE), fCutEtaPhiSeparate(kFALSE),
80 fCutR(0), fCutEta(0), fCutPhi(0),
81 fClusterWindow(0), fMass(0),
82 fStepSurface(0), fStepCluster(0),
83 fTrackCutsType(0), fCutMinTrackPt(0), fCutMinNClusterTPC(0),
84 fCutMinNClusterITS(0), fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(0), fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS(0),
85 fCutRequireTPCRefit(kFALSE), fCutRequireITSRefit(kFALSE), fCutAcceptKinkDaughters(kFALSE),
86 fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY(0), fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ(0), fCutDCAToVertex2D(kFALSE)
90 // Initialize all constant values which have to be used
91 // during Reco algorithm execution
98 fMatchedTrackIndex = new TArrayI();
99 fMatchedClusterIndex = new TArrayI();
100 fResidualPhi = new TArrayF();
101 fResidualEta = new TArrayF();
102 fPIDUtils = new AliEMCALPIDUtils();
107 //______________________________________________________________________
108 AliEMCALRecoUtils::AliEMCALRecoUtils(const AliEMCALRecoUtils & reco)
110 fParticleType(reco.fParticleType), fPosAlgo(reco.fPosAlgo), fW0(reco.fW0),
111 fNonLinearityFunction(reco.fNonLinearityFunction), fNonLinearThreshold(reco.fNonLinearThreshold),
112 fSmearClusterEnergy(reco.fSmearClusterEnergy), fRandom(),
113 fCellsRecalibrated(reco.fCellsRecalibrated),
114 fRecalibration(reco.fRecalibration), fEMCALRecalibrationFactors(reco.fEMCALRecalibrationFactors),
115 fTimeRecalibration(reco.fTimeRecalibration), fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors(reco.fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors),
116 fUseRunCorrectionFactors(reco.fUseRunCorrectionFactors), fRunCorrectionFactorsSet(reco.fRunCorrectionFactorsSet),
117 fRemoveBadChannels(reco.fRemoveBadChannels), fRecalDistToBadChannels(reco.fRecalDistToBadChannels),
118 fEMCALBadChannelMap(reco.fEMCALBadChannelMap),
119 fNCellsFromEMCALBorder(reco.fNCellsFromEMCALBorder), fNoEMCALBorderAtEta0(reco.fNoEMCALBorderAtEta0),
120 fRejectExoticCluster(reco.fRejectExoticCluster), fRejectExoticCells(reco.fRejectExoticCells),
121 fExoticCellFraction(reco.fExoticCellFraction), fExoticCellDiffTime(reco.fExoticCellDiffTime),
122 fExoticCellMinAmplitude(reco.fExoticCellMinAmplitude),
123 fPIDUtils(reco.fPIDUtils), fAODFilterMask(reco.fAODFilterMask),
124 fMatchedTrackIndex( reco.fMatchedTrackIndex? new TArrayI(*reco.fMatchedTrackIndex):0x0),
125 fMatchedClusterIndex(reco.fMatchedClusterIndex?new TArrayI(*reco.fMatchedClusterIndex):0x0),
126 fResidualEta( reco.fResidualEta? new TArrayF(*reco.fResidualEta):0x0),
127 fResidualPhi( reco.fResidualPhi? new TArrayF(*reco.fResidualPhi):0x0),
128 fCutEtaPhiSum(reco.fCutEtaPhiSum), fCutEtaPhiSeparate(reco.fCutEtaPhiSeparate),
129 fCutR(reco.fCutR), fCutEta(reco.fCutEta), fCutPhi(reco.fCutPhi),
130 fClusterWindow(reco.fClusterWindow),
131 fMass(reco.fMass), fStepSurface(reco.fStepSurface), fStepCluster(reco.fStepCluster),
132 fTrackCutsType(reco.fTrackCutsType), fCutMinTrackPt(reco.fCutMinTrackPt),
133 fCutMinNClusterTPC(reco.fCutMinNClusterTPC), fCutMinNClusterITS(reco.fCutMinNClusterITS),
134 fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(reco.fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC), fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS(reco.fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS),
135 fCutRequireTPCRefit(reco.fCutRequireTPCRefit), fCutRequireITSRefit(reco.fCutRequireITSRefit),
136 fCutAcceptKinkDaughters(reco.fCutAcceptKinkDaughters), fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY(reco.fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY),
137 fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ(reco.fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ), fCutDCAToVertex2D(reco.fCutDCAToVertex2D)
141 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 15 ; i++) { fMisalRotShift[i] = reco.fMisalRotShift[i] ;
142 fMisalTransShift[i] = reco.fMisalTransShift[i] ; }
143 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 7 ; i++) { fNonLinearityParams[i] = reco.fNonLinearityParams[i] ; }
144 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 3 ; i++) { fSmearClusterParam[i] = reco.fSmearClusterParam[i] ; }
149 //______________________________________________________________________
150 AliEMCALRecoUtils & AliEMCALRecoUtils::operator = (const AliEMCALRecoUtils & reco)
152 //Assignment operator
154 if(this == &reco)return *this;
155 ((TNamed *)this)->operator=(reco);
157 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 15 ; i++) { fMisalTransShift[i] = reco.fMisalTransShift[i] ;
158 fMisalRotShift[i] = reco.fMisalRotShift[i] ; }
159 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 7 ; i++) { fNonLinearityParams[i] = reco.fNonLinearityParams[i] ; }
160 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 3 ; i++) { fSmearClusterParam[i] = reco.fSmearClusterParam[i] ; }
162 fParticleType = reco.fParticleType;
163 fPosAlgo = reco.fPosAlgo;
166 fNonLinearityFunction = reco.fNonLinearityFunction;
167 fNonLinearThreshold = reco.fNonLinearThreshold;
168 fSmearClusterEnergy = reco.fSmearClusterEnergy;
170 fCellsRecalibrated = reco.fCellsRecalibrated;
171 fRecalibration = reco.fRecalibration;
172 fEMCALRecalibrationFactors = reco.fEMCALRecalibrationFactors;
174 fTimeRecalibration = reco.fTimeRecalibration;
175 fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors = reco.fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors;
177 fUseRunCorrectionFactors = reco.fUseRunCorrectionFactors;
178 fRunCorrectionFactorsSet = reco.fRunCorrectionFactorsSet;
180 fRemoveBadChannels = reco.fRemoveBadChannels;
181 fRecalDistToBadChannels = reco.fRecalDistToBadChannels;
182 fEMCALBadChannelMap = reco.fEMCALBadChannelMap;
184 fNCellsFromEMCALBorder = reco.fNCellsFromEMCALBorder;
185 fNoEMCALBorderAtEta0 = reco.fNoEMCALBorderAtEta0;
187 fRejectExoticCluster = reco.fRejectExoticCluster;
188 fRejectExoticCells = reco.fRejectExoticCells;
189 fExoticCellFraction = reco.fExoticCellFraction;
190 fExoticCellDiffTime = reco.fExoticCellDiffTime;
191 fExoticCellMinAmplitude = reco.fExoticCellMinAmplitude;
193 fPIDUtils = reco.fPIDUtils;
195 fAODFilterMask = reco.fAODFilterMask;
197 fCutEtaPhiSum = reco.fCutEtaPhiSum;
198 fCutEtaPhiSeparate = reco.fCutEtaPhiSeparate;
200 fCutEta = reco.fCutEta;
201 fCutPhi = reco.fCutPhi;
202 fClusterWindow = reco.fClusterWindow;
204 fStepSurface = reco.fStepSurface;
205 fStepCluster = reco.fStepCluster;
207 fTrackCutsType = reco.fTrackCutsType;
208 fCutMinTrackPt = reco.fCutMinTrackPt;
209 fCutMinNClusterTPC = reco.fCutMinNClusterTPC;
210 fCutMinNClusterITS = reco.fCutMinNClusterITS;
211 fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC = reco.fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC;
212 fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS = reco.fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS;
213 fCutRequireTPCRefit = reco.fCutRequireTPCRefit;
214 fCutRequireITSRefit = reco.fCutRequireITSRefit;
215 fCutAcceptKinkDaughters = reco.fCutAcceptKinkDaughters;
216 fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY = reco.fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY;
217 fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ = reco.fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ;
218 fCutDCAToVertex2D = reco.fCutDCAToVertex2D;
220 if(reco.fResidualEta){
221 // assign or copy construct
223 *fResidualEta = *reco.fResidualEta;
225 else fResidualEta = new TArrayF(*reco.fResidualEta);
228 if(fResidualEta)delete fResidualEta;
232 if(reco.fResidualPhi){
233 // assign or copy construct
235 *fResidualPhi = *reco.fResidualPhi;
237 else fResidualPhi = new TArrayF(*reco.fResidualPhi);
240 if(fResidualPhi)delete fResidualPhi;
244 if(reco.fMatchedTrackIndex){
245 // assign or copy construct
246 if(fMatchedTrackIndex){
247 *fMatchedTrackIndex = *reco.fMatchedTrackIndex;
249 else fMatchedTrackIndex = new TArrayI(*reco.fMatchedTrackIndex);
252 if(fMatchedTrackIndex)delete fMatchedTrackIndex;
253 fMatchedTrackIndex = 0;
256 if(reco.fMatchedClusterIndex){
257 // assign or copy construct
258 if(fMatchedClusterIndex){
259 *fMatchedClusterIndex = *reco.fMatchedClusterIndex;
261 else fMatchedClusterIndex = new TArrayI(*reco.fMatchedClusterIndex);
264 if(fMatchedClusterIndex)delete fMatchedClusterIndex;
265 fMatchedClusterIndex = 0;
272 //_____________________________________
273 AliEMCALRecoUtils::~AliEMCALRecoUtils()
277 if(fEMCALRecalibrationFactors) {
278 fEMCALRecalibrationFactors->Clear();
279 delete fEMCALRecalibrationFactors;
282 if(fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors) {
283 fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors->Clear();
284 delete fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors;
287 if(fEMCALBadChannelMap) {
288 fEMCALBadChannelMap->Clear();
289 delete fEMCALBadChannelMap;
292 delete fMatchedTrackIndex ;
293 delete fMatchedClusterIndex ;
294 delete fResidualEta ;
295 delete fResidualPhi ;
301 //_______________________________________________________________________________
302 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::AcceptCalibrateCell(const Int_t absID, const Int_t bc,
303 Float_t & amp, Double_t & time,
304 AliVCaloCells* cells)
306 // Reject cell if criteria not passed and calibrate it
308 AliEMCALGeometry* geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
310 if(absID < 0 || absID >= 24*48*geom->GetNumberOfSuperModules()) return kFALSE;
312 Int_t imod = -1, iphi =-1, ieta=-1,iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
313 geom->GetCellIndex(absID,imod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
314 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(imod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
316 // Do not include bad channels found in analysis,
317 if( IsBadChannelsRemovalSwitchedOn() && GetEMCALChannelStatus(imod, ieta, iphi)) {
322 amp = cells->GetCellAmplitude(absID);
323 if(IsRecalibrationOn())
324 amp *= GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(imod,ieta,iphi);
328 time = cells->GetCellTime(absID);
330 RecalibrateCellTime(absID,bc,time);
335 //_______________________________________________________________
336 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::CheckCellFiducialRegion(AliEMCALGeometry* geom, AliVCluster* cluster, AliVCaloCells* cells)
338 // Given the list of AbsId of the cluster, get the maximum cell and
339 // check if there are fNCellsFromBorder from the calorimeter border
342 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
346 //If the distance to the border is 0 or negative just exit accept all clusters
347 if(cells->GetType()==AliVCaloCells::kEMCALCell && fNCellsFromEMCALBorder <= 0 ) return kTRUE;
349 Int_t absIdMax = -1, iSM =-1, ieta = -1, iphi = -1;
350 Bool_t shared = kFALSE;
351 GetMaxEnergyCell(geom, cells, cluster, absIdMax, iSM, ieta, iphi, shared);
353 AliDebug(2,Form("Cluster Max AbsId %d, Cell Energy %2.2f, Cluster Energy %2.2f, Ncells from border %d, EMCAL eta=0 %d\n",
354 absIdMax, cells->GetCellAmplitude(absIdMax), cluster->E(), fNCellsFromEMCALBorder, fNoEMCALBorderAtEta0));
356 if(absIdMax==-1) return kFALSE;
358 //Check if the cell is close to the borders:
359 Bool_t okrow = kFALSE;
360 Bool_t okcol = kFALSE;
362 if(iSM < 0 || iphi < 0 || ieta < 0 ) {
363 AliFatal(Form("Negative value for super module: %d, or cell ieta: %d, or cell iphi: %d, check EMCAL geometry name\n",
369 if(iphi >= fNCellsFromEMCALBorder && iphi < 24-fNCellsFromEMCALBorder) okrow =kTRUE;
372 if(iphi >= fNCellsFromEMCALBorder && iphi < 12-fNCellsFromEMCALBorder) okrow =kTRUE;
376 if(!fNoEMCALBorderAtEta0){
377 if(ieta > fNCellsFromEMCALBorder && ieta < 48-fNCellsFromEMCALBorder) okcol =kTRUE;
381 if(ieta >= fNCellsFromEMCALBorder) okcol = kTRUE;
384 if(ieta < 48-fNCellsFromEMCALBorder) okcol = kTRUE;
388 AliDebug(2,Form("EMCAL Cluster in %d cells fiducial volume: ieta %d, iphi %d, SM %d: column? %d, row? %d\nq",
389 fNCellsFromEMCALBorder, ieta, iphi, iSM, okcol, okrow));
391 if (okcol && okrow) {
392 //printf("Accept\n");
396 //printf("Reject\n");
397 AliDebug(2,Form("Reject cluster in border, max cell : ieta %d, iphi %d, SM %d\n",ieta, iphi, iSM));
404 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
405 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::ClusterContainsBadChannel(const AliEMCALGeometry* geom, const UShort_t* cellList, const Int_t nCells){
406 // Check that in the cluster cells, there is no bad channel of those stored
407 // in fEMCALBadChannelMap or fPHOSBadChannelMap
409 if(!fRemoveBadChannels) return kFALSE;
410 if(!fEMCALBadChannelMap) return kFALSE;
415 for(Int_t iCell = 0; iCell<nCells; iCell++){
417 //Get the column and row
418 Int_t iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
419 geom->GetCellIndex(cellList[iCell],imod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
420 if(fEMCALBadChannelMap->GetEntries() <= imod) continue;
421 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(imod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,irow,icol);
422 if(GetEMCALChannelStatus(imod, icol, irow)){
423 AliDebug(2,Form("Cluster with bad channel: SM %d, col %d, row %d\n",imod, icol, irow));
427 }// cell cluster loop
433 //_______________________________________________________________________
434 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::IsExoticCell(const Int_t absID, AliVCaloCells* cells, const Int_t bc)
436 // Look to cell neighbourhood and reject if it seems exotic
437 // Do before recalibrating the cells
438 if(!fRejectExoticCells) return kFALSE;
440 AliEMCALGeometry * geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
442 Int_t imod = -1, iphi =-1, ieta=-1,iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
443 geom->GetCellIndex(absID,imod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
444 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(imod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
446 //Get close cells index, energy and time, not in corners
447 Int_t absID1 = geom-> GetAbsCellIdFromCellIndexes(imod, iphi+1, ieta);
448 Int_t absID2 = geom-> GetAbsCellIdFromCellIndexes(imod, iphi-1, ieta);
449 Int_t absID3 = geom-> GetAbsCellIdFromCellIndexes(imod, iphi, ieta+1);
450 Int_t absID4 = geom-> GetAbsCellIdFromCellIndexes(imod, iphi, ieta-1);
452 Float_t ecell = 0, ecell1 = 0, ecell2 = 0, ecell3 = 0, ecell4 = 0;
453 Double_t tcell = 0, tcell1 = 0, tcell2 = 0, tcell3 = 0, tcell4 = 0;
454 Bool_t accept = 0, accept1 = 0, accept2 = 0, accept3 = 0, accept4 = 0;
456 accept = AcceptCalibrateCell(absID, bc, ecell ,tcell ,cells);
458 if(!accept) return kTRUE; // reject this cell
460 if(ecell < fExoticCellMinAmplitude) return kFALSE; // do not reject low energy cells
462 accept1 = AcceptCalibrateCell(absID1,bc, ecell1,tcell1,cells);
463 accept2 = AcceptCalibrateCell(absID2,bc, ecell2,tcell2,cells);
464 accept3 = AcceptCalibrateCell(absID3,bc, ecell3,tcell3,cells);
465 accept4 = AcceptCalibrateCell(absID4,bc, ecell4,tcell4,cells);
468 printf("Cell absID %d \n",absID);
469 printf("\t accept1 %d, accept2 %d, accept3 %d, accept4 %d\n",
470 accept1,accept2,accept3,accept4);
471 printf("\t id %d: id1 %d, id2 %d, id3 %d, id4 %d\n",
472 absID,absID1,absID2,absID3,absID4);
473 printf("\t e %f: e1 %f, e2 %f, e3 %f, e4 %f\n",
474 ecell,ecell1,ecell2,ecell3,ecell4);
475 printf("\t t %f: t1 %f, t2 %f, t3 %f, t4 %f;\n dt1 %f, dt2 %f, dt3 %f, dt4 %f\n",
476 tcell*1.e9,tcell1*1.e9,tcell2*1.e9,tcell3*1.e9,tcell4*1.e9,
477 TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell1)*1.e9, TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell2)*1.e9, TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell3)*1.e9, TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell4)*1.e9);
480 if(TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell1)*1.e9 > fExoticCellDiffTime) ecell1 = 0 ;
481 if(TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell2)*1.e9 > fExoticCellDiffTime) ecell2 = 0 ;
482 if(TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell3)*1.e9 > fExoticCellDiffTime) ecell3 = 0 ;
483 if(TMath::Abs(tcell-tcell4)*1.e9 > fExoticCellDiffTime) ecell4 = 0 ;
485 Float_t eCross = ecell1+ecell2+ecell3+ecell4;
487 //printf("\t eCell %f, eCross %f, 1-eCross/eCell %f\n",ecell,eCross,1-eCross/ecell);
489 if(1-eCross/ecell > fExoticCellFraction) {
490 AliDebug(2,Form("AliEMCALRecoUtils::IsExoticCell() - EXOTIC CELL id %d, eCell %f, eCross %f, 1-eCross/eCell %f\n",absID,ecell,eCross,1-eCross/ecell));
498 //_________________________________________________
499 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::IsExoticCluster(AliVCluster *cluster, AliVCaloCells *cells, const Int_t bc) {
500 // Check if the cluster highest energy tower is exotic
503 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
507 if(!fRejectExoticCluster) return kFALSE;
509 // Get highest energy tower
510 AliEMCALGeometry* geom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
511 Int_t iSupMod = -1, absId = -1, ieta = -1, iphi = -1;
512 Bool_t shared = kFALSE;
513 GetMaxEnergyCell(geom, cells, cluster, absId, iSupMod, ieta, iphi, shared);
515 return IsExoticCell(absId,cells,bc);
519 //__________________________________________________
520 Float_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::SmearClusterEnergy(const AliVCluster* cluster) {
522 //In case of MC analysis, smear energy to match resolution/calibration in real data
525 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
529 Float_t energy = cluster->E() ;
530 Float_t rdmEnergy = energy ;
531 if(fSmearClusterEnergy){
532 rdmEnergy = fRandom.Gaus(energy,fSmearClusterParam[0] * TMath::Sqrt(energy) +
533 fSmearClusterParam[1] * energy +
534 fSmearClusterParam[2] );
535 AliDebug(2, Form("Energy: original %f, smeared %f\n", energy, rdmEnergy));
542 //__________________________________________________
543 Float_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::CorrectClusterEnergyLinearity(AliVCluster* cluster){
544 // Correct cluster energy from non linearity functions
547 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
551 Float_t energy = cluster->E();
553 switch (fNonLinearityFunction) {
557 //Non-Linearity correction (from MC with function ([0]*exp(-[1]/E))+(([2]/([3]*2.*TMath::Pi())*exp(-(E-[4])^2/(2.*[3]^2)))))
558 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.014;
559 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[1] = -0.03329;
560 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[2] = -0.3853;
561 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[3] = 0.5423;
562 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[4] = -0.4335;
563 energy *= (fNonLinearityParams[0]*exp(-fNonLinearityParams[1]/energy))+
564 ((fNonLinearityParams[2]/(fNonLinearityParams[3]*2.*TMath::Pi())*
565 exp(-(energy-fNonLinearityParams[4])*(energy-fNonLinearityParams[4])/(2.*fNonLinearityParams[3]*fNonLinearityParams[3]))));
571 //Non-Linearity correction (from Olga Data with function p0+p1*exp(-p2*E))
572 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.04;
573 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[1] = -0.1445;
574 //Double_t fNonLinearityParams[2] = 1.046;
575 energy /= (fNonLinearityParams[0]+fNonLinearityParams[1]*exp(-fNonLinearityParams[2]*energy)); //Olga function
579 case kPi0GammaConversion:
581 //Non-Linearity correction (Nicolas from Dimitri Data with function C*[1-a*exp(-b*E)])
582 //fNonLinearityParams[0] = 0.139393/0.1349766;
583 //fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.0566186;
584 //fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.982133;
585 energy /= fNonLinearityParams[0]*(1-fNonLinearityParams[1]*exp(-fNonLinearityParams[2]*energy));
592 //From beam test, Alexei's results, for different ZS thresholds
593 // th=30 MeV; th = 45 MeV; th = 75 MeV
594 //fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.007; 1.003; 1.002
595 //fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.894; 0.719; 0.797
596 //fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.246; 0.334; 0.358
597 //Rescale the param[0] with 1.03
598 energy /= fNonLinearityParams[0]/(1+fNonLinearityParams[1]*exp(-energy/fNonLinearityParams[2]));
603 case kBeamTestCorrected:
605 //From beam test, corrected for material between beam and EMCAL
606 //fNonLinearityParams[0] = 0.99078
607 //fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.161499;
608 //fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.655166;
609 //fNonLinearityParams[3] = 0.134101;
610 //fNonLinearityParams[4] = 163.282;
611 //fNonLinearityParams[5] = 23.6904;
612 //fNonLinearityParams[6] = 0.978;
613 energy *= fNonLinearityParams[6]/(fNonLinearityParams[0]*(1./(1.+fNonLinearityParams[1]*exp(-energy/fNonLinearityParams[2]))*1./(1.+fNonLinearityParams[3]*exp((energy-fNonLinearityParams[4])/fNonLinearityParams[5]))));
619 AliDebug(2,"No correction on the energy\n");
627 //__________________________________________________
628 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::InitNonLinearityParam()
630 //Initialising Non Linearity Parameters
632 if(fNonLinearityFunction == kPi0MC)
634 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.014;
635 fNonLinearityParams[1] = -0.03329;
636 fNonLinearityParams[2] = -0.3853;
637 fNonLinearityParams[3] = 0.5423;
638 fNonLinearityParams[4] = -0.4335;
641 if(fNonLinearityFunction == kPi0GammaGamma)
643 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.04;
644 fNonLinearityParams[1] = -0.1445;
645 fNonLinearityParams[2] = 1.046;
648 if(fNonLinearityFunction == kPi0GammaConversion)
650 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 0.139393;
651 fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.0566186;
652 fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.982133;
655 if(fNonLinearityFunction == kBeamTest)
657 if(fNonLinearThreshold == 30)
659 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.007;
660 fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.894;
661 fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.246;
663 if(fNonLinearThreshold == 45)
665 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.003;
666 fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.719;
667 fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.334;
669 if(fNonLinearThreshold == 75)
671 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 1.002;
672 fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.797;
673 fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.358;
677 if(fNonLinearityFunction == kBeamTestCorrected)
679 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 0.99078;
680 fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.161499;
681 fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.655166;
682 fNonLinearityParams[3] = 0.134101;
683 fNonLinearityParams[4] = 163.282;
684 fNonLinearityParams[5] = 23.6904;
685 fNonLinearityParams[6] = 0.978;
689 //__________________________________________________
690 Float_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetDepth(const Float_t energy, const Int_t iParticle, const Int_t iSM) const
692 //Calculate shower depth for a given cluster energy and particle type
702 depth = x0 * (TMath::Log(energy*1000/ ecr) + 0.5); //Multiply energy by 1000 to transform to MeV
706 depth = x0 * (TMath::Log(energy*1000/ ecr) - 0.5); //Multiply energy by 1000 to transform to MeV
713 gGeoManager->cd("ALIC_1/XEN1_1");
714 TGeoNode *geoXEn1 = gGeoManager->GetCurrentNode();
715 TGeoNodeMatrix *geoSM = dynamic_cast<TGeoNodeMatrix *>(geoXEn1->GetDaughter(iSM));
717 TGeoVolume *geoSMVol = geoSM->GetVolume();
718 TGeoShape *geoSMShape = geoSMVol->GetShape();
719 TGeoBBox *geoBox = dynamic_cast<TGeoBBox *>(geoSMShape);
720 if(geoBox) depth = 0.5 * geoBox->GetDX()*2 ;
721 else AliFatal("Null GEANT box");
722 }else AliFatal("NULL GEANT node matrix");
725 depth = x0 * (TMath::Log(energy*1000 / ecr) - 0.5); //Multiply energy by 1000 to transform to MeV
731 depth = x0 * (TMath::Log(energy*1000 / ecr) + 0.5); //Multiply energy by 1000 to transform to MeV
738 //____________________________________________________________________
739 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetMaxEnergyCell(const AliEMCALGeometry *geom,
740 AliVCaloCells* cells,
741 const AliVCluster* clu,
748 //For a given CaloCluster gets the absId of the cell
749 //with maximum energy deposit.
752 Double_t eCell = -1.;
753 Float_t fraction = 1.;
754 Float_t recalFactor = 1.;
755 Int_t cellAbsId = -1 ;
763 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
764 absId=-1; iSupMod0=-1, ieta = -1; iphi = -1; shared = -1;
768 for (Int_t iDig=0; iDig< clu->GetNCells(); iDig++) {
769 cellAbsId = clu->GetCellAbsId(iDig);
770 fraction = clu->GetCellAmplitudeFraction(iDig);
771 //printf("a Cell %d, id, %d, amp %f, fraction %f\n",iDig,cellAbsId,cells->GetCellAmplitude(cellAbsId),fraction);
772 if(fraction < 1e-4) fraction = 1.; // in case unfolding is off
773 geom->GetCellIndex(cellAbsId,iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
774 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
775 if(iDig==0) iSupMod0=iSupMod;
776 else if(iSupMod0!=iSupMod) {
778 //printf("AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetMaxEnergyCell() - SHARED CLUSTER\n");
780 if(IsRecalibrationOn()) {
781 recalFactor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(iSupMod,ieta,iphi);
783 eCell = cells->GetCellAmplitude(cellAbsId)*fraction*recalFactor;
784 //printf("b Cell %d, id, %d, amp %f, fraction %f\n",iDig,cellAbsId,eCell,fraction);
788 //printf("\t new max: cell %d, e %f, ecell %f\n",maxId, eMax,eCell);
792 //Get from the absid the supermodule, tower and eta/phi numbers
793 geom->GetCellIndex(absId,iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
794 //Gives SuperModule and Tower numbers
795 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,
796 iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
797 //printf("Max id %d, iSM %d, col %d, row %d\n",absId,iSupMod,ieta,iphi);
798 //printf("Max end---\n");
802 //______________________________________
803 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::InitParameters()
805 // Initialize data members with default values
807 fParticleType = kPhoton;
808 fPosAlgo = kUnchanged;
811 fNonLinearityFunction = kNoCorrection;
812 fNonLinearThreshold = 30;
814 fExoticCellFraction = 0.97;
815 fExoticCellDiffTime = 1e6;
816 fExoticCellMinAmplitude = 0.5;
820 fCutEtaPhiSum = kTRUE;
821 fCutEtaPhiSeparate = kFALSE;
827 fClusterWindow = 100;
832 fTrackCutsType = kLooseCut;
835 fCutMinNClusterTPC = -1;
836 fCutMinNClusterITS = -1;
838 fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC = 1e10;
839 fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS = 1e10;
841 fCutRequireTPCRefit = kFALSE;
842 fCutRequireITSRefit = kFALSE;
843 fCutAcceptKinkDaughters = kFALSE;
845 fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY = 1e10;
846 fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ = 1e10;
847 fCutDCAToVertex2D = kFALSE;
850 //Misalignment matrices
851 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 15 ; i++) {
852 fMisalTransShift[i] = 0.;
853 fMisalRotShift[i] = 0.;
857 for(Int_t i = 0; i < 7 ; i++) fNonLinearityParams[i] = 0.;
859 //For kBeamTestCorrected case, but default is no correction
860 fNonLinearityParams[0] = 0.99078;
861 fNonLinearityParams[1] = 0.161499;
862 fNonLinearityParams[2] = 0.655166;
863 fNonLinearityParams[3] = 0.134101;
864 fNonLinearityParams[4] = 163.282;
865 fNonLinearityParams[5] = 23.6904;
866 fNonLinearityParams[6] = 0.978;
868 //For kPi0GammaGamma case
869 //fNonLinearityParams[0] = 0.1457/0.1349766/1.038;
870 //fNonLinearityParams[1] = -0.02024/0.1349766/1.038;
871 //fNonLinearityParams[2] = 1.046;
873 //Cluster energy smearing
874 fSmearClusterEnergy = kFALSE;
875 fSmearClusterParam[0] = 0.07; // * sqrt E term
876 fSmearClusterParam[1] = 0.00; // * E term
877 fSmearClusterParam[2] = 0.00; // constant
881 //_____________________________________________________
882 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::InitEMCALRecalibrationFactors()
884 //Init EMCAL recalibration factors
885 AliDebug(2,"AliCalorimeterUtils::InitEMCALRecalibrationFactors()");
886 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
887 Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
888 TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
890 fEMCALRecalibrationFactors = new TObjArray(10);
891 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) fEMCALRecalibrationFactors->Add(new TH2F(Form("EMCALRecalFactors_SM%d",i),Form("EMCALRecalFactors_SM%d",i), 48, 0, 48, 24, 0, 24));
892 //Init the histograms with 1
893 for (Int_t sm = 0; sm < 10; sm++) {
894 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
895 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 24; j++) {
896 SetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(sm,i,j,1.);
900 fEMCALRecalibrationFactors->SetOwner(kTRUE);
901 fEMCALRecalibrationFactors->Compress();
903 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
904 TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus);
907 //________________________________________________________________
908 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::InitEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors(){
909 //Init EMCAL recalibration factors
910 AliDebug(2,"AliCalorimeterUtils::InitEMCALRecalibrationFactors()");
911 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
912 Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
913 TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
915 fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors = new TObjArray(4);
916 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
917 fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors->Add(new TH1F(Form("hAllTimeAvBC%d",i),
918 Form("hAllTimeAvBC%d",i),
919 48*24*10,0.,48*24*10) );
920 //Init the histograms with 1
921 for (Int_t bc = 0; bc < 4; bc++) {
922 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 48*24*10; i++)
923 SetEMCALChannelTimeRecalibrationFactor(bc,i,0.);
926 fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors->SetOwner(kTRUE);
927 fEMCALTimeRecalibrationFactors->Compress();
929 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
930 TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus);
933 //________________________________________________________________
934 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::InitEMCALBadChannelStatusMap(){
935 //Init EMCAL bad channels map
936 AliDebug(2,"AliEMCALRecoUtils::InitEMCALBadChannelStatusMap()");
937 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
938 Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
939 TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE);
941 fEMCALBadChannelMap = new TObjArray(10);
942 //TH2F * hTemp = new TH2I("EMCALBadChannelMap","EMCAL SuperModule bad channel map", 48, 0, 48, 24, 0, 24);
943 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
944 fEMCALBadChannelMap->Add(new TH2I(Form("EMCALBadChannelMap_Mod%d",i),Form("EMCALBadChannelMap_Mod%d",i), 48, 0, 48, 24, 0, 24));
947 fEMCALBadChannelMap->SetOwner(kTRUE);
948 fEMCALBadChannelMap->Compress();
950 //In order to avoid rewriting the same histograms
951 TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus);
954 //____________________________________________________________________________
955 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalibrateClusterEnergy(const AliEMCALGeometry* geom,
956 AliVCluster * cluster,
957 AliVCaloCells * cells,
960 // Recalibrate the cluster energy and Time, considering the recalibration map
961 // and the energy of the cells and time that compose the cluster.
962 // bc= bunch crossing number returned by esdevent->GetBunchCrossNumber();
965 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
969 //Get the cluster number of cells and list of absId, check what kind of cluster do we have.
970 UShort_t * index = cluster->GetCellsAbsId() ;
971 Double_t * fraction = cluster->GetCellsAmplitudeFraction() ;
972 Int_t ncells = cluster->GetNCells();
974 //Initialize some used variables
977 Int_t icol =-1, irow =-1, imod=1;
978 Float_t factor = 1, frac = 0;
982 //Loop on the cells, get the cell amplitude and recalibration factor, multiply and and to the new energy
983 for(Int_t icell = 0; icell < ncells; icell++){
984 absId = index[icell];
985 frac = fraction[icell];
986 if(frac < 1e-5) frac = 1; //in case of EMCAL, this is set as 0 since unfolding is off
988 if(!fCellsRecalibrated && IsRecalibrationOn()){
991 Int_t iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
992 geom->GetCellIndex(absId,imod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
993 if(fEMCALRecalibrationFactors->GetEntries() <= imod) continue;
994 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(imod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,irow,icol);
995 factor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(imod,icol,irow);
997 AliDebug(2,Form("AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalibrateClusterEnergy - recalibrate cell: module %d, col %d, row %d, cell fraction %f,recalibration factor %f, cell energy %f\n",
998 imod,icol,irow,frac,factor,cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)));
1002 energy += cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)*factor*frac;
1004 if(emax < cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)*factor*frac){
1005 emax = cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)*factor*frac;
1011 cluster->SetE(energy);
1013 AliDebug(2,Form("AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalibrateClusterEnergy - Energy before %f, after %f\n",cluster->E(),energy));
1015 // Recalculate time of cluster only for ESDs
1016 if(!strcmp("AliESDCaloCluster",Form("%s",cluster->ClassName()))){
1019 Double_t weightedTime = 0;
1020 Double_t weight = 0;
1021 Double_t weightTot = 0;
1022 Double_t maxcellTime = 0;
1023 for(Int_t icell = 0; icell < ncells; icell++){
1024 absId = index[icell];
1025 frac = fraction[icell];
1026 if(frac < 1e-5) frac = 1; //in case of EMCAL, this is set as 0 since unfolding is off
1028 Double_t celltime = cells->GetCellTime(absId);
1029 RecalibrateCellTime(absId, bc, celltime);
1030 if(absId == absIdMax) maxcellTime = celltime;
1032 if(!fCellsRecalibrated){
1034 Int_t iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
1035 geom->GetCellIndex(absId,imod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
1036 if(fEMCALRecalibrationFactors->GetEntries() <= imod) continue;
1037 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(imod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,irow,icol);
1038 factor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(imod,icol,irow);
1040 AliDebug(2,Form("AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalibrateClusterEnergy - recalibrate cell: module %d, col %d, row %d, cell fraction %f,recalibration factor %f, cell energy %f\n",
1041 imod,icol,irow,frac,factor,cells->GetCellTime(absId)));
1045 weight = GetCellWeight(cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)*factor*frac , energy );
1046 weightTot += weight;
1047 weightedTime += celltime * weight;
1052 cluster->SetTOF(weightedTime/weightTot);
1054 cluster->SetTOF(maxcellTime);
1059 //________________________________________________________________
1060 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalibrateCells(AliVCaloCells * cells, Int_t bc){
1061 // Recalibrate the cells time and energy, considering the recalibration map and the energy
1062 // of the cells that compose the cluster.
1063 // bc= bunch crossing number returned by esdevent->GetBunchCrossNumber();
1065 if(!IsRecalibrationOn() && !IsTimeRecalibrationOn()) return;
1068 AliInfo("Cells pointer null!");
1072 fCellsRecalibrated = kTRUE;
1075 Bool_t accept = kFALSE;
1079 Int_t nEMcell = cells->GetNumberOfCells() ;
1080 for (Int_t iCell = 0; iCell < nEMcell; iCell++) {
1082 absId = cells->GetCellNumber(iCell);
1084 accept = AcceptCalibrateCell(absId, bc, ecell ,tcell ,cells);
1091 cells->SetCell(iCell,absId,ecell, tcell);
1097 //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
1098 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalibrateCellTime(const Int_t absId, const Int_t bc, Double_t & celltime) const
1100 // Recalibrate time of cell with absID considering the recalibration map
1101 // bc= bunch crossing number returned by esdevent->GetBunchCrossNumber();
1103 if(!fCellsRecalibrated && IsTimeRecalibrationOn() && bc >= 0){
1105 celltime -= GetEMCALChannelTimeRecalibrationFactor(bc%4,absId)*1.e-9; ;
1111 //__________________________________________________
1112 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateClusterPosition(AliEMCALGeometry *geom, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster* clu)
1114 //For a given CaloCluster recalculates the position for a given set of misalignment shifts and puts it again in the CaloCluster.
1117 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
1121 if (fPosAlgo==kPosTowerGlobal) RecalculateClusterPositionFromTowerGlobal( geom, cells, clu);
1122 else if(fPosAlgo==kPosTowerIndex) RecalculateClusterPositionFromTowerIndex ( geom, cells, clu);
1123 else AliDebug(2,"Algorithm to recalculate position not selected, do nothing.");
1127 //__________________________________________________
1128 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateClusterPositionFromTowerGlobal(AliEMCALGeometry *geom, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster* clu)
1130 // For a given CaloCluster recalculates the position for a given set of misalignment shifts and puts it again in the CaloCluster.
1131 // The algorithm is a copy of what is done in AliEMCALRecPoint
1133 Double_t eCell = 0.;
1134 Float_t fraction = 1.;
1135 Float_t recalFactor = 1.;
1138 Int_t iTower = -1, iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
1139 Int_t iSupModMax = -1, iSM=-1, iphi = -1, ieta = -1;
1140 Float_t weight = 0., totalWeight=0.;
1141 Float_t newPos[3] = {0,0,0};
1142 Double_t pLocal[3], pGlobal[3];
1143 Bool_t shared = kFALSE;
1145 Float_t clEnergy = clu->E(); //Energy already recalibrated previously
1146 GetMaxEnergyCell(geom, cells, clu, absId, iSupModMax, ieta, iphi,shared);
1147 Double_t depth = GetDepth(clEnergy,fParticleType,iSupModMax) ;
1149 //printf("** Cluster energy %f, ncells %d, depth %f\n",clEnergy,clu->GetNCells(),depth);
1151 for (Int_t iDig=0; iDig< clu->GetNCells(); iDig++) {
1153 absId = clu->GetCellAbsId(iDig);
1154 fraction = clu->GetCellAmplitudeFraction(iDig);
1155 if(fraction < 1e-4) fraction = 1.; // in case unfolding is off
1157 if(!fCellsRecalibrated){
1159 geom->GetCellIndex(absId,iSM,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
1160 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSM,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
1162 if(IsRecalibrationOn()) {
1163 recalFactor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(iSM,ieta,iphi);
1167 eCell = cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)*fraction*recalFactor;
1169 weight = GetCellWeight(eCell,clEnergy);
1170 totalWeight += weight;
1172 geom->RelPosCellInSModule(absId,depth,pLocal[0],pLocal[1],pLocal[2]);
1173 //printf("pLocal (%f,%f,%f), SM %d, absId %d\n",pLocal[0],pLocal[1],pLocal[2],iSupModMax,absId);
1174 geom->GetGlobal(pLocal,pGlobal,iSupModMax);
1175 //printf("pLocal (%f,%f,%f)\n",pGlobal[0],pGlobal[1],pGlobal[2]);
1177 for(int i=0; i<3; i++ ) newPos[i] += (weight*pGlobal[i]);
1182 for(int i=0; i<3; i++ ) newPos[i] /= totalWeight;
1185 //Float_t pos[]={0,0,0};
1186 //clu->GetPosition(pos);
1187 //printf("OldPos : %2.3f,%2.3f,%2.3f\n",pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
1188 //printf("NewPos : %2.3f,%2.3f,%2.3f\n",newPos[0],newPos[1],newPos[2]);
1190 if(iSupModMax > 1) {//sector 1
1191 newPos[0] +=fMisalTransShift[3];//-=3.093;
1192 newPos[1] +=fMisalTransShift[4];//+=6.82;
1193 newPos[2] +=fMisalTransShift[5];//+=1.635;
1194 //printf(" + : %2.3f,%2.3f,%2.3f\n",fMisalTransShift[3],fMisalTransShift[4],fMisalTransShift[5]);
1198 newPos[0] +=fMisalTransShift[0];//+=1.134;
1199 newPos[1] +=fMisalTransShift[1];//+=8.2;
1200 newPos[2] +=fMisalTransShift[2];//+=1.197;
1201 //printf(" + : %2.3f,%2.3f,%2.3f\n",fMisalTransShift[0],fMisalTransShift[1],fMisalTransShift[2]);
1204 //printf("NewPos : %2.3f,%2.3f,%2.3f\n",newPos[0],newPos[1],newPos[2]);
1206 clu->SetPosition(newPos);
1210 //__________________________________________________
1211 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateClusterPositionFromTowerIndex(AliEMCALGeometry *geom, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster* clu)
1213 // For a given CaloCluster recalculates the position for a given set of misalignment shifts and puts it again in the CaloCluster.
1214 // The algorithm works with the tower indeces, averages the indeces and from them it calculates the global position
1216 Double_t eCell = 1.;
1217 Float_t fraction = 1.;
1218 Float_t recalFactor = 1.;
1222 Int_t iIphi = -1, iIeta = -1;
1223 Int_t iSupMod = -1, iSupModMax = -1;
1224 Int_t iphi = -1, ieta =-1;
1225 Bool_t shared = kFALSE;
1227 Float_t clEnergy = clu->E(); //Energy already recalibrated previously.
1228 GetMaxEnergyCell(geom, cells, clu, absId, iSupModMax, ieta, iphi,shared);
1229 Float_t depth = GetDepth(clEnergy,fParticleType,iSupMod) ;
1231 Float_t weight = 0., weightedCol = 0., weightedRow = 0., totalWeight=0.;
1232 Bool_t areInSameSM = kTRUE; //exclude clusters with cells in different SMs for now
1233 Int_t startingSM = -1;
1235 for (Int_t iDig=0; iDig< clu->GetNCells(); iDig++) {
1236 absId = clu->GetCellAbsId(iDig);
1237 fraction = clu->GetCellAmplitudeFraction(iDig);
1238 if(fraction < 1e-4) fraction = 1.; // in case unfolding is off
1240 if (iDig==0) startingSM = iSupMod;
1241 else if(iSupMod != startingSM) areInSameSM = kFALSE;
1243 eCell = cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId);
1245 geom->GetCellIndex(absId,iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
1246 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,iIphi, iIeta,iphi,ieta);
1248 if(!fCellsRecalibrated){
1250 if(IsRecalibrationOn()) {
1252 recalFactor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(iSupMod,ieta,iphi);
1257 eCell = cells->GetCellAmplitude(absId)*fraction*recalFactor;
1259 weight = GetCellWeight(eCell,clEnergy);
1260 if(weight < 0) weight = 0;
1261 totalWeight += weight;
1262 weightedCol += ieta*weight;
1263 weightedRow += iphi*weight;
1265 //printf("Max cell? cell %d, amplitude org %f, fraction %f, recalibration %f, amplitude new %f \n",cellAbsId, cells->GetCellAmplitude(cellAbsId), fraction, recalFactor, eCell) ;
1269 Float_t xyzNew[]={0.,0.,0.};
1270 if(areInSameSM == kTRUE) {
1271 //printf("In Same SM\n");
1272 weightedCol = weightedCol/totalWeight;
1273 weightedRow = weightedRow/totalWeight;
1274 geom->RecalculateTowerPosition(weightedRow, weightedCol, iSupModMax, depth, fMisalTransShift, fMisalRotShift, xyzNew);
1277 //printf("In Different SM\n");
1278 geom->RecalculateTowerPosition(iphi, ieta, iSupModMax, depth, fMisalTransShift, fMisalRotShift, xyzNew);
1281 clu->SetPosition(xyzNew);
1285 //____________________________________________________________________________
1286 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateClusterDistanceToBadChannel(AliEMCALGeometry * geom, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster * cluster){
1288 //re-evaluate distance to bad channel with updated bad map
1290 if(!fRecalDistToBadChannels) return;
1293 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
1297 //Get channels map of the supermodule where the cluster is.
1298 Int_t absIdMax = -1, iSupMod =-1, icolM = -1, irowM = -1;
1299 Bool_t shared = kFALSE;
1300 GetMaxEnergyCell(geom, cells, cluster, absIdMax, iSupMod, icolM, irowM, shared);
1301 TH2D* hMap = (TH2D*)fEMCALBadChannelMap->At(iSupMod);
1304 Float_t minDist = 10000.;
1307 //Loop on tower status map
1308 for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows; irow++){
1309 for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols; icol++){
1310 //Check if tower is bad.
1311 if(hMap->GetBinContent(icol,irow)==0) continue;
1312 //printf("AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateDistanceToBadChannels() - \n \t Bad channel in SM %d, col %d, row %d, \n \t Cluster max in col %d, row %d\n",
1313 // iSupMod,icol, irow, icolM,irowM);
1315 dRrow=TMath::Abs(irowM-irow);
1316 dRcol=TMath::Abs(icolM-icol);
1317 dist=TMath::Sqrt(dRrow*dRrow+dRcol*dRcol);
1319 //printf("MIN DISTANCE TO BAD %2.2f\n",dist);
1326 //In case the cluster is shared by 2 SuperModules, need to check the map of the second Super Module
1329 Int_t iSupMod2 = -1;
1331 //The only possible combinations are (0,1), (2,3) ... (8,9)
1332 if(iSupMod%2) iSupMod2 = iSupMod-1;
1333 else iSupMod2 = iSupMod+1;
1334 hMap2 = (TH2D*)fEMCALBadChannelMap->At(iSupMod2);
1336 //Loop on tower status map of second super module
1337 for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows; irow++){
1338 for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols; icol++){
1339 //Check if tower is bad.
1340 if(hMap2->GetBinContent(icol,irow)==0) continue;
1341 //printf("AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateDistanceToBadChannels(shared) - \n \t Bad channel in SM %d, col %d, row %d \n \t Cluster max in SM %d, col %d, row %d\n",
1342 // iSupMod2,icol, irow,iSupMod,icolM,irowM);
1344 dRrow=TMath::Abs(irow-irowM);
1347 dRcol=TMath::Abs(icol-(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols+icolM));
1350 dRcol=TMath::Abs(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols+icol-icolM);
1353 dist=TMath::Sqrt(dRrow*dRrow+dRcol*dRcol);
1354 if(dist < minDist) minDist = dist;
1359 }// shared cluster in 2 SuperModules
1361 AliDebug(2,Form("Max cluster cell (SM,col,row)=(%d %d %d) - Distance to Bad Channel %2.2f",iSupMod, icolM, irowM, minDist));
1362 cluster->SetDistanceToBadChannel(minDist);
1366 //____________________________________________________________________________
1367 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateClusterPID(AliVCluster * cluster){
1369 //re-evaluate identification parameters with bayesian
1372 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
1376 if ( cluster->GetM02() != 0)
1377 fPIDUtils->ComputePID(cluster->E(),cluster->GetM02());
1379 Float_t pidlist[AliPID::kSPECIESN+1];
1380 for(Int_t i = 0; i < AliPID::kSPECIESN+1; i++) pidlist[i] = fPIDUtils->GetPIDFinal(i);
1382 cluster->SetPID(pidlist);
1386 //____________________________________________________________________________
1387 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::RecalculateClusterShowerShapeParameters(AliEMCALGeometry * geom, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster * cluster)
1389 // Calculates new center of gravity in the local EMCAL-module coordinates
1390 // and tranfers into global ALICE coordinates
1391 // Calculates Dispersion and main axis
1394 AliInfo("Cluster pointer null!");
1400 Double_t eCell = 0.;
1401 Float_t fraction = 1.;
1402 Float_t recalFactor = 1.;
1410 Double_t etai = -1.;
1411 Double_t phii = -1.;
1418 Double_t xmean = 0.;
1419 Double_t zmean = 0.;
1422 for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit < cluster->GetNCells(); iDigit++) {
1424 //Get from the absid the supermodule, tower and eta/phi numbers
1425 geom->GetCellIndex(cluster->GetCellAbsId(iDigit),iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
1426 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta, iphi,ieta);
1428 //Get the cell energy, if recalibration is on, apply factors
1429 fraction = cluster->GetCellAmplitudeFraction(iDigit);
1430 if(fraction < 1e-4) fraction = 1.; // in case unfolding is off
1432 if(!fCellsRecalibrated){
1434 if(IsRecalibrationOn()) {
1435 recalFactor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(iSupMod,ieta,iphi);
1440 eCell = cells->GetCellAmplitude(cluster->GetCellAbsId(iDigit))*fraction*recalFactor;
1442 if(cluster->E() > 0 && eCell > 0){
1444 w = GetCellWeight(eCell,cluster->E());
1446 etai=(Double_t)ieta;
1447 phii=(Double_t)iphi;
1452 dxx += w * etai * etai ;
1454 dzz += w * phii * phii ;
1456 dxz += w * etai * phii ;
1460 AliError(Form("Wrong energy %f and/or amplitude %f\n", eCell, cluster->E()));
1463 //Normalize to the weight
1469 AliError(Form("Wrong weight %f\n", wtot));
1471 //Calculate dispersion
1472 for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit < cluster->GetNCells(); iDigit++) {
1474 //Get from the absid the supermodule, tower and eta/phi numbers
1475 geom->GetCellIndex(cluster->GetCellAbsId(iDigit),iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta);
1476 geom->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(iSupMod,iTower,iIphi,iIeta, iphi,ieta);
1478 //Get the cell energy, if recalibration is on, apply factors
1479 fraction = cluster->GetCellAmplitudeFraction(iDigit);
1480 if(fraction < 1e-4) fraction = 1.; // in case unfolding is off
1481 if(IsRecalibrationOn()) {
1482 recalFactor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactor(iSupMod,ieta,iphi);
1484 eCell = cells->GetCellAmplitude(cluster->GetCellAbsId(iDigit))*fraction*recalFactor;
1486 if(cluster->E() > 0 && eCell > 0){
1488 w = GetCellWeight(eCell,cluster->E());
1490 etai=(Double_t)ieta;
1491 phii=(Double_t)iphi;
1492 if(w > 0.0) d += w*((etai-xmean)*(etai-xmean)+(phii-zmean)*(phii-zmean));
1495 AliError(Form("Wrong energy %f and/or amplitude %f\n", eCell, cluster->E()));
1498 //Normalize to the weigth and set shower shape parameters
1499 if (wtot > 0 && nstat > 1) {
1504 dxx -= xmean * xmean ;
1505 dzz -= zmean * zmean ;
1506 dxz -= xmean * zmean ;
1507 cluster->SetM02(0.5 * (dxx + dzz) + TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ));
1508 cluster->SetM20(0.5 * (dxx + dzz) - TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ));
1512 cluster->SetM20(0.) ;
1513 cluster->SetM02(0.) ;
1517 cluster->SetDispersion(TMath::Sqrt(d)) ;
1519 cluster->SetDispersion(0) ;
1522 //____________________________________________________________________________
1523 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::FindMatches(AliVEvent *event,TObjArray * clusterArr, AliEMCALGeometry *geom)
1525 //This function should be called before the cluster loop
1526 //Before call this function, please recalculate the cluster positions
1527 //Given the input event, loop over all the tracks, select the closest cluster as matched with fCutR
1528 //Store matched cluster indexes and residuals
1530 fMatchedTrackIndex ->Reset();
1531 fMatchedClusterIndex->Reset();
1532 fResidualPhi->Reset();
1533 fResidualEta->Reset();
1535 fMatchedTrackIndex ->Set(500);
1536 fMatchedClusterIndex->Set(500);
1537 fResidualPhi->Set(500);
1538 fResidualEta->Set(500);
1540 AliESDEvent* esdevent = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*> (event);
1541 AliAODEvent* aodevent = dynamic_cast<AliAODEvent*> (event);
1543 // init the magnetic field if not already on
1544 if(!TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField()){
1545 AliInfo("Init the magnetic field\n");
1548 esdevent->InitMagneticField();
1552 Double_t curSol = 30000*aodevent->GetMagneticField()/5.00668;
1553 Double_t curDip = 6000 *aodevent->GetMuonMagFieldScale();
1554 AliMagF *field = AliMagF::CreateFieldMap(curSol,curDip);
1555 TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(field);
1559 AliInfo("Mag Field not initialized, null esd/aod evetn pointers");
1564 TObjArray *clusterArray = 0x0;
1567 clusterArray = new TObjArray(event->GetNumberOfCaloClusters());
1568 for(Int_t icl=0; icl<event->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); icl++)
1570 AliVCluster *cluster = (AliVCluster*) event->GetCaloCluster(icl);
1571 if(geom && !IsGoodCluster(cluster,geom,(AliVCaloCells*)event->GetEMCALCells())) continue;
1572 clusterArray->AddAt(cluster,icl);
1578 for (Int_t i=0; i<21;i++) cv[i]=0;
1579 for(Int_t itr=0; itr<event->GetNumberOfTracks(); itr++)
1581 AliExternalTrackParam *trackParam = 0;
1583 //If the input event is ESD, the starting point for extrapolation is TPCOut, if available, or TPCInner
1584 AliESDtrack *esdTrack = 0;
1585 AliAODTrack *aodTrack = 0;
1588 esdTrack = esdevent->GetTrack(itr);
1589 if(!esdTrack) continue;
1590 if(!IsAccepted(esdTrack)) continue;
1591 if(esdTrack->Pt()<fCutMinTrackPt) continue;
1592 Double_t phi = esdTrack->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg();
1593 if(TMath::Abs(esdTrack->Eta())>0.8 || phi <= 20 || phi >= 240 ) continue;
1594 trackParam = const_cast<AliExternalTrackParam*>(esdTrack->GetInnerParam());
1597 //If the input event is AOD, the starting point for extrapolation is at vertex
1598 //AOD tracks are selected according to its filterbit.
1601 aodTrack = aodevent->GetTrack(itr);
1602 if(!aodTrack) continue;
1603 if(!aodTrack->TestFilterMask(fAODFilterMask)) continue; //Select AOD tracks that fulfill GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010()
1604 if(aodTrack->Pt()<fCutMinTrackPt) continue;
1605 Double_t phi = aodTrack->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg();
1606 if(TMath::Abs(aodTrack->Eta())>0.8 || phi <= 20 || phi >= 240 ) continue;
1607 Double_t pos[3],mom[3];
1608 aodTrack->GetXYZ(pos);
1609 aodTrack->GetPxPyPz(mom);
1610 AliDebug(5,Form("aod track: i=%d | pos=(%5.4f,%5.4f,%5.4f) | mom=(%5.4f,%5.4f,%5.4f) | charge=%d\n",itr,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],mom[0],mom[1],mom[2],aodTrack->Charge()));
1611 trackParam= new AliExternalTrackParam(pos,mom,cv,aodTrack->Charge());
1614 //Return if the input data is not "AOD" or "ESD"
1617 printf("Wrong input data type! Should be \"AOD\" or \"ESD\"\n");
1620 clusterArray->Clear();
1621 delete clusterArray;
1626 if(!trackParam) continue;
1628 //Extrapolate the track to EMCal surface
1629 AliExternalTrackParam emcalParam(*trackParam);
1631 if(!ExtrapolateTrackToEMCalSurface(&emcalParam, 430., fMass, fStepSurface, eta, phi))
1633 if(aodevent && trackParam) delete trackParam;
1639 esdTrack->SetOuterParam(&emcalParam,AliExternalTrackParam::kMultSec);
1642 if(TMath::Abs(eta)>0.75 || (phi) < 70*TMath::DegToRad() || (phi) > 190*TMath::DegToRad())
1644 if(aodevent && trackParam) delete trackParam;
1649 //Find matched clusters
1651 Float_t dEta = -999, dPhi = -999;
1654 index = FindMatchedClusterInClusterArr(&emcalParam, &emcalParam, clusterArray, dEta, dPhi);
1658 index = FindMatchedClusterInClusterArr(&emcalParam, &emcalParam, clusterArr, dEta, dPhi);
1663 fMatchedTrackIndex ->AddAt(itr,matched);
1664 fMatchedClusterIndex ->AddAt(index,matched);
1665 fResidualEta ->AddAt(dEta,matched);
1666 fResidualPhi ->AddAt(dPhi,matched);
1669 if(aodevent && trackParam) delete trackParam;
1674 clusterArray->Clear();
1675 delete clusterArray;
1678 AliDebug(2,Form("Number of matched pairs = %d !\n",matched));
1680 fMatchedTrackIndex ->Set(matched);
1681 fMatchedClusterIndex ->Set(matched);
1682 fResidualPhi ->Set(matched);
1683 fResidualEta ->Set(matched);
1686 //________________________________________________________________________________
1687 Int_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::FindMatchedClusterInEvent(AliESDtrack *track, AliVEvent *event, AliEMCALGeometry *geom, Float_t &dEta, Float_t &dPhi)
1690 // This function returns the index of matched cluster to input track
1691 // Returns -1 if no match is found
1693 Double_t phiV = track->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg();
1694 if(TMath::Abs(track->Eta())>0.8 || phiV <= 20 || phiV >= 240 ) return index;
1695 AliExternalTrackParam *trackParam = const_cast<AliExternalTrackParam*>(track->GetInnerParam());
1696 if(!trackParam) return index;
1697 AliExternalTrackParam emcalParam(*trackParam);
1699 if(!ExtrapolateTrackToEMCalSurface(&emcalParam, 430., fMass, fStepSurface, eta, phi)) return index;
1700 if(TMath::Abs(eta)>0.75 || (phi) < 70*TMath::DegToRad() || (phi) > 190*TMath::DegToRad()) return index;
1702 TObjArray *clusterArr = new TObjArray(event->GetNumberOfCaloClusters());
1704 for(Int_t icl=0; icl<event->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); icl++)
1706 AliVCluster *cluster = (AliVCluster*) event->GetCaloCluster(icl);
1707 if(geom && !IsGoodCluster(cluster,geom,(AliVCaloCells*)event->GetEMCALCells())) continue;
1708 clusterArr->AddAt(cluster,icl);
1711 index = FindMatchedClusterInClusterArr(&emcalParam, &emcalParam, clusterArr, dEta, dPhi);
1712 clusterArr->Clear();
1718 //________________________________________________________________________________
1719 Int_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::FindMatchedClusterInClusterArr(AliExternalTrackParam *emcalParam, AliExternalTrackParam *trkParam, TObjArray * clusterArr, Float_t &dEta, Float_t &dPhi)
1721 dEta=-999, dPhi=-999;
1722 Float_t dRMax = fCutR, dEtaMax=fCutEta, dPhiMax=fCutPhi;
1724 Float_t tmpEta=-999, tmpPhi=-999;
1726 Double_t exPos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
1727 if(!emcalParam->GetXYZ(exPos)) return index;
1729 Float_t clsPos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
1730 for(Int_t icl=0; icl<clusterArr->GetEntriesFast(); icl++)
1732 AliVCluster *cluster = dynamic_cast<AliVCluster*> (clusterArr->At(icl)) ;
1733 if(!cluster || !cluster->IsEMCAL()) continue;
1734 cluster->GetPosition(clsPos);
1735 Double_t dR = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(exPos[0]-clsPos[0],2)+TMath::Power(exPos[1]-clsPos[1],2)+TMath::Power(exPos[2]-clsPos[2],2));
1736 if(dR > fClusterWindow) continue;
1738 AliExternalTrackParam trkPamTmp (*trkParam);//Retrieve the starting point every time before the extrapolation
1739 if(!ExtrapolateTrackToCluster(&trkPamTmp, cluster, fMass, fStepCluster, tmpEta, tmpPhi)) continue;
1742 Float_t tmpR=TMath::Sqrt(tmpEta*tmpEta + tmpPhi*tmpPhi);
1751 else if(fCutEtaPhiSeparate)
1753 if(TMath::Abs(tmpEta)<TMath::Abs(dEtaMax) && TMath::Abs(tmpPhi)<TMath::Abs(dPhiMax))
1762 printf("Error: please specify your cut criteria\n");
1763 printf("To cut on sqrt(dEta^2+dPhi^2), use: SwitchOnCutEtaPhiSum()\n");
1764 printf("To cut on dEta and dPhi separately, use: SwitchOnCutEtaPhiSeparate()\n");
1775 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1776 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::ExtrapolateTrackToEMCalSurface(AliExternalTrackParam *trkParam,
1783 //Extrapolate track to EMCAL surface
1785 eta = -999, phi = -999;
1786 if(!trkParam) return kFALSE;
1787 if(!AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackToBxByBz(trkParam, emcalR, mass, step, kTRUE, 0.8, -1)) return kFALSE;
1788 Double_t trkPos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
1789 if(!trkParam->GetXYZ(trkPos)) return kFALSE;
1790 TVector3 trkPosVec(trkPos[0],trkPos[1],trkPos[2]);
1791 eta = trkPosVec.Eta();
1792 phi = trkPosVec.Phi();
1794 phi += 2*TMath::Pi();
1799 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1800 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::ExtrapolateTrackToPosition(AliExternalTrackParam *trkParam,
1801 const Float_t *clsPos,
1808 //Return the residual by extrapolating a track param to a global position
1812 if(!trkParam) return kFALSE;
1813 Double_t trkPos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
1814 TVector3 vec(clsPos[0],clsPos[1],clsPos[2]);
1815 Double_t alpha = ((int)(vec.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg()/20)+0.5)*20*TMath::DegToRad();
1816 vec.RotateZ(-alpha); //Rotate the cluster to the local extrapolation coordinate system
1817 if(!AliTrackerBase::PropagateTrackToBxByBz(trkParam, vec.X(), mass, step,kTRUE, 0.8, -1)) return kFALSE;
1818 if(!trkParam->GetXYZ(trkPos)) return kFALSE; //Get the extrapolated global position
1820 TVector3 clsPosVec(clsPos[0],clsPos[1],clsPos[2]);
1821 TVector3 trkPosVec(trkPos[0],trkPos[1],trkPos[2]);
1823 // track cluster matching
1824 tmpPhi = clsPosVec.DeltaPhi(trkPosVec); // tmpPhi is between -pi and pi
1825 tmpEta = clsPosVec.Eta()-trkPosVec.Eta();
1830 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1831 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::ExtrapolateTrackToCluster(AliExternalTrackParam *trkParam,
1832 AliVCluster *cluster,
1839 //Return the residual by extrapolating a track param to a cluster
1843 if(!cluster || !trkParam) return kFALSE;
1845 Float_t clsPos[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
1846 cluster->GetPosition(clsPos);
1848 return ExtrapolateTrackToPosition(trkParam, clsPos, mass, step, tmpEta, tmpPhi);
1851 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1852 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::ExtrapolateTrackToCluster(AliExternalTrackParam *trkParam,
1853 AliVCluster *cluster,
1858 //Return the residual by extrapolating a track param to a clusterfStepCluster
1861 return ExtrapolateTrackToCluster(trkParam, cluster, fMass, fStepCluster, tmpEta, tmpPhi);
1865 //_______________________________________________________________________________________
1866 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetMatchedResiduals(Int_t clsIndex, Float_t &dEta, Float_t &dPhi)
1868 //Given a cluster index as in AliESDEvent::GetCaloCluster(clsIndex)
1869 //Get the residuals dEta and dPhi for this cluster to the closest track
1870 //Works with ESDs and AODs
1872 if( FindMatchedPosForCluster(clsIndex) >= 999 )
1874 AliDebug(2,"No matched tracks found!\n");
1879 dEta = fResidualEta->At(FindMatchedPosForCluster(clsIndex));
1880 dPhi = fResidualPhi->At(FindMatchedPosForCluster(clsIndex));
1882 //______________________________________________________________________________________________
1883 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetMatchedClusterResiduals(Int_t trkIndex, Float_t &dEta, Float_t &dPhi)
1885 //Given a track index as in AliESDEvent::GetTrack(trkIndex)
1886 //Get the residuals dEta and dPhi for this track to the closest cluster
1887 //Works with ESDs and AODs
1889 if( FindMatchedPosForTrack(trkIndex) >= 999 )
1891 AliDebug(2,"No matched cluster found!\n");
1896 dEta = fResidualEta->At(FindMatchedPosForTrack(trkIndex));
1897 dPhi = fResidualPhi->At(FindMatchedPosForTrack(trkIndex));
1900 //__________________________________________________________
1901 Int_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetMatchedTrackIndex(Int_t clsIndex)
1903 //Given a cluster index as in AliESDEvent::GetCaloCluster(clsIndex)
1904 //Get the index of matched track to this cluster
1905 //Works with ESDs and AODs
1907 if(IsClusterMatched(clsIndex))
1908 return fMatchedTrackIndex->At(FindMatchedPosForCluster(clsIndex));
1913 //__________________________________________________________
1914 Int_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetMatchedClusterIndex(Int_t trkIndex)
1916 //Given a track index as in AliESDEvent::GetTrack(trkIndex)
1917 //Get the index of matched cluster to this track
1918 //Works with ESDs and AODs
1920 if(IsTrackMatched(trkIndex))
1921 return fMatchedClusterIndex->At(FindMatchedPosForTrack(trkIndex));
1926 //__________________________________________________
1927 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::IsClusterMatched(Int_t clsIndex) const
1929 //Given a cluster index as in AliESDEvent::GetCaloCluster(clsIndex)
1930 //Returns if the cluster has a match
1931 if(FindMatchedPosForCluster(clsIndex) < 999)
1937 //__________________________________________________
1938 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::IsTrackMatched(Int_t trkIndex) const
1940 //Given a track index as in AliESDEvent::GetTrack(trkIndex)
1941 //Returns if the track has a match
1942 if(FindMatchedPosForTrack(trkIndex) < 999)
1948 //__________________________________________________________
1949 UInt_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::FindMatchedPosForCluster(Int_t clsIndex) const
1951 //Given a cluster index as in AliESDEvent::GetCaloCluster(clsIndex)
1952 //Returns the position of the match in the fMatchedClusterIndex array
1953 Float_t tmpR = fCutR;
1956 for(Int_t i=0; i<fMatchedClusterIndex->GetSize(); i++)
1958 if(fMatchedClusterIndex->At(i)==clsIndex)
1960 Float_t r = TMath::Sqrt(fResidualEta->At(i)*fResidualEta->At(i) + fResidualPhi->At(i)*fResidualPhi->At(i));
1965 AliDebug(3,Form("Matched cluster index: index: %d, dEta: %2.4f, dPhi: %2.4f.\n",fMatchedClusterIndex->At(i),fResidualEta->At(i),fResidualPhi->At(i)));
1972 //__________________________________________________________
1973 UInt_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::FindMatchedPosForTrack(Int_t trkIndex) const
1975 //Given a track index as in AliESDEvent::GetTrack(trkIndex)
1976 //Returns the position of the match in the fMatchedTrackIndex array
1977 Float_t tmpR = fCutR;
1980 for(Int_t i=0; i<fMatchedTrackIndex->GetSize(); i++)
1982 if(fMatchedTrackIndex->At(i)==trkIndex)
1984 Float_t r = TMath::Sqrt(fResidualEta->At(i)*fResidualEta->At(i) + fResidualPhi->At(i)*fResidualPhi->At(i));
1989 AliDebug(3,Form("Matched track index: index: %d, dEta: %2.4f, dPhi: %2.4f.\n",fMatchedTrackIndex->At(i),fResidualEta->At(i),fResidualPhi->At(i)));
1996 //___________________________________________________________________________________
1997 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::IsGoodCluster(AliVCluster *cluster, AliEMCALGeometry *geom,
1998 AliVCaloCells* cells,const Int_t bc)
2000 // check if the cluster survives some quality cut
2003 Bool_t isGood=kTRUE;
2005 if(!cluster || !cluster->IsEMCAL()) return kFALSE;
2007 if(ClusterContainsBadChannel(geom,cluster->GetCellsAbsId(),cluster->GetNCells())) return kFALSE;
2009 if(!CheckCellFiducialRegion(geom,cluster,cells)) return kFALSE;
2011 if(IsExoticCluster(cluster, cells,bc)) return kFALSE;
2016 //__________________________________________________________
2017 Bool_t AliEMCALRecoUtils::IsAccepted(AliESDtrack *esdTrack)
2019 // Given a esd track, return whether the track survive all the cuts
2021 // The different quality parameter are first
2022 // retrieved from the track. then it is found out what cuts the
2023 // track did not survive and finally the cuts are imposed.
2025 UInt_t status = esdTrack->GetStatus();
2027 Int_t nClustersITS = esdTrack->GetITSclusters(0);
2028 Int_t nClustersTPC = esdTrack->GetTPCclusters(0);
2030 Float_t chi2PerClusterITS = -1;
2031 Float_t chi2PerClusterTPC = -1;
2032 if (nClustersITS!=0)
2033 chi2PerClusterITS = esdTrack->GetITSchi2()/Float_t(nClustersITS);
2034 if (nClustersTPC!=0)
2035 chi2PerClusterTPC = esdTrack->GetTPCchi2()/Float_t(nClustersTPC);
2039 if(fTrackCutsType==kGlobalCut)
2041 Float_t maxDCAToVertexXYPtDep = 0.0182 + 0.0350/TMath::Power(esdTrack->Pt(),1.01); //This expression comes from AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010()
2042 //AliDebug(3,Form("Track pT = %f, DCAtoVertexXY = %f",esdTrack->Pt(),MaxDCAToVertexXYPtDep));
2043 SetMaxDCAToVertexXY(maxDCAToVertexXYPtDep); //Set pT dependent DCA cut to vertex in x-y plane
2049 esdTrack->GetImpactParameters(b,bCov);
2050 if (bCov[0]<=0 || bCov[2]<=0) {
2051 AliDebug(1, "Estimated b resolution lower or equal zero!");
2052 bCov[0]=0; bCov[2]=0;
2055 Float_t dcaToVertexXY = b[0];
2056 Float_t dcaToVertexZ = b[1];
2057 Float_t dcaToVertex = -1;
2059 if (fCutDCAToVertex2D)
2060 dcaToVertex = TMath::Sqrt(dcaToVertexXY*dcaToVertexXY/fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY/fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY + dcaToVertexZ*dcaToVertexZ/fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ/fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ);
2062 dcaToVertex = TMath::Sqrt(dcaToVertexXY*dcaToVertexXY + dcaToVertexZ*dcaToVertexZ);
2066 Bool_t cuts[kNCuts];
2067 for (Int_t i=0; i<kNCuts; i++) cuts[i]=kFALSE;
2069 // track quality cuts
2070 if (fCutRequireTPCRefit && (status&AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit)==0)
2072 if (fCutRequireITSRefit && (status&AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)==0)
2074 if (nClustersTPC<fCutMinNClusterTPC)
2076 if (nClustersITS<fCutMinNClusterITS)
2078 if (chi2PerClusterTPC>fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC)
2080 if (chi2PerClusterITS>fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS)
2082 if (!fCutAcceptKinkDaughters && esdTrack->GetKinkIndex(0)>0)
2084 if (fCutDCAToVertex2D && dcaToVertex > 1)
2086 if (!fCutDCAToVertex2D && TMath::Abs(dcaToVertexXY) > fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY)
2088 if (!fCutDCAToVertex2D && TMath::Abs(dcaToVertexZ) > fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ)
2091 if(fTrackCutsType==kGlobalCut)
2093 //Require at least one SPD point + anything else in ITS
2094 if( (esdTrack->HasPointOnITSLayer(0) || esdTrack->HasPointOnITSLayer(1)) == kFALSE)
2099 for (Int_t i=0; i<kNCuts; i++)
2100 if (cuts[i]) {cut = kTRUE;}
2110 //_____________________________________
2111 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::InitTrackCuts()
2113 //Intilize the track cut criteria
2114 //By default these cuts are set according to AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardTPCOnlyTrackCuts()
2115 //Also you can customize the cuts using the setters
2117 switch (fTrackCutsType)
2121 AliInfo(Form("Track cuts for matching: GetStandardTPCOnlyTrackCuts()"));
2123 SetMinNClustersTPC(70);
2124 SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(4);
2125 SetAcceptKinkDaughters(kFALSE);
2126 SetRequireTPCRefit(kFALSE);
2129 SetRequireITSRefit(kFALSE);
2130 SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(3.2);
2131 SetMaxDCAToVertexXY(2.4);
2132 SetDCAToVertex2D(kTRUE);
2139 AliInfo(Form("Track cuts for matching: GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010(kTURE)"));
2141 SetMinNClustersTPC(70);
2142 SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(4);
2143 SetAcceptKinkDaughters(kFALSE);
2144 SetRequireTPCRefit(kTRUE);
2147 SetRequireITSRefit(kTRUE);
2148 SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(2);
2149 SetMaxDCAToVertexXY();
2150 SetDCAToVertex2D(kFALSE);
2157 AliInfo(Form("Track cuts for matching: Loose cut w/o DCA cut"));
2158 SetMinNClustersTPC(50);
2159 SetAcceptKinkDaughters(kTRUE);
2167 //________________________________________________________________________
2168 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::SetClusterMatchedToTrack(const AliESDEvent *event)
2170 // Checks if tracks are matched to EMC clusters and set the matched EMCAL cluster index to ESD track.
2172 Int_t nTracks = event->GetNumberOfTracks();
2173 for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; ++iTrack) {
2174 AliESDtrack* track = event->GetTrack(iTrack);
2176 AliWarning(Form("Could not receive track %d", iTrack));
2179 Int_t matchClusIndex = GetMatchedClusterIndex(iTrack);
2180 track->SetEMCALcluster(matchClusIndex); //sets -1 if track not matched within residual
2181 if(matchClusIndex != -1)
2182 track->SetStatus(AliESDtrack::kEMCALmatch);
2184 track->ResetStatus(AliESDtrack::kEMCALmatch);
2186 AliDebug(2,"Track matched to closest cluster");
2189 //_________________________________________________________________________
2190 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::SetTracksMatchedToCluster(const AliESDEvent *event)
2192 // Checks if EMC clusters are matched to ESD track.
2193 // Adds track indexes of all the tracks matched to a cluster withing residuals in ESDCalocluster.
2195 for (Int_t iClus=0; iClus < event->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); ++iClus) {
2196 AliESDCaloCluster *cluster = event->GetCaloCluster(iClus);
2197 if (!cluster->IsEMCAL())
2200 Int_t nTracks = event->GetNumberOfTracks();
2201 TArrayI arrayTrackMatched(nTracks);
2203 // Get the closest track matched to the cluster
2205 Int_t matchTrackIndex = GetMatchedTrackIndex(iClus);
2206 if (matchTrackIndex != -1) {
2207 arrayTrackMatched[nMatched] = matchTrackIndex;
2211 // Get all other tracks matched to the cluster
2212 for(Int_t iTrk=0; iTrk<nTracks; ++iTrk) {
2213 AliESDtrack* track = event->GetTrack(iTrk);
2214 if(iTrk == matchTrackIndex) continue;
2215 if(track->GetEMCALcluster() == iClus){
2216 arrayTrackMatched[nMatched] = iTrk;
2221 //printf("Tender::SetTracksMatchedToCluster - cluster E %f, N matches %d, first match %d\n",cluster->E(),nMatched,arrayTrackMatched[0]);
2223 arrayTrackMatched.Set(nMatched);
2224 cluster->AddTracksMatched(arrayTrackMatched);
2226 Float_t eta= -999, phi = -999;
2227 if (matchTrackIndex != -1)
2228 GetMatchedResiduals(iClus, eta, phi);
2229 cluster->SetTrackDistance(phi, eta);
2232 AliDebug(2,"Cluster matched to tracks");
2236 //___________________________________________________
2237 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::Print(const Option_t *) const
2241 printf("AliEMCALRecoUtils Settings: \n");
2242 printf("Misalignment shifts\n");
2243 for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) printf("\t sector %d, traslation (x,y,z)=(%f,%f,%f), rotation (x,y,z)=(%f,%f,%f)\n",i,
2244 fMisalTransShift[i*3],fMisalTransShift[i*3+1],fMisalTransShift[i*3+2],
2245 fMisalRotShift[i*3], fMisalRotShift[i*3+1], fMisalRotShift[i*3+2] );
2246 printf("Non linearity function %d, parameters:\n", fNonLinearityFunction);
2247 for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) printf("param[%d]=%f\n",i, fNonLinearityParams[i]);
2249 printf("Position Recalculation option %d, Particle Type %d, fW0 %2.2f, Recalibrate Data %d \n",fPosAlgo,fParticleType,fW0, fRecalibration);
2251 printf("Matching criteria: ");
2254 printf("sqrt(dEta^2+dPhi^2)<%4.3f\n",fCutR);
2256 else if(fCutEtaPhiSeparate)
2258 printf("dEta<%4.3f, dPhi<%4.3f\n",fCutEta,fCutPhi);
2263 printf("please specify your cut criteria\n");
2264 printf("To cut on sqrt(dEta^2+dPhi^2), use: SwitchOnCutEtaPhiSum()\n");
2265 printf("To cut on dEta and dPhi separately, use: SwitchOnCutEtaPhiSeparate()\n");
2268 printf("Mass hypothesis = %2.3f [GeV/c^2], extrapolation step to surface = %2.2f[cm], step to cluster = %2.2f[cm]\n",fMass,fStepSurface, fStepCluster);
2269 printf("Cluster selection window: dR < %2.0f\n",fClusterWindow);
2271 printf("Track cuts: \n");
2272 printf("Minimum track pT: %1.2f\n",fCutMinTrackPt);
2273 printf("AOD track selection mask: %d\n",fAODFilterMask);
2274 printf("TPCRefit = %d, ITSRefit = %d\n",fCutRequireTPCRefit,fCutRequireITSRefit);
2275 printf("AcceptKinks = %d\n",fCutAcceptKinkDaughters);
2276 printf("MinNCulsterTPC = %d, MinNClusterITS = %d\n",fCutMinNClusterTPC,fCutMinNClusterITS);
2277 printf("MaxChi2TPC = %2.2f, MaxChi2ITS = %2.2f\n",fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC,fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS);
2278 printf("DCSToVertex2D = %d, MaxDCAToVertexXY = %2.2f, MaxDCAToVertexZ = %2.2f\n",fCutDCAToVertex2D,fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY,fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ);
2282 //_____________________________________________________________________
2283 void AliEMCALRecoUtils::SetRunDependentCorrections(Int_t runnumber){
2284 //Get EMCAL time dependent corrections from file and put them in the recalibration histograms
2285 //Do it only once and only if it is requested
2287 if(!fUseRunCorrectionFactors) return;
2288 if(fRunCorrectionFactorsSet) return;
2290 AliInfo(Form("AliEMCALRecoUtils::GetRunDependentCorrections() - Get Correction Factors for Run number %d\n",runnumber));
2292 AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection *corr = new AliEMCALCalibTimeDepCorrection();
2293 corr->ReadRootInfo(Form("CorrectionFiles/Run%d_Correction.root",runnumber));
2295 SwitchOnRecalibration();
2296 for(Int_t ism = 0; ism < 4; ism++){
2297 for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < 48; icol++){
2298 for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < 24; irow++){
2299 Float_t orgRecalFactor = GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactors(ism)->GetBinContent(icol,irow);
2300 Float_t newRecalFactor = orgRecalFactor*corr->GetCorrection(ism, icol,irow,0);
2301 GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactors(ism)->SetBinContent(icol,irow,newRecalFactor);
2302 //printf("ism %d, icol %d, irow %d, corrections : org %f, time dep %f, final %f (org*time %f)\n",ism, icol, irow,
2303 // orgRecalFactor, corr->GetCorrection(ism, icol,irow,0),
2304 // (GetEMCALChannelRecalibrationFactors(ism))->GetBinContent(icol,irow),newRecalFactor);
2308 fRunCorrectionFactorsSet = kTRUE;