#include "AliParticleYield.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
#include <fstream>
+#include "TLatex.h"
+#include "TLegend.h"
+#include "TList.h"
+#include "TF1.h"
+#include "AliPWGHistoTools.h"
+#include "TGraphErrors.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+// Plots ratios for QM and saves input files for thermal models
enum MyParticles { kPDGPi = 211, kPDGK = 321, kPDGProton = 2212, kPDGKS0 = 310, kPDGLambda=3122, kPDGXi=3312,kPDGOmega=3334,kPDGPhi=333,kPDGKStar=313,kPDGDeuteron=1000010020,kPDGHE3 = 1000020030, kPDGHyperTriton = 1010010030, kPDGSigmaStarPlus=3224,kPDGSigmaStarMinus=3114,kPDGXiStar=3324};
-TH1F * GetHistoRatios(TClonesArray * arr, Int_t system, Float_t energy, TString centrality, const char * histotitle) ;
+typedef enum {kStatError, kSystError, kTotalError} myerror_t;
+TH1F * GetHistoRatios(TClonesArray * arr, Int_t system, Float_t energy, TString centrality, const char * histotitle, Int_t icolor, Int_t imarker = kOpenSquare, Int_t errorsType = kTotalError, Float_t shift = 0) ;
TH1F * GetHistoYields(TClonesArray * arr, Int_t system, Float_t energy, TString centrality, const char * histotitle) ;
void PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(TClonesArray * arr, Int_t system, Float_t energy, TString centrality, Bool_t separateCharges=0) ;
+void SetStyle(Bool_t graypalette=0) ;
+void NewLegendQM() ;
+void DrawRatio(TString what);
+void LoadArrays() ;
-// Plots ratios for QM and saves input files for thermal models
+// Preferred colors and markers
+const Int_t fillColors[] = {kGray+1, kRed-10, kBlue-9, kGreen-8, kMagenta-9, kOrange-9,kCyan-8,kYellow-7, kWhite}; // for syst bands
+const Int_t colors[] = {kBlack, kRed+1 , kBlue+1, kGreen+3, kMagenta+1, kOrange-1,kCyan+2,kYellow+2 , kWhite};
+const Int_t markers[] = {kFullCircle, kFullSquare,kOpenCircle,kOpenSquare,kOpenDiamond,kOpenCross,kFullCross,kFullDiamond,kFullStar,kOpenStar,0};
+Double_t maxy = 0.4;
+// Data arrays;
+TClonesArray *arrPbPb=0, *arrpp7=0, *arrpPb=0, * arrpp276=0, * arrpp900=0, * arrThermus=0;
+TClonesArray *arrSTARPbPb=0, *arrPHENIXPbPb=0, *arrBRAHMSPbPb=0;
+TClonesArray *arrSTARpp =0, *arrPHENIXpp=0;
+const Double_t *scaleRatios = 0;
TClonesArray * PlotRatiosForQM14() {
#if !(!defined (__CINT__) || (defined(__MAKECINT__)))
- LoadLibs();
+ LoadLibs();
- TClonesArray * arr = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Cascades.txt");
- arr->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_DeuHelium3.txt"));
- arr->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Hypertriton.txt"));
- arr->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Kstar892.txt"));
- arr->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_LambdaK0.txt"));
- arr->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_PiKaPr.txt"));
- arr->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_phi1020.txt"));
- arr->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_AveragedNumbers.txt"));
- TClonesArray * arrpp7 = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_7000.txt");
+ //
+ LoadArrays();
- TClonesArray * arrpp276 = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_2760.txt");
- TClonesArray * arrpp900 = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_900.txt");
+ // Uncomment stuff in this section to save the inputs for thermal models
+ //PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrPbPb, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", /*separateCharges*/0);
+ // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrPbPb, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", /*separateCharges*/1);
+ // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "", /*separateCharges*/0);
+ // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "", /*separateCharges*/1);
- TClonesArray * arrpPb = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_MultiStrange.txt");
- arrpPb->AbsorbObjects(AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_PiKaPrLamndaK0.txt"));
- arrpPb->AbsorbObjects(AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_deuteron.txt"));
- TClonesArray * arrThermus = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Thermus_Boris_20140407.txt");
+ PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrpPb, AliParticleYield::kCSpPb, 5020, "V0A0005", /*separateCharges*/1);
+ PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrpPb, AliParticleYield::kCSpPb, 5020, "V0A2040", /*separateCharges*/1);
+ PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrpPb, AliParticleYield::kCSpPb, 5020, "V0A6080", /*separateCharges*/1);
+ // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrPbPb, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M6080", /*separateCharges*/1);
- // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arr, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", separateCharges0);
- // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arr, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", separateCharges1);
- // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "", /*separateCharges*/0);
- // PrepareThermalModelsInputFiles(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "", /*separateCharges*/1);
+ return 0;
- TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("Ratios", "Ratios", 1400, 600);
- c1->SetMargin( 0.0744986, 0.0329513, 0.225131, 0.0593368);
+ SetStyle();
+ TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("Ratios", "Ratios", 1400, 600);
+ c1->SetMargin( 0.0744986, 0.0329513, 0.225131, 0.83);
// c1->SetLogy();
- TH1 * h = GetHistoRatios(arr, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10%");
- h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 0.4);
- h->Draw();
- // //GetHistoRatios(arrThermus, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Thermus")->Draw("same");
- // GetHistoRatios(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV" )->Draw("same");
- // GetHistoRatios(arrpPb, AliParticleYield::kCSpPb, 5020, "V0A0005", "p-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV, V0A 0-5%")->Draw("same");
- // // GetHistoRatios(arrpp276, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 2760, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 2.76 TeV" )->Draw("same");
- // // GetHistoRatios(arrpp900, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 900, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 0.9 TeV" )->Draw("same");
- // NewLegend("", "lp",0,1,1);
- // Peripheral
- GetHistoRatios(arr, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M6080", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 60-80%")->Draw("same");
- //GetHistoRatios(arrThermus, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Thermus")->Draw("same");
- // GetHistoRatios(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV" )->Draw("same");
- GetHistoRatios(arrpPb, AliParticleYield::kCSpPb, 5020, "V0A0005", "p-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV, V0A 0-5%")->Draw("same");
- // GetHistoRatios(arrpp276, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 2760, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 2.76 TeV" )->Draw("same");
- // GetHistoRatios(arrpp900, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 900, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 0.9 TeV" )->Draw("same");
- NewLegend("", "lp",0,1,1);
- //return;
+ DrawRatio("frame");
+ DrawRatio("PbPb_0010");
+ DrawRatio("PbPbSTAR");
+ // DrawRatio("PbPb_6080");
+ // DrawRatio("pp7");
+ //DrawRatio("pPb0005");
+ //DrawRatio("pp276");
+ //DrawRatio("pp900");
+ NewLegendQM();
+ return 0;
+ //
TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("Yields", "Yields", 1400, 600);
c2->SetMargin( 0.0744986, 0.0329513, 0.225131, 0.0593368);
- GetHistoYields(arr, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10%")->Draw();
+ GetHistoYields(arrPbPb, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10%")->Draw();
GetHistoYields(arrThermus, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Thermus")->Draw("same");
- NewLegend("", "lp",0,1,1);
- return arr;
+ NewLegendQM();
+ return arrPbPb;
-TH1F * GetHistoRatios(TClonesArray * arr, Int_t system, Float_t energy, TString centrality, const char * histotitle) {
+TH1F * GetHistoRatios(TClonesArray * arr, Int_t system, Float_t energy, TString centrality, const char * histotitle, Int_t icolor, Int_t imarker, Int_t errorType, Float_t shift) {
const Int_t nratio = 10;
// Int_t denum[nratio] = {kPDGPi , kPDGPi , kPDGKS0 , kPDGPi , kPDGPi , kPDGPi , kPDGDeuteron , kPDGPi , kPDGK , -kPDGK};
Int_t denum[nratio] = {kPDGPi , kPDGPi , kPDGKS0 , kPDGPi , kPDGPi , kPDGProton , kPDGDeuteron , kPDGPi , kPDGK , -kPDGK};
Int_t isSum[nratio] = {1 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,1 };
- Double_t scale[nratio] = {1 ,3 ,1 ,30 ,250 ,50 ,100 ,4e5 ,2 ,2 };
- TH1F * h = new TH1F(Form("hRatio_%d_%0.0f_%s",system,energy,centrality.Data()), histotitle, nratio, 1, nratio+1);
+ static const Double_t scale[] = {1 ,3 ,1 ,30 ,250 ,50 ,100 ,4e5 ,2 ,2 };
+ scaleRatios = scale;
+ TH1F * h = new TH1F(Form("hRatio_%d_%0.0f_%s_%d",system,energy,centrality.Data(),errorType), histotitle, nratio, 1+shift, nratio+1+shift);
+ TClonesArray * arrRatios = new TClonesArray ("AliParticleYield");// We save to disk the precomputed ratios
+ Int_t iratioArr = 0;// Index used only to add particles to the array above
// Double_t isSum = -1; // if this is -1, then the sum criterion is ignored
for(Int_t iratio = 1; iratio <= nratio; iratio++){
AliParticleYield * ratio = AliParticleYield::FindRatio(arr, num[iratio-1], denum[iratio-1], system, energy, centrality,isSum[iratio-1]);
- std::cout << num[iratio-1] << " " << denum[iratio-1]<< " " ;
- if(ratio)ratio->Print("short");
+ if(ratio) ratio = new AliParticleYield(*ratio); // We need to clone it to avoid a mess if we need to use this particle again later (e.g. double scalings)
+ std::cout << num[iratio-1] << "/" << denum[iratio-1]<< " " ;
+ if(ratio)ratio->Print("short");
if(!ratio) {
// If the ratio is not found, try to build it!
AliParticleYield * part1 = AliParticleYield::FindParticle(arr, num[iratio-1], system, energy, centrality, isSum[iratio-1]);
+ if(part1) part1 = new AliParticleYield(*part1); // We need to clone it to avoid a mess if we need to use this particle again later
// Try with the !sum, if part 1 is not found
if(!part1) {
part1 = AliParticleYield::FindParticle(arr, num[iratio-1], system, energy, centrality,!isSum[iratio-1]);
+ if(part1) part1 = new AliParticleYield(*part1); // We need to clone it to avoid a mess if we need to use this particle again later
// If the sum was requested, try to recover it!
if(isSum[iratio-1]) {
AliParticleYield * part1_bar = AliParticleYield::FindParticle(arr, -num[iratio-1], system, energy, centrality,0);
part1 = AliParticleYield::Add(part1, part1_bar);
- } else if(part1) {
+ } else if(part1) { // if we are here, it means the sum was *not* requested (isSum=0), but we found something with (!isSum) = 1
// if the not sum was requested, but the sum is found, divide by 2 so that it is comparable
+ std::cout << "WARNING: Using sum/2 for " << part1->GetName() << std::endl;
AliParticleYield * part2 = AliParticleYield::FindParticle(arr, denum[iratio-1], system, energy, centrality,isSum[iratio-1]);
+ if(part2) part2 = new AliParticleYield(*part2); // We need to clone it to avoid a mess if we need to use this particle again later
if(!part2) {// Try with the !sum, if part 2 is not found
part2 = AliParticleYield::FindParticle(arr, denum[iratio-1], system, energy, centrality,!isSum[iratio-1]);
+ if(part2) part2 = new AliParticleYield(*part2); // We need to clone it to avoid a mess if we need to use this particle again later
if(isSum[iratio-1]) {
AliParticleYield * part2_bar = AliParticleYield::FindParticle(arr, -denum[iratio-1], system, energy, centrality,0);
if(part2 && part2_bar) part2 = AliParticleYield::Add(part2, part2_bar);
} else if(part2){
// if the not sum was requested, but the sum is found, divide by 2 so that it is comparable
+ std::cout << "WARNING: Using sum/2 for " << part2->GetName() << std::endl;
- ratio = AliParticleYield::Divide(part1, part2, 0, "YQ");
+ ratio = AliParticleYield::Divide(part1, part2, 0, "YQ"); // Assume by that the systematics of part1 and part2 are uncorrelated.
if(ratio) {
std::cout << "" << std::endl;
std::cout << "WARNING: building ratio " << num[iratio-1] <<"/"<<denum[iratio-1]<<": Check uncertainties!!" << std::endl;
h->SetBinContent(iratio, ratio->GetYield());
- h->SetBinError (iratio, ratio->GetTotalError(0/* 0 = no normalization error */));
- h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iratio, Form("#splitline{%s}{%s}",Form("#times%2.2f", scale[iratio-1]), ratio->GetLatexName()));
+ if(errorType == kTotalError) {
+ h->SetBinError (iratio, ratio->GetTotalError(0/* 0 = no normalization error */));
+ } else if (errorType == kStatError) {
+ h->SetBinError (iratio, ratio->GetStatError());
+ } else if (errorType == kSystError) {
+ h->SetBinError (iratio, ratio->GetSystError());
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "ERROR: Unknown Error Type " << errorType << std::endl;
+ }
+ // h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iratio, Form("#splitline{%s}{%s}",Form("#times%2.2f", scale[iratio-1]), ratio->GetLatexName()));
+ h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iratio, ratio->GetLatexName());
+ new ((*arrRatios)[iratioArr++]) AliParticleYield(*ratio);
else {
h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iratio, Form("#frac{%d}{%d}",num[iratio-1], denum[iratio-1]));
+ h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, maxy);
+ h->SetLineColor(icolor);
+ h->SetMarkerColor(icolor);
+ h->SetMarkerStyle(imarker);
+ AliParticleYield::SaveAsASCIIFile(arrRatios, TString("ratios_")+h->GetName());
return h;
return h;
+void LoadArrays() {
+ arrPbPb = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Cascades.txt");
+ arrPbPb->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_DeuHelium3.txt"));
+ arrPbPb->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Hypertriton.txt"));
+ arrPbPb->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Kstar892.txt"));
+ arrPbPb->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_LambdaK0.txt"));
+ arrPbPb->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_PiKaPr.txt"));
+ arrPbPb->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_phi1020.txt"));
+ arrPbPb->AbsorbObjects( AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_AveragedNumbers.txt"));
+ arrpp7 = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_7000.txt");
+ arrpp276 = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_2760.txt");
+ arrpp900 = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_900.txt");
+ arrpPb = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_MultiStrange.txt");
+ arrpPb->AbsorbObjects(AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_PiKaPrLamndaK0.txt"));
+ arrpPb->AbsorbObjects(AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_deuteron.txt"));
+ arrpPb->AbsorbObjects(AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_AveragedNumbers.txt"));
+ arrThermus = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_Thermus_Boris_20140407.txt");
+ // RHIC data
+ arrSTARPbPb = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_200_STAR-AntonQM12.txt");
+ arrPHENIXPbPb = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_200_PHENIX-AntonQM12.txt");
+ arrBRAHMSPbPb = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_200_BRAHMS-AntonQM12.txt");
+ arrSTARpp = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_200_STAR.txt");
+ arrPHENIXpp = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pp_200_PHENIX.txt");
+void SetStyle(Bool_t graypalette) {
+ std::cout << "Setting style!" << std::endl;
+ gStyle->Reset("Plain");
+ gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
+ gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
+ if(graypalette) gStyle->SetPalette(8,0);
+ else gStyle->SetPalette(1);
+ gStyle->SetCanvasColor(10);
+ gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
+ gStyle->SetFrameLineWidth(1);
+ gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(kWhite);
+ gStyle->SetPadColor(10);
+ gStyle->SetPadTickX(1);
+ gStyle->SetPadTickY(1);
+ gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.15);
+ gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.15);
+ gStyle->SetHistLineWidth(1);
+ gStyle->SetHistLineColor(kRed);
+ gStyle->SetFuncWidth(2);
+ gStyle->SetFuncColor(kGreen);
+ gStyle->SetLineWidth(2);
+ gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.045,"yz");
+ gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.06,"x");
+ gStyle->SetLabelOffset(0.01,"y");
+ gStyle->SetLabelOffset(0.01,"x");
+ gStyle->SetLabelColor(kBlack,"xyz");
+ gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05,"xyz");
+ gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.25,"y");
+ gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.2,"x");
+ gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(kWhite);
+ gStyle->SetTextSizePixels(26);
+ gStyle->SetTextFont(42);
+ // gStyle->SetTickLength(0.04,"X"); gStyle->SetTickLength(0.04,"Y");
+ gStyle->SetLegendBorderSize(0);
+ gStyle->SetLegendFillColor(kWhite);
+ // gStyle->SetFillColor(kWhite);
+ gStyle->SetLegendFont(42);
+ gStyle->SetErrorX(0);
+ gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(5);
+void NewLegendQM() {
+ const char * style = "lp";
+ const char ** labels=0;
+ Bool_t beautify=kFALSE;
+ Bool_t useTitle=kTRUE;
+ TLegend * l = new TLegend( 0.0985145, 0.733119, 0.301016, 0.869775);
+ l->SetFillColor(kWhite);
+ // const Int_t markers[] = {20,24,21,25,23,28,33,20,24,21,25,23,28,33};
+ // const Int_t colors[] = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10};
+ TList * list = gPad->GetListOfPrimitives();
+ TIterator * iter = list->MakeIterator();
+ TObject * obj = 0;
+ Int_t ilabel = -1;
+ while ((obj = (TObject*) iter->Next())){
+ if (obj->InheritsFrom("TH1") || obj->InheritsFrom("TGraph") || obj->InheritsFrom("TF1")) {
+ if( (TString(obj->GetName()) == "hframe" ) ) continue;
+ ilabel++;
+ if (labels != 0)
+ l->AddEntry(obj, labels[ilabel], style);
+ else{
+ if (useTitle) {
+ if(TString(obj->GetTitle()).Contains("NoLegend")) continue;
+ l->AddEntry(obj, obj->GetTitle(), style);
+ }
+ else
+ l->AddEntry(obj, obj->GetName(), style);
+ }
+ if(beautify) {
+ if(!obj->InheritsFrom("TF1")){
+ ((TH1*)obj)->SetLineColor(colors[ilabel]);
+ ((TH1*)obj)->SetMarkerColor(colors[ilabel]);
+ ((TH1*)obj)->SetMarkerStyle(markers[ilabel]);
+ } else {
+ ((TF1*)obj)->SetLineColor(colors[ilabel]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ l->Draw();
+void DrawRatio(TString what) {
+ // This is used to simplify the code above
+ // In order to draw syst error bars, we need to convert to graphs the syst errors histos
+ TClonesArray * array = 0;
+ Int_t system, color, marker;
+ Float_t energy = 0, shift = 0;
+ TString centrality, label;
+ if (what == "frame" ) {
+ // This is a bit of an hack: since the particle labels come
+ // directly from AliPArticleYield, and since the PbPb sample is
+ // the only one where we have all the ratios, we draw the PbPb
+ // ratio here and then we set lines and markers to white. We also
+ // add the "NoLegend" flag, so that it does not show up in the legend
+ TH1 * h = GetHistoRatios(arrPbPb, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "NoLegend", kWhite);
+ h->Draw();
+ Int_t nratio = h->GetNbinsX();
+ for(Int_t iratio = 0; iratio < nratio; iratio++){
+ Double_t exp = TMath::Floor(TMath::Log10(TMath::Abs(scaleRatios[iratio])));
+ Double_t man = scaleRatios[iratio] / TMath::Power(10, exp);
+ if(exp > 2) {
+ TLatex * scaleLabel = new TLatex(iratio+1+0.2,maxy*1.01, Form("#times %0.0f 10^{%0.0f}", man, exp));
+ scaleLabel->Draw();
+ } else {
+ TLatex * scaleLabel = new TLatex(iratio+1+0.2,maxy*1.01, Form("#times %g", scaleRatios[iratio]));
+ scaleLabel->Draw();
+ }
+ }
+ TLatex * tex = new TLatex(8.8,0.037,"ALICE Preliminary");
+ tex->SetTextFont(52);
+ tex->SetLineWidth(2);
+ tex->Draw();
+ h->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals(1);
+ h->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
+ }
+ else if (what == "PbPb_0010") {
+ array = arrPbPb;
+ system = 2; energy = 2760.; centrality = "V0M0010";
+ label = "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10%";
+ color = kRed;
+ marker = kFullCircle;
+ shift = 0;
+ // GetHistoRatios(arrPbPb,AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10%", 1, kStatError)->Draw("same");
+ // AliPWGHistoTools::GetGraphFromHisto(
+ // GetHistoRatios(arrPbPb,
+ // AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M0010", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10% - NoLegend", 1, kSystError),
+ // 0)->Draw("[]");
+ }
+ else if (what == "PbPb_6080") {
+ GetHistoRatios(arrPbPb, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M6080", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10%", 3, kStatError,0.1)->Draw("same");
+ AliPWGHistoTools::GetGraphFromHisto(
+ GetHistoRatios(arrPbPb, AliParticleYield::kCSPbPb, 2760, "V0M6080", "Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV, 0-10% - NoLegend", 1, kSystError,0.1),
+ 0)->Draw("[]");
+ }
+ else if (what == "pp7") {
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV", 0, kStatError,0.2)->Draw("same");
+ AliPWGHistoTools::GetGraphFromHisto(
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpp7, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 7000, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV - NoLegend", 0, kSystError,0.2),
+ 0)->Draw("[]");
+ }
+ else if (what == "pp900") {
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpp900, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 900, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 0.9 TeV", 4, kStatError)->Draw("same");
+ AliPWGHistoTools::GetGraphFromHisto(
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpp900, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 900, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 0.9 TeV, NoLegend", 4, kSystError),
+ 0)->Draw("[]");
+ }
+ else if (what == "pp276") {
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpp276, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 2760, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 2.76 TeV", 5, kStatError, -0.2)->Draw("same");
+ AliPWGHistoTools::GetGraphFromHisto(
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpp276, AliParticleYield::kCSpp, 2760, "" , "pp #sqrt{s} = 2.76 TeV, NoLegend", 5, kSystError, -0.2),
+ 0)->Draw("[]");
+ }
+ else if (what == "pPb0005") {
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpPb, AliParticleYield::kCSpPb, 5020, "V0A0005", "p-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV, V0A 0-5%", 2, kStatError, -0.2)->Draw("same");
+ AliPWGHistoTools::GetGraphFromHisto(
+ GetHistoRatios(arrpPb, AliParticleYield::kCSpPb, 5020, "V0A0005", "p-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV, V0A 0-5% - NoLegend", 2, kSystError, -0.2),0)
+ ->Draw("[]");
+ } else if (what == "PbPbSTAR") {
+ array = arrSTARPbPb;
+ system = 2; energy = 200.; centrality = "00";
+ label = "STAR, Pb-Pb, #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 0.2 TeV, 0-5%";
+ color = kBlack;
+ marker = kOpenStar;
+ shift = -0.1;
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cout << "Unknown ratio " << what.Data() << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(array) {
+ GetHistoRatios(array, system, energy, centrality, label, color, marker, kStatError, shift)->Draw("same");
+ AliPWGHistoTools::GetGraphFromHisto(GetHistoRatios(array, system, energy, centrality, label+"NoLegend", color, marker, kSystError, shift)
+ ,0)->Draw("[]");
+ }