gAlice = (AliRun*) fRootFile->Get("gAlice") ;
//=========== Get the PHOS object and associated geometry from the file
- fPHOS = (AliPHOSv1 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
+ fPHOS = (AliPHOSv5 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance( fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetName(), fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() );
//========== Initializes the Index to Object converter
fEvt = -999 ;
+ ResetHistograms() ;
if (fRootFile->IsOpen() )
fRootFile->Close() ;
- delete fRootFile ;
- fRootFile = 0 ;
+ if(fRootFile)
+ delete fRootFile ;
- delete fPHOS ;
- fPHOS = 0 ;
+ if(fPHOS)
+ delete fPHOS ;
- delete fClu ;
- fClu = 0 ;
+ if(fClu)
+ delete fClu ;
- delete fPID ;
- fPID = 0 ;
+ if(fPID)
+ delete fPID ;
- delete fRec ;
- fRec = 0 ;
+ if(fRec)
+ delete fRec ;
- delete fTrs ;
- fTrs = 0 ;
+ if(fTrs)
+ delete fTrs ;
-void AliPHOSAnalyze::AnalyzeOneEvent(Int_t evt)
- // analyze one single event with id=evt
- TStopwatch ts ;
- ts.Start() ;
- Bool_t ok = Init(evt) ;
+void AliPHOSAnalyze::ActivePPSD(Int_t Nevents=1){
- if ( ok ) {
- //=========== Get the number of entries in the Digits array
- Int_t nId = fPHOS->Digits()->GetEntries();
- printf("AnalyzeOneEvent > Number of entries in the Digit array is %d \n",nId);
- //=========== Do the reconstruction
- cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > Found " << nId << " digits in PHOS" << endl ;
- fPHOS->Reconstruction(fRec);
- // =========== End of reconstruction
- // Deleting fClu, fTrs, fPID et fRec
- fClu->Delete();
- fTrs->Delete();
- fPID->Delete();
- fRec->Delete();
- // =========== Write the root file
+ fhEnergyCorrelations = new TH2F("hEnergyCorrelations","hEnergyCorrelations",40, 0., 0.15, 30, 0., 3.e-5);
+ //========== Create the Clusterizer
+ fClu = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
+ fClu->SetEmcEnergyThreshold(0.05) ;
+ fClu->SetEmcClusteringThreshold(0.20) ;
+ fClu->SetPpsdEnergyThreshold (0.0000002) ;
+ fClu->SetPpsdClusteringThreshold(0.0000001) ;
+ fClu->SetLocalMaxCut(0.03) ;
+ fClu->SetCalibrationParameters(0., 0.00000001) ;
+ Int_t ievent;
- // =========== Finish
+ for ( ievent=0; ievent<Nevents; ievent++)
+ {
+ //========== Event Number>
+ if ( ( log10((Float_t)(ievent+1)) - (Int_t)(log10((Float_t)(ievent+1))) ) == 0. )
+ cout << "AnalyzeResolutions > " << "Event is " << ievent << endl ;
+ //=========== Connects the various Tree's for evt
+ gAlice->GetEvent(ievent);
- cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > event # " << fEvt << " processed" << endl ;
- } // ok
- else
- cout << "AnalyzeOneEvent > filed to process event # " << evt << endl ;
- ts.Stop() ; cout << "CPU time = " << ts.CpuTime() << endl ;
- cout << "Real time = " << ts.RealTime() << endl ;
+ //=========== Gets the Kine TTree
+ gAlice->TreeK()->GetEvent(0) ;
+ //=========== Get the Digit Tree
+ gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(0) ;
+ //========== Creating branches ===================================
+ AliPHOSRecPoint::RecPointsList ** EmcRecPoints = fPHOS->EmcRecPoints() ;
+ gAlice->TreeR()->SetBranchAddress( "PHOSEmcRP", EmcRecPoints ) ;
+ AliPHOSRecPoint::RecPointsList ** PpsdRecPoints = fPHOS->PpsdRecPoints() ;
+ gAlice->TreeR()->SetBranchAddress( "PHOSPpsdRP", PpsdRecPoints ) ;
+ AliPHOSTrackSegment::TrackSegmentsList ** TrackSegmentsList = fPHOS->TrackSegments() ;
+ if( (*TrackSegmentsList) )
+ (*TrackSegmentsList)->Clear() ;
+ gAlice->TreeR()->SetBranchAddress( "PHOSTS", TrackSegmentsList ) ;
+ AliPHOSRecParticle::RecParticlesList ** RecParticleList = fPHOS->RecParticles() ;
+ if( (*RecParticleList) )
+ (*RecParticleList)->Clear() ;
+ gAlice->TreeR()->SetBranchAddress( "PHOSRP", RecParticleList ) ;
+ //=========== Gets the Reconstraction TTree
+ gAlice->TreeR()->GetEvent(0) ;
+ AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint * RecPoint ;
+ Int_t relid[4] ;
+ TIter nextRP(*fPHOS->PpsdRecPoints() ) ;
+ while( ( RecPoint = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextRP() ) )
+ {
+ if(!(RecPoint->GetUp()) ) {
+ AliPHOSDigit *digit ;
+ Int_t iDigit ;
+ for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < fPHOS->Digits()->GetEntries(); iDigit++)
+ {
+ digit = (AliPHOSDigit *) fPHOS->Digits()->At(iDigit) ;
+ fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ;
+ if((relid[2]==1)&&(relid[3]==1)&&(relid[0]==RecPoint->GetPHOSMod())){
+ Float_t ConvertorEnergy = fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()) ;
+ fhEnergyCorrelations->Fill(ConvertorEnergy,RecPoint->GetTotalEnergy() );
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SaveHistograms() ;
+ fhEnergyCorrelations->Draw("BOX") ;
void AliPHOSAnalyze::AnalyzeManyEvents(Int_t Nevents, Int_t module)
// analyzes Nevents events in a single PHOS module
+ // Events should be reconstructed by Reconstruct()
if ( fRootFile == 0 )
cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Root File not openned" << endl ;
//========== Booking Histograms
cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Booking Histograms" << endl ;
Int_t ievent;
Int_t relid[4] ;
AliPHOSDigit * digit ;
-// AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emc ;
-// AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint * ppsd ;
+ AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emc ;
+ AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint * ppsd ;
// AliPHOSTrackSegment * tracksegment ;
AliPHOSRecParticle * recparticle;
for ( ievent=0; ievent<Nevents; ievent++)
- if (ievent==0) {
- cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Starting Analyzing " << endl ;
- //========== Create the Clusterizer
- fClu = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
- fClu->SetEmcEnergyThreshold(0.05) ;
- fClu->SetEmcClusteringThreshold(0.50) ;
- fClu->SetPpsdEnergyThreshold (0.0000002) ;
- fClu->SetPpsdClusteringThreshold(0.0000001) ;
- fClu->SetLocalMaxCut(0.03) ;
- fClu->SetCalibrationParameters(0., 0.00000001) ;
- //========== Creates the track segment maker
- fTrs = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1() ;
- // fTrs->UnsetUnfoldFlag() ;
- //========== Creates the particle identifier
- fPID = new AliPHOSPIDv1() ;
- fPID->SetShowerProfileCuts(0.3, 1.8, 0.3, 1.8 ) ;
- fPID->Print() ;
- //========== Creates the Reconstructioner
- fRec = new AliPHOSReconstructioner(fClu, fTrs, fPID) ;
- }
//========== Event Number>
- // if ( ( log10((Float_t)(ievent+1)) - (Int_t)(log10((Float_t)(ievent+1))) ) == 0. )
- cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Event is " << ievent << endl ;
+ if ( ( log10((Float_t)(ievent+1)) - (Int_t)(log10((Float_t)(ievent+1))) ) == 0. )
+ cout << "AnalyzeManyEvents > " << "Event is " << ievent << endl ;
//=========== Connects the various Tree's for evt
//=========== Gets the Digit TTree
gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(0) ;
//=========== Gets the number of entries in the Digits array
TIter nextdigit(fPHOS->Digits()) ;
while( ( digit = (AliPHOSDigit *)nextdigit() ) )
fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ;
- // if (fClu->IsInEmc(digit)) fhEmcDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp())) ;
- //else
+ if (fClu->IsInEmc(digit)) fhEmcDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp())) ;
+ else
- // if (relid[1]<17) fhVetoDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()));
- //if (relid[1]>16) fhConvertorDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()));
+ if (relid[1]<17) fhVetoDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()));
+ if (relid[1]>16) fhConvertorDigit->Fill(fClu->Calibrate(digit->GetAmp()));
- //=========== Do the reconstruction
- fPHOS->Reconstruction(fRec);
- // //=========== Cluster in module
- // TIter nextEmc(fPHOS->EmcRecPoints() ) ;
- // while((emc = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *)nextEmc()))
- // {
- // if ( emc->GetPHOSMod() == module )
- // {
- // fhEmcCluster->Fill( emc->GetTotalEnergy() );
- // TIter nextPpsd( fPHOS->PpsdRecPoints()) ;
-// while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsd()))
-// {
-// if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
-// {
-// if (!ppsd->GetUp()) fhConvertorEmc->Fill(emc->GetTotalEnergy(),ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// //=========== Cluster in module PPSD Down
-// TIter nextPpsd(fPHOS->PpsdRecPoints() ) ;
-// while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsd()))
-// {
-// if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
-// {
-// if (!ppsd->GetUp()) fhConvertorCluster->Fill(ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
-// if (ppsd->GetUp()) fhVetoCluster ->Fill(ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
-// }
-// }
+ //=========== Cluster in module
+ TIter nextEmc(*fPHOS->EmcRecPoints() ) ;
+ while((emc = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *)nextEmc()))
+ {
+ if ( emc->GetPHOSMod() == module )
+ {
+ fhEmcCluster->Fill( emc->GetTotalEnergy() );
+ TIter nextPpsd( *fPHOS->PpsdRecPoints()) ;
+ while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsd()))
+ {
+ if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
+ {
+ if (!ppsd->GetUp()) fhConvertorEmc->Fill(emc->GetTotalEnergy(),ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //=========== Cluster in module PPSD Down
+ TIter nextPpsd(*fPHOS->PpsdRecPoints() ) ;
+ while((ppsd = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *)nextPpsd()))
+ {
+ if ( ppsd->GetPHOSMod() == module )
+ {
+ if (!ppsd->GetUp()) fhConvertorCluster->Fill(ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
+ if (ppsd->GetUp()) fhVetoCluster ->Fill(ppsd->GetTotalEnergy()) ;
+ }
+ }
//========== TRackSegments in the event
TIter nextRecParticle(*fPHOS->RecParticles() ) ;
while((recparticle = (AliPHOSRecParticle *)nextRecParticle()))
Int_t index ;
for ( index = 0 ; index < numberofprimaries ; index++)
cout << " primary # " << index << " = " << listofprimaries[index] << endl ;
-// switch(recparticle->GetType())
-// {
-// case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kGAMMA:
-// fhPhotonEnergy->Fill(recparticle->Energy() ) ;
-// //fhPhotonPositionX->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// //fhPhotonPositionY->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// cout << "PHOTON" << endl;
-// break;
-// case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kELECTRON:
-// fhElectronEnergy->Fill(recparticle->Energy() ) ;
-// //fhElectronPositionX->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// //fhElectronPositionY->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// cout << "ELECTRON" << endl;
-// break;
-// case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kNEUTRALHA:
-// fhNeutralHadronEnergy->Fill(recparticle->Energy() ) ;
-// //fhNeutralHadronPositionX->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// //fhNeutralHadronPositionY->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// cout << "NEUTRAl HADRON" << endl;
-// break ;
-// case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kNEUTRALEM:
-// fhNeutralEMEnergy->Fill(recparticle->Energy() ) ;
-// //fhNeutralEMPositionX->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// //fhNeutralEMPositionY->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// //cout << "NEUTRAL EM" << endl;
-// break ;
-// case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kCHARGEDHA:
-// fhChargedHadronEnergy->Fill(recparticle->Energy() ) ;
-// //fhChargedHadronPositionX->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// //fhChargedHadronPositionY->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// cout << "CHARGED HADRON" << endl;
-// break ;
-// case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kGAMMAHA:
-// fhPhotonHadronEnergy->Fill(recparticle->Energy() ) ;
-// //fhPhotonHadronPositionX->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// //fhPhotonHadronPositionY->Fill(recpart. ) ;
-// cout << "PHOTON HADRON" << endl;
-// break ;
-// }
} // endfor
- SavingHistograms();
+ SaveHistograms();
} // endif
} // endfunction
void AliPHOSAnalyze::Reconstruct(Int_t Nevents )
Int_t ievent ;
for ( ievent=0; ievent<Nevents; ievent++)
if (ievent==0)
- cout << "Analyze > " << "Starting Analyzing " << endl ;
+ cout << "Analyze > Starting Reconstructing " << endl ;
//========== Create the Clusterizer
fClu = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
fClu->SetEmcEnergyThreshold(0.05) ;
//========== Event Number>
if ( ( log10((Float_t)(ievent+1)) - (Int_t)(log10((Float_t)(ievent+1))) ) == 0. )
- cout << "Analyze > " << "Event is " << ievent << endl ;
+ cout << "Analyze > Event is " << ievent << endl ;
//=========== Connects the various Tree's for evt
//=========== Gets the Reconstraction TTree
gAlice->TreeR()->GetEvent(0) ;
+ cout << ievent << " " << (*EmcRecPoints) << " " <<(*PpsdRecPoints) <<fPHOS->Digits()<< endl ;
+ cout << " " << " " << (*EmcRecPoints)->GetEntries() << " " <<(*PpsdRecPoints)->GetEntries() <<fPHOS->Digits()->GetEntries()<< endl ;
AliPHOSRecParticle * RecParticle ;
Int_t iRecParticle ;
for(iRecParticle = 0; iRecParticle < (*RecParticleList)->GetEntries() ;iRecParticle++ )
} // endfor
- SaveResolutionHistograms();
+ SaveHistograms();
cout << "Resolutions: Analyzed " << Nevents << " event(s)" << endl ;
cout << "Resolutions: Total primary " << TotalPrimary << endl ;
cout << "Resoluitons: Total reconstracted " << TotalRecPart << endl ;
delete fhConvertorCluster ;
delete fhConvertorEmc ;
-// fhEmcDigit = new TH1F("hEmcDigit", "hEmcDigit", 1000, 0. , 25.);
-// fhVetoDigit = new TH1F("hVetoDigit", "hVetoDigit", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
-// fhConvertorDigit = new TH1F("hConvertorDigit","hConvertorDigit", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
-// fhEmcCluster = new TH1F("hEmcCluster", "hEmcCluster", 1000, 0. , 30.);
-// fhVetoCluster = new TH1F("hVetoCluster", "hVetoCluster", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
-// fhConvertorCluster = new TH1F("hConvertorCluster","hConvertorCluster",500, 0. , 3.e-5);
-// fhConvertorEmc = new TH2F("hConvertorEmc", "hConvertorEmc", 200, 1. , 3., 200, 0., 3.e-5);
-// fhPhotonEnergy = new TH1F("hPhotonEnergy", "hPhotonEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
-// fhElectronEnergy = new TH1F("hElectronEnergy","hElectronEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
-// fhNeutralHadronEnergy = new TH1F("hNeutralHadronEnergy", "hNeutralHadronEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
-// fhNeutralEMEnergy = new TH1F("hNeutralEMEnergy", "hNeutralEMEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
-// fhChargedHadronEnergy = new TH1F("hChargedHadronEnergy", "hChargedHadronEnergy", 1000, 0. , 30.);
-// fhPhotonHadronEnergy = new TH1F("hPhotonHadronEnergy","hPhotonHadronEnergy",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhPhotonPositionX = new TH1F("hPhotonPositionX","hPhotonPositionX", 500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhElectronPositionX = new TH1F("hElectronPositionX","hElectronPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhNeutralHadronPositionX = new TH1F("hNeutralHadronPositionX","hNeutralHadronPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhNeutralEMPositionX = new TH1F("hNeutralEMPositionX","hNeutralEMPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhChargedHadronPositionX = new TH1F("hChargedHadronPositionX","hChargedHadronPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhPhotonHadronPositionX = new TH1F("hPhotonHadronPositionX","hPhotonHadronPositionX",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhPhotonPositionY = new TH1F("hPhotonPositionY","hPhotonPositionY", 500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhElectronPositionY = new TH1F("hElectronPositionY","hElectronPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhNeutralHadronPositionY = new TH1F("hNeutralHadronPositionY","hNeutralHadronPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhNeutralEMPositionY = new TH1F("hNeutralEMPositionY","hNeutralEMPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhChargedHadronPositionY = new TH1F("hChargedHadronPositionY","hChargedHadronPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
-// fhPhotonHadronPositionY = new TH1F("hPhotonHadronPositionY","hPhotonHadronPositionY",500,-80. , 80.);
+ fhEmcDigit = new TH1F("hEmcDigit", "hEmcDigit", 1000, 0. , 25.);
+ fhVetoDigit = new TH1F("hVetoDigit", "hVetoDigit", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
+ fhConvertorDigit = new TH1F("hConvertorDigit","hConvertorDigit", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
+ fhEmcCluster = new TH1F("hEmcCluster", "hEmcCluster", 1000, 0. , 30.);
+ fhVetoCluster = new TH1F("hVetoCluster", "hVetoCluster", 500, 0. , 3.e-5);
+ fhConvertorCluster = new TH1F("hConvertorCluster","hConvertorCluster",500, 0. , 3.e-5);
+ fhConvertorEmc = new TH2F("hConvertorEmc", "hConvertorEmc", 200, 1. , 3., 200, 0., 3.e-5);
fhNeutralEMAllPosition = new TH2F("hNeutralEMAllPosition","hNeutralEMAllPosition", 20, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.);
fhChargedHadronPosition = new TH2F("hChargedHadronPosition","hChargedHadronPosition", 20, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.);
fhPhotonHadronPosition = new TH2F("hPhotonHadronPosition","hPhotonHadronPosition", 20, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.);
+ if(fhPhotonReg)
+ delete fhPhotonReg ;
+ if(fhAllReg)
+ delete fhAllReg ;
+ if(fhNReg)
+ delete fhNReg ;
+ if(fhNReg)
+ delete fhNReg ;
+ if(fhNReg)
+ delete fhNReg ;
fhPhotonReg = new TH1F("hPhotonReg","hPhotonReg", 20, 0., 5.);
fhAllReg = new TH1F("hAllReg", "hAllReg", 20, 0., 5.);
fhNReg = new TH1F("hNReg", "hNReg", 20, 0., 5.);
fhNBarReg = new TH1F("hNBarReg", "hNBarReg", 20, 0., 5.);
fhChargedReg= new TH1F("hChargedReg", "hChargedReg", 20, 0., 5.);
+ if(fhPhotonEM)
+ delete fhPhotonEM ;
+ if(fhAllEM)
+ delete fhAllEM ;
+ if(fhNEM)
+ delete fhNEM ;
+ if(fhNBarEM)
+ delete fhNBarEM ;
+ if(fhChargedEM)
+ delete fhChargedEM ;
fhPhotonEM = new TH1F("hPhotonEM","hPhotonEM", 20, 0., 5.);
fhAllEM = new TH1F("hAllEM", "hAllEM", 20, 0., 5.);
fhNEM = new TH1F("hNEM", "hNEM", 20, 0., 5.);
fhNBarEM = new TH1F("hNBarEM", "hNBarEM", 20, 0., 5.);
fhChargedEM= new TH1F("hChargedEM", "hChargedEM", 20, 0., 5.);
+ if(fhPrimary)
+ delete fhPrimary ;
fhPrimary= new TH1F("hPrimary", "hPrimary", 20, 0., 5.);
+ if(fhPhotPhot)
+ delete fhPhotPhot ;
+ if(fhPhotElec)
+ delete fhPhotElec ;
+ if(fhPhotNeuH)
+ delete fhPhotNeuH ;
+ if(fhPhotNuEM)
+ delete fhPhotNuEM ;
+ if(fhPhotChHa)
+ delete fhPhotChHa ;
+ if(fhPhotGaHa)
+ delete fhPhotGaHa ;
fhPhotPhot = new TH1F("hPhotPhot","hPhotPhot", 20, 0., 5.); //Photon registered as photon
fhPhotElec = new TH1F("hPhotElec","hPhotElec", 20, 0., 5.); //Photon registered as Electron
fhPhotNeuH = new TH1F("hPhotNeuH","hPhotNeuH", 20, 0., 5.); //Photon registered as Neutral Hadron
//=========== Get the PHOS object and associated geometry from the file
- fPHOS = (AliPHOSv1 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
+ fPHOS = (AliPHOSv5 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
fGeom = fPHOS->GetGeometry();
// fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance( fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetName(), fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() );
cout << "DisplayRecParticles > Analyze an event first ... (y/n) " ;
Text_t answer[1] ;
cin >> answer ; cout << answer ;
- if ( answer == "y" )
- AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
+// if ( answer == "y" )
+// AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
if (fEvt != -999) {
cout << "DisplayRecPoints > Analyze an event first ... (y/n) " ;
Text_t answer[1] ;
cin >> answer ; cout << answer ;
- if ( answer == "y" )
- AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
+// if ( answer == "y" )
+// AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
if (fEvt != -999) {
cout << "DisplayTrackSegments > Analyze an event first ... (y/n) " ;
Text_t answer[1] ;
cin >> answer ; cout << answer ;
- if ( answer == "y" )
- AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
+// if ( answer == "y" )
+// AnalyzeOneEvent() ;
if (fEvt != -999) {
return fRootFile->IsOpen() ;
-void AliPHOSAnalyze::SavingHistograms()
- // Saves the histograms in a root file named "name.analyzed"
- Text_t outputname[80] ;
- sprintf(outputname,"%s.analyzed",fRootFile->GetName());
- TFile output(outputname,"RECREATE");
+// void AliPHOSAnalyze::SavingHistograms()
+// {
+// // Saves the histograms in a root file named "name.analyzed"
+// Text_t outputname[80] ;
+// sprintf(outputname,"%s.analyzed",fRootFile->GetName());
+// TFile output(outputname,"RECREATE");
// if (fhEmcDigit )
// fhEmcDigit->Write() ;
// if (fhVetoDigit )
// if (fhPhotonHadronPositionY)
// fhPhotonHadronPositionX->Write() ;
- output.Write();
- output.Close();
+// output.Write();
+// output.Close();
+// }
-void AliPHOSAnalyze::SaveResolutionHistograms()
+void AliPHOSAnalyze::SaveHistograms()
// Saves the histograms in a root file named "name.analyzed"
TFile output(outputname,"RECREATE");;
if (fhPhotonEnergy)
fhPhotonEnergy->Write() ;
if (fhPhotonAllEnergy)
fhPhotChHa->Write() ;
fhPhotGaHa->Write() ;
+ if(fhEnergyCorrelations)
+ fhEnergyCorrelations->Write() ;
+void AliPHOSAnalyze::ResetHistograms()
+ fhEnergyCorrelations = 0 ; //Energy correlations between Eloss in Convertor and PPSD(2)
+ fhEmcDigit = 0 ; // Histo of digit energies in the Emc
+ fhVetoDigit = 0 ; // Histo of digit energies in the Veto
+ fhConvertorDigit = 0 ; // Histo of digit energies in the Convertor
+ fhEmcCluster = 0 ; // Histo of Cluster energies in Emc
+ fhVetoCluster = 0 ; // Histo of Cluster energies in Veto
+ fhConvertorCluster = 0 ; // Histo of Cluster energies in Convertor
+ fhConvertorEmc = 0 ; // 2d Convertor versus Emc energies
+ fhPhotonEnergy = 0 ; // Spectrum of detected photons with photon primary
+ fhPhotonAllEnergy = 0 ; // Total spectrum of detected photons
+ fhElectronEnergy = 0 ; // Spectrum of detected electrons with electron primary
+ fhElectronAllEnergy = 0 ; // Total spectrum of detected electrons
+ fhNeutralHadronEnergy = 0 ; // Spectrum of detected neutral hadron
+ fhNeutralEMEnergy = 0 ; // Spectrum of detected neutral EM with EM primary
+ fhNeutralEMAllEnergy = 0 ; // Spectrum of detected neutral EM
+ fhChargedHadronEnergy = 0 ; // Spectrum of detected charged
+ fhPhotonHadronEnergy = 0 ; // Spectrum of detected Photon-Hadron
+ fhPhotonPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of photons with photon primary
+ fhPhotonAllPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of photons
+ fhElectronPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of electrons with electron primary
+ fhElectronAllPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of electrons
+ fhNeutralHadronPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of neutral hadron
+ fhNeutralEMPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of neutral EM with EM primary
+ fhNeutralEMAllPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of neutral EM
+ fhChargedHadronPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of charged
+ fhPhotonHadronPosition = 0 ; // Position Resolution of Photon-Hadron
+ fhPhotonPositionY = 0 ; // Y distribution of detected photons
+ fhElectronPositionY = 0 ; // Y distribution of detected electrons
+ fhNeutralHadronPositionY = 0 ; // Y distribution of detected neutral hadron
+ fhNeutralEMPositionY = 0 ; // Y distribution of detected neutral EM
+ fhChargedHadronPositionY = 0 ; // Y distribution of detected charged
+ fhPhotonHadronPositionY = 0 ; // Y distribution of detected Photon-Hadron
+ fhPhotonReg = 0 ;
+ fhAllReg = 0 ;
+ fhNReg = 0 ;
+ fhNBarReg = 0 ;
+ fhChargedReg = 0 ;
+ fhPhotonEM = 0 ;
+ fhAllEM = 0 ;
+ fhNEM = 0 ;
+ fhNBarEM = 0 ;
+ fhChargedEM = 0 ;
+ fhPrimary = 0 ;
+ fhPhotPhot = 0 ;
+ fhPhotElec = 0 ;
+ fhPhotNeuH = 0 ;
+ fhPhotNuEM = 0 ;
+ fhPhotChHa = 0 ;
+ fhPhotGaHa = 0 ;