]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/commitdiff
Add extra analysis macros/scripts
authordgangadh <dgangadh@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Thu, 27 Jun 2013 11:42:42 +0000 (11:42 +0000)
committerdgangadh <dgangadh@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Thu, 27 Jun 2013 11:42:42 +0000 (11:42 +0000)
PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeKFileTherm.C [new file with mode: 0644]
PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeMomResHisto_Merged.C [new file with mode: 0644]
PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeOutFiles.sh [new file with mode: 0644]
PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeOutFilesAllM.sh [new file with mode: 0644]
PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeWeightFile.C [new file with mode: 0644]
PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/PlotTherm_r3.C [new file with mode: 0644]
PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/Therm.C [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeKFileTherm.C b/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeKFileTherm.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ae9757b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <Riostream.h>
+#include <complex>
+#include "TVector2.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TF1.h"
+#include "TH1.h"
+#include "TH2.h"
+#include "TH3.h"
+#include "TProfile.h"
+#include "TProfile2D.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TText.h"
+#include "TRandom3.h"
+#include "TArray.h"
+#include "TLegend.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
+#include "TMinuit.h"
+using namespace std;
+void MakeKFileTherm(){
+  // 2-particles
+  const int kbVALUES=6;// 6 b values (2,3,5,7,8,9)
+  TFile *probeFile=new TFile("Therm_FSI_b2.root","READ");// all files have same binning.
+  TH2D *probeHisto = (TH2D*)probeFile->Get("K2_ss");// kt x qinv
+  int binsY= probeHisto->GetNbinsY();
+  double lowY = probeHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
+  double highY = probeHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(binsY);
+  probeFile->Close();
+  TFile *OutFile=new TFile("KFile_temp.root","RECREATE");
+  TH2D *K2ssT = new TH2D("K2ssT","",kbVALUES,0.5,kbVALUES+0.5, binsY,lowY,highY);// kt integrated
+  TH2D *K2osT = new TH2D("K2osT","",kbVALUES,0.5,kbVALUES+0.5, binsY,lowY,highY);// kt integrated
+  TH3D *K2ssT_kt = new TH3D("K2ssT_kt","",kbVALUES,0.5,kbVALUES+0.5, 6,0.5,6+0.5, binsY,lowY,highY);// kt differential
+  TH3D *K2osT_kt = new TH3D("K2osT_kt","",kbVALUES,0.5,kbVALUES+0.5, 6,0.5,6+0.5, binsY,lowY,highY);// kt differential
+  K2ssT_kt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("b bin"); K2osT_kt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("b bin");
+  K2ssT_kt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("kt bin"); K2osT_kt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("kt bin");
+  K2ssT_kt->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("qinv"); K2osT_kt->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("qinv");
+  for(int r=0; r<kbVALUES; r++){ 
+    TString *nameT=new TString("Therm_FSI_b");
+    if(r==0) {*nameT += 2;}
+    if(r==1) {*nameT += 3;}
+    if(r==2) {*nameT += 5;}
+    if(r==3) {*nameT += 7;}
+    if(r==4) {*nameT += 8;}
+    if(r==5) {*nameT += 9;}
+    nameT->Append(".root");
+    //
+    TFile *file_T=new TFile(nameT->Data(),"READ");
+    TH2D *Num2_ss = (TH2D*)file_T->Get("K2_ss");
+    TH2D *Den2_ss = (TH2D*)file_T->Get("PlaneWF_ss");
+    TH1D *Num_ss = (TH1D*)Num2_ss->ProjectionY();// kt integrated
+    TH1D *Den_ss = (TH1D*)Den2_ss->ProjectionY();// kt integrated
+    TH2D *Num2_os = (TH2D*)file_T->Get("K2_os");
+    TH2D *Den2_os = (TH2D*)file_T->Get("PlaneWF_os");
+    TH1D *Num_os = (TH1D*)Num2_os->ProjectionY();// kt integrated
+    TH1D *Den_os = (TH1D*)Den2_os->ProjectionY();// kt integrated
+    Num_ss->Divide(Den_ss);
+    Num_os->Divide(Den_os);
+    for(int i=1; i<=binsY; i++){
+      K2ssT->SetBinContent(r+1, i, Num_ss->GetBinContent(i));
+      K2osT->SetBinContent(r+1, i, Num_os->GetBinContent(i));
+    }
+    // kt differential
+    for(int ktbin=1; ktbin<=6; ktbin++){
+      TString *name=new TString("pro_");
+      *name += ktbin;
+      *name += 1;
+      TH1D *Num_ss = (TH1D*)Num2_ss->ProjectionY(name->Data(), ktbin*2+3, ktbin*2+4);
+      *name += 2;
+      TH1D *Den_ss = (TH1D*)Den2_ss->ProjectionY(name->Data(), ktbin*2+3, ktbin*2+4);
+      *name += 3;
+      TH1D *Num_os = (TH1D*)Num2_os->ProjectionY(name->Data(), ktbin*2+3, ktbin*2+4);
+      *name += 4;
+      TH1D *Den_os = (TH1D*)Den2_os->ProjectionY(name->Data(), ktbin*2+3, ktbin*2+4);
+      Num_ss->Divide(Den_ss);
+      Num_os->Divide(Den_os);
+       for(int i=1; i<=binsY; i++){
+        K2ssT_kt->SetBinContent(r+1, ktbin, i, Num_ss->GetBinContent(i));
+        K2osT_kt->SetBinContent(r+1, ktbin, i, Num_os->GetBinContent(i));
+       }
+    }  
+    // 3-particles
+    TH3D *Num3_ss=(TH3D*)file_T->Get("K3ss_3D");
+    TH3D *Den3_ss=(TH3D*)file_T->Get("PlaneWF3ss_3D");
+    Num3_ss->Divide(Den3_ss);
+    TString *OutNameSS = new TString("K3ss_");
+    *OutNameSS += r;
+    OutFile->cd();
+    TH3D *K3ss = (TH3D*)Num3_ss->Clone();
+    TH3D *temp3ss = (TH3D*)Num3_ss->Clone();
+    for(int i=1; i<=K3ss->GetNbinsX(); i++){
+      for(int j=1; j<=K3ss->GetNbinsY(); j++){
+       for(int k=1; k<=K3ss->GetNbinsZ(); k++){
+         // GRS
+         //double GRS = K2ssT->GetBinContent(r+1, i) * K2ssT->GetBinContent(r+1, j) * K2ssT->GetBinContent(r+1, k);
+         //K3ss->SetBinContent(i,j,k, GRS);
+         // Omega0
+         if(temp3ss->GetBinContent(i,j,k) > 1.0) K3ss->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 1.0);
+         else{
+           double mean=0;
+           double terms=0;
+           if(temp3ss->GetBinContent(i,j,k) < 1.0) {mean += temp3ss->GetBinContent(i,j,k); terms++;}
+           if(temp3ss->GetBinContent(i,k,j) < 1.0) {mean += temp3ss->GetBinContent(i,k,j); terms++;}
+           if(temp3ss->GetBinContent(j,i,k) < 1.0) {mean += temp3ss->GetBinContent(j,i,k); terms++;}
+           if(temp3ss->GetBinContent(j,k,i) < 1.0) {mean += temp3ss->GetBinContent(j,k,i); terms++;}
+           if(temp3ss->GetBinContent(k,i,j) < 1.0) {mean += temp3ss->GetBinContent(k,i,j); terms++;}
+           if(temp3ss->GetBinContent(k,j,i) < 1.0) {mean += temp3ss->GetBinContent(k,j,i); terms++;}
+           if(terms > 0) {mean /= terms; K3ss->SetBinContent(i,j,k, mean);}
+           else K3ss->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 0);
+           }
+       }
+      }
+    }
+    K3ss->Write(OutNameSS->Data());
+    //
+    TH3D *Num3_os=(TH3D*)file_T->Get("K3os_3D");
+    TH3D *Den3_os=(TH3D*)file_T->Get("PlaneWF3os_3D");
+    Num3_os->Divide(Den3_os);
+    //
+    TString *OutNameOS = new TString("K3os_");
+    *OutNameOS += r;
+    OutFile->cd();
+    TH3D *K3os = (TH3D*)Num3_os->Clone();
+    TH3D *temp3os = (TH3D*)Num3_os->Clone();
+    for(int i=1; i<=K3os->GetNbinsX(); i++){
+      for(int j=1; j<=K3os->GetNbinsY(); j++){
+       for(int k=1; k<=K3os->GetNbinsZ(); k++){
+         // GRS
+         //double GRS = K2ssT->GetBinContent(r+1, i) * K2osT->GetBinContent(r+1, j) * K2osT->GetBinContent(r+1, k);
+         //K3os->SetBinContent(i,j,k, GRS);
+         // Omega0
+         if(temp3os->GetBinContent(i,j,k) > 3.0) K3os->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 1.0);
+         else {
+           double mean=0;
+           double terms=0;
+           if(temp3os->GetBinContent(i,j,k) < 3.0) {mean += temp3os->GetBinContent(i,j,k); terms++;}
+           if(temp3os->GetBinContent(i,k,j) < 3.0) {mean += temp3os->GetBinContent(i,k,j); terms++;}
+           if(terms > 0) {mean /= terms; K3os->SetBinContent(i,j,k, mean);}
+           else K3os->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 0);
+           }
+       }
+      }
+    }
+    K3os->Write(OutNameOS->Data());
+    file_T->Close();
+  }// r loop
+  //
+  OutFile->cd();
+  //
+  K2ssT->Write("K2ssT");
+  K2osT->Write("K2osT");
+  K2ssT_kt->Write("K2ssT_kt");
+  K2osT_kt->Write("K2osT_kt");
+  //
+  OutFile->Close();
diff --git a/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeMomResHisto_Merged.C b/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeMomResHisto_Merged.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1885337
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <Riostream.h>
+#include "TVector2.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TF1.h"
+#include "TH1.h"
+#include "TH2.h"
+#include "TH3.h"
+#include "TProfile.h"
+#include "TProfile2D.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TText.h"
+#include "TRandom3.h"
+#include "TArray.h"
+#include "TLegend.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
+#include "TMinuit.h"
+using namespace std;
+void MakeMomResHisto_Merged(){
+  int MBmerged = 0;
+  //
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_myRun_L0p68R11.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_myRun_L0p68R10.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_lego_L0p68R9andR8.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_myRun_L0p68R7.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_myRun_L0p68R6.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_lego_L0p68R11_PID1p5_and_FB5.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_myRun_L0p68R11_chi3p1.root","READ");
+  TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_myRun_L0p68R11_highKt.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17d_fix_genSignal_Rinv11.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17a_myRun_L0p68R11_ncls.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile1 = new TFile("MyOutput.root","READ");
+  //
+  //TFile *infile2 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17b_12a17e_noPadCut_lego.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile2 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17b_newr3_lego.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile2 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17b_GRS_lego.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile2 = new TFile("Results/PDC_HIJING_12a17b_myRun_L0p4R8.root","READ");
+  //TDirectoryFile *tdir1 = (TDirectoryFile*)infile1->Get("PWGCF.outputChaoticityAnalysis.root");
+  //TList *list1=(TList*)tdir1->Get("ChaoticityOutput_2");
+  TList *list1=(TList*)infile1->Get("MyList");
+  infile1->Close();
+  //TDirectoryFile *tdir2 = (TDirectoryFile*)infile2->Get("PWGCF.outputChaoticityAnalysis.root");
+  //TList *list2=(TList*)tdir2->Get("ChaoticityOutput");
+  //TList *list2=(TList*)infile2->Get("MyList");
+  //infile2->Close();
+  TList *list;
+  const int Mbins=2;
+  TH2D *num_i_2[2];// 2-particle
+  TH2D *den_i_2[2];// 2-particle
+  TH2D *num_s_2[2];// 2-particle
+  TH2D *den_s_2[2];// 2-particle
+  //
+  TH2D *merged_num_i_2[2];
+  TH2D *merged_den_i_2[2];
+  TH2D *merged_num_s_2[2];
+  TH2D *merged_den_s_2[2];
+  //
+  TString *names[2][4];
+  // 3d
+  TString *names_terms[2][5][2];// charge-combo (ss or os), terms, ideal/smeared, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_i[2][5];// charge-combo (ss or os), terms, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_s[2][5];// charge-combo (ss or os), terms, Mbins
+  TH1D *merged_terms1D_i[2][5];
+  TH1D *merged_terms1D_s[2][5];
+  //
+  TString *names_termsK3[2][2];// charge-combo (ss or os), Sum/En, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_SumK3[2];// charge-combo (ss or os), Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_EnK3[2];// charge-combo (ss or os), Mbins
+  //
+  TString *names_terms_FVP[5][2][2];// terms, ideal/smeared, Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_FVP_i[5][2];// terms, Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_FVP_s[5][2];// terms, Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  //
+  TString *names_terms_FVP_K[5][2][2];// terms, Sum/En, Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_FVP_SumK[5][2];// terms, Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_FVP_EnK[5][2];// terms, Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  //
+  TString *names_terms_FVPTPN[2][2];// ideal/smeared, Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[2];// Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  TH3D *merged_terms_FVPTPN_s[2];// Projection 1 or 2, Mbins
+  for(int mb=0; mb<Mbins; mb++){// Mbin loop
+    cout<<"Cent bin "<<mb<<endl;
+    for(int ch=0; ch<2; ch++){// + or - loop
+      int MixedCbin1=0, MixedCbin2=0, MixedCbin3=0;
+      // 3d histos
+      for(int term=0; term<5; term++){// term loop
+       names_terms[0][term][0]=new TString("PairCut3_Charge1_"); *names_terms[0][term][0] += ch;
+       names_terms[0][term][0]->Append("_Charge2_"); *names_terms[0][term][0] += ch;
+       names_terms[0][term][0]->Append("_Charge3_"); *names_terms[0][term][0] += ch;
+       names_terms[0][term][0]->Append("_SC_0_M_");
+       *names_terms[0][term][0] += mb;
+       names_terms[0][term][0]->Append("_ED_0_");
+       TString *TPNnameBase = new TString(names_terms[0][term][0]->Data());
+       names_terms[0][term][0]->Append("Term_"); *names_terms[0][term][0] += term+1; 
+       names_terms[0][term][1]=new TString(names_terms[0][term][0]->Data());
+       if(term==0) {
+         names_termsK3[0][0]=new TString(names_terms[0][term][0]->Data());
+         names_termsK3[0][1]=new TString(names_terms[0][term][0]->Data());
+         names_termsK3[0][0]->Append("_SumK3");
+         names_termsK3[0][1]->Append("_EnK3");
+       }       
+       //
+       names_terms_FVP[term][0][0] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][0]->Data());
+       names_terms_FVP[term][1][0] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][0]->Data());
+       names_terms_FVP[term][0][0]->Append("_4VectProd1Ideal");
+       names_terms_FVP[term][1][0]->Append("_4VectProd1Smeared");
+       //
+       names_terms_FVP[term][0][1] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][1]->Data());
+       names_terms_FVP[term][1][1] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][1]->Data());
+       names_terms_FVP[term][0][1]->Append("_4VectProd2Ideal");
+       names_terms_FVP[term][1][1]->Append("_4VectProd2Smeared");
+       //
+       names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][0] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][1]->Data());// Prod1 SumK
+       names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][0] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][1]->Data());// Prod1 EnK
+       names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][1] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][1]->Data());// Prod2 SumK
+       names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][1] = new TString(names_terms[0][term][1]->Data());// Prod2 EnK
+       if(term==0) {
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][0]->Append("_4VectProd1SumK3");
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][0]->Append("_4VectProd1EnK3");
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][1]->Append("_4VectProd2SumK3");
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][1]->Append("_4VectProd2EnK3");
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[0][0] = new TString(TPNnameBase->Data());
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[0][1] = new TString(TPNnameBase->Data());
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[1][0] = new TString(TPNnameBase->Data());
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[1][1] = new TString(TPNnameBase->Data());
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[0][0]->Append("TPN_0_4VectProd1Ideal");
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[0][1]->Append("TPN_0_4VectProd2Ideal");
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[1][0]->Append("TPN_0_4VectProd1Smeared");
+         names_terms_FVPTPN[1][1]->Append("TPN_0_4VectProd2Smeared");
+       }
+       if(term>0 && term<4){
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][0]->Append("_4VectProd1SumK2");
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][0]->Append("_4VectProd1EnK2");
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][1]->Append("_4VectProd2SumK2");
+         names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][1]->Append("_4VectProd2EnK2");
+       }
+       names_terms[0][term][0]->Append("_Ideal");
+       names_terms[0][term][1]->Append("_Smeared");
+       //
+       if(ch==0) {MixedCbin1=0; MixedCbin2=0; MixedCbin3=1;}
+       else {MixedCbin1=0; MixedCbin2=1; MixedCbin3=1;}
+       names_terms[1][term][0]=new TString("PairCut3_Charge1_"); *names_terms[1][term][0] += MixedCbin1;
+       names_terms[1][term][0]->Append("_Charge2_"); *names_terms[1][term][0] += MixedCbin2;
+       names_terms[1][term][0]->Append("_Charge3_"); *names_terms[1][term][0] += MixedCbin3;
+       names_terms[1][term][0]->Append("_SC_0_M_");
+       *names_terms[1][term][0] += mb;
+       names_terms[1][term][0]->Append("_ED_0_Term_"); *names_terms[1][term][0] += term+1;
+       names_terms[1][term][1]=new TString(names_terms[1][term][0]->Data());
+       if(term==0) {
+         names_termsK3[1][0]=new TString(names_terms[1][term][0]->Data());
+         names_termsK3[1][1]=new TString(names_terms[1][term][0]->Data());
+         names_termsK3[1][0]->Append("_SumK3");
+         names_termsK3[1][1]->Append("_EnK3");
+       }       
+       names_terms[1][term][0]->Append("_Ideal");
+       names_terms[1][term][1]->Append("_Smeared");
+      }// term loop
+      TString *base1 = new TString("Explicit2_Charge1_"); *base1 += ch; 
+      base1->Append("_Charge2_"); *base1 += ch; base1->Append("_SC_0_M_");
+      names[0][0]=new TString(base1->Data());
+      *names[0][0] += mb;
+      names[0][0]->Append("_ED_0_Term_1_Ideal");
+      names[0][1]=new TString(base1->Data());
+      *names[0][1] += mb;
+      names[0][1]->Append("_ED_0_Term_2_Ideal");
+      names[0][2]=new TString(base1->Data());
+      *names[0][2] += mb;
+      names[0][2]->Append("_ED_0_Term_1_Smeared");
+      names[0][3]=new TString(base1->Data());
+      *names[0][3] += mb;
+      names[0][3]->Append("_ED_0_Term_2_Smeared");
+      // mixed charge 2-particle case is double counted here.  It's ok (only the stat errors are wrong...not used anyway).
+      TString *base2 = new TString("Explicit2_Charge1_0_Charge2_1"); base2->Append("_SC_0_M_");
+      names[1][0]=new TString(base2->Data());
+      *names[1][0] += mb;
+      names[1][0]->Append("_ED_0_Term_1_Ideal");
+      names[1][1]=new TString(base2->Data());
+      *names[1][1] += mb;
+      names[1][1]->Append("_ED_0_Term_2_Ideal");
+      names[1][2]=new TString(base2->Data());
+      *names[1][2] += mb;
+      names[1][2]->Append("_ED_0_Term_1_Smeared");
+      names[1][3]=new TString(base2->Data());
+      *names[1][3] += mb;
+      names[1][3]->Append("_ED_0_Term_2_Smeared");
+      //
+      if(mb<2) list=(TList*)list1->Clone();
+      //else list=(TList*)list2->Clone();
+      for(int ChProd=0; ChProd<2; ChProd++){// charge product loop
+       //
+       num_i_2[ChProd]=(TH2D*)list->FindObject(names[ChProd][0]->Data());
+       den_i_2[ChProd]=(TH2D*)list->FindObject(names[ChProd][1]->Data());
+       num_s_2[ChProd]=(TH2D*)list->FindObject(names[ChProd][2]->Data());
+       den_s_2[ChProd]=(TH2D*)list->FindObject(names[ChProd][3]->Data());
+       //
+       if(ch==0 && mb==0){
+         for(int term=0; term<5; term++){
+           merged_terms_i[ChProd][term] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms[ChProd][term][0]->Data()))->Clone();
+           merged_terms_s[ChProd][term] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms[ChProd][term][1]->Data()))->Clone();
+           if(term==0){
+             merged_terms_SumK3[ChProd] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_termsK3[ChProd][0]->Data()))->Clone();
+             merged_terms_EnK3[ChProd] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_termsK3[ChProd][1]->Data()))->Clone();
+           }
+           if(ChProd==0) {
+             //merged_terms_FVP_i[term][0] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][0][0]->Data()))->Clone();// ideal, Prod 1
+             //merged_terms_FVP_s[term][0] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][1][0]->Data()))->Clone();// smeared, Prod 1
+             //merged_terms_FVP_i[term][1] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][0][1]->Data()))->Clone();// ideal, Prod 2
+             //merged_terms_FVP_s[term][1] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][1][1]->Data()))->Clone();// smeared, Prod 2
+             if(term !=4){
+               //merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][0] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][0]->Data()))->Clone();// Prod 1 Sum K
+               //merged_terms_FVP_EnK[term][0] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][0]->Data()))->Clone();// Prod 1 En K
+               //merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][1] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][1]->Data()))->Clone();// Prod 2 Sum K
+               //merged_terms_FVP_EnK[term][1] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][1]->Data()))->Clone();// Prod 2 En K
+             }
+             if(term==0){
+               //merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[0] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[0][0]->Data()))->Clone();// ideal, Prod 1 
+               //merged_terms_FVPTPN_s[0] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[1][0]->Data()))->Clone();// smeared, Prod 1 
+               //merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[1] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[0][1]->Data()))->Clone();// ideal, Prod 2
+               //merged_terms_FVPTPN_s[1] = (TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[1][1]->Data()))->Clone();// smeared, Prod 2
+             }
+           }
+         }
+       }else{// ch==1 || mb!=0
+         for(int term=0; term<5; term++){
+           if(ChProd==0) {
+             merged_terms_i[0][term]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms[0][term][0]->Data())));
+             merged_terms_s[0][term]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms[0][term][1]->Data())));
+             if(term==0) {
+               merged_terms_SumK3[0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_termsK3[0][0]->Data())));
+               merged_terms_EnK3[0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_termsK3[0][1]->Data())));
+               /*merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[0][0]->Data())));
+               merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[1]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[0][1]->Data())));
+               merged_terms_FVPTPN_s[0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[1][0]->Data())));
+               merged_terms_FVPTPN_s[1]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVPTPN[1][1]->Data())));*/
+             }
+             /* merged_terms_FVP_i[term][0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][0][0]->Data())));
+             merged_terms_FVP_s[term][0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][1][0]->Data())));
+             merged_terms_FVP_i[term][1]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][0][1]->Data())));
+             merged_terms_FVP_s[term][1]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP[term][1][1]->Data())));*/
+             if(term<4){
+               /*merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][0]->Data())));
+               merged_terms_FVP_EnK[term][0]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][0]->Data())));
+               merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][1]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][0][1]->Data())));
+               merged_terms_FVP_EnK[term][1]->Add((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms_FVP_K[term][1][1]->Data())));*/
+             }
+           }else {// different placement of same-charge pair
+             int termOther=term;
+             if(ch==1){
+               if(term==0) termOther=0;
+               else if(term==1) termOther=3;
+               else if(term==2) termOther=2;
+               else if(term==3) termOther=1;
+               else termOther=4;
+             }
+             TH3D *temphisto_i=((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms[1][termOther][0]->Data())));
+             TH3D *temphisto_s=((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_terms[1][termOther][1]->Data())));
+             TH3D *temphisto_SumK3=((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_termsK3[1][0]->Data())));
+             TH3D *temphisto_EnK3=((TH3D*)(list->FindObject(names_termsK3[1][1]->Data())));
+             for(int bin1=1; bin1<merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetNbinsX(); bin1++){
+               for(int bin2=1; bin2<merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetNbinsY(); bin2++){
+                 for(int bin3=1; bin3<merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetNbinsZ(); bin3++){
+                   if(ch==0){
+                     merged_terms_i[1][term]->SetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3, merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3)+temphisto_i->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3));
+                     merged_terms_s[1][term]->SetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3, merged_terms_s[1][term]->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3)+temphisto_s->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3));
+                   }else {
+                     merged_terms_i[1][term]->SetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3, merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3)+temphisto_i->GetBinContent(bin3,bin2,bin1));
+                     merged_terms_s[1][term]->SetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3, merged_terms_s[1][term]->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3)+temphisto_s->GetBinContent(bin3,bin2,bin1));
+                   }
+                   //
+                   if(term==0){
+                     //merged_terms_SumK3[1]->SetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3, merged_terms_SumK3[1]->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3)+temphisto_SumK3->GetBinContent(bin3,bin2,bin1));
+                     //merged_terms_EnK3[1]->SetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3, merged_terms_EnK3[1]->GetBinContent(bin1,bin2,bin3)+temphisto_EnK3->GetBinContent(bin3,bin2,bin1));
+                   }
+                 }
+               }
+             }
+           }
+         }
+       }// else for 3-particle part
+       // 2-particles
+       if(ch==0 && mb==0) {
+         merged_num_i_2[ChProd] = (TH2D*)num_i_2[ChProd]->Clone();
+         merged_den_i_2[ChProd] = (TH2D*)den_i_2[ChProd]->Clone();
+         merged_num_s_2[ChProd] = (TH2D*)num_s_2[ChProd]->Clone();
+         merged_den_s_2[ChProd] = (TH2D*)den_s_2[ChProd]->Clone();
+       }else {
+         merged_num_i_2[ChProd]->Add(num_i_2[ChProd]);
+         merged_den_i_2[ChProd]->Add(den_i_2[ChProd]);
+         merged_num_s_2[ChProd]->Add(num_s_2[ChProd]);
+         merged_den_s_2[ChProd]->Add(den_s_2[ChProd]);
+       }
+      }// ch loop
+    }// mb loop
+  }// ChProd loop
+  cout<<"Start Writing to Output File"<<endl;
+  TFile *outfile = new TFile("MomResFile_temp.root","RECREATE");
+  TFile *outfileOffline = new TFile("MomResFile_Offline_temp.root","RECREATE");
+  int NbinsX = merged_num_i_2[0]->GetNbinsX();
+  int NbinsY = merged_num_i_2[0]->GetNbinsY();
+  float Xlow = merged_num_i_2[0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
+  float Xhigh = merged_num_i_2[0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(NbinsX);
+  float Ylow = merged_num_i_2[0]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
+  float Yhigh = merged_num_i_2[0]->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(NbinsY);
+  TH2D *MomResHisto_pp = new TH2D("MomResHisto_pp","",NbinsX,Xlow,Xhigh, NbinsY,Ylow,Yhigh);
+  TH2D *MomResHisto_mp = new TH2D("MomResHisto_mp","",NbinsX,Xlow,Xhigh, NbinsY,Ylow,Yhigh);
+  //
+  TH2D *MomResHisto_pp_term1 = new TH2D("MomResHisto_pp_term1","",NbinsX,Xlow,Xhigh, NbinsY,Ylow,Yhigh);
+  TH2D *MomResHisto_pp_term2 = new TH2D("MomResHisto_pp_term2","",NbinsX,Xlow,Xhigh, NbinsY,Ylow,Yhigh);
+  TH2D *MomResHisto_mp_term1 = new TH2D("MomResHisto_mp_term1","",NbinsX,Xlow,Xhigh, NbinsY,Ylow,Yhigh);
+  TH2D *MomResHisto_mp_term2 = new TH2D("MomResHisto_mp_term2","",NbinsX,Xlow,Xhigh, NbinsY,Ylow,Yhigh);
+  //
+  // 3d part
+  int NbinsX_3d = merged_terms_i[0][0]->GetNbinsX();
+  float Xlow_3d = merged_terms_i[0][0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
+  float Xhigh_3d = merged_terms_i[0][0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(NbinsX_3d);
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_SC[5];
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_MC[5];
+  TH1D *MomResHisto_1d_SC[5];
+  TH1D *MomResHisto_1d_MC[5];
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_SC_K3;
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_MC_K3;
+  // 4vectProd
+  /*const int NEdges_FVP_temp = merged_terms_FVP_i[0][0]->GetNbinsX() + 1;
+  const int NEdges_FVP = NEdges_FVP_temp;
+  double Edges[NEdges_FVP]={0};
+  for(int edg=0; edg<NEdges_FVP; edg++){
+    Edges[edg] = merged_terms_FVP_i[0][0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(edg+1);
+    //cout<<Edges[edg]<<endl;
+  }
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_FVP1[5];
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_FVP2[5];
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_FVP1K[5];
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_3d_FVP2K[5];
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_TPN_FVP1;
+  TH3D *MomResHisto_TPN_FVP2;*/
+  for(int term=0; term<5; term++){
+    TString *nameSC = new TString("MomResHisto3_SC_term");
+    TString *nameMC = new TString("MomResHisto3_MC_term");
+    TString *nameSC1D = new TString("MomResHisto1D_SC_term");
+    TString *nameMC1D = new TString("MomResHisto1D_MC_term");
+    TString *nameFVP1 = new TString("MomResHisto3_FVP1_term");
+    TString *nameFVP2 = new TString("MomResHisto3_FVP2_term");
+    TString *nameFVP1K = new TString("MomResHisto3_FVP1K_term");
+    TString *nameFVP2K = new TString("MomResHisto3_FVP2K_term");
+    *nameSC += term+1;
+    *nameMC += term+1;
+    *nameSC1D += term+1;
+    *nameMC1D += term+1;
+    *nameFVP1 += term+1;
+    *nameFVP2 += term+1;
+    *nameFVP1K += term+1;
+    *nameFVP2K += term+1;
+    nameSC->Append("_M");
+    nameMC->Append("_M");
+    nameSC1D->Append("_M");
+    nameMC1D->Append("_M");
+    nameFVP1->Append("_M");
+    nameFVP2->Append("_M");
+    nameFVP1K->Append("_M");
+    nameFVP2K->Append("_M");
+    *nameSC += MBmerged;
+    *nameMC += MBmerged;
+    *nameSC1D += MBmerged;
+    *nameMC1D += MBmerged;
+    *nameFVP1 += MBmerged;
+    *nameFVP2 += MBmerged;
+    *nameFVP1K += MBmerged;
+    *nameFVP2K += MBmerged;
+    MomResHisto_3d_SC[term] = new TH3D(nameSC->Data(),"",NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d);
+    MomResHisto_3d_MC[term] = new TH3D(nameMC->Data(),"",NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d);
+    MomResHisto_1d_SC[term] = new TH1D(nameSC1D->Data(),"",20,0,0.2);
+    MomResHisto_1d_MC[term] = new TH1D(nameMC1D->Data(),"",20,0,0.2);
+    /*MomResHisto_3d_FVP1[term] = new TH3D(nameFVP1->Data(),"",NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges);
+      MomResHisto_3d_FVP2[term] = new TH3D(nameFVP2->Data(),"",NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges);
+      MomResHisto_3d_FVP1K[term] = new TH3D(nameFVP1K->Data(),"",NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges);
+      MomResHisto_3d_FVP2K[term] = new TH3D(nameFVP2K->Data(),"",NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges);*/
+  }
+  //TString *nameTPN_FVP1 = new TString("MomResHisto3_TPN_FVP1_M");
+  //TString *nameTPN_FVP2 = new TString("MomResHisto3_TPN_FVP2_M");
+  TString *nameSC_K3 = new TString("AvgK3_SC_M");
+  TString *nameMC_K3 = new TString("AvgK3_MC_M");
+  *nameSC_K3 += MBmerged;
+  *nameMC_K3 += MBmerged;
+  //*nameTPN_FVP1 += MBmerged;
+  //*nameTPN_FVP2 += MBmerged;
+  MomResHisto_3d_SC_K3 = new TH3D(nameSC_K3->Data(),"",NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d);
+  MomResHisto_3d_MC_K3 = new TH3D(nameMC_K3->Data(),"",NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d, NbinsX_3d,Xlow_3d,Xhigh_3d);
+  //MomResHisto_TPN_FVP1 = new TH3D(nameTPN_FVP1->Data(),"",NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges);
+  //MomResHisto_TPN_FVP2 = new TH3D(nameTPN_FVP2->Data(),"",NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges, NEdges_FVP-1,Edges);
+  for(int term=0; term<5; term++){
+    // 1D Q3 projection
+    double Sum_i_SC[20]={0};
+    double Sum_i_MC[20]={0};
+    double Sum_s_SC[20]={0};
+    double Sum_s_MC[20]={0};
+    for(int i=1; i<NbinsX_3d; i++){
+      for(int j=1; j<NbinsX_3d; j++){
+       for(int l=1; l<NbinsX_3d; l++){
+         //if((i+j)==2 || (i+l)==2 || (j+l)==2) continue;
+         double q3 = sqrt(pow(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i+1),2)+pow(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j+1),2)+pow(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(l+1),2));
+         int q3bin = MomResHisto_1d_SC[term]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(q3);
+         if(q3bin>20) continue;
+         Sum_i_SC[q3bin-1] += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1);
+         Sum_i_MC[q3bin-1] += merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1);
+         Sum_s_SC[q3bin-1] += merged_terms_s[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1);
+         Sum_s_MC[q3bin-1] += merged_terms_s[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1);
+       }
+      }
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<20; i++){
+      if(Sum_s_SC[i]>0) MomResHisto_1d_SC[term]->SetBinContent(i+1, Sum_i_SC[i]/Sum_s_SC[i]);
+      if(Sum_s_MC[i]>0) MomResHisto_1d_MC[term]->SetBinContent(i+1, Sum_i_MC[i]/Sum_s_MC[i]);
+    }
+    // full 3d method
+    merged_terms_i[0][term]->Divide(merged_terms_s[0][term]);
+    merged_terms_i[1][term]->Divide(merged_terms_s[1][term]);
+    //merged_terms_FVP_i[term][0]->Divide(merged_terms_FVP_s[term][0]);// Prod 1
+    //merged_terms_FVP_i[term][1]->Divide(merged_terms_FVP_s[term][1]);// Prod 2
+    if(term < 4){
+      //merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][0]->Divide(merged_terms_FVP_EnK[term][0]);// Prod 1
+      //merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][1]->Divide(merged_terms_FVP_EnK[term][1]);// Prod 2
+    }
+  }
+  //merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[0]->Divide(merged_terms_FVPTPN_s[0]);// Prod 1
+  //merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[1]->Divide(merged_terms_FVPTPN_s[1]);// Prod 2
+  merged_terms_SumK3[0]->Divide(merged_terms_EnK3[0]);// Avg SC K3 for Q12,Q13,Q23
+  merged_terms_SumK3[1]->Divide(merged_terms_EnK3[1]);// Avg MC K3 for Q12,Q13,Q23
+  for(int term=0; term<5; term++){
+    for(int i=0; i<NbinsX_3d; i++){
+      for(int j=0; j<NbinsX_3d; j++){
+       for(int l=0; l<NbinsX_3d; l++){
+         double MomResCorr=0; double terms=0;
+         if(term==0 || term==4){
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,l+1,j+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,l+1,j+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(j+1,i+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(j+1,i+1,l+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(j+1,l+1,i+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(j+1,l+1,i+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(l+1,i+1,j+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(l+1,i+1,j+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(l+1,j+1,i+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(l+1,j+1,i+1); terms++;}
+         }else if(term==1){
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,l+1,j+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,l+1,j+1); terms++;}
+         }else if(term==2){
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(l+1,j+1,i+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(l+1,j+1,i+1); terms++;}
+         }else {
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(j+1,i+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[0][term]->GetBinContent(j+1,i+1,l+1); terms++;}
+         }
+         if(terms > 0) MomResCorr /= terms;
+         MomResHisto_3d_SC[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, MomResCorr);
+         // Mixed-Charge
+         MomResCorr=0; terms=0;
+         if(term==0 || term==1 || term==4){
+           if(merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1); terms++;}
+           if(merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,l+1,j+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,l+1,j+1); terms++;}
+         }else{
+           if(merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1)>0) {MomResCorr += merged_terms_i[1][term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1); terms++;}
+         }
+         if(terms > 0) MomResCorr /= terms;
+         MomResHisto_3d_MC[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, MomResCorr);
+         if(term==0){
+           MomResHisto_3d_SC_K3->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_SumK3[0]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+           MomResHisto_3d_MC_K3->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_SumK3[1]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+         }
+         // condition edge effects
+         if(MomResHisto_3d_SC[term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1) > 10) MomResHisto_3d_SC[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, 1.0);
+         if(MomResHisto_3d_MC[term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1) > 10) MomResHisto_3d_MC[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, 1.0);
+       }
+      }
+    }
+  }// term
+  // FVP
+  /*for(int mb=0; mb<1; mb++){
+    for(int term=0; term<5; term++){
+      for(int i=0; i<NEdges_FVP-1; i++){
+       for(int j=0; j<NEdges_FVP-1; j++){
+         for(int l=0; l<NEdges_FVP-1; l++){
+           MomResHisto_3d_FVP1[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_FVP_i[term][0]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+           MomResHisto_3d_FVP2[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_FVP_i[term][1]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+           if(term < 4){
+             MomResHisto_3d_FVP1K[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][0]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+             MomResHisto_3d_FVP2K[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_FVP_SumK[term][1]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+           }
+           if(term==0){
+             MomResHisto_TPN_FVP1->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[0]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+             MomResHisto_TPN_FVP2->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, merged_terms_FVPTPN_i[1]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1));
+           }
+           // condition edge effects
+           if(MomResHisto_3d_FVP1[term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1) > 10) MomResHisto_3d_FVP1[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, 1.0);
+           if(MomResHisto_3d_FVP2[term]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1) > 10) MomResHisto_3d_FVP2[term]->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1,l+1, 1.0);
+         }
+       }
+      }
+    }
+    }*/
+  // 2-particles
+  for(int ChProd=0; ChProd<2; ChProd++){
+    for(int i=0; i<NbinsX; i++){
+      for(int j=0; j<NbinsY; j++){
+       double weight = 1.0, weight_term1=1.0, weight_term2=1.0;
+       double weight_e = 0, weight_term1_e=0, weight_term2_e=0;
+       bool goodbin=kTRUE;
+       if(merged_num_i_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1) == 0) goodbin=kFALSE;
+       if(merged_den_i_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1) == 0) goodbin=kFALSE;
+       if(merged_num_s_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1) == 0) goodbin=kFALSE;
+       if(merged_den_s_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1) == 0) goodbin=kFALSE;
+       if(goodbin==kTRUE){
+         double NUM_i=merged_num_i_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
+         double NUM_s=merged_num_s_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
+         double DEN_i=merged_den_i_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
+         double DEN_s=merged_den_s_2[ChProd]->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
+         weight = (NUM_i/DEN_i)/(NUM_s/DEN_s);
+         weight_e = pow((sqrt(NUM_s)*NUM_i/DEN_i)/(pow(NUM_s,2)/DEN_s),2);// approximate. does not take lambda into account!!
+         weight_e += pow((sqrt(DEN_s)*NUM_i/DEN_i)/(NUM_s),2);
+         weight_e = sqrt(weight_e); 
+         //
+         weight_term1 = NUM_i/NUM_s;
+         weight_term1_e = pow(sqrt(NUM_i)/NUM_s,2);
+         weight_term1_e += pow(sqrt(NUM_s)*NUM_i/pow(NUM_s,2),2);
+         weight_term1_e = sqrt(weight_term1_e);
+         weight_term2 = DEN_i/DEN_s;
+         weight_term2_e = pow(sqrt(DEN_i)/DEN_s,2);
+         weight_term2_e += pow(sqrt(DEN_s)*DEN_i/pow(DEN_s,2),2);
+         weight_term2_e = sqrt(weight_term2_e);
+       }
+       if(ChProd==0) {
+         MomResHisto_pp->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1, weight);
+         MomResHisto_pp->SetBinError(i+1,j+1, weight_e);
+         MomResHisto_pp_term1->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1, weight_term1);
+         MomResHisto_pp_term2->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1, weight_term2);
+         MomResHisto_pp_term1->SetBinError(i+1,j+1, weight_term1_e);
+         MomResHisto_pp_term2->SetBinError(i+1,j+1, weight_term2_e);
+       }else {
+         MomResHisto_mp->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1, weight); 
+         MomResHisto_mp->SetBinError(i+1,j+1, weight_e);
+         MomResHisto_mp_term1->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1, weight_term1);
+         MomResHisto_mp_term2->SetBinContent(i+1,j+1, weight_term2);
+         MomResHisto_mp_term1->SetBinError(i+1,j+1, weight_term1_e);
+         MomResHisto_mp_term2->SetBinError(i+1,j+1, weight_term2_e);
+       }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  outfile->cd();
+  MomResHisto_pp->Write("MomResHisto_pp");
+  MomResHisto_mp->Write("MomResHisto_mp");
+  MomResHisto_pp_term1->Write("MomResHisto_pp_term1");
+  MomResHisto_pp_term2->Write("MomResHisto_pp_term2");
+  MomResHisto_mp_term1->Write("MomResHisto_mp_term1");
+  MomResHisto_mp_term2->Write("MomResHisto_mp_term2");
+  outfile->Close();
+  outfileOffline->cd();
+  if(MBmerged==0){
+    MomResHisto_pp->Write("MomResHisto_pp");
+    MomResHisto_mp->Write("MomResHisto_mp");
+    MomResHisto_pp_term1->Write("MomResHisto_pp_term1");
+    MomResHisto_pp_term2->Write("MomResHisto_pp_term2");
+    MomResHisto_mp_term1->Write("MomResHisto_mp_term1");
+    MomResHisto_mp_term2->Write("MomResHisto_mp_term2");
+  }    
+  //
+  for(int term=0; term<5; term++){
+    MomResHisto_3d_SC[term]->Write();
+    MomResHisto_3d_MC[term]->Write();
+    MomResHisto_1d_SC[term]->Write();
+    MomResHisto_1d_MC[term]->Write();
+    //MomResHisto_3d_FVP1[term]->Write();
+    //MomResHisto_3d_FVP2[term]->Write();
+    if(term < 4){
+      //MomResHisto_3d_FVP1K[term]->Write();
+      //MomResHisto_3d_FVP2K[term]->Write();
+    }
+  }
+  MomResHisto_3d_SC_K3->Write();
+  MomResHisto_3d_MC_K3->Write();
+  //MomResHisto_TPN_FVP1->Write();
+  //MomResHisto_TPN_FVP2->Write();
+  outfileOffline->Close();
diff --git a/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeOutFiles.sh b/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeOutFiles.sh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..130abf7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#                                 Save, MCcase, IncludeEWfromTherm, SC,      G,      EW,   GRS, EDBin,  CH,   Mbin,  Ktbin
+# without G
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     1)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     2)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     3)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     4)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     5)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     6)'
+# with G
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     1)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     2)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     3)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     4)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     5)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     6)'
+# Include EW from Therminator fits
+# without G
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     1)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     2)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     3)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     4)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     5)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     6)'
+# with G
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     1)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     2)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     3)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     4)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     5)'
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kTRUE,   kTRUE,  kTRUE, kFALSE, kTRUE,     0,  +1,    '$1',     6)'
+# 3-particle
+# EDbin 1
+# GRS
+# SC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    0,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# SC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    0,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    0,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    0,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
+# Omega0
+# SC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    0,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# SC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    0,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    0,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    0,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
+# EDbin 2
+# GRS
+# SC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    1,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# SC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    1,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    1,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE,    1,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
+# Omega0
+# SC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    1,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# SC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kTRUE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    1,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, +
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    1,  +1,    '$1',     10)'
+# MC EW, -
+root -b -q 'Plot_PDCumulants.C++(kTRUE, kFALSE,        kFALSE,   kFALSE,  kFALSE, kTRUE, kFALSE,    1,  -1,    '$1',     10)'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeOutFilesAllM.sh b/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeOutFilesAllM.sh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..51752e2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 0
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 1
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 2
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 3
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 4
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 5
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 6
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 7
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 8
+source MakeOutFiles.sh 9
diff --git a/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeWeightFile.C b/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/MakeWeightFile.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8450601
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <Riostream.h>
+#include "TVector2.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TF1.h"
+#include "TH1.h"
+#include "TH2.h"
+#include "TH3.h"
+#include "TProfile.h"
+#include "TProfile2D.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TText.h"
+#include "TRandom3.h"
+#include "TArray.h"
+#include "TLegend.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
+#include "TMinuit.h"
+using namespace std;
+void MakeWeightFile()
+  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
+  gStyle->SetOptDate(0);
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_11h.root","READ");
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_genSignal_Rinv11.root","READ");
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_genSignal_Rinv11_Smeared.root","READ");
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_11h_PID1p5.root","READ");
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_FB5.root","READ");
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_11h_Chi3p1.root","READ");
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/PDC_11h_standard_and_Raw0p04TTC.root","READ");// standard weights
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_11h_4ktbins_new.root","READ");
+  TFile *InputFile = new TFile("Results/RawWeightFile_11h_4ktbins_2sigma_3sigmaTTC.root","READ");// _1(2sigmaTTC), _2(3sigmaTTC)
+  //TFile *InputFile = new TFile("MyOutput.root","READ");
+  TDirectoryFile *tdir = (TDirectoryFile*)InputFile->Get("PWGCF.outputChaoticityAnalysis.root");
+  TList *MyList=(TList*)tdir->Get("ChaoticityOutput_2");
+  //TList *MyList=(TList*)InputFile->Get("MyList");
+  InputFile->Close();
+  const int KtBins=4;
+  const int KyBins=1;
+  const int EDBins=1;
+  const int MBins=10;//10, make sure MB assignment below is correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+  TFile *OutFile = new TFile("WeightFile_temp.root","RECREATE");
+  TH3F *WeightHistos[KtBins][MBins];
+  for(int ktB=1; ktB<=KtBins; ktB++){
+    for(int MB=1; MB<=MBins; MB++){
+      TString *InNameNum = new TString("TwoPart_num_Kt_");
+      *InNameNum += ktB-1;
+      InNameNum->Append("_Ky_0_M_");
+      if(MB<=10) *InNameNum += MB-1;// make sure MB assignment is correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      else *InNameNum += 1;
+      InNameNum->Append("_ED_0");
+      //
+      TString *InNameDen = new TString("TwoPart_den_Kt_");
+      *InNameDen += ktB-1;
+      InNameDen->Append("_Ky_0_M_");
+      if(MB<=10) *InNameDen += MB-1;// make sure MB assignment is correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      else *InNameDen += 1;
+      InNameDen->Append("_ED_0");
+      //
+      TH3D *tempNum = (TH3D*)MyList->FindObject(InNameNum->Data());
+      TH3D *tempDen = (TH3D*)MyList->FindObject(InNameDen->Data());
+      //
+      int NormBinStart = tempNum->GetXaxis()->FindBin(0.135);//0.135
+      int NormBinEnd = tempNum->GetXaxis()->FindBin(0.2);//0.2
+      double Norm = tempNum->Integral(NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd);
+      Norm /= tempDen->Integral(NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd);
+      cout<<"Normalization = "<<Norm<<endl;
+      cout<<tempNum->Integral(NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd)<<"  "<<tempDen->Integral(NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd, NormBinStart,NormBinEnd)<<endl;
+      //
+      TString *OutNameWeight = new TString("Weight_Kt_");
+      *OutNameWeight += ktB-1;
+      OutNameWeight->Append("_Ky_0_M_");
+      *OutNameWeight += MB-1;
+      OutNameWeight->Append("_ED_0");
+      int Nbins=tempNum->GetNbinsX();
+      double QLimit = tempNum->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(Nbins);
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1] = new TH3F(OutNameWeight->Data(),"r3 Weights", Nbins,0,QLimit, Nbins,0,QLimit, Nbins,0,QLimit);
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("out");
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("side");
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("long");
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.8);
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.8);
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.8);
+      for(int outB=1; outB<=Nbins; outB++){
+       for(int sideB=1; sideB<=Nbins; sideB++){
+         for(int longB=1; longB<=Nbins; longB++){
+           double weight=1, weight_e=0;
+           if(tempDen->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB) > 0 && tempNum->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB) > 0) {
+             //if(outB==sideB && outB==longB) cout<<outB<<"  "<<tempNum->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)<<"  "<<tempDen->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)<<endl;
+             weight = double(tempNum->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB))/double(tempDen->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)) / Norm;
+             weight_e = pow(sqrt(double(tempNum->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)))/double(tempDen->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)) / Norm,2);
+             weight_e += pow(sqrt(double(tempDen->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)))*double(tempNum->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB))/pow(double(tempDen->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)),2) / Norm,2);
+             weight_e = sqrt(weight_e);
+             //if(weight < 0.8 && weight > 0.1) cout<<outB<<"  "<<sideB<<"  "<<longB<<"  "<<tempNum->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)<<"  "<<tempDen->GetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB)<<endl;
+           }
+           if(weight==0){
+             WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->SetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB, 0);
+             WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->SetBinError(outB,sideB,longB, 0);
+           }else {
+             WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->SetBinContent(outB,sideB,longB, weight-1.0);// difference from unity
+             WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->SetBinError(outB,sideB,longB, weight_e);
+           }
+         }
+       }
+      }
+      WeightHistos[ktB-1][MB-1]->Write();
+    }// MB
+  }// ktB
+  int BOI1=2;
+  int BOI2=2;
+  TH3D *histoOI = WeightHistos[0][0]->Clone();
+  histoOI->SetDirectory(0);
+  //OutFile->Close();
+  TH1D *pro = WeightHistos[0][0]->ProjectionY("pro",BOI1,BOI1,BOI2,BOI2);
+  pro->Draw();
+  /*TFile *projections=new TFile("projections.root","RECREATE");
+  histoOI->GetXaxis()->SetRange(BOI1,BOI1);
+  TH2D *proYZ = (TH2D*)histoOI->Project3D("yz");
+  histoOI->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1,40);
+  histoOI->GetYaxis()->SetRange(BOI1,BOI1);
+  TH2D *proXZ = (TH2D*)histoOI->Project3D("xz");
+  histoOI->GetYaxis()->SetRange(1,40);
+  histoOI->GetZaxis()->SetRange(BOI1,BOI1);
+  TH2D *proXY = (TH2D*)histoOI->Project3D("xy");
+  proYZ->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.1);
+  proYZ->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.1);
+  proXZ->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.1);
+  proXZ->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.1);
+  proXY->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.1);
+  proXY->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.1);
+  proXY->Draw("lego");
+  proYZ->Write();
+  proXZ->Write();
+  proXY->Write();
+  */
diff --git a/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/PlotTherm_r3.C b/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/PlotTherm_r3.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ba0690b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <Riostream.h>
+#include <complex>
+#include "TObject.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TBranch.h"
+#include "TLeaf.h"
+#include "TVector2.h"
+#include "TVector3.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TF1.h"
+#include "TH1.h"
+#include "TH2.h"
+#include "TH3.h"
+#include "TProfile.h"
+#include "TProfile2D.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TText.h"
+#include "TRandom3.h"
+#include "TArray.h"
+#include "TLegend.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
+#include "TMinuit.h"
+#include "TChain.h"
+#include "TLorentzVector.h"
+#include "TPaveStats.h"
+#include "TLatex.h"
+#include "TCanvas.h"
+#include "TPad.h"
+#define PI 3.1415926
+#define BohrR 1963.6885 // Mate's value(1963.6885) ~ 387.5/0.197327(1963.7455)
+#define FmToGeV 0.197327 // 0.197327
+using namespace std;
+void PlotTherm_r3(){
+  double epsilon=1.0;// chaoticity
+  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
+  //gStyle->SetOptFit(111);
+  //TFile *infile=new TFile("Therm_r3_b9.root","READ");// For v2 paper (r<100 and r*<80)
+  TFile *infile=new TFile("Therm_FSI_b2.root","READ");
+  //TFile *infile=new TFile("Therm_dist_temp.root","READ");
+  //
+  TH3D *r3num_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3num");
+  TH3D *r3den1_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den1");
+  TH3D *r3den2_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den2");
+  TH3D *r3den3_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den3");
+  TH3D *r3numSq_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3numSq");
+  TH3D *r3den1Sq_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den1Sq");
+  TH3D *r3den2Sq_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den2Sq");
+  TH3D *r3den3Sq_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den3Sq");
+  TH3D *r3numEn_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3numEn");
+  TH3D *r3den1En_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den1En");
+  TH3D *r3den2En_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den2En");
+  TH3D *r3den3En_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den3En");
+  TH3D *r3numME_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3numME");
+  TH3D *r3den1ME_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den1ME");
+  TH3D *r3den2ME_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den2ME");
+  TH3D *r3den3ME_init=(TH3D*)infile->Get("r3den3ME");
+  TH2D *R2_2D = (TH2D*)infile->Get("Num_Cos_ss");
+  //TH2D *R2Sq_2D = (TH2D*)infile->Get("NumSq_Cos_ss");
+  TH2D *R2En_2D = (TH2D*)infile->Get("Den_ss");
+  TH1D *R2=(TH1D*)R2_2D->ProjectionY();
+  //TH1D *R2Sq=(TH1D*)R2Sq_2D->ProjectionY();
+  TH1D *R2En=(TH1D*)R2En_2D->ProjectionY();
+  R2->Divide(R2En);
+  //R2Sq->Divide(R2En);
+  TH3D *r3num=(TH3D*)r3num_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den1=(TH3D*)r3den1_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den2=(TH3D*)r3den2_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den3=(TH3D*)r3den3_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3numSq=(TH3D*)r3numSq_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den1Sq=(TH3D*)r3den1Sq_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den2Sq=(TH3D*)r3den2Sq_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den3Sq=(TH3D*)r3den3Sq_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3numEn=(TH3D*)r3numEn_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den1En=(TH3D*)r3den1En_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den2En=(TH3D*)r3den2En_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den3En=(TH3D*)r3den3En_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3numME=(TH3D*)r3numME_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den1ME=(TH3D*)r3den1ME_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den2ME=(TH3D*)r3den2ME_init->Clone();
+  TH3D *r3den3ME=(TH3D*)r3den3ME_init->Clone();
+  int FB=40;
+  int LB=50;
+  /*double SF = r3numEn->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB)/r3numME->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB);
+  cout<<SF<<endl;
+  r3numME->Scale(SF);
+  SF = r3den1En->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB)/r3den1ME->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB);
+  cout<<SF<<endl;
+  r3den1ME->Scale(SF);
+  SF = r3den2En->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB)/r3den2ME->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB);
+  cout<<SF<<endl;
+  r3den2ME->Scale(SF);
+  SF = r3den3En->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB)/r3den3ME->Integral(FB,LB,FB,LB,FB,LB);
+  cout<<SF<<endl;
+  r3den3ME->Scale(SF);*/
+  //
+  /*
+  //////////////////////
+  // Symmetrize bin contents
+  for(int i=1; i<=50; i++){
+    for(int j=1; j<=50; j++){
+      for(int k=1; k<=50; k++){
+       // 3-pion phase
+       double num_sum = r3num_init->GetBinContent(i,j,k) + r3num_init->GetBinContent(i,k,j) + r3num_init->GetBinContent(j,i,k);
+       num_sum += r3num_init->GetBinContent(j,k,i) + r3num_init->GetBinContent(k,i,j) + r3num_init->GetBinContent(k,j,i);
+       double Sq_sum = r3numSq_init->GetBinContent(i,j,k) + r3numSq_init->GetBinContent(i,k,j) + r3numSq_init->GetBinContent(j,i,k);
+       Sq_sum += r3numSq_init->GetBinContent(j,k,i) + r3numSq_init->GetBinContent(k,i,j) + r3numSq_init->GetBinContent(k,j,i);
+       double den_sum = r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(i,j,k) + r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(i,k,j) + r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(j,i,k);
+       den_sum += r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(j,k,i) + r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(k,i,j) + r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(k,j,i);
+       if(den_sum>0) {
+         r3num->SetBinContent(i,j,k, num_sum/den_sum); r3num->SetBinContent(i,k,j, num_sum/den_sum); 
+         r3num->SetBinContent(j,i,k, num_sum/den_sum); r3num->SetBinContent(j,k,i, num_sum/den_sum);
+         r3num->SetBinContent(k,i,j, num_sum/den_sum); r3num->SetBinContent(k,j,i, num_sum/den_sum);
+         r3numSq->SetBinContent(i,j,k, Sq_sum/den_sum); r3numSq->SetBinContent(i,k,j, Sq_sum/den_sum); 
+         r3numSq->SetBinContent(j,i,k, Sq_sum/den_sum); r3numSq->SetBinContent(j,k,i, Sq_sum/den_sum);
+         r3numSq->SetBinContent(k,i,j, Sq_sum/den_sum); r3numSq->SetBinContent(k,j,i, Sq_sum/den_sum);
+         r3numEn->SetBinContent(i,j,k, den_sum); r3numEn->SetBinContent(i,k,j, den_sum); 
+         r3numEn->SetBinContent(j,i,k, den_sum); r3numEn->SetBinContent(j,k,i, den_sum);
+         r3numEn->SetBinContent(k,i,j, den_sum); r3numEn->SetBinContent(k,j,i, den_sum);
+       }else {
+         r3num->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 0.); r3num->SetBinContent(i,k,j, 0.);
+         r3num->SetBinContent(j,i,k, 0.); r3num->SetBinContent(j,k,i, 0.);
+         r3num->SetBinContent(k,i,j, 0.); r3num->SetBinContent(k,j,i, 0.);
+         r3numEn->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 0.); r3numEn->SetBinContent(i,k,j, 0.); 
+         r3numEn->SetBinContent(j,i,k, 0.); r3numEn->SetBinContent(j,k,i, 0.);
+         r3numEn->SetBinContent(k,i,j, 0.); r3numEn->SetBinContent(k,j,i, 0.);
+       }
+       // 2-pion phases
+       // 12
+       num_sum = r3den1_init->GetBinContent(i,j,k) + r3den1_init->GetBinContent(i,k,j);
+       Sq_sum = r3den1Sq_init->GetBinContent(i,j,k) + r3den1Sq_init->GetBinContent(i,k,j);
+       den_sum = r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(i,j,k) + r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(i,k,j);
+       if(den_sum>0) {
+         r3den1->SetBinContent(i,j,k, num_sum/den_sum); r3den1->SetBinContent(i,k,j, num_sum/den_sum); 
+         r3den1Sq->SetBinContent(i,j,k, Sq_sum/den_sum); r3den1Sq->SetBinContent(i,k,j, Sq_sum/den_sum);
+         r3den1En->SetBinContent(i,j,k, den_sum); r3den1En->SetBinContent(i,k,j, den_sum); 
+       }else{
+         r3den1->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 0.); r3den1->SetBinContent(i,k,j, 0.); 
+         r3den1Sq->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 0.); r3den1Sq->SetBinContent(i,k,j, 0.);
+         r3den1En->SetBinContent(i,j,k, 0.); r3den1En->SetBinContent(i,k,j, 0.);
+       }
+       // 23
+       num_sum = r3den2_init->GetBinContent(j,i,k) + r3den2_init->GetBinContent(k,i,j);
+       Sq_sum = r3den2Sq_init->GetBinContent(j,i,k) + r3den2Sq_init->GetBinContent(k,i,j);
+       den_sum = r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(j,i,k) + r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(k,i,j);
+       if(den_sum>0) {
+         r3den2->SetBinContent(j,i,k, num_sum/den_sum); r3den2->SetBinContent(k,i,j, num_sum/den_sum); 
+         r3den2Sq->SetBinContent(j,i,k, Sq_sum/den_sum); r3den2Sq->SetBinContent(k,i,j, Sq_sum/den_sum);
+         r3den2En->SetBinContent(j,i,k, den_sum); r3den2En->SetBinContent(k,i,j, den_sum);
+       }else{
+         r3den2->SetBinContent(j,i,k, 0.); r3den2->SetBinContent(k,i,j, 0.); 
+         r3den2Sq->SetBinContent(j,i,k, 0.); r3den2Sq->SetBinContent(k,i,j, 0.);
+         r3den2En->SetBinContent(j,i,k, 0.); r3den2En->SetBinContent(k,i,j, 0.);
+       }
+       // 12
+       num_sum = r3den3_init->GetBinContent(j,k,i) + r3den3_init->GetBinContent(k,j,i);
+       Sq_sum = r3den3Sq_init->GetBinContent(j,k,i) + r3den3Sq_init->GetBinContent(k,j,i);
+       den_sum = r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(j,k,i) + r3numEn_init->GetBinContent(k,j,i);
+       if(den_sum>0) {
+         r3den3->SetBinContent(j,k,i, num_sum/den_sum); r3den3->SetBinContent(k,j,i, num_sum/den_sum); 
+         r3den3Sq->SetBinContent(j,k,i, Sq_sum/den_sum); r3den3Sq->SetBinContent(k,j,i, Sq_sum/den_sum);
+         r3den3En->SetBinContent(j,k,i, den_sum); r3den3En->SetBinContent(k,j,i, den_sum);
+       }else{
+         r3den3->SetBinContent(j,k,i, 0.); r3den3->SetBinContent(k,j,i, 0.); 
+         r3den3Sq->SetBinContent(j,k,i, 0.); r3den3Sq->SetBinContent(k,j,i, 0.);
+         r3den3En->SetBinContent(j,k,i, 0.); r3den3En->SetBinContent(k,j,i, 0.);
+       }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  cout<<"Done Symmetrizing"<<endl;
+  */
+  r3num->Sumw2();// r3numEn->Sumw2();
+  r3den1->Sumw2();// r3den1En->Sumw2();
+  r3den2->Sumw2();// r3den2En->Sumw2();
+  r3den3->Sumw2();// r3den3En->Sumw2();
+  r3num->Divide(r3numEn);
+  r3den1->Divide(r3den1En);
+  r3den2->Divide(r3den2En);
+  r3den3->Divide(r3den3En);
+  /*r3num->Divide(r3num,r3numEn,1,1,"B");
+  r3den1->Divide(r3den1,r3den1En,1,1,"B");
+  r3den2->Divide(r3den2,r3den2En,1,1,"B");
+  r3den3->Divide(r3den3,r3den3En,1,1,"B");*/
+  r3numSq->Divide(r3numEn);
+  r3den1Sq->Divide(r3den1En);
+  r3den2Sq->Divide(r3den2En);
+  r3den3Sq->Divide(r3den3En);
+  TH1D *r3=new TH1D("r3","",10,0,0.1);
+  TH1D *r3den=new TH1D("r3den","",10,0,0.1);
+  double r3num_e[20]={0};
+  double r3den_e[20]={0};
+  double NegativeDenCount[20]={0};
+  double TotalDenCount[20]={0};
+  double r3den_neg[20]={0};
+  double r3den_neg_Sq[20]={0};
+  for(int i=1; i<=50; i++){
+    for(int j=1; j<=50; j++){
+      for(int k=1; k<=50; k++){
+       double q3 =sqrt(pow(0.002*(i-0.5),2)+pow(0.002*(j-0.5),2)+pow(0.002*(k-0.5),2));
+       if(q3>=0.2) continue;
+       if(r3numEn->GetBinContent(i,j,k)==0) continue;
+       if(r3den1En->GetBinContent(i,j,k)==0) continue;
+       if(r3den2En->GetBinContent(i,j,k)==0) continue;
+       if(r3den3En->GetBinContent(i,j,k)==0) continue;
+       double num = r3num->GetBinContent(i,j,k);
+       num *= pow(epsilon,0.5) * (3-2*epsilon)/pow(2-epsilon,1.5);
+       double den1 = r3den1->GetBinContent(i,j,k);
+       double den2 = r3den2->GetBinContent(i,j,k);
+       double den3 = r3den3->GetBinContent(i,j,k);
+       double den = den1*den2*den3;
+       TotalDenCount[int(q3/0.01)]++;
+       if(den <= 0) {
+         NegativeDenCount[int(q3/0.01)]++;
+         r3den_neg[int(q3/0.01)] += sqrt(fabs(den));
+         r3den_neg_Sq[int(q3/0.01)] += fabs(den);
+         continue;
+       }
+       den = sqrt(den);
+       double weightWidth = sqrt( (r3den1Sq->GetBinContent(i,j,k) - pow(r3den1->GetBinContent(i,j,k),2))/r3den1En->GetBinContent(i,j,k));
+       double den_e = pow(0.5*weightWidth*den2*den3/den,2);
+       weightWidth = sqrt( fabs(r3den2Sq->GetBinContent(i,j,k) - pow(r3den2->GetBinContent(i,j,k),2))/r3den2En->GetBinContent(i,j,k));
+       den_e += pow(0.5*weightWidth*den1*den3/den,2);
+       weightWidth = sqrt( fabs(r3den3Sq->GetBinContent(i,j,k) - pow(r3den3->GetBinContent(i,j,k),2))/r3den3En->GetBinContent(i,j,k));
+       den_e += pow(0.5*weightWidth*den1*den2/den,2);
+       //
+       r3->Fill(q3,num);
+       r3den->Fill(q3,den);
+       //
+       double num_e = (r3numSq->GetBinContent(i,j,k)-pow(r3num->GetBinContent(i,j,k),2))/r3numEn->GetBinContent(i,j,k);
+       r3num_e[int(q3/0.01)] += num_e;
+       r3den_e[int(q3/0.01)] += den_e;
+       //if(q3<0.01) cout<<i<<j<<k<<"   "<<r3num_e[0]<<"  "<<r3den_e[0]<<"  "<<r3numSq->GetBinContent(i,j,k)<<"  "<<pow(r3num->GetBinContent(i,j,k),2)<<"  "<<r3numEn->GetBinContent(i,j,k)<<endl;
+       //if(q3<0.02) cout<<r3den1->GetBinContent(i,j,k)<<"  "<<r3den1->GetBinContent(i,k,j)<<endl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  cout<<"Done calculating r3"<<endl;
+  TCanvas *can1 = new TCanvas("can1", "can1",10,0,600,600);// 11,53,700,500
+  can1->SetHighLightColor(2);
+  //can1->Range(-0.7838115,-1.033258,0.7838115,1.033258);
+  can1->SetFillColor(10);//10
+  can1->SetBorderMode(0);
+  can1->SetBorderSize(2);
+  can1->SetFrameFillColor(0);
+  can1->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
+  can1->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
+  TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1",0,0,1.,1.);
+  gPad->SetGridx(0);
+  gPad->SetGridy(0);
+  gPad->SetTickx();
+  gPad->SetTicky();
+  pad1->SetTopMargin(0.02);
+  pad1->SetRightMargin(0.03);
+  pad1->SetBottomMargin(0.06);//0.12
+  pad1->Draw();
+  TLegend *legend1 = new TLegend(.15,.25,.65,.45,NULL,"brNDC");
+  legend1->SetBorderSize(1);
+  legend1->SetTextSize(.04);// small .03; large .036 
+  //legend1->SetLineColor(0);
+  legend1->SetFillColor(0);
+  TF1 *ChaoticLimit=new TF1("ChaoticLimit","2",0,0.2);
+  ChaoticLimit->SetLineStyle(3);
+  TF1 *Quartic=new TF1("Quartic","[0]*(1-[1]*pow(x,4))",0,0.1);
+  Quartic->SetLineColor(4);
+  TF1 *Quadratic=new TF1("Quadratic","[0]*(1-[1]*pow(x,2))",0,0.1);
+  //Quadratic->SetLineStyle(2);
+  Quadratic->SetLineColor(6);
+  for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
+    cout<<"Lost Triplet Fraction: "<<NegativeDenCount[i]/TotalDenCount[i]<<endl;
+    r3->SetBinError(i+1,sqrt(r3num_e[i]));
+    double ExtraDenError = 0;
+    if(NegativeDenCount[i]>0) ExtraDenError = sqrt( fabs(r3den_neg_Sq[i]/NegativeDenCount[i] - pow(r3den_neg[i]/NegativeDenCount[i],2))/NegativeDenCount[i]) * NegativeDenCount[i];
+    r3den->SetBinContent(i+1, r3den->GetBinContent(i+1) - r3den_neg[i]);
+    r3den->SetBinError(i+1,sqrt(r3den_e[i])+r3den_neg[i]);
+  }
+  //r3->Sumw2(); r3den->Sumw2();
+  //r3->Divide(r3, r3den, 1,1,"B");
+  r3->Divide(r3den);
+  // first bin sometimes only has 1 entry (bad error bar)
+  if(r3->GetBinError(1)<0.001) r3->SetBinError(1, r3->GetBinError(2));
+  gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.12); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.03); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.1); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.01);
+  r3->SetMarkerStyle(24);
+  r3->SetMarkerColor(1);
+  r3->SetLineColor(1);
+  r3->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); r3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63);
+  r3->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(18); r3->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(18);
+  r3->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); r3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(63);
+  r3->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(32); r3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(32);
+  r3->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.75); r3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.);
+  r3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Q_{3} (GeV/c)");
+  r3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("r_{3}");
+  r3->SetTitle("");
+  r3->SetMinimum(1.1); r3->SetMaximum(2.5);
+  r3->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.069);
+  r3->Draw();
+  //r3->Fit(Quartic,"IME","",0,0.09);
+  //r3->Fit(Quadratic,"IME","",0,0.09);
+  ChaoticLimit->Draw("same");
+  //Quartic->Draw("same");
+  //Quadratic->Draw("same");
+  //legend1->AddEntry(Quartic,"Quartic: #chi^{2}/NDF=1.2","l");
+  //legend1->AddEntry(Quadratic,"Quadratic: #chi^{2}/NDF=5.4","l");
+  //legend1->Draw("same");
+  //cout<<"Quartic Chi2/NDF = "<<Quartic->GetChisquare()/Quartic->GetNDF()<<endl;
+  //cout<<"Quadratic Chi2/NDF = "<<Quadratic->GetChisquare()/Quadratic->GetNDF()<<endl;
+  TLatex *Specif = new TLatex(0.005,1.4,"Therminator");// Therminator
+  Specif->SetTextSize(.075);
+  Specif->Draw("same");
diff --git a/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/Therm.C b/PWGCF/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/Therm.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..002f958
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1270 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <Riostream.h>
+#include <complex>
+#include "TObject.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TBranch.h"
+#include "TLeaf.h"
+#include "TVector2.h"
+#include "TVector3.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "TF1.h"
+#include "TH1.h"
+#include "TH2.h"
+#include "TH3.h"
+#include "TProfile.h"
+#include "TProfile2D.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TText.h"
+#include "TRandom3.h"
+#include "TArray.h"
+#include "TLegend.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
+#include "TMinuit.h"
+#include "TChain.h"
+#include "TLorentzVector.h"
+#define PI 3.1415926
+#define BohrR 1963.6885 // Mate's value(1963.6885) ~ 387.5/0.197327(1963.7455)
+#define FmToGeV 0.197327 // 0.197327
+#define fzero_aa 0.942597 // 0.186fm/FmToGeV (scattering length of pi+pi-) = 0.942597
+#define fzero_ab -0.89192 // -0.176fm/FmtoGeV (scattering length (pi+pi-)-->(pi0pi0) = -0.89192
+#define fzero_bb 0.3119 // fzero_aa + 1/sqrt(2)*fzero_ab = 0.0615/FmToGeV = 0.3119
+#define dzero -50.6773 // -10/FmToGeV = -50.6773 (effective range)
+#define EulerC 0.5772156649 // Euler constant
+#define masspi0 0.1349766 // pi0 mass
+#define masspiC 0.1395702 // pi+ mass
+#define massKch 0.493677 // K+- mass
+#define massK0 0.497614 // K0 mass
+#define SF 1.0 // Scale Factor for spatial coordinates
+#define SF_Mom 1.0 // Scale Factor to reduce momenta
+#define RstarMax 405.4/SF // 405.4 (80 fm / FmToGeV), tried 253.4 (50 fm / FmToGeV) as a variation
+#define RstarMin 0.507/SF // 0.507 (0.1 fm / FmToGeV)
+using namespace std;
+// g and p used in Gamma function
+const int g_gamma = 7;
+double p_gamma[9] = {0.99999999999980993, 676.5203681218851, -1259.1392167224028, 771.32342877765313, -176.61502916214059, 12.507343278686905, -0.13857109526572012, 9.9843695780195716e-6, 1.5056327351493116e-7};
+// h coefficients for very small kstar (eta > 0.2)
+double hcoef[15]={.8333333333e-1, .8333333333e-2, .396825396825e-2, .4166666667e-2, .7575757576e-2, .2109279609e-1, .8333333333e-1, .4432598039e0 , .305395433e1, .2645621212e2, .2814601449e3, .3607510546e4, .5482758333e5, .9749368235e6, .200526958e8};
+// Scattering length (in GeV) coefficients in isospin representation from Lednicky's code from Colangelo (2001)
+double fzero[2][6]={{.220, .268,-.0139,-.00139, 36.77, 15*0}, {-.0444,-.0857,-.00221,-.000129,-21.62, 15*0}};
+double massPOI;
+int PIDPOI;
+double qCutOff;
+float Gamov(float);
+float fact(float);
+double hFunction(double);
+double KinverseFunction(double, int);
+void Shuffle(int*, int, int);
+void BoostPRF(float [4], float [4], float [4], TVector3*);
+complex<double> gamma(complex<double> z)
+{// Lanczos approximation
+  if(floor(abs(z)) == z)
+    return fact(abs(z)-1.0);
+  if(real(z)<(double)(0.5)) return PI/(sin(PI*z)*gamma((1.0-z)));
+  z -= 1.0;
+  complex<double> x = p_gamma[0];
+  for(int i=1;i<g_gamma+2;i++) x = x+p_gamma[i]/(z+(double)i);
+  complex<double> t = z+(double)g_gamma+0.5;
+  return sqrt(2*PI)*pow(t,z+0.5)*exp(-t)*x;
+// confluent hypergeometric function
+complex<double> conf_hyp(complex<double> a, complex<double> b, complex<double> z)
+{// b is assumed to be 1.0 here
+  complex<double> S(1.0, 0.0);
+  complex<double> F=S;
+  complex<double> alf1 = a - 1.0;
+  double J=0;
+  double errorCutOff=0.00001;// series truncation point (0.00001, 1e-6 for strict case)
+  if(abs(z) > 40.) {// high k*r* case (was 20., now 40. Improved accuracy for qinv>60 MeV)
+    double eta = -a.imag();
+    double RKS = z.imag();
+    double D1 = log(RKS)*eta;
+    double D2 = pow(eta,2)/RKS;
+    complex<double> arg(1.0, eta);
+    complex<double> EIDC = gamma(arg);
+    EIDC /= abs(EIDC);
+    complex<double> ZZ1(cos(D1), sin(D1));
+    ZZ1 /= EIDC;
+    complex<double> value(1.0, -D2);
+    value *= ZZ1;
+    complex<double> value2(cos(RKS), sin(RKS));
+    F = value - value2*eta/RKS/ZZ1;
+    return F;
+  }else {// low k*r* case
+    while(fabs(S.real())+fabs(S.imag()) > errorCutOff){
+      J++;
+      complex<double> A = (alf1 + J)/(pow(J,2));
+      S *= A*z;
+      F += S;
+    }
+    return F;
+  }
+void Therm(){
+  TRandom3 *RandomNumber = new TRandom3();
+  RandomNumber->SetSeed(0);
+  bool StrongFSI=kTRUE;
+  bool LambdaDirect=kFALSE;
+  bool RemoveXP=kFALSE;
+  bool Gaussian=kFALSE;
+  bool ThreeParticle=kFALSE;
+  bool BoostPairsIntoPRF=kTRUE;
+  massPOI = masspiC;
+  PIDPOI = 211;// 211 for pi+-
+  qCutOff = 0.1;// 0.1 or 0.4 for pp
+  int qBins = int(qCutOff/0.002);
+  //
+  int Nfiles=1000;// 1000 for b2, 500 b3-b5, 1500 b7-b8, 3000 b9
+  int bValue=2;
+  double RValue=8;// Gaussian radius
+  double NsigmaGauss=2;// number of sigma to integrate over for a Gaussian source
+  if(bValue==2) RValue=8;//8
+  if(bValue==3) RValue=8;//8
+  if(bValue==5) RValue=7;//7
+  if(bValue==7) RValue=6;//6
+  if(bValue==8) RValue=5;//5
+  if(bValue==9) RValue=5;//5
+  TF1 *SingleParticleGaussian = new TF1("SingleParticleGaussian","exp(-pow(x/(sqrt(2.)*[0]),2))",0,1000);
+  SingleParticleGaussian->SetParameter(0,RValue);
+  TFile *outfile = new TFile("Therm_dist_temp.root","RECREATE");
+  TH1D *r_dist=new TH1D("r_dist","",400,0,100);
+  TH1D *x_dist=new TH1D("x_dist","",400,0,100);
+  TH1D *Pt_dist=new TH1D("Pt_dist","",200,0,2);
+  TH1D *P_dist=new TH1D("P_dist","",900,0.1,1);
+  TH1D *P_dist_lowq=new TH1D("P_dist_lowq","",900,0.1,1);
+  TProfile *AvgMult = new TProfile("AvgMult","",1,0.5,1.5, 0,2000,"");
+  //
+  TH2D *rstarPRF_dist_ss=new TH2D("rstarPRF_dist_ss","",20,0,1.0, 400,0,100);
+  TH2D *tstar_dist_ss=new TH2D("tstar_dist_ss","",20,0,1.0, 400,0,100);
+  //
+  TH2D *rstarPRF_dist_os=new TH2D("rstarPRF_dist_os","",20,0,1.0, 400,0,100);
+  TH2D *tstar_dist_os=new TH2D("tstar_dist_os","",20,0,1.0, 400,0,100);
+  TH2D *Num_Cos_ss=new TH2D("Num_Cos_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *Num_Cos_os=new TH2D("Num_Cos_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *Num_CosFSI_ss=new TH2D("Num_CosFSI_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *Num_CosFSI_os=new TH2D("Num_CosFSI_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *NumSq_CosFSI_ss=new TH2D("NumSq_CosFSI_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *NumSq_CosFSI_os=new TH2D("NumSq_CosFSI_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *Num_PrimCosFSI_ss=new TH2D("Num_PrimCosFSI_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *Num_PrimCosFSI_os=new TH2D("Num_PrimCosFSI_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  //
+  TH2D *Den_ss=new TH2D("Den_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *Den_os=new TH2D("Den_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *DenEM_ss=new TH2D("DenEM_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *DenEM_os=new TH2D("DenEM_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *LargeRpairs_ss=new TH2D("LargeRpairs_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *LargeRpairs_os=new TH2D("LargeRpairs_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  //
+  TH2D *NumLambda1=new TH2D("NumLambda1","",40,0,0.2, 100,0,100);
+  TH1D *DenLambda1=new TH1D("DenLambda1","",40,0,0.2);
+  TH3D *NumLambda2_ss=new TH3D("NumLambda2_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2, 100,0,100);
+  TH3D *NumLambda2_os=new TH3D("NumLambda2_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2, 100,0,100);
+  TH2D *DenLambda2_ss=new TH2D("DenLambda2_ss","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH2D *DenLambda2_os=new TH2D("DenLambda2_os","",20,0,1, 40,0,0.2);
+  TH3D *NumLambda3_ss=new TH3D("NumLambda3_ss","",40,0,.2, 40,0,.2, 40,0,.2);
+  TH3D *DenLambda3_ss=new TH3D("DenLambda3_ss","",40,0,.2, 40,0,.2, 40,0,.2);
+  TH3D *NumLambda3_os=new TH3D("NumLambda3_os","",40,0,.2, 40,0,.2, 40,0,.2);
+  TH3D *DenLambda3_os=new TH3D("DenLambda3_os","",40,0,.2, 40,0,.2, 40,0,.2);
+  //
+  TH3D *rstar3_dist_ss=new TH3D("rstar3_dist_ss","",200,0,100, 200,0,100, 200,0,100);
+  TH3D *tstar3_dist_ss=new TH3D("tstar3_dist_ss","",200,0,100, 200,0,100, 200,0,100);
+  //
+  TH3D *r3num=new TH3D("r3num","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den1=new TH3D("r3den1","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den2=new TH3D("r3den2","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den3=new TH3D("r3den3","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3numSq=new TH3D("r3numSq","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den1Sq=new TH3D("r3den1Sq","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den2Sq=new TH3D("r3den2Sq","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den3Sq=new TH3D("r3den3Sq","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3numEn=new TH3D("r3numEn","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den1En=new TH3D("r3den1En","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den2En=new TH3D("r3den2En","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den3En=new TH3D("r3den3En","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3numME=new TH3D("r3numME","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den1ME=new TH3D("r3den1ME","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den2ME=new TH3D("r3den2ME","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *r3den3ME=new TH3D("r3den3ME","",qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  //
+  TH1D *Num_Cos12=new TH1D("Num_Cos12","",40,0,0.2);
+  TH1D *Num_Cos23=new TH1D("Num_Cos23","",40,0,0.2);
+  TH1D *Num_Cos31=new TH1D("Num_Cos31","",40,0,0.2);
+  TH1D *Den_Cos12=new TH1D("Den_Cos12","",40,0,0.2);
+  TH1D *Den_Cos23=new TH1D("Den_Cos23","",40,0,0.2);
+  TH1D *Den_Cos31=new TH1D("Den_Cos31","",40,0,0.2);
+  //
+  //
+  TH2D *K2_ss = new TH2D("K2_ss","",20,0,1, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH2D *PlaneWF_ss = new TH2D("PlaneWF_ss","",20,0,1, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH2D *K2_os = new TH2D("K2_os","",20,0,1, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH2D *PlaneWF_os = new TH2D("PlaneWF_os","",20,0,1, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  //
+  TH1D *PlaneWF3ss = new TH1D("PlaneWF3ss","",qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH1D *PlaneWF3os = new TH1D("PlaneWF3os","",qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH1D *K3ss = new TH1D("K3ss","",qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  K3ss->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Q3 (GeV/c)");
+  K3ss->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("K_{3}");
+  TH1D *K3os = new TH1D("K3os","",qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  K3os->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Q3 (GeV/c)");
+  K3os->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("K_{3}");
+  TH3D *K3ss_3D = new TH3D("K3ss_3D","", qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  K3ss_3D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q12");
+  K3ss_3D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("q23");
+  K3ss_3D->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("q31");
+  TH3D *PlaneWF3ss_3D = new TH3D("PlaneWF3ss_3D","", qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH3D *K3os_3D = new TH3D("K3os_3D","", qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  K3os_3D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q12");
+  K3os_3D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("q23");
+  K3os_3D->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("q31");
+  TH3D *PlaneWF3os_3D = new TH3D("PlaneWF3os_3D","", qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff, qBins,0,qCutOff);
+  TH1D *test=new TH1D("test","",200,-2*PI,2*PI);
+  ////////////////////////
+  complex<double> binput(1.0,0.0);
+  complex<double> CHG(0.,0.);// for Strong FSI in 3-body WF
+  double kstar=0;
+  double rstar=0;
+  double kstar_1=0, kstar_2=0;
+  double rstar_1=0, rstar_2=0;
+  double phase_1=0, phase_2=0, phase_3=0, phase_4=0;
+  double qinvMixedC_ss=0, qinvMixedC_os1=0, qinvMixedC_os2=0;
+  double WeightWF_aa=1.0, WeightWF_bb=1.0;
+  complex<double> CHG_1(0.,0.);
+  complex<double> CHG_2(0.,0.);
+  complex<double> CHG_3(0.,0.);
+  complex<double> CHG_4(0.,0.);
+  complex<double> AlphaWF[4];
+  complex<double> BetaWF[4];
+  double ThreePhase_1=0, ThreePhase_2=0, ThreePhase_3=0;
+  double ThreePhase_4=0, ThreePhase_5=0, ThreePhase_6=0;
+  double TwoPhase_12=0, TwoPhase_23=0, TwoPhase_31=0;
+  const int MAXPIONS = 2000;
+  const int NevtBuff = 1;
+  float P[NevtBuff][MAXPIONS][4]={{{0}}};
+  float X[NevtBuff][MAXPIONS][4]={{{0}}};
+  int PID[NevtBuff][MAXPIONS]={{0}};
+  bool Primary[NevtBuff][MAXPIONS]={{0}};
+  int Nparticles[NevtBuff]={0};
+  Int_t ShuffledIndex[MAXPIONS]={0};// x-p decorrelation
+  TVector3 P1_PRF;
+  TVector3 P2_PRF;
+  TVector3 P3_PRF;
+  TVector3 X1_PRF;
+  TVector3 X2_PRF;
+  TVector3 X3_PRF;
+  TVector3 X1_RF;
+  TVector3 X2_RF;
+  float P_dummy[4]={0};
+  // First Create B(rho,eta) and P(rho,eta) and h(eta) functions (for G hypergeometric functions (strong+Coulomb FSI))
+  const int Btermslimit=500;// 500
+  double rhoLimit = .05*100/FmToGeV;// 100 fm "limit"
+  int rhoBins = rhoLimit/(0.001/FmToGeV);// this binning provides small changes between nearby bins
+  double rhoStep = rhoLimit/rhoBins;
+  double etaLimit = 1/(0.0005*BohrR);
+  int etaBins = 2.0*etaLimit/(0.001);// this binning provides small changes between nearby bins
+  double etaStep = (2*etaLimit)/etaBins;
+  //cout<<rhoBins<<"  "<<etaBins<<"  "<<rhoLimit/rhoBins<<"  "<<etaLimit/etaBins<<endl;
+  TH2D *B_histogram = new TH2D("B_histogram","",rhoBins,0,rhoLimit, etaBins,-etaLimit,etaLimit);
+  TH2D *P_histogram = new TH2D("P_histogram","",rhoBins,0,rhoLimit, etaBins,-etaLimit,etaLimit);
+  TH1D *h_histogram = new TH1D("h_histogram","",etaBins,-etaLimit,etaLimit);
+  for(int i=1; i<=rhoBins; i++){
+    for(int j=1; j<=etaBins; j++){
+      double rho = (i+0.5)*rhoStep;
+      double eta = (j+0.5)*etaStep - etaLimit;// starts from negative values
+      if(fabs(eta) < 0.0001) continue;
+      double Bfunc[Btermslimit]={0};
+      double Pfunc[Btermslimit]={0};
+      int StopPoint=Btermslimit;
+      Bfunc[0]=1; Bfunc[1]=eta*rho;
+      Pfunc[0]=1; Pfunc[1]=0;
+      for(int ii=2; ii<Btermslimit; ii++) { 
+       Bfunc[ii] = (2*eta*rho*Bfunc[ii-1] - rho*rho*Bfunc[ii-2])/(double(ii*(ii+1.)));
+       Pfunc[ii] = (2*eta*rho*Pfunc[ii-1] - rho*rho*Pfunc[ii-2] - (2*(ii-1)+1)*2*eta*rho*Bfunc[ii-1])/(double((ii-1)*ii));
+       if(fabs(Bfunc[ii])+fabs(Bfunc[ii-1])+fabs(Pfunc[ii])+fabs(Pfunc[ii-1]) < 1.0e-7) {StopPoint=ii; break;}
+      }
+      //cout<<StopPoint+1<<endl;
+      double Bsum=0, Psum=0;
+      for(int ii=0; ii<StopPoint+1; ii++) {Bsum += Bfunc[ii]; Psum += Pfunc[ii];}
+      B_histogram->SetBinContent(i,j, Bsum);
+      P_histogram->SetBinContent(i,j, Psum);
+    }
+  }
+  cout<<"Done preparing B and P histograms"<<endl;
+  for(int j=1; j<=etaBins; j++){
+    double eta = (j+0.5)*etaStep - etaLimit;// starts from negative values
+    if(fabs(eta) < 0.0001) continue;
+    h_histogram->SetBinContent(j, hFunction(eta));
+  }
+  cout<<"Done preparing h histogram"<<endl;
+  int seconds = time(0);
+  for(int FileN=0; FileN<Nfiles; FileN++){
+    cout<<"File #"<<FileN+1<<endl;
+    //if(FileN<1260) continue;
+    //if(FileN>230) continue;
+    TString *fname=new TString("b");
+    *fname += bValue;
+    fname->Append("/event");
+    *fname += FileN+1;
+    fname->Append(".root");
+    TFile *infile=new TFile(fname->Data(),"READ");
+    if(!infile->IsOpen()) {cout<<fname->Data()<<" does not exist"<<endl; continue;}
+    TTree *event_tree=(TTree*)infile->Get("events");
+    TTree *particles_tree=(TTree*)infile->Get("particles");
+    int Nevents = event_tree->GetEntries();
+    int NpartList=0;
+    int NpartList_past = 0;
+    /////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Create Pion list first
+    for(int Evt=0; Evt<Nevents; Evt++){
+      //cout<<"Event # "<<Evt+1<<endl;
+      event_tree->GetEntry(Evt);
+      TBranch *br=(TBranch*)event_tree->GetBranch("event");
+      TLeaf *lf=(TLeaf*)br->GetLeaf("entries");
+      NpartList_past += NpartList;
+      NpartList = lf->GetValue();
+      /////////////////////////////////////
+      // past event buffer
+      for(int pastEvt=NevtBuff-1; pastEvt>0; pastEvt--){
+       for(int particle=0; particle<Nparticles[pastEvt-1]; particle++){
+         P[pastEvt][particle][0] = P[pastEvt-1][particle][0];
+         P[pastEvt][particle][1] = P[pastEvt-1][particle][1];
+         P[pastEvt][particle][2] = P[pastEvt-1][particle][2];
+         P[pastEvt][particle][3] = P[pastEvt-1][particle][3];
+         //
+         X[pastEvt][particle][0] = X[pastEvt-1][particle][0];
+         X[pastEvt][particle][1] = X[pastEvt-1][particle][1];
+         X[pastEvt][particle][2] = X[pastEvt-1][particle][2];
+         X[pastEvt][particle][3] = X[pastEvt-1][particle][3];
+         //
+         PID[pastEvt][particle] = PID[pastEvt-1][particle];
+         Primary[pastEvt][particle] = Primary[pastEvt-1][particle];
+       }
+       Nparticles[pastEvt]=Nparticles[pastEvt-1];
+      }
+      Nparticles[0]=0;
+      /////////////////////////////////////
+      // Create Pion list first
+      int Npions=0;
+      for(int index1=NpartList_past; index1<NpartList_past + NpartList; index1++){
+       if(Npions >= MAXPIONS) {cout<<"Too Many Pions!!!"<<endl; break;}
+       particles_tree->GetEntry(index1);
+       //
+       TLeaf *lf_pid=particles_tree->GetLeaf("pid");
+       int pid = int(lf_pid->GetValue());
+       if(abs(pid) != PIDPOI) continue;// pions only
+       TLeaf *lf_decayed=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("decayed");
+       if(lf_decayed->GetValue() != 0) continue;
+       TLeaf *lf_px=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("px");
+       TLeaf *lf_py=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("py");
+       TLeaf *lf_pz=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("pz");
+       TLeaf *lf_x=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("x");
+       TLeaf *lf_y=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("y");
+       TLeaf *lf_z=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("z");
+       TLeaf *lf_t=(TLeaf*)particles_tree->GetLeaf("t");
+       float px = lf_px->GetValue(); float py = lf_py->GetValue(); float pz = lf_pz->GetValue();
+       float x = lf_x->GetValue(); float y = lf_y->GetValue(); float z = lf_z->GetValue();
+       double t = lf_t->GetValue();
+       if(Gaussian){// Gaussian randomization
+         bool goodchoice=kFALSE;
+         while(goodchoice==kFALSE){
+           x = NsigmaGauss*RValue*RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           float height = RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           if(SingleParticleGaussian->Eval(x) >= height) goodchoice=kTRUE;
+         }
+         if(RandomNumber->Rndm()<0.5) x = -x;
+         //
+         goodchoice=kFALSE;
+         while(goodchoice==kFALSE){
+           y = NsigmaGauss*RValue*RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           float height = RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           if(SingleParticleGaussian->Eval(y) >= height) goodchoice=kTRUE;
+         }
+         if(RandomNumber->Rndm()<0.5) y = -y;
+         //
+         goodchoice=kFALSE;
+         while(goodchoice==kFALSE){
+           z = NsigmaGauss*RValue*RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           float height = RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           if(SingleParticleGaussian->Eval(z) >= height) goodchoice=kTRUE;
+         }
+         if(RandomNumber->Rndm()<0.5) z = -z;
+         //
+         goodchoice=kFALSE;
+         while(goodchoice==kFALSE){
+           t = NsigmaGauss*RValue*RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           float height = RandomNumber->Rndm();
+           if(SingleParticleGaussian->Eval(t) >= height) goodchoice=kTRUE;
+         }
+         if(RandomNumber->Rndm()<0.5) t = -t;
+         //t=0;
+       }
+       float pt = sqrt(pow(px,2)+pow(py,2));
+       float eta = asinh(pz/pt);
+       float E = sqrt(pow(px,2)+pow(py,2)+pow(pz,2)+pow(massPOI,2));
+       if(pt<0.16 || pt>1.0) continue;
+       if(fabs(eta)>0.8) continue;
+       if(sqrt(pow(px,2)+pow(py,2)+pow(pz,2)) > 1.0) continue;
+       //
+       P[0][Npions][0] = E/SF_Mom; P[0][Npions][1] = px/SF_Mom; P[0][Npions][2] = py/SF_Mom; P[0][Npions][3] = pz/SF_Mom;
+       X[0][Npions][0] = t/FmToGeV/SF; X[0][Npions][1] = x/FmToGeV/SF; X[0][Npions][2] = y/FmToGeV/SF; X[0][Npions][3] = z/FmToGeV/SF;
+       PID[0][Npions] = pid;
+       float r = sqrt(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)+pow(z,2));
+       if(t < 1.e6) Primary[0][Npions]=kTRUE;// 1e6
+       else {Primary[0][Npions]=kFALSE;}
+       if(RemoveXP){
+         if(r > 100./SF) continue;
+       }
+       if(Primary[0][Npions]) P_dist->Fill(sqrt( pow(px,2) + pow(py,2) + pow(pz,2)));
+       if(Primary[0][Npions]){
+         r_dist->Fill(r);
+         x_dist->Fill(fabs(X[0][Npions][1])*FmToGeV);
+         Pt_dist->Fill(pt);
+       }
+       //if(Primary[0][Npions]==kFALSE) continue;
+       //
+       Npions++;
+      }
+      Nparticles[0]=Npions;
+      AvgMult->Fill(1, Npions);
+      // Shuffle
+      for (Int_t i = 0; i < Npions; i++) {
+       // generate random index call
+       int j = (Int_t) (gRandom->Rndm() * Npions);
+       // temporarily store values from random index
+       float t = X[0][j][0], x = X[0][j][1], y = X[0][j][2], z = X[0][j][3];
+       float E = P[0][j][0], px = P[0][j][1], py = P[0][j][2], pz = P[0][j][3];
+       int pid = PID[0][j];
+       bool prim = Primary[0][j];
+       //
+       // Swap value locations
+       X[0][j][0] = X[0][i][0]; X[0][j][1] = X[0][i][1]; X[0][j][2] = X[0][i][2]; X[0][j][3] = X[0][i][3];
+       P[0][j][0] = P[0][i][0]; P[0][j][1] = P[0][i][1]; P[0][j][2] = P[0][i][2]; P[0][j][3] = P[0][i][3];
+       PID[0][j] = PID[0][i];
+       Primary[0][j] = Primary[0][i];
+       //
+       X[0][i][0] = t; X[0][i][1] = x; X[0][i][2] = y; X[0][i][3] = z;
+       P[0][i][0] = E; P[0][i][1] = px; P[0][i][2] = py; P[0][i][3] = pz;
+       PID[0][i] = pid;
+       Primary[0][i] = prim;
+      }
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////
+      // de-correlate x-p
+      if(RemoveXP){
+       for (Int_t i = 0; i < Npions; i++) ShuffledIndex[i] = i;
+       Shuffle(ShuffledIndex, 0, Npions-1);
+       for (Int_t i = 0; i < Npions; i++) {// decorrelate x-p
+         float t = X[0][i][0], x = X[0][i][1], y = X[0][i][2], z = X[0][i][3];
+         X[0][i][0] = X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][0]; 
+         X[0][i][1] = X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][1]; 
+         X[0][i][2] = X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][2]; 
+         X[0][i][3] = X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][3];
+         //
+         X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][0] = t;
+         X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][1] = x;
+         X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][2] = y;
+         X[0][ShuffledIndex[i]][3] = z;
+       }
+      }
+      //////////////////////////////////////////
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      // Start Correlation Analysis
+      for(int EN=0; EN<1; EN++){// current or 1st past event
+       for(int index1=0; index1<Nparticles[EN]; index1++){// current or past event pion loop
+         int start=index1+1;
+         if(EN>0) start=0;
+         for(int index2=start; index2<Npions; index2++){// current event pion loop (EN=0)
+           float kt = sqrt(pow(P[EN][index1][1]+P[0][index2][1],2)+pow(P[EN][index1][2]+P[0][index2][2],2))/2.;
+           float qinv12 = sqrt(pow(P[EN][index1][1]-P[0][index2][1],2)+pow(P[EN][index1][2]-P[0][index2][2],2)+pow(P[EN][index1][3]-P[0][index2][3],2)-pow(P[EN][index1][0]-P[0][index2][0],2));
+           float rstar12_CMS = sqrt(pow(X[EN][index1][1]-X[0][index2][1],2)+pow(X[EN][index1][2]-X[0][index2][2],2)+pow(X[EN][index1][3]-X[0][index2][3],2));
+           if(qinv12 < 0.001) continue;
+           if(qinv12 > qCutOff) continue;
+           if(EN>0){
+             if(PID[EN][index1] == PID[0][index2]){
+               DenEM_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+             }else{
+               DenEM_os->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+             }
+             if(LambdaDirect) continue;
+           }
+           BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P_dummy, X[EN][index1], &X1_RF);
+           DenLambda1->Fill(qinv12);
+           if(X1_RF.Mag()<RstarMax) NumLambda1->Fill(qinv12, X1_RF.Mag()*FmToGeV);
+           BoostPRF(P[0][index2], P_dummy, X[0][index2], &X2_RF);
+           DenLambda1->Fill(qinv12);
+           if(X2_RF.Mag()<RstarMax) NumLambda1->Fill(qinv12, X2_RF.Mag()*FmToGeV);
+           P_dist_lowq->Fill(sqrt(pow(P[EN][index1][1],2)+pow(P[EN][index1][2],2)+pow(P[EN][index1][3],2)));
+           P_dist_lowq->Fill(sqrt(pow(P[0][index2][1],2)+pow(P[0][index2][2],2)+pow(P[0][index2][3],2)));
+           // boost P into PRF
+           BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], P[EN][index1], &P1_PRF);
+           BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], P[0][index2], &P2_PRF);
+           if(BoostPairsIntoPRF){// boost X into PRF
+             BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], X[EN][index1], &X1_PRF);
+             BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], X[0][index2], &X2_PRF);
+           }else{
+             X1_PRF[0]=X[EN][index1][1]; X1_PRF[1]=X[EN][index1][2]; X1_PRF[2]=X[EN][index1][3];
+             X2_PRF[0]=X[0][index2][1]; X2_PRF[1]=X[0][index2][2]; X2_PRF[2]=X[0][index2][3];
+           }
+           //cout<<"out: "<<P1_PRF[0]<<"  "<<P2_PRF[0]<<endl;
+           //cout<<"side: "<<P1_PRF[1]<<"  "<<P2_PRF[1]<<endl;
+           //cout<<"long: "<<P1_PRF[2]<<"  "<<P2_PRF[2]<<" ++++++"<<endl;
+           //cout<<qinv12<<"  "<<sqrt(pow(P1_PRF[0]-P2_PRF[0],2)+pow(P1_PRF[1]-P2_PRF[1],2)+pow(P1_PRF[2]-P2_PRF[2],2))<<endl;
+           //
+           double rstar12_PRF = (X1_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag();
+           if(PID[EN][index1] == PID[0][index2]) DenLambda2_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+           else DenLambda2_os->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+           if(rstar12_PRF < RstarMin) continue;// removes most pairs from the same decay
+           if(rstar12_PRF < RstarMax){
+             if(PID[EN][index1] == PID[0][index2]) NumLambda2_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12, rstar12_PRF*FmToGeV);
+             else NumLambda2_os->Fill(kt, qinv12, rstar12_PRF*FmToGeV);
+           }
+           if(rstar12_PRF > RstarMax) {
+             if(PID[EN][index1]==PID[0][index2]) LargeRpairs_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+             else LargeRpairs_os->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+             if(!LambdaDirect) continue;
+           }
+           float FVP12 = (P1_PRF-P2_PRF).Mag();
+           FVP12 -= pow(P[EN][index1][0]-P[0][index2][0],2);
+           double tstar12_PRF = sqrt(fabs(pow(rstar12_PRF,2)-FVP12));// fabs biases only 0.00001 % of the pairs (likely from same decay)
+           //
+           double rho = rstar12_PRF * qinv12/2.;
+           double phase = (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X2_PRF);
+           double Cosphase = phase/(rstar12_PRF)/(qinv12);
+           double eta = 1/(qinv12/2.*BohrR);
+           if(PID[EN][index1] != PID[0][index2]) eta = -eta;
+           complex<double> ainput(0.0, -eta);
+           complex<double> zinput12(0.0, rho + rho*Cosphase);
+           complex<double> zinput21(0.0, rho - rho*Cosphase);
+           complex<double> CHG12(1.0, 0);
+           complex<double> CHG21(1.0, 0);
+           double GamovFactor=1.0;
+           double BEE = 0.;
+           double WeightWF = 1.0;
+           double WeightPlaneWF = 1.0;
+           // Strong FSI
+           complex<double> Psi_alpha(0., 0.);
+           if(EN==0 && !LambdaDirect && qinv12 < qCutOff && rstar12_PRF < RstarMax){
+             if(Primary[EN][index1]==kTRUE && Primary[0][index2]==kTRUE){
+               if(StrongFSI && PID[EN][index1]!=PID[0][index2]){
+                 double kb = sqrt(pow(massPOI,2)+pow(qinv12/2.,2) - pow(masspi0,2));
+                 double G2 = KinverseFunction(pow(qinv12/2.,2),1);
+                 double G1 = KinverseFunction(pow(qinv12/2.,2),0);
+                 double RK11 = 2/3.*G1 + 1/3.*G2;
+                 double RK22 = 2/3.*G2 + 1/3.*G1;
+                 double RK12 = -sqrt(2/9.)*(G1-G2);
+                 complex<double> Chi(h_histogram->GetBinContent(h_histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(eta)), Gamov(eta)/(2*eta));
+                 complex<double> C3 = RK11 - 2.0*Chi/BohrR;
+                 complex<double> C5(RK22, -kb);
+                 complex<double> C10 = C3*C5 - pow(RK12,2);
+                 complex<double> fc_aa = C5/C10;
+                 complex<double> G = P_histogram->GetBinContent(P_histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(rho), P_histogram->GetYaxis()->FindBin(eta));
+                 G += 2.0*eta*rho*( log(fabs(2.0*eta*rho)) + 2.0*EulerC - 1.0 + Chi )*B_histogram->GetBinContent(B_histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(rho), B_histogram->GetYaxis()->FindBin(eta));
+                 Psi_alpha = fc_aa*G/(rstar12_PRF);
+               }
+               CHG12= conf_hyp(ainput,binput,zinput12);
+               CHG21= conf_hyp(ainput,binput,zinput21);
+               GamovFactor = Gamov(eta);
+               BEE = cos(phase);
+               complex<double> planewave12(double(TMath::Cos(-rho*Cosphase)), double(TMath::Sin(-rho*Cosphase)));
+               complex<double> planewave21(planewave12.real(), -planewave12.imag());
+               //
+               complex<double> Full12(0.0,0.0);
+               Full12 += planewave12;
+               Full12 *= CHG12;
+               if(PID[EN][index1]!=PID[0][index2]) Full12 += Psi_alpha;
+               //
+               complex<double> Full21(0.0,0.0);
+               Full21 += planewave21;
+               Full21 *= CHG21;
+               //
+               complex<double> FullWF = Full12;
+               complex<double> FullPlaneWF = planewave12;
+               if(PID[EN][index1] == PID[0][index2]) {
+                 FullWF += Full21;
+                 FullWF /= sqrt(2.);
+                 FullPlaneWF += planewave21;
+                 FullPlaneWF /= sqrt(2.);
+               }
+               WeightWF = GamovFactor*pow(abs(FullWF),2);
+               WeightPlaneWF = pow(abs(FullPlaneWF),2);
+               // Fill undiluted histos
+               if(PID[EN][index1] == PID[0][index2]){
+                 Num_PrimCosFSI_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightWF);
+               }else {
+                 Num_PrimCosFSI_os->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightWF);
+               }
+             }// primary
+           }// same-event, LambdaDirect, rstar and qinv cut
+           if(PID[EN][index1] == PID[0][index2]){// same-charge
+             rstarPRF_dist_ss->Fill(kt, rstar12_PRF*FmToGeV);
+             tstar_dist_ss->Fill(kt, fabs(X[EN][index1][0]-X[0][index2][0])*FmToGeV);
+             Num_Cos_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12, BEE);
+             Num_CosFSI_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightWF);
+             NumSq_CosFSI_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12, pow(WeightWF,2));
+             Den_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+             //
+             K2_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightWF);
+             PlaneWF_ss->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightPlaneWF);
+           }else {// mixed-charge
+             rstarPRF_dist_os->Fill(kt, rstar12_PRF*FmToGeV);
+             tstar_dist_os->Fill(kt, fabs(X[EN][index1][0]-X[0][index2][0])*FmToGeV);
+             Num_Cos_os->Fill(kt, qinv12, BEE);
+             Num_CosFSI_os->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightWF);
+             NumSq_CosFSI_os->Fill(kt, qinv12, pow(WeightWF,2));
+             Den_os->Fill(kt, qinv12);
+             //
+             K2_os->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightWF);
+             PlaneWF_os->Fill(kt, qinv12, WeightPlaneWF);
+           }
+           if(!ThreeParticle) continue;
+           TLorentzVector LP1(P[EN][index1][1], P[EN][index1][2], P[EN][index1][3], P[EN][index1][0]);
+           TLorentzVector LX1(X[EN][index1][1], X[EN][index1][2], X[EN][index1][3], X[EN][index1][0]);
+           TLorentzVector LP2(P[0][index2][1], P[0][index2][2], P[0][index2][3], P[0][index2][0]);
+           TLorentzVector LX2(X[0][index2][1], X[0][index2][2], X[0][index2][3], X[0][index2][0]);
+           if(!LambdaDirect) {if(!Primary[EN][index1] || !Primary[0][index2]) continue;}
+           if(qinv12 > qCutOff) continue;
+           //
+           int EN2=0;
+           int start3=index2+1;
+           if(EN==1) {EN2=2; start3=0;}
+           for(int index3=start3; index3<Nparticles[EN2]; index3++){
+             if(!LambdaDirect && !Primary[EN2][index3]) continue;
+             double qinv23 = sqrt(pow(P[0][index2][1]-P[EN2][index3][1],2)+pow(P[0][index2][2]-P[EN2][index3][2],2)+pow(P[0][index2][3]-P[EN2][index3][3],2)-pow(P[0][index2][0]-P[EN2][index3][0],2));
+             double qinv31 = sqrt(pow(P[EN2][index3][1]-P[EN][index1][1],2)+pow(P[EN2][index3][2]-P[EN][index1][2],2)+pow(P[EN2][index3][3]-P[EN][index1][3],2)-pow(P[EN2][index3][0]-P[EN][index1][0],2));
+             if(qinv23 > qCutOff || qinv31 > qCutOff) continue;
+             if(qinv23 < 0.001 || qinv31 < 0.001) continue;
+             if(PID[EN][index1] == PID[0][index2] && PID[EN][index1] == PID[EN2][index3]){
+               DenLambda3_ss->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+             }else{
+               DenLambda3_os->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+             }
+             bool MixedCharge=kFALSE;
+             if(PID[EN][index1] != PID[0][index2] || PID[EN][index1] != PID[EN2][index3] || PID[0][index2] != PID[EN2][index3]) MixedCharge=kTRUE;
+             if(EN2==2){
+               if(MixedCharge==kFALSE){
+                 r3numME->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+                 r3den1ME->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+                 r3den2ME->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+                 r3den3ME->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31); 
+               }
+               continue;
+             }
+             // 12 boost
+             BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], P[EN2][index3], &P3_PRF);
+             BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], P[0][index2], &P2_PRF);
+             BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], P[EN][index1], &P1_PRF);
+             X1_PRF[0]=X[EN][index1][1]; X1_PRF[1]=X[EN][index1][2]; X1_PRF[2]=X[EN][index1][3];// default CMS
+             X2_PRF[0]=X[0][index2][1]; X2_PRF[1]=X[0][index2][2]; X2_PRF[2]=X[0][index2][3];// default CMS
+             X3_PRF[0]=X[EN2][index3][1]; X3_PRF[1]=X[EN2][index3][2]; X3_PRF[2]=X[EN2][index3][3];// default CMS
+             //
+             if(BoostPairsIntoPRF){
+               BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], X[EN2][index3], &X3_PRF);
+               BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], X[0][index2], &X2_PRF);
+               BoostPRF(P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], X[EN][index1], &X1_PRF);
+             }
+             rstar12_PRF = (X1_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag();
+             if(rstar12_PRF > RstarMax) continue;
+             if(rstar12_PRF < RstarMin) continue;
+             double phase_p12_x12 = (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X2_PRF)/2.;
+             double phase_p12_x32 = (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X2_PRF)/2.;
+             double phase_p12_x13 = (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X3_PRF)/2.;
+             complex<double> z_p12_x12(0.0, (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X2_PRF)/2. + qinv12/2. * (X1_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p12_x21(0.0, (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X1_PRF)/2. + qinv12/2. * (X2_PRF-X1_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p12_x32(0.0, (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X2_PRF)/2. + qinv12/2. * (X3_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p12_x13(0.0, (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X3_PRF)/2. + qinv12/2. * (X1_PRF-X3_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p12_x23(0.0, (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X3_PRF)/2. + qinv12/2. * (X2_PRF-X3_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p12_x31(0.0, (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X1_PRF)/2. + qinv12/2. * (X3_PRF-X1_PRF).Mag());
+             // 23 boost
+             BoostPRF(P[0][index2], P[EN2][index3], P[EN2][index3], &P3_PRF);
+             BoostPRF(P[0][index2], P[EN2][index3], P[0][index2], &P2_PRF);
+             BoostPRF(P[0][index2], P[EN2][index3], P[EN][index1], &P1_PRF);
+             if(BoostPairsIntoPRF){
+               BoostPRF(P[0][index2], P[EN2][index3], X[EN2][index3], &X3_PRF);
+               BoostPRF(P[0][index2], P[EN2][index3], X[0][index2], &X2_PRF);
+               BoostPRF(P[0][index2], P[EN2][index3], X[EN][index1], &X1_PRF);
+             }
+             double rstar23_PRF = (X2_PRF-X3_PRF).Mag();
+             if(rstar23_PRF > RstarMax) continue;
+             if(rstar23_PRF < RstarMin) continue;
+             double phase_p23_x13 = (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X3_PRF)/2.;
+             double phase_p23_x23 = (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X3_PRF)/2.;
+             double phase_p23_x21 = (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X1_PRF)/2.;
+             double FVP23 = (P2_PRF-P3_PRF).Mag();
+             FVP23 -= pow(P[0][index2][0]-P[EN2][index3][0],2);
+             double tstar23_PRF = sqrt(fabs(pow(rstar23_PRF,2)-FVP23));
+             //double rstar23_CMS = sqrt(pow(X[0][index2][1]-X[EN2][index3][1],2)+pow(X[0][index2][2]-X[EN2][index3][2],2)+pow(X[0][index2][3]-X[EN2][index3][3],2));
+             complex<double> z_p23_x23(0.0, (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X3_PRF)/2. + qinv23/2. * (X2_PRF-X3_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p23_x13(0.0, (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X3_PRF)/2. + qinv23/2. * (X1_PRF-X3_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p23_x21(0.0, (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X1_PRF)/2. + qinv23/2. * (X2_PRF-X1_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p23_x32(0.0, (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X2_PRF)/2. + qinv23/2. * (X3_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p23_x31(0.0, (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X1_PRF)/2. + qinv23/2. * (X3_PRF-X1_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p23_x12(0.0, (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X2_PRF)/2. + qinv23/2. * (X1_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag());
+             // 31 boost
+             BoostPRF(P[EN2][index3], P[EN][index1], P[EN2][index3], &P3_PRF);
+             BoostPRF(P[EN2][index3], P[EN][index1], P[0][index2], &P2_PRF);
+             BoostPRF(P[EN2][index3], P[EN][index1], P[EN][index1], &P1_PRF);
+             if(BoostPairsIntoPRF){
+               BoostPRF(P[EN2][index3], P[EN][index1], X[EN2][index3], &X3_PRF);
+               BoostPRF(P[EN2][index3], P[EN][index1], X[0][index2], &X2_PRF);
+               BoostPRF(P[EN2][index3], P[EN][index1], X[EN][index1], &X1_PRF);
+             }
+             double rstar31_PRF = (X3_PRF-X1_PRF).Mag();
+             if(rstar31_PRF > RstarMax) continue;
+             if(rstar31_PRF < RstarMin) continue;
+             double phase_p31_x31 = (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X1_PRF)/2.;
+             double phase_p31_x32 = (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X2_PRF)/2.;
+             double phase_p31_x21 = (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X1_PRF)/2.;
+             double FVP31 = (P3_PRF-P1_PRF).Mag();
+             FVP31 -= pow(P[EN2][index3][0]-P[EN][index1][0],2);
+             double tstar31_PRF = sqrt(fabs(pow(rstar31_PRF,2)-FVP31));
+             //double rstar31_CMS = sqrt(pow(X[EN2][index3][1]-X[EN][index1][1],2)+pow(X[EN2][index3][2]-X[EN][index1][2],2)+pow(X[EN2][index3][3]-X[EN][index1][3],2));
+             complex<double> z_p31_x31(0.0, (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X1_PRF)/2. + qinv31/2. * (X3_PRF-X1_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p31_x32(0.0, (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X2_PRF)/2. + qinv31/2. * (X3_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p31_x13(0.0, (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X3_PRF)/2. + qinv31/2. * (X1_PRF-X3_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p31_x21(0.0, (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X1_PRF)/2. + qinv31/2. * (X2_PRF-X1_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p31_x12(0.0, (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X2_PRF)/2. + qinv31/2. * (X1_PRF-X2_PRF).Mag());
+             complex<double> z_p31_x23(0.0, (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X3_PRF)/2. + qinv31/2. * (X2_PRF-X3_PRF).Mag());
+             ////////////////////////////////////////////
+             ////////////////////////////////////////////
+             double Q3 = sqrt(pow(qinv12,2) + pow(qinv23,2) + pow(qinv31,2));
+             if(!LambdaDirect){
+               int CP12=+1, CP23=+1, CP31=+1;
+               if(PID[EN][index1] != PID[0][index2]) CP12 = -1;
+               if(PID[0][index2] != PID[EN2][index3]) CP23 = -1;
+               if(PID[EN2][index3] != PID[EN][index1]) CP31 = -1;
+               double Ac_12 = Gamov(CP12/(qinv12/2.*BohrR));
+               double Ac_23 = Gamov(CP23/(qinv23/2.*BohrR));
+               double Ac_31 = Gamov(CP31/(qinv31/2.*BohrR));
+               //
+               complex<double> a_12(0.0, -CP12/(qinv12/2.*BohrR));
+               complex<double> a_23(0.0, -CP23/(qinv23/2.*BohrR));
+               complex<double> a_31(0.0, -CP31/(qinv31/2.*BohrR));
+               //
+               //
+               //
+             TLorentzVector LP3(P[EN2][index3][1], P[EN2][index3][2], P[EN2][index3][3], P[EN2][index3][0]);
+             TLorentzVector LX3(X[EN2][index3][1], X[EN2][index3][2], X[EN2][index3][3], X[EN2][index3][0]);
+             double phasePW = ( (LP1-LP2)*(LX1-LX2) + (LP1-LP3)*(LX1-LX3) + (LP2-LP3)*(LX2-LX3) )/3.;// base
+             complex<double> planewave1(cos(phasePW), sin(phasePW));
+             //
+             phasePW = ( (LP1-LP2)*(LX2-LX1) + (LP1-LP3)*(LX2-LX3) + (LP2-LP3)*(LX1-LX3) )/3.;// 12 swap
+             complex<double> planewave2(cos(phasePW), sin(phasePW));
+             //
+             phasePW = ( (LP1-LP2)*(LX3-LX2) + (LP1-LP3)*(LX3-LX1) + (LP2-LP3)*(LX2-LX1) )/3.;// 13 swap
+             complex<double> planewave3(cos(phasePW), sin(phasePW));
+             //
+             phasePW = ( (LP1-LP2)*(LX1-LX3) + (LP1-LP3)*(LX1-LX2) + (LP2-LP3)*(LX3-LX2) )/3.;// 23 swap
+             complex<double> planewave4(cos(phasePW), sin(phasePW));
+             //
+             phasePW = ( (LP1-LP2)*(LX2-LX3) + (LP1-LP3)*(LX2-LX1) + (LP2-LP3)*(LX3-LX1) )/3.;// 123 swap (1st type)
+             complex<double> planewave5(cos(phasePW), sin(phasePW));
+             //
+             phasePW = ( (LP1-LP2)*(LX3-LX1) + (LP1-LP3)*(LX3-LX2) + (LP2-LP3)*(LX1-LX2) )/3.;// 123 swap (2nd type)
+             complex<double> planewave6(cos(phasePW), sin(phasePW));
+             //
+             //
+             //
+             complex<double> CHG_p12_x12= conf_hyp(a_12, binput, z_p12_x12);
+             complex<double> CHG_p12_x21= conf_hyp(a_12, binput, z_p12_x21);
+             complex<double> CHG_p12_x32= conf_hyp(a_12, binput, z_p12_x32);
+             complex<double> CHG_p12_x13= conf_hyp(a_12, binput, z_p12_x13);
+             complex<double> CHG_p12_x23= conf_hyp(a_12, binput, z_p12_x23);
+             complex<double> CHG_p12_x31= conf_hyp(a_12, binput, z_p12_x31);
+             //
+             complex<double> CHG_p31_x31= conf_hyp(a_31, binput, z_p31_x31);
+             complex<double> CHG_p31_x32= conf_hyp(a_31, binput, z_p31_x32);
+             complex<double> CHG_p31_x13= conf_hyp(a_31, binput, z_p31_x13);
+             complex<double> CHG_p31_x21= conf_hyp(a_31, binput, z_p31_x21);
+             complex<double> CHG_p31_x12= conf_hyp(a_31, binput, z_p31_x12);
+             complex<double> CHG_p31_x23= conf_hyp(a_31, binput, z_p31_x23);
+             //
+             complex<double> CHG_p23_x23= conf_hyp(a_23, binput, z_p23_x23);
+             complex<double> CHG_p23_x13= conf_hyp(a_23, binput, z_p23_x13);
+             complex<double> CHG_p23_x21= conf_hyp(a_23, binput, z_p23_x21);
+             complex<double> CHG_p23_x32= conf_hyp(a_23, binput, z_p23_x32);
+             complex<double> CHG_p23_x31= conf_hyp(a_23, binput, z_p23_x31);
+             complex<double> CHG_p23_x12= conf_hyp(a_23, binput, z_p23_x12);
+             ThreePhase_1 = X1_PRF*(P1_PRF-P2_PRF) + X2_PRF*(P2_PRF-P3_PRF) + X3_PRF*(P3_PRF-P1_PRF);
+             ThreePhase_2 = X1_PRF*(P1_PRF-P2_PRF) + X3_PRF*(P2_PRF-P3_PRF) + X2_PRF*(P3_PRF-P1_PRF);
+             ThreePhase_3 = X2_PRF*(P1_PRF-P2_PRF) + X1_PRF*(P2_PRF-P3_PRF) + X3_PRF*(P3_PRF-P1_PRF);
+             ThreePhase_4 = X2_PRF*(P1_PRF-P2_PRF) + X3_PRF*(P2_PRF-P3_PRF) + X1_PRF*(P3_PRF-P1_PRF);
+             ThreePhase_5 = X3_PRF*(P1_PRF-P2_PRF) + X1_PRF*(P2_PRF-P3_PRF) + X2_PRF*(P3_PRF-P1_PRF);
+             ThreePhase_6 = X3_PRF*(P1_PRF-P2_PRF) + X2_PRF*(P2_PRF-P3_PRF) + X1_PRF*(P3_PRF-P1_PRF);
+             TwoPhase_12 = (P1_PRF-P2_PRF)*(X1_PRF-X2_PRF);
+             TwoPhase_23 = (P2_PRF-P3_PRF)*(X2_PRF-X3_PRF);
+             TwoPhase_31 = (P3_PRF-P1_PRF)*(X3_PRF-X1_PRF);
+             //
+             //
+             // Strong FSI
+             if(MixedCharge){
+               if(CP12==+1){// 1 and 2 are same-charge
+                 kstar_1 = qinv31/2.; kstar_2 = qinv23/2.;
+                 rstar_1 = rstar31_PRF; rstar_2 = rstar23_PRF;
+                 phase_1 = phase_p31_x31; phase_2 = phase_p31_x32; phase_3 = phase_p23_x13; phase_4 = phase_p23_x23;
+                 CHG_1 = CHG_p31_x31;
+                 CHG_2 = CHG_p31_x32;
+                 CHG_3 = CHG_p23_x13;
+                 CHG_4 = CHG_p23_x23;
+                 qinvMixedC_ss=qinv12; qinvMixedC_os1=qinv31; qinvMixedC_os2=qinv23; 
+               }else if(CP31==+1){// 1 and 3 are same-charge
+                 kstar_1 = qinv12/2.; kstar_2 = qinv23/2.;
+                 rstar_1 = rstar12_PRF; rstar_2 = rstar23_PRF;
+                 phase_1 = phase_p12_x12; phase_2 = phase_p12_x32; phase_3 = phase_p23_x21; phase_4 = phase_p23_x23;
+                 CHG_1 = CHG_p12_x12;
+                 CHG_2 = CHG_p12_x32;
+                 CHG_3 = CHG_p23_x21;
+                 CHG_4 = CHG_p23_x23;
+                 qinvMixedC_ss=qinv31; qinvMixedC_os1=qinv12; qinvMixedC_os2=qinv23; 
+               }else {// 2 and 3 are same-charge
+                 kstar_1 = qinv12/2.; kstar_2 = qinv31/2.;
+                 rstar_1 = rstar12_PRF; rstar_2 = rstar31_PRF;
+                 phase_1 = phase_p12_x12; phase_2 = phase_p12_x13; phase_3 = phase_p31_x21; phase_4 = phase_p31_x31;
+                 CHG_1 = CHG_p12_x12;
+                 CHG_2 = CHG_p12_x13;
+                 CHG_3 = CHG_p31_x21;
+                 CHG_4 = CHG_p31_x31;
+                 qinvMixedC_ss=qinv23; qinvMixedC_os1=qinv31; qinvMixedC_os2=qinv31; 
+               }
+               for(int piece=0; piece<4; piece++){
+                 if(piece==0) {// P31X31
+                   kstar=kstar_1;
+                   rstar=rstar_1; 
+                   phase=phase_1;
+                   CHG=CHG_1;
+                 }else if(piece==1) {// P31X32
+                   kstar=kstar_1;
+                   rstar=rstar_2; 
+                   phase=phase_2;
+                   CHG=CHG_2;
+                 }else if(piece==2) {// P23X13
+                   kstar=kstar_2;
+                   rstar=rstar_1; 
+                   phase=phase_3;
+                   CHG=CHG_3;
+                 }else {// P23X23
+                   kstar=kstar_2;
+                   rstar=rstar_2; 
+                   phase=phase_4;
+                   CHG=CHG_4;
+                 }
+                 rho = kstar*rstar;
+                 eta = -1./(kstar*BohrR);
+                 double kb = sqrt(pow(massPOI,2)+pow(kstar,2) - pow(masspi0,2));
+                 double G2 = KinverseFunction(pow(kstar,2),1);
+                 double G1 = KinverseFunction(pow(kstar,2),0);
+                 double RK11 = 2/3.*G1 + 1/3.*G2;
+                 double RK22 = 2/3.*G2 + 1/3.*G1;
+                 double RK12 = -sqrt(2/9.)*(G1-G2);
+                 complex<double> Chi(h_histogram->GetBinContent(h_histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(eta)), Gamov(eta)/(2*eta));
+                 complex<double> C3 = RK11 - 2.0*Chi/BohrR;
+                 complex<double> C5(RK22, -kb);
+                 complex<double> C10 = C3*C5 - pow(RK12,2);
+                 complex<double> fc_aa = C5/C10;
+                 complex<double> fc_ab = -RK12/C10;
+                 complex<double> G = P_histogram->GetBinContent(P_histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(rho), P_histogram->GetYaxis()->FindBin(eta));
+                 G += 2.0*eta*rho*( log(fabs(2.0*eta*rho)) + 2.0*EulerC - 1.0 + Chi )*B_histogram->GetBinContent(B_histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(rho), B_histogram->GetYaxis()->FindBin(eta));
+                 complex<double> PW(cos(phase), sin(phase));
+                 AlphaWF[piece] = CHG + PW*fc_aa*G/rstar;
+                 complex<double> spherewave(cos(rstar*kb), sin(rstar*kb));
+                 BetaWF[piece] = PW*fc_ab*sqrt(masspi0/massPOI)*spherewave/rstar; 
+               }// piece
+             }// Mixed-charge case with Strong FSI
+             complex<double> FullFSI_WF[2];// aa, bb
+             if(MixedCharge==kTRUE){
+               if(StrongFSI==kFALSE) {
+                 FullFSI_WF[0] = planewave1*CHG_p12_x12*CHG_p31_x31*CHG_p23_x23;
+                 if(CP12==+1){// 1 and 2 are same-charge
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave2*CHG_p12_x21*CHG_p31_x32*CHG_p23_x13;// 12 symmetrization
+                 }else if(CP31==+1){// 1 and 3 are same-charge
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave3*CHG_p12_x32*CHG_p31_x13*CHG_p23_x21;// 13 symmetrization
+                 }else{
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave4*CHG_p12_x13*CHG_p31_x21*CHG_p23_x32;// 23 symmetrization
+                 }
+                 FullFSI_WF[1] = 0.;
+               }else {// strong FSI 
+                 if(CP12==+1){// 1 and 2 are same-charge
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] = planewave1*CHG_p12_x12*AlphaWF[0]*AlphaWF[3];
+                   FullFSI_WF[1] = planewave1*CHG_p12_x12*BetaWF[0]*BetaWF[3];
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave2*CHG_p12_x21*AlphaWF[1]*AlphaWF[2];// 12 symmetrization
+                   FullFSI_WF[1] += planewave2*CHG_p12_x21*BetaWF[1]*BetaWF[2];// 12 symmetrization
+                 }else if(CP31==+1){// 1 and 3 are same-charge
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] = planewave1*CHG_p31_x31*AlphaWF[0]*AlphaWF[3];
+                   FullFSI_WF[1] = planewave1*CHG_p31_x31*BetaWF[0]*BetaWF[3];
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave3*CHG_p31_x13*AlphaWF[1]*AlphaWF[2];// 13 symmetrization
+                   FullFSI_WF[1] += planewave3*CHG_p31_x13*BetaWF[1]*BetaWF[2];// 13 symmetrization
+                 }else{
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] = planewave1*CHG_p23_x23*AlphaWF[0]*AlphaWF[3];
+                   FullFSI_WF[1] = planewave1*CHG_p23_x23*BetaWF[0]*BetaWF[3];
+                   FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave4*CHG_p23_x32*AlphaWF[1]*AlphaWF[2];// 13 symmetrization
+                   FullFSI_WF[1] += planewave4*CHG_p23_x32*BetaWF[1]*BetaWF[2];// 13 symmetrization
+                 }
+               }
+               FullFSI_WF[0] /= sqrt(2.); FullFSI_WF[1] /= sqrt(2.);
+             }else {
+                FullFSI_WF[0] = planewave1*CHG_p12_x12*CHG_p31_x31*CHG_p23_x23;// base
+                FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave2*CHG_p12_x21*CHG_p31_x32*CHG_p23_x13;// 12 symmetrization
+                FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave3*CHG_p12_x32*CHG_p31_x13*CHG_p23_x21;// 13
+                FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave4*CHG_p12_x13*CHG_p31_x21*CHG_p23_x32;// 23
+                FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave5*CHG_p12_x23*CHG_p31_x12*CHG_p23_x31;// 123
+                FullFSI_WF[0] += planewave6*CHG_p12_x31*CHG_p31_x23*CHG_p23_x12;// 123
+                FullFSI_WF[1] = 0.;
+                FullFSI_WF[0] /= sqrt(6.); FullFSI_WF[1] /= sqrt(6.);
+             }
+             complex<double> FullPlaneWF = planewave1;// base
+             if(MixedCharge && CP12==+1) FullPlaneWF += planewave2;
+             if(MixedCharge && CP31==+1) FullPlaneWF += planewave3;
+             if(MixedCharge && CP23==+1) FullPlaneWF += planewave4;
+             if(!MixedCharge) {
+               FullPlaneWF += planewave2 + planewave3 + planewave4 + planewave5 + planewave6;
+               FullPlaneWF /= sqrt(6.);
+             }else FullPlaneWF /= sqrt(2.);
+             WeightWF_aa = pow(abs(FullFSI_WF[0]),2);
+             WeightWF_bb = pow(abs(FullFSI_WF[1]),2);
+             WeightWF_aa *= Ac_12*Ac_23*Ac_31;
+             WeightWF_bb *= Ac_12*Ac_23*Ac_31;
+             WeightPlaneWF = pow(abs(FullPlaneWF),2);
+             }// !LambdaDirect
+             ////////////////////////////////////////////
+             ////////////////////////////////////////////
+             //
+             if(MixedCharge){
+               K3os->Fill(Q3, WeightWF_aa + WeightWF_bb);
+               PlaneWF3os->Fill(Q3, WeightPlaneWF);
+               K3os_3D->Fill(qinvMixedC_ss, qinvMixedC_os1, qinvMixedC_os2, WeightWF_aa + WeightWF_bb);
+               PlaneWF3os_3D->Fill(qinvMixedC_ss, qinvMixedC_os1, qinvMixedC_os2, WeightPlaneWF);
+               NumLambda3_os->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+             }else{
+               K3ss->Fill(Q3, WeightWF_aa + WeightWF_bb);
+               PlaneWF3ss->Fill(Q3, WeightPlaneWF);
+               K3ss_3D->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, WeightWF_aa + WeightWF_bb);
+               PlaneWF3ss_3D->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, WeightPlaneWF);
+               NumLambda3_ss->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+               rstar3_dist_ss->Fill(rstar12_PRF, rstar23_PRF, rstar31_PRF);
+               //rstar3_dist_ss->Fill(rstar12_CMS, rstar23_CMS, rstar31_CMS);
+               tstar3_dist_ss->Fill(tstar12_PRF, tstar23_PRF, tstar31_PRF);
+               //
+               double cosThreePhase = 1/6. * (cos(ThreePhase_1)+cos(ThreePhase_2)+cos(ThreePhase_3)+cos(ThreePhase_4)+cos(ThreePhase_5)+cos(ThreePhase_6));
+               r3num->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, 2*cosThreePhase);
+               r3den1->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, cos(TwoPhase_12));
+               r3den2->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, cos(TwoPhase_23));
+               r3den3->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, cos(TwoPhase_31));
+               r3numSq->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, pow(2*cosThreePhase,2));
+               r3den1Sq->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, pow(cos(TwoPhase_12),2));
+               r3den2Sq->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, pow(cos(TwoPhase_23),2));
+               r3den3Sq->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31, pow(cos(TwoPhase_31),2));
+               r3numEn->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+               r3den1En->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+               r3den2En->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31);
+               r3den3En->Fill(qinv12, qinv23, qinv31); 
+               //
+               Num_Cos12->Fill(qinv12,cos(TwoPhase_12));
+               Num_Cos23->Fill(qinv23,cos(TwoPhase_23));
+               Num_Cos31->Fill(qinv31,cos(TwoPhase_31));
+               Den_Cos12->Fill(qinv12);
+               Den_Cos23->Fill(qinv23);
+               Den_Cos31->Fill(qinv31);
+             }
+           }// index3
+         }// index2
+       }// index1
+      }// EN buffer      
+    }// Nevents
+    infile->Close();
+  }// Nfiles
+  outfile->cd();
+  //
+  r_dist->Write();
+  x_dist->Write();
+  Pt_dist->Write();
+  P_dist->Write();
+  P_dist_lowq->Write();
+  AvgMult->Write();
+  rstarPRF_dist_ss->Write();
+  tstar_dist_ss->Write();
+  rstarPRF_dist_os->Write();
+  tstar_dist_os->Write();
+  NumLambda1->Write();
+  DenLambda1->Write();
+  NumLambda2_ss->Write();
+  NumLambda2_os->Write();
+  DenLambda2_ss->Write();
+  DenLambda2_os->Write();
+  NumLambda3_ss->Write();
+  DenLambda3_ss->Write();
+  NumLambda3_os->Write();
+  DenLambda3_os->Write();
+  Den_ss->Write();
+  Den_os->Write();
+  DenEM_ss->Write();
+  DenEM_os->Write();
+  Num_Cos_ss->Write();
+  Num_Cos_os->Write();
+  Num_CosFSI_ss->Write();
+  Num_CosFSI_os->Write();
+  NumSq_CosFSI_ss->Write();
+  NumSq_CosFSI_os->Write();
+  LargeRpairs_ss->Write();
+  LargeRpairs_os->Write();
+  //
+  Num_PrimCosFSI_ss->Write();
+  Num_PrimCosFSI_os->Write();
+  //
+  rstar3_dist_ss->Write();
+  tstar3_dist_ss->Write();
+  //
+  K2_ss->Write();
+  PlaneWF_ss->Write();
+  K2_os->Write();
+  PlaneWF_os->Write();
+  //
+  K3os->Write();
+  PlaneWF3os->Write();
+  K3os_3D->Write();
+  PlaneWF3os_3D->Write();
+  K3ss->Write();
+  PlaneWF3ss->Write();
+  K3ss_3D->Write();
+  PlaneWF3ss_3D->Write();
+  //
+  r3num->Write();
+  r3den1->Write();
+  r3den2->Write();
+  r3den3->Write();
+  r3numSq->Write();
+  r3den1Sq->Write();
+  r3den2Sq->Write();
+  r3den3Sq->Write();
+  r3numEn->Write();
+  r3den1En->Write();
+  r3den2En->Write();
+  r3den3En->Write();
+  r3numME->Write();
+  r3den1ME->Write();
+  r3den2ME->Write();
+  r3den3ME->Write();
+  //
+  Num_Cos12->Write();
+  Num_Cos23->Write();
+  Num_Cos31->Write();
+  Den_Cos12->Write();
+  Den_Cos23->Write();
+  Den_Cos31->Write();
+  //
+  test->Write();
+  //
+  outfile->Close();
+  seconds = time(0) - seconds;
+  cout<<"Minutes = "<<seconds/60.<<endl;
+float Gamov(float eta){
+  return (2*PI*eta/(exp(2*PI*eta)-1));
+float fact(float n){
+  return (n < 1.00001) ? 1 : fact(n - 1) * n;
+void Shuffle(Int_t *iarr, Int_t i1, Int_t i2)
+  Int_t j, k;
+  Int_t a = i2 - i1;
+  for (Int_t i = i1; i < i2+1; i++) {
+    j = (Int_t) (gRandom->Rndm() * a);
+    k = iarr[j];
+    iarr[j] = iarr[i];
+    iarr[i] = k;
+  }
+void BoostPRF(float P1[4], float P2[4], float V[4], TVector3 *T){
+  // P1 is particle 1 momentum in reaction CMS (0=E,1=px,2=py,3=pz)
+  // P2 is particle 2 momentum in reaction CMS (0=E,1=px,2=py,3=pz)
+  // V is the vector to be transformed (V is in CMS)
+  // T is the PRF vector
+  float MT=sqrt(pow(P1[0]+P2[0],2)-pow(P1[3]+P2[3],2));
+  float PT=sqrt(pow(P1[1]+P2[1],2)+pow(P1[2]+P2[2],2));
+  float MINV=sqrt(pow(P1[0]+P2[0],2) - pow(P1[1]+P2[1],2) - pow(P1[2]+P2[2],2) - pow(P1[3]+P2[3],2));
+  // LCMS
+  T->SetX( ((P1[1]+P2[1])*V[1] + (P1[2]+P2[2])*V[2])/PT );
+  T->SetY( ((P1[1]+P2[1])*V[2] - (P1[2]+P2[2])*V[1])/PT );
+  T->SetZ( ((P1[0]+P2[0])*V[3] - (P1[3]+P2[3])*V[0])/MT );
+  // PRF
+  T->SetX( T->X()*MINV/MT - PT/(MT*MINV)*((P1[0]+P2[0])*V[0] - (P1[1]+P2[1])*V[1] - (P1[2]+P2[2])*V[2] - (P1[3]+P2[3])*V[3]) );
+// h function from Lednicky, phys. of part. and nuclei 40:307 (2009)
+double hFunction(double eta){
+  double DS=1.0;
+  double N=0;
+  double S=0;
+  double returnValue=0;
+  if(eta < 3.0){
+    while(DS > 1.0e-13){
+      N++;
+      DS = 1/(N*(pow(N/eta,2)+1.0));
+      S += DS;
+    }
+    returnValue = (S - EulerC - log(fabs(eta)));
+  }else{// small kstar, high eta
+    double etaSquared=pow(eta,2);
+    double etaPowered=etaSquared;
+    for(int ii=0; ii<9; ii++){// 9 was maximum value for Lednicky's code
+      returnValue += 1/etaPowered * hcoef[ii];
+      etaPowered *= etaSquared;
+    }
+  }
+  return returnValue; 
+double KinverseFunction(double kstarSq, int J){
+  double ESq = kstarSq + pow(massPOI,2);
+  double E = sqrt(ESq);
+  double xSq = kstarSq/pow(massPOI,2);
+  double Kinverse = E*(4*ESq-fzero[J][4])/(4*pow(massPOI,2)-fzero[J][4]);
+  Kinverse /= fzero[J][0] + fzero[J][1]*xSq + fzero[J][2]*pow(xSq,2) + fzero[J][3]*pow(xSq,3);
+  return Kinverse;