// This class is the task to check the
-// Propagation method used in the
+// Propagation and Update method used in the
// 1. AliExternalTrackParam
// 2. AliTracker
+// Pure Monte-Carlo data used, not influence of detectors
+// Input - TParticle + Array of track references - (Points alogn track trajectories)
+// Output - Trees with track references - no histograms
+// MC tree - test for material budget correction
+// see function ProcessRefTracker
+// MCupdate tree - test for correctness of propagation and update
+// see function AliMCTrackingTestTask::FitTrackRefs
// Principle - Creates AliExternalTrackParam form 1 Track Refernece -
// Propagate it to other
-// Magnetic filed and the geomtry has to bec
+// Magnetic field and the geometry has to be created before using it
// ROOT includes
if (!trefs) continue;
Int_t nref = trefs->GetEntries();
if (nref<5) continue;
+ FitTrackRefs(particle,trefs);
AliTrackReference * tpcIn=0;
AliTrackReference * tpcOut=0;
AliTrackReference * trdIn=0;
+void AliMCTrackingTestTask::FitTrackRefs(TParticle * part, TClonesArray * trefs){
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ const Int_t kMinRefs=6;
+ Int_t nrefs = trefs->GetEntries();
+ if (nrefs<kMinRefs) return; // we should have enough references
+ Int_t iref0 =-1;
+ Int_t iref1 =-1;
+ for (Int_t iref=0; iref<nrefs; iref++){
+ AliTrackReference * ref = (AliTrackReference*)trefs->At(iref);
+ if (!ref) continue;
+ Float_t dir = ref->X()*ref->Px()+ref->Y()*ref->Py();
+ if (dir<0) break;
+ if (ref->DetectorId()!=AliTrackReference::kTPC) continue;
+ if (iref0<0) iref0 = iref;
+ iref1 = iref;
+ }
+ if (iref1-iref0<kMinRefs) return;
+ Double_t covar[14];
+ for (Int_t icov=0; icov<14; icov++) covar[icov]=0;
+ covar[0]=1;
+ covar[2]=1;
+ covar[5]=1;
+ covar[9]=1;
+ covar[14]=1;
+ AliTrackReference * refIn = (AliTrackReference*)trefs->At(iref0);
+ AliTrackReference * refOut = (AliTrackReference*)trefs->At(iref1);
+ AliExternalTrackParam *paramPropagate= MakeTrack(refIn,part);
+ AliExternalTrackParam *paramUpdate = MakeTrack(refIn,part);
+ paramUpdate->AddCovariance(covar);
+ Double_t mass = part->GetMass();
+ Double_t charge = part->GetPDG()->Charge()/3.;
+ Float_t alphaIn= TMath::ATan2(refIn->Y(),refIn->X());
+ Float_t radiusIn= refIn->R();
+ Float_t alphaOut= TMath::ATan2(refOut->Y(),refOut->X());
+ Float_t radiusOut= refOut->R();
+ AliMagF * field = (AliMagF*) TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField();
+ for (Int_t iref = iref0; iref<=iref1; iref++){
+ AliTrackReference * ref = (AliTrackReference*)trefs->At(iref);
+ Float_t alphaC= TMath::ATan2(ref->Y(),ref->X());
+ Double_t pos[3] = {ref->X(), ref->Y(), ref->Z()};
+ Double_t mag[3];
+ field->Field(pos,mag);
+ paramPropagate->Rotate(alphaC);
+ paramUpdate->Rotate(alphaC);
+ for (Float_t xref= paramPropagate->GetX(); xref<ref->R(); xref++){
+ paramPropagate->PropagateTo(xref, -mag[2]);
+ paramUpdate->PropagateTo(xref, -mag[2]);
+ }
+ paramPropagate->PropagateTo(ref->R(), -mag[2]);
+ paramUpdate->PropagateTo(ref->R(), -mag[2]);
+ Double_t clpos[2] = {0, ref->Z()};
+ Double_t clcov[3] = { 0.005,0,0.005};
+ paramUpdate->Update(clpos, clcov);
+ }
+ TTreeSRedirector *pcstream = GetDebugStreamer();
+ if (pcstream){
+ TVectorD gposU(3);
+ TVectorD gmomU(3);
+ TVectorD gposP(3);
+ TVectorD gmomP(3);
+ paramUpdate->GetXYZ(gposU.GetMatrixArray());
+ paramUpdate->GetPxPyPz(gmomU.GetMatrixArray());
+ paramPropagate->GetXYZ(gposP.GetMatrixArray());
+ paramPropagate->GetPxPyPz(gmomP.GetMatrixArray());
+ (*pcstream)<<"MCupdate"<<
+ "m="<<mass<<
+ "q="<<charge<<
+ "part.="<<part<<
+ "refIn.="<<refIn<<
+ "refOut.="<<refOut<<
+ "pP.="<<paramPropagate<<
+ "pU.="<<paramUpdate<<
+ "gposU.="<<&gposU<<
+ "gmomU.="<<&gmomU<<
+ "gposP.="<<&gposP<<
+ "gmomP.="<<&gmomP<<
+ "\n";
+ }
void AliMCTrackingTestTask::FinishTaskOutput()