+Revision 1.18 2003/06/10 11:22:28 morsch
+Physics configuration via modified input cards. (E. Futo)
Revision 1.17 2003/06/05 10:22:57 morsch
All printout under verbosity level control.
// Last material number taken from the "corealice.inp" file, presently 31
// !!! it should be available from Flugg !!!
+ Int_t i, j, k;
+ Double_t fCut;
Float_t fLastMaterial = 31.0;
- Float_t fLastRegion = 692.;
// construct file names
TString sAliceInp = getenv("ALICE_ROOT");
sAliceInp +="/TFluka/input/";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ";
AliceInp << endl;
- for (Int_t i=0; i<iNbOfProc; i++) {
+ for (i=0; i<iNbOfProc; i++) {
// annihilation
// G3 default value: 1
// G4 processes: G4eplusAnnihilation/G4IeplusAnnihilation
// Particles: e+
// Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no annihilation
+ // flag = 1 annihilation, decays processed
+ // flag = 2 annihilation, no decay product stored
// gMC ->SetProcess("ANNI",1); // EMFCUT -1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat 0. ANNH-THR
- if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"ANNI",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
- AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+ annihilation - resets to default=0.";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('ANNI',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+ annihilation (resets to default=0)
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << setw(8) << "ANNH-THR";
- AliceInp << endl;
+ if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"ANNI",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+ annihilation - resets to default=0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('ANNI',1) or SetProcess('ANNI',2)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+ annihilation (resets to default=0)
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "ANNH-THR";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No annihilation - no FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('ANNI',0)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('ANNI',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
- // bremsstrahlung
+ // bremsstrahlung and pair production are both activated
// G3 default value: 1
// G4 processes: G4eBremsstrahlung/G4IeBremsstrahlung,
// G4MuBremsstrahlung/G4IMuBremsstrahlung,
// G4LowEnergyBremstrahlung
// Particles: e-/e+; mu+/mu-
// Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no bremsstrahlung
+ // flag = 1 bremsstrahlung, photon processed
+ // flag = 2 bremsstrahlung, no photon stored
// gMC ->SetProcess("BREM",1); // PAIRBREM 2. 0. 0. 3. lastmat
// EMFCUT -1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat 0. ELPO-THR
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"BREM",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
- AliceInp << "*Bremsstrahlung by muons and charged hadrons is activated";
+ // G3 default value: 1
+ // G4 processes: G4GammaConversion,
+ // G4MuPairProduction/G4IMuPairProduction
+ // G4LowEnergyGammaConversion
+ // Particles: gamma, mu
+ // Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no delta rays
+ // flag = 1 delta rays, secondaries processed
+ // flag = 2 delta rays, no secondaries stored
+ // gMC ->SetProcess("PAIR",1); // PAIRBREM 1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat
+ // EMFCUT 0. 0. -1. 3. lastmat 0. PHOT-THR
+ else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PAIR",4) == 0) && (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2)) {
+ for (j=0; j<iNbOfProc; j++) {
+ if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[j][0],"BREM",4) == 0) && (iProcessValue[j] == 1 || iProcessValue[j] == 2)) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Bremsstrahlung and pair production by muons and charged hadrons both activated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('BREM',1) and SetProcess('PAIR',1)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Energy threshold set by call SetCut('BCUTM',cut) or set to 0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Energy threshold set by call SetCut('PPCUTM',cut) or set to 0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "PAIRBREM ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // bremsstrahlung and pair production by muons and charged hadrons both are activated
+ // direct pair production by muons
+ // G4 particles: "e-", "e+"
+ // G3 default value: 0.01 GeV
+ //gMC ->SetCut("PPCUTM",cut); // total energy cut for direct pair prod. by muons
+ fCut = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<iNbOfCut; k++) {
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[k][0],"PPCUTM",6) == 0) fCut = fCutValue[k];
+ }
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fCut; // e+, e- kinetic energy threshold (in GeV) for explicit pair production.
+ // muon and hadron bremsstrahlung
+ // G4 particles: "gamma"
+ // G3 default value: CUTGAM=0.001 GeV
+ //gMC ->SetCut("BCUTM",cut); // cut for muon and hadron bremsstrahlung
+ fCut = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<iNbOfCut; k++) {
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[k][0],"BCUTM",5) == 0) fCut = fCutValue[k];
+ }
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fCut; // photon energy threshold (GeV) for explicit bremsstrahlung production
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ // for e+ and e-
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+/e- bremsstrahlung - resets to default=0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('BREM',1);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
+ fCut = -1.0;
+ for (k=0; k<iNbOfCut; k++) {
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[k][0],"BCUTE",5) == 0) fCut = fCutValue[k];
+ }
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fCut; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+/e- bremsstrahlung (resets to default=0)
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "ELPO-THR";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ // for e+ and e-
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Pair production by electrons is activated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PAIR',1);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // energy threshold (GeV) for Compton scattering (= 0.0 : ignored)
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // energy threshold (GeV) for Photoelectric (= 0.0 : ignored)
+ fCut = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<iNbOfCut; j++) {
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[j][0],"CUTGAM",6) == 0) fCut = fCutValue[j];
+ }
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fCut; // energy threshold (GeV) for gamma pair production (< 0.0 : resets to default, = 0.0 : ignored)
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "PHOT-THR";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ goto BOTH;
+ } // end of if for BREM
+ } // end of loop for BREM
+ // only pair production by muons and charged hadrons is activated
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Pair production by muons and charged hadrons is activated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PAIR',1) or SetProcess('PAIR',2)";
AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('BREM',1);";
+ AliceInp << "*Energy threshold set by call SetCut('PPCUTM',cut) or set to 0.";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << setw(10) << "PAIRBREM ";
AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0; // bremsstrahlung by muons and charged hadrons is activated
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // e+, e- kinetic energy threshold (in GeV) for explicit pair production. A value of 0.0 is meaningful.
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // pair production by muons and charged hadrons is activated
+ // direct pair production by muons
+ // G4 particles: "e-", "e+"
+ // G3 default value: 0.01 GeV
+ //gMC ->SetCut("PPCUTM",cut); // total energy cut for direct pair prod. by muons
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // e+, e- kinetic energy threshold (in GeV) for explicit pair production.
AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // no explicit bremsstrahlung production is simulated
AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
AliceInp << endl;
// for e+ and e-
- AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+/e- bremsstrahlung - resets to default=0.";
+ AliceInp << "*";
AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('BREM',1);";
+ AliceInp << "*Pair production by electrons is activated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PAIR',1) or SetProcess('PAIR',2)";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // energy threshold (GeV) for Compton scattering (= 0.0 : ignored)
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // energy threshold (GeV) for Photoelectric (= 0.0 : ignored)
+ fCut = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<iNbOfCut; j++) {
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[j][0],"CUTGAM",6) == 0) fCut = fCutValue[j];
+ }
AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fCut; // energy threshold (GeV) for gamma pair production (< 0.0 : resets to default, = 0.0 : ignored)
AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+/e- bremsstrahlung (resets to default=0)
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << setw(8) << "ELPO-THR";
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "PHOT-THR";
AliceInp << endl;
- }
+ k = 0;
+ } // end of if for PAIR
+ // bremsstrahlung
+ // G3 default value: 1
+ // G4 processes: G4eBremsstrahlung/G4IeBremsstrahlung,
+ // G4MuBremsstrahlung/G4IMuBremsstrahlung,
+ // G4LowEnergyBremstrahlung
+ // Particles: e-/e+; mu+/mu-
+ // Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no bremsstrahlung
+ // flag = 1 bremsstrahlung, photon processed
+ // flag = 2 bremsstrahlung, no photon stored
+ // gMC ->SetProcess("BREM",1); // PAIRBREM 2. 0. 0. 3. lastmat
+ // EMFCUT -1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat 0. ELPO-THR
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"BREM",4) == 0) {
+ for (j=0; j<iNbOfProc; j++) {
+ if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[j][0],"PAIR",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[j] == 1) goto NOBREM;
+ }
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Bremsstrahlung by muons and charged hadrons is activated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('BREM',1) or SetProcess('BREM',2)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Energy threshold set by call SetCut('BCUTM',cut) or set to 0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "PAIRBREM ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0; // bremsstrahlung by muons and charged hadrons is activated
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // no meaning
+ // muon and hadron bremsstrahlung
+ // G4 particles: "gamma"
+ // G3 default value: CUTGAM=0.001 GeV
+ //gMC ->SetCut("BCUTM",cut); // cut for muon and hadron bremsstrahlung
+ fCut = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<iNbOfCut; j++) {
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[j][0],"BCUTM",5) == 0) fCut = fCutValue[j];
+ }
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fCut; // photon energy threshold (GeV) for explicit bremsstrahlung production
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ // for e+ and e-
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+/e- bremsstrahlung - resets to default=0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('BREM',1);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for e+/e- bremsstrahlung (resets to default=0)
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "ELPO-THR";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No bremsstrahlung - no FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('BREM',0)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('BREM',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"BREM",4) == 0)
+ // Cerenkov photon generation
+ // G3 default value: 0
+ // G4 process: G4Cerenkov
+ //
+ // Particles: charged
+ // Physics: Optical
+ // flag = 0 no Cerenkov photon generation
+ // flag = 1 Cerenkov photon generation
+ // flag = 2 Cerenkov photon generation with primary stopped at each step
+ //xx gMC ->SetProcess("CKOV",1); // ??? Cerenkov photon generation
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"CKOV",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Cerenkov photon generation";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('CKOV',1) or SetProcess('CKOV',2)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "OPT-PROD ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.07e-9 ; // minimum Cerenkov photon emission energy (in GeV!). Default: 2.07E-9 GeV (corresponding to 600 nm)
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 4.96e-9; // maximum Cerenkov photon emission energy (in GeV!). Default: 4.96E-9 GeV (corresponding to 250 nm)
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "CERENKOV";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No Cerenkov photon generation";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('CKOV',0)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "OPT-PROD ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "CERE-OFF";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('CKOV',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"CKOV",4) == 0)
// Compton scattering
// G3 default value: 1
// G4 processes: G4ComptonScattering,
// G4LowEnergyCompton,
// G4PolarizedComptonScattering
// Particles: gamma
- // // Physics: EM
+ // Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no Compton scattering
+ // flag = 1 Compton scattering, electron processed
+ // flag = 2 Compton scattering, no electron stored
// gMC ->SetProcess("COMP",1); // EMFCUT -1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat 0. PHOT-THR
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"COMP",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
- AliceInp << "*Energy threshold (GeV) for Compton scattering - resets to default=0.";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('COMP',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // energy threshold (GeV) for Compton scattering - resets to default=0.
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << setw(8) << "PHOT-THR";
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"COMP",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Energy threshold (GeV) for Compton scattering - resets to default=0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('COMP',1);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // energy threshold (GeV) for Compton scattering - resets to default=0.
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "PHOT-THR";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No Compton scattering - no FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('COMP',0)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('COMP',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"COMP",4) == 0)
// decay
// G3 default value: 1
// Particles: all which decay is applicable for
// Physics: General
+ // flag = 0 no decays
+ // flag = 1 decays, secondaries processed
+ // flag = 2 decays, no secondaries stored
//gMC ->SetProcess("DCAY",1); // not available
else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"DCAY",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1)
cout << "SetProcess for flag=" << &sProcessFlag[i][0] << " value=" << iProcessValue[i] << " not avaliable!" << endl;
// G4 processes: G4eIonisation/G4IeIonization,
// G4MuIonisation/G4IMuIonization,
// G4hIonisation/G4IhIonisation
- // // Particles: charged
+ // Particles: charged
// Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no energy loss
+ // flag = 1 restricted energy loss fluctuations
+ // flag = 2 complete energy loss fluctuations
+ // flag = 3 same as 1
+ // flag = 4 no energy loss fluctuations
// gMC ->SetProcess("DRAY",0); // DELTARAY 1.E+6 0. 0. 3. lastmat 0.
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"DRAY",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
- AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for delta ray production";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('DRAY',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "DELTARAY ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0e+6; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for delta ray production (discrete energy transfer)
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"DRAY",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 0 || iProcessValue[i] == 4) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for delta ray production";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('DRAY',0) or SetProcess('DRAY',4)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No delta ray production by muons - threshold set artificially high";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "DELTARAY ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0e+6; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for delta ray production (discrete energy transfer)
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2 || iProcessValue[i] == 3) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for delta ray production";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('DRAY',flag), flag=1,2,3";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Delta ray production by muons switched on";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Energy threshold set by call SetCut('DCUTM',cut) or set to 0.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "DELTARAY ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ fCut = 1.0e+6;
+ for (j=0; j<iNbOfCut; j++) {
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[j][0],"DCUTM",5) == 0) fCut = fCutValue[j];
+ }
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fCut; // kinetic energy threshold (GeV) for delta ray production (discrete energy transfer)
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('DRAY',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"DRAY",4) == 0)
- // muon nuclear interaction
- // G3 default value: 0
- // G4 processes: G4MuNuclearInteraction,
- // G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest
+ // hadronic process
+ // G3 default value: 1
+ // G4 processes: all defined by TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron
+ //
+ // Particles: hadrons
+ // Physics: Hadron
+ // flag = 0 no multiple scattering
+ // flag = 1 hadronic interactions, secondaries processed
+ // flag = 2 hadronic interactions, no secondaries stored
+ // gMC ->SetProcess("HADR",1); // ??? hadronic process
+ //Select pure GEANH (HADR 1) or GEANH/NUCRIN (HADR 3) ?????
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"HADR",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Hadronic interaction is ON by default in FLUKA";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Hadronic interaction is set OFF";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('HADR',0);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "MULSOPT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // multiple scattering for hadrons and muons is completely suppressed
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // no spin-relativistic corrections
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('HADR',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"HADR",4) == 0)
+ // energy loss
+ // G3 default value: 2
+ // G4 processes: G4eIonisation/G4IeIonization,
+ // G4MuIonisation/G4IMuIonization,
+ // G4hIonisation/G4IhIonisation
- // Particles: mu
- // Physics: Not set
- // gMC ->SetProcess("MUNU",1); // MUPHOTON 1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"MUNU",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
- AliceInp << "*Muon nuclear interactions with production of secondary hadrons";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('MUNU',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "MUPHOTON ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // full simulation of muon nuclear interactions and production of secondary hadrons
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ratio of longitudinal to transverse virtual photon cross-section - Default = 0.25.
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // fraction of rho-like interactions ( must be < 1) - Default = 0.75.
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
+ // Particles: charged
+ // Physics: EM
+ // flag=0 no energy loss
+ // flag=1 restricted energy loss fluctuations
+ // flag=2 complete energy loss fluctuations
+ // flag=3 same as 1
+ // flag=4 no energy loss fluctuations
+ // If the value ILOSS is changed, then (in G3) cross-sections and energy
+ // loss tables must be recomputed via the command 'PHYSI'
+ // gMC ->SetProcess("LOSS",2); // ??? IONFLUCT ? energy loss
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"LOSS",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 2) { // complete energy loss fluctuations
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Complete energy loss fluctuations do not exist in FLUKA";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('LOSS',2);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*flag=2=complete energy loss fluctuations";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No input card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 3) { // restricted energy loss fluctuations
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Restricted energy loss fluctuations";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('LOSS',1) or SetProcess('LOSS',3)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "IONFLUCT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // restricted energy loss fluctuations (for hadrons and muons) switched on
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // restricted energy loss fluctuations (for e+ and e-) switched on
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // minimal accuracy
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 4) { // no energy loss fluctuations
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No energy loss fluctuations";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('LOSS',4)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // restricted energy loss fluctuations (for hadrons and muons) switched off
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // restricted energy loss fluctuations (for e+ and e-) switched off
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // minimal accuracy
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('LOSS',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"LOSS",4) == 0)
+ // multiple scattering
+ // G3 default value: 1
+ // G4 process: G4MultipleScattering/G4IMultipleScattering
+ //
+ // Particles: charged
+ // Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no multiple scattering
+ // flag = 1 Moliere or Coulomb scattering
+ // flag = 2 Moliere or Coulomb scattering
+ // flag = 3 Gaussian scattering
+ // gMC ->SetProcess("MULS",1); // MULSOPT multiple scattering
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"MULS",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2 || iProcessValue[i] == 3) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Multiple scattering is ON by default for e+e- and for hadrons/muons";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Multiple scattering is set OFF";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('MULS',0);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "MULSOPT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // multiple scattering for hadrons and muons is completely suppressed
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // multiple scattering for e+ and e- is completely suppressed
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('MULS',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"MULS",4) == 0)
// muon nuclear interaction
// G3 default value: 0
// Particles: mu
// Physics: Not set
+ // flag = 0 no muon-nuclear interaction
+ // flag = 1 nuclear interaction, secondaries processed
+ // flag = 2 nuclear interaction, secondaries not processed
// gMC ->SetProcess("MUNU",1); // MUPHOTON 1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"MUNU",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
- AliceInp << "*Muon nuclear interactions without production of secondary hadrons";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('MUNU',2);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "MUPHOTON ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0; // full simulation of muon nuclear interactions and production of secondary hadrons
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ratio of longitudinal to transverse virtual photon cross-section - Default = 0.25.
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // fraction of rho-like interactions ( must be < 1) - Default = 0.75.
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"MUNU",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Muon nuclear interactions with production of secondary hadrons";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('MUNU',1);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "MUPHOTON ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // full simulation of muon nuclear interactions and production of secondary hadrons
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ratio of longitudinal to transverse virtual photon cross-section - Default = 0.25.
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // fraction of rho-like interactions ( must be < 1) - Default = 0.75.
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Muon nuclear interactions without production of secondary hadrons";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('MUNU',2);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "MUPHOTON ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0; // full simulation of muon nuclear interactions and production of secondary hadrons
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ratio of longitudinal to transverse virtual photon cross-section - Default = 0.25.
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // fraction of rho-like interactions ( must be < 1) - Default = 0.75.
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No muon nuclear interaction - no FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('MUNU',0)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('MUNU',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"MUNU",4) == 0)
- // pair production
- // G3 default value: 1
- // G4 processes: G4GammaConversion,
- // G4MuPairProduction/G4IMuPairProduction
- // G4LowEnergyGammaConversion
- // Particles: gamma, mu
- // Physics: EM
- // gMC ->SetProcess("PAIR",1); // PAIRBREM 1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat
- // EMFCUT 0. 0. -1. 3. lastmat 0. PHOT-THR
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PAIR",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
- AliceInp << "*Pair production by muons and charged hadrons is activated";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PAIR',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "PAIRBREM ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // pair production by muons and charged hadrons is activated
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // e+, e- kinetic energy threshold (in GeV) for explicit pair production.
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // no explicit bremsstrahlung production is simulated
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << endl;
- // for e+ and e-
- AliceInp << "*Pair production by electrons is activated";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PAIR',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // resets to default=0.
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << setw(8) << "PHOT-THR";
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
// photofission
// G3 default value: 0
// Particles: gamma
// Physics: ??
// gMC ->SetProcess("PFIS",0); // PHOTONUC -1. 0. 0. 3. lastmat 0.
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PFIS",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
- AliceInp << "*No photonuclear interactions";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PFIS',0);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "PHOTONUC ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // no photonuclear interactions
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial;
- AliceInp << setprecision(1); // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PFIS",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
- AliceInp << "*Photon nuclear interactions are activated at all energies";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PFIS',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "PHOTONUC ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // photonuclear interactions are activated at all energies
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
- AliceInp << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial;
- AliceInp << setprecision(1); // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << endl;
+ // flag = 0 no photon fission
+ // flag = 1 photon fission, secondaries processed
+ // flag = 2 photon fission, no secondaries stored
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PFIS",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No photonuclear interactions";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PFIS',0);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "PHOTONUC ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // no photonuclear interactions
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial;
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1); // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Photon nuclear interactions are activated at all energies";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PFIS',1);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "PHOTONUC ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // photonuclear interactions are activated at all energies
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // not used
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial;
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1); // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No photofission - no FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PFIS',0)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('PFIS',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
// photo electric effect
// G3 default value: 1
// G4 processes: G4PhotoElectricEffect
// G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric
// Particles: gamma
// Physics: EM
+ // flag = 0 no photo electric effect
+ // flag = 1 photo electric effect, electron processed
+ // flag = 2 photo electric effect, no electron stored
// gMC ->SetProcess("PHOT",1); // EMFCUT 0. -1. 0. 3. lastmat 0. PHOT-THR
- else if ((strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PHOT",4) == 0) && iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
- AliceInp << "*Photo electric effect is activated";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PHOT',1);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // resets to default=0.
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(2);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << setw(8) << "PHOT-THR";
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PHOT",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1 || iProcessValue[i] == 2) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Photo electric effect is activated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PHOT',1);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // resets to default=0.
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
+ AliceInp << setw(8) << "PHOT-THR";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No photo electric effect - no FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('PHOT',0)";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('PHOT',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"PHOT",4) == 0)
- else { // processes not yet treated
- //xx gMC ->SetProcess("AUTO",1); // ??? automatic computation of the tracking medium parameters
- // Cerenkov photon generation
+ // Rayleigh scattering
// G3 default value: 0
- // G4 process: G4Cerenkov
+ // G4 process: G4OpRayleigh
- // Particles: charged
+ // Particles: optical photon
// Physics: Optical
- //xx gMC ->SetProcess("CKOV",1); // ??? Cerenkov photon generation
- //Select pure GEANH (HADR 1) or GEANH/NUCRIN (HADR 3)
+ // flag = 0 Rayleigh scattering off
+ // flag = 1 Rayleigh scattering on
+ //xx gMC ->SetProcess("RAYL",1);
+ else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"RAYL",4) == 0) {
+ if (iProcessValue[i] == 1) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Rayleigh scattering is ON by default in FLUKA";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else if (iProcessValue[i] == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Rayleigh scattering is set OFF";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetProcess('RAYL',0);";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFRAY ";
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
+ AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -1.0; // no Rayleigh scattering and no binding corrections for Compton
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << 3.0; // lower bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << setprecision(2);
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastMaterial; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*Illegal flag value in SetProcess('RAYL',?) call.";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ AliceInp << "*No FLUKA card generated";
+ AliceInp << endl;
+ }
+ } // end of else if (strncmp(&sProcessFlag[i][0],"RAYL",4) == 0)
- // hadronic process
- // G3 default value: 1
- // G4 processes: all defined by TG4PhysicsConstructorHadron
- //
- // Particles: hadrons
- // Physics: Hadron
- // gMC ->SetProcess("HADR",1); // ??? hadronic process
+ else { // processes not yet treated
+ // Automatic calculation of tracking medium parameters
+ // flag = 0 no automatic calculation
+ // flag = 1 automatic calculation
+ //xx gMC ->SetProcess("AUTO",1); // ??? automatic computation of the tracking medium parameters
- // light photon absorption
+ // light photon absorption (Cerenkov photons)
// it is turned on when Cerenkov process is turned on
// G3 default value: 0
// G4 process: G4OpAbsorption, G4OpBoundaryProcess
// Particles: optical photon
// Physics: Optical
+ // flag = 0 no absorption of Cerenkov photons
+ // flag = 1 absorption of Cerenkov photons
// gMC ->SetProcess("LABS",2); // ??? Cerenkov light absorption
- // energy loss
- // G3 default value: 2
- // G4 processes: G4eIonisation/G4IeIonization,
- // G4MuIonisation/G4IMuIonization,
- // G4hIonisation/G4IhIonisation
- //
- // Particles: charged
- // Physics: EM
- // gMC ->SetProcess("LOSS",2); // ??? IONFLUCT ? energy loss
- // multiple scattering
- // G3 default value: 1
- // G4 process: G4MultipleScattering/G4IMultipleScattering
- //
- // Particles: charged
- // Physics: EM
- // gMC ->SetProcess("MULS",1); // ??? MULSOPT ? multiple scattering
- // Rayleigh scattering
- // G3 default value: 0
- // G4 process: G4OpRayleigh
- //
- // Particles: optical photon
- // Physics: Optical
- //xx gMC ->SetProcess("RAYL",1);
+ // To control energy loss fluctuation model
+ // flag = 0 Urban model
+ // flag = 1 PAI model
+ // flag = 2 PAI+ASHO model (not active at the moment)
//xx gMC ->SetProcess("STRA",1); // ??? energy fluctuation model
// synchrotron radiation in magnetic field
// Particles: ??
// Physics: Not set
+ // flag = 0 no synchrotron radiation
+ // flag = 1 synchrotron radiation
//xx gMC ->SetProcess("SYNC",1); // ??? synchrotron radiation generation
cout << "SetProcess for flag=" << &sProcessFlag[i][0] << " value=" << iProcessValue[i] << " not yet implemented!" << endl;
// Loop over number of SetCut calls
for (Int_t i=0; i<iNbOfCut; i++) {
+ // cuts used in SetProcess calls
+ if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"BCUTM",5) == 0) continue;
+ else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"BCUTE",5) == 0) continue;
+ else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"DCUTM",5) == 0) continue;
+ else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"PPCUTM",6) == 0) continue;
// gammas
// G4 particles: "gamma"
// G3 default value: 0.001 GeV
//gMC ->SetCut("CUTGAM",cut); // cut for gammas
- if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"CUTGAM",6) == 0) {
+ else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"CUTGAM",6) == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Cut for gamma";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('CUTGAM',cut);";
// G3 default value: 0.001 GeV
//gMC ->SetCut("CUTELE",cut); // cut for e+,e-
else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"CUTELE",6) == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Cut for electrons";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('CUTELE',cut);";
// G3 default value: 0.01 GeV
//gMC ->SetCut("CUTNEU",cut); // cut for neutral hadrons
else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"CUTNEU",6) == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Cut for neutral hadrons";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('CUTNEU',cut);";
// G3 default value: 0.01 GeV
//gMC ->SetCut("CUTHAD",cut); // cut for charged hadrons
else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"CUTHAD",6) == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Cut for charged hadrons";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('CUTHAD',cut);";
// G3 default value: 0.01 GeV
//gMC ->SetCut("CUTMUO",cut); // cut for mu+, mu-
else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"CUTMUO",6) == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Cut for muons";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('CUTMUO',cut);";
AliceInp << setw(10) << 11.0;
AliceInp << endl;
- // electron bremsstrahlung
- // G4 particles: "gamma"
- // G3 default value: CUTGAM=0.001 GeV
- //gMC ->SetCut("BCUTE",cut); // cut for electron bremsstrahlung
- else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"BCUTE",5) == 0) {
- AliceInp << "*Cut for electron bremsstrahlung";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('BCUTE',cut);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -fCutValue[i];
- AliceInp << setw(10) << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // photon cut-off is unchanged
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0; // ignored
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setprecision(4);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastRegion; // upper bound of the material indices in which the respective thresholds apply
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0; // step length in assigning indices
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
- // muon and hadron bremsstrahlung
- // G4 particles: "gamma"
- // G3 default value: CUTGAM=0.001 GeV
- //gMC ->SetCut("BCUTM",cut); // cut for muon and hadron bremsstrahlung ????????????
- else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"BCUTM",5) == 0) {
- AliceInp << "*Cut for muon and hadron bremsstrahlung ????????????";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('BCUTM',cut);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "PAIRBREM ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -fCutValue[i];
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0;
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
// delta-rays by electrons
// G4 particles: "e-"
// G3 default value: 10**4 GeV
- //gMC ->SetCut("DCUTE",cut); // cut for deltarays by electrons ???????????????
+ // gMC ->SetCut("DCUTE",cut); // cut for deltarays by electrons ???????????????
else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"DCUTE",5) == 0) {
- AliceInp << "*Cut for deltarays by electrons ????????????";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('DCUTE',cut);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -fCutValue[i];
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setprecision(4);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fLastRegion;
- AliceInp << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0;
+ AliceInp << "*";
AliceInp << endl;
- }
- // delta-rays by muons
- // G4 particles: "e-"
- // G3 default value: 10**4 GeV
- //gMC ->SetCut("DCUTM",cut); // cut for deltarays by muons
- else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"DCUTM",5) == 0) {
- AliceInp << "*Cut for deltarays by muons ????????????";
+ AliceInp << "*Cut for delta rays by electrons ????????????";
AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('DCUTM',cut);";
+ AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('DCUTE',cut);";
AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "DELTARAY ";
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << "EMFCUT ";
AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << fCutValue[i];
+ AliceInp << setw(10) << -fCutValue[i];
AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0;
AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0;
AliceInp << endl;
- // direct pair production by muons
- // G4 particles: "e-", "e+"
- // G3 default value: 0.01 GeV
- //gMC ->SetCut("PPCUTM",cut); // total energy cut for direct pair prod. by muons ?????????????????????????
- else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"PPCUTM",6) == 0) {
- AliceInp << "*Total energy cut for direct pair prod. by muons ????????????";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('PPCUTM',cut);";
- AliceInp << endl;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << "PAIRBREM ";
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(5);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << -fCutValue[i];
- AliceInp << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(1);
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 0.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 2.0;
- AliceInp << setw(10) << 1.0;
- AliceInp << endl;
- }
+ //
// time of flight cut in seconds
// G4 particles: all
// G3 default value: 0.01 GeV
//gMC ->SetCut("TOFMAX",tofmax); // time of flight cuts in seconds
else if (strncmp(&sCutFlag[i][0],"TOFMAX",6) == 0) {
+ AliceInp << "*";
+ AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Time of flight cuts in seconds";
AliceInp << endl;
AliceInp << "*Generated from call: SetCut('TOFMAX',tofmax);";
-// methods for step management
-// set methods
void TFluka::SetMaxStep(Double_t)
// SetMaxStep is dummy procedure in TFluka !
Bool_t TFluka::IsTrackEntering() const
// True if this is the first step of the track in the current volume
Int_t caller = GetCaller();
if (caller == 11 || caller == 4) // bxdraw entering
return 1;