]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/commitdiff
These files were moved to ANALYSIS
authorskowron <skowron@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 13:09:57 +0000 (13:09 +0000)
committerskowron <skowron@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 13:09:57 +0000 (13:09 +0000)
HBTAN/AliHBTReader.cxx [deleted file]
HBTAN/AliHBTReader.h [deleted file]
HBTAN/AliHBTReaderInternal.cxx [deleted file]
HBTAN/AliHBTReaderInternal.h [deleted file]
HBTAN/AliHBTReaderTPC.cxx [deleted file]
HBTAN/AliHBTReaderTPC.h [deleted file]
HBTAN/AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C [deleted file]

diff --git a/HBTAN/AliHBTReader.cxx b/HBTAN/AliHBTReader.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4489f65..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-#include "AliHBTReader.h"
-// class AliHBTReader
-// Reader Base class (reads particles and tracks and
-// puts it to the AliHBTRun objects
-// Provides functionality for both buffering and non-buffering reading
-// This can be switched on/off via method SetEventBuffering(bool)
-// The main method that inheriting classes need to implement is ReadNext()
-// that read next event in queue.
-// The others are:
-// Bool_t  ReadsTracks() const; specifies if reader is able to read simulated particles
-// Bool_t  ReadsParticles() const; specifies if reader is able to read reconstructed tracks
-// void    Rewind(); rewind reading to the beginning
-// reading of next event is triggered via method Next()
-// This class provides full functionality for reading from many sources
-// User can provide TObjArray of TObjString (SetDirs method or via parameter 
-// in constructor) which desribes paths of directories to search data in.
-// If none specified current directory is searched.
-// Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch
-#include <TString.h>
-#include <TObjString.h>
-#include <TObjArray.h>
-#include <TClass.h>
-#include <TRandom.h>
-#include <TH1.h>
-#include "AliHBTParticleCut.h"
-#include "AliHBTEvent.h"
-#include "AliHBTRun.h"
-//pure virtual
- fCuts(new TObjArray()),
- fDirs(0x0),
- fCurrentEvent(0),
- fCurrentDir(0),
- fNEventsRead(0),
- fTracksEvent(0x0),
- fParticlesEvent(0x0),
- fParticles(0x0),
- fTracks(0x0),
- fIsRead(kFALSE),
- fBufferEvents(kFALSE),
- fBlend(kFALSE),
- fFirst(0),
- fLast(0),
- fTrackCounter(0x0)
-AliHBTReader::AliHBTReader(TObjArray* dirs):
- fCuts(new TObjArray()),
- fDirs(dirs),
- fCurrentEvent(0),
- fCurrentDir(0),
- fNEventsRead(0),
- fTracksEvent(0x0),
- fParticlesEvent(0x0),
- fParticles(0x0),
- fTracks(0x0),
- fIsRead(kFALSE),
- fBufferEvents(kFALSE),
- fBlend(kFALSE),
- fFirst(0),
- fLast(0),
- fTrackCounter(0x0)
-//ctor with array of directories to read as parameter
-AliHBTReader::AliHBTReader(const AliHBTReader& in):
- TNamed(in),
- fCuts((in.fCuts)?(TObjArray*)in.fCuts->Clone():0x0),
- fDirs((in.fDirs)?(TObjArray*)in.fDirs->Clone():0x0),
- fCurrentEvent(0),
- fCurrentDir(0),
- fNEventsRead(0),
- fTracksEvent(0x0),
- fParticlesEvent(0x0),
- fParticles(0x0),
- fTracks(0x0),
- fIsRead(kFALSE),
- fBufferEvents(in.fBufferEvents),
- fBlend(in.fBlend),
- fFirst(in.fFirst),
- fLast(in.fLast),
- fTrackCounter(0x0)
- //cpy constructor
- if(fCuts)
-  {
-   fCuts->SetOwner();
-   delete fCuts;
-  }
- delete fParticlesEvent;
- delete fTracksEvent;
- delete fTrackCounter;
-AliHBTReader& AliHBTReader::operator=(const AliHBTReader& in)
-  //Assigment operator
- if (this == &in) return *this;  
- TNamed::operator=( (const TNamed&)in );
- fCuts = (in.fCuts)?(TObjArray*)in.fCuts->Clone():0x0;
- fDirs = (in.fDirs)?(TObjArray*)in.fDirs->Clone():0x0;
- fCurrentEvent = 0;
- fCurrentDir = 0;
- fNEventsRead = 0;
- fTracksEvent = 0x0;
- fParticlesEvent = 0x0;
- fParticles = 0x0;
- fTracks = 0x0;
- fIsRead = kFALSE;
- fBufferEvents = in.fBufferEvents;
- fBlend = in.fBlend;
- fFirst = in.fFirst;
- fLast = in.fLast;
- fTrackCounter = 0x0;
- return *this;  
-Int_t AliHBTReader::Next()
-//moves to next event
-  //if asked to read up to event nb. fLast, and it is overcome, report no more events
-  if ((fNEventsRead > fLast) && (fLast > 0) ) return kTRUE;
-  if (fTrackCounter == 0x0)//create Track Counter
-   {
-     fTrackCounter = new TH1I("trackcounter","Track Counter",20000,0,20000);
-     fTrackCounter->SetDirectory(0x0);
-   }
-  do //if asked to read from event fFirst, rewind to it
-   {
-    if ( ReadNext() == kTRUE) //if no more evets, return it
-      return kTRUE;
-   }while (fNEventsRead < fFirst);
-  //here we have event
-  if (fBlend) Blend();//Mix particles order 
-  if (fBufferEvents)//store events if buffering is on
-   {
-     if ( ReadsTracks() && fTracksEvent) 
-       fTracks->SetEvent(fNEventsRead-1-fFirst,fTracksEvent);
-     if ( ReadsParticles() && fParticlesEvent)
-       fParticles->SetEvent(fNEventsRead-1-fFirst,fParticlesEvent);
-   }
-  return kFALSE;
-void AliHBTReader::AddParticleCut(AliHBTParticleCut* cut)
- //sets the new cut 
-  if (!cut) //if cut is NULL return with error
-   {
-    Error("AddParticleType","NULL pointers are not accepted any more.\nIf You want to accept all particles of this type, set an empty cut ");
-    return;
-   }
-  AliHBTParticleCut *c = (AliHBTParticleCut*)cut->Clone();
-  fCuts->Add(c);
-AliHBTEvent* AliHBTReader::GetParticleEvent(Int_t n)
- {
- //returns Nth event with simulated particles
-  if (ReadsParticles() == kFALSE)
-   {
-     Error("GetParticleEvent","This reader is not able to provide simulated particles.");
-     return 0;
-   } 
-  if (!fIsRead) 
-   { 
-    if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun();
-    if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun();
-    if (Read(fParticles,fTracks))
-     {
-       Error("GetParticleEvent","Error in reading");
-       return 0x0;
-     }
-    else fIsRead = kTRUE;
-   }
-  return fParticles->GetEvent(n);
- }
-AliHBTEvent* AliHBTReader::GetTrackEvent(Int_t n)
- {
- //returns Nth event with reconstructed tracks
-  if (ReadsTracks() == kFALSE)
-   {
-     Error("GetTrackEvent","This reader is not able to provide recosntructed tracks.");
-     return 0;
-   } 
-  if (!fIsRead) 
-   {
-    if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun();
-    if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun();
-    if(Read(fParticles,fTracks))
-     {
-       Error("GetTrackEvent","Error in reading");
-       return 0x0;
-     }
-    else fIsRead = kTRUE;
-   }
-  return fTracks->GetEvent(n);
- }
-Int_t AliHBTReader::GetNumberOfPartEvents()
- {
- //returns number of events of particles
-  if (ReadsParticles() == kFALSE)
-   {
-     Error("GetNumberOfPartEvents","This reader is not able to provide simulated particles.");
-     return 0;
-   } 
-  if (!fIsRead) 
-   {
-    if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun();
-    if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun();
-    if (Read(fParticles,fTracks))
-     {
-       Error("GetNumberOfPartEvents","Error in reading");
-       return 0;
-     }
-    else fIsRead = kTRUE;
-   }
-   return fParticles->GetNumberOfEvents();
- }
-Int_t AliHBTReader::GetNumberOfTrackEvents()
- {
- //returns number of events of tracks
-  if (ReadsTracks() == kFALSE)
-   {
-     Error("GetNumberOfTrackEvents","This reader is not able to provide recosntructed tracks.");
-     return 0;
-   } 
-  if (!fIsRead)
-   {
-     if (ReadsParticles() && (fParticles == 0x0)) fParticles = new AliHBTRun();
-     if (ReadsTracks() && (fTracks == 0x0)) fTracks = new AliHBTRun();
-     if(Read(fParticles,fTracks))
-      {
-        Error("GetNumberOfTrackEvents","Error in reading");
-        return 0;
-      }
-     else fIsRead = kTRUE;
-   }
-  return fTracks->GetNumberOfEvents();
- }
-Int_t AliHBTReader::Read(AliHBTRun* particles, AliHBTRun *tracks)
- //reads data and puts put to the particles and tracks objects
- //reurns 0 if everything is OK
- //
-  Info("Read","");
-  if ( ReadsParticles() && (particles == 0x0) ) //check if an object is instatiated
-   {
-     Error("Read"," particles object must be instatiated before passing it to the reader");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  if ( ReadsTracks() && (tracks == 0x0) )  //check if an object is instatiated
-   {
-     Error("Read"," tracks object must be instatiated before passing it to the reader");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  if (ReadsParticles()) particles->Reset();//clear runs == delete all old events
-  if (ReadsTracks()) tracks->Reset();
-  Rewind();
-  Int_t i = 0;
-  while(Next() == kFALSE)
-   {
-     if (ReadsTracks()) tracks->SetEvent(i,fTracksEvent);
-     if (ReadsParticles()) particles->SetEvent(i,fParticlesEvent);
-     i++;
-   }
-  return 0;
-Bool_t AliHBTReader::Rejected(AliHBTParticle* p)
- //Method examines whether particle meets all cut and particle type criteria
-   if(p==0x0)//of corse we not pass NULL pointers
-    {
-     Warning("Rejected()","No Pasaran! We never accept NULL pointers");
-     return kTRUE;
-    }
-   //if no particle is specified, we pass all particles
-   //excluding NULL pointers, of course
-  if ( fCuts->GetEntriesFast() == 0 ) return kFALSE; //if no cut specified accept all particles
-  for(Int_t i=0; i<fCuts->GetEntriesFast(); i++)   
-   {
-     AliHBTParticleCut &cut = *((AliHBTParticleCut*)fCuts->At(i));
-     if(!cut.Rejected(p)) return kFALSE;  //accepted
-   }
-  return kTRUE;//not accepted
-Bool_t  AliHBTReader::Rejected(Int_t pid)
-//this method checks if any of existing cuts accepts this pid particles
-//or any cuts accepts all particles
- if(pid == 0)
-  return kTRUE;
- if ( fCuts->GetEntriesFast() == 0 ) return kFALSE; //if no cut specified accept all particles
- for(Int_t i=0; i<fCuts->GetEntriesFast(); i++)   
-   {
-     AliHBTParticleCut &cut = *((AliHBTParticleCut*)fCuts->At(i));
-     //if some of cuts accepts all particles or some accepts particles of this type, accept
-     if ( (cut.GetPID() == 0) || (cut.GetPID() == pid) ) return kFALSE; 
-   }
- return kTRUE;
-TString& AliHBTReader::GetDirName(Int_t entry)
-//returns directory name of next one to read
-  TString* retval;//return value
-  if (fDirs ==  0x0)
-   {
-     retval = new TString(".");
-     return *retval;
-   }
-  if ( (entry>fDirs->GetEntries()) || (entry<0))//if out of bounds return empty string
-   {                                            //note that entry==0 is accepted even if array is empty (size=0)
-     Error("GetDirName","Name out of bounds");
-     retval = new TString();
-     return *retval;
-   }
-  if (fDirs->GetEntries() == 0)
-   { 
-     retval = new TString(".");
-     return *retval;
-   }
-  TClass *objclass = fDirs->At(entry)->IsA();
-  TClass *stringclass = TObjString::Class();
-  TObjString *dir = (TObjString*)objclass->DynamicCast(stringclass,fDirs->At(entry));
-  if(dir == 0x0)
-   {
-     Error("GetDirName","Object in TObjArray is not a TObjString or its descendant");
-     retval = new TString();
-     return *retval;
-   }
-  if (gDebug > 0) Info("GetDirName","Returned ok %s",dir->String().Data());
-  return dir->String();
-void AliHBTReader::Blend()
-  //randomly change positions of the particles after reading
-  //is used to check if some distr depends on order of particles
-  //(tracking gives particles Pt sorted)
-  if (fParticlesEvent == 0x0) return;
-  for (Int_t i = 2; i < fParticlesEvent->GetNumberOfParticles(); i++)
-   {
-     Int_t with = gRandom->Integer(i);
-     fParticlesEvent->SwapParticles(i,with);
-     if (fTracksEvent) fTracksEvent->SwapParticles(i,with);
-   }
-void AliHBTReader::WriteTrackCounter() const
- //writes the counter histogram
- if (fTrackCounter) fTrackCounter->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
- else 
-  {
-    Warning("WriteTrackCounter","Counter is NULL");
-  }
diff --git a/HBTAN/AliHBTReader.h b/HBTAN/AliHBTReader.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7e819b7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// class AliHBTReader
-// Reader Base class (reads particles and tracks and
-// puts it to the AliHBTRun objects
-// Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch
-#include <TNamed.h>
-#include <TObjArray.h>
-class AliHBTRun;
-class AliHBTEvent;
-class AliHBTParticleCut;
-class AliHBTParticle;
-class TString;
-class TH1I;
-class AliHBTReader: public TNamed
-  public:
-    AliHBTReader();
-    AliHBTReader(TObjArray*);
-    AliHBTReader(const AliHBTReader& in);
-    virtual ~AliHBTReader();
-    AliHBTReader& operator=(const AliHBTReader& in);
-    virtual Int_t        Next();
-    virtual void         Rewind() = 0; //
-    virtual Bool_t       ReadsTracks() const = 0; //specifies if reader is able to read simulated particles
-    virtual Bool_t       ReadsParticles() const = 0;//specifies if reader is able to read reconstructed tracks
-    void                 AddParticleCut(AliHBTParticleCut* cut);
-    virtual Int_t        Read(AliHBTRun* particles, AliHBTRun *tracks);
-    virtual AliHBTEvent* GetParticleEvent() {return fParticlesEvent;}//can not be const because position randomizer overloads it
-    virtual AliHBTEvent* GetTrackEvent() {return fTracksEvent;}//
-    virtual AliHBTEvent* GetParticleEvent(Int_t n);
-    virtual AliHBTEvent* GetTrackEvent(Int_t n);
-    virtual Int_t        GetNumberOfPartEvents();
-    virtual Int_t        GetNumberOfTrackEvents();
-    void                 SetDirs(TObjArray* dirs){fDirs = dirs;} //sets array directories names
-    void                 SetEventBuffering(Bool_t flag){fBufferEvents = flag;}//switches on/off buffering - read data are kept in local buffer
-    void          SetBlend(Bool_t flag = kTRUE){fBlend=flag;} //set blending - randomizing particle order
-    virtual Int_t GetNumberOfDirs() const {return (fDirs)?fDirs->GetEntries():0;}
-    void          ReadEventsFromTo(Int_t first,Int_t last){fFirst = first; fLast = last;}
-    virtual TH1I* GetTrackCounter() const {return fTrackCounter;}
-    virtual void  WriteTrackCounter() const;
-  protected:
-    TObjArray*    fCuts;//array with particle cuts
-    TObjArray*    fDirs;//arry with directories to read data from
-    Int_t         fCurrentEvent;//!  number of current event in current directory
-    Int_t         fCurrentDir;//! number of current directory
-    Int_t         fNEventsRead;//!total 
-    AliHBTEvent*  fTracksEvent;    //! tracks read from current event
-    AliHBTEvent*  fParticlesEvent; //! particles read from current event
-    AliHBTRun*    fParticles; //!simulated particles
-    AliHBTRun*    fTracks; //!reconstructed tracks (particles)
-    Bool_t        fIsRead;//!flag indicating if the data are already read
-    Bool_t        fBufferEvents;//flag indicating if the data should be bufferred
-    Bool_t        fBlend;// flag indicating if randomly change positions of the particles after reading
-    Int_t         fFirst;//first event to return (all are before are skipped)
-    Int_t         fLast;//last
-    TH1I*         fTrackCounter; //histogram with number of tracks read
-    virtual Int_t ReadNext() = 0; //this methods reads next event and put result in fTracksEvent and/or fParticlesEvent
-    Bool_t Rejected(AliHBTParticle* p);
-    Bool_t Rejected(Int_t pid);
-    void Blend();
-    TString& GetDirName(Int_t entry);
-  private:
-    ClassDef(AliHBTReader,4)//version 2 - TNamed as parental class
-                            //version 3 - Blending added
diff --git a/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderInternal.cxx b/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderInternal.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6d9f6a5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-#include "AliHBTReaderInternal.h"
-//                                                                       //
-// class AliHBTReaderInternal                                            //
-//                                                                       //
-// Multi file reader for Internal Data Format                            //
-//                                                                       //
-// This reader reads data created by itself                              //
-//   (method AliHBTReaderInternal::Write)                                //
-// Data are stored in form of tree of TClonesArray of AliHBTParticle's   //
-//                                                                       //
-// Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch                                              //
-// more info: http://aliweb.cern.ch/people/skowron/analyzer/index.html  //
-//                                                                       //
-#include <TTree.h>
-#include <TFile.h>
-#include <TParticle.h>
-#include <TError.h>
-#include <AliRun.h>
-#include <AliMagF.h>
-#include "AliHBTRun.h"
-#include "AliHBTEvent.h"
-#include "AliHBTParticle.h"
-#include "AliHBTParticleCut.h"
- fFileName(),
- fPartBranch(0x0),
- fTrackBranch(0x0),
- fTree(0x0),
- fFile(0x0),
- fPartBuffer(0x0),
- fTrackBuffer(0x0)
-//Defalut constructor
-AliHBTReaderInternal::AliHBTReaderInternal(const char *filename):
- fFileName(filename),
- fPartBranch(0x0),
- fTrackBranch(0x0),
- fTree(0x0),
- fFile(0x0),
- fPartBuffer(0x0),
- fTrackBuffer(0x0)
-//filename - name of file to open
-AliHBTReaderInternal::AliHBTReaderInternal(TObjArray* dirs, const char *filename):
- AliHBTReader(dirs),
- fFileName(filename),
- fPartBranch(0x0),
- fTrackBranch(0x0),
- fTree(0x0),
- fFile(0x0),
- fPartBuffer(0x0),
- fTrackBuffer(0x0)
-//dirs contains strings with directories to look data in
-//filename - name of file to open
-AliHBTReaderInternal::AliHBTReaderInternal(const AliHBTReaderInternal& in):
- AliHBTReader(in),
- fFileName(in.fFileName),
- fPartBranch(0x0),
- fTrackBranch(0x0),
- fTree(0x0),
- fFile(0x0),
- fPartBuffer(0x0),
- fTrackBuffer(0x0)
-  //cpy constructor
-AliHBTReaderInternal& AliHBTReaderInternal::operator=(const AliHBTReaderInternal& in)
-  //Assigment operator
-  if (this == &in) return *this;
-  Rewind();//close current session
-  AliHBTReader::operator=((const AliHBTReader&)in);
-  fFileName = in.fFileName;
-  return *this;
- {
- //desctructor
-   delete fTree;
-   delete fFile;
- }
-void AliHBTReaderInternal::Rewind()
-  delete fTree;
-  fTree = 0x0;
-  delete fFile;
-  fFile = 0x0;
-  fCurrentDir = 0;
-  fNEventsRead= 0;
-Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::ReadNext()
- {
- //reads data and puts put to the particles and tracks objects
- //reurns 0 if everything is OK
- //
-  Info("ReadNext","");
-  Int_t i; //iterator and some temprary values
-  Int_t counter;
-  AliHBTParticle* tpart = 0x0, *ttrack = 0x0;
-  TDatabasePDG* pdgdb = TDatabasePDG::Instance();  
-  if (pdgdb == 0x0)
-   {
-     Error("ReadNext","Can not get PDG Particles Data Base");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  if (fParticlesEvent == 0x0)  fParticlesEvent = new AliHBTEvent();
-  if (fTracksEvent == 0x0)  fTracksEvent = new AliHBTEvent();
-  fParticlesEvent->Reset();
-  fTracksEvent->Reset();
-  do  //do{}while; is OK even if 0 dirs specified. In that case we try to read from "./"
-   {
-    if (fTree == 0x0)
-     if( (i=OpenNextFile()) )
-      {
-        Error("ReadNext","Skipping directory due to problems with opening files. Errorcode %d",i);
-        fCurrentDir++;
-        continue;
-      }
-    if (fCurrentEvent == (Int_t)fTree->GetEntries())
-     {
-       delete fTree;
-       fTree = 0x0;
-       delete fFile;
-       fFile = 0x0;
-       fPartBranch = 0x0;
-       fTrackBranch= 0x0;
-       fCurrentDir++;
-       continue;
-     }
-   /***************************/
-   /***************************/
-   /***************************/
-    Info("ReadNext","Event %d",fCurrentEvent);
-    fTree->GetEvent(fCurrentEvent);
-    counter = 0;  
-    if (fPartBranch && fTrackBranch)
-     {
-       Info("ReadNext","Found %d tracks in total.",fTrackBuffer->GetEntries());        
-       Info("ReadNext","Found %d particles in total.",fPartBuffer->GetEntries());
-       for(i = 0; i < fPartBuffer->GetEntries(); i++)
-         {
-           tpart = dynamic_cast<AliHBTParticle*>(fPartBuffer->At(i));
-           ttrack =  dynamic_cast<AliHBTParticle*>(fTrackBuffer->At(i));
-           if( tpart == 0x0 ) continue; //if returned pointer is NULL
-           if( ttrack == 0x0 ) continue; //if returned pointer is NULL
-           if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug() > 9)
-            {
-              Info("ReadNext","Particle:");
-              tpart->Print();
-              Info("ReadNext","Track:");
-              ttrack->Print();
-            }
-           if (ttrack->GetUID() != tpart->GetUID())
-             {
-               Error("ReadNext","Sth. is wrong: Track and Particle has different UID.");
-               Error("ReadNext","They probobly do not correspond to each other.");
-             }
-           for (Int_t s = 0; s < ttrack->GetNumberOfPids(); s++)
-            {
-              //check if we are intersted with particles of this type
-              //if not take next partilce
-              if( Rejected(ttrack->GetNthPid(s)) ) 
-               {
-                 if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug() > 9)
-                  Info("ReadNext","Track Incarnation %d did not pass PID cut.",ttrack->GetNthPid(s));
-                 continue; 
-               }
-              TParticlePDG* pdgp = pdgdb->GetParticle(ttrack->GetNthPid(s));
-              if (pdgp == 0x0)//PDG part corresponding to new incarnation
-               {
-                 Error("ReadNext","Particle code unknown to PDG DB.");
-                 continue;
-               }
-              AliHBTParticle* track = new AliHBTParticle(*ttrack);
-              //apart of setting PDG code of an incarnation
-              //it is necessary tu recalculate energy on the basis of
-              //new PDG code (mass) hypothesis
-              Double_t mass = pdgp->Mass();//mass of new incarnation
-              Double_t tEtot = TMath::Sqrt( ttrack->Px()*ttrack->Px() + 
-                                            ttrack->Py()*ttrack->Py() + 
-                                            ttrack->Pz()*ttrack->Pz() + 
-                                            mass*mass);//total energy of the new incarnation
-              //update Energy and Calc Mass 
-              track->SetMomentum(ttrack->Px(),ttrack->Py(),ttrack->Pz(),tEtot);
-              track->SetCalcMass(mass);
-              track->SetPdgCode(ttrack->GetNthPid(s),ttrack->GetNthPidProb(s));
-              if( Rejected(track) )
-                {
-                  if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug() > 9)
-                   Info("ReadNext","Track Incarnation %d did not pass cut.",ttrack->GetNthPid(s));
-                  delete track;
-                  continue; 
-                }
-              AliHBTParticle* part = new AliHBTParticle(*tpart);//particle has only 1 incarnation (real)
-              fParticlesEvent->AddParticle(part);
-              fTracksEvent->AddParticle(track);
-              counter++;
-            }
-         }
-        Info("ReadNext","   Read: %d particles and tracks.",counter);
-    }
-   else
-    {  
-     if (fPartBranch)
-      {
-        Info("ReadNext","Found %d particles in total.",fPartBuffer->GetEntries());     
-        for(i = 0; i < fPartBuffer->GetEntries(); i++)
-         { 
-           tpart = dynamic_cast<AliHBTParticle*>(fPartBuffer->At(i));
-           if(tpart == 0x0) continue; //if returned pointer is NULL
-           for (Int_t s = 0; s < tpart->GetNumberOfPids(); s++)
-            {
-              if( pdgdb->GetParticle(tpart->GetNthPid(s)) == 0x0 ) continue; //if particle has crazy PDG code (not known to our database)
-              if( Rejected(tpart->GetNthPid(s)) ) continue; //check if we are intersted with particles of this type
-              AliHBTParticle* part = new AliHBTParticle(*tpart);
-              part->SetPdgCode(tpart->GetNthPid(s),tpart->GetNthPidProb(s));
-              if( Rejected(part) )
-                {
-                  delete part;
-                  continue; 
-                }
-              fParticlesEvent->AddParticle(part);
-              counter++;
-            }
-         }
-        Info("ReadNext","   Read: %d particles.",counter);
-      }
-     else Info("ReadNext","   Read: 0 particles.");
-     if (fTrackBranch)
-      {
-        Info("ReadNext","Found %d tracks in total.",fTrackBuffer->GetEntries());       
-        for(i = 0; i < fTrackBuffer->GetEntries(); i++)
-         {
-           ttrack =  dynamic_cast<AliHBTParticle*>(fTrackBuffer->At(i));
-           if( ttrack == 0x0 ) continue; //if returned pointer is NULL
-           for (Int_t s = 0; s < ttrack->GetNumberOfPids(); s++)
-            {
-              if( Rejected(ttrack->GetNthPid(s)) ) continue; //check if we are intersted with particles of this type
-                                                         //if not take next partilce
-              TParticlePDG* pdgp = pdgdb->GetParticle(ttrack->GetNthPid(s));
-              if (pdgp == 0x0)//PDG part corresponding to new incarnation
-               {
-                 Error("ReadNext","Particle code unknown to PDG DB.");
-                 continue;
-               }
-              AliHBTParticle* track = new AliHBTParticle(*ttrack);
-              //apart of setting PDG code of an incarnation
-              //it is necessary tu recalculate energy on the basis of
-              //new PDG code (mass) hypothesis
-              Double_t mass = pdgp->Mass();//mass of new incarnation
-              Double_t tEtot = TMath::Sqrt( ttrack->Px()*ttrack->Px() + 
-                                            ttrack->Py()*ttrack->Py() + 
-                                            ttrack->Pz()*ttrack->Pz() + 
-                                            mass*mass);//total energy of the new incarnation
-              //update Energy and Calc Mass 
-              track->SetMomentum(ttrack->Px(),ttrack->Py(),ttrack->Pz(),tEtot);
-              track->SetCalcMass(mass);
-              track->SetPdgCode(ttrack->GetNthPid(s),ttrack->GetNthPidProb(s));
-              if( Rejected(track) )
-                {
-                  delete track;
-                  continue; 
-                }
-              fTracksEvent->AddParticle(track);
-              counter++;
-            }
-         }
-        Info("ReadNext","   Read: %d tracks",counter);
-      }
-     else Info("ReadNext","   Read: 0 tracks.");
-    }
-    if (fPartBuffer) fPartBuffer->Delete();
-    if (fTrackBuffer) fTrackBuffer->Delete();
-    fCurrentEvent++;
-    fNEventsRead++;
-    return 0;
-   }while(fCurrentDir < GetNumberOfDirs());
-  return 1;//no more directories to read
-Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::OpenNextFile()
-  //open file in current directory
-   const TString& dirname = GetDirName(fCurrentDir);
-   if (dirname == "")
-    {
-      Error("OpenNextFile","Can not get directory name");
-      return 4;
-    }
-   TString filename = dirname +"/"+ fFileName;
-   fFile = TFile::Open(filename.Data());
-   if ( fFile  == 0x0 ) 
-     {
-       Error("OpenNextFile","Can't open file named %s",filename.Data());
-       return 1;
-     }
-   if (fFile->IsOpen() == kFALSE)
-     {
-       Error("OpenNextFile","Can't open filenamed %s",filename.Data());
-       return 1;
-     }
-   fTree = (TTree*)fFile->Get("data");
-   if (fTree == 0x0)
-    {
-     Error("OpenNextFile","Can not get the tree.");
-     return 1;
-    }
-   fTrackBranch = fTree->GetBranch("tracks");//get the branch with tracks
-   if (fTrackBranch == 0x0) ////check if we got the branch
-     {//if not return with error
-       Info("OpenNextFile","Can't find a branch with tracks !\n"); 
-     }
-   else
-    {
-      if (fTrackBuffer == 0x0)
-        fTrackBuffer = new TClonesArray("AliHBTParticle",15000);
-      fTrackBranch->SetAddress(&fTrackBuffer);
-    }
-   fPartBranch = fTree->GetBranch("particles");//get the branch with particles
-   if (fPartBranch == 0x0) ////check if we got the branch
-     {//if not return with error
-       Info("OpenNextFile","Can't find a branch with particles !\n"); 
-     }
-   else
-    {
-      if (fPartBuffer == 0x0)
-        fPartBuffer = new TClonesArray("AliHBTParticle",15000);
-      fPartBranch->SetAddress(&fPartBuffer);
-    }
-   Info("OpenNextFile","________________________________________________________");
-   Info("OpenNextFile","Found %d event(s) in directory %s",
-         (Int_t)fTree->GetEntries(),GetDirName(fCurrentDir).Data());
-   fCurrentEvent = 0;
-   return 0; 
-Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::Write(AliHBTReader* reader,const char* outfile, Bool_t multcheck)
- {
-  //reads tracks from reader and writes runs to file
-  //reader - provides data for writing in internal format
-  //name of output file
-  //multcheck - switches of checking if particle was stored with other incarnation
-  // usefull e.g. when using kine data, where all particles have 100% pid prob.and saves a lot of time
-  Int_t i,j;
-  ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","________________________________________________________");
-  ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","________________________________________________________");
-  ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","________________________________________________________");
-  TFile *histoOutput = TFile::Open(outfile,"recreate");
-  if (!histoOutput->IsOpen())
-   {
-     ::Error("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","File is not opened");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  TTree *tracktree = new TTree("data","Tree with tracks");
-  TClonesArray* pbuffer = new TClonesArray("AliHBTParticle",15000);
-  TClonesArray* tbuffer = new TClonesArray("AliHBTParticle",15000);
-  TClonesArray &particles = *pbuffer;
-  TClonesArray &tracks = *tbuffer;
-  TString name("Tracks");
-  Int_t nt = reader->GetNumberOfTrackEvents();
-  Int_t np = reader->GetNumberOfPartEvents();
-  if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug() > 0)
-   ::Info("Write","Reader has %d track events and %d particles events.",nt,np);
-  Bool_t trck = (nt > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
-  Bool_t part = (np > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
-  TBranch *trackbranch = 0x0, *partbranch = 0x0;
-  if (trck) trackbranch = tracktree->Branch("tracks",&tbuffer,32000,0);
-  if (part) partbranch = tracktree->Branch("particles",&pbuffer,32000,0);
-  if ( (trck) && (part) && (np != nt))
-   {
-     ::Warning("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","Number of track and particle events is different");
-   }
-  Int_t n;
-  if (nt >= np ) n = nt; else n = np;
-  if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug() > 0)
-   ::Info("Write","Will loop over %d events",n);
-  for ( i =0;i< n; i++)
-    {
-      ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","Event %d",i+1);
-      Int_t counter = 0;
-      if (trck && (i<=nt))
-       { 
-         AliHBTEvent* trackev = reader->GetTrackEvent(i);
-         for ( j = 0; j< trackev->GetNumberOfParticles();j++)
-          {
-            const AliHBTParticle& t = *(trackev->GetParticle(j));
-            if (multcheck)
-             {
-              if (FindIndex(tbuffer,t.GetUID())) 
-               {
-                 if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug()>4)
-                  { 
-                   ::Info("Write","Track with Event UID %d already stored",t.GetUID());
-                  }
-                 continue; //not to write the same particles with other incarnations
-               }
-             }
-            new (tracks[counter++]) AliHBTParticle(t);
-          }
-         ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","    Tracks: %d",tracks.GetEntries());
-       }else ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","NO TRACKS");
-      counter = 0;
-      if (part && (i<=np))
-       {
-//        ::Warning("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","Find index switched off!!!");
-        AliHBTEvent* partev = reader->GetParticleEvent(i);
-        for ( j = 0; j< partev->GetNumberOfParticles();j++)
-         {
-           const AliHBTParticle& part= *(partev->GetParticle(j));
-            if (multcheck)
-             {
-              if (FindIndex(pbuffer,part.GetUID())) 
-               {
-                 if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug()>4)
-                  { 
-                   ::Info("Write","Particle with Event UID %d already stored",part.GetUID());
-                  }
-                 continue; //not to write the same particles with other incarnations
-               }
-             } 
-           new (particles[counter++]) AliHBTParticle(part);
-         }
-         ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","    Particles: %d",particles.GetEntries());
-       }else ::Info("AliHBTReaderInternal::Write","NO PARTICLES");
-      histoOutput->cd();
-      tracktree->Fill();
-      tracktree->AutoSave();
-      tbuffer->Delete();
-      pbuffer->Delete();
-     }
-  histoOutput->cd();
-  tracktree->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
-  delete tracktree;
-  tbuffer->SetOwner();
-  pbuffer->SetOwner();
-  delete pbuffer;
-  delete tbuffer;
-  histoOutput->Close();
-  return 0;
- }
-Bool_t AliHBTReaderInternal::FindIndex(TClonesArray* arr,Int_t idx)
-//Checks if in the array exists already partilce with Unique ID idx
-  if (arr == 0x0)
-   {
-     ::Error("FindIndex","Array is 0x0");
-     return kTRUE;
-   }
-  TIter next(arr);
-  AliHBTParticle* p;
-  while (( p = (AliHBTParticle*)next()))
-   {
-     if (p->GetUID() == idx) return kTRUE;
-   }
-  return kFALSE;
diff --git a/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderInternal.h b/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderInternal.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 14bdf14..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-//                                                                       //
-// class AliHBTReaderInternal                                            //
-//                                                                       //
-// Multi file reader for Internal Data Format                            //
-//                                                                       //
-// This reader reads data created by itself                              //
-//   (method AliHBTReaderInternal::Write)                                //
-//                                                                       //
-// Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch                                              //
-// more info: http://alisoft.cern.ch/people/skowron/analyzer/index.html  //
-//                                                                       //
-#include "AliHBTReader.h"
-#include <TString.h>
-class TFile;
-class TTree;
-class TBranch;
-class TClonesArray;
-class AliHBTReaderInternal: public AliHBTReader
-  public:
-    AliHBTReaderInternal();
-    AliHBTReaderInternal(const char *filename);
-    AliHBTReaderInternal(TObjArray* dirs, const char *filename);
-    AliHBTReaderInternal(const AliHBTReaderInternal& in);
-    virtual ~AliHBTReaderInternal();
-    AliHBTReaderInternal& operator=(const AliHBTReaderInternal& in);
-    void          Rewind();
-    Bool_t        ReadsTracks() const {return kTRUE;}
-    Bool_t        ReadsParticles() const {return kTRUE;}
-    static Int_t Write(AliHBTReader* reader,const char* outfile = "data.root", Bool_t multcheck = kFALSE);//reads tracks from runs and writes them to file
-  protected:
-    TString       fFileName;//name of the file with tracks
-    TBranch*      fPartBranch;//!branch with particles
-    TBranch*      fTrackBranch;//!branch with tracks
-    TTree*        fTree;//!tree
-    TFile*        fFile;//!file
-    TClonesArray* fPartBuffer;//!buffer array that tree is read to
-    TClonesArray* fTrackBuffer;//!
-    Int_t         ReadNext();//reads next event
-    Int_t         OpenNextFile();//opens file to be read for given event 
-    static Bool_t FindIndex(TClonesArray* arr,Int_t idx);
-    ClassDef(AliHBTReaderInternal,2)
diff --git a/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderTPC.cxx b/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderTPC.cxx
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d4c8e6b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-#include "AliHBTReaderTPC.h"
-// class AliHBTReaderTPC
-// reader for TPC tracks
-// needs galice.root
-// just to shut up coding conventions checker
-// more info: http://aliweb.cern.ch/people/skowron/analyzer/index.html
-// Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch
-#include <TTree.h>
-#include <TParticle.h>
-#include <TH1.h>
-#include <AliRun.h>
-#include <AliLoader.h>
-#include <AliStack.h>
-#include <AliMagF.h>
-#include <AliTPCtrack.h>
-#include <AliTPCLoader.h>
-#include "AliHBTEvent.h"
-#include "AliHBTParticle.h"
-#include "AliHBTTrackPoints.h"
-#include "AliHBTClusterMap.h"
- fFileName("galice.root"),
- fRunLoader(0x0),
- fTPCLoader(0x0),
- fMagneticField(0.0),
- fUseMagFFromRun(kTRUE),
- fNTrackPoints(0),
- fdR(0.0),
- fClusterMap(kFALSE),
- fNClustMin(0),
- fNClustMax(150),
- fNChi2PerClustMin(0.0),
- fNChi2PerClustMax(10e5),
- fC00Min(0.0),
- fC00Max(10e5),
- fC11Min(0.0),
- fC11Max(10e5),
- fC22Min(0.0),
- fC22Max(10e5),
- fC33Min(0.0),
- fC33Max(10e5),
- fC44Min(0.0),
- fC44Max(10e5)
-  //constructor
-AliHBTReaderTPC::AliHBTReaderTPC(const Char_t* galicefilename):
- fFileName(galicefilename),
- fRunLoader(0x0),
- fTPCLoader(0x0),
- fMagneticField(0.0),
- fUseMagFFromRun(kTRUE),
- fNTrackPoints(0),
- fdR(0.0),
- fNClustMin(0),
- fNClustMax(150),
- fNChi2PerClustMin(0.0),
- fNChi2PerClustMax(10e5),
- fC00Min(0.0),
- fC00Max(10e5),
- fC11Min(0.0),
- fC11Max(10e5),
- fC22Min(0.0),
- fC22Max(10e5),
- fC33Min(0.0),
- fC33Max(10e5),
- fC44Min(0.0),
- fC44Max(10e5)
-  //constructor, 
-  //Defaults:
-AliHBTReaderTPC::AliHBTReaderTPC(TObjArray* dirs, const Char_t* galicefilename):
- AliHBTReader(dirs), 
- fFileName(galicefilename),
- fRunLoader(0x0),
- fTPCLoader(0x0),
- fMagneticField(0.0),
- fUseMagFFromRun(kTRUE),
- fNTrackPoints(0),
- fdR(0.0),
- fClusterMap(kFALSE),
- fNClustMin(0),
- fNClustMax(150),
- fNChi2PerClustMin(0.0),
- fNChi2PerClustMax(10e5),
- fC00Min(0.0),
- fC00Max(10e5),
- fC11Min(0.0),
- fC11Max(10e5),
- fC22Min(0.0),
- fC22Max(10e5),
- fC33Min(0.0),
- fC33Max(10e5),
- fC44Min(0.0),
- fC44Max(10e5)
-  //constructor, 
-  //Defaults:
-  //  galicefilename = ""  - this means: Do not open gAlice file - 
-  //                         just leave the global pointer untached
-AliHBTReaderTPC::AliHBTReaderTPC(const AliHBTReaderTPC& in):
- AliHBTReader(in),
- fFileName(in.fFileName),
- fRunLoader(0x0),
- fTPCLoader(0x0),
- fMagneticField(in.fMagneticField),
- fUseMagFFromRun(in.fUseMagFFromRun),
- fNTrackPoints(in.fNTrackPoints),
- fdR(in.fdR),
- fNClustMin(in.fNClustMin),
- fNClustMax(in.fNClustMax),
- fNChi2PerClustMin(in.fNChi2PerClustMin),
- fNChi2PerClustMax(in.fNChi2PerClustMax),
- fC00Min(in.fC00Min),
- fC00Max(in.fC00Max),
- fC11Min(in.fC11Min),
- fC11Max(in.fC11Max),
- fC22Min(in.fC22Min),
- fC22Max(in.fC22Max),
- fC33Min(in.fC33Min),
- fC33Max(in.fC33Max),
- fC44Min(in.fC44Min),
- fC44Max(in.fC44Max)
-  //cpy constructor, 
- //desctructor
-   if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug()) 
-    {
-      Info("~AliHBTReaderTPC","deleting Run Loader");
-      AliLoader::SetDebug(AliHBTParticle::GetDebug());
-    }
-   delete fRunLoader;
-   if (AliHBTParticle::GetDebug()) 
-    {
-      Info("~AliHBTReaderTPC","deleting Run Loader Done");
-    }
-AliHBTReaderTPC& AliHBTReaderTPC::operator=(const AliHBTReaderTPC& in)
-//Assigment operator
- delete fRunLoader;
- fFileName = in.fFileName;
- fRunLoader = 0x0;
- fTPCLoader = 0x0;
- fMagneticField = in.fMagneticField;
- fUseMagFFromRun = in.fUseMagFFromRun;
- fNTrackPoints = in.fNTrackPoints;
- fdR = in.fdR;
- fNClustMin = in.fNClustMin;
- fNClustMax = in.fNClustMax;
- fNChi2PerClustMin = in.fNChi2PerClustMin;
- fNChi2PerClustMax = in.fNChi2PerClustMax;
- fC00Min = in.fC00Min;
- fC00Max = in.fC00Max;
- fC11Min = in.fC11Min;
- fC11Max = in.fC11Max;
- fC22Min = in.fC22Min;
- fC22Max = in.fC22Max;
- fC33Min = in.fC33Min;
- fC33Max = in.fC33Max;
- fC44Min = in.fC44Min;
- fC44Max = in.fC44Max;
- return *this; 
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::Rewind()
-//Rewind reading to the beginning
-  delete fRunLoader;
-  fRunLoader = 0x0;
-  fCurrentDir = 0;
-  fNEventsRead= 0;
-  if (fTrackCounter) fTrackCounter->Reset();
-Int_t AliHBTReaderTPC::ReadNext()
- {
- //reads data and puts put to the particles and tracks objects
- //reurns 0 if everything is OK
- //
-  Info("Read","");
-  TObjArray *tarray = new TObjArray(5000); //cotainer for tpc tracks
-  tarray->SetOwner(); //set the ownership of the objects it contains
-                      //when array is is deleted or cleared all objects 
-                      //that it contains are deleted
-  if (fParticlesEvent == 0x0)  fParticlesEvent = new AliHBTEvent();
-  if (fTracksEvent == 0x0)  fTracksEvent = new AliHBTEvent();
-  fParticlesEvent->Reset();
-  fTracksEvent->Reset();
-  do  //do{}while; is OK even if 0 dirs specified. In that case we try to read from "./"
-   {
-    if (fRunLoader == 0x0) 
-      if (OpenNextSession()) continue;//directory counter is increased inside in case of error
-    if (fCurrentEvent == fRunLoader->GetNumberOfEvents())
-     {
-       //read next directory
-       delete fRunLoader;//close current session
-       fRunLoader = 0x0;//assure pointer is null
-       fCurrentDir++;//go to next dir
-       continue;//directory counter is increased inside in case of error
-     }
-    Info("ReadNext","Reading Event %d",fCurrentEvent);
-    fRunLoader->GetEvent(fCurrentEvent);
-    TTree *tracktree = fTPCLoader->TreeT();//get the tree 
-    if (!tracktree) //check if we got the tree
-      {//if not return with error
-         Error("ReadNext","Can't get a tree with TPC tracks !\n"); 
-         fCurrentEvent++;//go to next dir
-         continue;
-      }
-    TBranch *trackbranch=tracktree->GetBranch("tracks");//get the branch with tracks
-    if (!trackbranch) ////check if we got the branch
-      {//if not return with error
-        Error("ReadNext","Can't get a branch with TPC tracks !\n"); 
-        fCurrentEvent++;//go to next dir
-        continue;
-      }
-    Int_t ntpctracks=(Int_t)tracktree->GetEntries();//get number of TPC tracks 
-    Info("ReadNext","Found %d TPC tracks.",ntpctracks);
-    //Copy tracks to array
-    AliTPCtrack *iotrack=0;
-    for (Int_t i=0; i<ntpctracks; i++) //loop over all tpc tracks
-     {
-       iotrack=new AliTPCtrack;   //create new tracks
-       trackbranch->SetAddress(&iotrack); //tell the branch ehere to put track data from tree(file)
-       tracktree->GetEvent(i); //stream track i to the iotrack
-       tarray->AddLast(iotrack); //put the track in the array
-     }
-    Double_t xk;
-    Double_t par[5];
-    Float_t phi, lam, pt;//angles and transverse momentum
-    Int_t label; //label of the current track
-    AliStack* stack = fRunLoader->Stack();
-    if (stack == 0x0)
-     {
-       Error("ReadNext","Can not get stack for current event",fCurrentEvent);
-       fCurrentEvent++;
-       continue;
-     }
-    stack->Particles();
-    for (Int_t i=0; i<ntpctracks; i++) //loop over all good tracks
-     { 
-       iotrack = (AliTPCtrack*)tarray->At(i);
-       label = iotrack->GetLabel();
-       if (label < 0) continue;
-       if (CheckTrack(iotrack)) continue;//Checks the cuts on track parameters cov. mtx etc
-       TParticle *p = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(label);
-       if(p == 0x0) continue; //if returned pointer is NULL
-       if(p->GetPDG() == 0x0) continue; //if particle has crezy PDG code (not known to our database)
-       if(Rejected(p->GetPdgCode())) continue; //check if we are intersted with particles of this type 
-                                   //if not take next partilce
-       AliHBTParticle* part = new AliHBTParticle(*p,i);
-       if(Rejected(part)) { delete part; continue;}//check if meets all criteria of any of our cuts
-                                               //if it does not delete it and take next good track
-//       iotrack->PropagateTo(3.,0.0028,65.19);
-//       iotrack->PropagateToVertex(36.66,1.2e-3);//orig
-       iotrack->PropagateToVertex(50.,0.0353);
-       iotrack->GetExternalParameters(xk,par);     //get properties of the track
-       phi=TMath::ASin(par[2]) + iotrack->GetAlpha(); 
-       if (phi<-TMath::Pi()) phi+=2*TMath::Pi();
-       if (phi>=TMath::Pi()) phi-=2*TMath::Pi();
-       lam=par[3]; 
-       pt=1.0/TMath::Abs(par[4]);
-       Double_t tpx = pt * TMath::Cos(phi); //track x coordinate of momentum
-       Double_t tpy = pt * TMath::Sin(phi); //track y coordinate of momentum
-       Double_t tpz = pt * lam; //track z coordinate of momentum
-       Double_t mass = p->GetMass();
-       Double_t tEtot = TMath::Sqrt( tpx*tpx + tpy*tpy + tpz*tpz + mass*mass);//total energy of the track
-       AliHBTParticle* track = new AliHBTParticle(p->GetPdgCode(),i, tpx, tpy , tpz, tEtot, 0., 0., 0., 0.);
-       if(Rejected(track))//check if meets all criteria of any of our cuts
-                    //if it does not delete it and take next good track
-        { 
-          delete track;
-          delete part;
-          continue;
-        }
-       if (fNTrackPoints > 0) 
-        {
-          AliHBTTrackPoints* tpts = new AliHBTTrackPoints(fNTrackPoints,iotrack,fdR);
-          track->SetTrackPoints(tpts);
-        }
-       if (  fClusterMap ) 
-        {
-          AliHBTClusterMap* cmap = new AliHBTClusterMap(iotrack);
-          track->SetClusterMap(cmap);
-        }
-       fParticlesEvent->AddParticle(part);
-       fTracksEvent->AddParticle(track);
-      }
-    Info("ReadNext","Read %d tracks and %d particles from event %d (event %d in dir %d).",
-            fParticlesEvent->GetNumberOfParticles(), fTracksEvent->GetNumberOfParticles(),
-            fNEventsRead,fCurrentEvent,fCurrentDir);
-    fTrackCounter->Fill(fTracksEvent->GetNumberOfParticles());
-    fCurrentEvent++;
-    fNEventsRead++;
-    delete tarray;
-    return 0;
-   }while(fCurrentDir < GetNumberOfDirs());
-  delete tarray;
-  return 1;
- }
-Int_t AliHBTReaderTPC::OpenNextSession()
-//Opens session thats from fCurrentDir 
-  TString filename = GetDirName(fCurrentDir);
-  if (filename.IsNull())
-   {
-     DoOpenError("Can not get directory name");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  filename = filename +"/"+ fFileName;
-  fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open(filename,AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName());
-  if( fRunLoader == 0x0)
-   {
-     DoOpenError("Can not open session.");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  fRunLoader->LoadHeader();
-  if (fRunLoader->GetNumberOfEvents() <= 0)
-   {
-     DoOpenError("There is no events in this directory.");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  if (fRunLoader->LoadKinematics())
-   {
-     DoOpenError("Error occured while loading kinematics.");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  fTPCLoader = (AliTPCLoader*)fRunLoader->GetLoader("TPCLoader");
-  if ( fTPCLoader == 0x0)
-   {
-     DoOpenError("Exiting due to problems with opening files.");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  Info("OpenNextSession","________________________________________________________");
-  Info("OpenNextSession","Found %d event(s) in directory %s",
-        fRunLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(),GetDirName(fCurrentDir).Data());
-  Float_t mf;
-  if (fUseMagFFromRun)
-   {
-     fRunLoader->LoadgAlice();
-     mf = fRunLoader->GetAliRun()->Field()->SolenoidField();
-     Info("OpenNextSession","Setting Magnetic Field from run: B=%fT",mf/10.);
-     fRunLoader->UnloadgAlice();
-   }
-  else
-   {
-     Info("OpenNextSession","Setting Own Magnetic Field: B=%fT",fMagneticField);
-     if (fMagneticField == 0x0)
-      {
-        Fatal("OpenNextSession","Magnetic field can not be 0.");
-        return 1;//pro forma
-      }
-     mf = fMagneticField*10.;
-   }
-  AliKalmanTrack::SetConvConst(1000/0.299792458/mf);
-  if (fTPCLoader->LoadTracks())
-   {
-     DoOpenError("Error occured while loading TPC tracks.");
-     return 1;
-   }
-  fCurrentEvent = 0;
-  return 0;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::DoOpenError( const char *va_(fmt), ...)
-  // Does error display and clean-up in case error caught on Open Next Session
-   va_list ap;
-   va_start(ap,va_(fmt));
-   Error("OpenNextSession", va_(fmt), ap);
-   va_end(ap);
-   delete fRunLoader;
-   fRunLoader = 0x0;
-   fTPCLoader = 0x0;
-   fCurrentDir++;
-Bool_t AliHBTReaderTPC::CheckTrack(AliTPCtrack* t) const
-  //Performs check of the track
-  if ( (t->GetNumberOfClusters() > fNClustMax) || (t->GetNumberOfClusters() < fNClustMin) ) return kTRUE;
-  Float_t chisqpercl = t->GetChi2()/((Double_t)t->GetNumberOfClusters());
-  if ( (chisqpercl < fNChi2PerClustMin) || (chisqpercl > fNChi2PerClustMax) ) return kTRUE;
-  Double_t cc[15];
-  t->GetExternalCovariance(cc);
-  if ( (cc[0]  < fC00Min) || (cc[0]  > fC00Max) ) return kTRUE;
-  if ( (cc[2]  < fC11Min) || (cc[2]  > fC11Max) ) return kTRUE;
-  if ( (cc[5]  < fC22Min) || (cc[5]  > fC22Max) ) return kTRUE;
-  if ( (cc[9]  < fC33Min) || (cc[9]  > fC33Max) ) return kTRUE;
-  if ( (cc[14] < fC44Min) || (cc[14] > fC44Max) ) return kTRUE;
-  return kFALSE;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::SetNClustersRange(Int_t min,Int_t max)
- //sets range of Number Of Clusters that tracks have to have
- fNClustMin = min;
- fNClustMax = max;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::SetChi2PerCluserRange(Float_t min, Float_t max)
-  //sets range of Chi2 per Cluster
-  fNChi2PerClustMin = min;
-  fNChi2PerClustMax = max;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::SetC00Range(Float_t min, Float_t max)
- //Sets range of C00 parameter of covariance matrix of the track
- //it defines uncertainty of the momentum
-  fC00Min = min;
-  fC00Max = max;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::SetC11Range(Float_t min, Float_t max)
- //Sets range of C11 parameter of covariance matrix of the track
- //it defines uncertainty of the momentum
-  fC11Min = min;
-  fC11Max = max;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::SetC22Range(Float_t min, Float_t max)
- //Sets range of C22 parameter of covariance matrix of the track
- //it defines uncertainty of the momentum
-  fC22Min = min;
-  fC22Max = max;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::SetC33Range(Float_t min, Float_t max)
- //Sets range of C33 parameter of covariance matrix of the track
- //it defines uncertainty of the momentum
-  fC33Min = min;
-  fC33Max = max;
-void AliHBTReaderTPC::SetC44Range(Float_t min, Float_t max)
- //Sets range of C44 parameter of covariance matrix of the track
- //it defines uncertainty of the momentum
-  fC44Min = min;
-  fC44Max = max;
-void (AliTPCtrack* iotrack, Double_t curv)
-  Double_t x[5];
-  iotrack->GetExternalPara
-  //xk is a 
-  Double_t fP4=iotrack->GetC();
-  Double_t fP2=iotrack->GetEta();
-  Double_t x1=fX, x2=x1+(xk-x1), dx=x2-x1, y1=fP0, z1=fP1;
-  Double_t c1=fP4*x1 - fP2, r1=sqrt(1.- c1*c1);
-  Double_t c2=fP4*x2 - fP2, r2=sqrt(1.- c2*c2);
-  fP0 += dx*(c1+c2)/(r1+r2);
-  fP1 += dx*(c1+c2)/(c1*r2 + c2*r1)*fP3;
diff --git a/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderTPC.h b/HBTAN/AliHBTReaderTPC.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7680b99..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef AliHBTReaderTPC_H
-#define AliHBTReaderTPC_H
-// class AliHBTReaderTPC
-// reader for TPC tracks
-// needs galice.root
-// more info: http://aliweb.cern.ch/people/skowron/analyzer/index.html
-// Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch
-#include "AliHBTReader.h"
-#include <TString.h>
-class TFile;
-class TArrayF;
-class AliRunLoader;
-class AliTPCLoader;
-class AliTPCtrack;
-class AliHBTReaderTPC: public AliHBTReader
-  public:
-    AliHBTReaderTPC();
-    AliHBTReaderTPC(const Char_t* galicefilename);
-    AliHBTReaderTPC(TObjArray* dirs, const Char_t* galicefilename = "galice.root");
-    AliHBTReaderTPC(const AliHBTReaderTPC& in);
-    virtual ~AliHBTReaderTPC();
-    AliHBTReaderTPC& operator=(const AliHBTReaderTPC& in);
-    void          Rewind();
-    Bool_t        ReadsTracks() const {return kTRUE;}
-    Bool_t        ReadsParticles() const {return kTRUE;}
-    void          SetMagneticField(Float_t mf){fMagneticField=mf;}
-    void          UseMagneticFieldFromRun(Bool_t flag = kTRUE){fUseMagFFromRun=flag;}
-    void          SetNClustersRange(Int_t min,Int_t max);
-    void          SetChi2PerCluserRange(Float_t min, Float_t max);
-    void          SetC00Range(Float_t min, Float_t max);
-    void          SetC11Range(Float_t min, Float_t max);
-    void          SetC22Range(Float_t min, Float_t max);
-    void          SetC33Range(Float_t min, Float_t max);
-    void          SetC44Range(Float_t min, Float_t max);
-    void          SetNumberOfTrackPoints(Int_t n = 5,Float_t dr = 30.0) {fNTrackPoints = n; fdR = dr;}
-    Int_t         GetNumberOfTrackPoints() const {return fNTrackPoints;}
-    void          SetClusterMap(Bool_t flag = kTRUE){fClusterMap = flag;}
-  protected:
-    Int_t         ReadNext();
-    Int_t         OpenNextSession();
-    void          DoOpenError(const char* msgfmt, ...);
-    TString       fFileName;//name of the file with galice.root
-    AliRunLoader* fRunLoader;//!RL
-    AliTPCLoader* fTPCLoader;//!TPCLoader
-    Float_t       fMagneticField;//magnetic field value that was enforced while reading
-    Bool_t        fUseMagFFromRun;//flag indicating if using field specified in gAlice (kTRUE)
-                               // or enforece other defined by fMagneticField
-    Int_t         fNTrackPoints;//number of track points; if==0 track points are not created
-    Float_t       fdR;//spacing between points (along radius) in cm
-                      //Track Points are needed for Anti-Merging Cut
-    Bool_t        fClusterMap;//Flag indicating if Claster Map should be created for each track
-                              //Claster map is needed for Anti-Splitting Cut
-    //Cut Parameters specific to TPC tracks
-    Int_t         fNClustMin;//Number of clusters min value
-    Int_t         fNClustMax;//Number of clusters max value
-    Float_t       fNChi2PerClustMin;//Chi^2 per number of clusters min value
-    Float_t       fNChi2PerClustMax;//Chi^2 per number of clusters max value
-    Float_t       fC00Min;//C00 (0th diagonal element of covariance matrix) min value
-    Float_t       fC00Max;//C00 (0th diagonal element of covariance matrix) max value
-    Float_t       fC11Min;//C11 (1th diagonal element of covariance matrix) min value
-    Float_t       fC11Max;//C11 (1th diagonal element of covariance matrix) max value
-    Float_t       fC22Min;//C22 (2th diagonal element of covariance matrix) min value
-    Float_t       fC22Max;//C22 (2th diagonal element of covariance matrix) max value
-    Float_t       fC33Min;//C33 (3th diagonal element of covariance matrix) min value
-    Float_t       fC33Max;//C33 (3th diagonal element of covariance matrix) max value
-    Float_t       fC44Min;//C44 (4th diagonal element of covariance matrix) min value
-    Float_t       fC44Max;//C44 (4th diagonal element of covariance matrix) max value
-  private:
-    Bool_t CheckTrack(AliTPCtrack* t) const;
-    ClassDef(AliHBTReaderTPC,3)
diff --git a/HBTAN/AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C b/HBTAN/AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d71fed5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-  #include "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/skowron/aliroot/my/TPC/alles.h"
-  #include "AliHBTReader.h"
-  #include "AliHBTReaderKineTree.h"
-  #include "AliHBTReaderITSv2.h"
-  #include "AliHBTReaderITSv1.h"
-  #include "AliHBTReaderTPC.h"
-  #include "AliHBTParticleCut.h"
-  #include "AliHBTEvent.h"
-  #include "AliAODPairCut.h"
-  #include "AliHBTQResolutionFctns.h"
-  #include "AliHBTTwoTrackEffFctn.h"
-  #include "AliHBTCorrelFctn.h"
-  #include "TSystem.h"
-  #include "TObjString.h"
-  #include "TString.h"
-  #include "AliPDG.h"
-void AliHBTWriteInternFormat(Option_t* datatype, Option_t* processopt="TracksAndParticles",
-                Int_t first = -1,Int_t last = -1,
-                char *outfile = "data.root")
- {
-//HBT Anlysis Macro
-//Anlyzes TPC recontructed tracks and simulated particles that corresponds to them
-//datatype defines type of data to be read
-//  Kine  - analyzes Kine Tree: simulated particles
-//  TPC   - analyzes TPC   tracking + particles corresponding to these tracks
-//  ITSv1 - analyzes ITSv1 ----------------------//--------------------------
-//  ITSv2 - analyzes ITSv2 ----------------------//--------------------------
-//processopt defines option passed to AliHBTAnlysis::Process method
-// default: TracksAndParticles - process both recontructed tracks and sim. particles corresponding to them 
-//          Tracks - process only recontructed tracks
-//          Particles - process only simulated particles
-//Reads data from diroctories from first to last(including)
-// For examples if first=3 and last=5 it reads from
-//  ./3/
-//  ./4/
-//  ./5/
-//if first or last is negative (or both), it reads from current directory
-//these names I use when analysis is done directly from CASTOR files via RFIO
-  const char* basedir=".";
-  const char* serie="";
-  const char* field = "";
-  cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: datatype is "<<datatype<<" dir is basedir"<<endl;
-  // Dynamically link some shared libs                    
-  cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: Loading  HBTAN .....\n";
-  gSystem->Load("$(ALICE_ROOT)/lib/tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)/libHBTAN");
-  cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: ..... Loaded\n";
-  Bool_t multcheck = kTRUE;
-  /***********************************************************/
-  AliHBTReader* reader;
-  Int_t kine = strcmp(datatype,"Kine");
-  Int_t ESD = strcmp(datatype,"ESD");
-  Int_t TPC = strcmp(datatype,"TPC");
-  Int_t ITSv1 = strcmp(datatype,"ITSv1");
-  Int_t ITSv2 = strcmp(datatype,"ITSv2");
-  Int_t intern = strcmp(datatype,"Intern");
-  if(!kine)
-   {
-    reader = new AliHBTReaderKineTree();
-    processopt="Particles"; //this reader by definition reads only simulated particles
-    multcheck = kFALSE;
-   }
-  else if(!ESD)
-   {
-    AliHBTReaderESD* esdreader = new AliHBTReaderESD();
-    esdreader->ReadParticles(kTRUE);
-    reader = esdreader;
-    multcheck = kTRUE;
-   }
-  else if(!TPC)
-   {
-    cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: Creating Reader TPC .....\n";
-    reader = new AliHBTReaderTPC();
-    multcheck = kFALSE;
-    cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: ..... Created\n";
-   }
-  else if(!ITSv1)
-   {
-    reader = new AliHBTReaderITSv1();
-    multcheck = kFALSE;
-   }
-  else if(!ITSv2)
-   {
-    cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: Creating Reader ITSv2 .....\n";
-    reader = new AliHBTReaderITSv2();
-    multcheck = kFALSE;
-    cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: ..... Created\n";
-   }
-  else if(!intern)
-   {
-    reader = new AliHBTReaderInternal("data.root");
-    multcheck = kTRUE;
-   }
-  else
-   {
-    cerr<<"Option "<<datatype<<"  not recognized. Exiting"<<endl;
-    return;
-   }
-  TObjArray* dirs=0;
-  if ( (first >= 0) && (last>=0) && ( (last-first)>=0 ) )
-   {//read from many dirs dirs
-     cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C: ..... Setting dirs first="<<first<<" last="<<last<<"\n";
-     char buff[50];
-     dirs = new TObjArray(last-first+1);
-     dirs->SetOwner();
-     for (Int_t i = first; i<=last; i++)
-      { 
-        sprintf(buff,"%s/%s/%s/%d",basedir,field,serie,i);
-        TObjString *odir= new TObjString(buff);
-        dirs->Add(odir);
-      }
-    }
-   reader->SetDirs(dirs);
-   cout<<"AliHBTWriteInternFormat.C:   P R O C S E S S I N G .....\n\n";
-   AliHBTReaderInternal::Write(reader,outfile,multcheck);
-   cout<<"\n\nAliHBTWriteInternFormat.C:   F I N I S H E D\n";
-   if (dirs) delete dirs;
-   delete reader;
- }