AliAnaPhoton::AliAnaPhoton() :
AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass(), fCalorimeter(""),
fMinDist(0.), fMinDist2(0.), fMinDist3(0.),
- fRejectTrackMatch(0), fTimeCutMin(-1), fTimeCutMax(999999),
+ fRejectTrackMatch(0), fTimeCutMin(-10000), fTimeCutMax(10000),
fNCellsCut(0), fFillSSHistograms(kFALSE),
fNOriginHistograms(8), fNPrimaryHistograms(4),
// Histograms
- fhNCellsE(0), fhMaxCellDiffClusterE(0),
+ fhNCellsE(0), fhMaxCellDiffClusterE(0), fhTimeE(0), // Control histograms
fhEPhoton(0), fhPtPhoton(0),
fhPhiPhoton(0), fhEtaPhoton(0),
fhEtaPhiPhoton(0), fhEtaPhi05Photon(0),
Int_t nptbins = GetHistoPtBins(); Float_t ptmax = GetHistoPtMax(); Float_t ptmin = GetHistoPtMin();
Int_t nphibins = GetHistoPhiBins(); Float_t phimax = GetHistoPhiMax(); Float_t phimin = GetHistoPhiMin();
Int_t netabins = GetHistoEtaBins(); Float_t etamax = GetHistoEtaMax(); Float_t etamin = GetHistoEtaMin();
- Int_t ssbins = GetHistoShowerShapeBins(); Float_t ssmax = GetHistoShowerShapeMax(); Float_t ssmin = GetHistoShowerShapeMin();
- Int_t nbins = GetHistoNClusterCellBins(); Int_t nmax = GetHistoNClusterCellMax(); Int_t nmin = GetHistoNClusterCellMin();
+ Int_t ssbins = GetHistoShowerShapeBins(); Float_t ssmax = GetHistoShowerShapeMax(); Float_t ssmin = GetHistoShowerShapeMin();
+ Int_t nbins = GetHistoNClusterCellBins(); Int_t nmax = GetHistoNClusterCellMax(); Int_t nmin = GetHistoNClusterCellMin();
+ Int_t ntimebins= GetHistoTimeBins(); Float_t timemax = GetHistoTimeMax(); Float_t timemin = GetHistoTimeMin();
fhNCellsE = new TH2F ("hNCellsE","# of cells in cluster vs E of clusters", nptbins,ptmin,ptmax, nbins,nmin,nmax);
fhNCellsE->SetXTitle("E (GeV)");
fhNCellsE->SetYTitle("# of cells in cluster");
- outputContainer->Add(fhNCellsE);
+ outputContainer->Add(fhNCellsE);
+ fhTimeE = new TH2F ("hTimeE","time of cluster vs E of clusters", nptbins,ptmin,ptmax, ntimebins,timemin,timemax);
+ fhTimeE->SetXTitle("E (GeV)");
+ fhTimeE->SetYTitle("time (ns)");
+ outputContainer->Add(fhTimeE);
fhMaxCellDiffClusterE = new TH2F ("hMaxCellDiffClusterE","energy vs difference of cluster energy - max cell energy / cluster energy, good clusters",
nptbins,ptmin,ptmax, 500,0,1.);
AliVCluster *cluster = FindCluster(clusters,ph->GetCaloLabel(0),iclus);
absID = GetCaloUtils()->GetMaxEnergyCell(cells, cluster,maxCellFraction);
+ // Control histograms
fhNCellsE ->Fill(ph->E(),cluster->GetNCells());
+ fhTimeE ->Fill(ph->E(),cluster->GetTOF()*1.e9);
//Play with the MC data if available