]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/shortlog
2009-05-13 hristovTemporary protections, to be investigated in more detai...
2009-05-13 enricoFix coding convention violations (Domenico, Mariella)
2009-05-12 laphecetWe should not delete what we do not own...
2009-05-12 schutzset the bits correctly
2009-05-12 hdalsgaaPreparing for GRID analysis by inserting energy distrib...
2009-05-12 hdalsgaaPreparing for GRID analysis by inserting a background...
2009-05-12 sgorbunodebug output deleted
2009-05-12 laphecetAdding a line referencing the macro(s) used to update...
2009-05-12 laphecetUpdate related to rev 32327
2009-05-12 ivanaIntroducing a new OCDB object, MUON/Calib/KillMap,...
2009-05-12 decaroNumber of TOF alignable volumes: correction. Old 1593...
2009-05-12 decaroNumber of TOF alignable volumes: correction. Old 1593...
2009-05-12 decaroWarning message suppression in EquipmentId2VolumeId...
2009-05-12 hristovMake sure that the histogram has at least 3 bins with...
2009-05-12 schutzadd protection in case no recoparam
2009-05-12 abercuci- move makeResults.C macro to "macros" directory
2009-05-12 schutzadd protection in case no recoparam
2009-05-12 allaVertex histogram binning in QA ESD changed to avoid...
2009-05-12 akisielAdd option to use LCMS
2009-05-12 marianExample macro to run ( not only) AliMCTrackinTestTask
2009-05-12 marianAdding test for AliExternalTrackParam::Update
2009-05-12 schutzQADataMaker gets the event specie fro AliDetectorRecoParam
2009-05-12 schutzQADataMaker gets the event specie fro AliDetectorRecoParam
2009-05-12 hristovReduced QA output (Yves)
2009-05-12 morschUpdates needed for full jet reconstruction (charged...
2009-05-12 belikovFix in the histogram for the mathing efficiency in...
2009-05-12 coppedisUpdated alignment object
2009-05-12 belikovA fix in the initialization of iclusters array that...
2009-05-11 dainesePointer to AliAnalysisVertexingHF made persistent ...
2009-05-11 daineseUpdate production train (use AliEn plugin, added 4...
2009-05-11 cvetanRemoving unnecessary info lines
2009-05-11 cvetanRemoving unnecessary warning lines
2009-05-11 ivanaNew MUON Tracking DA splitted in two programs:
2009-05-11 maseraTemporary bug fix (M. Siciliano)
2009-05-11 morschVery important & added.
2009-05-11 decaroAdded titles to the histogram axes
2009-05-11 decaroRetrenchment of TOF printout during (s)digitization...
2009-05-11 morschSave in-medium pathlength for Q-Pythia
2009-05-11 morschPossibility to save values of integrals I0, I1
2009-05-11 morschStore in-medium pathlength in case of run with quenching.
2009-05-11 abercucivarious updates in the resolution performance/calibrati...
2009-05-11 abercuciimprove verbosity (suggested by Federico)
2009-05-11 abercucimove reconstruction setup parameters to debug level...
2009-05-11 hdalsgaaThe new background correction task for the FMD. It...
2009-05-11 rgrossomoving information concerning loading of alignment...
2009-05-11 gconesabMove geometry message from normal execution to debug
2009-05-11 fcaCorrection from Andrei
2009-05-11 hdalsgaaThis is an upgrade to the FMD analysis which includes...
2009-05-11 agheataIn case no geometry pointer, a geometry has to be creat...
2009-05-11 laphecetBe less verbose
2009-05-11 hristovUpdated list of files
2009-05-11 ivanaAdding new classes to be used in new MUON Tracking DA
2009-05-11 dibariminor
2009-05-11 snellingadded uniform flow fluctuations
2009-05-11 hristovRevert changes from rev. 30849
2009-05-11 maseraRetuning of vertexer parameters for fPileupAlgo=1....
2009-05-11 maseraInterface to AliMillePede2 for ITS alignment + related...
2009-05-11 zampolliAdding run types for ZDC.
2009-05-11 richtermcompilation warnings corrected
2009-05-10 laphecetFixing a warning that was a bug
2009-05-10 fcaadding missing include
2009-05-09 bhippolyfix warning found by Federico...
2009-05-09 pchristFixing the compilation warning
2009-05-09 mrodriguImprovement of QAChecker
2009-05-08 shahoianUpdate for MillePede2 and related classes
2009-05-08 dsilvermimplement filling of histograms MakeRaws
2009-05-08 morschwrite to special output (needed for CAF)
2009-05-08 morschWe need an anchor to open the .zip file. Simple use...
2009-05-08 richtermMaking the TPCLib compatible with the trunk of Jan...
2009-05-08 snellingadded fluctuations in multiplicity in fixed range
2009-05-08 schutzinvert order of arguments
2009-05-08 agheataTimer added in the generated analysis macro (A. Maire)
2009-05-08 kleinbadded filtering of kinematics information
2009-05-08 kleinbupdated to some AddTasks, added second mc case for...
2009-05-08 coppedisBug in array initialization corrected
2009-05-08 prinoUpdate of warning/debug messages in SDD simulation
2009-05-08 maseraAdding protection in case AliTracker::MeanMaterialBudget()
2009-05-08 agheataAn upgrade of the generated validation script from...
2009-05-08 richtermAdding several checks in order to compile HLT libraries...
2009-05-08 hristovMake and print an image of QA user flagged histograms...
2009-05-07 schutzadded EOL
2009-05-07 zampolliImprovements in memory handling.
2009-05-07 maseraRestore backward compatibility for SDD map objects...
2009-05-07 maseraRestore backward compatibility for SDD map objects...
2009-05-07 agheataAdded femtoscopy and kink analysis.
2009-05-07 dsilvermfblanco and dsilverm - add proper pedestal, and pedesta...
2009-05-07 bhippolyParticle mass access updated: Evi Ganoti, University...
2009-05-07 fcaAdding missing include
2009-05-07 kaamodtMoved initialization of AliRawReaderMemory to the const...
2009-05-07 coppedisUpdated run types from ECS
2009-05-07 gconesab1) Corrected in the analysis macros the option of MC...
2009-05-07 hristovFix for bug #49840: ESD track modification for TRD...
2009-05-07 hristovFixes for bug #49914: Compilation breaks in trunk,...
2009-05-07 bhippolyadding Mihaela's macros to be used for the analysis...
2009-05-07 akisielDo not use includes in CINT
2009-05-07 bhippolyForgot the pkg for the kinks
2009-05-07 akisielProtecting against non-existing gProof
2009-05-07 hristovIncremented class version (Francesco)
2009-05-06 kaamodtAdding a new digit reader to read the new 32 bit format...
2009-05-06 kaamodtChanged to convert raw ddl files to the new 32 bit...