]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ANALYSIS/AliTriggerAnalysis.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ANALYSIS / AliTriggerAnalysis.h
70fdd197 1/* $Id: AliTriggerAnalysis.h 35782 2009-10-22 11:54:31Z jgrosseo $ */
ff8c4f30 2
70fdd197 3#ifndef ALITRIGGERANALYSIS_H
ff8c4f30 5
6#include <TObject.h>
ff8c4f30 7
7a11141c 8/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
9 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
70fdd197 12// Implementation of Class AliTriggerAnalysis
13// This class provides function to check if events have been triggered based on the data in the ESD
14// The trigger bits, trigger class inputs and only the data (offline trigger) can be used
7a11141c 15// Origin: Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus, CERN
ff8c4f30 18class AliESDEvent;
449618cd 19class AliESDtrackCuts;
27704f6c 20class TH1F;
21class TH2F;
70fdd197 22class TCollection;
c01a136b 23class TMap;
ff8c4f30 24
70fdd197 25class AliTriggerAnalysis : public TObject
ff8c4f30 26{
27 public:
7c55ebd9 28 enum Trigger { kAcceptAll = 1, kMB1 = 2, kMB2, kMB3, kSPDGFO, kSPDGFOBits, kV0A, kV0C, kV0OR, kV0AND,
1ea7a921 29 kV0ABG, kV0CBG, kZDC, kZDCA, kZDCC, kFMDA, kFMDC, kFPANY, kNSD1, kMB1Prime,
559b5ed7 31 kCentral,kSemiCentral, kT0, kT0BG, kT0Pileup,
1ea7a921 32 kStartOfFlags = 0x0100, kOfflineFlag = 0x8000, kOneParticle = 0x10000, kOneTrack = 0x20000}; // MB1, MB2, MB3 definition from ALICE-INT-2005-025
c8d3e441 33 enum AliceSide { kASide = 1, kCSide, kCentralBarrel };
733f0542 34 enum V0Decision { kV0Invalid = -1, kV0Empty = 0, kV0BB, kV0BG, kV0Fake };
559b5ed7 35 enum T0Decision { kT0Invalid = -1, kT0Empty = 0, kT0BB, kT0DecBG, kT0DecPileup };
ff8c4f30 36
70fdd197 37 AliTriggerAnalysis();
61899827 38 virtual ~AliTriggerAnalysis();
907972ff 39
40 void EnableHistograms();
a2ce3799 41 void SetAnalyzeMC(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) { fMC = flag; }
61899827 42
43 Bool_t IsTriggerFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Trigger trigger);
7c55ebd9 44 Int_t EvaluateTrigger(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Trigger trigger);
70fdd197 45
46 // using trigger bits in ESD
47 Bool_t IsTriggerBitFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Trigger trigger) const;
48 Bool_t IsTriggerBitFired(ULong64_t triggerMask, Trigger trigger) const;
49 Bool_t IsTriggerBitFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, ULong64_t tclass) const;
51 // using ESD data from detectors
61899827 52 Bool_t IsOfflineTriggerFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Trigger trigger);
70fdd197 53
54 // using trigger classes in ESD
55 Bool_t IsTriggerClassFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, const Char_t* tclass) const;
c01a136b 57 // some "raw" trigger functions
c2ba5a61 58 Int_t SPDFiredChips(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Int_t origin, Bool_t fillHists = kFALSE, Int_t layer = 0);
61899827 59 Bool_t SPDGFOTrigger(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Int_t origin);
559b5ed7 60 Bool_t IsSPDClusterVsTrackletBG(const AliESDEvent* esd, Bool_t fillHists = kFALSE);
97fa3cbc 61 V0Decision V0Trigger(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, AliceSide side, Bool_t online, Bool_t fillHists = kFALSE);
559b5ed7 62 T0Decision T0Trigger(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Bool_t online, Bool_t fillHists = kFALSE);
ce08cb1f 63 Bool_t ZDCTrigger (const AliESDEvent* aEsd, AliceSide side) const;
7c55ebd9 64 Bool_t ZDCTDCTrigger(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, AliceSide side, Bool_t useZN=kTRUE, Bool_t useZP=kFALSE, Bool_t fillHists=kFALSE) const;
65 Bool_t ZDCTimeTrigger(const AliESDEvent *aEsd, Bool_t fillHists=kFALSE) const;
61899827 66 Bool_t FMDTrigger(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, AliceSide side);
85c71ba7 67 Int_t SSDClusters(const AliESDEvent* aEsd);
70fdd197 68 static const char* GetTriggerName(Trigger trigger);
7c55ebd9 70 Bool_t IsLaserWarmUpTPCEvent(const AliESDEvent* esd);
907972ff 72 void FillHistograms(const AliESDEvent* aEsd);
c01a136b 73 void FillTriggerClasses(const AliESDEvent* aEsd);
ff8c4f30 74
75 void SetSPDGFOThreshhold(Int_t t) { fSPDGFOThreshold = t; }
27704f6c 76 void SetSPDGFOEfficiency(TH1F* hist) { fSPDGFOEfficiency = hist; }
1ea7a921 77 void SetSPDClustersVsTrackletsParameters(Float_t a, Float_t b) { fASPDCvsTCut = a; fBSPDCvsTCut =b;}
61899827 78 void SetV0TimeOffset(Float_t offset) { fV0TimeOffset = offset; }
97fa3cbc 79 void SetV0AdcThr(Float_t thr) { fV0AdcThr = thr; }
80 void SetV0HwPars(Float_t thr, Float_t winLow, Float_t winHigh) { fV0HwAdcThr = thr; fV0HwWinLow = winLow; fV0HwWinHigh = winHigh; }
7a11141c 81 void SetFMDThreshold(Float_t low, Float_t hit) { fFMDLowCut = low; fFMDHitCut = hit; }
4011b280 82 void SetDoFMD(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) {fDoFMD = flag;}
7c55ebd9 83 void SetZDCCutParams(Float_t refSum, Float_t refDelta, Float_t sigmaSum, Float_t sigmaDelta) { fZDCCutRefSum = refSum; fZDCCutRefDelta = refDelta; fZDCCutSigmaSum = sigmaSum; fZDCCutSigmaDelta = sigmaDelta; }
d6305a15 84 void SetCorrZDCCutParams(Float_t refSum, Float_t refDelta, Float_t sigmaSum, Float_t sigmaDelta) { fZDCCutRefSumCorr = refSum; fZDCCutRefDeltaCorr = refDelta; fZDCCutSigmaSumCorr = sigmaSum; fZDCCutSigmaDeltaCorr = sigmaDelta; }
4011b280 85
ff8c4f30 86 Int_t GetSPDGFOThreshhold() const { return fSPDGFOThreshold; }
61899827 87 Float_t GetV0TimeOffset() const { return fV0TimeOffset; }
97fa3cbc 88 Float_t GetV0AdcThr() const { return fV0AdcThr; }
7a11141c 89 Float_t GetFMDLowThreshold() const { return fFMDLowCut; }
90 Float_t GetFMDHitThreshold() const { return fFMDHitCut; }
8dec6e35 91 TMap * GetTriggerClasses() const { return fTriggerClasses;}
907972ff 94 virtual Long64_t Merge(TCollection* list);
61899827 95 void SaveHistograms() const;
c01a136b 96
97 void PrintTriggerClasses() const;
449618cd 98 void SetESDTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts* cuts) { fEsdTrackCuts = cuts;}
99 AliESDtrackCuts* GetESDTrackCuts() const {return fEsdTrackCuts;}
ff8c4f30 100
52f3b98d 101 void SetTPCOnly(Bool_t bTPCOnly) {fTPCOnly = bTPCOnly;}
102 Bool_t GetTPCOnly() const {return fTPCOnly;}
7c55ebd9 103
ff8c4f30 104 protected:
70fdd197 105 Bool_t IsL0InputFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, UInt_t input) const;
106 Bool_t IsL1InputFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, UInt_t input) const;
107 Bool_t IsL2InputFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, UInt_t input) const;
108 Bool_t IsInputFired(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, Char_t level, UInt_t input) const;
2078f478 110 Float_t V0CorrectLeadingTime(Int_t i, Float_t time, Float_t adc, Int_t runNumber) const;
bcd135ec 111 Float_t V0LeadingTimeWeight(Float_t adc) const;
907972ff 112
61899827 113 Int_t FMDHitCombinations(const AliESDEvent* aEsd, AliceSide side, Bool_t fillHists = kFALSE);
ff8c4f30 114
115 Int_t fSPDGFOThreshold; // number of chips to accept a SPD GF0 trigger
27704f6c 116 TH1F* fSPDGFOEfficiency; // SPD FASTOR efficiency - is applied in SPDFiredChips. Histogram contains efficiency as function of chip number (bin 1..400: first layer; 401..1200: second layer)
733f0542 117
61899827 118 Float_t fV0TimeOffset; // time offset applied to the times read from the V0 (in ns)
97fa3cbc 119 Float_t fV0AdcThr; // thresholds applied on V0 ADC data
120 Float_t fV0HwAdcThr; // online V0 trigger - thresholds applied on ADC data
121 Float_t fV0HwWinLow; // online V0 trigger - lower edge of time window
122 Float_t fV0HwWinHigh; // online V0 trigger - upper edge of time window
7c55ebd9 123
124 Float_t fZDCCutRefSum; // ZDC time cut configuration
125 Float_t fZDCCutRefDelta; // ZDC time cut configuration
126 Float_t fZDCCutSigmaSum; // ZDC time cut configuration
127 Float_t fZDCCutSigmaDelta; // ZDC time cut configuration
97fa3cbc 128
d6305a15 129 Float_t fZDCCutRefSumCorr; // Corrected ZDC time cut configuration
130 Float_t fZDCCutRefDeltaCorr; // Corrected ZDC time cut configuration
131 Float_t fZDCCutSigmaSumCorr; // Corrected ZDC time cut configuration
132 Float_t fZDCCutSigmaDeltaCorr; // Corrected ZDC time cut configuration
1ea7a921 134 Float_t fASPDCvsTCut; // constant for the linear cut in SPD clusters vs tracklets
135 Float_t fBSPDCvsTCut; // slope for the linear cut in SPD clusters vs tracklets
4011b280 139 Bool_t fDoFMD; // If false, skips the FMD (physics selection runs much faster)
7a11141c 140 Float_t fFMDLowCut; //
141 Float_t fFMDHitCut; //
907972ff 142
27704f6c 143 TH2F* fHistBitsSPD; // offline trigger bits (calculated from clusters) vs hardware trigger bits
144 TH1F* fHistFiredBitsSPD; // fired hardware bits
1ea7a921 145 TH2F* fHistSPDClsVsTrk; // histogram of clusters vs tracklet BG cut
27704f6c 146 TH1F* fHistV0A; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: bb triggers
147 TH1F* fHistV0C; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: bb triggers
ce08cb1f 148 TH1F* fHistZDC; //histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: fired bits (6 bins)
149 TH1F* fHistTDCZDC; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: TDC bits (32 bins)
102cfd12 150 TH2F* fHistTimeZDC; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: ZDC TDC timing
fcb18b05 151 TH2F* fHistTimeCorrZDC; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: ZDC Corrected TDC timing
27704f6c 152 TH1F* fHistFMDA; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: number of hit combination above threshold
153 TH1F* fHistFMDC; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: number of hit combination above threshold
154 TH1F* fHistFMDSingle; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: single mult value (more than one entry per event)
155 TH1F* fHistFMDSum; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: summed mult value (more than one entry per event)
559b5ed7 156 TH1F* fHistT0; // histograms that histogram the criterion the cut is applied on: bb triggers
c01a136b 157 TMap* fTriggerClasses; // counts the active trigger classes (uses the full string)
a2ce3799 159 Bool_t fMC; // flag if MC is analyzed
449618cd 160 AliESDtrackCuts* fEsdTrackCuts; //Track Cuts to select ESD tracks
7a11141c 161
52f3b98d 162 Bool_t fTPCOnly; // flag to set whether TPC only tracks have to be used for the offline trigger
559b5ed7 164 ClassDef(AliTriggerAnalysis, 18)
ff8c4f30 165
166 private:
70fdd197 167 AliTriggerAnalysis(const AliTriggerAnalysis&);
168 AliTriggerAnalysis& operator=(const AliTriggerAnalysis&);
ff8c4f30 169};