]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - CORRFW/AliCFEffGrid.cxx
- adding option to cut energy in the central crystal
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / CORRFW / AliCFEffGrid.cxx
563113d0 1/* $Id$ */
1e9dad92 2/**************************************************************************
3 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * *
5 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
6 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * *
8 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
9 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
10 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
11 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
12 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
13 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
14 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
15 **************************************************************************/
563113d0 16//--------------------------------------------------------------------//
17// //
fb494025 18// AliCFEffGrid Class //
563113d0 19// Class to handle efficiency grids //
20// //
21// -- Author : S.Arcelli //
22// //
23// //
24// //
9f6be3a2 28#include "TMath.h"
29#include "AliLog.h"
563113d0 30#include "AliCFEffGrid.h"
9f6be3a2 31#include "TH1D.h"
32#include "TH2D.h"
33#include "TH3D.h"
563113d0 34
39AliCFEffGrid::AliCFEffGrid() :
25488e18 40 AliCFGridSparse(),
563113d0 41 fContainer(0x0),
42 fSelNum(-1),
43 fSelDen(-1)
45 //
46 // default constructor
47 //
fb494025 51AliCFEffGrid::AliCFEffGrid(const Char_t* name, const Char_t* title, const Int_t nVarIn, const Int_t * nBinIn) :
52 AliCFGridSparse(name,title,nVarIn,nBinIn),
563113d0 53 fContainer(0x0),
54 fSelNum(-1),
55 fSelDen(-1)
57 //
58 // ctor
59 //
60 SumW2();
63AliCFEffGrid::AliCFEffGrid(const Char_t* name, const Char_t* title, const AliCFContainer &c) :
fb494025 64 AliCFGridSparse(name,title,c.GetNVar(),c.GetNBins()),
5188c2a7 65 fContainer(NULL),
563113d0 66 fSelNum(-1),
67 fSelDen(-1)
69 //
70 // main constructor
71 //
72 SumW2();
73 //assign the container;
74 fContainer=&c;
fb494025 75 for (Int_t iVar=0; iVar<GetNVar(); iVar++) {
91e32eeb 76 Int_t nbins = c.GetNBins(iVar);
77 Double_t* array=new Double_t[nbins+1] ;
78 c.GetBinLimits(iVar,array);
79 SetBinLimits(iVar,array);
53ab59fe 80 delete [] array ;
fb494025 81 }
82 for (Int_t iVar=0; iVar<GetNVar(); iVar++) SetVarTitle(iVar,c.GetVarTitle(iVar));
563113d0 83}
fb494025 85AliCFEffGrid::AliCFEffGrid(const AliCFEffGrid& eff) :
86 AliCFGridSparse(eff),
563113d0 87 fContainer(0x0),
88 fSelNum(-1),
89 fSelDen(-1)
91 //
92 // copy constructor
93 //
94 ((AliCFEffGrid &)eff).Copy(*this);
100 //
101 // destructor
102 //
106AliCFEffGrid &AliCFEffGrid::operator=(const AliCFEffGrid &eff)
108 //
109 // assigment operator
110 //
fb494025 111 if (this != &eff) eff.Copy(*this);
563113d0 112 return *this;
563113d0 114
fb494025 115//____________________________________________________________________
5d14ed73 116void AliCFEffGrid::CalculateEfficiency(Int_t istep1,Int_t istep2, Option_t *option)
563113d0 117{
118 //
119 // Calculate the efficiency matrix and its error between selection
120 // Steps istep1 and istep2
121 //
9be0fa4e 122 // 'option' is used as an argument for THnSparse::Divide
123 // default is "B" : binomial error calculation
124 //
563113d0 125
126 fSelNum=istep1;
127 fSelDen=istep2;
fb494025 128 AliCFGridSparse *num=GetNum();
129 AliCFGridSparse *den=GetDen();
563113d0 130 num->SumW2();
131 den->SumW2();
1e9dad92 132 this->SumW2();
5d14ed73 133 this->Divide(num,den,1.,1.,option);
fb494025 134 SetTitle(Form("Efficiency: %s / %s",fContainer->GetStepTitle(istep1),fContainer->GetStepTitle(istep2)));
563113d0 135
9be0fa4e 136 AliInfo(Form("Efficiency calculated for steps %i and %i.",fSelNum,fSelDen));
563113d0 137}
1e9dad92 139Double_t AliCFEffGrid::GetAverage() const
563113d0 140{
141 //
142 // Get the average efficiency
143 //
1e9dad92 145 Double_t val=0;
146 Double_t valnum=0;
147 Double_t valden=0;
563113d0 148
9be0fa4e 149 THnSparse* num = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetNum())->GetGrid() ;
150 THnSparse* den = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetDen())->GetGrid() ;
152 for (Long_t iBin=0; iBin<num->GetNbins(); iBin++) valnum+=num->GetBinContent(iBin);
153 for (Long_t iBin=0; iBin<den->GetNbins(); iBin++) valden+=den->GetBinContent(iBin);
154 if (valden>0) val=valnum/valden;
155 AliInfo(Form(" The Average Efficiency = %f ",val));
563113d0 156 return val;
fb494025 159// Double_t AliCFEffGrid::GetAverage(const Double_t *varMin, const Double_t* varMax ) const
160// {
161// //
162// // Get ave efficiency in a range
163// // (may not work properly, should be modified)
563113d0 164
fb494025 165// Double_t val=0;
166// Int_t *indexMin = new Int_t[GetNVar()];
167// Int_t *indexMax = new Int_t[GetNVar()];
168// Int_t *index = new Int_t[GetNVar()];
563113d0 169
fb494025 170// //Find out the min and max bins
563113d0 171
fb494025 172// for(Int_t i=0;i<GetNVar();i++){
173// Double_t xmin=varMin[i]; // the min values
174// Double_t xmax=varMax[i]; // the max values
175// Int_t nbins = GetNBins(i)+1;
176// // Double_t *bins = new Double_t[nbins];
177// // for (Int_t ibin =0; ibin<nbins; ibin++) {
178// // bins[ibin] = fVarBinLimits[ibin+fOffset[i]];
179// // }
180// bins = GetBinLimits(i);
181// indexMin[i] = TMath::BinarySearch(nbins,bins,xmin);
182// indexMax[i] = TMath::BinarySearch(nbins,bins,xmax);
183// if(xmax>=bins[nbins-1]){
184// indexMax[i]=indexMax[i]-1;
185// }
186// delete [] bins;
187// }
563113d0 188
fb494025 189// Double_t valnum=0;
190// Double_t valden=0;
191// for (Int_t i=0; i<fNDim; i++) {
192// for (Int_t j=0; j<GetNVar(); j++) index[j]=GetBinIndex(j,i);
193// Bool_t isIn=kTRUE;
194// for (Int_t j=0;j<GetNVar();j++) {
195// if(!(index[j]>=indexMin[j] && index[j]<=indexMax[j]))isIn=kFALSE;
196// }
197// if(isIn){
198// valnum+=GetNum()->GetElement(i);
199// valden+=GetDen()->GetElement(i);
200// }
201// }
202// delete [] index;
203// delete [] indexMin;
204// delete [] indexMax;
205// if(valden>0)val=valnum/valden;
206// AliInfo(Form(" the Average Efficiency = %f ",val));
207// return val;
208// }
563113d0 209//____________________________________________________________________
fb494025 210// void AliCFEffGrid::Copy(TObject& eff) const
211// {
212// //
213// // copy function
214// //
215// Copy(eff);
216// AliCFEffGrid& target = (AliCFEffGrid &) eff;
563113d0 217
fb494025 218// target.fSelNum=fSelNum;
219// target.fSelDen=fSelDen;
220// if(fContainer)
221// target.fContainer=fContainer;
222// }
563113d0 223//___________________________________________________________________
1e9dad92 224TH1D *AliCFEffGrid::Project(Int_t ivar) const
563113d0 225{
226 //
227 // Make a 1D projection along variable ivar
228 //
fb494025 229
230 if (fSelNum<0 || fSelDen<0) {
231 AliError("You must call CalculateEfficiency() first !");
232 return 0x0;
233 }
a757643f 234 const Int_t nDim = 1 ;
235 Int_t dim[nDim] = {ivar} ;
236 THnSparse* hNum = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetNum())->GetGrid()->Projection(nDim,dim);
237 THnSparse* hDen = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetDen())->GetGrid()->Projection(nDim,dim);
ac6b9aed 238 THnSparse* ratio = (THnSparse*)hNum->Clone();
239 ratio->Divide(hNum,hDen,1.,1.,"B");
a757643f 240 delete hNum; delete hDen;
fb494025 241 TH1D* h = ratio->Projection(0);
242 h->SetXTitle(GetVarTitle(ivar));
91e32eeb 243 h->SetName(Form("%s_proj-%s",GetName(),GetVarTitle(ivar)));
fb494025 244 h->SetTitle(Form("%s projected on %s",GetTitle(),GetVarTitle(ivar)));
245 return h ;
563113d0 246}
1e9dad92 248TH2D *AliCFEffGrid::Project(Int_t ivar1,Int_t ivar2) const
563113d0 249{
250 //
251 // Make a 2D projection along variable ivar1,ivar2
252 //
a757643f 253
fb494025 254 if (fSelNum<0 || fSelDen<0) {
255 AliError("You must call CalculateEfficiency() first !");
256 return 0x0;
257 }
a757643f 258 const Int_t nDim = 2 ;
259 Int_t dim[nDim] = {ivar1,ivar2} ;
260 THnSparse* hNum = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetNum())->GetGrid()->Projection(nDim,dim);
261 THnSparse* hDen = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetDen())->GetGrid()->Projection(nDim,dim);
ac6b9aed 262 THnSparse* ratio = (THnSparse*)hNum->Clone();
263 ratio->Divide(hNum,hDen,1.,1.,"B");
a757643f 264 delete hNum; delete hDen;
91e32eeb 265 TH2D* h = ratio->Projection(1,0);
fb494025 266 h->SetXTitle(GetVarTitle(ivar1));
267 h->SetYTitle(GetVarTitle(ivar2));
91e32eeb 268 h->SetName(Form("%s_proj-%s,%s",GetName(),GetVarTitle(ivar1),GetVarTitle(ivar2)));
fb494025 269 h->SetTitle(Form("%s projected on %s-%s",GetTitle(),GetVarTitle(ivar1),GetVarTitle(ivar2)));
270 return h;
563113d0 271}
1e9dad92 273TH3D *AliCFEffGrid::Project(Int_t ivar1, Int_t ivar2, Int_t ivar3) const
563113d0 274{
275 //
276 // Make a 3D projection along variable ivar1,ivar2,ivar3
277 //
fb494025 279 if (fSelNum<0 || fSelDen<0) {
280 AliError("You must call CalculateEfficiency() first !");
281 return 0x0;
282 }
a757643f 283 const Int_t nDim = 3 ;
284 Int_t dim[nDim] = {ivar1,ivar2,ivar3} ;
285 THnSparse* hNum = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetNum())->GetGrid()->Projection(nDim,dim);
286 THnSparse* hDen = ((AliCFGridSparse*)GetDen())->GetGrid()->Projection(nDim,dim);
ac6b9aed 287 THnSparse* ratio = (THnSparse*)hNum->Clone();
288 ratio->Divide(hNum,hDen,1.,1.,"B");
a757643f 289 delete hNum; delete hDen;
fb494025 290 TH3D* h = ratio->Projection(0,1,2);
291 h->SetXTitle(GetVarTitle(ivar1));
292 h->SetYTitle(GetVarTitle(ivar2));
293 h->SetZTitle(GetVarTitle(ivar3));
91e32eeb 294 h->SetName(Form("%s_proj-%s,%s,%s",GetName(),GetVarTitle(ivar1),GetVarTitle(ivar2),GetVarTitle(ivar3)));
fb494025 295 h->SetTitle(Form("%s projected on %s-%s-%s",GetTitle(),GetVarTitle(ivar1),GetVarTitle(ivar2),GetVarTitle(ivar3)));
296 return h;
563113d0 297}
a757643f 298//___________________________________________________________________
98a5f772 299AliCFEffGrid* AliCFEffGrid::MakeSlice(Int_t nVars, const Int_t* vars, const Double_t* varMin, const Double_t* varMax, Int_t numStep, Int_t denStep, Bool_t useBins) const {
a757643f 300 //
301 // Makes a slice along the "nVars" variables defined in the array "vars[nVars]" for all the container steps.
302 // The ranges of ALL the container variables must be defined in the array varMin[fNVar] and varMax[fNVar].
98a5f772 303 // This function returns the efficiency relative to this new 'sliced' container, between steps defined in numStep and denStep
304 // If useBins=true, varMin and varMax are taken as bin numbers
a757643f 305 //
fb494025 306
98a5f772 307 AliCFContainer* cont = fContainer->MakeSlice(nVars,vars,varMin,varMax,useBins);
a757643f 308 AliCFEffGrid * eff = new AliCFEffGrid(Form("%s_sliced",GetName()), Form("%s_sliced",GetTitle()), *cont);
309 eff->CalculateEfficiency(numStep,denStep);
310 return eff;