]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - CORRFW/AliCFEventClassCuts.h
extended by cuts on min / max absolute and relative impact parameter
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / CORRFW / AliCFEventClassCuts.h
4 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * *
6 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
7 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
8 * *
9 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
10 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
11 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
12 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
13 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
14 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
15 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
16 **************************************************************************/
17// Cut on the type of Event Class: for the moment
18// the Trigger (pp running configurations)
19// and requirements on the energy observed in the ZDC are implemented
20// The argument of IsSelected member function (passed object) is cast into
21// an AliVEvent, although conditions are meaningful only for AliESD(AOD)Event
22// type objects.
23// The class derives from AliCFCutBase
24// Author:S.Arcelli Silvia.Arcelli@cern.ch
26#include "AliCFCutBase.h"
27#include "TBits.h"
28class TH1F;
29class AliVEvent;
31class AliCFEventClassCuts: public AliCFCutBase
33 public :
34 AliCFEventClassCuts() ;
35 AliCFEventClassCuts(Char_t* name, Char_t* title) ;
36 AliCFEventClassCuts(const AliCFEventClassCuts& c) ;
37 AliCFEventClassCuts& operator=(const AliCFEventClassCuts& c) ;
38 ~AliCFEventClassCuts();
39 Bool_t IsSelected(TObject* obj);
264ebaac 40 Bool_t IsSelected(TList* /*list*/) {return kTRUE;}
563113d0 41
42 //Association to The Trigger bits in the mask.
43 //They correspond to the PP running descriptor as in
44 //STEER/createTriggerDescriptor_pp.C plus five MB Trigger combinations
45 enum TriggerType {
46 kVZEROLeft=0,kVZERORight,kVZEROBeamGas,
49 kMUSingleLPtL0,kMUUnlikeLPtL0,kMUUnlikeHPtL0,kMULikeLPtL0,kMULikeHPtL0,
50 kMB,kTOFMB,
51 kMUSingleMB,kMUUnLikeLPtMB,kMULikeLPtMB,
52 kMB1,kMB2,kMB3,kMB4,kMB5
53 };
b68f417e 55 //static checker for trigger bits
563113d0 56 static Bool_t IsTriggered(AliVEvent *ev, TriggerType trigger=kMB1);
58 void SetTriggerType(TriggerType trigger=kMB1) { fTriggerType.SetBitNumber(trigger,kTRUE);} // Set requested trigger bits
59 TBits GetTriggerType() const { return fTriggerType;} // get Triggers bits which were requested
60 void SetTriggersInAND( Bool_t flag){fTriggerAND=flag;} // request Trigger bits in .AND.
62 void SetZDCN1EnergyCut(Double_t min,Double_t max){fZDCN1EnergyMin=min; fZDCN1EnergyMax=max;} // ZDC energy cuts
63 void SetZDCN2EnergyCut(Double_t min,Double_t max){fZDCN2EnergyMin=min; fZDCN2EnergyMax=max;} // ZDC energy cuts
64 void SetZDCP1EnergyCut(Double_t min,Double_t max){fZDCP1EnergyMin=min; fZDCP1EnergyMax=max;} // ZDC energy cuts
65 void SetZDCP2EnergyCut(Double_t min,Double_t max){fZDCP2EnergyMin=min; fZDCP2EnergyMax=max;} // ZDC energy cuts
66 void SetZDCEM1EnergyCut(Double_t min,Double_t max){fZDCEM1EnergyMin=min; fZDCEM1EnergyMax=max;} // ZDC energy cuts
67 void SetZDCEM2EnergyCut(Double_t min,Double_t max){fZDCEM2EnergyMin=min; fZDCEM2EnergyMax=max;} // ZDC energy cuts
69 Double_t GetZDCN1EnergyCutMin() const {return fZDCN1EnergyMin;};//ZDC N1 energy min
70 Double_t GetZDCN2EnergyCutMin() const {return fZDCN2EnergyMin;};//ZDC N2 Emin
71 Double_t GetZDCP1EnergyCutMin() const {return fZDCP1EnergyMin;};//ZDC P1 Emin
72 Double_t GetZDCP2EnergyCutMin() const {return fZDCP2EnergyMin;};//ZDC P2 Emin
73 Double_t GetZDCEM1EnergyCutMin() const {return fZDCEM1EnergyMin;};//ZDC EM1 Emin
74 Double_t GetZDCEM2EnergyCutMin() const {return fZDCEM2EnergyMin;};//ZDC EM2 Emin
76 Double_t GetZDCN1EnergyCutMax() const {return fZDCN1EnergyMax;};//ZDC N1 Emax
77 Double_t GetZDCN2EnergyCutMax() const {return fZDCN2EnergyMax;};//ZDC N2 Emax
78 Double_t GetZDCP1EnergyCutMax() const {return fZDCP1EnergyMax;};//ZDC P1 Emax
79 Double_t GetZDCP2EnergyCutMax() const {return fZDCP2EnergyMax;};//ZDC P2 Emax
80 Double_t GetZDCEM1EnergyCutMax() const {return fZDCEM1EnergyMax;};//ZDC EM1 Emax
81 Double_t GetZDCEM2EnergyCutMax() const {return fZDCEM2EnergyMax;};//ZDC EM2 Emax
563113d0 84 // QA histogram setter
85 // please use indices from the enumeration below
86 void SetHistogramBins(Int_t index, Int_t nbins, Double_t *bins);
87 void SetHistogramBins(Int_t index, Int_t nbins, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax);
b68f417e 88 enum{kTrigger=0,
89 kZDCEnergyN1,
90 kZDCEnergyP1,
91 kZDCEnergyN2,
92 kZDCEnergyP2,
93 kZDCEnergyEM1,
94 kZDCEnergyEM2,
95 kNTriggers=17,
96 kNTriggersMB=5,
97 kNCuts=7,
98 kNStepQA=2
99 };
107a3100 100 protected:
101 void SelectionBitMap(TObject* obj);
563113d0 102 static void TriggerBitMap(AliVEvent* ev,TBits *bitmapT);
103 void DefineHistograms(); // books histograms and TList
107a3100 104 void AddQAHistograms(TList *qaList) ;
563113d0 105 void Initialise(); // sets everything to 0
106 void FillHistograms(TObject* obj, Bool_t b);
108 TBits fTriggerType ; //The type of trigger to be checked
109 Bool_t fTriggerAND; //Flag to ak for .AND of all the requested trigger bits (.or.is default)
110 Double_t fZDCN1EnergyMin; //Min Energy in ZDCN1
111 Double_t fZDCP1EnergyMin; //Min Energy in ZDCP1
112 Double_t fZDCN2EnergyMin; //Min Energy in ZDCN2
113 Double_t fZDCP2EnergyMin; //Min Energy in ZDCP2
114 Double_t fZDCEM1EnergyMin; //Min Energy in ZDCEM1
115 Double_t fZDCEM2EnergyMin; //Min Energy in ZDCEM2
116 Double_t fZDCN1EnergyMax; //Max Energy in ZDCN1
117 Double_t fZDCP1EnergyMax; //Max Energy in ZDCP1
118 Double_t fZDCN2EnergyMax; //Max Energy in ZDCN2
119 Double_t fZDCP2EnergyMax; //Max Energy in ZDCP2
120 Double_t fZDCEM1EnergyMax; //Max Energy in ZDCEM1
121 Double_t fZDCEM2EnergyMax; //Max Energy in ZDCEM2
123 TBits *fBitMap ; //cut mask
124 TH1F* fhQA[kNCuts][kNStepQA]; // QA Histograms
563113d0 125
107a3100 126 ClassDef(AliCFEventClassCuts,2);
563113d0 127};