]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - CORRFW/AliCFParticleGenCuts.h
fixes to cuts
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / CORRFW / AliCFParticleGenCuts.h
563113d0 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17// AliCFParticleGenCut implementation
18// This class is designed to handle
19// particle selection at generated level.
b95f6a36 21// added support for MC in AOD tree (2008-11-04)
22// added a bool flag for the alternative (standard MC) vs (AOD MC).
563113d0 24// author : R. Vernet (renaud.vernet@cern.ch)
31#include "AliCFCutBase.h"
107a3100 33class AliMCEvent;
563113d0 34class TObject;
35class AliMCParticle;
36class AliStack;
107a3100 37class TList;
38class TH1F;
39class TH2F;
40class TBits;
c7803356 41class TArrayF;
8fe1a43d 42class TDecayChannel;
b95f6a36 43class AliVParticle;
44class AliVEvent;
45class AliAODMCParticle;
563113d0 47
48class AliCFParticleGenCuts : public AliCFCutBase
50 public :
51 AliCFParticleGenCuts() ;
52 AliCFParticleGenCuts (const Char_t* name, const Char_t* title) ;
53 AliCFParticleGenCuts (const AliCFParticleGenCuts& c) ;
54 AliCFParticleGenCuts& operator=(const AliCFParticleGenCuts& c) ;
55 virtual ~AliCFParticleGenCuts() { };
9eeae5d5 56 virtual Bool_t IsSelected(TObject* obj) ;
57 Bool_t IsSelected(TList* /*list*/) {return kTRUE;}
0c01ae65 58 virtual void SetMCEventInfo(const TObject* mcEvent) ;
b95f6a36 59 void SetAODMC(Bool_t flag) {fIsAODMC=flag;}
61 Bool_t IsPrimaryCharged(AliVParticle *mcPart);
62 Bool_t IsPrimary(AliMCParticle *mcPart) ;
63 Bool_t IsPrimary(AliAODMCParticle *mcPart) ;
563113d0 64 //static checkers
b95f6a36 65 static Bool_t IsCharged(AliVParticle *mcPart);
66 static Bool_t IsA(AliMCParticle *mcPart, Int_t pdg, Bool_t abs=kFALSE);
67 static Bool_t IsA(AliAODMCParticle *mcPart, Int_t pdg, Bool_t abs=kFALSE);
563113d0 68
107a3100 69 void SetRequireIsCharged () {fRequireIsCharged =kTRUE; fRequireIsNeutral =kFALSE;}
70 void SetRequireIsNeutral () {fRequireIsNeutral =kTRUE; fRequireIsCharged =kFALSE;}
71 void SetRequireIsPrimary () {fRequireIsPrimary =kTRUE; fRequireIsSecondary=kFALSE;}
72 void SetRequireIsSecondary () {fRequireIsSecondary=kTRUE; fRequireIsPrimary =kFALSE;}
3ff4a092 73 void SetRequirePdgCode (Int_t pdg, Bool_t useAbsolute=kFALSE) {
74 fRequirePdgCode=kTRUE;
75 fPdgCode=pdg;
76 fRequireAbsolutePdg=useAbsolute;
77 }
563113d0 78 void SetProdVtxRangeX (Double32_t xmin, Double32_t xmax) {fProdVtxXMin =xmin; fProdVtxXMax =xmax;}
79 void SetProdVtxRangeY (Double32_t ymin, Double32_t ymax) {fProdVtxYMin =ymin; fProdVtxYMax =ymax;}
80 void SetProdVtxRangeZ (Double32_t zmin, Double32_t zmax) {fProdVtxZMin =zmin; fProdVtxZMax =zmax;}
004f223f 81 void SetProdVtxRange2D (Bool_t b=kFALSE) {fProdVtxRange2D = b;}
563113d0 82 void SetDecayVtxRangeX (Double32_t xmin, Double32_t xmax) {fDecayVtxXMin =xmin; fDecayVtxXMax =xmax;}
83 void SetDecayVtxRangeY (Double32_t ymin, Double32_t ymax) {fDecayVtxYMin =ymin; fDecayVtxYMax =ymax;}
84 void SetDecayVtxRangeZ (Double32_t zmin, Double32_t zmax) {fDecayVtxZMin =zmin; fDecayVtxZMax =zmax;}
85 void SetDecayLengthRange (Double32_t rmin, Double32_t rmax) {fDecayLengthMin=rmin; fDecayLengthMax=rmax;}
86 void SetDecayRxyRange (Double32_t rmin, Double32_t rmax) {fDecayRxyMin =rmin; fDecayRxyMax =rmax;}
8fe1a43d 87 void SetDecayChannel (TDecayChannel* dc) {fDecayChannel = dc ;}
563113d0 88
107a3100 89 enum {
90 kCutCharge, // ischarged cut
91 kCutPrimSec, // isprimary cut
92 kCutPDGCode, // PDG code cut
93 kCutProdVtxXMin, // production vertex cut
94 kCutProdVtxXMax, // production vertex cut
95 kCutProdVtxYMin, // production vertex cut
96 kCutProdVtxYMax, // production vertex cut
97 kCutProdVtxZMin, // production vertex cut
98 kCutProdVtxZMax, // production vertex cut
99 kCutDecVtxXMin, // decay vertex cut
100 kCutDecVtxXMax, // decay vertex cut
101 kCutDecVtxYMin, // decay vertex cut
102 kCutDecVtxYMax, // decay vertex cut
103 kCutDecVtxZMin, // decay vertex cut
104 kCutDecVtxZMax, // decay vertex cut
105 kCutDecLgthMin, // decay length cut
106 kCutDecLgthMax, // decay length cut
107 kCutDecRxyMin, // transverse decay length cut
108 kCutDecRxyMax, // transverse decay length cut
8fe1a43d 109 kCutDecayChannel, // decay channel reuired
107a3100 110 kNCuts, // number of single selections
111 kNStepQA=2 // number of QA steps (before/after the cuts)
112 };
114 private:
b95f6a36 115 Bool_t fIsAODMC ; // flag for standard MC or MC from AOD tree
116 AliVEvent* fMCInfo ; // pointer to the MC event information
563113d0 117 Bool_t fRequireIsCharged; // require charged particle
107a3100 118 Bool_t fRequireIsNeutral; // require neutral particle
563113d0 119 Bool_t fRequireIsPrimary; // require primary particle
120 Bool_t fRequireIsSecondary; // require secondary particle
121 Bool_t fRequirePdgCode; // require check of the PDG code
2f8e8cad 122 Bool_t fRequireAbsolutePdg; // use the PDG code absolute value, used also for the decay channel
004f223f 123 Bool_t fProdVtxRange2D; // cut an ellipse in xy plane
563113d0 124 Int_t fPdgCode ; // particle PDG code
125 Double32_t fProdVtxXMin; // min X of particle production vertex
126 Double32_t fProdVtxYMin; // min Y of particle production vertex
127 Double32_t fProdVtxZMin; // min Z of particle production vertex
128 Double32_t fProdVtxXMax; // max X of particle production vertex
129 Double32_t fProdVtxYMax; // max Y of particle production vertex
130 Double32_t fProdVtxZMax; // max Z of particle production vertex
131 Double32_t fDecayVtxXMin; // min X of particle decay vertex
132 Double32_t fDecayVtxYMin; // min Y of particle decay vertex
133 Double32_t fDecayVtxZMin; // min Z of particle decay vertex
134 Double32_t fDecayVtxXMax; // max X of particle decay vertex
135 Double32_t fDecayVtxYMax; // max Y of particle decay vertex
136 Double32_t fDecayVtxZMax; // max Z of particle decay vertex
137 Double32_t fDecayLengthMin; // min decay length (absolute)
138 Double32_t fDecayLengthMax; // max decay length (absolute)
139 Double32_t fDecayRxyMin; // min decay length in transverse plane wrt (0,0,0)
140 Double32_t fDecayRxyMax; // max decay length in transverse plane wrt (0,0,0)
2f8e8cad 141 TDecayChannel* fDecayChannel; // decay channel : if fRequireAbsolutePdg, the antiparticle channel will be checked as well
563113d0 142
107a3100 143 //QA histos
c7803356 144 TH1F* fhCutStatistics; // Histogram: statistics of what cuts the tracks did not survive
145 TH2F* fhCutCorrelation; // Histogram: 2d statistics plot
146 TH1F* fhQA[kNCuts][kNStepQA]; // QA Histograms
004f223f 147 TH2F* fhProdVtxXY[2]; // Histogram: production vertex in tranzverse plane
c7803356 148 TArrayF* fCutValues; // array of cut values
149 TBits* fBitmap ; // stores single selection decisions
107a3100 150
b95f6a36 151 void SelectionBitMap(AliMCParticle* obj); // for MC got from Kinematics
152 void SelectionBitMap(AliAODMCParticle* obj); // for MC got from AOD
107a3100 153 void FillHistograms(TObject* obj, Bool_t afterCuts);
154 void AddQAHistograms(TList *qaList) ;
155 void DefineHistograms();
b95f6a36 157 ClassDef(AliCFParticleGenCuts,2);
563113d0 158};