]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/AliEMCALDigit.h
adding some checks and (tmp) AliInfo lines to help debug nightly shuttle test failure...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AliEMCALDigit.h
61e0abb5 1#ifndef ALIEMCALDIGIT_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
ffa6d63b 9// EMCAL digit:
11// A Digit is the sum of energy in a Tower (Hit sum) and stores information, about primaries
fdebddeb 12// and entering particle contributing to a Digit
61e0abb5 13//
ffa6d63b 14//*-- Author: Sahal Yacoob (LBL)
15// based on : AliPHOSDigit
61e0abb5 17
18// --- ROOT system ---
20#include "TObject.h"
22// --- Standard library ---
24// --- AliRoot header files ---
61e0abb5 25#include "AliDigitNew.h"
27class AliEMCALDigit : public AliDigitNew {
29 friend ostream& operator << ( ostream& , const AliEMCALDigit&) ;
31 public:
33 AliEMCALDigit() ;
2cd0ffda 34 AliEMCALDigit(Int_t primary, Int_t iparent, Int_t id, Float_t digEnergy, Float_t time, Int_t type,Int_t index = -1, Float_t chi2=0, Int_t ndf=0, Float_t dE = 0) ;
61e0abb5 35 AliEMCALDigit(const AliEMCALDigit & digit) ;
36 virtual ~AliEMCALDigit() ;
38 Bool_t operator==(const AliEMCALDigit &rValue) const;
0a4cb131 39 AliEMCALDigit operator+(const AliEMCALDigit &rValue) ;
40 AliEMCALDigit operator*(Float_t factor) ;
14ce0a6e 41 const AliEMCALDigit& operator = (const AliEMCALDigit &) {return *this;}
f4a4dc82 42 enum digitType{kUnknown=-1, kHG=0, kLG=1, kLGnoHG=2, kTrigger=3};
e0dc3f7d 43
44 void Clear(const Option_t*) ;
829ba234 45 Int_t Compare(const TObject * obj) const ;
46 Float_t GetAmplitude() const { if(!fAmp)return fAmpFloat ; else return fAmp ;}//Keep backward compatibility.
47 Float_t GetEta() const ;
48 Int_t GetNprimary() const { return fNprimary ;}
49 Int_t GetPrimary(Int_t index) const ;
af5bdd85 50 Float_t GetDEPrimary(Int_t index) const ;
829ba234 51 Int_t GetNiparent() const { return fNiparent ;}
52 Int_t GetIparent(Int_t index) const ;
53 Float_t GetDEParent(Int_t index) const ;
54 Float_t GetPhi() const ;
55 Float_t GetTime(void) const { return fTime ;}
56 Float_t GetTimeR(void) const { return fTimeR ;}
57 Float_t GetChi2(void) const { return fChi2 ;}
58 Int_t GetNDF(void) const { return fNDF ;}
59 Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE ;}
f4a4dc82 60 Int_t GetType() const { return fDigitType ;}
829ba234 61
f4a4dc82 62 void SetAmp(Int_t amp) { fAmp = amp ;} //old
63 void SetAmplitude(Float_t amp) { fAmpFloat = amp ;}
64 void SetId(Int_t idt) { fId = idt ;}
65 void SetTime(Float_t time) { fTime = time ;}
66 void SetTimeR(Float_t time) { fTimeR = time ;}
67 void SetChi2(Float_t chi) { fChi2 = chi ;}
68 void SetNDF(Int_t ndf) { fNDF = ndf ;}
69 void SetType(Int_t t) { fDigitType = t ;}
fdebddeb 70 void ShiftPrimary(Int_t shift); // shift to separate different TreeK in merging
8a84b948 71
829ba234 72 //Raw time sample
73 //ALTRO
f4a4dc82 74 Int_t GetNALTROSamplesLG() const {if(fDigitType==kLG)return fNSamples; else return 0;}
829ba234 75 Bool_t GetALTROSampleLG(const Int_t iSample, Int_t& timeBin, Int_t& amp) const;
f4a4dc82 76 Int_t GetNALTROSamplesHG() const {if(fDigitType==kHG) return fNSamplesHG; else return 0;}
829ba234 77 Bool_t GetALTROSampleHG(const Int_t iSample, Int_t& timeBin, Int_t& amp) const;
78 //FALTRO, trigger. Same data members as Low Gain
79 Int_t GetNFALTROSamples() const
f4a4dc82 80 {if(fDigitType==kTrigger) return fNSamples; else return 0;}
829ba234 81 Bool_t GetFALTROSample(const Int_t iSample, Int_t& timeBin, Int_t& amp) const ;
83 void SetALTROSamplesHG (const Int_t nSamplesHG, Int_t *samplesHG);
84 void SetALTROSamplesLG (const Int_t nSamplesLG, Int_t *samplesLG);
f4a4dc82 85 void SetFALTROSamples (const Int_t nSamples, Int_t *samples) { if(fDigitType==kTrigger) SetALTROSamplesLG(nSamples, samples);}
88cb7938 86
8a84b948 87 void SetCalibAmp(Float_t amp) { fAmpCalib = amp; }
88 Double_t GetCalibAmp() const { return fAmpCalib; }
829ba234 90 void Print(const Option_t* /*opt*/) const;
92 private:
94 Float_t fAmpFloat; // Cell amplitude, float
95 Int_t fNSamples; // Number of time samples, Low Gain for ALTRO, used also for FALTRO
96 Int_t* fSamples; //[fNSamples], list of time bin constents, Low Gain for ALTRO, used also for FALTRO
97 Int_t fNSamplesHG; // Number of time samples, High Gain for ALTRO
98 Int_t* fSamplesHG; //[fNSamples], list of time bin constents, High Gain for ALTRO, used also for FALTRO
61e0abb5 100 Int_t fNprimary ; // Number of primaries
88d764f0 101 Int_t fNMaxPrimary ; // Max Number of primaries
102 Int_t *fPrimary ; //[fNMaxPrimary] Array of primaries
af5bdd85 103 Float_t *fDEPrimary; //[fNMaxPrimary] Array of primary energy contributions
61e0abb5 104
105 Int_t fNiparent ; // Number of initial parents
88d764f0 106 Int_t fNMaxiparent ; // Max Number of parents
107 Int_t *fIparent ; //[fNMaxiparent] Array of parents
af5bdd85 108 Float_t *fDEParent; //[fNMaxiparent] Array of parent energy contributions
0c22a365 109 Int_t fMaxIter ; // Number to Increment Maxiparent, and MaxPrimary if default is not sufficient
814ad4bf 110 Float_t fTime ; // Calculated time
04f0bda3 111 Float_t fTimeR ; // Earliest time: to be used by Digits2Raw
829ba234 112 //Fit quality parameters
113 Float_t fChi2; // Fit Chi aquare
f4a4dc82 114 Int_t fNDF; // Fit Number of Degrees of Freedom
829ba234 115
f4a4dc82 116 Int_t fDigitType; // This is a trigger digit(0), HG (1) or LG (3)
8a84b948 117 Float_t fAmpCalib; //!Calibrated energy
61e0abb5 118
8a84b948 119 ClassDef(AliEMCALDigit,6) // Digit in EMCAL
61e0abb5 120} ;
122#endif // ALIEMCALDIGIT_H