]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/AliEMCALEMCGeometry.cxx
Move trigger class print from to debug mode
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AliEMCALEMCGeometry.cxx
0c5b726e 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id: AliEMCALEMCGeometry.cxx 29514 2008-10-26 10:24:38Z hristov $*/
19// Geometry class for EMCAL : singleton
20// EMCAL consists of layers of scintillator and lead
21// with scintillator fiber arranged as "shish-kebab" skewers
22// Places the the Barrel Geometry of The EMCAL at Midrapidity
23// between 80 and 180(or 190) degrees of Phi and
24// -0.7 to 0.7 in eta
26// EMCAL geometry tree:
27// EMCAL -> superModule -> module -> tower(cell)
28// Indexes
29// absId -> nSupMod -> nModule -> (nIphi,nIeta)
31// Name choices:
32// EMCAL_PDC06 (geometry used for PDC06 simulations, kept for backward compatibility)
33// = equivalent to SHISH_77_TRD1_2X2_FINAL_110DEG in old notation
34// EMCAL_COMPLETE (geometry for expected complete detector)
35// = equivalent to SHISH_77_TRD1_2X2_FINAL_110DEG scTh=0.176 pbTh=0.144
36// in old notation
37// EMCAL_WSUC (Wayne State test stand)
38// = no definite equivalent in old notation, was only used by
39// Aleksei, but kept for testing purposes
41// etc.
45//*-- Author: Sahal Yacoob (LBL / UCT)
46// and : Yves Schutz (SUBATECH)
47// and : Jennifer Klay (LBL)
48// and : Aleksei Pavlinov (WSU)
49// and : Magali Estienne (SUBATECH)
51// --- Root header files ---
52#include <TObjArray.h>
53#include <TObjString.h>
54#include <TRegexp.h>
56// -- ALICE Headers.
57#include "AliLog.h"
59// --- EMCAL headers
60#include "AliEMCALEMCGeometry.h"
61#include <cassert>
65// these initialisations are needed for a singleton
66Bool_t AliEMCALEMCGeometry::fgInit = kFALSE;
67const Char_t* AliEMCALEMCGeometry::fgkDefaultGeometryName = "EMCAL_COMPLETE";
71 : TNamed(),
72 fGeoName(0),fArrayOpts(0),fNAdditionalOpts(0),fECPbRadThickness(0.),fECScintThick(0.),
73 fNECLayers(0),fArm1PhiMin(0.),fArm1PhiMax(0.),fArm1EtaMin(0.),fArm1EtaMax(0.),fIPDistance(0.),
74 fShellThickness(0.),fZLength(0.),fNZ(0),fNPhi(0),fSampling(0.),fNumberOfSuperModules(0),
75 fFrontSteelStrip(0.),fLateralSteelStrip(0.),fPassiveScintThick(0.),fPhiModuleSize(0.),
76 fEtaModuleSize(0.),fPhiTileSize(0.),fEtaTileSize(0.),fLongModuleSize(0.),fNPhiSuperModule(0),
77 fNPHIdiv(0),fNETAdiv(0), fNCells(0),fNCellsInSupMod(0),fNCellsInModule(0),
78 // Trigger staff
79 fNTRUEta(0), fNTRUPhi(0), fNModulesInTRUEta(0), fNModulesInTRUPhi(0), fNEtaSubOfTRU(0),
80 //
81 fTrd1Angle(0.),f2Trd1Dx2(0.),
82 fPhiGapForSM(0.),fKey110DEG(0),fPhiBoundariesOfSM(0), fPhiCentersOfSM(0),fEtaMaxOfTRD1(0),
83 fCentersOfCellsEtaDir(0), fCentersOfCellsXDir(0),fCentersOfCellsPhiDir(0),
84 fEtaCentersOfCells(0),fPhiCentersOfCells(0),fShishKebabTrd1Modules(0),
85 fILOSS(-1), fIHADR(-1),
86 //obsolete member data
87 fAlFrontThick(0.), fGap2Active(0.), fSteelFrontThick(0.), fTrd2AngleY(0.),
88 f2Trd2Dy2(0.), fEmptySpace(0.), fTubsR(0.), fTubsTurnAngle(0.)
90 // default ctor only for internal usage (singleton)
91 // must be kept public for root persistency purposes,
92 // but should never be called by the outside world
94 AliDebug(2, "AliEMCALEMCGeometry : default ctor ");
97AliEMCALEMCGeometry::AliEMCALEMCGeometry(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title) :
98 TNamed(name,title),
99 fGeoName(0),fArrayOpts(0),fNAdditionalOpts(0),fECPbRadThickness(0.),fECScintThick(0.),
100 fNECLayers(0),fArm1PhiMin(0.),fArm1PhiMax(0.),fArm1EtaMin(0.),fArm1EtaMax(0.),fIPDistance(0.),
101 fShellThickness(0.),fZLength(0.),fNZ(0),fNPhi(0),fSampling(0.),fNumberOfSuperModules(0),
102 fFrontSteelStrip(0.),fLateralSteelStrip(0.),fPassiveScintThick(0.),fPhiModuleSize(0.),
103 fEtaModuleSize(0.),fPhiTileSize(0.),fEtaTileSize(0.),fLongModuleSize(0.),fNPhiSuperModule(0),
104 fNPHIdiv(0),fNETAdiv(0), fNCells(0),fNCellsInSupMod(0),fNCellsInModule(0),
105 // Trigger staff
106 fNTRUEta(0), fNTRUPhi(0), fNModulesInTRUEta(0), fNModulesInTRUPhi(0), fNEtaSubOfTRU(0),
107 //
108 fTrd1Angle(0.),f2Trd1Dx2(0.),
109 fPhiGapForSM(0.),fKey110DEG(0),fPhiBoundariesOfSM(0), fPhiCentersOfSM(0), fEtaMaxOfTRD1(0),
110 fCentersOfCellsEtaDir(0),fCentersOfCellsXDir(0),fCentersOfCellsPhiDir(0),
111 fEtaCentersOfCells(0),fPhiCentersOfCells(0),fShishKebabTrd1Modules(0),
112 fILOSS(-1), fIHADR(-1),
113 //obsolete member data
114 fAlFrontThick(0.), fGap2Active(0.), fSteelFrontThick(0.), fTrd2AngleY(0.),
115 f2Trd2Dy2(0.), fEmptySpace(0.), fTubsR(0.), fTubsTurnAngle(0.)
117 // ctor only for internal usage (singleton)
118 AliDebug(2, Form("AliEMCALEMCGeometry(%s,%s) ", name,title));
120 Init();
122 // CreateListOfTrd1Modules();
124 if (AliDebugLevel()>=2) {
125 PrintGeometry();
126 }
130AliEMCALEMCGeometry::AliEMCALEMCGeometry(const AliEMCALEMCGeometry& geom)
131 : TNamed(geom),
132 fGeoName(geom.fGeoName),
133 fArrayOpts(geom.fArrayOpts),
134 fNAdditionalOpts(geom.fNAdditionalOpts),
135 fECPbRadThickness(geom.fECPbRadThickness),
136 fECScintThick(geom.fECScintThick),
137 fNECLayers(geom.fNECLayers),
138 fArm1PhiMin(geom.fArm1PhiMin),
139 fArm1PhiMax(geom.fArm1PhiMax),
140 fArm1EtaMin(geom.fArm1EtaMin),
141 fArm1EtaMax(geom.fArm1EtaMax),
142 fIPDistance(geom.fIPDistance),
143 fShellThickness(geom.fShellThickness),
144 fZLength(geom.fZLength),
145 fNZ(geom.fNZ),
146 fNPhi(geom.fNPhi),
147 fSampling(geom.fSampling),
148 fNumberOfSuperModules(geom.fNumberOfSuperModules),
149 fFrontSteelStrip(geom.fFrontSteelStrip),
150 fLateralSteelStrip(geom.fLateralSteelStrip),
151 fPassiveScintThick(geom.fPassiveScintThick),
152 fPhiModuleSize(geom.fPhiModuleSize),
153 fEtaModuleSize(geom.fEtaModuleSize),
154 fPhiTileSize(geom.fPhiTileSize),
155 fEtaTileSize(geom.fEtaTileSize),
156 fLongModuleSize(geom.fLongModuleSize),
157 fNPhiSuperModule(geom.fNPhiSuperModule),
158 fNPHIdiv(geom.fNPHIdiv),
159 fNETAdiv(geom.fNETAdiv),
160 fNCells(geom.fNCells),
161 fNCellsInSupMod(geom.fNCellsInSupMod),
162 fNCellsInModule(geom.fNCellsInModule),
163 // Trigger staff
164 fNTRUEta(geom.fNTRUEta),
165 fNTRUPhi(geom.fNTRUPhi),
166 fNModulesInTRUEta(geom.fNModulesInTRUEta),
167 fNModulesInTRUPhi(geom.fNModulesInTRUPhi),
168 fNEtaSubOfTRU(geom.fNEtaSubOfTRU),
169 //
170 fTrd1Angle(geom.fTrd1Angle),
171 f2Trd1Dx2(geom.f2Trd1Dx2),
172 fPhiGapForSM(geom.fPhiGapForSM),
173 fKey110DEG(geom.fKey110DEG),
174 fPhiBoundariesOfSM(geom.fPhiBoundariesOfSM),
175 fPhiCentersOfSM(geom.fPhiCentersOfSM),
176 fEtaMaxOfTRD1(geom.fEtaMaxOfTRD1),
177 fCentersOfCellsEtaDir(geom.fCentersOfCellsEtaDir),
178 fCentersOfCellsXDir(geom.fCentersOfCellsXDir),
179 fCentersOfCellsPhiDir(geom.fCentersOfCellsPhiDir),
180 fEtaCentersOfCells(geom.fEtaCentersOfCells),
181 fPhiCentersOfCells(geom.fPhiCentersOfCells),
182 fShishKebabTrd1Modules(geom.fShishKebabTrd1Modules),
183 fILOSS(geom.fILOSS), fIHADR(geom.fIHADR),
184 //obsolete member data
185 fAlFrontThick(geom.fAlFrontThick),
186 fGap2Active(geom.fGap2Active),
187 fSteelFrontThick(geom.fSteelFrontThick),
188 fTrd2AngleY(geom.fTrd2AngleY),
189 f2Trd2Dy2(geom.f2Trd2Dy2),
190 fEmptySpace(geom.fEmptySpace),
191 fTubsR(geom.fTubsR),
192 fTubsTurnAngle(geom.fTubsTurnAngle)
194 //copy ctor
199 // dtor
203void AliEMCALEMCGeometry::Init(void){
204 //
205 // Initializes the EMCAL parameters based on the name
206 // Only Shashlyk geometry is available, but various combinations of
207 // layers and number of supermodules can be selected with additional
208 // options or geometry name
209 //
211 fkAdditionalOpts[0] = "nl="; // number of sampling layers (fNECLayers)
212 fkAdditionalOpts[1] = "pbTh="; // cm, Thickness of the Pb (fECPbRadThick)
213 fkAdditionalOpts[2] = "scTh="; // cm, Thickness of the Sc (fECScintThick)
214 fkAdditionalOpts[3] = "latSS="; // cm, Thickness of lateral steel strip (fLateralSteelStrip)
215 fkAdditionalOpts[4] = "allILOSS="; // = 0,1,2,3,4 (4 - energy loss without fluctuation)
216 fkAdditionalOpts[5] = "allIHADR="; // = 0,1,2 (0 - no hadronic interaction)
218 fNAdditionalOpts = sizeof(fkAdditionalOpts) / sizeof(char*);
220 // geometry
221 fgInit = kFALSE; // Assume failed until proven otherwise.
222 fGeoName = GetName();
223 fGeoName.ToUpper();
225 //Convert old geometry names to new ones
226 if(fGeoName.Contains("SHISH_77_TRD1_2X2_FINAL_110DEG")) {
227 if(fGeoName.Contains("PBTH=0.144") && fGeoName.Contains("SCTH=0.176")) {
228 fGeoName = "EMCAL_COMPLETE";
229 } else {
230 fGeoName = "EMCAL_PDC06";
231 }
232 }
233 if(fGeoName.Contains("WSUC")) fGeoName = "EMCAL_WSUC";
235 //check that we have a valid geometry name
236 if(!(fGeoName.Contains("EMCAL_PDC06") || fGeoName.Contains("EMCAL_COMPLETE") || fGeoName.Contains("EMCAL_WSUC") || fGeoName.Contains("EMCAL_1stYear"))) {
237 Fatal("Init", "%s is an undefined geometry!", fGeoName.Data()) ;
238 }
240 // Option to know whether we have the "half" supermodule(s) or not
241 fKey110DEG = 0;
242 if(fGeoName.Contains("COMPLETE") || fGeoName.Contains("PDC06")) fKey110DEG = 1; // for GetAbsCellId
243 fShishKebabTrd1Modules = 0;
245 // JLK 13-Apr-2008
246 //default parameters are those of EMCAL_COMPLETE geometry
247 //all others render variations from these at the end of
248 //geometry-name specific options
250 fNumberOfSuperModules = 12; // 12 = 6 * 2 (6 in phi, 2 in Z)
251 fNPhi = 12; // module granularity in phi within smod (azimuth)
252 fNZ = 24; // module granularity along Z within smod (eta)
253 fNPHIdiv = fNETAdiv = 2; // tower granularity within module
254 fArm1PhiMin = 80.0; // degrees, Starting EMCAL Phi position
255 fArm1PhiMax = 200.0; // degrees, Ending EMCAL Phi position
256 fArm1EtaMin = -0.7; // pseudorapidity, Starting EMCAL Eta position
257 fArm1EtaMax = +0.7; // pseudorapidity, Ending EMCAL Eta position
258 fIPDistance = 428.0; // cm, radial distance to front face from nominal vertex point
259 fPhiGapForSM = 2.; // cm, only for final TRD1 geometry
260 fFrontSteelStrip = 0.025; // 0.025cm = 0.25mm (13-may-05 from V.Petrov)
261 fPassiveScintThick = 0.8; // 0.8cm = 8mm (13-may-05 from V.Petrov)
262 fLateralSteelStrip = 0.01; // 0.01cm = 0.1mm (13-may-05 from V.Petrov) - was 0.025
263 fTrd1Angle = 1.5; // in degrees
265 fSampling = 1.; // should be calculated with call to DefineSamplingFraction()
266 fNECLayers = 77; // (13-may-05 from V.Petrov) - can be changed with additional options
267 fECScintThick = 0.176; // scintillator layer thickness
268 fECPbRadThickness = 0.144; // lead layer thickness
270 fPhiModuleSize = 12.26 - fPhiGapForSM / Float_t(fNPhi); // first assumption
271 fEtaModuleSize = fPhiModuleSize;
273 fZLength = 700.; // Z coverage (cm)
276 //needs to be called for each geometry and before setting geometry
277 //parameters which can depend on the outcome
278 CheckAdditionalOptions();
280 //modifications to the above for PDC06 geometry
281 if(fGeoName.Contains("PDC06")){ // 18-may-05 - about common structure
282 fECScintThick = fECPbRadThickness = 0.16;// (13-may-05 from V.Petrov)
283 CheckAdditionalOptions();
284 }
286 //modifications to the above for WSUC geometry
287 if(fGeoName.Contains("WSUC")){ // 18-may-05 - about common structure
288 fPhiModuleSize = 12.5; // 20-may-05 - rectangular shape
289 fEtaModuleSize = 11.9;
290 fECScintThick = fECPbRadThickness = 0.16;// (13-may-05 from V.Petrov)
291 fNumberOfSuperModules = 1; // 27-may-05
292 fShellThickness = 30.; // should be change
293 fNPhi = fNZ = 4;
294 CheckAdditionalOptions();
295 }
297 if(fGeoName.Contains("1stYear")){
298 fNumberOfSuperModules = 2;
300 if(fGeoName.Contains("LowerEta")) {
301 fNPhiSuperModule = 1;
302 }
303 else if(fGeoName.Contains("LowerPhi_SideA")){
304 fNPhiSuperModule = 2;
305 fArm1EtaMax=0;
306 }
307 else if(fGeoName.Contains("LowerPhi_SideC")){
308 fNPhiSuperModule = 2;
309 fArm1EtaMin=0;
310 }
312 CheckAdditionalOptions();
313 }
315 // constant for transition absid <--> indexes
316 fNCellsInModule = fNPHIdiv*fNETAdiv;
317 fNCellsInSupMod = fNCellsInModule*fNPhi*fNZ;
318 fNCells = fNCellsInSupMod*fNumberOfSuperModules;
319 if(GetKey110DEG()) fNCells -= fNCellsInSupMod;
321 fNPhiSuperModule = fNumberOfSuperModules/2;
322 if(fNPhiSuperModule < 1) fNPhiSuperModule = 1;
324 fPhiTileSize = fPhiModuleSize/double(fNPHIdiv) - fLateralSteelStrip; // 13-may-05
325 fEtaTileSize = fEtaModuleSize/double(fNETAdiv) - fLateralSteelStrip; // 13-may-05
327 fLongModuleSize = fNECLayers*(fECScintThick + fECPbRadThickness);
328 f2Trd1Dx2 = fEtaModuleSize + 2.*fLongModuleSize*TMath::Tan(fTrd1Angle*TMath::DegToRad()/2.);
329 if(!fGeoName.Contains("WSUC")) fShellThickness = TMath::Sqrt(fLongModuleSize*fLongModuleSize + f2Trd1Dx2*f2Trd1Dx2);
331 //These parameters are used to create the mother volume to hold the supermodules
332 //2cm padding added to allow for misalignments - JLK 30-May-2008
333 fEnvelop[0] = fIPDistance - 1.; // mother volume inner radius
334 fEnvelop[1] = fIPDistance + fShellThickness + 1.; // mother volume outer r.
335 fEnvelop[2] = fZLength + 2.; //mother volume length
337 // Local coordinates
338 fParSM[0] = GetShellThickness()/2.;
339 fParSM[1] = GetPhiModuleSize() * GetNPhi()/2.;
340 fParSM[2] = fZLength/4.; //divide by 4 to get half-length of SM
342 // SM phi boundaries - (0,1),(2,3) .. (10,11) - has the same boundaries; Nov 7, 2006
343 fPhiBoundariesOfSM.Set(fNumberOfSuperModules);
344 fPhiCentersOfSM.Set(fNumberOfSuperModules/2);
345 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[0] = TMath::PiOver2() - TMath::ATan2(fParSM[1] , fIPDistance); // 1th and 2th modules)
346 fPhiCentersOfSM[0] = TMath::PiOver2();
347 if(fNumberOfSuperModules > 1)
348 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[1] = TMath::PiOver2() + TMath::ATan2(fParSM[1] , fIPDistance);
349 if(fNumberOfSuperModules > 2) {
350 for(int i=1; i<=4; i++) { // from 2th ro 9th
351 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i] = fPhiBoundariesOfSM[0] + 20.*TMath::DegToRad()*i;
352 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i+1] = fPhiBoundariesOfSM[1] + 20.*TMath::DegToRad()*i;
353 fPhiCentersOfSM[i] = fPhiCentersOfSM[0] + 20.*TMath::DegToRad()*i;
354 }
355 }
356 if(fNumberOfSuperModules > 10) {
357 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[11] = 190.*TMath::DegToRad();
358 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[10] = fPhiBoundariesOfSM[11] - TMath::ATan2((fParSM[1]) , fIPDistance);
359 fPhiCentersOfSM[5] = (fPhiBoundariesOfSM[10]+fPhiBoundariesOfSM[11])/2.;
360 }
362 //called after setting of scintillator and lead layer parameters
363 DefineSamplingFraction();
366 // TRU parameters - Apr 29,08 by PAI.
367 // These parameters values was updated at Nov 05, 2007
368 // As is on Olivier BOURRION (LPSC) ppt preasentation
369 // at ALICE trigger meeting at 13th-14th March
370 fNTRUEta = 1; // was 3
371 fNTRUPhi = 3; // was 1
372 fNModulesInTRUEta = 24; // was 8
373 fNModulesInTRUPhi = 4; // was 12
374 // Jet trigger
375 // 3*6*10 + 2*6*2 = 204 -> matrix (nphi(17), neta(12))
376 fNEtaSubOfTRU = 6;
379 fgInit = kTRUE;
383void AliEMCALEMCGeometry::PrintGeometry()
385 // Separate routine is callable from broswer; Nov 7,2006
386 printf("\nInit: geometry of EMCAL named %s :\n", fGeoName.Data());
387 if(fArrayOpts) {
388 for(Int_t i=0; i<fArrayOpts->GetEntries(); i++){
389 TObjString *o = (TObjString*)fArrayOpts->At(i);
390 printf(" %i : %s \n", i, o->String().Data());
391 }
392 }
393 printf("Granularity: %d in eta and %d in phi\n", GetNZ(), GetNPhi()) ;
394 printf("Layout: phi = (%7.1f, %7.1f), eta = (%5.2f, %5.2f), IP = %7.2f -> for EMCAL envelope only\n",
395 GetArm1PhiMin(), GetArm1PhiMax(),GetArm1EtaMin(), GetArm1EtaMax(), GetIPDistance() );
397 printf( " ECAL : %d x (%f cm Pb, %f cm Sc) \n",
398 GetNECLayers(), GetECPbRadThick(), GetECScintThick() ) ;
399 printf(" fSampling %5.2f \n", fSampling );
400 printf(" fIPDistance %6.3f cm \n", fIPDistance);
401 printf(" fNPhi %i | fNZ %i \n", fNPhi, fNZ);
402 printf(" fNCellsInModule %i : fNCellsInSupMod %i : fNCells %i\n",fNCellsInModule, fNCellsInSupMod, fNCells);
403 printf(" X:Y module size %6.3f , %6.3f cm \n", fPhiModuleSize, fEtaModuleSize);
404 printf(" X:Y tile size %6.3f , %6.3f cm \n", fPhiTileSize, fEtaTileSize);
405 printf(" #of sampling layers %i(fNECLayers) \n", fNECLayers);
406 printf(" fLongModuleSize %6.3f cm \n", fLongModuleSize);
407 printf(" #supermodule in phi direction %i \n", fNPhiSuperModule );
408 printf(" fILOSS %i : fIHADR %i \n", fILOSS, fIHADR);
409 printf(" fTrd1Angle %7.4f\n", fTrd1Angle);
410 printf(" f2Trd1Dx2 %7.4f\n", f2Trd1Dx2);
411 printf("SM dimensions(TRD1) : dx %7.2f dy %7.2f dz %7.2f (SMOD, BOX)\n",
412 fParSM[0],fParSM[1],fParSM[2]);
413 printf(" fPhiGapForSM %7.4f cm (%7.4f <- phi size in degree)\n",
414 fPhiGapForSM, TMath::ATan2(fPhiGapForSM,fIPDistance)*TMath::RadToDeg());
415 if(GetKey110DEG()) printf(" Last two modules have size 10 degree in phi (180<phi<190)\n");
416 printf(" phi SM boundaries \n");
417 for(int i=0; i<fPhiBoundariesOfSM.GetSize()/2.; i++) {
418 printf(" %i : %7.5f(%7.2f) -> %7.5f(%7.2f) : center %7.5f(%7.2f) \n", i,
419 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i], fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i]*TMath::RadToDeg(),
420 fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i+1], fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i+1]*TMath::RadToDeg(),
421 fPhiCentersOfSM[i], fPhiCentersOfSM[i]*TMath::RadToDeg());
422 }
427void AliEMCALEMCGeometry::CheckAdditionalOptions()
429 // Feb 06,2006
430 // Additional options that
431 // can be used to select
432 // the specific geometry of
433 // EMCAL to run
434 // Dec 27,2006
435 // adeed allILOSS= and allIHADR= for MIP investigation
436 fArrayOpts = new TObjArray;
437 Int_t nopt = ParseString(fGeoName, *fArrayOpts);
438 if(nopt==1) { // no aditional option(s)
439 fArrayOpts->Delete();
440 delete fArrayOpts;
441 fArrayOpts = 0;
442 return;
443 }
444 for(Int_t i=1; i<nopt; i++){
445 TObjString *o = (TObjString*)fArrayOpts->At(i);
447 TString addOpt = o->String();
448 Int_t indj=-1;
449 for(Int_t j=0; j<fNAdditionalOpts; j++) {
450 TString opt = fkAdditionalOpts[j];
451 if(addOpt.Contains(opt,TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
452 indj = j;
453 break;
454 }
455 }
456 if(indj<0) {
457 AliDebug(2,Form("<E> option |%s| unavailable : ** look to the file AliEMCALGeometry.h **\n",
458 addOpt.Data()));
459 assert(0);
460 } else {
461 AliDebug(2,Form("<I> option |%s| is valid : number %i : |%s|\n",
462 addOpt.Data(), indj, fkAdditionalOpts[indj]));
463 if (addOpt.Contains("NL=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {// number of sampling layers
464 sscanf(addOpt.Data(),"NL=%i", &fNECLayers);
465 AliDebug(2,Form(" fNECLayers %i (new) \n", fNECLayers));
466 } else if(addOpt.Contains("PBTH=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {//Thickness of the Pb(fECPbRadThicknes)
467 sscanf(addOpt.Data(),"PBTH=%f", &fECPbRadThickness);
468 } else if(addOpt.Contains("SCTH=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {//Thickness of the Sc(fECScintThick)
469 sscanf(addOpt.Data(),"SCTH=%f", &fECScintThick);
470 } else if(addOpt.Contains("LATSS=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {// Thickness of lateral steel strip (fLateralSteelStrip)
471 sscanf(addOpt.Data(),"LATSS=%f", &fLateralSteelStrip);
472 AliDebug(2,Form(" fLateralSteelStrip %f (new) \n", fLateralSteelStrip));
473 } else if(addOpt.Contains("ILOSS=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {// As in Geant
474 sscanf(addOpt.Data(),"ALLILOSS=%i", &fILOSS);
475 AliDebug(2,Form(" fILOSS %i \n", fILOSS));
476 } else if(addOpt.Contains("IHADR=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {// As in Geant
477 sscanf(addOpt.Data(),"ALLIHADR=%i", &fIHADR);
478 AliDebug(2,Form(" fIHADR %i \n", fIHADR));
479 }
480 }
481 }
485void AliEMCALEMCGeometry::DefineSamplingFraction()
487 // Jun 05,2006
488 // Look http://rhic.physics.wayne.edu/~pavlinov/ALICE/SHISHKEBAB/RES/linearityAndResolutionForTRD1.html
489 // Keep for compatibilty
490 //
491 if(fNECLayers == 69) { // 10% layer reduction
492 fSampling = 12.55;
493 } else if(fNECLayers == 61) { // 20% layer reduction
494 fSampling = 12.80;
495 } else if(fNECLayers == 77) {
496 if (fECScintThick>0.159 && fECScintThick<0.161) { // original sampling fraction, equal layers
497 fSampling = 12.327; // fECScintThick = fECPbRadThickness = 0.160;
498 } else if (fECScintThick>0.175 && fECScintThick<0.177) { // 10% Pb thicknes reduction
499 fSampling = 10.5; // fECScintThick = 0.176, fECPbRadThickness=0.144;
500 } else if(fECScintThick>0.191 && fECScintThick<0.193) { // 20% Pb thicknes reduction
501 fSampling = 8.93; // fECScintThick = 0.192, fECPbRadThickness=0.128;
502 }
504 }
508Double_t AliEMCALEMCGeometry::GetPhiCenterOfSM(Int_t nsupmod) const
510 //returns center of supermodule in phi
511 int i = nsupmod/2;
512 return fPhiCentersOfSM[i];
517Bool_t AliEMCALEMCGeometry::GetPhiBoundariesOfSM(Int_t nSupMod, Double_t &phiMin, Double_t &phiMax) const
519 // 0<= nSupMod <=11; phi in rad
520 static int i;
521 if(nSupMod<0 || nSupMod >11) return kFALSE;
522 i = nSupMod/2;
523 phiMin = (Double_t)fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i];
524 phiMax = (Double_t)fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*i+1];
525 return kTRUE;
529Bool_t AliEMCALEMCGeometry::GetPhiBoundariesOfSMGap(Int_t nPhiSec, Double_t &phiMin, Double_t &phiMax) const
531 // 0<= nPhiSec <=4; phi in rad
532 // 0; gap boundaries between 0th&2th | 1th&3th SM
533 // 1; gap boundaries between 2th&4th | 3th&5th SM
534 // 2; gap boundaries between 4th&6th | 5th&7th SM
535 // 3; gap boundaries between 6th&8th | 7th&9th SM
536 // 4; gap boundaries between 8th&10th | 9th&11th SM
537 if(nPhiSec<0 || nPhiSec >4) return kFALSE;
538 phiMin = fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*nPhiSec+1];
539 phiMax = fPhiBoundariesOfSM[2*nPhiSec+2];
540 return kTRUE;
544int AliEMCALEMCGeometry::ParseString(const TString &topt, TObjArray &Opt)
546 //Parse string, does what? GCB 08/09
547 Ssiz_t begin, index, end, end2;
548 begin = index = end = end2 = 0;
549 TRegexp separator("[^ ;,\\t\\s/]+");
550 while ( (begin < topt.Length()) && (index != kNPOS) ) {
551 // loop over given options
552 index = topt.Index(separator,&end,begin);
553 if (index >= 0 && end >= 1) {
554 TString substring(topt(index,end));
555 Opt.Add(new TObjString(substring.Data()));
556 }
557 begin += end+1;
558 }
559 return Opt.GetEntries();