]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/AliEMCALGeoUtils.h
more realistic time resolution as a function of energy (fit and parameters from Franc...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AliEMCALGeoUtils.h
0c5b726e 1#ifndef ALIEMCALGEOUTILS_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7// class for geometry transformations in EMCAL
8// this class contains AliRoot-independent transformations,
9// AliRoot part is in AliEMCALGeometry
11//*-- Author: Magali Estienne
13// --- ROOT system ---
14#include <TNamed.h>
15#include <TMath.h>
16#include <TArrayD.h>
17#include <TVector3.h>
fa911ba9 18#include <TGeoMatrix.h>
0c5b726e 19class TBrowser ;
20class TParticle ;
0c5b726e 21
22// --- AliRoot header files ---
23#include "AliEMCALEMCGeometry.h"
a5f0a2ba 24#include "AliEMCALGeoParams.h"
0c5b726e 25class AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module;
26#include "AliLog.h"
28class AliEMCALGeoUtils : public TNamed {
32 AliEMCALGeoUtils();
33 AliEMCALGeoUtils(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title="");
34 AliEMCALGeoUtils(const AliEMCALGeoUtils & geom);
36 virtual ~AliEMCALGeoUtils(void);
37 AliEMCALGeoUtils & operator = (const AliEMCALGeoUtils & rvalue);
39 /////////////
40 // TRD1 stuff
41 void CreateListOfTrd1Modules();
42 TList *GetShishKebabTrd1Modules() const {return fShishKebabTrd1Modules;}
43 AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module *GetShishKebabModule(Int_t neta) const;
14c2372a 45 void PrintGeometryGeoUtils(); // *MENU*
0c5b726e 46 void PrintCellIndexes(Int_t absId=0, int pri=0, const char *tit="") const ; //*MENU*
14c2372a 47 void PrintLocalTrd1(Int_t pri=0) const; // *MENU*
0c5b726e 48 virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b);
49 virtual Bool_t IsFolder() const;
51 virtual Bool_t Impact(const TParticle *) const;
52 void ImpactOnEmcal(TVector3 vtx, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Int_t & absId, TVector3 & vimpact) const;
53 Bool_t IsInEMCAL(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const;
56 AliEMCALEMCGeometry* GetEMCGeometry() const { return fEMCGeometry;}
58 //////////////////////////
59 // Global geometry methods
60 //
61 void GetGlobal(const Double_t *loc, Double_t *glob, int ind) const;
62 void GetGlobal(const TVector3 &vloc, TVector3 &vglob, int ind) const;
63 void GetGlobal(Int_t absId, Double_t glob[3]) const;
64 void GetGlobal(Int_t absId, TVector3 &vglob) const;
66 ////////////////////////////////////////
67 // May 31, 2006; ALICE numbering scheme:
68 // see ALICE-INT-2003-038: ALICE Coordinate System and Software Numbering Convention
69 // All indexes are stared from zero now.
70 //
71 // abs id <-> indexes; Shish-kebab case, only TRD1 now.
72 // EMCAL -> Super Module -> module -> tower(or cell) - logic tree of EMCAL
73 //
74 //** Usual name of variable - Dec 18,2006 **
75 // nSupMod - index of super module (SM)
76 // nModule - index of module in SM
77 // nIphi - phi index of tower(cell) in module
78 // nIeta - eta index of tower(cell) in module
79 //
80 // Inside SM
81 // iphim - phi index of module in SM
82 // ietam - eta index of module in SM
83 //
84 // iphi - phi index of tower(cell) in SM
85 // ieta - eta index of tower(cell) in SM
86 //
87 // for a given tower index absId returns eta and phi of gravity center of tower.
88 void EtaPhiFromIndex(Int_t absId, Double_t &eta, Double_t &phi) const;
89 void EtaPhiFromIndex(Int_t absId, Float_t &eta, Float_t &phi) const;
91 Bool_t GetAbsCellIdFromEtaPhi(Double_t eta,Double_t phi, Int_t &absId) const;
92 Bool_t SuperModuleNumberFromEtaPhi(Double_t eta, Double_t phi, Int_t &nSupMod) const;
93 Int_t GetAbsCellId(Int_t nSupMod, Int_t nModule, Int_t nIphi, Int_t nIeta) const;
94 Bool_t CheckAbsCellId(Int_t absId) const;
95 Bool_t GetCellIndex(Int_t absId, Int_t &nSupMod, Int_t &nModule, Int_t &nIphi,
96 Int_t &nIeta) const;
97 // Local coordinate of Super Module
98 void GetModulePhiEtaIndexInSModule(Int_t nSupMod, Int_t nModule, Int_t &iphim,
99 Int_t &ietam) const;
100 void GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(Int_t nSupMod, Int_t nModule, Int_t nIphi, Int_t nIeta,
101 Int_t &iphi, Int_t &ieta) const ;
102 Int_t GetSuperModuleNumber(Int_t absId) const;
103 Int_t GetNumberOfModuleInPhiDirection(Int_t nSupMod) const
104 {
105 if(fKey110DEG == 1 && nSupMod>=10) return fNPhi/2;
106 else return fNPhi;
107 }
108 // From cell indexes to abs cell id
109 void GetModuleIndexesFromCellIndexesInSModule(Int_t nSupMod, Int_t iphi, Int_t ieta,
110 Int_t &iphim, Int_t &ietam, Int_t &nModule) const;
111 Int_t GetAbsCellIdFromCellIndexes(Int_t nSupMod, Int_t iphi, Int_t ieta) const;
113 // Methods for AliEMCALRecPoint - Feb 19, 2006
114 Bool_t RelPosCellInSModule(Int_t absId, Double_t &xr, Double_t &yr, Double_t &zr) const;
115 Bool_t RelPosCellInSModule(Int_t absId, Double_t loc[3]) const;
116 Bool_t RelPosCellInSModule(Int_t absId, TVector3 &vloc) const;
118 // Local Coordinates of SM
dcfd261c 119 TArrayD GetCentersOfCellsEtaDir() const {return fCentersOfCellsEtaDir;} // size fNEta*fNETAdiv (for TRD1 only) (eta or z in SM, in cm)
120 TArrayD GetCentersOfCellsXDir() const {return fCentersOfCellsXDir;} // size fNEta*fNETAdiv (for TRD1 only) ( x in SM, in cm)
121 TArrayD GetCentersOfCellsPhiDir() const {return fCentersOfCellsPhiDir;} // size fNPhi*fNPHIdiv (for TRD1 only) (phi or y in SM, in cm)
0c5b726e 122 //
123 TArrayD GetEtaCentersOfCells() const {return fEtaCentersOfCells;} // [fNEta*fNETAdiv*fNPhi*fNPHIdiv], positive direction (eta>0); eta depend from phi position;
124 TArrayD GetPhiCentersOfCells() const {return fPhiCentersOfCells;} // [fNPhi*fNPHIdiv] from center of SM (-10. < phi < +10.)
126 //
127 // Tranforms Eta-Phi Module index in TRU into Eta-Phi index in Super Module
128 void GetModulePhiEtaIndexInSModuleFromTRUIndex(
129 Int_t itru, Int_t iphitru, Int_t ietatru, Int_t &ietaSM, Int_t &iphiSM) const;
130 Int_t GetAbsTRUNumberFromNumberInSm(const Int_t row, const Int_t col, const Int_t sm) const ;
de39a0ff 131
133 void BuildFastOR2DMap();
916f1e76 134 Bool_t GetAbsFastORIndexFromTRU(const Int_t iTRU, const Int_t iADC, Int_t& id) const;
135 Bool_t GetAbsFastORIndexFromPositionInTRU(const Int_t iTRU, const Int_t iEta, const Int_t iPhi, Int_t& id) const;
de39a0ff 136 Bool_t GetAbsFastORIndexFromPositionInSM( const Int_t iSM, const Int_t iEta, const Int_t iPhi, Int_t& id) const;
137 Bool_t GetAbsFastORIndexFromPositionInEMCAL( const Int_t iEta, const Int_t iPhi, Int_t& id) const;
916f1e76 138 Bool_t GetTRUFromAbsFastORIndex(const Int_t id, Int_t& iTRU, Int_t& iADC) const;
139 Bool_t GetPositionInTRUFromAbsFastORIndex(const Int_t id, Int_t& iTRU, Int_t& iEta, Int_t& iPhi) const;
140 Bool_t GetPositionInSMFromAbsFastORIndex(const Int_t id, Int_t& iSM, Int_t& iEta, Int_t& iPhi) const;
de39a0ff 141 Bool_t GetPositionInEMCALFromAbsFastORIndex(const Int_t id, Int_t& iEta, Int_t& iPhi) const;
142 Bool_t GetFastORIndexFromCellIndex(const Int_t id, Int_t& idx) const;
143 Bool_t GetCellIndexFromFastORIndex(const Int_t id, Int_t idx[4]) const;
144 Bool_t GetTRUIndexFromSTUIndex(const Int_t id, Int_t& idx) const;
145 Int_t GetTRUIndexFromSTUIndex(const Int_t id) const;
146 Bool_t GetFastORIndexFromL0Index(const Int_t iTRU, const Int_t id, Int_t idx[], const Int_t size) const;
0c5b726e 148 ///////////////////
149 // useful utilities
150 //
151 Float_t AngleFromEta(Float_t eta) const { // returns theta in radians for a given pseudorapidity
152 return 2.0*TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta));
153 }
154 Float_t ZFromEtaR(Float_t r,Float_t eta) const { // returns z in for a given
155 // pseudorapidity and r=sqrt(x*x+y*y).
156 return r/TMath::Tan(AngleFromEta(eta));
157 }
159 //Method to set shift-rotational matrixes from ESDHeader
160 void SetMisalMatrix(const TGeoHMatrix * m, Int_t smod) {
dcfd261c 161 fUseExternalMatrices = kTRUE;
fa911ba9 162 if (smod >= 0 && smod < fEMCGeometry->GetNumberOfSuperModules()){
163 if(!fkSModuleMatrix[smod]) fkSModuleMatrix[smod] = new TGeoHMatrix(*m) ; //Set only if not set yet
dcfd261c 164 }
0c5b726e 165 else AliFatal(Form("Wrong supermodule index -> %d",smod));
166 }
d9b3567c 168 //Alternate geometry that allows to calculate tower position for different particles and different alignments
094786cc 169 void RecalculateTowerPosition(Float_t drow, Float_t dcol, const Int_t sm, const Float_t depth,
170 const Float_t misaligTransShifts[15], const Float_t misaligRotShifts[15],Float_t global[3]) const;
d9b3567c 171
0c5b726e 172 //Returns shift-rotational matrixes for different volumes
173 const TGeoHMatrix * GetMatrixForSuperModule(Int_t smod)const ;
177 // ctor only for internal usage (singleton)
178 // AliEMCALGeoUtils(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title);
179 AliEMCALEMCGeometry *fEMCGeometry; // Geometry object for Electromagnetic calorimeter
dcfd261c 180
181 void Init(void); // initializes the parameters of EMCAL
0c5b726e 182
dcfd261c 183 TString fGeoName; // geometry name
0c5b726e 184
185 Int_t fKey110DEG; // for calculation abs cell id; 19-oct-05
186 Int_t fNCellsInSupMod; // number cell in super module
187 Int_t fNETAdiv; // number eta divizion of module
188 Int_t fNPHIdiv; // number phi divizion of module
189 Int_t fNCellsInModule; // number cell in module
190 TArrayD fPhiBoundariesOfSM; // phi boundaries of SM in rad; size is fNumberOfSuperModules;
191 TArrayD fPhiCentersOfSM; // phi of centers of SMl size is fNumberOfSuperModules/2
192 // Local Coordinates of SM
193 TArrayD fPhiCentersOfCells; // [fNPhi*fNPHIdiv] from center of SM (-10. < phi < +10.)
194 TArrayD fCentersOfCellsEtaDir; // size fNEta*fNETAdiv (for TRD1 only) (eta or z in SM, in cm)
195 TArrayD fCentersOfCellsPhiDir; // size fNPhi*fNPHIdiv (for TRD1 only) (phi or y in SM, in cm)
196 TArrayD fEtaCentersOfCells; // [fNEta*fNETAdiv*fNPhi*fNPHIdiv], positive direction (eta>0); eta depend from phi position;
197 Int_t fNCells; // number of cells in calo
dcfd261c 198 Int_t fNPhi; // Number of Towers in the PHI direction
0c5b726e 199 TArrayD fCentersOfCellsXDir; // size fNEta*fNETAdiv (for TRD1 only) ( x in SM, in cm)
200 Float_t fEnvelop[3]; // the GEANT TUB for the detector
201 Float_t fArm1EtaMin; // Minimum pseudorapidity position of EMCAL in Eta
202 Float_t fArm1EtaMax; // Maximum pseudorapidity position of EMCAL in Eta
203 Float_t fArm1PhiMin; // Minimum angular position of EMCAL in Phi (degrees)
204 Float_t fArm1PhiMax; // Maximum angular position of EMCAL in Phi (degrees)
205 Float_t fEtaMaxOfTRD1; // Max eta in case of TRD1 geometry (see AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module)
dcfd261c 206 TList *fShishKebabTrd1Modules; //! list of modules
207 Float_t fParSM[3]; // SM sizes as in GEANT (TRD1)
0c5b726e 208 Float_t fPhiModuleSize; // Phi -> X
209 Float_t fEtaModuleSize; // Eta -> Y
210 Float_t fPhiTileSize; // Size of phi tile
211 Float_t fEtaTileSize; // Size of eta tile
212 Int_t fNZ; // Number of Towers in the Z direction
dcfd261c 213 Float_t fIPDistance; // Radial Distance of the inner surface of the EMCAL
0c5b726e 214 Float_t fLongModuleSize; // Size of long module
215 // Geometry Parameters
dcfd261c 216 Float_t fShellThickness; // Total thickness in (x,y) direction
217 Float_t fZLength; // Total length in z direction
218 Float_t fSampling; // Sampling factor
0c5b726e 219
dcfd261c 220 Int_t fFastOR2DMap[48][64]; // FastOR 2D Map over full EMCal
de39a0ff 221
a5f0a2ba 222 TGeoHMatrix* fkSModuleMatrix[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules] ; //Orientations of EMCAL super modules
dcfd261c 223 Bool_t fUseExternalMatrices; // Use the matrices set in fkSModuleMatrix and not those in the geoManager
0c5b726e 224
dcfd261c 225 ClassDef(AliEMCALGeoUtils,2) // EMCAL geometry class
0c5b726e 226
227} ;
229#endif // AliEMCALGEOUTILS_H
de39a0ff 230