]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/AliEMCALPreprocessor.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AliEMCALPreprocessor.cxx
9e788b10 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
132753b5 17
9e788b10 18///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19// EMCAL Preprocessor class. It runs by Shuttle at the end of the run,
132753b5 20// calculates stuff to be posted in OCDB
9e788b10 21//
22// Author: Boris Polichtchouk, 4 October 2006
23// Adapted for EMCAL by Gustavo Conesa Balbastre, October 2006
132753b5 24// Updated by David Silvermyr May 2008, based on TPC code
9e788b10 25///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
80c68391 27//Root
9e788b10 28#include "TFile.h"
132753b5 29#include "TTree.h"
30#include "TEnv.h"
31#include "TParameter.h"
33#include <TTimeStamp.h>
8e8e4fc8 34
80c68391 35//AliRoot
132753b5 36#include "AliShuttleInterface.h"
80c68391 37#include "AliEMCALPreprocessor.h"
38#include "AliLog.h"
70ee04f5 39#include "AliDCSValue.h"
80c68391 40#include "AliCDBMetaData.h"
70ee04f5 41#include "AliEMCALTriggerTRUDCSConfig.h"
63c22917 42#include "AliEMCALTriggerSTUDCSConfig.h"
70ee04f5 43#include "AliEMCALTriggerDCSConfig.h"
132753b5 44#include "AliCaloCalibPedestal.h"
45#include "AliCaloCalibSignal.h"
46#include "AliEMCALSensorTempArray.h"
9e788b10 47
132753b5 48const Int_t kValCutTemp = 100; // discard temperatures > 100 degrees
49const Int_t kDiffCutTemp = 5; // discard temperature differences > 5 degrees
50const TString kPedestalRunType = "PEDESTAL"; // pedestal run identifier
51const TString kPhysicsRunType = "PHYSICS"; // physics run identifier
8bc94fba 52const TString kStandAloneRunType = "STANDALONE_BC"; // standalone run identifier
32fbe941 53const TString kAmandaTemp = "PT_%02d.Temperature"; // Amanda string for temperature entries
132753b5 54//const Double_t kFitFraction = 0.7; // Fraction of DCS sensor fits required
55const Double_t kFitFraction = -1.0; // Don't require minimum number of fits during commissioning
9e788b10 56
132753b5 57const TString kMetaResponsible = "David Silvermyr";
58//legacy comments and return codes from TPC
59const TString kMetaComment = "Preprocessor AliEMCAL data base entries.";
60const int kReturnCodeNoInfo = 9;
61const int kReturnCodeNoObject = 2;
62const int kReturnCodeNoEntries = 1;
bb5d026f 64const int kNTRU = 32; // From 2012; 10 + 2/3 SuperModules (SM) * 3 TRU per SM
70ee04f5 65
132753b5 66ClassImp(AliEMCALPreprocessor)
9e788b10 68//_______________________________________________________________________________________
69AliEMCALPreprocessor::AliEMCALPreprocessor() :
132753b5 70 AliPreprocessor("EMC",0),
71 fConfEnv(0),
72 fTemp(0),
73 fConfigOK(kTRUE)
9e788b10 74{
75 //default constructor
80c68391 79AliEMCALPreprocessor::AliEMCALPreprocessor(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle):
132753b5 80 AliPreprocessor("EMC",shuttle),
81 fConfEnv(0),
82 fTemp(0),
83 fConfigOK(kTRUE)
9e788b10 84{
132753b5 85 // Constructor AddRunType(kPedestalRunType);
87 // define run types to be processed
88 AddRunType(kPedestalRunType);
89 AddRunType(kPhysicsRunType);
132753b5 90}
6c0734ce 91
132753b5 92//______________________________________________________________________________________________
93AliEMCALPreprocessor::AliEMCALPreprocessor(const AliEMCALPreprocessor& ) :
94 AliPreprocessor("EMCAL",0),
95 fConfEnv(0), fTemp(0), fConfigOK(kTRUE)
97 Fatal("AliEMCALPreprocessor", "copy constructor not implemented");
9e788b10 98}
132753b5 100// assignment operator; use copy ctor to make life easy.
102AliEMCALPreprocessor& AliEMCALPreprocessor::operator = (const AliEMCALPreprocessor &source )
9e788b10 103{
132753b5 104 // assignment operator; use copy ctor
105 if (&source == this) return *this;
b3204f43 106
132753b5 107 new (this) AliEMCALPreprocessor(source);
108 return *this;
09744db4 110
132753b5 111//____________________________________________________________________________
114 // destructor
115 if (fTemp) delete fTemp;
119void AliEMCALPreprocessor::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime,
120 UInt_t endTime)
122 // Creates AliTestDataDCS object -- start maps half an hour beforre actual run start
123 UInt_t startTimeLocal = startTime-1800;
124 AliPreprocessor::Initialize(run, startTimeLocal, endTime);
80c68391 125
132753b5 126 AliInfo(Form("\n\tRun %d \n\tStartTime %s \n\tEndTime %s", run,
127 TTimeStamp((time_t)startTime,0).AsString(),
128 TTimeStamp((time_t)endTime,0).AsString()));
80c68391 129
132753b5 130 // Preprocessor configuration
131 AliCDBEntry* entry = GetFromOCDB("Config", "Preprocessor");
132 if (entry) fConfEnv = (TEnv*) entry->GetObject();
133 if ( fConfEnv==0 ) {
8f79a6d7 134 Log("AliEMCALPreprocessor: Preprocessor Config OCDB entry missing.\n");
132753b5 135 fConfigOK = kFALSE;
136 return;
09744db4 137 }
132753b5 139 // Temperature sensors
140 TTree *confTree = 0;
09744db4 141
132753b5 142 TString tempConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Temperature","ON");
143 tempConf.ToUpper();
144 if (tempConf != "OFF" ) {
145 entry = GetFromOCDB("Config", "Temperature");
146 if (entry) confTree = (TTree*) entry->GetObject();
147 if ( confTree==0 ) {
8f79a6d7 148 Log("AliEMCALPreprocessor: Temperature Config OCDB entry missing.\n");
132753b5 149 fConfigOK = kFALSE;
150 return;
09744db4 151 }
132753b5 152 fTemp = new AliEMCALSensorTempArray(startTimeLocal, fEndTime, confTree, kAmandaTemp);
153 fTemp->SetValCut(kValCutTemp);
154 fTemp->SetDiffCut(kDiffCutTemp);
155 }
157 return;
09744db4 159
132753b5 160//______________________________________________________________________________________________
161UInt_t AliEMCALPreprocessor::Process(TMap* dcsAliasMap)
163 // Fills data into EMCAL calibrations objects
164 // Amanda servers provide information directly through dcsAliasMap
166 if (!fConfigOK) return kReturnCodeNoInfo;
167 UInt_t result = 0;
168 TObjArray *resultArray = new TObjArray();
169 TString errorHandling = fConfEnv->GetValue("ErrorHandling","ON");
170 errorHandling.ToUpper();
171 TObject * status;
173 UInt_t dcsResult=0;
174 if (errorHandling == "OFF" ) {
175 if (!dcsAliasMap) dcsResult = kReturnCodeNoEntries;
a51e676d 176 else if (dcsAliasMap->GetEntries() == 0 ) dcsResult = kReturnCodeNoEntries;
132753b5 177 status = new TParameter<int>("dcsResult",dcsResult);
178 resultArray->Add(status);
179 }
180 else {
181 if (!dcsAliasMap) return kReturnCodeNoInfo;
6ce4e2ed 182 else if (dcsAliasMap->GetEntries() == 0 ) return kReturnCodeNoInfo;
132753b5 183 }
6ce4e2ed 185
132753b5 186 TString runType = GetRunType();
188 // Temperature sensors are processed by AliEMCALCalTemp
189 TString tempConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Temperature","ON");
190 tempConf.ToUpper();
6ce4e2ed 191 if (tempConf != "OFF" && dcsAliasMap ) {
132753b5 192 UInt_t tempResult = MapTemperature(dcsAliasMap);
193 result=tempResult;
194 status = new TParameter<int>("tempResult",tempResult);
195 resultArray->Add(status);
196 }
c967e257 197 // Trigger configuration processing: only for Physics runs
70ee04f5 198 TString triggerConf = fConfEnv->GetValue("Trigger","ON");
199 triggerConf.ToUpper();
df0c35c7 200 if( runType == kPhysicsRunType ) {
201 if (triggerConf != "OFF" && dcsAliasMap ) {
c967e257 202 UInt_t triggerResult = MapTriggerConfig(dcsAliasMap);
c967e257 203 result+=triggerResult;
204 status = new TParameter<int>("triggerResult",triggerResult);
205 resultArray->Add(status);
206 }
70ee04f5 207 }
132753b5 208
209 // Other calibration information will be retrieved through FXS files
210 // examples:
211 // TList* fileSourcesDAQ = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ, "pedestals");
212 // const char* fileNamePed = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ, "pedestals", "LDC1");
213 //
214 // TList* fileSourcesHLT = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kHLT, "calib");
215 // const char* fileNameHLT = GetFile(AliShuttleInterface::kHLT, "calib", "LDC1");
541176c5 219 if ( runType == kPedestalRunType ) {
132753b5 220 Int_t numSources = 1;
221 Int_t pedestalSource[2] = {AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ, AliShuttleInterface::kHLT} ;
222 TString source = fConfEnv->GetValue("Pedestal","DAQ");
223 source.ToUpper();
224 if (source != "OFF" ) {
225 if ( source == "HLT") pedestalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT;
226 if (!GetHLTStatus()) pedestalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ;
227 if (source == "HLTDAQ" ) {
a51e676d 228 numSources=2;
229 pedestalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT;
230 pedestalSource[1] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ;
132753b5 231 }
232 if (source == "DAQHLT" ) numSources=2;
233 UInt_t pedestalResult=0;
234 for (Int_t i=0; i<numSources; i++ ) {
a51e676d 235 pedestalResult = ExtractPedestals(pedestalSource[i]);
236 if ( pedestalResult == 0 ) break;
132753b5 237 }
238 result += pedestalResult;
239 status = new TParameter<int>("pedestalResult",pedestalResult);
240 resultArray->Add(status);
09744db4 241 }
132753b5 242 }
541176c5 245 if( runType == kPhysicsRunType ) {
132753b5 246 Int_t numSources = 1;
247 Int_t signalSource[2] = {AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ,AliShuttleInterface::kHLT} ;
248 TString source = fConfEnv->GetValue("Signal","DAQ");
249 source.ToUpper();
250 if ( source != "OFF") {
251 if ( source == "HLT") signalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT;
252 if (!GetHLTStatus()) signalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ;
253 if (source == "HLTDAQ" ) {
a51e676d 254 numSources=2;
255 signalSource[0] = AliShuttleInterface::kHLT;
256 signalSource[1] = AliShuttleInterface::kDAQ;
132753b5 257 }
258 if (source == "DAQHLT" ) numSources=2;
259 UInt_t signalResult=0;
260 for (Int_t i=0; i<numSources; i++ ) {
a51e676d 261 signalResult = ExtractSignal(signalSource[i]);
262 if ( signalResult == 0 ) break;
09744db4 263 }
132753b5 264 result += signalResult;
265 status = new TParameter<int>("signalResult",signalResult);
266 resultArray->Add(status);
09744db4 267 }
132753b5 268 }
271 // overall status at the end
272 if (errorHandling == "OFF" ) {
273 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
274 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
275 metaData.SetResponsible(kMetaResponsible);
276 metaData.SetComment("Preprocessor AliEMCAL status.");
b48d1356 277 Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "PreprocStatus", resultArray, &metaData, 0, kFALSE);
132753b5 278 resultArray->Delete();
b48d1356 279 result = 0;
280 if ( !storeOK ) result=1;
281 return result;
132753b5 282 }
283 else {
284 return result;
285 }
289UInt_t AliEMCALPreprocessor::MapTemperature(TMap* dcsAliasMap)
70ee04f5 290{ // extract DCS temperature maps. Perform fits to save space
132753b5 291 UInt_t result=0;
293 TMap *map = fTemp->ExtractDCS(dcsAliasMap);
294 if (map) {
295 fTemp->MakeSplineFit(map);
296 Double_t fitFraction = 1.0*fTemp->NumFits()/fTemp->NumSensors();
297 if (fitFraction > kFitFraction ) {
298 AliInfo(Form("Temperature values extracted, fits performed.\n"));
299 }
300 else {
301 Log ("Too few temperature maps fitted. \n");
302 result = kReturnCodeNoInfo;
303 }
304 }
305 else {
306 Log("No temperature map extracted. \n");
307 result = kReturnCodeNoInfo;
308 }
309 delete map;
310 // Now store the final CDB file
312 if ( result == 0 ) { // some info was found
313 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
314 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
315 metaData.SetResponsible(kMetaResponsible);
316 metaData.SetComment(kMetaComment);
09744db4 317
132753b5 318 Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "Temperature", fTemp, &metaData, 0, kFALSE);
319 if ( !storeOK ) result=1;
6f678969 320 AliInfo(Form("Temperature info stored. result %d\n", result));
132753b5 321 }
323 return result;
70ee04f5 326//______________________________________________________________________________________________
327UInt_t AliEMCALPreprocessor::MapTriggerConfig(TMap* dcsAliasMap)
328{ // extract DCS trigger info
fbfa7309 329
331 AliInfo("Print DCS alias map content");
332 dcsAliasMap->Print();
c967e257 334 AliInfo(Form("Get TRU info from DCS DPs.\n"));
70ee04f5 335 Int_t i, iTRU;
fd555bfe 336 const Int_t bufsize = 1000;
337 char buf[bufsize];
70ee04f5 338
339 AliDCSValue *dcsVal;
341 TObjArray *arrMASK[6];
63c22917 342
343 TObjArray *arrSTUG[3][2], *arrSTUJ[3][2];
344 TObjArray *arrSTUD, *arrSTUR, *arrSTUF;
70ee04f5 346 // overall object to hold STU and DCS config info
347 // DS comment: for now only holds TRU info, i.e. only partially filled
348 // (STU info only in raw data header; unfortunately not also picked up via DCS DPs)
349 AliEMCALTriggerDCSConfig *trigConfig = new AliEMCALTriggerDCSConfig();
3988d7b0 350 // allocate space for TRU objects
351 TClonesArray *truArr = new TClonesArray("AliEMCALTriggerTRUDCSConfig", kNTRU);
352 for( iTRU = 0; iTRU < kNTRU; iTRU++){
353 new((*truArr)[iTRU]) AliEMCALTriggerTRUDCSConfig();
354 }
355 trigConfig->SetTRUArr(truArr);
70ee04f5 356
63c22917 357 AliEMCALTriggerSTUDCSConfig *stuConfig = new AliEMCALTriggerSTUDCSConfig();
70ee04f5 359 // loop through all TRUs
d569f6a4 360 bool debug = true; // debug flag for AliInfo printouts for each TRU
70ee04f5 361 for( iTRU = 0; iTRU < kNTRU; iTRU++){
902f7591 362 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("iTRU %d \n", iTRU) );
70ee04f5 363 // get the shuttled values
fd555bfe 364 snprintf( buf, bufsize, "EMC_TRU%02d_L0ALGSEL", iTRU );
70ee04f5 365 arrL0ALGSEL = (TObjArray*) dcsAliasMap->GetValue( buf );
fd555bfe 366 snprintf( buf, bufsize, "EMC_TRU%02d_PEAKFINDER", iTRU );
70ee04f5 367 arrPEAKFINDER = (TObjArray*) dcsAliasMap->GetValue( buf );
fd555bfe 368 snprintf( buf, bufsize, "EMC_TRU%02d_GLOBALTHRESH", iTRU );
70ee04f5 369 arrGLOBALTHRESH = (TObjArray*) dcsAliasMap->GetValue( buf );
fd555bfe 370 snprintf( buf, bufsize, "EMC_TRU%02d_COSMTHRESH", iTRU );
70ee04f5 371 arrCOSMTHRESH = (TObjArray*) dcsAliasMap->GetValue( buf );
373 for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ){
676ff153 374 snprintf( buf, bufsize, "EMC_TRU%02d_MASK%d", iTRU, i );
70ee04f5 375 arrMASK[i] = (TObjArray*) dcsAliasMap->GetValue( buf );
376 }
378 // fill the objects
379 AliEMCALTriggerTRUDCSConfig* truConfig = trigConfig->GetTRUDCSConfig(iTRU);
902f7591 380 if( ! truConfig ){
d569f6a4 381 AliWarning( Form("EMC TRU%02d config not retrieved!\n", iTRU ));
3988d7b0 382 continue;
902f7591 383 }
70ee04f5 385 // get last entries. fill the TRU object
386 if( ! arrL0ALGSEL ){
d569f6a4 387 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_L0ALGSEL alias not found!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 388 }
389 else{
902f7591 390 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("arrL0ALGSEL has %d entries \n", arrL0ALGSEL->GetEntries()) );
391 if ( arrL0ALGSEL->GetEntries() > 0 ) {
392 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue *) arrL0ALGSEL->At( arrL0ALGSEL->GetEntries() - 1 );
d569f6a4 393 if (dcsVal) {
394 truConfig->SetL0SEL( dcsVal->GetUInt() );
395 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("saving value: %u\n", dcsVal->GetUInt()) );
396 }
902f7591 397 }
d569f6a4 398 else
399 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_L0ALGSEL has no entries!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 400 }
902f7591 401
70ee04f5 402 if( ! arrPEAKFINDER ){
d569f6a4 403 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_PEAKFINDER alias not found!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 404 }
405 else{
902f7591 406 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("arrPEAKFINDER has %d entries \n", arrPEAKFINDER->GetEntries()) );
407 if ( arrPEAKFINDER->GetEntries() > 0 ) {
408 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue *) arrPEAKFINDER->At( arrPEAKFINDER->GetEntries() - 1 );
d569f6a4 409 if (dcsVal){
410 truConfig->SetSELPF( dcsVal->GetUInt() );
411 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("saving value: %u\n", dcsVal->GetUInt()) );
412 }
902f7591 413 }
d569f6a4 414 else
415 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_PEAKFINDER has no entries!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 416 }
902f7591 417
70ee04f5 418 if( ! arrGLOBALTHRESH ){
d569f6a4 419 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_GLOBALTHRESH alias not found!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 420 }
421 else{
902f7591 422 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("arrGLOBALTHRESH has %d entries \n", arrGLOBALTHRESH->GetEntries()) );
423 if ( arrGLOBALTHRESH->GetEntries() > 0 ) {
424 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue *) arrGLOBALTHRESH->At( arrGLOBALTHRESH->GetEntries() - 1 );
d569f6a4 425 if (dcsVal){
426 truConfig->SetGTHRL0( dcsVal->GetUInt() );
427 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("saving value: %u\n", dcsVal->GetUInt()) );
428 }
902f7591 429 }
d569f6a4 430 else
431 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_GLOBALTHRESH has no entries!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 432 }
902f7591 433
70ee04f5 434 if( ! arrCOSMTHRESH ){
d569f6a4 435 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_COSMTHRESH alias not found!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 436 }
437 else{
902f7591 438 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("arrCOSMTHRESH has %d entries \n", arrCOSMTHRESH->GetEntries()) );
439 if ( arrCOSMTHRESH->GetEntries() > 0 ) {
440 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue *) arrCOSMTHRESH->At( arrCOSMTHRESH->GetEntries() - 1 );
d569f6a4 441 if (dcsVal){
442 truConfig->SetL0COSM( dcsVal->GetUInt() );
443 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("saving value: %u\n", dcsVal->GetUInt()) );
444 }
902f7591 445 }
d569f6a4 446 else
447 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_COSMTHRESH has no entries!\n", iTRU ));
70ee04f5 448 }
450 for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ){
451 if( ! arrMASK[i] ){
d569f6a4 452 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_MASK%d alias not found!\n", iTRU, i ));
70ee04f5 453 }
454 else{
902f7591 455 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("arrMASK[%d] has %d entries \n", i, arrMASK[i]->GetEntries()) );
456 if ( arrMASK[i]->GetEntries() > 0 ) {
457 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue *) arrMASK[i]->At( arrMASK[i]->GetEntries() - 1 );
d569f6a4 458 if (dcsVal){
459 truConfig->SetMaskReg( dcsVal->GetUInt(), i );
460 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("saving value: %u\n", dcsVal->GetUInt()) );
461 }
902f7591 462 }
d569f6a4 463 else
464 AliWarning( Form("EMC_TRU%02d_MASK%d has no entries!\n", iTRU, i ));
70ee04f5 465 }
466 }
468 } // TRUs
c967e257 469 AliInfo(Form("TRU info retrieved.\n"));
63c22917 470
471 // STU
c35164d0 472 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
63c22917 473 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
474 arrSTUG[i][j] = (TObjArray*)dcsAliasMap->GetValue(Form("EMC_STU_G%c%d", i + 65, j));
475 arrSTUJ[i][j] = (TObjArray*)dcsAliasMap->GetValue(Form("EMC_STU_J%c%d", i + 65, j));
477 if (!arrSTUG[i][j]) {
478 AliWarning(Form("EMC_STU_G%c%d alias not found!", i + 65, j));
479 } else {
480 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("EMC_STU_G%c%d has %d entries", i + 65, j, arrSTUG[i][j]->GetEntries()));
481 if (arrSTUG[i][j]->GetEntries() > 0) {
482 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue*)arrSTUG[i][j]->At(arrSTUG[i][j]->GetEntries() - 1);
483 if (dcsVal) {
484 stuConfig->SetG(i, j, dcsVal->GetInt());
485 if (debug) AliInfo(Form("saving value: %u", dcsVal->GetInt()));
486 }
487 } else
488 AliWarning(Form("EMC_STU_G%c%d has no entry!", i + 65, j));
489 }
491 if (!arrSTUJ[i][j]) {
492 AliWarning(Form("EMC_STU_J%c%d alias not found!", i + 65, j));
493 } else {
494 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("EMC_STU_J%c%d has %d entries", i + 65, j, arrSTUJ[i][j]->GetEntries()));
495 if (arrSTUJ[i][j]->GetEntries() > 0) {
496 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue*)arrSTUJ[i][j]->At(arrSTUJ[i][j]->GetEntries() - 1);
497 if (dcsVal) {
498 stuConfig->SetJ(i, j, dcsVal->GetInt());
499 if (debug) AliInfo(Form("saving value: %u", dcsVal->GetInt()));
500 }
501 } else
502 AliWarning(Form("EMC_STU_J%c%d has no entry!", i + 65, j));
503 }
504 }
505 }
507 arrSTUD = (TObjArray*)dcsAliasMap->GetValue("EMC_STU_GETRAW");
508 arrSTUR = (TObjArray*)dcsAliasMap->GetValue("EMC_STU_REGION");
509 arrSTUF = (TObjArray*)dcsAliasMap->GetValue("EMC_STU_FWVERS");
511 if (!arrSTUD) {
512 AliWarning("EMC_STU_GETRAW alias not found!");
513 } else {
514 if (debug) AliInfo(Form("EMC_STU_GETRAW has %d entries", arrSTUD->GetEntries()));
515 if (arrSTUD->GetEntries() > 0) {
516 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue*)arrSTUD->At(arrSTUD->GetEntries() - 1);
517 if (dcsVal) {
518 stuConfig->SetRawData(dcsVal->GetInt());
519 if (debug) AliInfo(Form("saving value: %u", dcsVal->GetInt()));
520 }
521 } else
522 AliWarning("EMC_STU_GETRAW has no entry!");
523 }
525 if (!arrSTUR) {
526 AliWarning("EMC_STU_REGION");
527 } else {
528 if (debug) AliInfo( Form("EMC_STU_REGION has %d entries", arrSTUR->GetEntries()));
529 if (arrSTUR->GetEntries() > 0) {
530 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue*)arrSTUR->At(arrSTUR->GetEntries() - 1);
531 if (dcsVal) {
532 stuConfig->SetRegion(dcsVal->GetInt());
533 if (debug) AliInfo(Form("saving value: %u", dcsVal->GetInt()));
534 }
535 } else
536 AliWarning("EMC_STU_REGION has no entry!");
537 }
539 if (!arrSTUF) {
540 AliWarning("EMC_STU_FWVERS");
541 } else {
542 if (debug) AliInfo(Form("EMC_STU_FWVERS has %d entries", arrSTUF->GetEntries()));
543 if (arrSTUF->GetEntries() > 0) {
544 dcsVal = (AliDCSValue*)arrSTUF->At(arrSTUF->GetEntries() - 1);
545 if (dcsVal) {
546 stuConfig->SetFw(dcsVal->GetInt());
547 if (debug) AliInfo(Form("saving value: %u", dcsVal->GetInt()));
548 }
549 } else
550 AliWarning("EMC_STU_FWVERS has no entry!");
551 }
553 trigConfig->SetSTUObj(stuConfig);
555 AliInfo(Form("STU info retrieved."));
70ee04f5 558 // save the objects
559 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
560 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
561 metaData.SetResponsible(kMetaResponsible);
562 metaData.SetComment(kMetaComment);
6f678969 564 UInt_t result=0;
565 Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "Trigger", trigConfig, &metaData, 0, kFALSE);
566 if ( !storeOK ) result=1;
567 AliInfo(Form("TRU info stored. result %d\n", result));
569 return result;
70ee04f5 570}
132753b5 572//______________________________________________________________________________________________
573UInt_t AliEMCALPreprocessor::ExtractPedestals(Int_t sourceFXS)
132753b5 575 // Read pedestal file from file exchange server
4eef2cc9 576 // Only store if new pedestal info is available
132753b5 577 //
70ee04f5 578 UInt_t result=0;
4eef2cc9 580 AliCaloCalibPedestal *calibPed = new AliCaloCalibPedestal(AliCaloCalibPedestal::kEmCal);
d500a49b 581 calibPed->Init();
132753b5 583 TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,"pedestals");
584 if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) {
132753b5 586 // loop through all files from LDCs
588 int changes = 0;
589 UInt_t index = 0;
590 while (list->At(index)!=NULL) {
591 TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index);
592 if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) {
593 TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "pedestals",
594 fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
595 TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName);
596 if (!f) {
597 Log ("Error opening pedestal file.");
598 result = kReturnCodeNoObject;
599 break;
600 }
601 AliCaloCalibPedestal *calPed;
602 f->GetObject("emcCalibPedestal",calPed);
603 if ( !calPed ) {
604 Log ("No pedestal calibration object in file.");
605 result = kReturnCodeNoObject;
606 break;
607 }
608 if ( calPed->GetNEvents()>0 && calPed->GetNChanFills()>0 ) {
609 // add info for the modules available in the present file
610 Bool_t status = calibPed->AddInfo(calPed);
611 if (status) { changes++; }
b3204f43 612 }
132753b5 613
614 delete calPed;
615 f->Close();
09744db4 616 }
132753b5 617 index++;
618 } // while(list)
620 //
621 // Store updated pedestal entry to OCDB
622 //
623 if (changes>0) {
624 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
625 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
626 metaData.SetResponsible(kMetaResponsible);
627 metaData.SetComment(kMetaComment);
629 Bool_t storeOK = StoreReferenceData("Calib", "Pedestals", calibPed, &metaData);
630 if ( !storeOK ) result++;
09744db4 631 }
132753b5 632 }
633 else {
634 Log ("Error: no entries in input file list!");
635 result = kReturnCodeNoEntries;
636 }
b3204f43 637
132753b5 638 return result;
642UInt_t AliEMCALPreprocessor::ExtractSignal(Int_t sourceFXS)
70ee04f5 643{ // Read signal file from file exchange server
4eef2cc9 644 // Only store if new signal info is available
132753b5 645 //
70ee04f5 646 UInt_t result=0;
4eef2cc9 647 AliCaloCalibSignal *calibSig = new AliCaloCalibSignal(AliCaloCalibSignal::kEmCal);
b3204f43 648
132753b5 649 TList* list = GetFileSources(sourceFXS,"signal");
650 if (list && list->GetEntries()>0) {
32fbe941 651
132753b5 652 // loop through all files from LDCs
654 int changes = 0;
655 UInt_t index = 0;
656 while (list->At(index)!=NULL) {
657 TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index);
658 if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) {
659 TString fileName = GetFile(sourceFXS, "signal",
660 fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
661 TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileName);
662 if (!f) {
663 Log ("Error opening signal file.");
664 result = kReturnCodeNoObject;
665 break;
666 }
667 AliCaloCalibSignal *calSig;
668 f->GetObject("emcCalibSignal",calSig);
669 if ( !calSig ) {
670 Log ("No signal calibration object in file.");
671 result = kReturnCodeNoObject;
672 break;
673 }
674 if ( calSig->GetNEvents()>0 ) {
675 // add info for the modules available in the present file
676 Bool_t status = calibSig->AddInfo(calSig);
677 if (status) { changes++; }
678 }
680 delete calSig;
681 f->Close();
682 }
683 index++;
684 } // while(list)
686 //
687 // Store updated signal entry to OCDB
688 //
689 if (changes>0) {
690 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
691 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
692 metaData.SetResponsible(kMetaResponsible);
693 metaData.SetComment(kMetaComment);
81c4c29b 695 Bool_t storeOK = Store("Calib", "LED", calibSig, &metaData, 0, kFALSE);
132753b5 696 if ( !storeOK ) result++;
697 }
698 }
699 else {
700 Log ("Error: no entries in input file list!");
701 result = kReturnCodeNoEntries;
702 }
704 return result;
9e788b10 705}
132753b5 706