]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - EMCAL/AliEMCALv1.cxx
updating version number
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AliEMCALv1.cxx
b13bbe81 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
fdebddeb 19//*-- Implementation version v1 of EMCAL Manager class
20//*-- An object of this class does not produce digits
21//*-- It is the one to use if you do want to produce outputs in TREEH
b13bbe81 23//*-- Author: Sahal Yacoob (LBL /UCT)
24//*-- : Jennifer Klay (LBL)
fceb09ed 25// This Class not stores information on all particles prior to EMCAL entry - in order to facilitate analysis.
26// This is done by setting fIShunt =2, and flagging all parents of particles entering the EMCAL.
1f4d29d2 28// 15/02/2002 .... Yves Schutz
29// 1. fSamplingFraction and fLayerToPreshowerRatio have been removed
30// 2. Timing signal is collected and added to hit
b13bbe81 31
32// --- ROOT system ---
fceb09ed 33#include "TParticle.h"
5d12ce38 34#include "TVirtualMC.h"
b13bbe81 35
36// --- Standard library ---
b13bbe81 38// --- AliRoot header files ---
b13bbe81 39#include "AliEMCALv1.h"
40#include "AliEMCALHit.h"
41#include "AliEMCALGeometry.h"
b13bbe81 42#include "AliRun.h"
5d12ce38 43#include "AliMC.h"
b13bbe81 44
ab37d09c 49AliEMCALv1::AliEMCALv1():AliEMCALv0(), fCurPrimary(-1), fCurParent(-1), fCurTrack(-1){
b13bbe81 50 // ctor
7b6cc0b5 51
b13bbe81 52}
1f4d29d2 53
b13bbe81 54//______________________________________________________________________
55AliEMCALv1::AliEMCALv1(const char *name, const char *title):
ab37d09c 56 AliEMCALv0(name,title), fCurPrimary(-1), fCurParent(-1), fCurTrack(-1) {
b13bbe81 57 // Standard Creator.
59 fHits= new TClonesArray("AliEMCALHit",1000);
5d12ce38 60 gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits);
b13bbe81 61
62 fNhits = 0;
fceb09ed 63 fIshunt = 2; // All hits are associated with particles entering the calorimeter
9b358506 64 fTimeCut = 30e-09;
b13bbe81 65}
1f4d29d2 66
b13bbe81 67//______________________________________________________________________
69 // dtor
71 if ( fHits) {
72 fHits->Delete();
73 delete fHits;
74 fHits = 0;
75 }
ab37d09c 77
b13bbe81 78//______________________________________________________________________
61e0abb5 79void AliEMCALv1::AddHit(Int_t shunt, Int_t primary, Int_t tracknumber, Int_t iparent, Float_t ienergy,
80 Int_t id, Float_t * hits,Float_t * p){
b13bbe81 81 // Add a hit to the hit list.
fdebddeb 82 // An EMCAL hit is the sum of all hits in a tower section
7b6cc0b5 83 // originating from the same entering particle
b13bbe81 84 Int_t hitCounter;
86 AliEMCALHit *newHit;
87 AliEMCALHit *curHit;
88 Bool_t deja = kFALSE;
61e0abb5 90 newHit = new AliEMCALHit(shunt, primary, tracknumber, iparent, ienergy, id, hits, p);
fdebddeb 91 for ( hitCounter = fNhits-1; hitCounter >= 0 && !deja; hitCounter-- ) {
b13bbe81 92 curHit = (AliEMCALHit*) (*fHits)[hitCounter];
61e0abb5 93 // We add hits with the same tracknumber, while GEANT treats
b13bbe81 94 // primaries succesively
7b6cc0b5 95 if(curHit->GetPrimary() != primary)
96 break;
b13bbe81 97 if( *curHit == *newHit ) {
98 *curHit = *curHit + *newHit;
99 deja = kTRUE;
fdebddeb 100 } // end if
b13bbe81 101 } // end for hitCounter
fdebddeb 102
b13bbe81 103 if ( !deja ) {
104 new((*fHits)[fNhits]) AliEMCALHit(*newHit);
105 fNhits++;
106 } // end if
108 delete newHit;
111void AliEMCALv1::StepManager(void){
8ddf73e5 112 // Accumulates hits as long as the track stays in a tower
1f4d29d2 113
fdebddeb 114 Int_t id[2]; // (phi, Eta) indices
1f4d29d2 115 // position wrt MRS and energy deposited
116 Float_t xyzte[5]={0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};// position wrt MRS, time and energy deposited
117 Float_t pmom[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
118 TLorentzVector pos; // Lorentz vector of the track current position.
119 TLorentzVector mom; // Lorentz vector of the track current momentum.
5d12ce38 120 Int_t tracknumber = gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber();
1f4d29d2 121 static Float_t ienergy = 0;
122 Int_t copy = 0;
1f4d29d2 123
05a92d59 124 AliEMCALGeometry * geom = GetGeometry() ;
1f4d29d2 126 if(gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == gMC->VolId("XPHI") ) { // We are in a Scintillator Layer
dfce7eb2 127 Float_t depositedEnergy ;
61e0abb5 128
9b358506 129 if( ((depositedEnergy = gMC->Edep()) > 0.) && (gMC->TrackTime() < fTimeCut)){// Track is inside a scintillator and deposits some energy
ab37d09c 130 if (fCurPrimary==-1)
131 fCurPrimary=gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetPrimary(tracknumber);
133 if (fCurParent==-1 || tracknumber != fCurTrack) {
134 // Check parentage
135 Int_t parent=tracknumber;
136 if (fCurParent != -1) {
137 while (parent != fCurParent && parent != -1) {
138 TParticle *part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
139 parent=part->GetFirstMother();
140 }
141 }
142 if (fCurParent==-1 || parent==-1) {
143 Int_t parent=tracknumber;
144 TParticle *part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
145 while (parent != -1 && geom->IsInEMCAL(part->Vx(),part->Vy(),part->Vz())) {
146 parent=part->GetFirstMother();
147 if (parent!=-1)
148 part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
149 }
150 fCurParent=parent;
151 if (fCurParent==-1)
152 Error("StepManager","Cannot find parent");
153 else {
154 TParticle *part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(fCurParent);
155 ienergy = part->Energy();
156 }
157 while (parent != -1) {
158 part=gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(parent);
159 part->SetBit(kKeepBit);
160 parent=part->GetFirstMother();
161 }
162 }
163 fCurTrack=tracknumber;
164 }
dfce7eb2 165 gMC->TrackPosition(pos);
166 xyzte[0] = pos[0];
167 xyzte[1] = pos[1];
168 xyzte[2] = pos[2];
169 xyzte[3] = gMC->TrackTime() ;
171 gMC->TrackMomentum(mom);
172 pmom[0] = mom[0];
173 pmom[1] = mom[1];
174 pmom[2] = mom[2];
175 pmom[3] = mom[3];
177 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(1, id[0]); // get the POLY copy number;
178 gMC->CurrentVolID(id[1]); // get the phi number inside the layer
dfce7eb2 179
de56e4f9 180 Int_t tower = (id[0]-1) % geom->GetNZ() + 1 + (id[1] - 1) * geom->GetNZ() ;
7b6cc0b5 181 Int_t layer = static_cast<Int_t>((id[0]-1)/(geom->GetNZ())) + 1 ;
fdebddeb 182 Int_t absid = tower;
183 Int_t nlayers = geom->GetNECLayers();
184 if ((layer > nlayers)||(layer<1))
185 Fatal("StepManager", "Wrong calculation of layer number: layer = %d > %d\n", layer, nlayers) ;
7b6cc0b5 187 Float_t lightYield = depositedEnergy ;
ab37d09c 188 // Apply Birk's law (copied from G3BIRK)
190 if (gMC->TrackCharge()!=0) { // Check
191 Float_t BirkC1_mod = 0;
192 if (fBirkC0==1){ // Apply correction for higher charge states
41289e86 193 if (TMath::Abs(gMC->TrackCharge())>=2)
ab37d09c 194 BirkC1_mod=fBirkC1*7.2/12.6;
195 else
196 BirkC1_mod=fBirkC1;
197 }
198 Float_t dedxcm;
199 if (gMC->TrackStep()>0)
200 dedxcm=1000.*gMC->Edep()/gMC->TrackStep();
201 else
202 dedxcm=0;
203 lightYield=lightYield/(1.+BirkC1_mod*dedxcm+fBirkC2*dedxcm*dedxcm);
204 }
7b6cc0b5 205
ab37d09c 206 // use sampling fraction to get original energy --HG
207 xyzte[4] = lightYield * geom->GetSampling();
7b6cc0b5 209 if (gDebug == 2)
fdebddeb 210 printf("StepManager: id0 = %d, id1 = %d, absid = %d tower = %d layer = %d energy = %f\n", id[0], id[1], absid, tower, layer, xyzte[4]) ;
7b6cc0b5 211
ab37d09c 212 AddHit(fIshunt, fCurPrimary,tracknumber, fCurParent, ienergy, absid, xyzte, pmom);
b13bbe81 213 } // there is deposited energy
1f4d29d2 214 }
b13bbe81 215}
ab37d09c 216
217void AliEMCALv1::RemapTrackHitIDs(Int_t *map) {
218 // remap track index numbers for primary and parent indices
219 // (Called by AliStack::PurifyKine)
220 if (Hits()==0)
221 return;
222 TIter hit_it(Hits());
223 Int_t i_hit=0;
224 while (AliEMCALHit *hit=dynamic_cast<AliEMCALHit*>(hit_it()) ) {
225 if (map[hit->GetIparent()]==-99)
226 cout << "Remapping, found -99 for parent id " << hit->GetIparent() << ", " << map[hit->GetIparent()] << ", i_hit " << i_hit << endl;
227 hit->SetIparent(map[hit->GetIparent()]);
228 if (map[hit->GetPrimary()]==-99)
229 cout << "Remapping, found -99 for primary id " << hit->GetPrimary() << ", " << map[hit->GetPrimary()] << ", i_hit " << i_hit << endl;
230 hit->SetPrimary(map[hit->GetPrimary()]);
231 i_hit++;
232 }
235void AliEMCALv1::FinishPrimary() {
236 fCurPrimary=-1;
237 fCurParent=-1;
238 fCurTrack=-1;